April 21, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES Paid-in-Advance One day, pr word -.... Two day run, par word Thro day run, ... Je .- 4e par word ... Be On waalt run, par word .............. On month run, . 7c par word ..20c Charge Adi Each Insertion. far word - 5' No charg mad for leu than 25c) (All mall order ads muni bvo tub with ordor). All aria ara lnrtd In both editions or Tha News-Herald. All clanalflcatloiii ara numbered anil appear In numerical order, Tha daad-llna (or elasalflcallon ! 11:00 a. m. Ada received after 12:00 o'clock will be run In tha "Too Lata lo Claealfy" column. Tha Nawa-Ilnrald will be re. aponetble for Incorrect wording only one dajr. Classified Index Apartment! (or Rent .......... Automotive ...... Business Opportunities F.ducetlonal ................... 24 84 48 11 44 Financial For Bala or Trade 88 4 14 floneral Notlcea .... Help Wanted, Female ., Help Wanted, Mala Iloilatta (or Rent I.lveetook and Poultry .. Lost and Found Miscellaneous (or Rent Miscellaneous for Bala . Mlacellaneoua Wanted . l'araonala - Real Relate (or Sola Real Eatat Wanted Room and Board .. 14 24 44 I 28 S 41 6 80 J2 20 Ronma (or Rant Services - Rltuatlona Wanted To Exchange Transportation .22 ,.10 ..18 ..40 .. 8 Lett and Found I.OBT Black camera tripod be tween I.akcahore Drive and Hlllilda St. Reward. Phone 14H0-M. 4-J2 General Notlcet Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND Shorten Route I.oweat Fare To Northwest Polnta One Round Way Trip Spokane $11.20 $20.05 Boise, Ida. T0.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Buaaea Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone 090 4-10-mtt FHA LOANS Available to paint and paper your home. Patter aon Wallpaper and Paint More. 180 Main. 4-27 INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falla Trana, and Storage. 6-4-mtf LONG DISTANCE HAULING Thon 1017. B-4-mtf MAKE THOSE IMPROVEMENTS on your home now. Be Atlaa Roof Co. (or FHA loana. Phone 1)84 118 So. 7th. 4-24-mtf Transportation MOVINO Local and polnta In Oregon, Washington, Califor nia. Pnoplea Warehouae, phone 704. 8-1" 10 Services IEWINO, remodeling, alterations! alio curtalna and drapea. Bat lefactlon guaranteed. M r a, Harney, 2111 Darrow, phone 2H1J. 5-10 FILMS Any 8-oxposure roll de veloped and printed, J Bo. East Sid Pharmacy, 126 Eaet Main. 4-l6-mt( DRESSMAKING, alteration!, clev er remodeling. Very reason able. 210 E. Main. 8-10 PAINTINO, paper hanging, kalio mining. Phone 287W1. J. P. Roper. 8-10 HOLLAND FURNACE OO Re pairing and cleaning all makat of heating ayatama, Call an ex perienced Holland heating en gineer to aolve your heating problem. 118 So. 7th, Phone Bit, 4-21 FLOOR SANDING nd Reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Oolden. Phone 188-W-2. 8-81-mtf BCRI5ENS built, repaired, repaint ed. Phone 1408. 8-11 MATTRESSES REBUILT 3. BO. One-day service. First clam up holatery. Complete line of lat est materials. Carlson Mattress and Uphnlaterlng, 1208 Main. Phone 791. 4-21 WE MAKE "leaping a ploaauro for everyone, t hat litis tholr matt reins rebuilt by the Economy Mat tress and Upholstering Co. Wo rebuild (or $2.00, One day eer vlce. Call 120G-W. 8-11 EXPERT PRUNING and spray Ing. Phone 2013-W after 6 p. m. 4-23 NU BONK COnSISTIBR Phono 24-.T. Mrs. H, Peterson. 8-12 FLOOR HANDWnS FOR RENT ,:' Tnttoraon Wndlpaper and Paint Slore,'280 Main. 4-27 10 Services MONUMENTS THE OREGON GRANITE CO. CEMETERY SERVICE MONUMENTS GRAVE MARKERS T. L. Reedy, Local Mgr, 1808 Oregon Ave. Phone 228 4-24 Mo LINIMENT glvea permanent rnllnf for ncsoma, plloa, Inflam matory rheumatism, akin dla ease. Price 81.