April 9, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Wife Mllim Tim K In mo l li Kill ID ll)Ill'll )l"tltl'l IIKIIIL WltH Clklll'll t 6 o'clock Hut ii '! y inoniliiK by I,. J, lltirrlniin of t'ort lutnl nuking fur n I1 In linn ( I n k hln wife, who lin IIioiikIiI wnri mi roil to lo Itmui punning tlirniiuli Kin mill h Full, llnrrlimii ilt'HcrllxMl ti In wlfu iih Hli ymirn "lil, r leoi, 0 IihIk'h hill, ilnrk Imlr mul y'n, n long whim enroll III" lull i hwk. Mm. llnrrl nn wnn wi'iulng a ilnrk brown rliilli runt nl lln limn of !ir dls iiiitiinturtt. Kliintiilli Fulls i' llro link h lluil iiiiyiinii nmdiiK Mm. Harrison notify the ilnpurtmwiit. Mrs. Ilnrrlnon win driving n 11137 blnck (Irahiuii sodiin. K. of V, t'oiiuiiimloii Biimtay. April HI, hlnK I'nliM Hmidiiy, In llOHltlllllX'll IIH III" II "Mil II I '01111111111- lun Hiiuilny Tur Iho aiilnhln ot Co IiiiiiIiiiii. Accordingly Mmiiit Mo UniKhll" roiimil N. fM will ro colvo holy ro iti in il ii ! ii nl Hi" S o'clock niiuw lit Mm Hiirrml limit churr.h. All KnlKhln of Columbus urn 'xx t ! to ntti'hil llm liwinii null receive holy roiiiiiiitnloti In n lioily. Thl III nliio Im Ih" regular cuiniiuiiil.nl Hiinilny (or (he lluly Nainn nnclety nnil Ilia Culuuililmi 8'ililrm. Ili'liini I'miii Trip -Mr. Mid Mrs. Clin rlc M. Reynolds mid III Ho daughter Clinrleno,' hnvo ro I il moil lo I lull r ImiiKi nt H16 Knnt Main street from southern Cell torn In. where lh"y vlidloil for sev eral dnyn Klili filiuiU nnil rela tives. Th"y worn ni'eouipnnlwd horns from Bun Dli'KO hy llmlr son mill dnughtcr-ln-lnw. Mr. and Mr. Don luynoldn. who will mnko thalr homo Imro. From (ilrmlnlo Mm. K.nrl lieu vl, ho accompanied Mrs. UeorKo OllllKllouan lo lilonilulo, lire., nj ninliulnnro, returned lo Klnnmlh Knlln Krlilny. Hho ri'porli.cl Mrn. olIiiKliouno In oxciillinil nulrlt lull Hint tier ronillilon riuunlii uu- dimmed. Tho 'oiiiik woman si" fir"d n novori'il nplnnl cord In a recent niilomolill" nrrldent nnil In completely paralysed. Pram Knlcin J. C. Joy of Rntniii. member of llm nlnto in dustrliil accident rommlnnlon unit nlno a member of 111" uiixmploy monl compeiiiintloii commlnnloii, wnn a lmur In Klnmalli Kalln thin week transacting bunlncss wlih Jack Alntolor, hnrt of Iho Oregon nlnto employment serv ice. IlKAIlty Hlllip (MMI llcill'll llounton opened a now bonuly nhop nt Idolln'n nloro on Houlli Klxlh lr"t Kiiturdiiy, rationally, nhn wild, tor lha convenience of womeu 1 1 v I ii K In otitlyluK dis tricts. Mrn. Ilounlou hit opcr- nlnd n bonuly nhop In Klniimtli Knlln for Iho Iniil nlno yonrn, film will continue to opornlo the nhop on North Eighth nlrcol woll. Ptiri'lmiu, IImiiiA Mr nnil Mm Audoninr l.ennern hnvo purchnsod tho property nt 315 Ainniona rro .Mr. and Mm. Nolnn T. Arnntl. who will ronlluun tholr residence thoro for noma tlmo. Tho nnlo wnn mniln through llm ngenry of Chllcolo and Hmli h. and tho Iran- nnciion i nogotintci ny rrnnx Ira Whllo. Honn of Norway Tlin Sonn of Norway will meet Hiinilny nl 2:. 10 p. m. In tho K. C. hall. IBends Victim Loses Race for Life ; l "Ki--v-swyQP A light for life In which nn nlrplnnc, tondcr's dccomprenMon clinmbor woro used, was lost oy jnko uranter, vci ernn diver. Stricken with "bondn" whllo diving off Snn Lull Obispo, Calif., he was flown at n low nltltudn tn Oakland Airport, rushed by pollco-cscort-ed nmbulnnco to Mars Island Navy Yard nnd plnccd In tho decompression chamber of b attbmnrlno tender. Ho died nevoral hours Inter. Abovo, Mnro Inland sailors are shown cnrrylng Grantor to tlio sub tendor. Below, view through tho decompression chamber window shows Lieut, Comdr. Theodore E. Cox, physician, attending tho stricken diver. Ari'lili'iil HiMMirli'il Clinton U. Kdwiirdn, Ituiilii 1, Ilox Vtll, ni nor I ml a minor crni-h at Hnrlnn mid link nlrooln nl 11:05 o'clock April 0 iiunordlnK t tho pollco dopiii'liiiiint. DiimnKO wan nlluhl II wnn nlulod In I no rnpori. VIxlliiiK lloro Mrn. Hybll Tlh luilo In vlHltluii with h'T piirnnln, Mr. and Mrn. K. C. Iliunhor nl lliolr homo on WimhliiKton alrufl. Hho him npi'iil llm hint two yonrn iniviilliiK HiroiiKh llio riiMiiTti 1.1 ii I i'ii nnd vlnllluii III I aim Hl'ilniln, Calif. HI ii. Ion t Homo Mn. Thoinni (I. Johnnon rolurnod from noulh nrn Cnllfornlii wlmro alio vlnlled lirr nou Itolii.rl, who In atlitudlnx I'oinonii riilli'iio at Cliiri'inoiil. ltoli.nl In n illnx hln nprlnx vn- rnllou with hln pnronln ut 1870 l.o Itoy nlrool. ' i.'