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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1938)
i THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON March 30, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES Paid-in-Advance Om day, per word - . Two day run, ior word hre day run, par word Ona waak run, par word - 7e ..20c Ono month run, par word .... Charge Adi Each Insertion, per word ..... ....... No chargo mada for last than 25c) (All mall order ada muat have eli Willi order). All ! are Ineorled In bolb adlllnna of The Nowe-Horald. All elnaalflcalloiis are numbered ml annoir lu numerical order. The doad-lluo for claudication la 13:00 a. m. Am received iu 11:00 o'clock will he run In tbe "Too Late to Classify" column. The Newa-Horald will be re apnnalblo (or Incorroct wording only one day. Classified Index Apartment (or Rant Automotive .. Bualneaa Opportunltlea educational ,14 84 I ,1 Klnanolal At irni. Rale or Trade ,88 , 4 .14 Oeneral Notice Help Wanted, Female Help Wanted. Male .-. Ilouaea (or Rent Llreatock and Poultry I.oat and round ......... ,1 .16 .44 1 Mlacellaneoua (or Rent Mlacellaneoua (or Sale Mlacellaneoua Wanted .11 .11 .41 . personals Real Rotate (or Rale Real Eatata Wanted Room and Board .1 .11 .10 Rooma (or Rent .11 Service -1 Rltuatlona Wanted To Exchange Transportation .- -IS -40 .. II Lett and Found LOUT Ladles pure. Leave at a. P. depot. Mra. J. D. Brown. 4-1 LORT Tiieaitay afternoon, blue blouae In'ointc nag. neiurn to La Polntn'a. 8-89 LOST 1938 Academy graduation ring on Main atreet. Reward. Newe-llorald. 4-1 General Notice Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND Shortest Route Loweet Fare To UnrlhBMl PolntS Una Round Way Trip Spokane $11.20 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 10.00 IB. Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Buaaea Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. AMvhnnn rtennt PllOUS 001 4-10-mtf i, u Anv nvirpRln rflR RALE by aenlnd hlita. the atock and fixtures of the Bank Drug Co.. Klnmath Falls, Ore. Rtoek and fu.nrn mi. he inanected any time during bualneaa houra by applying on premiere. mas win fc nnnnfwl In nur office. 471 Plttoek Block. Portland, at 10:00 a. m Monday. April 4. 10 of the amount offered muat km x.kmlltAit with hid. TtlehtB reserved to reject any or all hide. Adjustment Bureau, rort land Aasoclatlon or Credit Men 171 putnrk Rlock. Portland Ore. 4-1 MAKE) THOSE IMPROVEMENTS on your home now. Bee Atlaa Roof Co. for FHA loana. Phone 930. 116 8o. 7th. 4-14-mtf INTERSTATE MOVING Klam. atb Falla Trana. and Storage, 4-4-mtf INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Salei and Horvlco. 110 B. Main, 4-is LONC1 DISTANCE HAULING Phono 1007. 4-4-mlf 10 Sorvlces tim.i.iMn iPiinvACK CO. Bo piilrlng mid donning all makea of heating ayatema. can an ox nerlenced Holland heating en glneer to anlve your heating pronioma. lis bo. Tin. mono 800. 4-IS FLOOR SANDING 'and Reflnlsh .Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 168-W-8. 5-31-mtf FOR TILE WORK of all kind and repairing plena Cecil. B. Corkery 759 or Swan Lake Moulding Co. Free eatlmatea. 4-1 MONUMENTS THE OREGON GRANITE CO. CEMETERY SERVICE MONUMENTS GRAVE MARKERS T. L. Reedy. Local Mgr. 1805 Oregon Ave. Phone 1,18 4-24 MATTRESSES REBUILT 13.60. Ono-dny aervlce. Flnit class up- noistery. Complete Una of let. oat material. Carlson Mattreaa and Upholaterlng, 1200 Main Phono 701. 