(0 bottle. No aamplea. Address P. I. McNulty, 87 E. 8, Eugene, Ore, 4-27 PIANO TUNING Jonea Reflnlsh lng Co. 1718-J. 8-1 LAWN DIRT, clndera, general hauling. 2424 Oregon. 4-22 PAINTING PAPERHANGIN3 expertly done. John Morrllee. Phon 1723-W. 4-28 DRESSMAKING, alteratlona, re modeling. Ann London, 823 Main, over Bwunaen'a barber Hop. 8-10 BOIIENIIAMER SAW FILING 210 Eaet Main. IMiono Kltl-W All laws, toola, lawnniowora, etc. ropalrod. B-14-mtf ROOF WORK, ooatlng and re paln, water proofing walla. Fac tory gunrantoe. Phon 1203-W. 4-21 14 Help Wanted, Femal WOMAN with some coimetlo x perlenc to manage exclusive anion for national (Irm going on radio with Indorsement of twelve picture atari backed by Geo, Arthur, Paramount Pic. turea Corp. No limit to Income, Mual have $100 deposit. An. awer Box 3777, Nowi-Ilerald. 4-22 WANTED Immediately, expnr Innced beauty operator with following to manage ahop. Highest percentage for right party. Newa-Herald, Box 8876 4-21 WANTED Experienced house keeper. 822 Ixiwell. 4-21 16 Help Wanted, Mai WANTED Porter for barber hop. Phone 1821-W. 3163-it 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED middle-aged wo man wanta cooking for ranch or crew. References. Phone 419W2. 4-22 EXPERIENCED couple want ranch work. 2420 Oregon. 4-2C EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants cooking Job, ranch or csmv,. Adtlrosa 813 Pine, Room 8. 4-23 MAN AND WIFE want Job on ranch. George Hrloxlaca. Rt. 1. Box 817. 4-21 CHEF for hotel or club; alio alx yean camp experience. A-l cook and baker. Box 3189, News-Herald. 4-21 10 Room and Board ROOM ft ROARD for Iwo In prlv ato home. Phone 399-M. 4-21 ROOM AND HOARD. 829 High. 8-11 ROOM AND BOARD Meali fam ily style. 811 So, 8th. 6-7 186 MONTH, 18.76 WEEK. Thone 1259-J. 1648 Sargent. 4-22 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 1840-tf 22 Rooms, lor Rent NICE ROOM for two. Cooking. Alio attractive new apt. Phone 1114. 4-23 FOR RENT Sleeping porch 110. 218 Cedar. 2244-tf SLEEPING ROOMS 1084 High. Phone 146. 4-27 ROOM FOR RENT 814 Waah Inglon St. 8787-tf ROOM. Inquire 621 No. 10th. 4-26 LARGE ROOM Steam heat, hot and cold water. Court View ho tel. 4-21 NICELY furnlahed room, 834 No. . 4th, corner Pin. 4-21 OLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All : outside modern rooms, Free parking lot. 6-11-mtf 24 Apartmenti for Rant OLENCOURT APARTMENTS Weyerhaeuser road. Modern, ateam healed, furnished apart menu, 130 and up. . 6-20 FURNISHED APARTMENT for 2 or 4 adults. Wood, lights and water, 419 N. 10th. 6-6 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnlahed and deco rated, telephones, electric equip . ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with con venience and home comfort. 24 hour eervlce. No peta. 6-14-mtf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Al pha Apts. Phone 800. 6-14-mtf TWO AND THREE-ROOM fur nlahed apartment. 1806 Main. ... i. 4-23 SIMONS COURTS Vacancy, 823 Commercial. 4.23 FURNISHED four-room apart ment. Wood and water. Ailtilta. No peta. 1128 Grant, . 4-28 VACANCIES K, D. apartmenti. Everything furnlahed. Moln and Broad. Entrance on Brand. 4-23 APARTMENT FOR RENT -421 Oak 4-21 24 Apartmenti for Rnt FOR RENT Newly renovated 4-room apartment. 126 Grant. 3464-tf CLEAN furnlahed apt. for coupl. No pnla, Hot Springe Court, 221 Spring. 4-21 3-ROOM furnlahed apt. Inquire 601 Market. 4-21 NEW lovelv front two-room apart nienl. 248 Broad. 4-22 26 Houiei for Rent MODERN CABINS now available at Altamont Auto Camp. Phone 694J2. 4-27 FOR RENT Small house, partly furnished, on Preacott atreet. 116.00 month. Phone 46. 8481-tf PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE to rent. Nice yard, Call 1697-W. 4-27 FOR KENT Throe-room houae on half acre. Water furnlahed. Call 110 Novada. 