..m iii Kimili Mr. nnd Mrn. J. II. Miirkn hnvo rolurnod to thvlr I hi at Mill Kant .Main mri'ui from Hun Kmnclnco, whom Mnrka .......i v..,i .,,..,ll,r.l raro nl Iho Hoiilht'rn I'aclflo bonpltnl for Iwo work. On'.Motor Trli (illinnro (lun ilflrnoii nnd Churk .Molow loft Knturdny mornlnx on motor trip which will lako them thruiiKh Novndn, llouldor dnm. Arlioun. Moxlco and l-on An isi.l.'n. Thi-y will roturii by tbo way of Han Kranclnco. Acrldrnt In l'ark K. Joffrlon ml Jom.oli Holilinon woro ariv orn of cum which crnnhod on a turn In Crator lako park a mile from llio rim, according lo an ncrldi.nl rrporl tiled Hnlurdny. In Poller four! Throe "n" and four druukn appvared at 10 o'clock Hnlurdny mornlnx In po lice court before I'ollco JiulK" Olio l.iiiiKl"l n tho ri-null o the Krlilny nlkht roundup. Dr. runner III Dr. (ioorxe Cnnlior. who hnn nuffnrod an at' luck of Influnnta at hln home, 1611 Cronn ntreol, In reported an xrently Improved thin wookond Car Htolen Andy Murphy of Iho Mnrn hotel reported lo the city police the limit of n 1930 Kord rondnler which ho hnd pnrkod on Main ntreet April I. Kenumi-n 1'onltlon lliirborl Molnan, llniokooper with the bu reau of reclamation, renumed hln dtlllea In the federal hulldlnx Bnt- ur.lur mornliiK fnllowlnx nn 111 nenn which confined hi in to bin homo. Theft Unpolled (1. I. Slohblnn, contractor, reported tho theft of n track lack, vnlued at 125, from hln place of huntnenn April 8, ac cording to pollco roconln. Improvliix William Thompnon, 17-yoar-old Indian war voteran, who wnn Injured when nlruck by a car drlvon hy (luy Munniin ot Keno, In reported Improvlnx at lllllnlilo hnnpllnl, whore ho la n pnllent. llelunin Home Louln Wllllnmn returned lo hln homo at 421 Aln mrila ntreet Knturdny nflnrnoon from lllllnldo hnnpllnl whero he recently nnbmltird to a major operation. nmbulnnco nnd nnvnl aubmnrlns SUGAR BETS y If tho luilr beet Induntry reaches (he proportions that Hpreckoln Htixar company men mum ii win m the Kiamuth basin, It will bocomo ono of the mnjor nxrlcultural crops ot this area. Thin wnn th opinion voiced by II. T. Carlson, field super visor, located horn. C. K. Crane of Hncrumiinto, (loorxo 11. Illechur or wooiiiiind and A. U Knudnon of Hiicrnmi'iilo, offloluls o f Hpreckoln com puny. Tho four met In tho offices of Jnck Almetor, mnnaxnr of the Oroxon ntnle employment norvlco, with John Cooler of Halem, farm relnremenl munnxer of tho U. H. oinployment ncrvlco for the nlnto of ori'Kon. nnd dlscunnlon of Inlior probleum woro Ironed out. No M"lrnn Inbor will be used In tho Klninnlh bnsln fleldn. Il wan promised by llio vlslllnx nuxnr compuny officials, and nl least 100 men will be neadeel with Iho oponlnx of the nuxnr beet hnrvent nennon which will ntnrt between Mny 20 nnd June 1 thin year, Almeier mated, it In undemtood that Mexican labor In ununlly 1 in p o r t o d for this work which Includes thinning, chopping, topping nnd other ntepn In preparing the bcots for the refinery. The visiting officials compared tho Klamath bnsln nuxnr beet project with tho Nynna projoct In Mnlhour county. Four years nxo an experimental project wan endorned nenr Nynsa with 100 acron placed In nuxnr beetn. The next year 1S00 acres wore under cultivation, and the third year 7000 ncren were plnnted In heels. This year thoro are 17,- 000 acres undor cultivation. Almelor announced Bnturdny thnt any man who has hnd ex. perlenco similar to working In nugnr beel fields Is nsked to reg ister at the Oregon nlato em ployment norvlco otfleo. 