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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 18, 1938 HENLEY BOY Southern Oregon Hardware Presents Their Third PAGE SIX WINS FIRST WITH ANGUS .' Tiburelo Alvares of Henley, young 4-H club member, walked off with the first prlie In the Aberdeen Angus class, at the In terstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beet abow beld thla week la Ban Franclaco, In which hun dreds ot boya and girls from orer the eoast are participating. A Klamath county boy, Aural Hanehett, Merrill, won second place In this division which Is known aa class 4. ateera weigh ing 865 ta 1050 pounds. - This ' waa the word received Wednesday by C. A. Henderson. Klamath county agricultural gent, from Clifford Jenkins, 4-H club leader, who is In San Francisco with the boys and girls from the Klamath basin. Al-1 Tares, Hancbett and all other ! winners were 4-H club members and the excellent record was re-j eelved with gratification In the county Wednesday. I Winners are aa follows: Hereford, class (0, (steer weighing 600 to 850 pounds) 57 entries Robert King, Sherman county. Ore., first; Billy Case beer, BIt, Klamath county, sixth: Alvln Cheyne, Henley, Klamath county, ninth. ' Hereford, class 61 ' (steer weighing 855 to 1050 pounds) (1 entries Merton Bradsbaw, Jackson county, Oregon, second: Joe Keller, Henley, Klamath county, ninth. Aberdeen Angua, class 6.3 (steer weighing 600 to 850 pounds) Bob Blickenstaft, Mer rill, Klamath county, first; Tay lor High, Olene, Klamath county, fifth;. Bob Blickenstaft. Merrill, sixth. Aberdeen Angus, clasa 64 (steer weighing 855 to 1050 pounds) Tiburcio Alvarei, Henley. Klamath county, first; Aural Hanehett, Merrill, Klamath coun ty, second. - In addition, Tiburcio Alvares took one of the highest honors In the show, by taking the ribbon for breed champion ot the Aber deen Angua breed. In county groups, Klamath county won second, and in in dividual showmanship, Robert King of Sherman county. Ore., placed first. This is an outstanding record tor 4-H club members for the state ot Oregon and particularly tor Klamath county and Is even better than the excellent record established In 1187, the first year Klamath ateera were shown t that show. All the Klamath county en trant were bred within the county, the following breeders tarnishing calves, Angus, C. V. Barton, Merrill and D. E. Alex ander, Merrill; Hereford, Yam say Land and Cattla enmnjin Klamath, rails and Anton Suty, Malta. F rifty Klamath cltizena met In th circuit courtroom at the eeurthonse Tuesday evening and formed a Henry Heaa for Gov ernor club. i The Officers elected were: president, John Meagher, engi neer, 1001 Eldorado street; sec retary Edith Rigor, Malin, di rector ot finance R. H. Grant; director of publicity, A. M. Thomas. Other officers, probably Includ ing precinct and ward leaders, will be chosen at the next meet ing of the club, which will be held in the courthouse Friday evening, April 16, at 8 o'clock. "All Roosevelt democrats, all Who favor preserving; the bene fits of Bonneville for the people of Oregon are invited to Join the membership roll, which they jaay do by applying to any of ficer or member of the club." aid A. M. Thomas Wednesday. AIR MAIL ESSAY CONTEST OPEN TO LOCAL STUDENTS ' High school students have been Invited, with those of other high schools over the county, to compete In a nationwide essay contest which win feature Nation al Air Mall week. May 15 to 21, 138. Valuable flight and other Prijes are being offered in all 48 states. - t Rules and regulations regard ing the contest are being given City wide release bv Postmaster . T. Hedlund of Portland, state chairman of National Air Mail week. Essays, to be on the sub ject of "Wings Across America" and not to exceed S60 words on the ideas, purposes and advan tages ot air transportation aa it affects modern communication, must be In the hands of school principals by the close of school. May 1. . The competition is open to high school students throughout the United States, Postmaster