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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1938)
April 2, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Society BON VOYAGE PARTY GIVEN FOR RESIDENT lira. Ludvtg Peterson and Mri. Axel Jacobson ot Modo Point war hostesses at a luncheon given at Mra. Peter aon'a horn Tuesday, March twanty-nlnth, in honor of Mra. Axel Johnaon who la leaving April twelfth tor Sweden to b with her parent! for the aelebratlon ot their tolden wedding anniversary the lait t April. Ship deooratloni were ear ned oat at the table. After th luncheon earda were played. Mra. Fred Lek berg won high acore, Mra. Emrlck Hult, got the aecond prlie, and consolation want to Mra. Holmer. A guest prise waa presented to Mra. Axel Johnaon. Thoae present were the guest of honor. Mra. Axel Johnson, Mrs. Fred Lekberg, Mra. Em rick Hult. Mra. Holmer, Mrs. Eugene Werner, Mra. carl Toungren ot Pine Ridge, and the hostesses, Mrs. Axel Jacob son and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson. CARD PARTY IS -EVENT TUESDAY " IN LEGION HALL' V Sight tables ot earda, both bridge and pinochle, were In play Tuesday evening w h e a members of 40 and t enter tained their wives at a ' party la the American Legion hall. Honors In earda were given and supper served at the close f the evening. Mrs. 0. H. F o a t a r enter tained for members et her bridge elub at the Blue Bird Wednesday at one o'clock when luncheon was served. High score at cards went to l TT i I . r X. H. Lawrence will entertain th group on April the thir-. teenth. Jolly Eghv Meets At McCullough Horn Mra. 0. 0. McCullough waa . hostess to members and guesta of the Jolly Eight elub Friday afternoon at her homo on Con ger avenue when several hours et needlework were enjoyed fol lowed by refreshments served at the individual tables. Easter decoratlona and pink carnations were used about th rooms and a dainty note of color was a basket of daisies and . pansles which waa a gift to Mra. McCullough. Those present were Mra. Jeannie Shlel, Mra. Jennie Grover and her granddaughter, Janet, Mra. Mabel Keyes, Mra. Minnie Padgett, Mrs. Mary Gins bach, Mrs. Violet Vance, Mra. Ramona Kester and Mrs. Mar caret Blden. Beulah Circle Meets en Thursday : Beulah circle of th First Christian- church met at th horn ot Mra. J. J. Keller," 711 Jefferson street, on Thursday afternoon of the past week. This la the first meeting of the group since last fall. The next meeting will be held at th home ot Mrs. c. S. Robertson in the Marion apartments on April the twenty-eighth. AU members are urged to be present. . Present Thursday wer Mes-ne,R- H- Danlr. Stem well, Brandt, Lovenborg. Me Collum, C S. Robertson, Smith, Harris, Duffy and th hostess. Mrs. Keller. .. . : Mrs. Basey Given ; Party en Friday Jf L- Bt"r w" honored with a surprise birthday party at her home in Fairacres Fri day evening when Mrs. Elton Francis and Mrs. Wesley Hassett entertained a group of friends. Games were enjoyed and jupper served at a late hour to Mr. and Mra. Dave Saler, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Francis, Mr. and Mra. Leon Crapo, Mr. " and Mrs. Dyard Tomklns, Mr. and Mrs. Ross LaSalle, Mrs. Randall Teeple, Loran Hassett, Barbara Basey, Charles Basey. Russell Hassett, Barbara Francis, Beverly Francis. Mrs. ""f, ine honor guest, and the two hostesses, Mrs. Hassett and Mrs. Francis. ... ThvvThr,s R club of Rorl Neighbors met Tuesday, March the twenty-second In I00F hall and th aecond of a aeries of eard parties was held. High score was held by Mrs. Vesta Spits and aecond by Mrs. Estel Bright. The door prise was awarded Mrs. Luclle Heifer. Six tables of pinochle were in play. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Melissa Hamel and mem hers of her committee. The next meeting of the group will be he d April the twelfth In I00F hall. All members are urged to attend. . A meeting of th members et th Jolly Neighbors elub Is planned for Anrll the awth the home of Mrs. T. R. Skllling ton, 221 North Tenth street at two o'clock. All members and friends are urged to attend. Mrs. H. S. Cunningham will b hOStesa at the Anrll maMH- ' of the Daughters of the British Empire at her North Eight street home. Reports of the organisation's state convention held recently In Portland will be given at this time. CALENDAR Monday, April 4 Oregon Mothers club to meet at en thirty o'clock at th home ef Mrs, Andrew Col lier with Mrs. R. C Woodruff assisting. County council ef Parents and Teachers, in Roosevelt school at two o'clock. Tea to b served. Benefit bridge tea to b given by th Riverside PTA at the Willard hotel, one-thirty o'clock. Mrs. K. S. Klahn, chair man. Th next meeting ef the Business and Professional Wom en's club will be held at Hotel Willard on Monday night, April 4, with dinner at six thirty o'clock. Ella Redkey, chairman, and th recreation committee will be in charge of the program which has the topic, "Recreation for Busi ness Women." Luncheon for new members ef the League ef Women Vot ers to be held in the Pelican Grille et twelve o'clock noon. Business meating to follow at the Library club at' two o'clock. Tuesday, April I Klamath Falls Nile club to meet at Chilcote home - on Mesa street for one thirty o'clock dessert bridge with Mrs. E. M. Chilcote and Mrs. Harry Panning as hostesses. Daughters of British Empire te hold regular monthly meet ing at home of Mrs. H. S. Cun ningham on North Eighth street. Past Noble Grand elub to meet for one o'clock luncheon at IOOF hall. All visiting members invited. Chapter U, of PEO, will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Fleet et half past seven o'clock Tues day evening. Past Noble Grand club of Rebelcah lodge to meet with Katharine Ess end Line Mot sehenbaeher et hostesses in I. O. O. F. hall at one o'clock. Pot luck luncheon will be served. Wednesday, April 6 , Special .meeting of the ladies' auxiliary of Pelican pott No. 1383 VFW in the library club room. This meeting is called for the purpose of hon oring department president, Beatrice Shadoin, ef Cervallii, Oregon, who will b present, at that time. Eastern Star Social club No. I to meet, with Mrs', p. H. Cofer et her hpme e a ' Hja,H street et 1 :30 p. m. Jolly Neighbors to meet at the home of Mrs. T. R. Skilling ton, 221 North Tenth street. Wednesday club to meet at . seven-thirty o'clock In the par ish house with Mrs. R. Heber Radcliffe es hostess. Thursday, April 7 Sigma Theta chapter, Delph ian, to meet et eight o'clock et the home of Mrs. Stella Bowne. Topic, "French Drama." Leader, Mrs. Thomas Hansen. The ladies' auxiliary, Pelican post No. 1383, VFW, will give nubile . ninnrhl mnA YtriAnm party in the library elub rooms. Prizes will be given and re freshments served. Regular meeting of Daugh ters of Job to be held et Ma sonic temple when plant to be discussed for state convention In Portland latter part ef this month. Regular meeting of Prosperi ty Rebekah lodge to be held et IOOF hall, followed by a banquet. Friday, April t Luncheon and cards for women of Reames Golf and Country elub at one o'clock. The party to honor new mem bers of. the elub. Saturday, April Ad club to entertain with dancing party for members and guests at Reames Golf and Country elub. ' Home Economics dub ef Altamont grange to sponsor public card party, pinochle to be played. Monday, April II Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, music chairman, to present Miss Mar ian Hagg and Miss Barbara Ward, students of the school of music, University of Ore gon, at Library elubv April meeting of the Klam ath Falls Woman's Library club, library auditorium. Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, music chairman, in charge. Thursday, April 14 Meeting of the Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church in the parish house. Monday, May 16 Flower arrangement classes of Merrill, Malin and Tulelake to meet at the home of Mrs. Almo Newton near Merrill. Easter Monday, April 18 . 'Annual . Easter Monday bridge tee sponsored by the TULELAKE SCOUTS OBSERVE BIRTHDAY. FRIDAY EVENING The Tulelake Girl Scouts held their birthday celebration Friday evening, March 86, when Tn-yla Ferguson, commissioner ot the Klamath Falls scout council, talked on highlights ot last summer's International camp and on the Big Tree re gional conference at Portlaud this month. Mrs. Ferguson welcomed th Tulelake girls to th Klamath Falls' camp and explained th summer camp savings plan. Mrs. R. O. Frederlkseii, execu tive secretary ot the council, gave a short talk on her exper iences at Camp Chaparral la Santa Crus. Calif., after which she Invested three girls from Mrs. Soderman's troop of Tule lake, Eleanor Eastwood, Edna Marie Griffith and Imogen Violet Rowan. The evening's program open ad with a Girl Scout color cere mony and song. A play. "How th Linden Trees Made Friends with the Bees," was given by the Toby patrol ot the Wlnema troop, and th Tulelake troop presented the play, "The Stolen Crown." Scouts ot both troops present ed their captains and lieute nants with gifts In honor ot the occasion. The birthday cake, made by Mrs. Soderman and representing a winter scene in green and white decorated with costumed dolls, was cut by Mrs. Ferguson at the refreshment hour. Mrs. Soderman is captain of the Tulelake troop and Mrs. Coulson Is captain ot the Wln ema troop. TAYLORS HOSTS AT PARTY FOR GROUP WEDNESDAY ALTAMONT Mr. and Mrs. Myron Taylor entertained with three tables ot pinochle on Wednesday evening at the fam ily home on Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montleth of Scotia, Calif., were guesta and others present were employes of the Raymond dairy including Mr. and Mrs. Sam McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Damon, Mrs. Lil lian Howell and the host and hostess and Jack Taylor. Prises were given to Claud Oakes tor high score, Lester Cox, second; Mrs. Lillian How ell, first and Mrs. Sam Mc Guire second. Mrs. Richard Damon received the door prise. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the even ing with th Easter motif being carried out in the table decora Mrs. Kilpatrick Hostess to Club BLT The Chatter 'N Stitch elub met Wednesday afternoon tor their regular social hour at the home of Mrs. E. E. Kilpat rick. On important item ot busi ness voted on by the elub mem bers was to change the by-laws to Include twenty-five members Instead of twenty. The names of three new members were asggested and will be voted on In th nsual manner in the near future. April fool games wer enjoy ed by those present and re freshments served to the fol lowing: Mrs. Bill Morris. Mrs. Kenneth Good and son Roger, Mrs. August Tikkannen. Mrs. Lester Tibbits, Mrs. Charles Stump and two daughters Marl Jo and Helen, Mrs. James Dix on, Mrs. Earnest Paddock, Mrs. Joe Wallls, Mrs. Oscar Hiren gen, Mrs. Dave Campbell, Mrs. Martin Clogston and daughter, Mrs. Jeff Causble and sons, Nlel and John, Mrs. Gene Detrlck, Mrs. Jack Hannan, Mrs. Frank Obenchaln Sr. Guests were Marjoria Abraham, Edna Pip er, Eleanor Sherman, Dora Reliman, Ruth Obenchaln, Eth el Lain, and Mra. Freda Var num. Mrs. Gene Detrlck, elub presi dent will entertain the club at her home for the next meeting, Wednesday, April thirteenth. Mrs. Palmer Bolls will enter tain at two o'clock th after noon of April the fifth at her home, 913 Fulton street, for members of the Ladles Aid ot the American Lutheran church. guild ef St. Paul's Episcopal church. Friday, April 22 Benefit card party sponsored by Fairview PTA. Saturday, May 7 - Public tea to be sponsored by Daughters of Job at the Masonic temple. Saturday, April 23 Annual Shrine hospital dance for crippled children to be held in the armory. The public in vited. Sunday, April 24 Annual . spring program to be presented by McCown Dance Studio in the high school auditorium at three o'clock. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Klamath Funeral Home 025 High St. . end Mrs. A. A. Ward, , Managers. Friendship Club Meets March 25th The Friendship elub met at th horn of Mrs. C. W. Stanley on Friday afternoon, March th twenty-fifth when five tables of bridge wer In play. Assisting hostesses wer Mrs. W, L. Ed wards and Mrs. Bishop. High score at cards was held by Mra. Frank Cooper, second high by Mrs. Crawford, low by Mrs. Frank Sexton. Refreshments vtere served te the guests at halt past tour o'clock. The next meeting of the group will b held at th home of Mrs. Stella Dryilen, 10 North Eleventh street, with Mrs. Ludwig Peterson as co MISS WILLIAMS IS HONOR GUEST AT PRETTY PARTY Complimenting Miss Opal Williams, whose marriage to Mr. Eldon Kaylor will be an event of April, Mrs. Ira Orcra of Henley entertained on Thursday afternoon, March th thirtieth, when more than forty guests called to honor the bride-elect. Sewing and games provided diversion for the afternoon with tea served at tour o'clock. Assisting Mrs. Orem were Mrs. rercy Dixon, Mra. Charles DeLap and Mrs. Clyde Grif fith. Following their wedding this month, the young couple will make their home In the Henley district where Mr. Kaylor has a ranch. LANGELL VALLEY PARTIES GIVEN IN PAST WEEK LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Reginald Thomas delightfully entertained the Women's club of Langell valley at her home on Thursday afternoon. After the business meeting, a social afternoon was enjoyed by the following ladles: Mrs. Nellie Dean, Mrs. Ruby Brown, Mrs. Grace Revel!, Mrs. Margaret Monroe, Mrs. Naomi Pepple. Mrs. Ruth Rlnehnrt, Mrs. Grace Dearborn, Mrs. Llnle Powers, Mrs. Bessie frailer. Mrs. Fay Waddington and Mrs. Katie Pepple. Tea was served by Mrs. Thomas at halt past four o'clock. LANGELL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Amos Powers wer pleasantly surprised on March twenty-fourth, when their two dauKhtera. who i vl.ltin them, gave a dinner party In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Powers on their forty-first wedding an niversary. A beautiful cak decorated the table. Following dinner "BOO" was played until a late hour. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pep pie, Mrs. Fay Waddington, Mrs. Ruth Rlnehart, Miss Fern Wil son, Blllle Rlnehart, Ralph Powers and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Powers. Miss Norton Is Brids of th Week Miss Bertha Norton, former ly of Klamath Falls and now of Crescent City, became th brld of Mr. William Kendall of Cres eent City at a simple ceremony March tho twenty-sixth in Grants Pass. Only Immediate relatives of the young couple were present. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall spent the past week end in Klamath Falls visiting with Mrs. Kendall's sisters and brother, Mrs. Fred S. Jones, Mrs. C. E. Piper and Mr. Cllf- V fK M STANDINGS back of your j nnvestmentV rlMjULSlW T IP' YOUR SflVinGSc&t&feg AGAINST ANY LOSS WHATSOEVER UP fc $5,000 kyAtpncHefU.S.Govt Experience the Satisfaction of Insured Safety! Safety that Roe on and on uninterrupted. Invest In tump sum any amonnt yon wish, for cash dividends, payable January 1 and July 1; or save in smaller amounts to suit yonr con venience. Ono dollar opens an account, First Federal never ha paid lea than per annum; dividends compounded twice each year. Dnlld financial Inde pendence for yourself through FIRST FEDERAL. Increase tha safety and earning on your money. G fo on i'omr Monty j rirst reaerai savings r and Loan Association Jr- KLAMATH PALLS "" Members of Federal Saving and Loan Insurance Corporation a, mm I a a a a a aa t News of Klamath Churches Church of Psychic