4-27 FOR RENT Furnlahed cabin. .Mun only. 662 Broad. 4-21 FURNISHED cottagee by day or week. Altamont Auto Camp. 4-11 28 Miscellaneous for Rent TO LEASE Sheep range with fine browse of over 6000 acrea between Macdoel and Bray In Siskiyou county. Butte creek runs through property. 2(00 pnr icaaon to responsible ten ant. Apply to Wm. II. Hagel stoln, Butte Valley State Bank, Dorrli, Siskiyou County, Cali fornia. 4-26 FOR LEASE Irrigated meadow land "D" Ranch and Bhoepy Crt-ok for cattle. Tom Murray, Wlllard Hotel. 4-26 FOR RENT 20 to 40 acrea po tato land, C. B. Brown, Bonan xa. Ore. 4.37 30 Real Estate tor Sal FOR SALE A good business opportunity. One of the finest paying aubur ban grocery businesses in Klam ntb county. Located on South Willi stroot ou Altamont Drive. Owner must aell on account of Illness, will tacrlflce fixtures and take some terms. Inventory of atock approximately 1900 and must be casta. I arm In Homeland Just off Thu Dalles - California highway, (or 1400. 14 0 down. Balance In 36 equal monthly payments. Beautifully' located flve-bed-room home. On Lincoln alreel between 9th and 10th on pave ment. Thli place must be sold and owner willing to sacrifice. Price 16460. Good terma and amall monthly payments. Let us ahow you this property. WALTON & WRIGHT 419 Main St. Phone 1144 4-21 See This Today Modern four-room houae with cement foundation, hardwood floors', big level lot, In desirable location, at exceptionally low price of 11860. Ask ua about terma. CHILCOTE 4 SMITH Sine 1909 116 N. 9lh St. Phon 66 4-21 FOR BALE OR TRADE for amall er Improved acreage, 6 acres 1 mile east Hnger, 4-room bouse, chicken house, garage, good well, all under Irrigation and fonced. Clear of debt. C. S. Bean, Rt. 3, Box 806. 4-21 LEWIS TRACTS 1 mile east of city on Shaata Way.- Excellent location,' (Ina soil. Irrigation. Small down payment. Small monthly payments, Interest In cluded. Mrs. H. V. Lewis, own er, Rt. 2, Box 898, Shaataway Road. Phone 35J2. 6-7 LIVE ON 3 ACRES In Ashland and educate children. Near Normal, high and grade schools, Houae, large barn If wrecked would make several small houses. Mra. Gllck, 1030 Hen ry, Ashland. 4-32 CHOICE acreage. Phone 6-J-6. 8-11 OWNER haa aome choice lota In Hot Springe addition. Will build to suit. Phone 672. 3440K SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE Nice home; screened porchee, ; root cellar, chicken bouse, gar ago, J acre garden land, city lights, water. Small down pay , ment, balance like rent. W, P. MANNING 3rd Street In Pleasant View Tract 3292-tt FOR SALE 0-room modern houae suitable for boarding houae; also furniture of thla houae tor sale, Inqulr 2138 Vine. 4-21 BEST CASH OFFER Lot 8, block 31, Hot Springs. Inquire 816 Jaokson St., Corvallls. 4-22 320 ACRES dry land, 60 acres plow lain), balance good grazing land. Cheap for cash. Phone 038W1. - 4-31 $3760.00 Completely modern home, 2 bedrooms, full cement basement, near achnol, on pave ment. By ownor. Phone 404-R. 4-27 CASH for desirable building lot. Profornbly In Hot. Springs. News-Herald, Box 8233. 4-23 News and get results. Herald Want-Ads SALE Of Good Low Priced Cars These cars are in good condition, with clean upholstery, good tires, bodies are solid and good looking. And we are going to sell every car by May 1st. No. 6161929 lulck 4-Door Sedan In vary good condition for a '29 modal $65 No. 6201929 Chvrolt Sedan Very good tires, clean upholstery, good pant, No. R6S0 1929 Ford Coupe Rather rough ........... . ......