4-21 HEWING Altoratlonn, conta ro- llnod. Mra. Hnrnoy. Phona zim-J. 2111 Darrow. 4-8 PAINTINO, Kalaomltjlng. Model- ate m-lnna. Tarn,, u..,fl t. Brown.- Phone 1002.' 4-18 10 Services Mo LINIMENT gives permanent relief (nr mtmn, pile, Inflam matory rhaumatlaiii, akin die. enaa. Price $1.60 bottle. No eample. A del rem P. I. McNillly, (7 IS. (, Eugene, Orn, 4-27 FOR HALE Driveway cinders, illrt moving and basements mix. Phone 087J1. -3 MRS, J. T. PERKINS, dreaamak- Ing and remodeling. Iteproaon latlvn for The Nu Hone Coraet. lit N. 4th. 418 TA1LORINO, dreaamaklng. alter- atlnna and draperlea, Bona Ar nold, over Wbltman'a Drug, S18 Main. 4-17 NU-UONM CORSETIERES. Phona Mra. II. Putoiseii 24J Mra. Uona Manning 134. Style and fit guaranteed. 4-1 FILMS Any 8-exposiir roll de veloped and printed, 25c. Eaat Side Pharmacy, 926 Eaat Main. 4-35-mtf BODBNHAMER SAW FILING 110 Eaat Main. Phona 840-W. All aawa, tools, lawnmowera, etc. repaired. 4-14-mtf DRESSMAKING, alteratlona, re modeling. Ann London, (21 Main, over Bwanaen'a Barber Shop. 4-10 CARPENTERING by contract or day work. Phona 1653-R. 4-10 rLOOR RANDINO and reflnlahlng. Clifford Golden. Phone 188W3. 8-81-mtf 12 Educational LEARN TO PLAY popular muale correotly by the Julian Finn;?, method.- No booka to buy. Call 1381-R (or Information. Kstelle Marahall. 1184 Rtukel. 4-1 18 Situatloni Wanted MARRIED MAN, II, not afraid of manual labor, f yeara exper ience newapaper editing and management, 4 yeara purchss Ing and peraonnel, admlnlatra Hon. At liberty May 1. Refer ancea. Box 1888, News-Her!d. 1-10 WANTED Hour work. Phone 573J1. 4-1 CAPABLE OIRL, 18. wanta houae work, care of children. Oood cook. Room and board, aoma wagea. Phona 1431 MX. 3-30 CLEANING BY HOUR Phona 08-J. 3-iu LADY WANTS WORK Hotel, Room II 5. . Pelican 8-30 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 1018 Jeffer aon. 3-30 BMALL ROOM Cheap, with board. 030 Lincoln. Phone 79-M. 1201-tf 104 SO. 4TH 11 week. Family atyle, home prlvllegea. 3-30 ROOM and board. 114 Michigan. 4-1 BOARD and room, til So. 8th. 4-1 BS MONTH. 88.78 WEEK. Phone 1259-J. 1545 8argent. 4-21 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 1640-tf BOARD A ROOM-rlvat ahowor, ataam heat. 711 Klamath Ave. 4-1 ROOM AND BOARD 81 High. 4-7 22 Roomt for Rant DERIRABLE ROOM (or working girl, (our hlocka from Main. Call alter alx. Pbona 1106-J. 4-4 ROOM FOR RENT 114 No. 3rd. 3868-tf ROOM FOR RENT 114 Waah Ingtoo St. 1823-tf OLAREMONT. IIS No. 4tb St. All outalda modern rooma. Free parking lot. 4-7 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN In mod em home. Phone 828. 4-1 24 Apartment! tor Rant FURNISHED 8-room apartment. Adulta. 400 Oak St. 8-81 ONE AND TWO-ROOM furnlehod apartmenta. Cloan. Reaaonnhle. 1304 Worden. 8-81 NICELY FURNISHED 4-room apartment. 825 Grant, 8833-tf FIRST CLASS email brick npart ' ment, No peta. Adulta. 741 Walnut. ' 3-80 SIMONS court, 823 Commercial. Vacancy. 4-1 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furniabod and deco rated, telephones, aleotrlc equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage, Day, weak or month. The apartment hotel with con venience and home comfort. 