Research Church ot Paychle Research Rev. Louis Ballard will lecture Sunday at 7:45 p. m. Subject, "What Is Spiritualism? and Do the Dead Coma Back?" Bring your children to our Sun day school Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Classes for adults and chil dren. Mondav nlaht Is mamhariihln meeting by order ot the board. All members are urged to attend tor It you want to develop your latent powers and self, Join our Tuesday night development class. Class atarta promptly at S o'clock. Wednesday and Friday evenings, I o'clock, w have our message services. A measag to reryone In attendance. First Covenant Church First Covenant church, 113 Wal nut avenue, Gotttred J. Anderson, pastor. 10:30 A. M. Sunday school and Swedish service. At the morning worship the pastor will speak on the subject, "The Sanhedrln'a De cision." A vocal duet will be given by Iris and Nellie Lindbergh. 4:45 P. M. Young People's prayer band. 7:00 P. M. Young People's meeting. The topic is "Covenant Foreign Missions." The leader is Marian Anderson. 7:44 P. M. Evening service. "The Crucial Teat" Is the sermon topic which will be an anniversary mMU It la . - - -a -1 V. preaent pastor took up the local work. The mixed choir will sing. Monday. 7:46 P. M. Quarterly business meeting ot the church. Wednesday, p. M. lllble study in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oil Solberg In the Pelican City district. Those desiring transporta tion are asked to meet at the church at 1:30 p. m. Thursday, 1:30 P. M. Cove nant sewing circle mcoling In the church. The hostesses aro Mrs. Al fred Carlson and Mrs. Karln Carl son. Thursday. 7:45 P. M. Midweek service and choir rehearsal. Friday. 7:45 P. M. Monthly meeting of the Ladles Aid. Mrs. Karln Carlson Is tha program chairman. Mra. Jonas Wnlldin, Mrs. David Relnoldson and Mrs. Carl Swanaon are the hostesses. First Methodist Church First Methodist church, corner of North Tenth and High streets. John W. Warrell, paator. Resi dence 1005 High atreet. Phone 448-W. Sunday next will be Decision Day In all departments of the church. Let every officer, teacher and pupil b present for the Sunday achool beginning at :45 a. m. and plan to stay for the morning service of worship beginning at 10:56 a. m., when the pastor will speak on the theme "Our Greatest Gift." The choir will sing the anthem "Awak ening Chorus" Gabriel. Duet: "Ivory Palaces" Barrachlough by Irma Badger and Florence Torwlll Iger. Mrs. E. S. Veatch at the piano will play "March of the Priests" ford Green. They returned to Crescent City by way of Ash land where they spent several daya as the guests of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. n. L. Green. Mrs. Kendall was recently graduated from the Don Lux academy in San Francisco. Mr. Kendall la In business in Cres cent City. I ) 4' Mosart and "Nocturne" by Schu mann. Th Intermediate, Senior and Young People'a Hpworth League devotloual meetings will begin at l:S0p. m. Krangellstlo service at 7: JO p.m. when the girls' chorus of th Sen ior league will furnish th special music. The pastor will spesk on the theme, "The Preparation for th Christian for Hla Task." , Wyarhautr i Sunday School Weyerhaeuser Tha subject for Sunday morning services at the Weyerhaeuser Sunday school will be 'Temptation of Joins,' Matthew 3: 13 to Matthew 4:11. All thos not attending other Sunday schools are especially Invited to attend. Sunday school at a: 46 a. m. Church at 11:00 a. m. Bible Baptist Church ' Bible Baptist church, corner ef South Sixth street and Miller's Lane, Dr. C. B. Caasel, minister, lllble school at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all agos, using all Bible graded (rations. Morning worahlp at 11. Sermon subject. "Faith." There will be good singing and apeclal music by ine cnoir. Young People's meeting at 6:14 p. m., beginning a course of study which will take us