$J5 No. R636 1930 Studebalcer Sedan $45 No. 6401928 Bulck Sedan Very clean No. 6551930 Chevrolet Coach Fenders reflnished, teat coven, good tires $95 Every car in good condition and has 1938 license. These cars have been put in condition to give satisfaction. Marshall Cornett Co 521 S. 6th St. WATCH THIS AD Daily the remaining ten days of this month we will offer, for 24 hours only, at a sacri fice price, one of our COMPLETELY RE CONDITIONED BLUE SEAL SPECIALS. TODAY 1936 Ford Business Coupe Original finiih, very low mileage, A-l tiros, guaranteed, Ford quality throughout. COME EARLY This price 24 hour only '425 OSTENDORF Your DODGE and PLYMOUTH Distributor 424 So. 6th Buy a CHRYSLER Of PLYMOUTH A full slsed Sedan delivered here as low aa 8882. Highest Trade Allowance E. Z. Terma Come In end be convinced. We Need Used Cart Snyder Motor Co. ... fcth and Klamath 4-28 30 Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Several good build ing lot In South Altamont. Term. Al Hopaon, Snd Street, Altamont.' ' 4-26 32 Reel Estate Wanted WANTED TO LB A SB 10 to 40 acre, part hay and pastur land, eloa In. Irrigated. Phon B61-W-4. 8768-tf 34 Automotive ' BARGAIN GMC 5-ton ' truck. Recondi tioned motor, .For sale cheap. Termi. I; ' '.. Klamath Finance Corp. 615 Main St. Tel. 380 4-20 FOR SALE 1934 V-8 DeLuxe coupe. Radio, 10,000 mllea on new motor.. 1225. Private own er. Inquire 1017 High. 4-22 FOR SALKr 1930 Chevrolet aport roadater, Cheap. A-l condi tion. Newa-Herald, Box 8881. .''.:. 4-28 FOR SALE Iron Age potato planter, 8-ft. grain drill, t horses. Fred Young, Poe Valley. 4-25 SB PLYMOUTH 4-door Deluxe se dan, new tires, radio and heater. Term. Inquire Miller Packing Plant. 8-21 1829 DODGE SENIOR SEDAN Perfect shape; also 1928 Ford coupe, Model A. 2341 , Gar den, pnone 4-10 34 Automotive No. 6391931 A very clean No. 6991928 Chevrolet Sedan Good eondition $55 00 MOTOR CO. genunda 46 Miscellaneous for Sal THE TIB SHOP 129 So. Neckties. Lowest prices. 7th. 4-30 FOR SALE Good trailer, (IS. 1327 Oregon. 4-28 SMALL Job Hauling, fertiliser, lawn dirt, excavationa, dry block wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1369. 8-18 DRY PINE BLOX Prompt deliv ery direct from wood bin. Buy here and aave. Phone 892-M. 4-36 ARE YOU DISSATISFIED? Then brine your auto repairing where satisfaction la positively guar anteed. Richard Bros., 626 Pine Street. 4-23 FOR SALE PAR (aa snovel, 1 yd. dipper. Oood condition. 616 Pine. 4-21 FOR SALE Extra good Hanncben Barley Seed. Fellsberto Law. rence, Tulelake Homeatead on tat line. 6-1 FOR SALE Voleanlo travel. Ph 8S-J-1. 5-2 SLAB SPECIAL Double load 14.25. Peyton A Co.. 536. 2S79tf FOR SALE Maatadon and Gem strawberry plants; also gladlola bulbs. E. O. Scherer, Keno Route, City. 4-27 WE LOAN the moat MONEY on Guns, Watchea, Suit, Radloa Maury'a Pawnahop, 9th 4s Klamath 4-21 1x3 OAK FLOORING, 386 per 1000, F. R- Hauger, 815 Mar ket, Phone 1668, "Building Ma terials for Lees." 4-26 FOR SALE Walnut Queen Anne dining room set; also 'high chair. Phon 786-M. 4-22 LAWNMOWERS sharpened. Call and deliver. 31. Poole's Bl. cycle Store. 6-20 CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED for sale. Or will trade one aack tor li sacks No. 1 potatoes at harvest. McMurpby and Haynas Tulelake. 4-27 FOR SALE Recleaned Hnnnchen barley aeed at Adams Seed Co. Free from suiut. Phone 472 4-27 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfor and 8torage, 4th and Klamath, Phon 1097. 5-4-mtt FOR SALE Fir and pin wood Phon 1881. 4-25 Chevrolet Victoria ear with good tires. Thli ear It in fine eondition $165 No. 6921929 Oldimobile 4-Door Sedan Clean upholstery, good tires, fenders refin ithed. A, good ear $95 ..