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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1938)
PAGE SIX THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 6, 1938 i D The resignation ot Will Bnld . win a niomhcr of the park board was accepted at a rouiilnr meetinr ot the board hold Tuch dT afternoon In the council chambers. Mayor Clifton Rich' Bond, chairman of the hoard, pre- sded. Baldwin, who has moved to Merrill from Klamath Falls, stat ' ed In his resignation that he was unable to attend meetings of the board since taking up residence in Merrill. Alfred D. Collier was appointed . by Circuit JudKO K. It. Ashurat to fill the vacancy left, by Halrtwin. 91 KLAMATH PEOPLE OUT FOR OFFICES (Continued from rage One) Iilnkvllle Just Ire of the Peace) Democratic H. A. LaLonde, Jo Mahoney. Republican Thomas J. Anner- M, W. B. Barnes (incumbent.) Llnkvlllo Constable Democratic H. S. Wilson, J. D. Bagley. Wood Rivet Constable Democratic Henry Shadley (Incumbent.) Yalnnx Constable Democratic W. c. Pankey (in , enmbent.) Tulelake Constable Democratic Ed Davis (incum bent.) These are the candidates for precinct committeemen: Xo. 2 Democrat H. L. Robertson Republican William Kuyken- dall. No. S Democratic Helen Burger. No. 4 Democratic Geneva Garland. Republican .Arthur W. Behaupp, D. R. Vandenberg. No. 5 Democratic Hortensa Peter son. No. a Democratic Mary V. Case, L. Ortn sisemore. Republican Marcolm Epley. No. 7 Democratic Mary K. Hennes- ay, Nell R. Hennessy. No. 8 Democratic Frances Mahoney. Ray Tucker. No. 9 Republican J. E. Earley. No. 10 Republican Leland Casey. No. 11 Democratic J. R. Devlan. No. 12 Republican J. C. Williamson. No. 17 Democratic William P. Evans. No. 18 Democratic J. D. Bagley. No. 20 Republican W. C. Tan Emon Elisabeth Patterson. . . , . . . No. 22 Democratic Bon ha B. Hogue. No. 2S Democratic ticraldine Owsley. Republican Thomas Melton. No. 24 - Democratic Margaret Dough- rty. No. 20 Democratic Don F. Hamlin, Margaret Hamlin. No. 28 Democratic Asahel Bush. Republican J. C. O'Neill. No. 21) Republican Sam P. Miller. No. 31 Democratic Ulla Paine. Republican Betty Guernsey. Algoma Democratic Louise Brown. Altamont . . Democratic Clarence R. Per rln. Beatty Democratic Joanna Glvan. STWOP8IB OP ANNUAL STATEMENT rtna Lire ImuMnra t. Button). In the sw. ot Connecticut, on - " ""J oi uecember, 1837, made to .IBBurajice Commissioner ot Uie 8tU ot! Pnr.1l ! t Of eaoitAl Stock naft s Income 1 premium income, for Ute -Y.jr-.-----.-""'.."!. . nwlyed during the year.. . 22,s73,2S4.TO www ,vm oiner sources recema durlns the year 18.412.S31. S3' IWalBKotae tus.uo.MM IHsbitreemente ;leld for loaaea, endowments. . aomuuee ana surrender ! values XMvldende paid to pollcyhofd". jWi durlns the year (Dividends paid on capita etock during the year iCtommlsslons and salaries paid ' during the year ITaaes, Ilceniea and fees paid ; darlns the year' ... Aaynrnt of au other expendf- toree iFamenta en euppletnentarj' ; con trade 66,302,096.47' ,2W,g3S.37l i,eo,ooo,oo 1S,65,06.M .233,3S.2f S.51,7.7 T.9S4, SSS.SS j Total expenditures S104,239l3Ss.74 1 Aeeeta ! ' "a! estate owned ( (market value) 88,011,810.671 Wains of slock, and bonds """""I j owned (market or amor- Wre'r '.oW-anr-ioUcy l'"" .noS?.ncV.dandndc?cVrcd 18'4S1-2S WSSl"Ea -fenu-du-e-and "'"'"' .t.-nv,n::" Total admitted aiseti ..77,272,330.86 JntsllKI.. rt rtMrTM, Inciti'itnit volun tary aod contingency rt Mrrca xgjj 0rou i elalmi for o8ei"unpa'td n All othr llabllltlfs 15 tTaatl dO Ifl 1B37 n"r.".,."K.l .UR.61S.44 .ie7.7lO.6S . uaDty S.DRg.JM.W Tt-rfsl llaMiiti.. - a , ' Hi cam- rJ,Vi2,724.0Q ICaprtal paid tin 15 'i"" wwr en iiSDlllliei urplui aa resardi policy- .$ 33,326,e0.te T0U1 1677,272.330.86 Bnelnfvt In Orrtrnn for the lar (Oaoai prtmiumi received dur 1 Inc the vmr: ' Ufa departrrrnt i LAoe. and HaWllly "dfpt"."-" Prtminrni and divJrtpnrij ra i turned during the vcar: ; Ufa dflpt. . Aoe. and HnMllty "dVpu tewet paid durlnts the year; Ul dept. ' Aod. and liahiiiiv VrVr 5fl7,r..0.2Jt. 118.a31.33! 