24 hour aervica. No peta. 4-14-mtf APARTMENT FOR RENT Alpha Apta. Phona 800. 4-14-mlf SMALL FURNISHED apartment, aultabla for two. 815 Commer cial. 8-30 MODERN FURNISHED COTTAGE by day, week or month. 'Alta mont Auto Camp. 3-30 FURNISHED APARTMENT for t or 4 adulta. Wood, llgbta and water. 410 N. 10th. 4-6 FOR RENT Apartmont. 446 Market. 1680 NEW, ATTRACTIVE 89 Main, 4-1 Houiai (or Rant FOR RENT Partly furnlah'd rnhin for man and wife. 435 Willow. 8-80 TllllKK-ltOOM unfiirnlahnd houae. 2nd alrnot, Pleasant View, Mra. Hickman. 8-30 FOR RENT Modern furnlelied auartnienla. Reaaonable ratoa. Phone 293 or 018-W after 8 p.m. . 4-13 FOR RENT Modern 2-hedroom completely furnlahcd houae. Phone 2180-J. 3-31 FOR KENT 3-room modern hoimn. $115. 2H41 Hnrgenl. 8-30 28 Miicelleneoui (or Rent 1160 FOR SEASON. 3U00 acrea about 20 lull eta eaat of Dorrla. Some good for puaturo. Tom Murray, WUIard Hntol. 4-26 FOR . I.IOAHK Irrigated meadow land "l" Rancb and Hbeepy Creek for cattle. Tom Murray, WUIard Hotel. 4.25 30 Real Ettata tor Sala Camp Ground Location 1100-foot frontage on the fa- moua Rogue Klver and Pacific highway. Club houae will acco mmodate 125 gueata, Moat mod ern equipment. Treca. beautiful location near Savage Raplda. Great tlahlng. Will take In aoma trade. Six-Room Home Clono In, beautiful loretlon. A real bargain at 83000.00. Two houaea for the price of one. One 6-room, the other a 8 room. Price 82800. 00. Terme. A bnrgnln In rentnl property. Three houaea and two tola for 11575.00 caah. 1 80-acre farm, fully Improved Good potato land, Muat aell on account of health. Six miles from Klamath Falla. Price $16,000.00 CHRIST HIICK. JR. Ill R. 4th Hi. E. Gray Real Estate 3-30 WILL SACRIFICE equity In home for 8350. Strictly modern, 4 rooma and bath, large back porch, on pavement, atreet and aewer aaaeaamenta paid In full, taxea to date. Full price 82250 825 per month. Inquire 912 Main. Phone 1131-W. 3690-tf nniv unrn'DM unxiie nn Knrth 2nd atreet, three large rooma and bath, plastered, concreto foundation, encloaod porch, good ara larrA Int. ell In livn. 12100 with $300 down. Phone 1438 MX after 8 p. ro. 3-30 SMALL modern furnlahed apt. and rooming houae. Inquire 521 No. 10th. . 4-1 MODERN two-bedroom houae on paVomont In Hot Springe by owner. Phone 404-R. 4-1 WILL SACRIFICE due to elck- neaa, $2000.00 home, chicken houae, garage, city llghta and water, i acre land. $1395.00. Some terma. W. P. Manning, 3rd St., Ploaaant View tracta. 2250-tf GARDEN TRACTS See theae be fore you buy. Small down pay ments, Eaay terms. Shasta Food Market, Shasta Way. Phone 966-W. 3380-tf LEWIS TRACTS 1 mile eaat of city on Shasta Way. Excellent location, fine soil. Irrigation Small down payment. Small monthly payments. Interest In cluded. Mra. H. V. Lewis, own er, Rt. 1. Box 895, Shaataway Road. Phona S5J3. 4-7 INVEST NOW Tulolako Ranch, Residence or Business properties are out standing buys today. "Grow With Us" . Chaa. K. Wleae, Broker Phone 32 Tulelake. Calif, 4-1$ PLEASANT HOME TRACTS Ideal soil, city water and llghta, $10 down. No paymenta for three months If you build this spring. 8ee Christ Huck, Jr., at E. Gray Real Estate office, 111 So. 4th. 4-1 FOR SALE 240 acres. 100 under plow, soma machinery. Easy terms. Box 14, Kono. 4-1 BEST CASH OFFER Lot 3 block 31, Hot Springs. Inquire S1JS Jnckaon St., Cnrvnllls. 