rYpril 14, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN WRITERS SEE 2- C B Giants Favored to Finteh Step Ahead of Cubs in National League. . (Not: This In the first nf two stories living ih result of th Assnrlstcd Press annual major leuguo pennant poll, . . , Tomor row. Aniinlcnii league forecast). Rough Trip I l A LAN UOIU.II NKW YOUK. April 14 (P) Malor league baseball writers, scanning Hi prospects mill pin-, tenia nf springtime, loiloy fore caul two-club race (or th 1031 National leagu punnnnl, wllh th ohniniilon N"' York Cllanla pacing th C'hlrago t'nha to th wlro. A arnnl majority. 31 out of it) ipcrta. picks Ih well-balanced olub managed by mil Terry to mnk It thron In a row. Of th remainder voting In th twelfth annual Associated Press poll, 22 name ihn Culm to finish on top, whll only four favor th Bt. I.onla Card Inn Is and three ro wllllnii to lak a chance on tho Pittsburgh rirnia to win. I,aat yar th (llnnla wer ac oml chnlr. Th f'anllnsls. by ac quiring l.onnl Warnck. wnr gen- rally rated to havn command of th altnallon, hut th lioshuiisc gang stumbled hnnin In fourth place. Thla season Ih HI. l.oula club. althotiKh Ih consensus choir to finish no honor than third, la nevertheless ulppi'd lo upset Ih dope iiKnln. Til poll " chief surprise la tho pratcrenc ahnwn for Cincinnati, collar duh In 1037. Tho Hoda aro th consonsus .selection ovor Hoa Ion, by a narrow margin, for flfih plac. Thla aroma largely In b a personal vol of confidence for Iho managerial aMIIty of Hill MeKerh li if. who won hn maalor mind for Iho Itnstons laat yar. Not a sin gle critic expocls th Rod lo fln lah laat thla year. Th Dodgers ar plrkod to wlnil up Just where tholr pilot, llurletKli Grimes, prodlrla seventh. V Jurkln Cooper (not Ihn movl alar) having a rough trip on "liyniiiiilin." Conner won Ilia bucking control at Hod Bluff In IU37 and will ho hard pressed lo retain hla till. Th 11000 addod ontry purao being offorrd for the ducking contrit at th Itrd llluir Itiiundiip Saturday and Sunday. April II and 17, la Ih lurgrat ovrr offered at a two-day contoat, and la attracting every bronc rldrr In th rouulry. Yankees' Business Manager . Sees Detroit As Only Threat Molatores Gain Tie For First In Volleyball Loop VOIXKVHALL SJTANIMNGH Allamont 3 0 1.000 Molatorea 3 0 l.OOU Teacher 2 0 1.000 Academy 2 1 .67 Hlgnal Oil 2 1 .67 20-30 2 1 .607 Jr. C. of C. 2 I .617 Lutherans .....1 1 .333 Copco 0 2 .000 Elks 0 . I .000 Townaenda 0 1 .000 Baptlata 0 I .000 I Sons to Enter Track As Sport For First Time BOUTIIKftN OrtKOON NO II' MAI. HCIIOOL, Aahland. April 14 (Special) Track nvonta and iBimniural competition will mark spring athletics here, undor tho rtlrorllon of Coach Joan Khor hart, thla bolng Ih firm term that Ih school ha attempted program of track actlvlllra. Tentative events nr a dual moot wllh tin mlxildl rolloKo, entry In III University of Oi gou't annual rolay moot at Ku gouo and parllrlpntlon In th Oregon lnlorrolloglnle Alhloilena aoclntlun mooi at Pacific college Ih May. ' A large router of track aaplr- nia haa turned out. and Coach Kberhart plana to make thla ven ture Into a full-fledged aport vent for thla achool. Klnhoriite plana are made for th Inlramiial play, wllh aovon aporis In I ha "fflng and out-of-town compoil lion 'In oovorol iiioota. Including the minor aporta carnival at Heed college .May 1. The roater Includes: aprlnta. Dili Tycor, Jeaa Barton, Allen Kaaelalrom; middle dlalnnre ruiia, Norman