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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1938)
April fi, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH .FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, per word .......... Two day run, par word ................ Tht day run, - le . 4c , Be - 7e ..20c ptr word On wlc run, pr word On month run, pr word Charga Adi Each Iniorlion. nor word 3c (No charga mad (or let than 25c) (All null ordtr adi mint hav cash w 11 h ordr) All ads ar InsarUd In both editions of Th Nw-Hrld, All olaaltlca(loni ara numbarad anil appear In numerical order, Tha dead-line for olaaalflcatlon la 13:00 a. m. Ada received after 11:00 o'clock will b run In the "Too Lata to Classify" column. lbs Nows-Herald will be re- apnnalhla for Incorrect wording only one day. Classified Index Apartmenta for Rent 3 4 Automotive . Ruilneis Opportunities Educational .... .. Flusnclal For Bale or Trad .... General Notlcca Help Wanted. Female Help Wanted. Mai , Houaaa for Rent Livestock and Poultry Lost and Pound ..- Miscellaneous for Rent Mlecellaneoua for Bala Miscellaneous Wanted Peraonala - Real Ectnt fnr Bale Real Ratal Wanted Room and Hoard , rtooma tor Rent . Hervleee Rltuatlona Wanted To Exchange ...... Transportation Loit and Found LOST Black and whit aetter. Nam Reno. Return to Louie Polln. 4-3 LOST niack and white Springer Hpanlel, male. Anawera nam Pal, license number 131. Re ward. Mike Voinlld, Alfoma. 4-S General Notice Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND Shorten Rout Loweet Fas T Northweat Point One Round Way Trip Spokane $11.20 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Russet Leave 1:00 T. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Orevhound Depot Phone 139 4-30-mtf CANDIDATES' BALL sponsors hy Mlldebrand Orange, April 30. 4-11 INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falla Trana. and Storage. 6-4-mtf LONO DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1007. 6-4-mtf CONTRACTORS, Building and common laborer, sesl will be 76c on all contracta let after April lat. Lloyd Frey, See. 4-16 MAKB TH08K IMPROVEMENTS on your home now. See Atlaa Roof Co. for FHA loana. Phone at. 116 So. 7th. 4-24-mtf WILL THE LAWYER In Klamath Falla who wrote the will for Jamea S. Rndaull communicate at onca with Alllaon Moulton, 301 Liberty Bldg., Medford, Or. 4-7 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Sale and Service. 219 E. Main. 4-13 Trantportation GOING TO LOS ANGELES Satur day, return In two weeks, ronm for two. . Phone 1860-,T. 4-7 10 Services HOLLAND FURNACE CO. Re pairing and clennlng all mnke of heating ayatema. Call an ex perienced Holland heating en gineer to aolve your heating prnblema, 116 So. 7th. Phone 606. 4-38 SEWING Altorattona, coata re llned. Mra. Harney. Phone 3161-J. 3111 Darrow. 4-3 FLOOR SANDING and Roflntah Ing. Clifford Goldon. Phone 108-W-3. 6-31-mtf MATTRESSES REBUILT 32.60. One-tiny service. First class up holatory. Complete Una of lat ent mnterlnls. Onrlson Mnttreaa and Upholatorlng, 1306 Mnln. Phone 701. 4-21 EXPERT Iran pruning and land scaping, Thone 3013W after 6 p. m. 4-10 MRS. J. T. PERKINS, dressmak Ing and remodeling. Ropreaon tatlvo fnr The Nu Bona Coraet. HON. 4th. 4-18 Mo LINIMENT give permnnnnt relief for oczemn, plloa, Inflam matory rhoumattsm,' akin (I li on ao. Prlco 81.60 bottlo. No anmplrs. Addrosa P. I. MoNulty, 67 K. 6, Eugene, Ore. 4-27 PAINTING,' Kalsomlnlng. Moder ate prloos. Terms. Harry L. Brown. Phon 1002. 4-13 " .'! ii 4 8 8 4 . 14 14 it 43 ! 