PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON April 9, 1938 Society Interesting Paper Read : "Historic Shrines" Is , ; Heard by Members Of Aloha Chapter r Mra. Lloyd Goble, program chairman for the evening, wi ' unable to be present at the meeting of Eulalona ebapter Daughters of the American Revolution at the home ot Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, Mon day evening. Mrs. Goble had prepared an Interesting paper on the topic "Some Hlstorlo Shrines Which Have Been Re- ' stored," and this vraa read by Mrs. Claude Davis. Mount Vernon Is the most Important shrine In America, according to Mrs. Gobies list. The estate of Mount Vernon has been called the most "In teresting memorial home of a. .'. great man anywhere to be seen." Washington loved the house and plantation and was never quite happy away from them. Mount Vernon, needing re pairs badly, was bought In 1S58 from a grand-nephew of Wash ington's, by the Ladles' Mount Vernon association, which holda it In trust for the people. One woman from each state, recom mended by the governor ot the state, is appointed to serve tor life as vice-regent of this asso ciation. Women from the states ' which comprised the orglnal ; thirteen colonies furnished the home with colonial pieces used during Washington's time. These were some of the out standing points brought out In Mrs. Coble's paper.- Mrs. E. D. Lamb, regent, and Mrs. Robert Odell, vice regent, reported on the state conference ot Oregon Daugh ters held In Portland during March. Mrs. Thomas Hampton. Mra. Robert Sloan and Mrs. Wilbur Jones were appointed to serve ' on the nominating committee for the annual election ot of ficers in May. Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg, or ganising regent of the chapter, presided during the refresh ment hour at the attractively appointed table which was centered with gay daffodils flanked by yellow candles. Betty Rea Martin assisted her mother in the arrange ments. Mrs. Wilbur Jones wag co-hostess. i Bridge) Party Is Sponsored Here The ladles' auxiliary to the T. O. E. sponsored the second ot a series ot fonr card parties In FOE hall Friday evening, April the eighth.' -..-. Six tables were in play and prizes were awarded to Mildred Wilkinson, high; second high, Frances Herbert; men's high, Mr. Matheson, second high, Charles Vermillion: ladies' trav eling, Louise La Salle; men's traveling, Charles Vermillion; door prize, Mrs. Bjorkland. The next party of this series will be given- Friday evening, April 22. The proceeds will be used for charity. . i - Pot Luck Luncheon - . Given By Eagles The Lady Eagles club held it regular pot-luck luncheon at the home of Dora Oscarson, 2301 Eberlein street! Thursday, April the seventh. After the luncheon and busi ness meeting the afternoon was spent playing cards. Tbe door prize was awarded to Bertha Hogue. The regular lodge meeting waa held In the Eagles hall Friday afternoon and plans were made tor a pot-luck supper and initia tion next Friday, April 15. All members are urged to have their candidates at this meeting. Prosperity Lodge Elects Delegate At the regular meeting ot Prosperity Rebekah lodge on Thursday evening at tbe Ma sonic hall, Mrs. Charlotte Mar tin was elected tbe delegate to attend the grand lodge meeting at- Pendleton in May. Several others are also planning to at tend from here. A feature of the Thursday night meeting was a white ele phant sale conducted by the Past Noble Grand club after which a banquet was served. A card party, sponsored, by the Home Economics club of the Altamont grange, was to be held at Summers school on the airport road Saturday night beginning at 8 o'clock. Pinochle was to be played. All grange members were asked to bring tables, and the public was cordially Invited. , "LET GEORGE DO IT" SWISS WATCH REPAIR SPECIALIST I A COMPLETE LINE I ... OF JEWELRY GEO METZ 837 Main Watchmaker and Jeweler w HONORED - Mr. Fred Nitschelm, Klamath pioneer, who was the honor guest this week at a supper and birthday party given at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Keith K. Ambrose in honor of his eightieth birthday. . Kennell-EUls picture. Bh Parties Are Given During Week . BLY A number ot small boys and girls ot Bly will be guests of Barbara Hand ot Klamath Falls at the .home ot her aunt, Mrs. Ted Marble. Sunday afternoon, April the tenth. The party is In honor ot Barbara's sixth birthday and her guests will include Betty Ibrstrom, Florence Ibrstrom and Dick Hand. Mrs. A. Schall horn will drive to Klamath Falls to take tbe children and bring them home. , BLY Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hirengen entertained with fonr tables of pinochle at their home Tuesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Lester Geijsbeck and Dave Campbell. Refreshments were served to the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Obenchaln, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Geijsbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stump, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morris, Mrs. August Tikkannen, Mra. Lester Tib bits. Mr. and Mrs.. E. E. Kil patrlck and the host and hos tess, Mr. nd Mrs. Oscar Hiren gen. Miss Petty Bride Of Frank Montanya A marriage of Interest In Klamath Falls was an event ot March the eighteenth when Miss Ruth K. Petty ot San Francisco and Mr. Frank B. Montanye of Klamath Falls were - married In the study of of the First Presbyterian church. Rev. A. Theodore Smith read the ceremony In the presence ot Mrs. John H. Poppy and Miss Alice R. Rawllngs. Mr. and Mrs. Mon tanye are making their home In Klamath Falls. Klamath Falls Girl Is Bride March 18th A March wedding, an event of the eighteenth, took place in ' the First Presbyterian church when Miss Olea Yo eum became the bride of Mr. Harold B. Houck ot Klamath Falls In the presence of a group of friends and relatives. Rev. A. ' - Theodore Smith read the ring ceremony. Guests at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. George H. Houck, Miss Eleanor Bruner, Miss Car men Sargent and Mr. William . H. Hadwlch. Mr. and Mrs. Houck are at home to friends In the Walnut apartments. Woodcraft Officers Meet on Wednesday Neighbors of Woodcraft met Wednesday evening, April tbe fourth, at the K. C. hall. The In coming officers filled the chairs. A general practice for installa tion followed the business meet ing. Installation will be held April twentieth at eight o'clock In tbe K. C. hall. All members and friends are Invited to attend. Tbe committee for Wednesday evening were: Mrs. Bertha Hew itt, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mildred Smith, Mrs. Effle Red key, Mrs. Ellen Ely and Mrs. Stella Dryden. . Members of the Past Presl- " dents' club of the Royal Neigh bors of America will meet at the home of Mrs. Amanda Farrls, First street In Pleas ant View tracts, Friday night, April 15, at 8 o'clock, it waa announced Saturday. Club Has Anniversary Jolly - Neighbors Ob serve 14 Years of Organization Altamont Jolly Neighbors club observed the fourteenth anniversary ot the club on Wed nesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. T. R. Skllltngton ot 221 North Tenth street. , A short business meeting waa held with the president, Juanlta Trippett, presiding. The afternoon was spent In playing games and visiting. Three guests also enjoyed the ' hospitality ot the club Verta Holmes, Mabel Fowler and Eva Friend. Members present were Mathilda Crapo. Alma Baker. Florence Winters. Juanlta Trip pett, Elsie Hamilton, Elsie Case, Ila Pyles, Anna Dunn. Jeatia Kaylor, Katie Hall, Gertrude .