Kerr, Allen Kaaelalrom. Kvornlt Siindhorg, Knrl Chiinilior lnln and Mare Emllh: dlatnnc ruiia, ..Mnro Smith: weights, Ilol) Nnplnr, . Jack Kemnllier. Larry Knlaer, Kon l.aljrauch, Hob Dnr hln and Jeaa Rarlou; Javelin, nob Durhln; high Jump, Jeaa Jlarton; broad Jump. Everott Ranriherg; pol vault, Ernie Pauat. Electrocution Catches Fish WASIIINOTON, April 14 W) The hurrnii of flahorlea goi a ahock today orrtelnla heard of a new plan nf finning wllh electricity. Fran linger. Ha advocate, clnlma the moihod la morn hiimnno than hooka, aelnea or note. A three horaepower dynnmo fur nlahea Ihn current to two long polea that have elect rodea on thorn. The flahnrman. pole In. hand, wnlka up and down Hie atronm electrocuting Ihn flah. linger anja It lakea a Iwo volt Jolt lo get an ll-lnrh trout. Babich Leads In Strikeouts LOS ANGELES, April 14 (P Johnny nnhlch of Hollywood took Iho poat of atrlkeout leader of tho Pacific Conal lengun In gnmea plnvoil through Tucadny, whiffing Hi hallera while winning two gnmea and loalng none. Unofficial flgurea relotiaed todny ahow five hurlera wllh no defnata In Iwo alarta Ttnhlch, Tnrpln of Roatllo, Plppen of Snrrnmento, nal I011 of Snn Frnnclaco nnd Chnplln of Snn Dlogo. NKW YORK, April 14 (AP) The Dnirolt Tigers atlll'are tho only auml-monaco lo th Yankoos. auya hlg Kd Harrow. bualnesH muuuger of the two-lltiio chnni plmia. lie oven thinks they might muko a slightly donor thing out of tho coming American league rnco. A Barrow generally Is con- Iderod on of tho game's moat astute citizens, It might he well 10 note thai ho enn't see Iho Cleveland Indians higher than third and thinks that th Boston Hod Hox will slip Into the fourth notch. That's how ho etzca It up. "I don't want to sound hoartt fill," suld big Kd, propping his old fashlouud, high-topped hro gana oil his dusk, "but wo should win again by a comforlnblo mar gin. Maybe not by a doien games, like last year, but by enough. Yeah, hat goes whother lJIMagglo reports or not, Ono man uovor mado mi) ball club. "Now, for socond place, let's see , . . put Cleveland. No, put Detroit. I'm afraid Cleveland la a Ihtrd-plncu club. They've been that way for aevernl yeura now. Mnyb tholr uew manager, Oscar Vltt, can 1 limine things, but Id rather wait and aeo. "lletroll flgurea to be a little alroitgor, 1 think, bncnuso Rudy York will bo their catcher from the atari, and lies a good hit ler. Mickey Cochrano was burl at the start I at year, you re member, and that unsettled them. "Boston ought to finish fourth this year anil I hope they do, be caiiao Tom Ynwkoy la a flno fol low. Ho'a spent a lot of money. If they dim t do It thla year I'm nfruld he ll have to start all over. Fellows llko Grove and Koxx and Cronln and Clihpman are gottl g pust tholr prime. They have a socond bnae problem, too. "Yoah, I hAr they have a great looking young pitcher In Jim Baghy, Jr. Funny, ho didn't took like anything two yeura ago. Hut you cant loll what these young 'ones will look, like until they get out there in a regular game. They get a different feel ing. "I'll give fifth place to Chicago, followed by Washington, fit. Louis and Philadelphia. Luke Appling's Injury will handicap tho White Hog for quite a while, and you can't toll what all that trading did to the club. About Waahlngton, Clark Griffith baa done quite a lot of talking but they don't look much atronger, oven If Zoke Bonura does hit once In a while. "St. Louis might give us a llllle