14,7M.Ta 10,909.43 l,0B7.fe7 AETNA Um INAIJRANB COMPANV iu. en. niiiriiiu, free. ... . ' JAMES I.. KUMMON, Sefl. i, fli?orT 'Mldent attorney lor iervlca Charged - ' ... . f ..t. ' This Is an official picture ot Dalo Dean Willard, 26, who was held for $7500 bond Tuesday after federal officers had form ally charged him with breaking and entering the Chiloquln post office which was robbed ot $5500 two weeks ago. MOISTURE IN GROUND WELL OVER NORMAL (Continued rrom Page One) tercet to all water users, stockmen and others. Snowfall 'Spotty" Measurements ot snow through out the Cascades, Coast range and interior mountains show that snow has been more "spotty" than usual, but in general above 5000 feet, with a few. exceptions, snow water content is slightly better than last year but about the same as in 1936. It was brought out mat the snow this year lies on un froieu and saturated ground whereas last year the snow fell on very dry watershed soils. This leads the committee to conclude that even though snow cover in general Is only slightly netter tnan last year, stream run off, because ot the wet soil con anion, will in all cases exceed last year by varying amounts. Wet and Unfrozen - In the Gerber and Clear Lake reservoir watersheds In the Klam- atn-callfornla area, the snow cover is much greater than ever record. ea before. At elevations from S000 ts sdoo feet the measurements generally BIy Democratic Mrs. Alma Pond. Bonanza Republican Lima Srhmor. J u. uamaker. East Chiloquln Democratic Dorothy Brad. field. West Chiloquln Republican Arthur W. Pri- aulx, K. Dealtry Priaulx. Enterprise Democratic Pearl H. Mann. jsamerine Nelson. Hlldebrand Republican Owen King. Honiedale Democratic R. C. Hosklnson. Mrs. ira R. Brown. - Langell Valley Democratic M. W. Harbison, East Merrill Democratic Maude O. Heaton. west Merrill Democratic G ertrndt H. Pierce. Republican R. H. Anderson. - Shasta Democratic Gertrude Arnold. Olindale Republican Loyd R. DeLao, Stella D. Myers. Plevna Republican T. J. Prather, Clara simmers. One man and one woman will be elected to the precinct com. mittees from each precinct. The Klamath men running tor state and congressional office are: United States Senate Democratic Willis E. Mahon ey. Second District Congressman Democratic Wade Crawford. Republican TJ. S. Balentlne. State Legislature (elect two) Democratic Henry Bemon. Harry Bolvin (Incumbents.) Republican Frank Ira White. District Attorney Democratic Don F. Hamlin, Earl R. Bradfleld, Lamar Town- send. Republican E. E. Drlscoll, Hardin C. Blackmer (incumbent.) H MFSSAGf at HOPE for MFN sad WOMOf Wtseea G LAN DSVHii Help Hera la a money back trial offer that nm and women aafrninr front weak (lands won't want to mm. a Kicnuoe rormoim, amignm to iuav ulata all the alanda in their normal, vitro rem. hflelth-ffWfna' function, called Grand Ma km Pel late, ia offered on a test at oar rtik baala, L00 for a S - week'a raDDlg. Get them now at Waggoner's Drag Store TONITE CAJL-ORE sTflVtRn S3 HIOHWAV 97 SOUTH It's QUE acre In showing more water eon tent than last year and the soils are very wet and, unfroten. The snow mantle did not reach to such low elevations in the amounts It did last year and has Kenorally receded to above the 4000 toot elevation. This leads the committee to be lieve that unless unusual weather conditions prevail during the run off season, especially high stream flow peaks during April and May are not to be expected. Assuming that spring precipitation and gen eral weather conditions will be normal, the committee releases tho following torecasts: I'pper Klamath Haalu: with some exceptions, there is more water In the form ot snow on the ground on this watershed than at any time since ?937. The average ia 168 per cent ot the past 11 year average for this time of year. The net Inflow Into Upper Klamath lake is set by the Reclamation !u reau and power company euifl neers at 13S per cent normal, or approximately 1,500,000 acre teet for the stream year October 1, 1937-September 30, 1938. Comparison of last year's fore cast with the actual obtained amount snowed that last year's forecast was 94 per cent correct and the discrepancy was due to unforeseen heavy Juno rains. H. P. Bosworth and C. W. Hen. lie pointed ont that farm lands in the Klamath basin- are wet to aeptos ot at least