1126 Main ntreet, as noon nn ponslblo In this ' wny locnl Inbor Is ns- stired, Almeter pointed out. It In understood thnt there nro vlrtunlly 1600 acres of sugar beets now being grown In Klam ath basin area, Including tho Tulelako district, on from 5 to 4 5-ocre tracts. According to At meter, the sugar men nro plan nlng to build loading blnn nnd olher smnller pieces of equip ment this yenr In preparation for further construction. TenY ears Ago In Klamath nrimEB Klamnth Fnlln taxi serv Ices are In Imminent danger of losing their licenses to operate In the city. A city ordinance provides that conviction of snln or transpor tation of liquor by any member of tho firm will void that firm's right lo operate, and such charges were brought against throo services In a letter to the city council. Organization ot tho Woodlawn Comctory association, -which will construct n burlnl ground south ot tho city nnd overlooking Klnmnth river, waa announced today by 11. K. Wright, locnl realtor. . An event of Importance, aside from tho unusunl Interest It will hold, In scheduled for Mnlln tn July of thin year when tho annual Pa cific Const Sokol athletic meet will bo staged In that growing southern Klamnth city. BOTTLING COMPANY BRINGS NEW RADIO PROGRAM HERE Slngin' Sam Is coming to town In a new dny-limo radio program called "Ilcfreshment Time with Slngin' Sam" undor tho sponsor ship of tho Coca-Cola Mottling company. Tho program will go on tho air over station KFJI Monday, April 11, nt 11:46 p. m. and will continue at tho sumo time daily, Mondays through Fridays. A. M. Colllor, president of Tho Coca-Cola Bottling company of Klamath Falls, In announcing this new addition Wo the radio musical nionu, made this statement con cerning Slngin' snin: "Kvoryhody who In familiar with Slngin' Sam and the typo of program bo pre sents will wolcomo tho news that we hnvo selected hint as the fea ture ot our now program." COUNK.V OFPKItF.l) rORTI.ANIl Anrll O in. ...l 9 rtl J An unnamed convict awaiting execution at San Quentln ponl tnntlnry offered the cornea ot his oyo today to save tho sight of a Portland minister. Tho Uov. u. K. 1 1 II I'll I n - . .. . . . . ' vuiuiuiiiuii wnn pos sible blindness, said tho offer hnd ..,..,0,,llm, iq nlm through tho prison's religious director. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purs Klamath Funeral Home 028 High St. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward, Managers. BECOI big in J V't'A . f. I C Nv ' V Iff Donald John W. Johnson The first Presbyterian church held Its annual congregationnl meeting Thursday evening In the dining rooms of the church. The meeting opened with a dinner, prepared undor the auspices of tho women's auxllinry, of which Mrs. N D. Drew Is president. Tho pas tor of the church, the Rev. Theo dore Smith, moderated, and Bert C. Thomas, clerk ot session, served also as clerk ot the congregation. Reports for every organization showed remarknblo growth and achievement. Tho women's mis sionary society. In particular, showed an Increase of 13 members, and this organization, which has had a splendid record for the Inst 30 yonrn ot pnylng its missionary apportionment In full, overpaid Its Quota thin pnnt year and accepted an increase from the Tresbyterlnl for tho ensuing year. ' This Is all tho mora remarkable, when It Is known that In nil ot the fields north in the stato of Oregon thoro were no Increases and some asked for decreases tn apportion ment. Tho society raised f 359 this year for mission purposes. Tho women's auxiliary never was in bolter condition nnd re ported tho raising ot 31362, with a balance, on hand ot 388. Likowlso all ot the circles roported highly successful work for the year. . The Sunday school, ot which George V. Mclntyre Is superin tendent, in