through tha nibie book by book In ono year. The new manuals are here for this study. Altamont Community Presbyterian Church Services In Junior High school. O. W. Wheatley, minister. Real dence, First avonue llomedale, i,)lW "'iiTiTfiaiaes When you buy Baked Beans O You have, no doubt, tried teveral brands of baked beanj, and have found ONE brand that i preferred by the member! of your family. So, when you order a can of baked beans you tell your grocer the kind you want ... and get it! O Do you buy the bread your family eats with the same care, or do you just say, "a loaf of Bread"? So important a food should not be chosen with indifference. To be sure of getting only the very best, ASK FOR FLUHRER'S by name. Your grocer has it FRESH every day, in pleasing varietyl Don't make your grocer guess what you want- HSHy FOR Qi Always Good and FRESH! phone 713-W-s. Illlila school, 9:46 a, m. Men ot this commun ity Invited lo attend th men's fellowship class, Mr. Whsntley, teacher. The lllble la our text bonk, A. C. Olson, superintendent. Junior church for the little folks during the regular church hour. Morning sorvloe at 11 a. m, Willi the minister speaking. The suh Jeot: "How Christ's Prayer Was Answered: Its Relation to Ih Christian." Third ot a series of five expository sermons on Seven teenth chapter according to the Gospel ot John. A special musi cal number will be given by Mrs. Frank Rafsnn. Pilgrim Holiness Church Pilgrim Hoi: s church, 1121 Wantland avenue, Mr. and Mra. C. 0. Calhoun, pastors. :45, Sunday school, 11:00, preaching by tha evnn gellat, Rev. Hoy Morgan, 6:80, Y. P. service by Mrs, Morgan and daughter. 7:30, evangelistic service. Rev. Morgan, wife and daught er, who have linen conducting th revival meeting, will continue throughout this week and over Sunday. Rev. 0. J. Meyers, district sup erintendent, will be with us for a service Wednesday evening, April 6. The public Is cordially Invited to attend these sorvlcea Community Congregational Church The Community Congregational church. Garden and Martin streets. "Jeaus th Christ" Is th ser mon them of Rer. K. V. Ilnynes, paator, at 11 a. m. worship serv ice. A nursery Is conducted In th parsonage during the church hour for th convenience of par ents. Sunday school with depart- wtvwi aBnf ... ' -M ' vmx. m GOOD BREAD- l uiimls fur nil ages moots each Sunday morning, Frank Kllllan, superintendent. Pilgrim fellowship meets at 6:30 p, in, each Sunday evening In Hie Community h.ii ti. young pimple of t ho community aro cordially Invited lo attend. The vesper snrvlc at t-to p. m. lasts for about 46 minutes and Is proving of value to those whe allond. Each WedneHdny evening ot th month cxcc.pllng (he third, a study group inneis with Mr. Ilaynea In the parsonage for hour or sn ot mill study. Th. puhllo Is welcome in attend. Klamath Tomple Klnmalh Temple, 1007 pn alrnel, Itev. Hoy E. Southard, pastor. I'linno 1.1G6-H, :46, Hiimlny school, Mrs. Ken nerly, superintendent. 11:00. Itor. Hall speaking on the subject "A Silver Vase for Calvary's Crimson Itoso." 8:45, Overcomer's meetings. 1 7:45, Closing service with the llnll Kvangnllailn party. Subject, "The tiri'iileit Question llnfoie thn World Today." The Hall revival meetings will eloe Sunday night. They will he followed by apeclal meetings conducted by Mrs. Holms of Ta coma, one of the oulalnndlng preachers of tho niirtliwom. .Meetings will ha cumlucind overy night except Monday nlijM. A welcome Is extended to all. Apostolic Faith Mission The Community chapel, corner Itoclnimitlou and Mitchell alrenla, temporary location, until cum. pletlon of new locntlon at 133 N, 8th street. Sunday aervlres: Morning serv ice at 10:30 a. m. and an evange listic service at 7:.10 p. m, A 15-plece onliohtra accom panies tha cmigrnKallnnal alnglng and opens Iho Sunday evening service with a concert of sacred ' music. Everybody welcome, 4" BEE