1... Service! MONUMENTS THE OREGON GRANITE CO, CEMETERY SERVICE MONUMENTS GRAVE MARKERS T. L. Reedy, Local Mgr. 1605 Oregon Ave. Phone 33 4-24 DRESSMAKING, alteration, re modeling. Ann London, 023 Main, over Swansea's Barber Shop. 4-10 NU-RONB COR8ETIERBB. Phone Mr. H. Ptren I4J Mra. Mona Manning 134. Style and fit auaranteed. 4-S FILMS Any 8-axposure roll de velnped and printed, 36c. East Bide Pharmacr, (36 East Mam. 4-35-mtf TAILORINO, dressmaking, alter atlona and draperies. Edna Ar nold, over Whitman' Drug, (13 Main. 4-17 UODBNHAMER SAW FILING 31 Beat Main. Phone 346-W. All aawa, toole, lawnmowera, etc. repaired. 4-14-mtf CARPENTERING by contract or Iuej wura. muni irw-ii. -v PIANO TUNINO Jones Reflnlah I In Co. I11I-J. 6-1 I day work. Pbon 1653-It. -io 14 Help Wanted, Femele WANTED Girl for general house- work. 3 adult. No laundry Mint know how to cook and aerva. Sleep bom. 407 Main. 4-6 WANTED Capable woman for houaework and care baby. Phone 1421W. 16 Help Want.d, Mai Attention: Billboard Saleamen, Radio Adverllalng Saleamen Nnvrmaner Halesmen. to aell mo Hon picture adverllalng, repro aent a national concern In thla territory. Muat be high type man with car and nondabi ref erence. Drawing account and eotnmleaton. Full dotalla of paat live year employment In your letter. Bog 3643, Newa-Herald. 4-6 IS Situation Wanted EXPERIENCED girl want work Can give reference. Either Freeman, Malln, Oregon. 4-6 ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for one or two. 1024 High. 4-8 WANTED General homework. Box 3378, Newa-Herald. 4-7 LADY WISHES practical nuralng Phone 1881-J. 4-6 WANTED Cooking on ranch. Box 3040. Newa-Herald. 4-7 WANTED Gardening, yard work. Albert Barrett. Aahland Rt. 4- CLEANING By hour. Phone 8J. 4-4-6-1 20 Room and Board SMALL ROOM Cheap, with board. 133 Lincoln. Phone 473-M. 3292-tf 138 MONTH, 38.76 WEEK. Phone 1368-J. 1646 Sargent. 4-23 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 1640-tf ROOM AND BOARD 883 High. 4-7 22 Roomi lor Rnt SINGLE ROOM 330 Lincoln. In qulr 631 N. 10th. 4-11 SLEEPING ROOM Front en trance with atov. 303 Wash ington St. 4-6 CLAREMONT, 828 No. 4th St. All outald modern room. Free parking lot. 4-7 24 ApartrnMi for Rent 8-ROOMS NOOK, well fnrnlsh- ed, cloa In. Phone 1881-W. 4-6 FOR RENT Completely furnlsh ed modern apartment, auli-lot fnr two montha starting April Hth. Phona 3871W. 4-6 VACANCY Blmona court. Commercial. 323 4-3 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. Tho apartment hotel with con venience and horn comfort. 24 hour service. No pet. 4-14-mtf TWO-ROOM furnlahed apartment. 1803 Main. 8281-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT Alpha Apia, Phone 800. 4-14-mtf FURNISHED APARTMENT for 3 or 4 adults. Wood, lights and water. 413 N. 10th. 4-6 FOR RENT Apartment. 446 Market. 3589 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment. Honsonnblo ratos. Phona 203 or 916-W after 6 p. m. 4-13 FOR RENT Apt. Adult only, no pels. 8371 K. Mnln. 4-7 26 Houtat for Rant MODERN FURNISHED cottages by day or wcok. Pbon Altn mont Auto Camp. 4-8 FURNISHED 3-room modern house, 123.60. Call 3160 Ap plegate. 4-7 FOR RENT Four-room furnlah ed house, 32.60. 1321 Dlvl alon. 4-6 10 Houtei for Rant CAIIIN FOR RENT 924 Jeffer son. 4-7 FOR RENT, BALE OH TRADE 4-room modern unfurnished house. Inquire 2200 Reclama tion. 4-6 28 Miscellaneous for Rent rfaaw"wrtaaiaaaaaj FOR LEASE Irrigated mtadow land "D" Ranch and Hhoepy Crnnk for cattle. Tom Murray. Wlllnrd Hotel. 