PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Palo Kel Members nf Ihn flow er nrruuKoitioni class, whtcli In cludes realilenta of Morrill, 'I'ula Inkn "ml Miilln, will not meet un til Muy IS, iuthi-iIIi'io; lo mi nil noiiiinemniit mailn by Mid, Hrnoat I). I.iunli, who In con il iictl UK Ihn classes. All llio miuiitial uvuilahlu hull linon tmnil, nml Ihn iinitip him decicleii Id wall it it 1 11 spring flow era are In hloniioni tiefora they cnlitlnllo I hnlr meotliiKs. Tlio next session will ba hold al llio hiimo of Mrs. Alino Nowion near Morrill. Arrive In Norlli Woril tin boon received thai Mm. Norvnl II. Jonea anil Mil. Harry K. l'oltii nr rlvod In 1'ori lnnl before Ilia week- lid storm struck Hint section ol tho slulo. They left Humlity morn Iiik at 8 o'clock nml arrived In rortlmul at 4 p. in. Mrs, I'elu will return In u furlulKht afier vliiltliiK wllh Dr. ami Mm. It. K. lliimllton, nml Mm. Jonea plmm In remain north tor her lien II h for month or nix weeks. Adi'iuU Mevtliig Mm. IIiirIi O'Connor of Merrill win among til out-of-lowii k ileal at a meol- Inf of iba iiarilun sroup of lha KUuialh Kul In Woman's Library olub held In the niiill club rooms of tho public lllirury Monday aflor- noon. Iiniiniiiil Interest In helng shown In ibo group with more limn 10 mi'tiibi'm roitlstored. lliinh Itlllor nt tho U. 8. forest servlco, In or kind out plana for Wildlife wosk, dlsriiMed tho conservation of wild flowers. ItHiinia llrrr ri. It. Henry Anderson or the Morrill road re tlimod last week from Yakima whoro aha has spent tho pant five weeas vimiiim wun nor nn-in-inw anil iiauiiiiii'r. Mr. nnd .Mm. Ed ward tloecktier and Infant noil lloherl Kent. Mm. Anderson li acllvo 111 arrulm of Ihn I'minli iraiisa ami In now working on piana tor ino ainio sranan meeun In Klainaih connly In Juno. (roup to Meet Members of tho nun or tit. I 'ii u I Episcopal Church will moot Tliursduv after. noon at 8 o'clock In tho homo of Mra. Uary Coiad In tho Alpha atlMrf mfttita In mntrM iilvna tir ihB Kamor Monday tea anil benefit ori'ica wnicn win no given In tho Wlllard hold April 18. A fashion how will bo oujoyod during tea bourn wllh Lal'olnto'a arranging for I ho (how. Attend f'oiivoiitlim Mr. anil Mm. O, C. Tatinnn loft Tuoadiiy morning for Portland to nttond thn stain noiivnntlon of llio Ciilln nry Alllnnrn, Till man la bind nnna tnimnxor of thn local union. Iln la to ho ono of lha principal KPimkora bofora Ilia convoiillnn. The Intnrnatlnniil president, r.n- wurd Klors of lluffnlo, N. V., will attond lha convention. Tal iiiuii will alio work In tho Intaroal of Wlllli Mahonoy'i candidacy for onator whllo In J'oruanu, no aid. t.-1 , u...v....ii Tli Altnmnnt Community rresbyterlnn church will bold Ita first colouration of lha Lord's Huppar at I p. m. Wod- hhv In lha library of Altamont Junior high achool. Mombora of lha Klrst I'rosbytorlan cnurcn wno hava engaged In mlniilonary work In lha Altamont field for tho paal 14 in AaflMrlalltf IllVllflll lO attond. Tha llov. A. Thoodoro Hmlth of tha Klrat I'roabytorlnn church will bo In charge of ad ministering tna sacramem. Ilel urns to hVhool Holon Itlch ardnon rammed Monday to Oak land. Calif., where aha la a tu donf at tha School of Mnrlt bual noM college aflor spending aov nral day hero visiting her paronta, Mr. and Mra. Harry ltlchardaon of South rtlvoialda atroet. Miss Itlchardiion will graduate from tho collogo In Juno. Koclnl liMiKintl Tho hard times sorliil p!iiiinil by tho United Townaeud rlub tor Wednesday night In tho Duka hall In Mills ad dition has been Indefinitely post poned, monikers of tho committee announced .Monday ti Ik lit . Tho data for tho dnnro will bo announc ed later. IK'IpliInn Chapter Tho evening group of Delta Gamma rhaplor of Delphian will meet al thn home of Mrs. Frauds it. olds on Itlver- Idn street at 8 o'clock Thursday night with Mrs. Olds aa the loadnr. The topic will bo "farming and Manufacturing (Jo Capitalistic." 