its average attendance surpassed last year by 35. Tho young pooplo's work reported tho best yenr yet. Their average at tendance was 37. The prayer moot lugs ot this organization havo been greatly stimulated through weekly Indies In tho Llfo ot Christ, taken by tho lenders, and presented each RECTAL DISEASES Mild electric treatments, replnclng o I d niothods. Non-confining, non-surgical nnd safer. RESULTS start with first treat mont. Write for KltKB booklet. DR. M. C. CASSEL Specialist Casscl Bros. Chiropractic Cllnlo 22S No. Ttb Phone 420 1 .Vi.'j li 7 flr lf-i if4 I 7 :i A sJ: Li: ' BiV yt?u 1 i. ' ft-.-. 1 l l M. rb, Kventh president of the University of Oregon Charles II. Chapman Sunday evening In the regular C. E. gathering. Tho treasurer of tho congrega tion, Bert C. Thomas, not ouly re ported all bills paid, but that the congregational assessment ot J 102 had been paid in advance for this year. The estimated budget, tor the past year, which exceeded the can vas by 31700, was in turn sur passed, and 3324 actually expend ed over nnd above the estimate. Tho total receipts for the year, amounting to nearly 38000. ex ceeded those of Inst year by 32005, tho highest In tho history of the congregation. Tho membership al so has been steadily growing and is the highest it has ever been. The congregation is recognized as one of the best In the state. Tho budget adopted for the new year shows a conservative increase over Inst year's, including in creased salaries and a 20 per cent increase over last year's mission ary quota. This is the eighth year ot the present pastorale, the longest in tho history of tho local First Pres byterian church. Judge Ueorge D. Grizzle and Ooorgo V. Mclntyre were reelected to the eldership for a term of three years, and Mylus P. Wlnningham was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death, during tho yenr, of E. L. Klllott. Arrange ments will shortly be made for his ordluntiou and installation. The term ot office as trustee ot Fred E. Fleet, JI. E. Shannon, N. U. Drew, Arthur Imlg nnd George A. Myers expired with this meeting. They wcro all unanimously reelect ed for tho next two years. The board of trustees is called to organ ise next Thursday at 7:30 p. ni. Tho congregation Is bavlng the church refiuished Inside and ex ports to have a carpet laid over the whole auditorium for Easter. A special committee on choir robes, headed by Mrs. Effle Rldeout, ex pects soon to present the choir with new gowns. Tho Lord's Supper Is to be cele Why Pay More When Yon Can Get the Best For Less? D. E. Pearce District Manager BilO So. Tth . Phone 14011 1 1 3 rranii bircng brated Sunday, and new members. received. BRUSH SALESMAN RELEASED; HEARING DATE NOT YET SET , Raphael V. Morgan, brush salesman, arrested Thursday night by city police on a charge ot vio lating the city peddlers ordinance, was released Friday afternoon on 325 bail which was posted shortly after his appearance at 10 a. m. Friday. Morgan was released on his own recognizance Thursday night until the time set tor ap pearance Friday morning. The Herald-News wishes to correct the inference that Morgan was held by police In Jail from Thursday night until Fridny afternoon. Date of hearing has not been set by Police Judge Otto Langslet, awaiting the return ot City Attor ney D. E. Van Vactor, who is out or town. Morgan stated he was able to provide bail when It was posted FEED LAWNS EARLY FOR BEST RESULTS 0 Feed your lawn just a soon as the frost is out of the ground. It's by far the best time. This gets the plant food right down to the roots and ready for use when the grass tarts to grow. It gives the grass a head start of the weeds. Vigoro furnishes all the food elements needed from the soil. ( Sanitary, odorless and easy to apply and economical. Feec everything you grow . . with W3SES) J. W. Kerns Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizers 724 South Sixth Klamath Falls, Oregon C, Valentine Borer ssw9iP,"ipsnsnM Amoia tfennen Mail jrrince i. Canipoca On March 1 Dr. Donald M. Erb became the seventh president ot the University ot Oregon, succeed ing Dr. C. Valentine Beyer, presi- dent since 1934. Other presidents were John W. Johnson, first ex ecutive, 1875 to 1893; Charles Chapman, 1893 to 1899; Frank Strong, 1899 to 1902; Prince Lu clen Campbell, 1902 until 1925, and Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall,' 1925 to 1932. ' but waited for his employers to provide the assurances needed. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract Title Insurance Escrow ELBERT 8. VEATCB 111 So. Fourth St, Phone 180 r I ,T jP i ij 4 r LAUNCH oucSlup'Wh US YOUR SAYINGS BY AGENCY Isssct "Your Ship of Saving" FIRST FEDERAL will make It seaworthy. No financial stonn can put you ott your course. With INSURED Safety up to $.1,0(10 . , . you can riilo out any storm. Savoty of your savings and GOOD re turns will give you tho money you want. First Federal has alwny paid 4 per annum dividends. No limit to your sav ings or lump-sum Investment 11.00 opens an account then, save any amount nt any time. Get lcfo on Your Money 4 (cnmst Di.td.Hi OF Members of Federal Saving SPUDMARKET BETTER; FSCC Due to tho Improved market - conditions and Increased prices of ' potatoes, announcement has been made by the federal surplus com modules corporation thnt Its of. rice at Kiamatn Kails will be dls- ' continued, When the market showad eon. slderable Improvement last Wed ', nesaay, growers who bad con tracted potatoes to the FSCC were -notified by that organisation that . they could cancel their contract! with the corporation and take ad- -vantage of the Increased com merclal market prices. As a re sult 45 cars that had been accept- -ed but were still unshipped were cancelled by the growers and sold to local dealers at higher prices. ' For the past four months the FSCC program has been In opera tion In the Klamath basin for the purpose of stabilising the potato . market. Similar programs bare been In effect - a large scale In Idaho and other potato-producing areas throughout the United ' States, and huge snrplusea have been removed from commercial channels by these programs.; The FSCC has not at any time . attempted to Interfere with com- ' merclal buyers, since this would ' be contrary to the policy ot the corporation. Potatoes purchased In the Klamath basin area have , been donated to various state re lief agancles who hare distributed them to persons on relief who : would not otherwise have had the money to buy potatoes. The otflce here was originally . established at the request of the ' Klamath Potato Growers associa tion, and members of this assocla- " tlon teel that this service has been of considerable benefit . throughout the fonr month It ha , been in operation In this district. M. P. Parker, in charge ot the program at Klamath Falls, ha been instrncted to report to tne San Francisco otflce Immediately for work In connection with the . purcnase or. surplus commoauie In other areas. Vital Statistics , BRYAN Born at Hillside hos pital, April 6. 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Morgan, route 1 box 800, Klamath Falls, a girl. Weight 5 pounds, 1 ounce. CARD OF THANKS . By these means I wish to thank Doctor L. L. Truax and nurse of the Klamath Valley hospital, for their kindness and care given : me, and those who visited m. And I also wish to thank those who sent me flowers, gifts and letter, during my recent stay in the hospital, . 'O'GEORGIE KREJCA. " . TRAVELING? Alaska? Orient? Europe? Hawaii? Rates, Sailings, Passport Into. Agent for all steamship line. PETE J. LESMEISTER Phone 1400 Phone 75 Wl Great Northern By. . , CLOSES OFFICE Ss&&tfoanavninHiin INSURED UP TO t 000. Or U.S. GOVT rK ? First Federal Savings and Loan Association KLAMATH FALLS nnd Loan Insurance Corporation