-.Weise. Marthta Lundell. Katie Byers, Alice Warner. Elsie Long mire, Barbara Cameron and daughter, Veta Hooten, Mabel Franklin, Margie Gregg, Effle ePaul, Selma Peterson, Millie Sacket, and the committee as hostess with Dorothy Abner as . chairman and Daisy Douglas, . Christina Clark, Carmen and Pearl Blanton assisting. A large cake decorated with candles to represent the num ber of years the club had been in existence was the centerpiece and later was cut and served to the guests, ; The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Weise on Altamont drive with a plant, aeed, or bulb exchange. Those assisting Mrs. Weise are Anna Dunn, Mabel Franklin, Margie Gregg and Elsie Hamilton. All - members and friends are wel come on Wednesday, May fourth, at two o'clock. - The club has always met at one of the members' homes throughout all these years and many good times have been had, A picnic Is an annual event In the summer for all members and their families. Stingerettes Will Hav. Lunch The Stingeretta club will meet Thursday afternoon, April fourteenth, at the K. C. hall. A pot-luck luncheon will be served at one o'clock. Following tbe luncheon tbe ladies auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Ewauna lodge. No. 802, will hold their regular busi ness meeting. A public pinochle card party will be held starting at eight o'clock. Prizes will be given and refreshments served. The committee Includes Mrs. Beatrice Wilkes. Mrs. Esther Swift and Mrs. Anna Belton. The local RrnthnrhnnH nf Railroad Trainmen, Klamath lodge No. 657, will meet Thurs day, April fourteenth, at ten o'clock. , Hard Time Party" Event of Week The home of Mrs. Marian Holi day was the scene of a hard times bridge party Saturday " evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Scbiesel, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith, Mrs. Leona Manning, Mrs. Lulu Schultz, Mr. Lynn Hayes and the hostess. High scores were given Mrs. Smith and Mr. Schlesel. low scores to Mrs. Schlesel and Mr. Hayes. Supper was served at midnight. ALTAMONT The home eco nomics club met at the home of Mrs. Edgar Stanlake on Third street on Friday for their April meeting. A potluck luncheon was . served at twelve-thirty o'clock with fifteen members and friends present, . Three members were remem bered on their birthdays, Lela La Salle, Gertrude Blind, ' and Grace Goodrich. Each received a set of dish towels and several other useful gifts. Members who will be re membered next month are Alma Baker and Ruth Boorman. Everyone came dressed for an "April Fool" kid party and the whole day waa spent In foolish fun. Guests of the day at the party were Inez Hassett and Marie Stanlake. Members at- ' tending were Mesdames Lloyd Basey, - Byrd Tompkins, H. B. Lewis, Erhardt Blind, Arthur Goodrich, Ralph Crapo, Ralph La Salle, Leon Crapo, Myron Taylor, H. P. Blanton, R. Boor man, Marian Lewis and the hostess, Mrs. Edgar Stanlake. The club was to give a card party Saturday, April ninth at the Summers school gymnasium on the airport road. Pinochle was to be played. The May meeting of tbe club will be held at the home of Mrs. Myron Taylor with a pot luck luncheon at noon. ' Helen's Beauty Shop E?. opens at nv inFi i a'q For the convenience of folks in outlying districts , A COMPLETE AND PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY SERVICE "Jump in your car and come as you are" At Idella's Phone 115 4 ''VV - 3 Contract Club Meets on Thursday The Thursday Contract club met April, seventh at the home of Mrs. Willa Wabbles on the Merrill highway. A bridge lunch eon was served by the hostess to Mesdames 'Virginia Caseman, - Bertha Hewitt, Idoline Schupp, Clara MePherren, Pearl York land, Stella Dryden and Mrs. Lewis. Bridge scores were awarded, high to Mrs. Dryden, second high, Mrs. Lewis, and the traveling prize to Mrs. MePher ren. The club will meet April twenty-first with Mrs. Pearl Yorkland at her home on North Eleventh. Auxiliary Has Benefit Affair The Veterans of Foreign Wara auxiliary entertained with a public pinochle party In the Library club auditorium on Thursday evening, April the seventh. High schore In pinochle