PAGE FOUR THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 8, 1938 I Sfljc Queuing $roxli iuuoui vm . RCKAIO fUBUtniNO COMPANY, PubUatoi -Uutulni Utiar ftMUM mrj artennoa ntcpt Simlar hi Tha nrrtM rubliihlng Cosipani at BarUnaili tad pirn Dim j, nuuuu I aia. unm Battens u Kcwd elm attar il tha powofflta af Klamath FalU, On., as Aucurt 10, lsoi laaJaT , V, auitaa. Mam a, ' rl Unsthl , Monti (k Int UAH. BATES PAYABU IN ADVA.NC1 El Hill la Counts ll t s 00 0m CMat? i. rs .1.15 t 00 Am Mm Tarn Monti Itli Month , M Vw DcUrertti by Carrier la Cttf .1 B . . .60 Mfnbrr ef Tht Ataxlaled Pma Pal Asndltrd Pt-JB ll aieluslTFl? tntltlad to lb, M ar ranueHtallaa af 111 nrvi a1vt.fM mmcd la H or not airamnar mmim in WW papar. am auv in, local araa puoiiar4 thmln. All rlKhti w rrputmntian or apwu dtipiUOfa bcnl Ifa alaa iMomd. MEMBKR AITOT BI RKAU Or CIRCtiUTION B'prmntaii Kltionollf by n-n-HoMdit Co., Inc. las PraitcUn, Nfw Tort. Detroit, Seattla. Otlcus. Portland, Lm Ancrl-i. St. Lmrii. Vao oavtar, fi. c CopIm al Tba Nm tad RrraM, tanibtr alih tomplit, Infonuiloo about tha KUautb roll, aurkti. Mar ba abulaai for aba aaklnt at an of thm amcva. Elect Rex Putnam NOT a great many of the ordinary run of people pay any attention to the way in which the office of the itate superintendent of public instruction is run. It is the men and women who are actively connected with e schools who are best informed on this subject. Hence it is sound advice to heed what the school people have to say about candidates for this important state office. We are reliably informed that people engaged in ad ministrative and instruction work in the schools of the state are overwhelmingly . for the nomination of Rex Putnam, the incumbent, at the May primary. Mr. Putnam is a democrat, and was appointed to the super intendence by Governor Martin when Charles Howard resigned in 1937. By the end of 1938, Mr. Putnam will have been in office a little over a year just long enough to become thoroughly acquainted with the office and to get his program going. "During his short time in office, Mr. Putnam has instigated an educational program that will put Oregon second to none," is the report of his work as described by the superintendent of an Oregon school , system. Inasmuch as Mr. Putnam has proved himself thusly in this short time, sound public policy would dic tate that he be re-nominated by the democrats and re elected by republicans and democrats to carry on the program he has started. The Family Doctor By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association, and ol Hjrgela, the Health Magazine A MONO the greatest annoyances "for moat human beings ara sucn simple conditions as painful feet, sweating feet and Itching wou mo extent or. ine annoy ance is really an indication as to how much we depend upon our feet for tha carrying on of our Bally lives, it must be remem bered that man did not always stand on two feet and that the as sumption of the erect posture is one of the causes of much de pendence on the test today. In about 70 per cent of feet, the big toe is the longest. There are, however, wide variations in feet as to the position of the Joints of the various toes. These facts are concerned with the way we walk. Callouses develop on our feet de pending on the prominence of the bones and of various points, a Many people are born with de- xormea leei. bome nave extra toeS. &UCh thlnco lanri a-, - families. Most of the deformities ao not require any treatment. Since thev Am nnt-anatlv arlalKIa In some instances, however, surgi cal operation relieves an abnormal appearance or condition that may bring about dlfftrnltv in vaii,(n. The most common disturbance n me xeet is nat-loet. Everybody knows what flat-feet are and what they look like, but scientifically the diagnosis depends on a study of X-ray pictures with a view to determining Just where the arch of the foot bas broken down. There are. arguments as to causes of flat-feet. One observer Insists that It Is In tha nature of evolution for the feet to get flat ter and flatter; others insist that the growth of the arch of the foot Is due to downward and backward growth of the human heel, which is necessary If we are going to walk on two feet. a a a There are many different ways of treating flat-feet. The treat ments include exercise, massage, electrical stimulation and manipu lation, as well as mechanical sup ports. Exercise for Improving flat feet Involves rolling on the outer borders of the feet and on the in ner borders, rising on the toes and lifting of pencils or other objects with the toes. One observer condemns the use of mechanical supports, claiming that they tend to further weak