Hed lnnd reported. First prise winner of Oregon and each other state Will be given an air trip from his nearest airport to Washington, D. C., and return through coopera tion ot all airline companies. The second state prise will be a trophy. California man held a cookie In bis mouth and Invited a dog to take a bite. The dog took both cookie and a piece of the man's nose. We bet a cookie the man note better next time. BUY NOW! PRICES SLASHED ! Hurry To This Feast oS Hardware Bargains a. mmsmmmasmmimmi avesar AND HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON QUALITY PAINT A HOUSE PAINT first quality lead and oil paint made by DUPONT. The famous CHI-VO brand. Reg. price is .2.83. This puint is the best buy In town at our SI'KIXG SALE price of FLOOR ENAMEL Your choice of many popular colore In DUPOXT'S Jiighest quality floor paint. May also be used outside or for boats. You'll really save money on this fine paint at the sale price per quart of only 39 KALSOMINE Buy just the quantity you want. All colors carried in bulk. Your choice of many lovely shades and we'll rent yon a brush to apply It. Save money and buy the best for 6C W Lb. WALL ENAMEL Your choice ot high gloss or eggshell finish In many at tractive colors of PVPOXT'S best grade wall enamel. Quart cans priced sensationally low DUCO ENAMEL Use it on wood or metal. No undercoat required and very easy to apply. Drastic reduc tion in price during our SPRING SALE Quarter pints 20c Half pints .... 36c QUICK DRY ENAMEL DUPONT'8 finest grade enam el for Inside decorating. Priced as low as ordinary cheap enamel during our SPRING SALE, Pints 59c Quarts 98c 2 INCH BRUSH A high quality brush for enamel or varnish. Just the right size for those email paint Jobs. This regular 60c brush is slashed in price to only JSC New 1938 Wallpaper Your choice of over 100 pat terns In high quality W. P. FULLER WALLPAPKK. Our SPRING SALE brings you a special discount on all stork patterns of Sale Prices on Dupont Paints Drastic Price Cuts on Every Can of Dupont Paint in Our Large Stock. Prices Reduced As Much As Atorrf W70 Hurry! Buy your paint now and save money. Money-Back Guarantee on every can of paint we sell. In1a- JO PS Fireplace Ensemble Newest polished brass fin ish. Sells usually for but SPRING SALE price is $16.95 Coleman Lamps Made to retail for .7.011 but a spcclnl purchase brings you (he sensational prico of $4.89 Sale Tennis Rackets "REACH" brand, high grade racket. Sells regular ly at a:.05. An ideal ladles' racket. Sale priced at $2.89 FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CMS A PRICED SENSATIONALLY LOW Willow Fish Basket A curved basket tnat Is much more comfortable to wear than most bas kets. Made of good grade split willow. Medium alie. Hells usually for a 1,2,1 hut rlPKINtl BALK 'price AOj Is only "C Level Wind Reel (Juadruplo multiplying typo hi brushed nickel plate Ju.M the reel to umo will, a btilt canting polo for plug or up I niter (IaIi- I ing. norut consiuernoiy moro man aa our mio price ot W Tackle Box Don't let your tackle be ruined because you haven't a tackle box. Here's a bar gain In a ".My Ruddy" box lor only 88c Level Wind Reel Smartly finished In polish, ed chromium. A very popu lar reel at the regular price of .1.73 but our spring sale brings you , a price of $1.3 Combination Rod Here la our biggest selling rod offered at a sensational price. Makes up to n fly rod, casting rod, or Inml rod. Fine quality spill hum. boo. A suj.DS 4 Q( rod on sale for 9ff .0 Casting Rod If you haven't a caMlnit rod don't pnsa this bargain up. 4K ft. steel rod with solid cork grip and an off set cast aluminum reel seat A "whale" of a buy at Silk Line Truly n remarkable vnlue. Full lit) lb. lent hi n high 1 utility black -Ilk line, (uarniiteed to ho a regular MtV lino yet Milo priced In oO-yard himoIi $1.79 at only .. Single Action Reel Sperliil fly raMlllic design. You will npproto of the way this reel Is made and you would expert to pay at ml 92.00 but the price la only $1.47 Cluster Eggs Your favorite brands, . STAR, LIX'KY