4-22 FOR SALE Klve-room modern house and 1 aero on Merrill highway. HI. 2 Box R77. 3-S1 34 Automotive FOR SALE 1934 Ford V-8 atnnd- ard cojipo, now reconditioned motor, Just out of tho shop. tlnori pulnt and tlrea, An nxcep tlonnl valuo, $366.00. J. W. Knrna. 7.14 South Sixth Street, Klnninth Falls, Orngon. 3-30 FOR SALE at a bnrgnln, one '34 Ponlloo sedan, ono '36 Ford V-8 peLnxe sedan. Inquire cabin 6. 2336 Shnsta Way. 4-4 '19 FORD SPORT COUPE, rumble sent, 850. 1706 Main, 4-1 36 Miscellaneous (or Sala 1x3 OAK FLOORING $85 per 1000. F. R. lliiugor, 516 Mnr kot, Phone 1558. "Building Ma terials for Loss." 4-85 FOR SALE P&H gas shovel, 1 yd. tllppor. Good condition. 616 Pine. 4-11 News and Herald Want-Ads got roaulta, 26 34 Automotive Hoagland ,? Motors Used Cars ' Showroom Car Lot llth and Main llth and Klarra) Phona 101 Phona 705 36 Bulclt Vict. Coupa ' "60" 8 Cvl 17 10 '34 Buiclt 24 Coupa e 6W 8-cyl $475 '29 Buiclt Sedan $100 37 Chevrolet Mast. Deluxe Coupa " $665 '15 Chevrolet Matt. Coune $445 '34 Chevrolet Panel Deliv. $395 '34 Chevrolet Coupe $345 '31 Chevrolet Couoa $165 '30 Chevrolet Sedan $145 '30 Chevrolet Coach $100 '30 Chrysler Coupe $135 30 Chrysler bpt. Kdsf. ..IZ5 H Dndne Sedan $495 '35 Dodge Coupa $475 '29 Dodga Sedan $100 '31 Essex Sedan $130 '29. Essex Coach . $ 75 1A Fnrd Dlt. Tr. Sedan ....$545 .'36 Ford 2 Or. Dl. Sedan $485 35 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan $425 35 Ford Town Sedan ..$425 34 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan $335 '34 Ford Pickup $275 in Fnirl ? Dr. Sedan $145 '29 Ford Coupe, Pickup box $ 75 '35 Graham Sedan $445 '35 Hudson Sedan $495 34 Hupmobile 24 Coupe $325 '37 Packard I20C Tour. Sedan $1095 37 Packard II5C Con. Couoa $995 '37 Packard II5C Tour. Sedan $895 '36 Plymouth 2 Dr. Tr. Sedan $535 '35 Plymouth Std. Sedan $445 it pi ,,ii, ni, Rni. Coudo . $425 "35 Plymouth 24 Coupe ... $425 '34 Plymouth Dlx. Sedan ....$375 '34 Plymouth Dlx. Coach ....$345 '54 P umoulh Dlx. Coudo ....3S '33 Plymouth Dlx. Sedan ..$295 '32 Pontiac ' Sedan $225 '31 Studobaker Comm. 8 ' Sedan . $195 Hoagland Motors Pontiac Distributor Ued Car Lot I Ith and Klamath 46 Miscellaneous tor Sala OUR DWELLING HOUSE (Ire In aurance rate In Klamath Falla. or. u ane nir 110ft for S reara. Compare thla with what you are paying and yon will aea that It la at least 26 leaa. Other classea of buildings In proportion. Why don't yon Investigate? Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance. Geo. J. Walton, Agent 419 Main St. Phona 1144 4-1 FOR 8ALB 8x20 two-wheel trail er house. Sink, closets, cup boards, wired for electricity. A-l condition. Will aell for $135 cash. Call at Box 1020. Port, land Drive or see O. O Rewev, Balslger Motor Co. 4-1 FOR SALE Certified aeed po tatoes. Joe Sullivan, Olene. 4-1 QUICK SERVICE TRANSFER and wood ot all klnda (or aale. Phone 1398. 680 So. 6th. 4-13-mlt SMALL MODERN PIANOS FOR RENT Rent appllable on low term purchaaa later If dealred, Louie R. Mann, tuner at Derby'a MusloCo., 117 "o. 7th. 4-11 BEST GRADE OF STOVE OIL 100 gallona, St canta, delivered, 60 e-allone, 0 cents delivered At plant, 71 centa gallon. OIL CITY, South Sixth 8t. Phone 1197. 8-31 YOU will like our COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE. Chas. K Wleae. Auctioneer. Phone 23 thUUVk. raltr. Sella anything anytime, anywhere. 