nesses of the muscles and to un desirable rigidity. Others favor these supports, claiming that they are In the nature of help to weak- News Behi By IijlMaiion.37 TVABHINQTON, April lFDR TT told one presidential aspirant recently he bad no Idea of running for a third term, but he was In tensely Interested In having some one In sympathy with bis adminis tration policies carry on in 1940. The president said he would ap proach the 1940 convention with that sols purpose in mind. As long as the campaign and the con vention moved that way be would be satisfied. But he reserved and intended to use the right of veto over any candidate he might be lieve to be unsympathetic with the new deal. While names cannot be men tloned. there seems to be no reav son to doubt the authenticity of this account of the president s present attitude. Most Insiders are accepting It as valid. MELLOVS IDEA A preliminary official poll was made of the senate on the LaFol- lette baas-broadening tax plan be fore debate started. It showed, contrary to current popular be lief, tbere were then no more than 36 to 38 votes for It. Ten to 12 more votes will bare to be found If It Is to paas, and these will b hard to get. Strangely enough the poll show ed an unexpected number of con servative democrats in favor of the plan. The explanation is, es sentially, an old conservative's Idea. Liberals seem to have bor rowed It from no less a conserva tive authority than the late Secre tary Mellon. lie once proposed reduction of exemptions to make more people pay Income taxes so they would feel a greater respon sibility toward government. Incidentally an official inside survey was also made on the Pope processing tax Indicating it would receive fewer votes than the La Follette plan. Congress will not stand for taxing the little fellows and food stuffs in a depression and cam paign year. GOOD READING Most novel of all congressional Investigations Is liksly to be the 12500 Ellender Inquiry Into civil service. The inside information which caused the senate to auth orize the Investigation Included many untold tyrannies of petty ened tissues. The massage and manipulation of the feet help, of course, to strengthen the muscles exactly as massage is useful in other parts of the body. The treatment of flat-feet, how ever. Is a long and complicated one, and It Is doubtful that any one could successfully treat himself for this condition, especially when there is an hereditary tendency to weakness of the muscles involved. SIDE GLANCES By Georgo Clark 8f WOW PLAYING "DOUBLE 6Bi "RANGE DANGER" DEFENDERS" rw,SJ LVJP CONTINUOUS NEWS ffWV LJ A.l SATURDAY MUSEs7sATVRDAl aaaWaS TOMORROW WbwILRN ROMAMflLl . aawrrvi t w fflioOTOvmH at"ZC . a aw v flip H- : ME ..'..'J,a''-.a.- I J w Am. m c eVattTCD win ALL ABOARD? THE S. S. GISANIICS TAKING Orr WHK J. CARGO OF SINGERS AND COMEDIANS! Starts SUNDAY The Musical Hit of Hits! V II TAKING Orr W1IH H 11 I I CARGO OF SINGERS II ,HD;COHEDUH! York A weakness (or piping on his vsais. Cnula without pnekots are worn by Hep. Clara lloffinun of Michi gan, who wanta to prevent sluir lng. MIX DANIIKH What Senator MoKsllar called Senator Copoland was gant rally represented In the press by tour dashes. As a mutter of (act there should have been alx dashes. Out the curtailment was generally ao oliilmed In congress where editors of the congressional record entire ly nllmliiuteit Mr. McKollar'a six word speech, from their account of the procuodluiis, There wns nothing now In It, Just the usually four-worded re flection Involving ancestry and a couple of the most hncknoyod ex pletives In front of It. The speech merely confirmed the Impression that congressional debate lately bas lacked originality. Truth Is too many tetupors In both houses are now on halr-trlg-gvr releuno duo to the henvy In. righting over unimportant as well as Important Issues. "We hail to quit seeing the Maxwells our dogs don't get along." bureau chiefs over their employes; such thing's as a bureau hend bor rowing money systematically from clerks over a period of years and bosses who deal with stenographic assistants on a Hollywood movie basis. After looking Into such situations here, then commltteo Is to go around the country. It will make good rending for the Sun day supplements. STYLE XOTE In the spring, even tho states men's funcles lightly turn also to a new Easter suit. Mr. Roosevelt has ordered a couple from the New York tailor, who makes all his suits. The president usually wears dark blues and grays, double breasted in winter, and Incidentally he never wears a vest to work. That Is why you always see his coat buttoned In pictures. Comfort Is his motto. He brenks precedent with