surprise. They've made soma Interesting changes and have a good new mnnager In Gabby Street. I'm afraid Con nie Mack wilt wind up on th bottom, but you never can tell nbout him. He's always coming up wllh something. . "If you want something about the Yankees, you can put It down thai Jon Gordon Is likely toiplay right through the season at ta.ee ond bnsn. Ho s going to give lie about the heat defense we've had, and we're not worrying abotit hla failure to bit so far this spring. We've got hitters, as you've probably heard."' Molator and Teachers con tinued their winning streaks by defeating Elka and Townsenda respectively, and th Junior Chamber of Commerce won Ita second gam of th aeason from the Academy In th City Volley ball lesgu games Wednesday nliht. Molatores took th Elks Into camp In thr straight seta, 17-16. 16-4 and 15-7. Th Mola tor players In their new outfits showad a well balanced squad that la rapidly Improving Into on of th amoothest teama In the league. L. Molatore. Erland son and Bhufelt war th spark plugs of Wednesday night's gam for Molatores, and Steb blns, Brandon and Clemena car ried flying colore for th Elks. Teachers defeated Townsenda, 15-11, 15-1 and 16-4, to take the second contest of the eve ning. Lowell Kaup waa the star of. th Teachers' attack wblle Jacobs, Brown and Sheppard played woll for Townsend. The Junior Chamber of Com merce defeated Academy 15-4, 12-16, 16-8 and 16-7, and top pled the Academy from aecond place Into a four-way tie for third. Th ached ule for the rest of the week: Thursday, April 14: 7:16 Altamont va. Lutheran: 8:00 Copco s. Townsend; 8:45 Signal Oil vs. Teachers. Friday. April 16: 7:15 Bap tist ts. Elks; 8:00 Molatores vs. Academy: 8:46 20-30 va. Junior Chamber of Commerce. CHICAGO, April 14 W Soar ing of 21 centa In wheat prices to day and lively outbursts of buy ing accompanied announcement of President Roosevelt's $7,000,000, 000 recovery program. Highest prices of th day lo wheat war reached Just before trading ndcd. Publication of tb president's message caused two centa Immediate Jump, but profit taking sales caused temporary moderate setbacks, with a. re newed wave of buying later. At th close, Chicago wheat fu tures were ll-2o above yester day's finish. May 84-84, July 821, corn i-fc up. May 0J-0, July 41-611, and oats -Jc advanced. Sport Shorts BY BID FEDER (Plnch-HIUina: (or Eddio Brletz) NEW YORK. April 14 (AP) BoilT Crimea may not Know it yet. but Boaa Larry MacPhail waa plenty peeved when be beard boiling bolly picked bis own Dodgera for seventh place. Saya If th datflness boys ren t Dei ter than that by May 15, the team'll be rebuilt. And if you don't know what that means Bolly, ask Casey Stengel. Ted Kaniaey, th sparrow of Miami, Wlrej that Johnny Ravolla, la put ling up a $13,600 horn In Corel Gables. Who said golf doesn't Stock Market Quotations STOCK AVERAGES ConptM kf Um Anodatod Press Tnnrsdsy , Previous day . Montb ago Ysar ago 1837 High 1937 Low 13 High 1836 Low 3t II II t Inrua Ka.ll TJUl't Itka. IIS 14.0 11.1 18.7 17.1 14.1 18.4 19.0 81.1 11.7 19.8 41.T 81.0 46.8 48.8 70.4 68.1 11.6 84.1 47.1 48.1 11.1 14.9 13.7 101.8 49.1 64.0 75.1 - 17.7 18.0 31.1 41.T 1 Nw Lows. BOND AVERAGES OxmplM kf tb A oi-UUd Press Thursday Prvloua day Montb ago Year ago . 