4-18 Fnn SALE Mastadon and Gem strawberry plants; also glndlola bulbs. E. O. Scherer, Keno Route. City. 4-11 AUTO OWNERS WE REPAIR radiators, generat ors, starters, magnetos and Ig nition systoms. Modern meth ods and equipment. ANDEnv SON AUTO ELECTRIC. 631 Walnut. 3-31 FOR SALE Bedroom aot, over- atuftod aet, electric range, cir culating oil heater, bed, buffet. 339 No. 9th. 4-1 RECONDITIONED MOTORS Elto Ace. $25. Evlnrude Twin, $35. Johnson Single, $55. Johnson 10, $60. ' Johnson 22, $150. HARRY GOELLER 9th and Pine Phone 1175 4-4 FOR SALE 16-tube used Mid west radio $30.00. Ono only, now olglit-tubo radio $45.00, Lucas Furniture, 195 East Main 3-30 FOR SALE Nearly new Iron Age polalo planter with forllllicr at tachment and tractor hitch. 2 horso-drawn MoCormlck-Deer- Ing potato ciiltlvntors. 2 good work toama. W. L. Clink, Box 823, Tulelake, Calif. Phone : 3013. 4-5 .NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the llth day of April, 1988, beginning at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall In Klamath Falla, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction (or caah on hand all of the following described premises, to-wlt: Lot Addition Block To Whom Aaeeesed - Data Levied Purpose o( Assessment Amount ' EWAUNA HEIGHTS I 10 Ann Crawford ' August 10, 1120 Street $ 336.8 4 E. H ' 10 Ann Crawford August 10, 1920 Street . 87.77 ORIGINAL TOWN . - - 14 NW 84' 16 William Oanong Aagnat 14, 1910 Street 1,002.46 7 ' 7 Dorothy M. Dennis June 10, 1910 street 142.18 8 7 Dorothy M. Dennis Jane 10, 1920 Street 184.29 4 E. S.46' of I 17 S. B. Lore Erane June 10, 1111 . Street 51.11 WEST KLAMATH FALLS 17 8. 70' 4 W. T. Elliott Jane 10, 1921 , Street A Sewer 466.87 18 4 W. T. Elliott June 10, 1911 I Street Sewer 503.10 19 4 W. T. Elliott June 30, 1911 Street ft Sewer 476.12 20 W. T. Elliott Jnne 10, 1922 , Street Sewer 476.22 21 4 W. T. Elliott June 80, 1911 Street ft Sewer 476.22 28 4 Mra. Sybil Blalae June 20, 1921 ' - Street ft Sewer 357.62 FIR8T I 44 V. 8. National Corp. Jan 20, 1911 Street - 1,64.60 10 1 Fred HOueton , Jan 10, 1121 Street 802.72 7 - 84 Che. Cery; Corp. Com. ' mlssloner, Salem. Jan 20, 1922. Street 986.88 19 46 Clandla L. Loreni Jane 20, 1921' Street , 86.70 80 A. J. Voye , Jane 10, 1922 Street 478.31 1 . 50 Nannie JE. Deyo September 14, 1926 Street 193.02 HOT SPRINGS ' I 'IT Nlcholaa Mngter June 20. 1921 , Street 247.82 4 8t Harry W. Pool 4 November 18. 1915 - Street 139.23 8 - 19 Harry W. Pool Norember 18, 1926 -'i Street . ' 147.25 89 Harry W. Pool November 18, 1926 Street 544.74 NICHOLS . 9 A fraction of, aa per Deed . Vol. 90. page 497, fronting 33' on Grant St. 0 W. L. Wales Norember 18, 1925 Street 258.44 ( S. 69 (t. of NW 45 ft. 58 Jessie Milton November 18, 1925- - Street 241.62 FAIRVIEW SECOND 5 i 19 Gordon H. ft Emma M. Smith November 16, 192 Street 718.44 - 19 Gordon H. ft Emma M. Smith November 15. 