'The Peak of Style and Quality, says d Mac MuVuuf. rillaMlM H CCAUSI THIY'SI lAmklt-fiiblmj NunnBush "To tne, Nunn-Buah hoei rej reient the peak of ityle ind quality7," layt Fred Mac Murray "And they do atiy new-looking monthi Jongfr." See the Nunn. Buih itylei Mr. Mac Murray elected now in our windowi. NEW LOW PRICES A im r maiiim DREW'S Mnlioney Holly Frlonds of Willis Mahouuy will gather at tho Wlllard hotel Wednesday night at 8:110 p. in. Muhonoy will apeak over Iouk dlHtmice tolnphone from Ontario, Orn. Hupporlnra of the Miilioiiny-fiir-rlnniitor club suited Tui'siliiy morning that an eicollunt iitinndiinro had boon assured, and nil friends of tho former Klamath Kalla mayor, rngarrllnaa of po llllciil party, uio Invited to attond the rally, Applications Two application! for boor llcunst'i were rocominend imI by tho city council In aosslon Monday night, ono aought by O. K. l'uckutl and William Houfleld for thvlr recreation rooms at Sev enth and Muln atroet, old location of the Oun store, and H. W, Mc- Muhan, 1UCU California avenue. Weekend lsllor Mra. Walter Joachke apenl the weekend In Klamath Kalla visiting with her husband and with friends. Mra. J esc like la now omployed aa cook In n mining camp at Happy Camp, t.'aiir. Ileturn to Valley Mr. and Mra. Jack Horton, ploneor roslilents of Klauiatb county, have roturned lo Kugene where thoy now resldo, af ter visiting bore with Mra. llor ton'a sister, Mm. Tom Garrett, who Is confined to the Hlllsldo hospital Willi a fractured hip. Tho Morions also visited wllh many of tlielr old frlonda whllo here. Meota Hon Hon Mrs. A. J. Freeman and son, Paul, left Sun day evonlng for tholr home In Hpnrka, Nov., after a abort visit hero at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Joo Kvans In tho Kntorprlao tracts. Mrs. Krooman made the trip here to moot hor son who had boon spondlng several montha In Wash ington with relatives. IjCAtlere to Mori A meetliiK of airl Scout leadera and llrownlo pae loadera haa boon announced for Thursday evonlng, March 31, In the circuit courtroom at the courthouse at 7:10 o'clock. Mrs. U. O. Kredorlkscn. executive sec retary, will be In charge of lha mooting. In South Mr. and Mm. Roy Drown of the Alpha apartmonta are spending several weeks In southern California with friends and relatives. Iloturna Home Mrs. J. Martin Adams and Infant daugbtor, Shar on I,ynno, ratiirnod to their home on nosnwa; drive Monday evening from Klamath Valley hospital. KuRlea Dance There will be a dunce Wednesday evonlng, March 30, ut tho Kuglos ball. The Orogon Hill Ullllus will play many old. tlmo ilancos during the evening, and I'lnky Crowdor of Pelican City will act as maator of cere monies and call tbo quadrilles. Sponsor Card Party The Vet erans of Foreign Wars auxiliary haa announced plana for card parly to bo held Thursday, March 81 In tho club rooms of the city library. The party will start at 2 o clock, and awards will be made Vlslla Parents Helen Richard son, who Is attending business collcgo In Oakland, apont the paat wookend In Klamath Falls visit ing with ber paronta, Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrry Richardson of Riverside street. Towiuwnd Auxiliary Townsend auxiliary No. 1 will meet at the home of Mra. Carl Bergman, 221 North Seventh street, Wednes day at 1 p. m. for a potluck luncheon and business meeting. All members and frlenda are welcome. On Medford Oaae A. W. Hchaupp, Klamath Falls attorney, left Tuesday morning for Medford where he expected to spend a few days trying a damage auit. Trombonist .Mra. Snyder III Mrs. Charles Snyder has Improved following a rocunl attack of Influenza which confined ber to bod at the family residence on tho Morrill road. Mra. Snyder was able to be up Tuesday. Minneapolis Visitors Mr. and Mrs. K. J. r'ngllsh are being vis it oil for a fow daya by Mra. Eng lish's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ryan of Min neapolis. Minn., who are en route homo alter wintering In tbe south. 1 1, ported Improved Mrs. M. E. Joyce, who haa been confined to hor home on Pacific Terrace for tho paat aororal weoka with ill ness. Is reported to be Improving, but alio la still unable to be out. From the Fort Mr. and Mra. R. s. Dixon of Fort Klamath are here for aaveral days on bualneaa from their ranch home. They are guesta at Hotel Hall while in the city. Am Umtn Tha Diib Urn Rantf of the mill Sunday acbool In Bprogue River will have an art sale at the home of Miss Upp, Tuesday, April t. SERMON SERIES BY POLICE EVANGELIST TO CONTINUE HERE Tha services bald at the Seventh Day Adveutlst church, at 833 North Ninth street by the "police evangellat," George J. Seltter of rhleaffn hava been m. StarLllnK success, according to reports by L,. M. seltter, local pastor. iapc Ity audiences during the past week attest to the success of umm urvlMi Senear said. The services will continue on Friday and Sunday nlgbta at the cnurcn. The publlo Is Invited. The "police evangelist" has preached In the Seventh Day Ad vontlst church for over 10 years and In that time haa baptised more converta to that church than other avangeliata. He baptised aeven adnlta laat Saturday. He sold In part Sunday nlgbt "a true citizen will not fight tbe law. or America, neither will a true Christian fight the law of Ood." He added "If there were a text of scripture commanding, explain ing and counseling me to observe Sunday aa tbe Sabbath, I would do it, but the text has never been produced, neither can It ever be produced, for the simple reason that tbe text la not in tbe Bible." The "police evangelist" has preached before audiences of 8000 to 7000 people In the largest cities ft, Tiniia flintos and la na tionally known for the work ho has carried on. L. M. Beltier, bla on, urgea all to keep In at tendance at every meeting at tho church. Vital Statistics PRICE Born at Wghtfoot ho pltal March 21. 1138, to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Price of Tulelake. a girl. Weight: ( pounds, 12 ounces. Mayflies spend from one to three years as water crawlers, only to die after the flrat night aa a winged adult. v V r H From Chlloqiitn Mr. and Mra. J. W. Fltspntrlck of Chlloquln are among tho visitors In Klamath Falls this week. Thoy are guesta at Hotel Hall. Jack Winston, who will bring his orchestra end entertainers bere for a ono-nlght appearance at the Legion hall Wednesday. manager of Legion hall dances. "The Bal Taoarln haa featured such bands aa Kay Kyser, Happy Felton, Tom Ocrun and Carol Lofner hut Winston and his fine organization outdistanced these groat bands, breaking all records In staying 32 weeks." Evans said. "Winston has