1137 High ; 1937 Low 1931 High .1936 Low Ralla Inda's Utll's For. 10 10 10 10 ll.t 94.1 88.4 61.1 63.7 34.T 88.1 61.8 65.8 96.8 89.4 63.8 84.0 102.8 99.T 71.1 70.1 98.0 63.1 67.0 49.7 93.0 85.8 61.6 99.0 104.4 102.9 74.7 70.1 65.1 80.8 64.1 x N'w Loir. 8EATTLE. April 14 (AP) It th bnitom should drop' out of the rest tin runt business In San Francisco and the Now York Ynnkoes can not see things his way, Joe DiMngglo. Yankee hold out, need not worry. He has an offer today of 8100 a game to piny with tho Ronton Minors, dofondlng northwest soml pro bnsebull league champions. Gabby Hartnett Leads Cubs Into Series With White Sox CHICAGO, April 14 (AP) Thla town welcomes home tomor row Its favorite baseball son, Charles Leo (Gabby) Hartnett. The Chicago Cubs and White Sox will clash III the first of a throe-game city series duel as a final warmup for the opening of (heir major league races, and old Gnbhy will he at hla usual aland hohlnd tho plale, contrary reports notwithstanding. They've boon trying to count Gabby out of Iho active player plcturo for six years and each season he houncoa bnck lo tho delight of thousands of admirers. Ho'a atnrtlng hla aoventoenlh aen aon In tho ninjnrs, all with Iho Cubs, nnd Is ready to begin his self-nppolntod lank of another season's work of 100 or moro games as Ihe Cubs' regular catch er. Old Father Time's Innhlllly to shag Hnrtnott lo the bench will relegate young Kon O'Doa to nn othor season as Ilia Cubs' relief backstop. .The Cubs' board of strategy alined to polish O'Doa for the No. 1 catching Job, but Hartnett. hna boon looking ao good and acting ao much like a young colt that Iho Idea Is head ed for Iho nsh pile. The Cutis cause, going Into the city aeries skirmish wllh tho riv als from Ihn son 111 side, la riding Just, na high na la Hnrtnott's spirit. Manager Charley Grimm la confident hla club would Inko Iho Remodeled Grand Opening Keno Dance Hall SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 18 . Music By Oregon Hill Billies Lunch New Floor lead from th start of the Na tional leagu pennant acramble next Tueaday and hold It. Things aren't so rosy with Mnnager Jimmy Dykes and hla White Sox. Not only have they been kicked around by the Cubs and other teama this spring but they also have kicked the ball around in snndlol style, averag ing almost tour errors In their laat five games. , Only a month ago, with Luke Appling heading what lookod like a groat Infield, everything ap peared aet for the White Sox. Then Appling broke his leg. The haruaacd Dykes still Is trying to buy an Intialder to plug the gap ing shortstop hole.' In addition, men llko Gerald Walker and Rip Rndcllff, who nr aupoaed to lead th offense, haven't been hitting. Helen Wills To Try Again For British Crown SAN FRANCISCO, prll 14 (fP) Mrs. llelon Wills' Moody, who mndfl tennis history In 1935 with a comeback for her aeventh Wim bledon title, packed her favorite rackets todny to battle- ror an nktl IT.,liah .h.mnlnn.hln Mrs. Moody, who at 81 la play ing what conches declare Is her best game, had reservations mis afternoon on a train tor New York, from whero she will sail April 10 for England aboard the liner Man hnttnn, , Tho lure , of. the ' all-Eugllsh championships, virtually symbolic of the world's title, was too muoh lo turn down, for Mrs. Moody, who In 19.18 announced alio waa retir lug from all tournaments except those which fitted In with her work na a fashion designer. Until this year, she followed that decision, playing only In Call tornla tournaments, but several weeks ago she bognn Intensive training tor another big time cam paign Hint niny pit her again against