The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 14, 1938, Page 13, Image 13

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April 14, 1938
Oregon Fishing Season Opens Friday at Dawn
Streams Too High, Lakes
Still Frozen In This
Part of Stale.
Tho Oregon flnhlni eenaon, In
Innonil, (iiicin Krlilny morning
one hulir before sunrise, but lis
fur its Kliimnth enmity nmt Kliim
ath comity nt)riHiiiiii aro con
cernml. II aiiiieura Hint I ho
eiiKllua debut will ilrnw n virtu
ally completo lilniik.
Almoiit without exception tli
water l too hull mid loo rolled
In Kluniiilli mill III" KiirrouiKllim
counties uf l,itkn, Jin-knoll, Uouk
Inn anil Drarhute In luiiko all on in
llnlihilt iiomillilii, iiiiiI Ihu favnrllu
Inkna In this aiMtlmi tiro either
Inaiveaiilltlo or nilll frozen or
A lilul an lo lilt) illtflcullle
In provided by Ilia alt nation on
ilio Kliiniatli rlvur. Tho oitnon
n to it k Hint ulrrillii ban lieen open
since February 1, nml there aro
et in In- rnport of liny ruiclio.
I.aka Willi for tho lima bo
I ii k mn'inii ilfmlni'il to im r-Nt rt-t-cil
lo Ibn Upper Kliimiith. where
aiiKli'ri, hiivn born keeitua their
lutiiiln In off anil on throughout
Ilio ulntiT, allliuiiKli I .nk ii o' Ihu
Wood. AKi'iiry hike, Udell, Crcn-
cenl ami liavln In k i (Ibn latter
lo fly flhlnj only) officially
open Krlilny, nlmia with Haul.
Paulina, Nik, Flail ami olhar
fishermen's iiiri'rn In itftKhtior-
ln CO II llllni.
Nevertheless a number of
Klamath' mora ardent Uiink
Walton's plan to turn out Krlilny
mornlni. Bonm bono that still
fluhlnit with plentiful upplli'ii of
tgnu will bring renult on Wood
01 horn are rhrnred by report
from Home Hlver national for
eat ranger that tho Iloauo ap
pear! clear enoimh In tho I'roi
pect area to make calchfa poa
Iblo. Hi til other. toreanliiK purnult
nf Ibn Irani for Ibn time being.
Iniend to try their luck this
weekend nl minion finding near
Ravage rupliln, wboro tho first
Chinook of Ihu season was pulled
on I Monday morning.
An uiiiial, a number uf favored
flKbliiK holes. Including Diamond
lako and all llm hike III H la ni
nth county eitii'pt tliono already
named, ari-n't scheduled lo open
until May 20.
In Lake cuuniy, flnlilug will
bo even moio hcuvlly restricted.
Tho noulh fork of the Kiraguo
and a number of oilier spols aro
cloned enllrcly, and with the ex
ception of Ana river, Iirewn
creek and Dog creek, tho nennon
won't open nnywhero until May
6 at tho oarllest. July 1 will
eee the flrat legal ball caat on
llradhornc, Campbell and 131 no
In general tho limit for I rout
over nix Inchon I 20 fish In
atrvnni mid IS flnh In Inkcn for
any one day. In Fish lake and
Kant lakn Ilia limit In 10 trout,
and In Diamond lukn flvo trout.
Tbojo who llko to ton their
lines Into river or plan to
vlnll Hlntt lake and nlmllnr res
ervolin w ti o n weather permit
nio ndvlned Hint the limit on
hnna In 30 flnh nml on rrapplcn
and cm flnh tho nnma number,
while If you hould happen 'onto
a menn of bnllfrogn, 12 In the
mont you enn hook without run
ning afoul nf Ilio game warden
Regulation nporlflrnlly nffect-
Ing finding hole frequenlod ny
Klnmatli aporinmen Include the
Hont Flailing
It I unlawful lo flnh from
a boat or any oilier flouting rto
vlco In the water of the 1)0
achulon river or lln trlbutnrlen
below tho city of Bend nnd In
that part of tho Deschuto rlvor
extending from the hendwnlor
at l.lllln Lnvn Inke riownitremn
to tho flrnt Inldgo ncrom nnld
river; or In Iho walern of Hie
North Umpquii rlvor above the
dam at Winchester; or In tho
water of tho McKonzIo rlvor
above tho confluonco of nine
river, and It I further unlawful
to hnvo any nnnnmbled finding
Inckla on any bout or flouting
(lavlco on tho herein dencrlbed
water of tho McKenzlo river; or
In the water of tho Rogu rlvor
above tho Hybon brldgo In Jnek-
on county between August It
and Dnconibor 31, and It I fur
ther unlawful to dnvo any ns
soinhlcd finding tucklo on mo
tion t or flontlng (levico during
aid porlod.
