April 18, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE e COUJMBUB, 0., April 1 (AP) The Ohio supremo court today dismissed tha appeal of Annii Mitrln I (u hi) . convicted Cincin nati poison siuy.-r, nml n I imuoiI her la ill In I ho eloclrlo cluitr May 4. ThV court balil there mi constitutional quostlon Involved In her appeal, Mr, llahn nml been clinduluil to die March 10, but hr nppiml to the supremo court atiluuiutlo elly etiyed the eleclrocullon dole. The blonde, ll-yeer-old moth er wa convicted of (nlnlly pol onlng Jacob Waaiier lust Nn . vembar (, three month! utter her arrest. She also le under Indictment on a chars o( niurder-hy-polson In the death of (loorge (liulliiinn, (7-yoer-old Cincinnati (lirmnn. I'rlnolpnl point of a 10-polnt up ponl made by Mm. Halm's attor neys win (hut Trial Judge CtisrUs Hell erred In permitting Prosecutor Dudloy Miller Oil ten 1 1 to Introduce evidence pertaining to deethe of olhera anion- hnr aged men acquaintances. Oulcall niulnlnluod the evi dence wee necessary to show she benefited from the man cs tetee. II I rem 0. Bolslnser, Jr.. Mm. Ilfthn'e ohlef counsel, had entd that If the Ohio euprome court refused the women e new trlnl the cas would be carried to the U. 8. eupreme court. Advertising expert advises ho tels to elm publicity el "United Stale nature end i-oiiKrnssmon, meyore anil elate bosses, end oilier new rich." It seems we no longer hare a representative gov ernment, High School Newt Notes and Comment lly HKINZ IMKTHCHH , tV-plllO NUT KAftM," a eenlor clime triumph presented In I he ii ml I tori il id Inel week, not only lived up to He hilarious lllln by providing one. of I tin outstanding side-splitting comedloe of the cur rent year but also proved a en atlon from the financial end at well, not I lug a total of eomn 1200. fullering off to a alow start In tha Inlllnl act, the play graduiilly gulimd inomenluin and finally rmichod a peak In the third etanca that left the audience bathed In peala of laughter, Kmlttlng symphonic strains In to t ho etlinr, Mlae Heulah (lore end her prlo fledging (high achool orchoelra) provided a well balanced mualcal program be tween acts wltb aiich classical places its "Houlhern Hones Walts," "(luy Holdler'a March" and "Ito iiinucs." i I Take a play without a proper "build-up," and It looks sonis think like a chicken with Ha feathers plucked bare to the bone. Dressing end rounding out Hie "laugh producer" Into a gualful portrayal of high school acting at Ms best fell Into the capable hands of Virginia West and bar aides: stuga manager, Francis llrown; advertising manager, Jack l.lnilh; business manager, ftoaamond (iod durd; property manager, l'at Gal lagher. Biated Director Mia West: "This has been my best attended piny." Kducator Kverlll Vanderpool'a home room under the captainship of temperamental Miles Mayfleld look a long bead on Mrs. B. B. llliiiiiiiulst' fourth period hill hllllo (handi'd by truniiill Ku gene Hootcii), bunt them to I hit draw and oulshot tlmin In n close ticket selling sprue Hint left till I Iiii oilier homo rooms, nsci-pt I'niil Crnpo's No. 3011, runnliig lor covor. Druwlnd pntrlollc Mr. Vundnr pool; "Mr. IIIiiiihiuIhI'm rouin unci my room are nil ovnn now n fur as ticket selling Is coiictimhiI; Hint Is, she won the Hl-Y Christ mns drive nnd wo look tliu senior duns piny ciiiiImkI. Ho l"l's b:ivi) the big show down In I lie, coming football gii mo April 22! The "Klnmnlb Kniler," KIIIIH Journullnlle inastnrplecn received Ilia following acknowledgement from Hand, Ore.: "Dear Editor, "You put out a fine paper down there. It Is probuhly the must popular I'Xi'hniige pnper hero In Hand high. "I, for one, rend It anion! ly. "Your sporls pngo Is esccedliiK ly good In style, and contents. "In the Inst Issues that column about the "Henlor Hldownlk" bns been nntlnenbly nlisont. Can wo have some mora of II? "Is 1 Jim mi Klfn really ns bud ns the April Koo eilltlou would uiiik'i us bollovo? II Is hiird lo swallow. Hut since you sny so! "Keep up Hie good work. A Ili-nil III booster." RICHARDSONS GET lug of Dill's bride, the former Cluru Coiiiptou of Han Kranclneo, who died of pneumonia and a head Injury Inst full afler submersion In n tub of scalding wnter. Thu Itlchurdsons' attorneys sorved notice of appeal to the state supreme court. Australian miner refused to work because their pit borses bad hnlllosls. (loudness, better bad breath than none! m FLATTERINGLY SMART Easter Oxfords RBATTI.E. April II (P) I.lfn sentences were Imposed yesterday by Superior JiiiIko Donald A. Mc Donald on Dull nnd Clulre nirhiird son, convlclnd In the "bathtub murder enso." They wero convicted of tho slny- BPBaMHBeHSiHeiHaBMasHlaesHHBBsmani Mi ieew'l'1!)