Helen Jncohs, loser In the famous 19.18 Wimbledon final. Jimmy Braddock's been losing weight since he went into the restaurant business. And most of the other ex-champs are put ting It on that way. Pinky Whitney's hitting has been great since ha started using Chuck Klein's bats to nd his spring slump. Chuck's clubs are six ounces lighter than bis own. Bud Ward, the Walker cup from Taconis, la in town and trying his shots on the Long Island lay outs. Ia it generally known that Larry French pitched four no hltters before coming up to the big leaguest Auto racers the best of 'em tell you they'd rather take their chances in the Indianapolis 600 than try driving around New York streets. There's a rumor around that Glenn Cun ningham may tangle with Sydney Wooderaen In London In August. There's another . that Glenn bos Dougnt nimseit a farm back In Kansas and will retire there some day not tar oft. Jess Hill, th Ex-Senator and Athletlca fly-chaser, is the high est paid gardener In th Coaat leagu this summer, after ending his holdout with Oakland. Lou Chiosia will definitely start the season at second baa for the Oiants, because Burgess White head Isn t In shape yet Bob Pastor plans two other tights besides th Lou Nova fuss while he's In Csllfornla. Patsy Cer- roni or bee Kamoge may figure In on of 'm. Keep an ya on Carroll (Red) Smith as a comer among tootball coaches. Started out at Eldorado (Kaa.) high. went to Friends school in Balti more and advances to th highly rated Garden City high on Long Island this fall. Those who've seen him work say he has the maklns for a college Job. Mako, Budge Deny Demanding Money For Aukland Play 1.09 ANGELES, April 14 () The championship tennis combina tion ot J. Donald Budge and Oene Mako with Mako acting as spokesman entered a flat denial today that they had high-pressured New Zealand net officials Into giv ing them 80 pounds (about $100) apiece tor appearing In an exhi bition match In Auckland several weeks ago. Answering criticism reprinted here from the Now Zealand Snorts- man that Budge and Mako had "demanded" 30 pounds tor the ex hibition, Mako said: "Sure, they gave up 10 pounds apiece, nut we didn't demand It. It's ridiculous to say wa demanded it. We'd have played whether they lava It to us or not." Th Auckland article ssld that Budge "demanded 10 pounds each for himself and Oene Mako. The cable loft no doubt that they would not fulfill their advertised appear ance In Auckland unless they were paid." NEW YORK. April 14 Lf Financial markets rallied today aa th president's message to con gress recommending a $7,000, 000,000 recovery program brought a revival of inflationary paychology In th financial dis trict. Major commodities mad th most Immediate response to the announcement of the "pomp priming" -plsns, wheat, cotton, rubber, copper and hid futures pushing up briskly. Tb advance In stocks wss more orderly. The list shifted forward slightly when the text of lh Whle House communication began to appear on the commis sion bouse news tickers. Ther was a subsequent dip and an even tual comeback in the final hour that converted early losses Into gains running to two or more points. A little profit selling near the close reduced top marks her and there. Dealings were quiet at the start. There was a moderate afternoon pickup In volume, and transfers approximated 1,000,000 shares. Brokers attributed the relative timidity of traders largely to th desire for more light on the ad ministration's proposed spending plana and the attitude congress will take toward them. Also there was an Inclination to pro ceed carefully pending the chief executive's "fireside chat" to the country tonight and because the exchange will be closed tomorrow for the Good Friday holiday. - Today's closing quotation: Air Reduction 4B1 Allied Chemical ft Dye 144 i Allied Stores 6i American Can 884 American, ft For. Power 31 American power ft Llgnt i American Rad. ft St. .'