Ply Finding;
It I unlawful to find In Iho
water of Dnvln lulic, locnted In
Deschutes nnd Klnmalh cnunllea,
or In that portion of tho I)e
chulnn rlvor extending from (ho
hendwnlor of nld rlvor at Mttl.
I.nvn lake downnlrennv to tho
flrnt hrldga across nnld river, In
nny oilier innnnor than with nn
artificial fly.
ItiMiiio It Ivor nnd Illinois Itlver
Hloollioud nro clannlflod n
trout In tda Hogiia rlvor nnd all
It trlliutnrlcH, and nil Inwa ro
Kurd I n k trout lira tdoro applicable
hi'McliuloN County
Thai pnrt of t do lKwhtltn
rlvor nnd all lln trlbuliirles from
fidoop brldgo, nbout two mile
below Criino l'rnlrlo dnm, lip
nl renin lo DoHc.hute brldgo on
Colli my ilrlvo, qlonod to angling.
Todd lulin mid Hint pnrt of
Us nutlet from Ida lukn to tho
rook-fllletl dnm about 100 yurds
downnlrenni, cloned lo hiikMiik. '
Llllln l.uva Cnmp lako, Dovlls
lnko, Hobby lake, I.oml.Hh lake
V. 4
A ' h
Here's Olsnn Huck, It. with
his dog, Mliorly, nnd tho lake
trout ho pulled from tho Upper
Klmnuth lake lant weekend. Tho
big flnh scaled 1 5 In pounds.
Angling opena Krlilny on moat
Oregon l realm,
mid l.llilc '.in n lake, cloned to
Taylor, Irlnh, fleer, lllg Cul
tils. Lltllo Culttia. Wlnnopne,
Green, Maiden and Hidden lakes,
open season for angling May 20
to October 31, both dolus Inclu
sive. Spin-k lake, open seunon for
angling .May 20 lo Hupieinuer ill
bold listen Inclusive.
Paulina lake, open aeaaon for
angling Awl I 16 to Beptomuer
20, bulb duU' Inclusive; provid
ed that that purl of raullna luku
upatrcam from tho lrrlgatlou
coiupuny a (In in to a Una extend
lug ncroaa the luko mid dcnciibod
na followa: Deglnnlng at a point
approximately Ibu yarda north
of the boat landing at tho l'nul
Ina Uiko roaort on the went
nhore; thence diagonally ncroan
tlie lu Ico lo Hie flrat point of
laud extending out Uito tho lake
cloned to angling.
Klk lake, open season tor an-
gllug April lit to riuptemher 20,
both dales Inclusive; provided
Hint that part or blk luk lying
north ul a lino exlendluR across
iho lake from Klk point, being
TfiO feel northeast from tho
uuartur section comer of sections
ai and 32, towuahlp IS south.
i n use S east, W lllauictlo merld
luu. Ideuce duo east 1 000 feet
to tho onnt nboro of mild lake,
cloned to angling.
Kust lako, opon season for an
gling April lli to Boptemuar 20
both du ten Inclusive; provided
thia I hut part of Knat lako weal
ot a lino beginning nl a point on
tlie north shoro of aald lnko 20
chaiua son t tl of tho Quarter hoc
Hon corner between aertloua It
and 20, lownahlp 21 south, rung
13 east. Willamette merldlun
tdenra running noulh 26 degrees
weat ncrona said lako to a point
on Idn aouth adorn of nnld Ink
7 ' chaiua north of tho quarter
auction corner between acctlons
30 and 31, townndlp 21 south,
range 13 east, Wllliimotto merid
ian, closed to angling.