went to Mrs. Nettle Galarneau and Mr. Vern Schortgen. Low scores were awarded Mrs. Martin and Mr. George Lee. Mrs. Vern Schortgen received the door prize. i Supper - was served after cards. No-Hostess Patty Enjoyed This Week A no-hostess supper was en Joyed at Lucca's one evening this week with the group later playing bridge at the home of Mrs. ,Pat Klelty on Washing ton street. Those who made up the party Included Mrs. . David Shirk, Mrs. Herbert Hemingsen, Mrs. A. K. Bryant, Mrs. ' John Holzgang, Mrs. Maurice Kerr, Mrs. Pat Klelty, Mrs. Edward Hickman and Miss Louise Keliey. ' The Young People's associa tion of the Congregational church at Martin street and Garden avenue has changed Its Sunday evening meeting from 7:30 o'clock to 6:30 o'clock. All young people In terested In meeting with the group are cordially Invited. BVSwB S W On the Lakeview Highway Saturday, April 9 1 S w i V.'t " I- . KLAMATH PIONEER Mrs. Carl Schubert, Sr., beloved Wamoth county pioneer, was the guest of honor at a party given this .week by her sons and daughters in honor of her birthday anniversary. Kennell-EUls picture. The Wee Eight Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Lillian Relllng In Poe valley Thursday afternoon, April 7. High score went to Mrs. Ruth Schaeffer and low to Mrs. Doris Coplnger, Mrs. Sophia Nelson was honored on her birthday. The next nuoi lng will be held at the home of Mrs. Coplnger in Altamont. Members present were Mes dames Dorothy Johnson, Flor ence Lee, Florence Jones, Doris Coplnger, Gertlo Wln n 1 n g h a m , Ruth Schnofrer, Sophia Nelson and the hostess, Lillian Relllng. Friends ot Miss Kay Malloy, who suffered a broken back In an automobile accident a month ago, will be Interested to know she Is resting easily at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Henry Funk, on Shasta Way, and Is able to recolve visitors. Miss Malloy will not be out of her cast until June 1, accord ing to relatives. She recently left Hillside hospital. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Dixon and daughter, Lois, havo re turned to their home at 23o0 Eberlein avenue from 'Pasa dena, calif., where .they visit ed with Mrs. Dixon's father, W. W. Reed. They also visit ed other relatives in Los An geles. Mrs. A. H. Dixon ot Lakevlew stayed with Mona Dixon during her parents' ab sence. Would You Resurrect at Eatter Time the Loves and Friend ships of Your Life7 Place Your Order Early To Assure Choice Selections Cut Flower Easter Specials Gardenias, each 25c Kaster Lilies, per doz. blooms $185 Calla Lilies, doz. $2.00 Lilies In Pots 75e to $3.00 Wedding Ilouqtict and Corsages Basket of Cut Flowers Memorial Designs iau U wtii.'plowtri 21 RAIN ST. PHONI XWi .1 . 1( - . sU x f PH - The Robuknh card party, which Is planned for Thursday night, April u, at 8 o'clock In I.O.O.F. hnll. la given for the public, and nil mnmbprs of the lodgo and their friends are In vited, i Community Congregational Church "The Cross Inevitable" Is the sermon themo of Itev. K. V. Haynes, pastor, as ho speaks at the 11 o'clock morning worship service tomorrow. Church school for all ages meets at 9:45 n. m. under the di rection 0f Frank Kllllan, super intendent. Those living In the Mills addition aro most cordlairy Invited to attend this church and Sunday school If they do not now belong In any other group. This Is a church with a friendly and wholesomo atmosphere. The Pilgrim Fellowship group for young people of high school ago or above aro meeting each Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. Tomorrow evening Miss I.ols Dixon Is to lie In rhargo of tho meeting and discussion. On Thursday evening of Pos sion week a communion service will be held In tho church begin ning nt 8 o'clock. The public Is Invited to attend. S w ... El, r. T I zT .J., sm V News of Klamath Churches Altamont Community Presbyterian Church Services of Altamont Cmmmi nlty church held In