4-26 30 Real Ettat for Sala Your Opportunity Here's your chance to get a good six-room house with lawn, trees and shrubs at apeclal price of 32600 on eaay terms. It'a close to bnalnea. In desirable loca tion, street Is paved and all lions are paid. CHILpOTE 4 SMITH Since 1900 116 N. 0th Phone 66 4-6 New Homes Wo have Junt sold four lots on Mitchell at reel pavement, and (lurhard Kllnkhammer and Joe N. While are now building four modern home for various client. We'd like to show you deslr ablo tuts In the same locality at prlcea of I3',0.0u and up with all Hens paid. Very eaay terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1308 116 N. 9th Phone 66 4-6 SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE Nice home: acreened porches, root cellar, chicken home, gar age, i acre gnrden land, city lighta, wuler. Small down pay. mont, balance like rent. W. P. MANNING 3rd Street and Pleaaant View Tracta 3202-tt WILL LEASE 33-acre ranch. 10 acres plowed ready for planting, rest good pasture. All fenced, fair building, good water. It miles east Malln. Inquire 1641 Wllford. 4-6 17-ACRE FARM Near Grants Pass. Death force sacrifice. Full price only 31250. No trade. House furnlahed. R. M. Broeg, Hugo. Oregon. 4-11 i ACRE IN ALTA MONT House, garage and chicken house. All fenced. Full price 3560. Will take truck valued at 3200 for down payment. Terms. Write Box 222, Lakevlew, Ore. 4-6 FOR SALE 66 acres on Morrill highway, 86600. Torma. 2.3 acres at Shady Pine, will sell or trade for atock. J. E. Whlt- Inteh, 3009 Darrow. Phone 834-J. 6-6 FOR RALE BY OWNER New 4-room house, plastered, con crete foundation, double garage, chicken house, 2 acres, good lo cation, 24 miles from town, close to highway. Box 3366 Kowa-Herald. 4-11 FOR SALE H-acre tract on high way. Irrigated, ready for spuda. Small payment, easy torma. Owner, phone 1647. 4-11 MODERN five-room home In Hot Springs on pavement. Price 33760 by owner. Phona 404-R. 4-8 OWNER leaving town, aacrlflce equity four-room coxy horn near Altamont school and bus. Call 6-J-S. 4-8 WILL SACRIFICE equity In home for $360. Strictly modern, 4 rooms and bath, large back porch, on pavement, atreet and sower assessments paid In full, taxea to date. Full price 83260. 326 per month. Inquire 912 Main. Phon 1131-W. 3690-tf GARDEN TRACTS See thea be fore you buy. Small down pay ment. Easy terms. Shasta Food Market, Shasta Way. Phona 966-W. 3380-tf LEWIS TRACTS 1 mile east of city on Simula Way. Exoollent location, fine soil, Irrigation. Small down payment. Small monthly payments. Interest In cluded. Mrs. H. V. Lewis, own er, Rt. 2, Box 896, Shaataway Road. Phono 36J2. 4-7 INVEST NOW Tulelake Ranch, Residence or Business properties ar out standing buys today. "Grow With Us" Chas. K. Wloso, Broker Phon 22 Tulelake, Calif. 4-18 BEST CASH OFFER Lot 8, block 31, Hot Springs. Inquire 816 .Inekson St., Corvallls. 4-22 36 Mlicellaneout for Sal MOVING? Cnll KlaniRth Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamnth. Phone 1007. 6-4-mtf PULVERIZED 8HEMP MANURE, 4Tc sack. Phone 2386. 6-4 QUICK SERVICE TRANSFER and . wood of nil kinds for sale. Phone 2308, 630 So. 6th. 4-13-mtt THE TIE SHOP 129 So. 7th. Nocktlcs. Lowest prices. 4-30 ALFALFA SEED Be euro you buy adapted alfalfa soed and he In lino for your U. S. payments. Buy from producer and save money. C. E. Atkin son, Cotlnrvlllo, Calif. 6-4 LAWN DIRT AND CINDERS 2424 Oregon. 