. 121 American Roll. Mills ..rnLJnt American Smell, ft Ret.- J8 A. T. ft T'.Me 1181 American Tob. B .. ..w 701 American Water Worka -7 Anaconda Coppen ....... 18 Armour III. ......'..-. ,- -5 Atchison Bait, ft Ohio Barnadall Bendlx Aviation Betblehem Steel Boeing Air Budd Mfg. California Pack Callahan Z-L Calumet Hee .... Canadian Pacific Cas (J. I.) Caterpillar Tractor Celanese ...w.. Certain-Teed Cbes. ft Ohio Chrysler ...... Col. Oas ft Electric Commercial Solvent . Com'wltu ft Sou ...... Consolidated Edison . Consolidated Oil ....... Corn Products Curtlsa Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont ft De N. Electric Auto Light Electric Power ft Light Erie R. R General Electric General Foods . General Motors . Goodyear Tires Gr. No. Pf. Hudson Motor III. Central Insp. Copper .. International Harvester . International Nickel Int. Paper ft P. Pt. I. T. ft T Johns Manvllls Kennecott Con. Cop. Llb-O-Ford .... Llg-Myers B ...... Loew s Monty Ward Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit .... National Distillers National Power ft Light . N. Y. Central .. North American Northern Pacific .... Packard J.'C. Penney Penn R. R. .. Phillip Pet. Pressed Steel Car Public Service N. J. Pullman .......: . IS If 181 111 481 171 i 11 II I I 76 41 141 II 171 451 11 71 II 10: 11 81 41 411 105 16 1 II 84 161 13 Hi 161 71 71 Hi 631 47 II 71 191 841 38J 141 41 til 81 191 101 61 111 Hi 8 41 821 16 141 71 191 181 Radio Rem. Rand. , Rep. Steel ... Sears Roebuck . Shell Union Southern Pacific .. Standard Brands Standard Oil of California.. Standard Oil N. J. Stadebaker '. superior Oil Texas Corporation Ttmken Det Axle Trans-America . Union Carbide Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft , United Corp. United Oas Imp. . U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel- . Walworth , Western Union White Motor . Woolworth 61 HI ll 68 141 H 71 in ii 89i 10 10 63) II 71 15 II 10 17 m 7 121 81 411 nosing Curb Quotations Cities Service ,, l Electric Bond ft Share .... 61 Chicago Livestock $8.18-1.40; cholo 107 lbs. weight, $8.18; today' opening stead! clipped Ismba $7.60-6.00; wool- skins $8.15-8.40; probable to around $8.60. Portland Produce PORTLAND, April 14 MPV But ter Prints: A grade 371c lb. In parenment wrappers; 88(0 lb. la, carton; B grade 361c In parch ment wrappers, 171c In cartons. ' Bnttertat Portland delivery,' buying prlc: A grade 15-1510 lb. country statlona; A grad 131 lb.; B grad 1c lb. loss; 0 (rad lo lb. less. , Eggs Buying prices b vholfe salers: Specials 18c dos.; extras 16c; standards 15c; special mJ dlums 16c; extra medium 14c; atandard mediums 16c; under grade 14e dos. 1 . Cheese Oregon triplets 14c's Oregon loaf 16c; brokers will pay lo balow quotations. i Country meats Selling prlc to retailers: Count-y killed hogs, best butcher under 160 lbs. 10-1 le-lb. j vealera 15c lb.; light and this 9-llc lb.; heavy 10c; canner cows 3-9o lb.; cutters 10c lb.; bulls 10c lb.; lambs 14 16e lb.; ewes 