191 Street 902.18 I 10 Gordon H. ft Emma M. Smith November 15, 192 ' Street 558.41 4 ' 10 Gordon H. ft Emma M. Smith November 16, 192 ' Street 469.37 This sale la made under and have been delinquent (or more than one year prior to March $, 1131, on real estate within the corporate limits of tbe City ot Klam ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, which warrant or Hat la In my hands. Each of the Iota, parcels or tracts above described la located within tbe City of Klamath Falla, Klamath County, Oregon, and la being sold under Sections 66, 2201 to (6, 1210, Oregon Code 1930, aa amended, providing a method; of foreclosing special assessment llena. Each of said Iota, parcela. And tracta will be aold separately and will be struck off to the first of Klamath Falls tbe full amount Dated thla 8th day of March, 1938. First Publication: March 1, 1938 Final Publication: April (. 1938 36 Miscellaneous (a. Sal NEW ELECTRIC RANOS. won at Shrine Circus, $100 cash. 1815 Front St. 3-80 FINE WORK TEAM, dapple grey, 7 and 8 yeara. average about 1660 lbs.; good set harness; also mast and boom derrick, complete. O. Elliott Smith. Tulelake. 4-5 JOHNSON SEA HORSES The j. only motor with all 3 Reverse and Underwater Exhaust and Co-pllot. $53.50 and up. HARRY GOELLER 9th and Pine Phone 1175 4-18 RECONDITIONED WASHERS $16 up. Save real money on nearly new macblnea traded In lately (or the new Bendtx. Many models. Terma. Roberts and Peak Hardware. 4-16 KEEP YOUR BASEMENT DRY Automatlo basement pump for only $35.96. Pumps 1450 gal lons per hour. Montgomery Ward and Co. 3-81 1937 HARLEY DAVIDSON motor cycle. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Ostendort Motor Co., 424 So 8th. 8-31 FOR SALE G. E. refrigerator, player piano. Write Box (21. City. 4-4 FULLER BRUSH Replacement Campaign. Dry mop $1.29 com plete. Wall brash $1.89 com plete. R. V. Morgan. Phone 2345-R. 4-4 FOR SALE 3000 sacks certified Netted Gem potatoea raised at Bonansa. David Robinson, Box 92, Bonanza. 4-4 EXCELLENT USED PIANO-Per-fect condition. $98. $5 down, $4.75 month. Louis R. Mann, tuner at Derby'a Music 117 So. 7th. 8-81 WITH every Montsg Wood and Coal Range from $59.00 up, FREE 32-ptsc dinner ant, 18 glasses, three dltfereu. sites, sugar and creamer. Lucas Fur niture company, 195 Eaat Main St. 4-4 SLAB SPECIAL Double load $4.25. Peyton ft Co., 635. 2379K FLOOR SANDER (or rent.- Latest type dilations machine. SOUTH ERN OREGON HDW. CO. 4-14 SMALL Job hauling, (ertlllser, lawn dirt, excavations. Dry block wood, Roy Scbmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1168-W. 4-18 UNREDEEMED ELGIN Watches $4.50 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Co., 622 Main. 4-16 BASSINET ON WHEELS, (oldlng buggy. Call 449W4. 4-81 WE LOAN the most MONEY on Guns, Watches, Suits, Radios Maury's Pawnshop, 9th ft Klamath 4-21 SLAB WOOD Dry 16" slabs $3.60. dry 16 edgings $1.60 Price Is (or wood at our yard One cord or more per load. You haul it In your truck or trailer. 916 Market St. Phone 535. Pey ton ft Co. 4-1 WE LOAN money or pay cash tor GUNS, musical Inatrumenta, watches, diamonds, gold. Ricky's Jowelry and Loan Co., 623 Main St. 4-16 BUYING WALLPAPERt Inspect the largest stock of new 19 . patterns In the city at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO. 4-14 Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens by virtue of a warrant or Hat In of lta assessment liens plus Inter 36 Mttcnnous For Sal MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Btorage. 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 4-4-mtf EVENTUALLY you'll aa 70 Oc tane gasoline. Why not now? 32c gallon. OU City, Soath Sixth atreet. - 4-14 40 To Exchang EXCHANGE 968 acre fruit and aheep ranch, 7 mile Roaeburg. Prune, pears, enough crop' land (or feed, good pastare , and -;, water. 