4-13 FOR SALE Mnstndon strawberry plnnta. Merrlll-Lakovlow Junc tion. Crystal's. ' 4-7 26 34 Automotive AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CO. Your Down Town Garage 9th and Klamath A wall equipped, centrally located repair and service garage, under the management of Ed Zachariet and Gerald Paschal. We ar equipped to give you a thorough, complete tervice on eny automobile. Through April, we are running a special Spring Tune-Up and Clean-Up tor your-car which includes the following work: Clean-Up Chassil and motor steam cleaned. Cer washed and thoroughly vacuumed. Simonized. Safety Complete chassis lubrication. Front wheel bearings repack ed. Adjust brakes. Check and adjust windshield swipes. ROAD TEST CAR. All the above work will be money-back $12.95 Phon 288W W will call tvnour CASH for Your CAR Equity Exchanges HOAGLAND MOTORS llth and Main Pho 101 26 Miscellaneous for Sale JOHNSON SEA HORSES The only motor with all 8 Reverse and Underwater Exhaust and Co-pllot. 863.60 and up. HARRY GOELLER 9th and Pin Pbon 1176 4-88 PLOW l-tnch 8-way Molina. Boat, kicker and trailer. Mack ranch, near Spring Lake achool. 4-6 FOR SALE Maple breakfast set, davenport and chair, rug. circu lating oil heater. Part cash and payment. 889 No. 9th. 4-6 BUYING WALLPAPER? Inspect the largest stock of new 1938 patterns In the city at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO. 4-14 EVENTUALLY you'll us 70 Oc tane gasoline. Why not now? 22o gallon. Oil City. South Sixth atreet. 4-14 SLAB SPECIAL Double load 84.26. Peyton ft Co., 636. 2379tf FOR SALE Mastadon and Gem strawberry plants; also gladlola bulbs. E. G. Scherer, Keno Route, City. 4-12 WE LOAN the most MONEY on Guns. Watches, Suits, Radios Maury'a Pawnshop, 9th & Klamath 4-21 DRY PINE BLOX Prompt delivery direct from wood bin. Buy her and save, phone 892-M. 4-7 REGISTERED whit Colli Pup pies and young male. Ktsh-Ke-Koeh strain. Fred Fisher, Rose burg. Ore. ' 4-7 1x3 OAK FLOORING, 886 per 1000. F. R. Hauger, 616 Mar ket, Phon 1668. "Building Ma terial for Less." 4-26 PAINT AND KALSOMINE Com plete atock. Us an FHA loan to paint, build or remodel. See u and take advantage of thla ssy way to Improve your home. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phona 866. 4-6 Build Paint Repair Remodel for FHA .Loan See Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phona 866 4-30 FOR SALE Jamea Way electric brooder and equipment to brood 600 chicks. Pat McGlnloy, Tule lake. 4-8 FOR SALE Kroeger piano, 8100. - Phone 860-R. Call after five or Saturdays. 8-8 FOR SALE Two-way plow. Sim plex ditcher, aet harness with collars. Phono 28F13. 4-12 FOR SALE Baby basket with mattress, 83. 1211 California. 4-6 FOR SALE Equity in almost new piano, good condition. Cheap. Glencourt Apartments, Weyerhaeuser Road. 4-8 KALSOMINE All colors In bulk at 8a lb. We rent knlsomino brushes. SOUTHERN OREGON HDW. CO. 4-14 FOR SALE Extra good Hannchen Barley Seed. Follsberto Law renc. Tulelake Homestead on tate line. 6-1 SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, flowering shrubs.' Lakeahore Garden Nursery. Ph. 363-J-2. 4-8 FLOOR SANDER for rent. Latest type dtistless machine. SOUTH ERN OREGON HDW. CO. 4-14 Tune-Up Clean and adjust spark plugs. Re-time and synchronize points. Clean and adjust carburetor, gas lines, end fuel pump. Adjust head and manifold bolts. . Adjust fan belt tension. Check and test generator end battery. , Clean and tighten battery cables. done by trained men, under a guarantee for lor and deliver your car. low jervicg. lb Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE Iron Age horse po tato planter, John Deere horse cultivator, maat and Doom Der rick complete, fine work team. G. Elliott Smith, Rt. 1, Box 94. Tulelake. Calif. 4-12 UNREDEEMED ELGIN Watches 34.50 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Co.. 622 Main. 4-16 WE LOAN money or pay cash tor GUNS, musical Instruments, watches, diamonds, gold. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Co., 622 Main St. 4-16 ROOFING Redwood and cedar shingles. See our aluminum surfaced composition roofing. Use an FHA loan to re-roof, paint or remodel. We arrange all details. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 866. 4-6 SMALL MODERN PIANOS FOR RENT Rent appliable on low term purchase later If desired. Louis R. Mann, tuner at Derby'e Music Co., 117 to. 7th. 4-13 FOR SALE PAH gas shovel, 1 yd. dipper. Good condition. 816 Tine. 4-21 FOR SALE 6 ft. master Frigid- aire. 1626 Sargent. 4-6 RECONDITIONED WASHERS 815 up. Save real money on nearly new macbinea traded In lately (or the new Bendix. Many models. Terms. Roberts and Peak Hardware. 4-16 NEPTUNE outboard motor 340.70 with detachable bead. Two gal lon can of gas with first three sold. Poole's Bicycle Store. 4-10 FOR SALE Good trailer house, cheap. Inquire at W. O. Weav er. 4th St., 4th Avenue, Alta mont. or Rt. 1, Box 627, Klam ath Falls. 4-7 YOU will like our COMPLETE AUCTION SERVIOE. Cbas. K. Wlese, Auctioneer. Phone 22, Tulelake, Calif. Sella anything, anytime, anywhere. 4-18 SMALL Job hauling, fertilizer, lawn dirt, excavations. Dry block wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phon 1168-W. 4-18 FOR SALE Volcanic gravel. Ph. 83-.1-1. 6-2 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Beautiful Majes tic combination phonograph and radio for model A coupe or pick up. James B. Floyd, Pelican theatre. 4-6 III I I I I 111 ITTTVa 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO REPAIR Outboard motora. Got youra repaired and tuned up for fishing season. Any make. HARRY GOELLER 9th and Pin Phone 1176 4-28 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for nsed furniture and atoves. OK Sec ond Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 4-30-mtf WANTED Sulky plow and drill with horse attachments. Phone 1681-.1. 4-7 44 Livestock and Poultry CHICKS, Hanson strain Leghorns, J. L a m b 1 e of B. C. Barred Rocks, McRay R. I. Rods, mnd Christy New Hampshire. W guarantee to bo all high grade chicks Iron old hens, blood tostcd and culled down to sci entific points for body weight, vitality, llvnbillty and perfect lnyera. Sexed pullets 98 per cent guaranteed. Send for free catalogue. TALENT HATCH ERY, quarter mil south of Talent, Oregon. 4-6 HIGHEST GRADE BABY CHICKS White Leghorns 9c Rocks, Hnmpshlres and Reds for 10c. Heavy laying free rango B. W. D. Tested atock. Now 24-page catalogue free, Jenks Hatchery, Tnngont, Oregon. 4-17 FOR SALE 1 good team. Phono 2374. 4-S WORK HORSES for snlo. Matnv , Ranch, Rt. 2 Box 626. 4-16 44 Livestock end Poultry SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns, Hollywood and Hanson strains. Big hens, big eggs from high record, heavy production bens with pedigreed over 800 egg cockerels. R. I. Red and Barred Rock 810 for 100. New Hampshire! 311 for 100. Whit Rocks, Wyandotte and Buff Orpington (12.60 for 100. Peterslm hatched, vitality plus chicks from 100 blood tested stock. Send for catalog and further Information or or der from this ad. Prompt ship ment. Magulr Eleetrlo Hatch ery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Oregon. 4-30-mtf FOR SALE Span young work mares with yearling colt. Phone 1397-W. 4-13 SAVE ON GUARANTEED BABY CHICKS Increase your poul try profit. Start a flock with guaranteed healthy (blck from blood-tested flocks. Inquire -t Montgomery Ward It Co. 4-80 FOR SALE Fresh cows and work horses. Stewart, Klamath Falla Anto Park, So. 6th. 4-7 46 Financial Since 1909 W have bn serving the people of the Klamath Basin. We count as our most valued asset the good-will of thousands of clients. If you ' want to build, see us first. If you need money to buy, build or refinance, ask us about the Equitable plan. CHILCOTE & SMITH 116 N. 9th Phone 66 LOW RATES . on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick. Desendabla. Safe No Co-Signera No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance yonr new or used car parches. Motor Investment Co. ' License M-104 114 No. 7th Ph. 882 4-9-mtf Title I FHA Loan ar now avail able. See Atlaa Root Co. for loan Information, and estimate on roofing, painting and general alterations and improvements. We arrange everything. Phone 936. 