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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1938)
April 1, 1933 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN CCGCIPS PROVE HELP TD WILDLIFE Four-H Club News Notes CCO boya, ilnvi'loplnK Ihe Title Inks wthllirn retime In Hlsklyou nil Murine ciiiiiitlue tit Culllornla, Clear Inkn migratory bird rnfiiKO In Mnilon cmmly nil (I uptirr Klnm alii wllillirn refund In Klnmntti onunly, ()),, tprntil ua a unit. are milking nil Inviiluiililn rontrl billion to Ilia national wllilllfo r sfnintlon linmnini, anya Dr. Ira R. (Inlirlxlaoii, chief nf tno U. H. bin InKlcnl survey. Ilia iin itrn I n In- tlnne lo Ibn rnniii ii'hoiiiiiI came on Hut ririb nnnivrrsiiry of the (TO. The ranin at :lnir lake la Join Ins olhi'ra throughout Ibo nnllon Ihla wovk (Mnrclt 31 to April 6) In relehratlii the anniversary, and , Invlloit tin piilille (o visit Ihe rntnp iliirinic tli" "open Ionian" pclohra' linn mi April S. 1 '.KIN. to a-n Ilia pri)Ki''-na IioIiik niniln nt thi'sn three v.lillh ntUK. IIitii Hi" ecu hoys, nniler tllriM'tlnn of the hlo InKlrnl survey, nru working In Im prove (ho mluKus an 1 hoy are lit ill other camps uu rufiiKria over the llnlliiri HtM"S. 'I'hi'y am inak I ii K tlt rcftiKcs ialjr to ailutln iHinr ami more attractive to wild life. "C'(!C boya," sais Dr. Onhrlel- eon, "urn rninllliir (Inures hi ninny loriilltlcs. I liti public, liy lierom- Inu uriinnltiti'd with them and llnilr work, can ' " wliut beneficial effecta camp I rnlnltiK baa In pre I'tirliiii I he ni tor koimI clllxenahlp. It bIbo Icnrne nf tholr contrlhti llun to I ho wildlife program." Th Tula Inko. Uppur Klumntn nil (.tear lake refuge In aouth rn Oregon and iiurlliurn Callfur ula nro In buruan of reclatua- Hun project under lliu aiiconijury Jurisdiction of the bluloilcal sur vey. Willi UUU help (hem, refuges m being Improved o that llioy will attract and aiippurt addition al waterfowl and other wllilllfo. Arena wlthlu tho refuges havo boon luiprovod, land la bolnic vege. lated and water levels atnhlllied by dikes where possible. These areas are excellent havens lor nesting mlrratorr waterfowl oil a fayorlto wintering (round for the Canada goose that brneda In the temperate ion. Mnllarda. reuneaue, cinnamon teal, rmldloa, roceta. atllta and other ahore blrda gntlinr hero In ureal num bers, and lesser anow geese, white (routed geese and cackling geese ro alao comruoii. The CCC boya have been buay alnce October It, 1 DAG. Tboy haTo complnied 103 miles of truck trail and 1Z -mtlv or Uilopuoiw Hue which tlo the areaa together. Klra lookout towora furnlab ob eervatlon polnla In the refugee, nil more than 11,000 roda of fence protect them. Kicavallon for Inveea, dlkea and Jettlea. along with cribbing and filling, provide vital water con trol. I,ake and pond development hue been furthered by 6676 man lava ot Inbor. Klre In a refuse not only tie troya wildlife but the natural rea reaourcca. The Clonr Inko camp boya cleared S3S0 crce of refuge Innd ngulnst fire hainrria. Nlntoen hundred and almy-two crea wero subject to prat control whore grasshoppers wore the worat offenders. The largo number of wntorfowl using theae refuges rouaume enor moua quantltlea of food. To pro vide for tholr nveda 990 pounda of Kraaa. flowor and ahrub aoed wero gntborod, and moro Ihnn IIU0 crea woro planted to food and covor plnnta. A cabin and an ovurnlulit dwell Iiik have boon conatrurted and two aprlnga dovelnped while 133 inllea of tho