9-room house, 1 barns, prune drier. Price $20,000. Part trade (or income property, some cash, balance terma. Fred Flatt er, Roaeburg. Or. 4-1 42 Mhcaflaiwoin Wanted WANTED TO REPAIR Outboard motors. Get yours repaired and tuned np (or (ishlng season. Any make. HARRY GOELLER 9th and Pine - Phone 1175 4-28 WANTED Good potato land. Paul Tschlrky, Tulelake. 1-30 WANTED Good live service sta tion and leaa. Give detaila In first letter. Larry Houlton, Strathmore, Calif., Box 71. 4-1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID (or used furniture and stoves. OK Sec ond Hand 8tore, 810 Klamath. Phon 991. 8-Jl-mtf KALSOMINE All color In balk at 8e lb. W rent kalaomine brnshea. SOUTHERN OREGON HDW. CO. 4-14 WANTED House boat; also.rub- ber boat. Write Box 3868. Her ald News, i tf 44 Livestoct and Poultry $1.25 PER 100 Postage paid (or day old White Leghorn cockerels from large, teated Leghorn bens. Will make splendid fryers at low cost. Send money In full with order. Prompt shipment guaranteed. Fred H. Cockell, Mllwaukle, Oregon. 8-11 SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns. Hollywood and Hanson strains. Big hens, big eggs (rom high record, heavy production hena with pedigreed ' over 800 egg cockerels. R. I. Reds and Barred Rocks $10 (or 100. New Hampahlrea " (or 100, White Rooks, Wyandottes and Buff Orplngtona $11.50 (or 100. Peterslme hatched, vitality- plus chicks (rom 100 blood teated atock. Send tor catalog and further information or or der (rom thla ad. Prompt ship ments. Magulra- Electric Hatch ery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Oregon. 3-31-mtf SAVE ON GUARANTEED BABY CHICKS Increase your poul try profits. Start a (lock with guaranteed healthy ehlcka (rom blood-tested (locks. Inquire Montgomery Ward A Co. 4-80 FOR SALE OR TRADE (or cnttl. , 6-year-old gelding, wt. 1600; 6-year-old gelding, wt. 1400 one 8-year-old mare, 23 head ewea and lambs. Lewlson Bros., 1 miles east of oil well. Bo nanza. 4-2 HIGHEST GRADE BABY CHICKS White Leghorns 9c. Rocks, Hampahlres and Reds (or 100, Heavy laying (re range B. W. D. Tested stock. New 24-page catalogue (re. Jenka Hatchery, Tangent, Oregon. 4-17 WANTED Alfalfa hay, any amount. Inquire Kurts Service Station. 4-1 tabular form (or the collection of eat and tbs coats of and upon' FRANK HA MM, CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, -KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. M 9-16-23-30: A ' ' ' No. 41 44 Uvwitndt and Poultry r 'ii ini it ir - m FOR SALE 13 short yearlings and yearling heifers, milking atrain, I young bulls, all (or $460.00 caah, (or thla week only. Phone 551W4. 4-1 46 Financial Since 1909 I - : . W hav been serving , th popl o( th ( Klamath Basin. '"' W count as our most valued asset the good-will of thousands of cliatt. - K you want to build, se us first. : If you need money to buy, build or refinance, ask us about the Equitable plan. . . . , CHILCOTE & SMITH:, 116 N. 9th Phone 66 W-F-U ' LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS; and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable. Safe - - No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua (inane your new or need ear purchase. Motor Investment Co.. - License M-104 114 No. 7th Ph. 881 4-9-mtf 46 Financial Title I FHA Loana are now avail able. See Atlaa Root Co. (or loan information, and eatlmatea on rooting, painting and general alteratlona and Improvements. We arrange everything. Phone 936. 