a soft white pleated shirt In dinner attire. Sometimes he also wears an un starched collar. His grey felt hats are ready- made, but ho has them pulled out a little lengthwise. Slse He bas too many to count on hand at Hyde Park. In summer be wears Panamas exclusively. ISKST DRKSMUD Congressmen rarely come to work on ordinary duya In formai clothes. Sinco tho InKt depres sion, formal attire is reserved for rxtra-speeinl occuslons, mid some house members oven boast they have none. The rent-mo-tnlls-for-a-nlte shops here do a rushing business whenever there Is a White House reception. Best dressed men In congress and their apparel chaructcristlrs: Senate Republican Leader Mc Nary Light grey suits, with ma roon bow ties a specialty. Senator J. Ham Lewis of Illi nois Faun-colored donhlebrenst ed vests (wnlstcoais to hi in ) and rainbow shirts with tie to match. Senator Reynolds of North Csr ollno Brown tweeds and grays, bow ties, shuns vests. Rep. Clifton Woorirum of Vir ginia Impeccablo and correct In conservative blues and grnys. Rop. Warren Magnuson of Washington called the adonis of the house when It comes to dress, features a different suit every dny. Rep. William Slrovlch, New Ten Years Ago In Klamath TyIIILE several hundred mem " bers of tho congregation wore kneeling In prayer at 10:10 a. m. maas In tho Sacred Heart church on HIkIi street on Kaatur Sunday, a ancnk thief entered tha renr door of the church and stole an offering of f!50 which had been given by the congrega tion a few minutes before. By leis than 11000, Klamstli Falls was nosed out or fourth place by Med ford In tho March report of building activity an nounced by the S. W. Strauss company building survey. Klam ath stood second In the stats In March, 193T, records show. MEXICO OIL HEADS TO BUY GASOLINE FROM U. S. FIRMS MEXICO CITY. April I (UP) Mnxlco's nationalised petroleum Industry, blocked by a lack of tankers from supplying oil needs of Lower 'California, has been forced to ssek American gasoline for distribution In the northweat em territory, It was announced today. Vincents Cortes Hsrrera, chair man of the petroleum administra tive oounctl, aald It had been de cided to buy gitaoltuo la the United States (o prevuut nn acute shortage In Lower California, Cortes said It would be Impos sible for Mexican gasoline to reneh the Isnlntod 770-mll long peninsula until the government obtains tanksrs (o transport the fuel from Tnmplco, through the Panama canal. Shipments from Pacific ports would be out of the questloti be cii ii n there are no plno-llues. Kven If tank cars am available, the trip by rail would be long and roundabout and would be qulro transit through tht United States. As agon as possible, the re chi'rk of several sections of tht timber cruised for the county by a Portland firm will be under taken by a county cruiser In col laboration with a member of the Portland company, It was an nounced today. The Portland cruise some time nKO Indicated that an additional billion feat of timber should be on the county i tax rolls. I If the U, S. holds up Its helium shipments to tierninny much long-1 or, Nail efficiency experts will be making a substitute from old newspapers or peanut shells. Of the 313,807 governmental employes In Kngland, 236,634 art men. POPEYE Is CLUB SATURDAY MORNING 10 O'CLOCK FREE TO THE FIRST 500 BOYS AND GIRLS ATTEND ING, A BEAUTIFUL 8I0 PICTURE OF "SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS" THE 3 HESOUITEERS In . "RANGE DEFENDERS" POPEYE CARTOON OOUIlt HHtN . All COLO "ALI BABA AND THE 40 THIEVES" PELICAN BLOW ME DOWN! Popeye Clubbers I us' had m a SWELL FEASK An' a Speshul Ice Cream Cup off tht PELICAN CAFE Popeye Club Midget Menu I yate a Wimpy Lunch 30c an' Mickey Mouit 35c n' Hontcollor 35c an Donsld Duck 25c An' then I thought I ort tat couple Poptyt Lunchti 40c with lotit good tplntch, BUT HOW COULD I YEAT ANY MORE? I i rev 1UJ T'- .aaW:'. 5 -. - - T- TOMORROW t ft v Vih Mi I ENDS TONIGHT "BEG BORROW OR STEAL" FRANK MOfttAtt r IVLighty the Drama that Roara Out of the West Strong the Men Who Plunder Its Mountains for Gold Eternal the Love that Lives Through these Thrills fSl- ft a ati f I t is t W ft a. .- 1 rVa-i. "aava;, 4 I " " U 'J. - S -f- MaV:' - V ' 'l at I. V. V'aJajjiijiwj'j., is wlheF m find It ST L-UtawlirV aV . ' . -1 f X "J lSr , 31 r 17 V Y '.V 'SZ, t . a H 9 ' I. , - 'jf s tl fit '71 f 0 with Geo. Drent Olivia De Havllland Claude Rains Margaret Lindsay BARTON MaoLANE . JOHN LITEL.TIM HOLT-WILLIE BEST ROBERT BENCHLEY "HOW TO FIGURE YOUR INCOME TAX" COLORED POPEYE CARTOON. 'ALI BABA AND THE 40 THIEVES' TWO 0tVI FCATURETTK RAINBOW a. M a" ataa.-'yar-t , 1 1 IIJS LH i . Ill I Isl IHIlisMi PWI