Kxcept as otherwise herein
specifically provided for, all lakes
and their tributaries, opon aea
aon for angling April 15 to Sep
tember 20, bold dntos Inclusive.
Kxcept nn otherwise herelnbo
foro poclfleally provided for
open sonnon for angling April 15
lo ociooor si, bold dates Inclu
Douglas County
That part of th North TJmo
qua river from a point 300 feet.
it nove tne tipper fisb racks ot
tlie rih commission of Oregon
down to a point 200 foot below
Ilio lower fish racks, closed to
Silent creek, a tributary to
Diamond lnko, and that part of
Diamond lake lying within a
radius of 4b0 foot from the
mouth of Silent croek, closed to
Diamond lake, opon season for
angling May 20 to Octoder 31,
bold datos Inclusive: provided
Hint that part of tho Inks lying
northweatorly of a lino beginning
at a point on the north adore of
aid lako 800 feet northwest ot
Hie mouth of Bear croek, run.
ning I nonce diagonally aero
8ii Id lake to a murker on tho
wet shore of anld lako, holng
74 BO feet north of th mouth ot
Silent creek, closed to angling.
Klnnmlh County
North Roanry and Middle
Ronnry lnkes, clonod to angling.
Crescent lnko, opon son son for
Merrill Community Hall
Sat., April 16
Music By
v Herb Cochran
And Ills 8-Plcre Orchestra
rcnlurlng Runs Cotter and Hob Vnn linker
angling April 16 to November
20, both dates Inclusive.
Crescent croek from mouth of
Cold crook upstream, closed to
Marsh creek, open season for
angling April 15 lo Hwptember
20, both dates Inclusive.
Klnmalh river, open season for
angling February 1 to May 31,
both date Inclusive; provided
that that part of said Klamath
river for a distance of 4000 feet
below and 2000 feet above the
mould of Hpencor crook, cloaod
to angling.
Hpencor creek, closed to an
gling. Thnt part of tho Little De
adlines river and Ha tributaries
above Hi Southern Pacific rail
way bridge located In auction 31,
township 25 aouth, rungo II oust,
closed to angling.
That part ot Crooked creek,
trlbutury to Wood river, lying
within the boundaries of Ihu
stnio game commlnalon hatchery
property cloaod to angling.
That part of Link river begin
ning at tlin California Oregon
Power company's ilum on said
rlvor, to a point 200 feet bolow
ssld dnm, closed lo angling.
tjeven Mllo creek, open season
for angling April 15 to Septem
ber 20, both dates Inclusive.
Udell creek, closed lo angling.
Odoll lake, open season for an
gling April 15 to November 20,
both dates Inclusive; except that
purl or Udell lake from a point
200 foot went of I do west shoro
of tho outlet to Chinquapin point,
cloaed to angling.
Lake ot Hie Woods, open sea
son for angling April 15 to No
vember 30, both dales Inclusive.
All lakes In Klnmalh county.
except Lake of the Woods, Upper
Klamath lake, Agency luko, Davis
lako, Udell lake, Crascenl luko
and thoso lakes closed to angling
ontlroly, open season for angling
May 20 to September 20, both
date Inclusive.
Kxcept as otherwlae herein
above specifically provided for,
opttti aeason for angling Hdall be
from April 15 to October 31
bold dale Inclusive.
I .eke County
Ann liver, Drew creek and
Dog croek. open aeaaon for an.
gllng April 15 to October 31,
both datea Inclusive.
Deadhorso and Campbell lakes,
open season for angling July 1
to September 10, both dates In
clusive. Biuo lake, open aeason for an
gling July 1 to October 31, botti
daiua Inclusive.
Drukea creek. Roaring Springe
creek, Cogswell creek, Porcupine
crook, tluyer creek, llluo creek,
Dlamnl creek, Norlh Kork of Deep
creek and Dog creek, tributary
to Hear creek, cloaed lo angling
South Kork of tdo Spraguo
river east of'Uio Klamalh-Lako
county line, cloaed to angling.
Dairy croek and lla tributaries
lying abovo the point whure the
rarest service limine crosses said
si renin, said brldgo being locat
ed in auction 4, township 36
aouth. rmiKO 17 east, Willamette
nuridlmi, cloned to angling.