Si teet as con. trastea with 3 or 4 feet durlns- the average winter. There will be ample Irrigation water supplies tor this area during the coming sea son, aa usual. Oregon-Callfornia Klamath im. Ject; Bureau ot reclamation engi neers estimate that the run-oft into Clear Lake reservoir for the stream-flow year 1937-38 may be greater than all previous records which date back to 1901-05 and will exceed the year 1906-07, when the run-oft waa 254.000 acre feet. The total run-off for "37-,38 Is estimated at 270.000 acre font which Is 270 per cent normal. For ueroer reservoir Inflow for the stream year ending September 30, 1938 is set at 139,000 acre teet or about 2S0 per cent normal. Supplies from these reservoirs will of course be much greater than the demand. Drew's creek- Reservoir: This reservoir will easily till and the forecasted supply supplemented with the expected natural run-off Puts a three year water sunolv In sight now for lands served under mis reservoir. lake County Area: Soil mois ture conditions In general are verv good. Precipitation for the calen dar year 1937 waa better than for any year since 1907 at Lakeview. vvnue the general farmine- i being delayed due to heavy rains, spring grazing conditions will be much better than usual and dry land farming has excellent pros pects. According to data collected oy tne forest service 3.7 inchns of precipitation waa recorded at Silver lake during December 1937. By the. middle of February there waa 40 inches of snow at Thomp son Valley reservoir, 32 inches of snow at Bear flat and 2t inches of snow on Antelope flat. Boats In Goose Lake The snow covering the tnrrlinrv between Sycan marsh and Silver Creek marsh ranged from 18 to 22 inches of hard nacked annw. There Is more water In Abert lake than baa been seen for many years and In Goose lake a sail boat can be need now where one formerly used a car. Hart lake Is nearly full and Is aura to overflow for the first time since 1927. Summer lake Is at the highest level recorded for many years. Thompson Valley reservoir ia expected to at least nearly fill. SWEPT IXTO OCEAN SALINAS. Calif.. Anrll 8 t& Three men were swept to death Into the Pacific ocean while clam ming near Moss landing today. Ninety-five out of a bundred persons are right-handed. e If your friends like rya better keep . jt 1 your Barclay's Private Stock under lock lew I and key! For this b a straight whiskey - I Si full of richt robust flavor; a velvety- I smooth whiskey of such rsra goodness -7ovl . .f you'll hardly be able to believe It cons so l,,,, f linlsl Try some and see. tFX5r Jee. Balder V, Lei., Peoriei Dettoiq Nletera 'ojr FeUe, Oateriel Clessoir, acotleasl I $1.50 pull Quart 80( Full Pint Bk.fiS&f I A O O D NAM! TO O IUV .Vrnoor CltClCtlA STOCK STRAIGHT RYItVWHISKIY '."' Appointed r irn "i r ym a imaeinim tmia V .w" 1 7gg.t.ttvw rvl j Carl Allen Van Emon, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Van Emon, who will report in June to Annapolis for training at the U. S. nnvnl academy. Young Van Emon Is a student at Oregon State college and waa graduated In 1936 from Klamath Union high school. Kennell-Ellls pic ture. Carl Allen Van Emon. who will be 20 years old Thursday, April 7, has been advised that his college and high school grades had been approved by tbe board ot exam iners and that he will not be re quested to take further exam inations prior to his entry Into the U. S. naval academy at Annapolis. This was the word received by Carl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van Emon, 1949 Melrose street, Wednesday morning. Carl will re main at Oregon state college where be Is majoring In mathematics and chemistry, until early In June, when he will report at Annapolis.- toung Van Emon was born In Klamath Falls April 7, 1918 and has lived here all his lite. He was graduated fron, Klamath union high school in 1936, later entering Albany college at Albany, During the past year he has studied at Oregon State college. Van Emon was appointed to An napolis early In January. 