rcfuiio boundarloa were marked. "All of theae arcompllabmenla," aye Dr. Onbrlelaon, "help make tho waterfowl anil olhor wildlife t Tulo, Clear lake and Uppor Klamath fool at homo. Tho work here will aorvo a a InalliiR monu ment to the CCC. "Klve ycara ngo when our wild life roaourcea, oapoclnlly wntor fowl, woro In anrloua dungor, the biological aurvey huil a restor ation program, It lacked the menna and man power to enn ii inon omorgoncy funda for AIrAMO.NT The Jolly Cooking elub met Mondny, March 2H. with Irene I- li llor prnaldlng. Wo flllnd out our curda and decided nut to have official coatumoa fur our dninonalratlona. We were called Into another room at the achool while Mr. Olaon talked to ua about intalnx money for summer camp. It wiia decided to have a bnaknt aoelal, aklta and mualo April 1 for f h Is purpoao. We then went buck to our meeting room and worked on our carda and anng anmo and gave so run dub ynlls. Then the meeting ad journed. ' Kreda Slllwnlt, ropnrtor. AITAMONT HuggoBtlnna for pluya wore Xlven nl the regular meellng uf the Hew and Itlp 4-11 sewing elub at Aliiimnnt. We are planning to give piny soon and soino very good suggesllons were re ceived, although we did not de cide on whlrb one to give. A few carda were completed and handed in, allowing which articles had been completed In our work We reallind liiil there la only one month yet to complete all our sewing and have our exhibits ready fur the fair, ao decided we should get busy. Ileal rlco Krungor, reporter, MA 1,1 S The Diiion Hewers, 4-H sowing elub of Mnlln. had their meeting murcn J, and Hetty Lou Da tun called Ihe meellng lo order. All girls havo completed their pin cushions and pot-holdera and handed I hem In to the leader Until Hale, who examined them We filled out snino carda to show what work we had done. Just about ell tho girls bave their ertlilea done, except the acrop uuiik anu aewitig box. Mlaa Hale gave ua some pretty paper to use in making our tow ing box. We elected new aec- roiary wnicb la Marguerite lien ton, because Uora Jones' house humeri nown and she la now iriuH in Aiiuras, nut will be back aoon. Thoro waa no more ousineaa ao wo played itanies. in,l tho girls who had tholr articles none got to flab In the fish-pond and had a lot of fun. our next nieeiiug will no April 11. Marie Buty, reporter. out. buying refuges became svniuhi. About the same time CCC help for developing the refuges was ob tained. Thla wna Indeed a happy coincidence aa tho accomplish menta on record today were only dronmed of five yoarg ago." I don't tee the slightest reason for saying thla country la going to the doga. roopln have said that ever alnco I wus horn. fleorgo Lyninn Klttrcdgo, n pro fessor t Harvard for 48 yonri. , FOLKS ' TTi'l CtARKtS ...'v'1 '.:''''' 3 YEAH OLD i.o5 pint betiS 2.00 QUART fc&fi h MAM.V The Etrlv nirH nift -.i. Ing club of Mslin hold meetlni March li. Krnncea Kiimora. called tho meeting to order am called for rHihn . . . v., in iiiiii- utea. but the aecretary did not have them written up, an they were omitted. All membera were present. The glrla read tho menus they Were to lnnlr , ",fv n Dol lar Dinner contest. They rnv IIIO cost nt t h .A'.I . ... , .,, n)nu ln)s UM VBB Inr nnA - (.. . ik tuui penpio -v i.ric.1 oi ons Hollar, ma "H me ineni z& eenia a 8lx glrla wished to participate ... ... Dunnr Dinner contest at tho aprlng fair, to In order to Outdoor Girl L..'