6-9e lb. Spring lanibs, 12-340 lb. t ' Live poultry Buying prices i Leghorn broilers, 11 to 3 lb., 18 17c lb.; 'colored springs 1 to 31 lb. 17-18o lb.; over 31 lbs., 18 19c lb.; Leghorn hens over 31 lbs., 13-14c lb.; under 31 lbs. 13-13c lb.; colored hens to 6 lbs. 18-1 9c lb.; over 5 lbs. 18-19c lb.: No. 1 grade 2c less. , Turkeys Buying price: Hens 2 4c lb.; No. 1 toms 11 centa lb. Selling price: toms 14c lb.: bens 26c lb. ' Onions Dry $3-3.80 cental, ' Potatoes Yakima Gems 70c; focal 60-70c cental; central Ore gon $1.25-1.35 cental. 1 Potatoes New Florida, $2; Texas $1.60; Hawaii $1.40-1.60 per 60 lbs. Wool 1937, nominal; WUlim. ette valley, medium 23c lb.; coarse and braids 23c lb.; fall lamb wool 18 lb.; astern Ci'egon fine, nominal: - ; Hay Selling price to rotallersi Alfalfa No. 1, $18.00-18.50 ton; oat-vetch $14.00 ton; clover $11 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon un quoted; ditto valley $15.00 ton; Portland. . . CHICAGO, April 14 (AP-USDA) Hogs 8000; market slow; 6-1 6c higher than Wednesday's aver age; top $8.75; good and choice 170-240 lbs. $8.50-8.70; 250-280 lbs., $8.80-8.60; 290-860 lbs. 38.16-8.36; 140-160 lbs. $8.26 8.85; good 360-660 lbs. packing sows $7.16-7.60; smooth butcher kind up to $7.85 and better. Cattle 4000; 1100 calves, steer trade rather slow, steady; weighty steers scarce and strictly choice kind absent: best 19.66 on 1800 lbs. averages; with 124 lbs. year ling steer? 69.35; mostly $7.76 to $9.15 market; - balk weighty heifers ' $9.26; vealera - op to $10.60; bolls to $7.00. Sheep 13,000; late Wednesday bulk fat lamba steady to strong; top 10c lower; most wooled lambs It baa been established by sur veys that more cars can be moved, past a gives spot at 15 miles aq hour than at any other speed. This is because at 15 miles an hour only 11 feet Is needed be tween automobiles tor safe drlvi ln. - . . Wild-eyed truck drivers are more . dangerous than falling bombs. Will Rogers, Jr., reports on his return from the Spanish war front It this be true, what terrors can war hold tor the American pedestrian T ; Secret service operatives tell counterfeit money by the eyes on the portrait dull eyes mean bad: money. So agents think an eye tor an eye is a good thing. Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for t Special City Assessment Liens un-rimc is hrrrbv GIVEN that on the 16th day of May. 1988. beginning at the boar of 10:00 A. M. of said -ay. at the front door ot the City Halt In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction for cash on hand all of the following described premises, lo-wit: . .-' . - Lot Addition . Block To Whom Assessed Date Levied Purpose of Assessment Amount 11 SECOND HOT SPRINGS RAILROAD 6A 6B 1C ID 2A. . , 2B 2C- 3D EC and Soutb 8 1-3' ot ID 4A 4B S4A 34B 8A 3B 8A 8B 9 4 SECOND RAILROAD CANAL II IS 14 18 18 South H ot 23 24 86 28 - ! 27 19 1 15 18 17 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 INDUSTRIAL 61 E. B. Henderson 8 Phil 8. Locke 3 Phil 8. Locke - 4 M. O. McNvin 4 M. O. MoNevin 4 ' Western Cities Co. 4 Western CltUs Co.' 4 Western Cities Co. 4 Western Cities Co. ' 4 ' Irving Joseph 6 Mabel 8. Powars I . Mabel 8. Powers - I J. P. Lyon I J. P. Lyon 7 . Robert J, Drlacoll T Robert J. Drlacoll 7 . Frank M. Loosley T Frank M. Loosley I - Klamath Davelop. Co. 11 Cecelia A. and Bernlce . Woodard and T. A. Ipeneer. .... 