StRIKK, DUNNS, and PETKM. Thla Is a RED HOT special on the regular 40c size at 29 To the first 200 cust omers buying $1 or more in . fishing tac kle we will give ab solutely free a 50c can of SPORT-SEK dry fij and line dressing. Sale oS Salmon Tackle Salmon Rod .Special steel rod. Just the thing for Rogue River sal mon and steelhead fishing. Rust proof mountmgs. Also an ideal rod for lake troll Ing. Sensation ally priced at $3.98 Salmon Reel You munt have a heavy reel for thoao anlinon In I ho Rogue Klver and here' your chance to save Home money. Full 10O yard ra pacity, triple multiplying and In every way a q utility reel. Hale priced at $1.97 Salmon Line 00 Ih. Hue 1 1 mde of genu (no lrlli linen tit rend. IN mi kinking, twin ted construc tion. Put up on AO-yard poola nnd wile priced to wivo you money at only 53C Tool Prices Slashed ! Look at These Values Atkins Handsaw A good grade. 26 Inch saw with carved handle. Atkins CUR" brand, full guaran teed. A popular saw for light construction work. 98c Claw Hammer The finest hammer In our stock offered at a drastic price cut. Your choice of several weights nnd types of genuine STILLETO claw hammers at only $1.19 Aluminum 24 inch Level This Is a MAYF.H level with two plumb and two level glasses. Not a cheaply mode level In any respect. Wo sell them usually at .2.20 and you'll find one of these quality tools a real "buy" at $1.89 8 Inch Files I file of precision manu facture. The quality Is guaranteed. The regular price of these flat mill typo (t O Y A L files is - SiOc. SPRING SALE price la 14c Steel Tape genuine K A K lane In 30 foot length, A high liiallty tape in every re inect with a very durable rase. Reg. price la $2.75 hut out they go at only $1.97 Carpenter Apron fnod nimllfv nhnrt juiron mado of heavy white duck. ice-inrorceu witn lentner. I'Viur pocket and a ham mer atrap. Hnle priced at 41c Shallow Well System Pumps H7B gnl. per hour and Is fully automatic. 42 gallon tank. Regular price $7N.n0. Snlo price 39 50 I I - 1 MR r . 4 savant Garden Rake Quality at a liargnln prlcet 14 curved leeth on a sturdy bow tyo head, (food hickory handln too. Our regular !.! rake HPRINU prlred at 93C U Garden Hoe Here's a lion that will stand up whether you lino It to Iran on or really hoe up Ilia garden with it. Htrong 7 Inch blade with socket lyie construction. An unusual value at our special price of 15 C Garden Twine htr those vho want an evtrn strong garden twine here's a yellow rotton twine of chalk lino construction, put up In ltK ft. hanks, a regular 2le seller, offered to you 4m only during our KI'KIN'd H.U.K for 1 J Handy Shovel Not the bent fthoTel In the world hut mighty good iiiuillty at that. Full Hire, lung hand led, Ntrnp type construction. You would est poet to pay for thU hovol hut our Sl'ltl.VJ H, LK brlnua you a price of Spading Fork 97C An etr heavy fork that will really ntnnd the gaff. t'nuHually Htrttng hickory handle. Actually worth 1.0o, lluy ono of thene fine forka now for aory iianfiie. $1.39 A A Real Wheelbarrow Bargain See thla value In our window! Hi eel hed ahaped to handle anything from concrete to gnrtlen auppllen. Strong hanlwcMMl Itantlle! and flrnt elan rountrurflon throughout. Avnllaole in ''knocked flown" form for transportation on vour rnr If you wIrIi, We think thla hamiw li worth at leant l.7ft hut we're offering It to you fur only I $539 mm m Garbage Cans A well eon tnicted H gal lon can. Tight fitting lid. $1.89 Header Forks There K no lietter fork made than these regular .1.11,1 Htlllrto forks. Hale price $1.69 Potato Forks The nifMt popular tye lined In handling potntoca. Our price will aavo you money. Grass Catcher A good quality white ranvaa catcher designed to fit either a f 1 or 10 Inch mower, aale priced 7JC Sale oi Garden Hose Our entire stock of hose Is re duced In price during our HI'RINO rlALK. Here Is nn out landing value In a three-ply blnrk hose In no ft. lengths, sale priced at $2.88 I ga $J79 'SPECIALTY k 16-inch Mower A I IJirRr in Inch drive wheels, A .10.00 mower on sale at V $788