115 So. 7th. 4-14-mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Half interest in go ing business In city. Box 1931, News-Herald. , . 3-30 FOR SALE Ballou'a general tor at Ft. Klamath, Ore. Will aell atoek or complete with nuiiaing. 8-81 Lgl Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ha been appointed Administratrix ot the Estate of P. M. Felt, deceased. All persons having elalma against said estate are directed to present claims properly verified to me at the of fice of my attorney, Fred D. Fletcher, 16 Loomia Building, Klamath Falla, Oregon, within six months (rom the date ot the first publication ot this notice which is March 9, 1038. STELLA E. FELT, Administratrix. H. M. 9-16-23-30. A 6 No. 44 BOSTON WOOli . BOSTON, March 80 (AP-IISDA) Scattered lots ot greasy combing domestic wools were being moved in the Boston market today at ateady prices, but the volume gen erally was very moderate. Some houses were receiving very little business. Short French combing lengths (In territory Wools in original bag brought 60 to 82 cents scoured basis. Limited quantities ot graded bright' quarter-blood fleece wools were moved occasionally at 26 to 37 cents In the grease, the demand (or this grade being slower than last week. special assessment llena which bidder offering to pay the City thla aale. SO. S. F; LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. March 80 (AP-USDA) Hoga 1260. including 615 direct; mostly 15c lower; top and bulk good to choice. 165-830 lb. California butchers $9.50; few light lights and balk 340-280 lb. butchers sorted out $9.00; ' few extreme heavies down to $8.00; part load grain-finished locals $9.25; bulk good packing aows $7.60. Cattle 150, holdovers 56. 8teera (airly active, mostly steady; 3 loads medium to good 850-1000 lb. Idaho-, (ed. steer $8.85-8.60 sorted 3 and 5 head to the load, one load held above. $8.50; me dium light steers $6.00-7.00; (at she stock practically absent, quot ed nominally steady; low grade cowa little changed: low cutters . and cutters $3.00-4.00; medium weighty bulls quoted np to $6.00 or steady. Calves: 60, Including 40 direct. Nominally ateady; odd head choice vealers np to $io.60. Sheep: 400, including 295 di rect. Few (ed lamba sold steady to unevenly higher than sales made early last week; part deck medium to good 85 lb. early shorn California (ed lambs $8.00, (ew medium - 89 ' lb. weights $7.36; (ew weighty mixed wooled lamba and yearlings $6.60; good to choke early ahorn (ed ewes quoted . around $4.00-4.50.- y ' '" ' ft (13 icwa - telling me jjiil it this morning, sir I "SHE a ays, Sir, that a USED CAR PLACE by the name of L. O. ARENS la offering the moat astound Ing bargains In beautiful cars. Juat the thing (or your wife, I'd aay, Sir!" Just Repossessed and a Bargain for Someone 1087 Willys Gas Snvlng Four-Door Deluxe Sedan. Original finish through out. Rich mohair uphol stery. Thla car haa only ran 11,000 miles. A lit tle beaaty In looks end performance. Bay with Confidence from m luTi PMi 744 KIAMATH MThtwdli