..1ai i isisitl ! aslli liliri(1,f ''AT ' At M. .at' C. J Mnxlno Rbarlow, newa reporter for tho I'ollriin achool 4-H sow ing club, with her dog, I.nddlo, her cat and the family cow, Mary. Hhe la 14 yenra old but has only been In 4-H club work this year but enjoys It very much. Bho la also (ilrl Hconl. Her noiiiiiea are camping and skiing and she 1 1 Ices to read good books, especial ly outdoor books but alio likes to lako cure of bublea best ot all. chooao Just one to represent us, we are going to huvo the girls each maku a pudding ut uur next meeting and the remaining girls and our leader will be the Judges. Tho glrla will bo Judged on neat ness, speed and taate. The girl that makea the beet pudding will represent ua at the spring fair In Ihe Dollnr Dinner contest. Blnco this was all the business, the meet Ing adjourned, and wo played gnmoa until time to go homo. Marie Hanel, reporter. MKHIUI.L The "17 Busy Mills Hummers" club of Merrill has now finished holding Its tenth meeting. Ten meetings la nil thnt la required to hold In 4-H clubs. Tho mem bers put on piny nt Ihe last meeting, the name of which was ".Stutter, Stammer and M-.M-M Murder. Tho players woro Judge and murderer lva Jnne Hnsklna: dctectlvo Georgia Ms- key; stuttering husband Joanne Hmlth: wife and victim ot killer Margaret Icenbleo. Wo aro planning on giving another , play on Achievement dny, and all bope that we can do ao. Joanno Smith, reporter. MKRIUMj The Merrill 4-11 Sheep and Pig club met March 2D In the school building. Jon Kulhnrliig- liniii Is president and culled the meeting to order, 12 members being present, J, I, Fotberlng ham, our loader, wat also pres ent and gave ua some Interesting and valuable pointers on care of our livestock. Jimmy Wood house gave a talk on shearing sheep. Joe Chlnn gave an Interesting talk on fending and caro of rab- blta. Barry O'Connor waa elect ed newa reporter, (ieorgla Mskey having resigned. We will have our next meeting April , Jlarry O Connor, reporter. HIIAHTA Tho Conk and Htlleh elnh hM Its seventh meellng March 2. Our leader. Mis. Hallott, waa ab sent. Ilorthlnl Nelson waa one of the main speakers of the club. rue bnsket social which was to havo been on Anrll 1 hn Iiaah changed lo April 8. We talked about havlnir a elnh nnrlv n,l decided to have It on April 4 ni iiuromy noiien a home. We had iwo visitors, Marie Williams and Dulnrea Monkey. Hhlrley Tilton, reporter. ALTAMONT GARDEN CLUB HEARS TALK ON CARE OF ROSES ALTAMONT The new Alla munt garden club met at the school Wednesday afternoon with tho president, Mra. Stephen Sabo, presiding. Mrs. ;. 8. McClellan gave a short talk on tho planting and taking care of rose bushes hore. Mrs. K. D. Lamb told ot the stute federation of garden clubs and also spoke on flower arrange ments that are being conducted In town once a week by her. She hna a largo class taking the course, she said. Thero was an opon discussion on all kinds of flower culture with Mrs. j. O. Arena and Mrs. ticorgo Walton relating some of tholr experiences In this vicinity with flowers and shrubs. Soveral new shrubs and peren nlul plants wore given to the school to help beautify the grounds. Anyone having any plants or shrubs ho wishes to donate is asked to call tho achool ond let Wyatt Pndgott or Mra. Prod I'oterson know. Several new members Joined at thla mooting, and the club aoon expects to reach a membership of 60. Meetings are to be held twice a month, on the second and fourth Wednesday at the new Altamont elementary achool. Motorists who travel the streets In the city of Klamath