Ciiinus creek and lln tributary
Rosu croek, abovo its confluence
with Deep creek, closed to an
gling. Except as otherwise herein
specifically provldod for, the
open season tor angling In I.nkc
county shall be from May 5 to
Uctober 31, both dates Inclusive.
Jackson County
That pan of tho Rogue river
from the Gold Ray dam to a
point 400 feet downstream.
cloned to angling.
Klnh lake, open ncanon for an
gllng April 15 to Auguat 15,
both datea Inclusive; provided
mat mat part ot tho lako from
Its head for a distance of one
quarter mllo below the head of
said lako, closed to angling.
That pnrt of the Norlh Kork
of Little Bulla crook from Klsh
lako downstream for a distance
of three-quarters mllo, closed to
bxcept as otherwlss herein
specifically provided for, open
sooson for angling April 15 to
Oclober 31, both dates Incluslvo.
And If you want to fish Inei.
pensively and keep your catch.
uon i nan on tlie reservation.
EUQENB, April 14 (P) Jefror
on high school of Portland de
feated the University of Oregon
freshmen, 7 to I, yesterday behind
th slx-hlt pitching of Jack Rich
ards, southpaw,
and eye, ear, noso and throat
disorder are best Created by
druRleaa non-surgical methods,
llml natlng hospitalisation,
general anaesthetics, loss of
work time, and dangers of In
fection or hemorrhage.
8m Dr. C. H. Camel, Eye, Kar,
No and Throat Bpeclatlat, at
Casael Brother
Chiropractic Clinic
828 No. 7th St., Klamath
Palls, Ore. Phono 420
At Klamath Recreation
wiiolkhai.k i.kac;i;k
Modoc c; and Oil Company
Drlacoll lfld 23fl 171 573
(loeller 140 185 151 4C2
Hchaal I4 170 US 4 82
Cornell 157 138 139 444
Coffee 195 17!) 105 541
Handicap . 71 71 71 213
Total 010 959 845 2715
Iireru Company
Scdoomaker ....133 187 155 4711
Ilooth 149 21 1 178 518
Southwell 174 181 171 520
Anietor 136 183 201 519
MnCormlc.k ....136 102 168 453
Handicap ........ 60 60 60 180
Total 786 984 922 2092
J. C. Penney Company
Clark 222 193 1 02 577
LoftWlc.h 137 131 181 449
Hvreasy 147 164 160 471
Dell 128 166 138 422
Handicap 68 68 68 204
Total 702 712 709 2123
Carl Ktulnwlfer
Anhworth 107 213 1 24 504
Lambert 136 162 159 447
Jamlnon 175 132 135 442
Tumelnon 106 174 1 18 398
Handicap 79 79 79 237
Total 663 750 615 2028
At Bowlers". Garden
. Team Standings
W. L. PU.
Hurry Cab 16 8 21
Howler Garden 14, 10 20
Vanity Hnrbcr 15 9 19
Klamath Auto 13 11 17
Oregon Equip 6 18 8
Helg Co 8 16 8
Oregon Equipment Company
Sutton 137 153 117 407
JCgOll 88 121 161 370
Tliickncr 123 129 180 412
IIIIII. J 109 130 131 370
Young 151 168 15! 471
Handicap 166 168 168 502
Total 774 869 889 2032
Hurry Cnb
Kctchum 173 217 162 562
Bailout 142 188 181 511
Kundcrburk ....170 136 163 469
Kill 144 197 172 613
Travl 152 181 148 .481
Handicap 101 101 101 303
Total 8S2 1020 927 2S29
Bowlers' Gurtlcn Women
Carr 177 148 191 616
Worlcy 175 127 160 46
Lolblcln 161 161 129 4S1
Cheyne, D 164 169 168 491
llnlght 188 1S8 138 514
Handicap 69 89 69 207
Total'. 934 862 865 2641
Heaslg Company
Cook 124 136 109 369
Bnylens 122 206 149 477
Hcnier 202 1S6 177 566
Kooley 86 Ul 94 291
Hayes 103 118 107 328
Handicap 152 152 152 456
Total ...759 909 7S8 2486
Vanity Harbor Shop
Ballon 184 160 150 444
Thomas 163 154 144 461
Whistler 123 139 131 398
Tutor 160 158 196 614
Stndln 209 21 1 194 614
Handicap 68 68 68 174
Total 852 880 873 2605
Klamath Auto Hody
Potter 123 152 169 444
Klawltter 96 111 120 326
McCarmack ....115 124 107 346
Dickinson 140 114 150 404
Vogel 140 103 138 381
Handicap 139 139 139 417
Total 761 743 823 2318
Speecd Is free. Tdst means all
speech, foolish as well as -wise.