been broadcast ing nightly over NHC and also transcontinental!. An indication of the success of the band Is the flood of fan mall that has pourod In, night after night. Winston has a long string of successful engagements behind him Includ ing tbe Little club in Shanghai, Cblna, Mark Hopkins hotel In San Francisco, Plaza in San An tonio and tbe Bal Tabarln cafe In San Francisco. Winston haa recorded for Vic tor and Brunswick and baa been featured on two radio commer cials of bla own. "Tbo band la a highly dance able one with unuaual arrange mente and effects achieved by leader Winston. Much after the manner of Clyde McCoy, Winston uses his trombone with a muted effect that has earned bis or chestra the title of "honey from the horn" music. Tbe style of the band la Identified by tbe use of three trombones with violin backgrounds." Dancing will start at 9 o'clock, Evans aaid. Ashland, Neb., haa been In three different countlea during Ita his tory: Oreen, Calhoun and Saun ders. The Sangerhausen Rosarium In Germany, after years of experi menting, haa pertooted ptrtsot black roae. Whales have boon known to break their Jaws on the ocean bot tom, after a mlln-deep dive. . .. - WINSTON BAND TO APPEAR HERE WEDNESDAY NIGHT Jack Winston and bis orches tra, on a tour of one-nlghters after completing a nine-month engagement at the Bal Tabarln In San Francisco, will appear at the Legion hall here Wednesday night, according to Baldy Evans, Dr. A. A. Hssi RECTAL DISEASES Mild electric treatments, replacing o I d methods. Non-contlnlng, non-surgical and safer. KKSUI.18 start wllh first treat ment. Wrlto for I'ltKE booklet. DR. M. C. CASSEL Specialist Coosel Bros. Chiropractic Clinic 228 No. 71 h Phone 420 JO fl YOU THOBOUOMLY PROTECT YOURSELF AS WEU AS EM PIOYEES WITH EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY 1MSURANCE FfiOM Landry Company W -COtfrrHOvSC IS ACWii iam srnccr ntaM out of'ict PHONe-24S Exclusive New Vagabond by KNOX 750 NEW FEDORA LINES IN FELTl Designed like a man's Fedora, with deftly pinched crown and smart tailoring to give subtle feminine touches. Tailored to Knox perfection, adaptable to all daytime wear. A blessing for those who travel (and those who don't). In all the vibrant new colon. Lap, i fate's THE Packard Motor Car Co. and Packard Service & Sales Inc. Of Portland, Oregon STATE DISTRIBUTORS OF PACKARD MOTOR CARS Announce Tha Appointment Of Tha IROeDlhase (S air age Corner Fourth and Klamath Street Klamath Fallt, Ore. As the Authorized Packard Service For The Klamath Basin Mr. Adams, Factory Trained Specialist t Z. IftA, ,jr ff-TEAR 1 JlOT&ir I f PROTECTION PLAN tti Monthly Pay- J ' s yW Bnper Six prlcea atari Jr . Touch-a-bar opens door when the hands are fall. . Speed ex Cube Release to remove cnbca aa needed. . Spcedox Troy Release loosens trays at touch. . 1 Foodex porcelain lined freshener. 1 wire basket ' . Handl-BIn big roll-out drawer for extra space. . D-poInt cold control. Has fast freese and auto-reset defrosting. . 106 Ice Cubes 8 lbs. 14 01s. . Plenty of sparkling Ice cubes for serv tng cooling drinks. Power to freeze an extra supply In a jiffy. . 18 H Square Feet of Shelf Area, . Fully 4 feet more usable shelf space than yon usually find at the price. MAIL THIS COUPON TO YOUR KLAMATH FALLS SEARS STORE Sears-Roehnck A C0.1 I am In. tercstcd In the new 101W Cold- . 1 .1 1 ItnuA vnn. Mil. rcseniatlve call. This, I un III Idorstand, places me nnder no till I obligation to bny. I Name 1(1 Street 133 So. 8th Phone 148 733 Main St City . State