the Junior high school, (1. W. Wheatley, min ister, phono 783-W-4. Illlilu schuol, 0:40 a. in., A. 0. Olson, aiipnrliitiitidoiil. (Musses fur nil uuus. Including adult clusses for men and women. Junior church, II a. in., under Ihu lead ership of Mrs. Wheatley. Morn ing service nt 1 1 a, m. with the minister n chuine, Tho messagn this morning will bo llni fourth of n series of five expository ser mons ou John, 1 7i ii chapter, the subject: "How Christ's Prayer Was Answered: Another Defini tion of Glory Service." Tills will be a missionary message of Interest to nil. The newly (denied officers n( the Women's Mission ary society of the Altiimunt church will be Installed during this service. Mrs. Krnnk Itafsuu will bring a message In snug, Church of Psychic Research Church of Psychic Research, Rev. Louis Milliard, pastor. The text for tho I'nlm Hiindny lecture, Sunday oveiilng, 7:46 p. in., will lie "House ot Many Man sions" to be dellvorod by Ituv. Kdna Sherer. Following the loc turo, Itev. Louis Ilnllnrd, assisted, by Henry Lnllarge, will reach everyone with a uiuasnKo. Hull- day school, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Classes and teachers for children ot all ages from kinder garten to adult. Wednesday afternoon tho Acorn chili meets. Wodnosday evening, message circle. Itev. Dullard reads by psychoinotry with Itov. Hherer and Henry Lnllargn assisting. Friday evening, message cir cle Ilev. Ilnllnrd answers written questions. Zion Lutheran Church Zlon Lutheran church. 1035 High street. O. V. Hoffman, pastor. During the service Sunday morning (Polm Sunday) a group of adults will he received as com municant members ot church ' v the rite ot confirmation. The tor will speak on the topic, "t .. low the Lamb of Ood." The serv ice will begin at 11 o'clock. Sundny school meets at t.ii a. m. There will be no meeting of the niftlo class next Wednesday. The service on Good Friday will be held in the evening at 8 nnri nnv.l til the special Kaysor liosn for active women. Jtmt try them once let them give you comfort, freedom j Mf and much longer wear. "BE WISKn BUY KAYSKR" Vodayl SILHOUETTE FOR tyou FOUNDATION with detachable bras American ladf Thli season, more than ever, fashion accents Instead of conceals, the lovely rounded curvet of a woman's figure. The detachable bra of Artist Model gently raises and molds your bosom. It'i cleverly attached to tho firm, figure-forming girdle. Bra and girdle are fitted separately. For evening wear, the new flatter lng brassiere decollotage calls for the low backed bra . . . it takes no time to attach. There are bras for every occasion, COMBINATIONS 4 BRASSIERES o'clock. "The 1'rnelnin lllood of Oil let" will he the sen i l"ilii. A KiHTcil I'liuei'i'l, originally plaiini'il for Palm H In v. will he given Kaster Holiday owning, Church of , Tho Naiarono Church of the Naiarene, corner (Inrdeii avenue and M n it In street, Itev. II, l Itllnsell, pustor, 2KH Orchard avenue, Sunday silinol, ll;ir,; Illuming wiitshlp, 1 1, At I'lilil the dedi cation nl llin new cliunll will lie held. Iter. 10. K. .Minilii of Port land, Ore., will lie the npenker. Morgan Chaffee trio will bring special nuiiiliera In snug. Local ore lies I ra will furnish special In strumental music, Voiiiik people's service tt:.HI. ICviingellstla serv ices 7:30. Itev. Miuiin win ne tho speaker at nil ihrco services. Apostolic Faith New location nt 22s N. Klglilh street, now under rnnstrurllon. Temporary location In tabernacle at corner Ituclatiiailon mid Mitch ell streets, Sunday services: 10: 30 morn lug service, and an eviuigellsllfl servlcv at 7. Ill p. in, No collec tions. Kverylindy welcome, A special concert nf sacred iiiiikIc and song oucus I ho Sunday even I lie service. You will enjoy It, Easter's Coming Phone 408 W Have tho "Know-How" Klamath Cleaning and Dye Worhs 431 Main UNLESS lie hag found out about Fit-AII.Tonn $5.00 to $16.50 $2.00 to $3.50