116 So. 7th. 4-24-mtf 48 Business Opportunitie 30 M CAPACITY SAWMILL FOR SALE Complete, ready to operate. Lota of good pine or fir available. Call 1900. 4-8 Legal Notice NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT OP FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix, having filed In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Klam ath County, her final account of administration of the Estate of Carload Potato Shipments from Klamath Basin Day of n Month Season 1987-88 Season 1988-87 April to Seaaon April to Season April Dally Date to Date Dally Data to Date 1 30 20 ili! 16 IS 6034 1 84 64 6619 8 21 6048 3 18 69" 6634 3 36 6045 il 91 6666 T 30 6049 6 36 138 6691 3 88 6062 6 13 45 6064 7 ' 10 66 6074 8 16 71 6090 " ' " 81 92 till 10 ! 2 114 6138 11 ' i 117 6136 12 21 138 6167 11 : 21 160 6179 14 " 17 177 6196 16 16 192 6311 16 " 16 308 6237 H ' 18 226 6245 18 8 228 6248 10 5 234 6258 20 12 246 6265 21 13 359 6278 83 14 378 6292 38 14 287 6306 24 15 802 6331 25 ! " " 6 308 8327 U 71 819 6338 37 IS 837 ' 6356 28 . 17' , 845 6373 29 " " 16 889 6388 30 I 21 890 6409 Month shipment by truck 60 440 6469 Compiled from official record Stat Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey Legal Notieee Charles H. Rogers, deceased, the hearing of same haa been fixed by said Court for the hour of 1 o'clock P. M on the 6th day of May, 1938, at the courtroom of aald court. In the Courthouse at Klamath Falls, Oregon, and all persons Interested In said Estate ar notified then and there to ap pear and snow cause. It any there be, why th aald account should not be settled and allowed. Dated April 4, 1938. CELESTIA ROGERS. Administratrix of aald Estate. H A 6-13-20-27 No. (4 . NOTICE INVITING BIDS The Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will receive sealed bid at the office of the Police Judge in th City Hall of said City, up to and Including 6:00 o'clock p. m. April llth, 1938, for Fire Appa ratus and Equipment a follow: Commercial Chassis: Not less than It ton, 167 wheel base, 700x20 eight ply tires, dual rear and all tires to be the same size. Enclosed cab, with ahatter proof glass, two wind shield swipes and defroster. Heavy duty generator and bat tery. Bumper in front with tender gnarda. Palnti Fire Department red with prop er trim. Bright part to be etirome plated. Lettered, "K.F.F.D. No. 4" on both aide of hood. Equipments 100 gal. booster tank, rust re sisting metal. 200' 1" booster bose in one length. 1000' 21 hose body, partition 14 In width In same. 1 1 booster hose noijle. (Elk hart mystery). 1 24' extension ladder. 1 12' root ladder. 1 14' fire hook. (Forged Steel bead). 2 Ax holders mounted. (BIsde Scabbard and Spring handle clip). 2 Holder for 2 Gallon Fire Department type foamite ex tinguisher, chrome plate. 1 2i Gallon Fire Department type foamite extinguisher, chrome plate. 1 2) auction hose mounts, full length pressed steel troughs. 2 Rear loading lights. 3 10' length of 21" soft auc tion hose with female couplings on both ends, long horns on couplings. 2 Electric Fire Department lanterns. 