$45 No. 7061929 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan $75 No. 7081929 Pontiae 4-Door Sedan Exceptionally good $85 724-734 Klamath Ave. SPECIAL Today Only 1933 Dodge Coupe New paint, excellent Urea, fine motor. $295 WHERE ? The Bargain Spot Of Conrael Trade E Z Terms SwWiMJtalJ 36 Miscellaneous for Sale LADIES Get your formal for the Shrine dance from the beantlful aelectlon at Togler'a Dresa Shoppe. Upstairs. 731 Main. 4-21 LEATHER DAVENPORT and chair, good quality, 3198.50. See our window. Lucaa Furni ture, 195 E. Main. 4-21 FOR SALE Cabinet phonograph with recorda, cheap for cash. Phone 975-W. 4-28 FINE WORK TEAM Dapple grey, 7 and 8 yeara, average about 1650 lbs., good' set har ness, also mast and boom der rick complete. G. Elliott Smith. Tulelake. 4-16 PIONEER Brand alfalfa aeed. "Stands the Winters." Peoplea Warehouse. 4-26 MARBLE front glass top meat case, 233.50. Peoplea Ware house. 4-22 1936 DODGE LOGGING TRUCK complete with lift and trailer. Just reconditioned and re-tlred. A bargain tor only $850.00. Oa tendorf Motor Co., 424 So. 6th. 4-21 JOHN DEERE manure spreader, Guernsey milk cow, leather har ness, large vise. Rt. 1, Box 273. 4-21 Build Paint Repair Remodel for FHA Loana See c Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 866 4-30 LIVE NIGHT CRAWLERS The Ideal fiah bait 25 In carton, 29o. Southern Oregon Hard ware. 5-18 FOR SALE or Service One Tarn worth male hog; five horae col lars: 2000 yarda of fertilizer. Also garden plowing. Ankney Ranch, Summers Lane. Phone 523-J-5. 4-21 ALFALFA SEED Be aure you buy adapted alfalfa aeed and be In line for your U. S. payments. Buy from producer and Bave money. C. E. Atkin son. Cedarvtlle, Calif. 6-4 JOHNSON SEA HORSES The only motor with all 3 Reverse and Underwater Exhauat and Co-pllot. 353.60 and up. HARRY GOELLER 9th and Pine Phone 1175 4-28 CALL BELL OSBORNE for Bliss ft Burbank White Roae Certi fied aeed. Tulelake, Calif. 4-30 UNREDEEMED Elgin watches 64.60 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Co., 622 Main. 5-18 FOR SALE Assortment of glad- loll bulbs, six varieties. Call 2118 Kberleln. 4-21 14 Automotive Low Priced PICKUPS 931 931 GMC Pickup r-ord Pickup 1932 Chevrolet Pickup 1933 Ford 4-Cyl. Pickup 1935 Chevrolet Pickup 1934 Dodge Panel . The above nrlrac rm 7 f li i pamoms, , but the full delivered price, sold without our ! usual guarantee. The pickups, however, are all ! in running condition. Bailsiger Motor Co. Main and Esplanade 36 Miscellaneous For Sale PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE, 45o aack. Phon 2386. 5-4 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa bay, ' 19.00 and 811.00. John Miller, Tulelake. 4-26 FOR SALE 1937 Ford 80 tour ing tudor, 5000 mllea, heater, 3525.00. Phone 1128. 4-28 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO REPAIR Outboard motors. Get yonra repaired and tuned up for fishing seaaon. Any make. HARRY OOELLER 9th and Pine Phone 1176 4-28 WANTED TO RENT Modern furnished houae. , Permanent. Call Price's Candyland, next to Pelican Theatre. 4-26 HIGHEST PRICEb PAID tor naed furniture and stores. OK Sec ond Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 4-30-mtf PAY . CASH for need furniture, toola, guna, etc Feck' Snd Hand Store, 27 Main. 4-22 FOR SALE 16 R. I. Red hen and rooater, 523.00. R. C. Prud homme, 3rd house eaat of Idel la'a store. South Sixth St. . 4-21 FOR SALE Good milk cow, 1600 lb. work mare. A. G. Rut ter. Rt. 2. Box 575. Merrill Road. 4-21 TURKEYS Black or bronse, egga 17c; poults, 85c. Shlnn Hatchery. Roseburg. 4-26 44 Lives toct end Poultry SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns, Hollywood and Hanson atralna. Big hens, big egga from high record, heavy production hen with pedigreed over 300 egg cockerela. R. I Reda and Barred Rocks 310 for 100. New Hampahlrea 311 for 100. White Rocks, Wyandotte and Buff Orpington $12.60 for 100. Petersime hatched, vitality . plua chicks from 100 blood teated atock. Send for catalog snd further Information or or der from this ad. Prompt ship ments. Magulr Electrlo Hatch ery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Oregon. 