17 ' J. P. Lyon 17 J. P. Lyon 17 C. R. Lucas 17 Alfred D. Collier 17 Alfred D. Collier : 7 ' Ferdinand J. Johnson et al 7 . Ferdinand J. Johnson et al 7 ' Ferdinand J. Johnson et al 7 Ferdinand J. Johnson et al 3 Etta Moore I J. J. Jorgenson, Est. I J; J. Jorgenson, Est. . I R. L. Davidson I '' R. L. Davidson I H. E. Hauger I Klamath Develop. Co. I Oscar ft Kate Peyton . $ . Oscar, ft Kate Peyton - 1 H. E. Hauger . . I H. E. Hauger 4 Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I Klamath Develop. Co. I 1 Klamath Develop. Co. I . Klamath Develop. Co.. . I ' ' Klamath Develop. Co. May t. lilt May I, 1131 May 9. 1921 May 1, 1921 May 9, 1921 . May 9. 1911 May 9, 1928 May 9. 192S - May 9: 1928 May 9. 1928 May 9, 1921 May 9, 1928. May 1. 1918 May 9. 1923 May 9,. 1923 May 9, 1928 May 9, 1921 May 9. 1913 May 8. 1921 May 9. 1933 May 9, 1928 May 9. 1923 ,' May 1, 1928 , May I, 1013 . May 9. 1921 May 4. 1927 ' Sept. 14,' 1928 Sept. 14, 1921 Sept. 14. 1931 Sept. 14, 1921 May 15, 1928 May 15, 1928 ' May 16, 1128 May 15, 1923 May 15. 192$ , May 15, 1928 May 15, 1923 May 15, 1928 May 15, 1928 May 16, 1928 May 15, 1928 June 12, 1928 June 12, 1928 June 13. 1928 June 12, 1928 June 12, 1928 June 12, 1988 June 12, 1928 June 12. 1928 June 11, 1928 June 12, 1928 June 12, 1928 Sewer Sewer ft Paving Sewer ft Paving Sewer ft Paving Sewer A Paving fiewer ft Paving , Sewer ft Pavics Sewer ft Paving Sewer ft Paving Sewer ft Paving owt e raving Sewer ft Paving . Sewer ft Paving i Sewer. Paving Sewer ft Paving $ 17.27; 278.11 273.82 561.71 498.99 298.28 804.88 357.06" 413.18 688.04 405.96 400.2T 281.04 255.9$ 618.35 , Sewer ft Paving 608.78 ... Sewer Paving 470.10 i ' Sewer ft Paving 470.17 Sewer ft Paving 320.24. Sewer ft-Paving- 1,114.66 '' 'Sewer' ft Paring 1,151.87 Sewer ft Paving 795.28 ' ' 8ewer ft Paving 595.73 . . Sewer ft Paving 798. 0J Sewer ft Paving 886.38 ' . Paving 554.04 . Paving , 587.17 ..' .,-... Paving ., 884.78 ; .5 Paving . 700.34 ... '..Paving . 49.28 Sewer ft Paving 197.14 Sewer A Paving 197.16 Sewer A Paving - 175.85 Sewer A Paving 153.06" - 4 Sewer A Paving 89.21 . 8ewer A Paving 467.37 , Sewer A Paving 146.99 Sewer ft Paving 118.70 " Sewer A Paving 101.31 Sewer ft Paving ' 69.62 ' Sewer ft Paving 41.76 Sewer 1.92 Sewer 1.98 Sewer 1.91 ' Sewer l.9l ' Sewer , . 1.91 ' Sewer ' 6-91 Sewer ' ' 1.91 Sewer 6.91 Sewer . 1.91 . ' ' . Sewer 1.91 Sewer '. . 1.93 This sale Is made under and by virtue of a warrant or list "In tabular form -tor the collection of Special assessment Hens which have been delinquent for more than on year prior to April 11, II 38, on real estate within the corporate limits of the City ot Klam ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, which warrant or list is In my hands. Each of the lots, parcels or tracts above described is located within the City ot Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, and Is being sold under Sections 66, 2201 to 66, 2210, Oregon code 1980, as amended, providing a method bt foreclosing special assessment liens. Esch of said lots, parcels, and trsota will he sold separately and will be struok off to the first bidder offering to pay the City ot Klamath Falls the full amount ot Its assessment liens plus Interest and the costs ot and upon this gale. . Dated this llth day of April, 1981. First Publication: April 14, 1938. Final Publication: May II, 1938. ' FRANK HAMM, .... CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITT OF KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON.. , . .. H -A14, 21, 28; M5, 13. No. 10