161 Safety light, Unity Standard Model, mounted In the center of the cab with operating nandle on the Inside of the cab. 2 21 spanners, Universal hy drant wrench and spanner tor rocker lug couplings. 2 spanner. 2 4x21x2) reducing couplings with clapper valves. 4 21 nosxle holders. 1 Set dual tire chain. 1 600 Gallon per minute pump. Pump and qulpmnt to be tested by an Engineer from the Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau at Klamath Falla, Ore gon, before acceptance. Intake and outleta for pump to be above the running-board of truck. All equipment to be mounted; ladders on the left aide of truck and suction hose troughs on the by the county agent' office, and Th Newa-Herald. cm;i 1 Here ere teme of the reasons we lay "better" Old Used Cars Are Hard cn Purses Trade yonr car to HATJGEIt for a late model, modern car. Yonr car will probably cover the down payment, and what 'yon save in run ning expense will go far to meet the monthly pay menu. At RACGER'g yon get satisfaction In nsed car. Come In today while the selection is large and prlcea are still o . '37 Pontiac 8 4-door touring sedan with, bnllt-in trunk. Enjoy the thrill of this 100-horse power engine, the snre-foot-edneu of its roomy 122-ln. wheelbase, the ease of rid ing of knee-action front wheels, the comfort of it Plaher TJnlsteel body and no-draft ventilation, the safety of Its Triple-Sealed hydraulic brake, the pride of owning this "Silver Streak" styled gloss, black beauty that la yet almost new, at only a small part of Its first coat. $869 '36 Buick Sedan '.'40" aerie 4-door, with built-in trunk. See thla car Just aa It came to us we did not even have to wash It! Finish ha been kept waxed alnce new and you can't tell but what it la newt Upholstering ha been covered since new and still Is newl Haa been regu larly serviced and 1 mech anically In perfect tune. Ha many Items of refinement to add to the joy of owning It, each aa dual horns, Buick radio, Fancy steering wheel, chromium wheel discs and rings, etc. A car you. will be proud for the neighbor to ee you in! $783 36 Olds "8" 4-door touring sedan, with built-in trunk, six wheels, and fender well mountings. The "car that ha . every thing!" Smart streamlined styling solid steel turret top body by Fisher Fisher no-draft ventilation Im proved knee action euper hydraulic brake. Attractive light tan finish richly ap pointed Interior trimmed with rich mohair. Has "Mo torola" finest radio,- beater. electric clock, dual horns, and other convenience. A truly fine car that you will be proud to own. $773 Our Sale Lot ha many more reason for your choice. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main Phone 42 Low G.M.A.C. Term Le g a I Notice right side. 1 Strainer for hard suction hose with couplings. The City reservea the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon. April 1st, 1938. . O. H. LANGSLET, Police Judge. H A 1-6-8 No. 62. NOTICE INVITING BIDS Notice la hereby given that the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon will receive sealed bid by th undersigned Police Judge up to and including 6:00 P. M. April 18, 1938 and publicly opened -In the council room at 7:30 P. M. April 18, 1938 for a stationary asphalt patching plant of not 1 than 5 ton per hour capacity. , Specification may b obtained from the city engineer. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. OTTO H. LANGSLET, Police Judge April 5, 1938. H. A 6-7 No. 66 The candidate for th Califor nia governorship who spent a f lva day Jail term making speeches to fellow prisoners no donbt regret he can't always have an audience who will be sure to stay with him. ft more reason for Jfl Seyour cholce4