4-S0-mtf SPECIAL reduced prlcea on chicks. White Leghorns 8c Rocks, Reda, New Hampshlres, 9c. W. L. cockerals 2c. W. L. pullets 18c. Started pullets write for prices. Highest grade. B.W.D. Teated. Catalogue free. Jenka Hatohery, Tangent, Oregon. 5-15 REGISTERED polled milking Shorthorn bull. 8 yra. old, 3100; team working horaea, 360; eight White Leghorn hens, 36; milk goat. 22.60. Rt. 1, Box 260, 5 miles on old Midland road. 4-25 SAVE ON GUARANTEED BABY CHICKS Increaae your poul try profit. Start a flock with guaranteed healthy ahlck from blood-teated tlocka. Inquire at Montgomery Ward ft Co. 4-30 PINE GROVE HATCHERY Leghorn and Rhode Island Red chicks batching twice a week. Place order now for prompt delivery. Call 18F2, or visit our hatchery, 2 mllea eaat on Lakevlew highway, Ronte 2, Box 710. 4-22 FOR SALE Team, 7 and 8 yeara. weight I860 lbs., harness, 2-year-old black flllle. L. Ray. Chiloquln, 1st house on right acrosB bridge. 4-23 46 Financial Title I FHA Loans are now avail able. See AUaa Roof Co. for loan Information, and estimatea on roofing, painting and general alteratlona and Improvements. We arrange everything. Phone 936. 115 So. 7th. 4-24-mtt 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your now or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 Mo. 7th Ph. 882 - 6-9-mtf irnnnnr nnnry r 4 95 -$ 95 ...$145 .$295 .$145 ..$145 -ni J,..- .. 527 Klamath 48 Business Qpnortunitiet BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . Mearora, Oregon. Graham A ttriiiv No used cars. 3326.00 will han dle the deal fine. Showroom and Ueed Car Lot In connection. Ex cellent location, low overhead. j-anpilNOTON MOTOR CO. Med ford. Oregon 4-28 To build B.ono.nnn nniAmnhiiu reqnlrea: 450,000,000 tone of rub ber, 20,000,000 feet of leather. Thu ! . vn. t i - - vuua nvyuuiiuiiu year Senator Bridges of New Uamnahl.. SDruea im thm nrtnMnl ). 9 the lumber Industry in the prov ince of Quebec. - JffiTTbr.i in Here are aome of the reason we say "better'' Owner Satisfaction In These Used Cars HAUGER operate ander the policy that the sale of need car obligate him to assure the buyer of com plete and permanent satis faction In ownership. That's why HAUGER offer only the cream of the market. 'OC DODGE COUPE An wll attractive light green, with white aldewall tires, full ebromlum wheel discs, windshield poat lnnercon trol spotlamp. Haa been driven lesa than 20,000 ac tual -mllea, and ha had up holstery covered CIJ7Q ever alnce new ..... 4u3 0C FORD COUPE De l luxe model, Just com pletely renewed. Gloss black finiab, mohair C41Q upholaterjr 4VtI1 "iQ PLYMOUTH SEDAN 00 4-Door Deluxe, de mountable artillery style wood wheels, steel body, hydraulic brakea, excellent tires. Newly repainted and uphol stered .. $347 !4fl CHEVROLET COUPE OU Repainted attrac tive dark blue with maroon trim. 100 Urea. Mechan ically sound .. $179 11 FORD COACH Two v I spare wheels, carried In front fender. 100 tires. Safe brake. Haa "Perfect Circle" X 90 en gine coin overhaul - pHii fii FORD COUPE "Du 01 lux" repainted a light tan with red trim. Sport top newly recovered In tan fabrlo with red trim. Sate tires and brake. Mechani cally C1Q4 sound ......... .pig! "Ifl FORD TUDOR New 0U ly repainted In vine yard green, "dulux." Up holstery recovered. 8afe tires and brakea. Safe me chanical C17Q condition Ul3 Our Sales Lot ha many more reason for your choice. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main Phono 42 Low G.M.A.C. Term