Kalis and who have complained of the cracka and raised sections of the pavement, will have to put up with theae conditions until warm wealhor hat definitely ar rived. Each year tbe city street de partment hat a season of street repairing and patching which takes place In June and earlyjuly, which la Just about as early as the weatherman can be depended on to keep tho thermometer steady. "We won't do any sort of patch ing or repairing until the city gets tho new asphalt plant," E, A. Thomas, city engineer, stated Fri day. "The city Is advertising for bids on tho plant early next week and after the plant la Installed and we have proper facilities for making asphalt, then we can make our plana to go ahead and repair the sections that need' It. Anr way this It usual procedure that we follow every year." Thomas pointed out that frost and moisture aeepa under the pavement and freezes, causing the bulges and cracks In tbe streets which are annoying Klamath motorists, HOT CROSS BUN SALE PLANNED BY GIRL SCOUTS For the benefit of the Olrl Scout Leaders association treasury a hot cross bun sals will be held In a downtown location April ( to , according to plans made at a leaders' meeting Thursday even ing In the circuit court room at tbe courthouse. Troop committee mothers win be In charge of the booth and of selling tbe buns. Plans were also made for start ing a leaders' training course Tuesday April 5, at place to he announced later. Mrs. R. O. Frederlksen who Is In charge of the troops will conduct the course. May 20 has been set as the date for the next Olrl Scout eourt of awards, Mrs. Frederlksen an nounced, and It la planned to give a program as well as awarding badges. All parents and friends, or anyone Interested in scouting Is Invited. Mrs. Elisabeth H. Price, na tional staff member and the na ture advisor for the Big Tree re gion, win be in Klamath Falls Msy 13 and 14 to meet with the scouts, troop leaders and council members. Mrs. pries has vlaltsd here previously, where they know her aa "Petoga," her Olrl Scout name. During the summer Petaga la at Camp Chaparral In Califor nia, which la the national training school for this region. Temperatures from IS to 12 degrees are most feared by pilots on transport lines. Ice formed at this range of temperature Is harder to get rid' of than Is the Ice formed at lower temperatures. The hardest part ot Iniroduo Ing the instrument Into banks was In getting the preillcentt and high executives to submit to tests. Dr. William Marston, originator of tht blood pressure test, tor honesty. It Is reported that the United States army air corps stands Is immediate need ot 100 mor qualified candidates to complett tbe quota for the March class si the air corps training center al Randolph Field, Texas. The girl who really knowi her baking Is just the girl who'll soon be taking A WEDDING TRIP PILLSBURY'S DEST THE "BALANCED" FLOUR MAKES GOOD BAKING BETTER Napoloon waa preparing to drown Europe In blood while the philosopher Kant, waa hailing tho approach of a peaceful Interna tional era. Kant died In 1804. In hoisting the flag to half mast, it should first be raised to full mast and then lowered half way. In lowering It for the day. It again should bo hoisted to full nyiat nd-J.hoalowcrcd, .