Henry P. Chandler of the Chicago
Bar association.
14th Annual
"America's Biggest Two-Day
$5000 in Cash Prizes
Special Features
Include many new attraction featuring; America's leading
Trick and Fancy Riders and Hopcrs, Cowboy Clowns,
Trained Iluffnln, Dands, etc.
Thoroughbred Running
Races Daily
Saturday Night
Big Free Street Dance
Free Boxing Matches
Hillbilly Band Contest
0 Til
Three Out of Four Coast
League Games Go to
Extra Innings.
.i... 8
..... 6
Lo Angeles ....
Sacramento ....
San Kranclnco
San Diego .
Oakland 2
Portland 1, Oakland 0 (10 In
ning). Los Angeles, 4, Seattla 3 (12
Son Kranclnco 6, San Diego 1.
Hollywood 4, Sacramento 1
(10 Innings).
By The Ansoclnted Pre
The Hollywood Star hung on
to their half game lead in the
Pacific coant baseball league
Thursday after an epidemic of
overtime games which swept the
circuit Wednesday. Three of the
four games wont over the cus
tomary nlno innings.
The Star bunched four lilt for
three runs In tho tenth Inning
lo give Manager Wade Klllefer a
4 to 1 victory as a birthday pre
sent over brother Bill Klllefer
Sacramento Solons.
A homo run smash In the
twelfth Inning by Catcher Rip
Collins enabled Los Angeles to
defeat Seattle, 4 to 3. 11 was
the second gatno in a many days
won by Los Angeles in the twelfth
Inning. Tuesday, two successive
homers did tho trick.
Portland scored a run In the
flrat of the tenth to defeat the
wallowing Oakland team, 1 to 0,
aa San Kranclnco hit hard and
often to defeat San Diego, 6 to 1,
In the only regulation game.
Two single and a sacrifice gave
Portland Us winning run in the
tenth. Manager Bill Sweeney was
credited with a single when Cen
terfieldcr Jess Hill failed to get
under his fly hall. Johnny Kred
tricks sacrificed Sweeney to sec
ond. Ho scored when Harry Ros
enberg singled to center. The
game wbh a tough one for Pitcher
Ken Sheehnn of tdo Oaks to lose.
Counting tho first nine Innings of
yesterday's games, tho pitcher
dad allowed only two runs In 27
Innings. T"
Extra base hits and double
plnys were plentiful In the Los
Angeles-Senttlo game.
Allen Strange, Seattle shortstop,
hit a homer and two-bagger in
five trips to the pinto. Altogeth
er there were eight two daggers,
including a pair by Rip Russell,
Lo Angeles first baseman. Seat
tle completed three of tho five
double plnys. Seattle took a -3 to
0 lead, but the Angels tied tho
score In tho eighth.
Oregon was the first Btate in
tho Union to have a gasoline tax.
Tho levy was imposed for tdc
first lime In 1919.
Dry Cleaning
Every Garment
Mothproofed at
No Extra Cost.
1400 Esplanade. Phono 83M
General Jej QQ
Admission Jl Plui
Oregon Staters
Take Pair From
Portland Pilots
CORVALLIS. April 14 (VP)
Oregon State college won a dou
hleheader baseball game from tho
University of Portland yesterday,
6 to 3 and 6 to 2.
Ralph Takaml and Arnold Fen
ger hurled the first game for Ore
gon State, winning despiln seven
error by ' teammates. O'Donnell
and Blower pitched for Portlond.
In the nightcap. Earl McKInney,
upported by errorless fielding,
pitched the victory againnt Gar
field and Btepovitch of Portlnnd.
Tho team will play another
doubleheadcr Saturday.
Scores; R. H. E.