1938, by U. S. Senator Charles McNary. LAKEVIEW EDITOR TRACES FUTURE OF ADVERTISING C. J. (Jeter) Gillette, editor and publisher of the Lake Coun ty Examiner, Tuesday evening WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- WitW Olemd-Aod TmH hmp Oil tf lea to be Marang Rtfii' la Ga Hi 1Irtr ehouM poor out two poano of liquid bil into your bowed daily. If thie bile to not flowing f reelr. your food doesn't dlyeet. It jtut decaye to the bowela. Gaa bleats up four ttomaeb. You get conetlpeted. Ycur whole ysttrm it poUoned and 70a leal aonrs aunk and the world looks punk. Laxative are only makeshifts. A mtr bowel moretTirnt doesn't set at the cease. It Ukes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get those two pounds of bile flowing, freely and makeyou feel "upend up". Hens less, gentle, yet anuzlng In making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Lhrer PIUs by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. tee. gave members ot the Advertising club a preview of what the next to years will bring In tha adver tising game. Gillette predtcled that Institu tional advertising will muko steady galna In the coming yours-. I 1 -A F'rs Quality Riverside 1 V- i Lt' " fn-'eyiu y Best In th quarter-century , H I f "tsS' '' 'i'1' jr t Riverslde'i development, 11 W ' ' 'i '" -'r Hera's a tire far mora stable M 1 V j - iyi ;.,f at higher speeds, leu likely m I l gt v ' t0 ,ll'1 on ,1'ppery pv4 0 I V 1 Vy mnt . . . tougher to wear H it V I S out . . . eeiier to steer. Never 1 Veaa I 1' fTTVfi I before io fine tire priced m 1 i-Lr ' tiFirf hi I o lowl See them at Ward I Hj I kriforSahty l ffll 1 .' Uberel Allowance . ait XlrVV -"ii,r'"K Extra savings for yott M sasaea"Illl 1 X i 7 1 1 lj far - s when you trade In your 1 1 1 WWt lfc 1 ii V ) ffilSri. Wei,aVready"owpriee HOW DO WARDS DO IT? Bt c s.rWc. 1 jS"Jk First, the manufacturer saves when he js to Wards. Sst Wri n09' i 1 Ifl 1 ond, .Wards cost of doing business Is less. These savings ..swwtI3 1 go to make quality HIGHER . . , prices LOWERI C( H '-jWS'P t Pi WRENCH Or'iO t m 5 " f I negiilarly ' 19. 10 most riM Fender Flaps lriU Guard Price Cut! &Lfo Hol,,r P" 85C Regularly 1.29 1.19 Mt "h. ' 9C Smooth, Jet black rubber. Keep your car clean 1 Quick Ay attached snap on. Ijevel Wind Reel Satin C I r e I e finish ...... Black King IMne 10 yds. 18-lb.-teat ... ...... . 1 ii .ww Hill. I i , W. lAT" 39 a-pc Casting Rod Double cork grlpl Valuo! .... 98c M(D)MT(B(D)M1EMY WAE1B) Ha foresaw a decrease la strict price advertising. The speaker gave a comparison or hualniins tixluy mill thnt ot 20 yours iirii nnil snld llin coming two dvcmles hIioiiIiI bring uvvn groator chnugos. Ho advised Ills New design gives iron lor prolncllnn. Smnrt-limklng to barmontzs wllh your car. tlk&duHck (KfloDve 2 98 Thorobrcd .1 pes., tip! 2-tray Tni'kle hox Watertight 1-pc. box 1 59 Ike Walton Mne 25 "yds., 12-Ib. tost. Size H........ listeners to keep pane with the times and to lie on the alert for evidence of what the future might bring. I'ronldout Tnl Mmlfni'il presid ed. The illiiiuir meollng was huld at I ho Nik hnlol. Regularly B.3S. 39 stand ard "lie plntrs. Compare wllh fnmniis 8.0S batteries. Joe Medwlck, voted the National League's moat valuable player, endoraea this glove I It'a made of top-grain golden horsehlde lined throughout with oft glove leather. Inner greaied ball pocket, open back, leather loopi at thumb, welted aeamal Loiiny Froy Glovo Full-ilt, tan horithld. Reg. 11.49 Charlie Root, Jr., Baseball Glove Major League Assorted reproductions of the used by famous stars I Straight eecond growth northern mountain ashl' Semi-Pro Bet for younger playert .... Official League Baieball Lon Warneke Baieball Semi-Pro Cap, unbreakable viior nod extra 3 69 ffeclnlon Reel Favorite Russet type Trout Tiaskot I. o a t h o r bound wlllowl.... 44c CBNTHR, Texas, April I (lf)-l A jury that deliberated only It mlniiins today assessed Mrs, Lilly May Curlls, it 00-ycar prison term nrier slin iileiiilnd gullly lo the flint oliui'Ko uf muiilar In Hie muss slnylngs of her six children. Pits on taring column. Keens flsihllght within easy reach. Black llnlthl 1 22 $1 Uatg models eralnad OQ(5 ....59 .1.19 ...38 ....39 1' 1' 1 98 Day City Reel 4 2 free spool, 2B0-yd 698 P. Roat Rod urown tone bamboo 221 Mr Telephone 384