? MJ-CRAFT COLLAR lanforlsed Shrunk MEN! WHAT A NATURAL! EASTER SHIRTS From Penney's Famous "Towncraft" Line SEVEN BUTTON FRONTS FULL CUT FULL LENGTH FANCY PATTERN SHIRTINGS GUARANTEED REAL SATISFACTION Perfect quality, every shirt preshrunk and fast color. Hupcrlor typo In every detail, and comparable to much lilghi-r priced shirts, Orenu peart buttons, per fectly tailored for smartness nnd com fort A wide selection of colors anil patterns. Plenty of Plain White 32-35 Sleeves MAIN FLOOR Just One Group of 400 Penney Quality EASTER SHIRTS Fully Shrunk . Nu-Craft Collars A smart aelertlon that Includes yonr favorite styles. Choose from hundreds of pattern. All fast color. Cut fall for comfort. These are acknowledged value leader. FINE COMBED SUPER-SHRUNK BROADCLOTHS I SOFT LONG WEARING SHIRTINGS! ROOMY FULL CUT BACKS AND SLEEVES EASTER SHIRTS The slilrU combine tha finest feature of those shirt costing many time this price. Nil-Craft collar, seven ocean pearl button that will not crack In laundering. Hundred of patterns. IN AM, AMERICA, THERE IB NO SHIRT VALUE TO MATCH. BROADCLOTHS, MADRAS, CIlAMRRAVg DORBV WEAVES, NOVELTY WEAVES WHITK9 PLAIN COLORS AND FANCIES Pr. It' hnnl lo belii-ve that siii-Ii beautiful sIiim- ran be priced so low! l-'ushlonablv Kabardlne trlinineil with rubric atiipplng anil patent leather. Covered continen tal licela. Gabardine Pumps FOR EASTER Pr. Hi tinning shoes to wear with dressy street clothes anil afternoon frocks. Gab ardine with patent leather trimming anil fabric strip ping. Covered continental heels. Gabardine OxSords FOR EASTER $198 Pr. 8t tinning nhocn to near with ilroNMy strwt rlnlhcs aiifl afternoon frock. iial iirdfnc wllh patent leather trim. The fabric stripping In very new. $298 RtiKt brown miefle kltl rlererly com bine I with white raiT. rMjunrtil a t heel and toe Correctly Built For Children! HIGH TOPS rm Neat and trim for dress! Dur able lor everyday wear! The smooth white ellc cleans beau tifully, and so easily too. Flex ible leather soles. 5Vfe to 8. Sandals! Sandals! Sandals! (In-islc T stiap styles that are always favorites. They're tiwhloniible and In attractive $1.98 YOU'LL ENJOY REAL FOOT COMFORTI Cynthia Arch Oxfords l.onR famous for quality, near and perfect fit! Here's n beautiful new design you will welcome for your Spring wardrobe. Fine, soft kid with patent leather trimming. f. Penney J.y ' Shoe lept. S'-'ll Men' Wing Tip Oxfords A new version of a popular style In ilresn (ihoesl 8nro to Ims Rrent fnvorltra he , rnnso of their Binnrtly porf nnited toes nnd graceful lineal With extra high lent iter heels, durable leather soles pins McKay w ell const nu t Ion for long, comfort ahlo wearl $2.98 Pair Plain Toe Southern Tie Combine stylo nnd com fort. Calfskin lipiH-rs with built-in rubber cushion pads to support tho heels, Arches mid metntm-snl bones of tho feet. Hubber heels, lenther soles. Welt con structed ! $4.98 Pair Newt About .Easter Hats All that's news and new In Kaster tints! Gibson tilrl sailors, sweet watteaus, bretons, tailored toppers . . young, new hots for every costume! Flowered, veiled, berlbbonedi Straws, felts. All sixes. Cj)S FOR PEOPLE WITH GOOD TASTE BUT LIMITED BUDGETS Easter Frocks These (tunning frock are the talk of the season. Chic Bolero, cape dresses, Jacket dresses and youthful one-piece and afternoon frocks. Sizes for misse 13 to 90. Sizes for women 88 to 44. Half size 18 H to 44 H. SO SMARTI SO NEWI Dresses Dresses of outstanding simplicity, beauty of cut, which are the essence of smart ness. Irresistible prints, dark solid shades dashed with white or pale pink. Glorious mut ed tones. (b90 W Lastex ... AH in One) Combination $198 Short or call, plump or slim, you're sure to ' find them light lastex foundations perfect for a proper W, Easter ensemble. Lduitcx mean nras- 1. 1. C7UMU1, sizes. medium and .large EXPERIENCED CORSETIERES .. ;,. TO FIT YOC . Ladies' Boucle Knit Sweaters 98c Just the smartest sweaters we've seen for some time. Soft, silk like finish In the new high shades. Your new Easter hat for a song I Young bretons, chin strap charmers, sailors, brimmed flatterers, o f f facers . . hat headUners for every costume! Straws, felts. Flowered, veiled. See these hata today I 1 Mannish Tailored SUITS These are more colorful. Choose a plaid Jacket with a plain color skirt. Mix tores of wool and rayon. Stnnnlng color combina tions. Sizes 18 to BO. Ladies' Overall Style Slacks Navy and tho new dusty tones. Smart In style, com fortable In fit. 90c Easter Blouses 98c New rayon crepes and spun rayons in high shades. Tailored or fussy styles. Easter Coats , Here Is your "right now" coat, your Spring coat, your Easter coat, your t go-everywhere go with everything ' coat for months to come. Fashioned high shades In suedos and fleeces, Boucles in navy and black. HIGHLY STYLED BUDGET PRICED FASHIONED RIGHT PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR TT ft sTOWi-Tir i"-' - - II j