- . The world's first naval obser vatory for the advancement of navigation and nautical astron omy was built at Greenwich. Kngland. In 1(75. il laa i jiataw isiisi I .nmwani.e.yjeju miai mm n You Can't MISS Making Better Coffee with ALL these flavor factors Veguaronttt that you'll make a much more delicious coffee than you've ever msde before trtrytimjou try with MJ'B, or we will refund your money. This metni richly full jlavend coffee tt nj strength you like mild, medium or strong. Ycj, here's the most satisfying coffee you have ever tasted the result of perfecting snd combining til tin important tefftifavcr factors in our own special way to produce MJ-B's hmoi"FIavcrEssentiat' the key to better coffee in thousands of homes. Try It now a real tojfn improvmtnt the quality coffee that's guarantttd to please you. THI PROPIR GRIND FOR ANY MITHOD iiiUlla1 HIWF1 ALL perfected fl in M-J-B A selection of the finest quality of coffee bctns. A blend that brings out the utmost flavor of the bean. A rout that perfects the flivor. Cup-tasting to check the flavor. A grind that preserves the flavor cells perfectly for any coflee-milcing method. Freshness Insured by an exclusive Vacuum Packing Process. thi corrn with THi T&uMt istotflat'' to- Super Market 122 No. 9th Phone 716 Free) Parkins' Store No. 2 103S Main Phontj 156 Open Sundays SHOP AT EMIL'S AND SAVE QUALITY FOODS AT LOWKST PRICES SPECIALS FOB FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUSDAY AND SIOXDAY QUALITY MEATS SATURDAY ONLY Derided Bacon Sliced . Peanut Butter Swift's Fresh Side Pork Br the Piece Salt Pork For Seasoning or Cooking Steer BeeS Roast Klamath County Boil Beef p,.,. ud , CluSrr CAitj- vv Ufc-CtI Cnt Any Thickness . Salmon Whole or Hair Oysters For Frying or Stewing .... Sausage Pork and Veal Lb. 35c 2 Lbs. 19C Lb.21c i. 19c 17c Lb. 3 Lbs. 29c Lb. .W - 15c Lb. 4C Ft. S Lbs. 29c CHICKENS AND RABBITS BAKERY AND FOUNTAIN DEPARTMENT Light Lunch . . . . . . . Toasted Raisin Cheese Sandwich Big Milk Shake . . . . . . Double Dip Ice Cream Soda . . Large Green Olives . ... Klamath Cheese . . . . Rockey Road Ice Cream . . 25c .15c . . 10c . . . 10c . Pt. 19c . Lb. 19c . . Pt. 15c WJ(Pa',ar'srPWr"4l an-inViYttml PRODUCE SPECIALS 8ATURDAT ONLY Bananas Golden Ripe Lb. C Asparagus 97c All Green a IV.. " 23C 98c Grapefruit Coachella, Seedless, Large Size 6 For Lemons Fancy Sunkist, Large Size Do. Oranges Sweet Juicy Sunkist Nave., Medium Size ... 2 Dot. Apples Delicious -................. Box Rmo - Lge. Pkg. 21 f Rinso Small Pkg. 9f) Lifebuoy Lux Toilet Soap 3 Bars 19 3 Bar. 19 Cl1MM Fancy Red Alaska, Del Monte t adimUal or Wellman'a Tall Can XC .9 For 35c 23c Spry 3 Lb. Can 53 1 Lb. 23 Right Reserved To Limit Quantities 2 Lbt. , Milled HQc Large Can. FREE S8c Talne Cook Book with purchase of S Cans Extra. ITrta-a-c Large Strictly Fresh....2 Doz. . Saturday Only 45c Seer S3, Gold Age ... 3 Can. 29c 3JC Sugar C4H $139 9si ik ri-.L cu asas" Beans Small White .... 3 Lbs. Miracle' Whip Qt Jar.. Tom. Juice Swift Premium, Tall Can 7 For Jello Assorted Flavor. 3 Pkg. 49c 14c Dog Food Old English, AA Victory or Ul Bonnie 6 Can. Sugar Br.w. 10c or Powdered ....3 Lbt. 9 2-iaafAIN'T DAT rl TOMATO S0UP2 Tomato Soup II Pork 9t Bean. II 10-oa. Oah 3 For23C I 6 For 45c Tuna Fish Sri White Star Tin 17: le TlAAm Norwegian E llfllU Larae Can Oysters Z , c.n. 25c Fishery Biscuit Mix .... 25c Flour P!Sid $159 (Limit) 49 Lb.. Can Pkg. Chocolate Ovaltine B-oa. Caa S wilt's Corned BeeS ?c- Grapenuts . Cherries rtHnTl..... Dole Pineapple Spears Tender LeaS Tea CoSSee Shy HlRh Fiend 8 Lbs, CoSSee Krone's' Ruprcme mmmsrxm puUJiaaaans Lge. Can 7-os. PkR. Orcen 8So . Black.... 8 Lbs. 33c 35c 15c 15c 89c 19c 31c 43c 63c