Portland 3 8 3
Oregon Stato 5 8 7
O'Donnell, Blower and Shaw;
Takaml, Kenger and Soller.
R. H. E.
Portland 2 2 2
Oregon State 6 6 0
Garfield, Stepovltch and Shaw;
McKInney and Orell.
FOREST CHOVE. Anrll 14 im
Pacific university defeated Albany
college. 13 to 6 and 13 to 2, in
a doubleheader baseball game yes
terday. J Install a
3 battaryNOW
. oa reaay
for spring
trips . . and
pocket Big
Extra Savings
ot that LOW
Prices , I
Western Giant ftZ,
All unaaualttd at anywhere near
our low prices, for Power, Long
Life end Dependability.
OS . $1.95 M bullery
Batteries Installed FREE..!
Jiea. 52 i
J Adjustable
W9 SXId inches
Well made of fiber
.board 'Swings t6A
protect from
AH Supply J
2Jm JPTav $S- Braided
11 ifg t" hkVrT I
S V&Tsf&X "Apple ton " &tra quality - Bxtro I
I yzsp jtfqg light yy braiei rds- I
PxtCT fmjSj tegular 49
-1 Vt JSAiyR fcv aroer Operates from jJKk
-Tn't' ERlD WltJl ens- air pressure ft?O0!iD)ll
A rirTTOTOS cw Wt Chrome from auto tire X$2Z
W'li! ''' switch W poted or tube -Thumb
1 11 vss&?&rrrA
Bulldog Ken Hollis Meets
Sockeye McDonald on
Armory Carpet.
Powle. Wowle. And sowle.
Ken Hollls, tho brutal bulldog
of the Ozarks, and Sockeye Jack
McDonald, the truculent terror of
the Pugct Sound logging country,
are going to meet In tho main
event of Mack Llllard's mangle
menu at the armory next Tuesday
Zowie. Powle. Not forgetting
It will he a dark and stormy
night, indeed, when these two
rough, tough, hell-loving; bullies
come to blow. They've both
barged through everything In
ight except the world champion,
ravaging, devastating, leaving
misery and bloodshed In their
Now they're going to marshal
3 Days Only
6i Extra Savings NOW on smooth fitting, durable
slip-on seat covsrs In smart new patterns.
LEADER Coupe or Roodster.. ,
2-Door Sedan or Coach, l-Door Sedon.....$l
DURO (ai shown) Coupe or Roodster $1.79 to $2.17
2-Ooor Sedan or Coach. .. $3.23 to $3.95
t-uoor aeaan .M.w.HH.H....s.y o 94. 1 z
Coupe or Roadster $2.55 to $3.53
2-Door Sedan or Coach.......... $4.76 to $S.2S
4-Door Sedan $5.25 to $6.25
Aih lor LOW SjU Pticts on "Kuimm
slylis, md on "Calalinn" and Laktsidt
Peouar 29(1
A very smart, popular
hoveltv comoosition
tali' Choice of several
attractive colors- 878
SAVE with
120 N. 7th St.
all their terror tactics, all their
vast atore ot grappling; knavery
agalnat each other over a period
of an hour or lsaa. You guesa
the answer.
McDonald and Hollls, however,
don't figure to supply all the ex
citement on next TtiMday'a card.
Marahall Carter and Wild Rd
Berry will moot In the middle
event, Promoter Llllard and the
fans hoping tor a repetition of
last Tuesday night' develop
ment, which made the Initial
Carter-Berry engagement one ot
the standout bout ot the current
Carter won the rspeat asalgn.
ment when he surprised everyone,
most of all Berry, by carrying; the
battle to tho wild Kansas miner
on oven terms, losing only by vir
tue of knocking himself out with a
lightly off-centor dropktck.
Tho Mlxourl flash can. give yon
plenty of reasons why b think It
will he a different story nmtt time.
8gt. Bob Konnaston wilt resume
hi wrestling career In the open
ing number, testing out hi In
jured ankle against Paul Murdock,
the husky Texan with the power
ful legs.
Both tho Berry-Carter bout
and the Kennaston - Murdock
match will be waged under the
two-out-ot-three fill, Australian
round system.
- Bil:" alUeinr
wovin fiktr Covin,
Phone 984
Wis? i
liwi-IIU. jj'a 'M