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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1938)
J$ tXBM WEATHER Cold High M Low 24 PRKCIPITATION 24 hour to a. m. ...Trc Heaaon la data , .,, 1 t WIRE SERVICE Th Humid Mid New suliscrlli to fall leased wire rlr of the Associated I'ru nd lb United I'rww, 111 world' greatest wsgatherlng organisation, for 11 hour dally world newe codim Into The Herald Mew office on teletype machine. Iut year to data ... 5.84 Normal precipitation ,, ., a.VV ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THE SHASTA-CASCADE WONDERLAND UNITED PRESS irL-jrLTLn.ririnririnnrmr-1-i-ri-,- ............... Price Five Cents KLAMMH FALLS, ORE., MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1938 cooiiSj Number 8206 mm mm mm m m i ...iti ' .m"" I I II III ""T n nnmm i Senate Approves Editorials On the Day'. N ews Ry FRANK JKNKINH T"IIB J a pan oio parliament, with Iho luni of the military al Id baad, adopt a regular budgot of tS33,000,000, a upplomenlary war budgot of (1,400.000,000, take ovr th privately owned eleetrlo Industry and sharply re atrlcla transaction! In foralgn ex changethe laat being a SURE 8I0N of financial troubles. Meanwhile prices, which are gorerned by supply and demand, and NOT by lawi of parliament or Imperial edicts, RISE SIIAItPl.Y, forecasting a lowered alandard of living for the Japaneae people. nrllB war ihoe, you ae. la bogln nlng to PINCH In Japan, prov Ing that wara of conquest have their drawbacke. rpllR German government an nouncea that loana to newly married couplea and bonuaea for large famlltea will be extended to Austria, Gerniany'a newest prov Inca, V ir you r going te) live by ar. aa Oormany propoaea to do, you muat have plenty of cannon fod der. -"KH.MANY, Italy and Japan moan publicly of th preiaur of Increaalng population and th need for new territory for their growing population to expand Into. Privately they pay bonuaea for marriage and birth to In ereaa their populatlona atlll mor. It would be funny If It weron't o traglo. ' "EllMANY. Italy and, Japan de mand conquest and colonlea a a mean of Inaurlng raw ma terial and market for their In duatrlea. ao aa to provide employ 4 mnl for their people. Swltserland, Holland and the Scandinavian eountrle at their face AGAINST WAIt, refuse to hnnkrupt themaelvea for artna monta they can't afford. BUY the raw -materials they need from friendly peopl who want (o ell and NEED to aell and market Iho output of their Industrie on tha haala of fair price and good qual ity. OWITZERLAND, Holland and the Scandinavian eountrle aro prosperous, their debt ro held within reason, their taxes aro not cruelly hurdonaomo and tholr people hv plenty to eat. Germany, Italy and Jnpnn nro on tlto brink of bankruptcy. Tho los on I plain. POISON CASE MAY REACH JURY BY TUESDAY NIGHT ST. HELENS, March 8 (AD SIM and dofoiiHO attorney rested their coses today and predicted the flrat dogroo murder trial of Mr. Jonn Agnes Bedford, twice Indicted for the poison dciilh of two stopduughtors, would reach the Jury late Tuosdoy. D. O. Ilennott, district attorney, will begin hi closing arguments thla afternoon. Mr. Lodford, on trlnl for the death of 13-ycnr-nld Ituth, testl fled aa a rohutlnl wltnea, deny. Ing aho had forced open n pnek age of poison with a knlfo. Little Interviews fl V Mil!,.. J.nlnl. 1 n nnrf conforonco of Loglonnnlros with Joseph T. Dohnrty, nnllonnl com mander, In Portland Dnhorly ""in la a llvo wlro, lie look His coat right off mid wont to town on Legion problem. ALL EFFORTS TO FORESTALL PASSAGE FAIL 49 to 42 Favorable Vote Follows Three Hours of Tense Debate. WASHINGTON, March 28 (.1") Tho aonate approved today the government reorganization bill giving President liooevoll wide power to reorganise executive dopartmonl. Tho final vote waa taken with out objection Immediately after a motion by ftnalor Walsh ID-Mass) to send the hill back to committee had been dofeated 41 to 43. "Dictatorship" Charged The aenate had agroed to vote on final passage at 6 p. m.. but opponenta dropped their argu ment against the tneusuro when the vote on Welsh's motion, re garded aa a test, showed It was futile. The vote on passage wa 4 9 to 43. . Thro hour of tenae debate during which opponent and pro ponent of th meaaure accused each other of pumuing a -t.ourso which might lead to dictatorship preceded the vote on Walsh' motion. The meaaure waa adopted. In virtually tha same form In which It came from committee, after administration supporter had beaten oft mor than two dosen amendment ottered by It op ponent during four week of de bate. Transfer anil Abolish It would give the president broad poweiti to transfer and abolish government agencies, al though he c uld not abolish any legal tini-ikrs carried out by the bur aun affected. After the vole, Senator Ilyrnea (-SU) moved to substitute the aonate bill for a measure already passed by the house. This would expedlnto final congressional ac tion by allowing tho meaaure to go Immediately to couferonco. Senator Clark (l)-.Mo) quick ly won a ruling from Senator l'lttman (D-Nev), who waa In the chnlr, that Byrnes' motion wa debatable. Opponent of the bill aald this (Continued on Page Eight) BOTULISM VICTIM DIES; FOUR OTHERS FAILING DESPITE SERUM INJECTION WENATCHER, Wash., March 2S (AP) Four member of tho polson-atrlcken Lawronco Steele family went Into the fifth dny of their tight for llfo against botulism today but attending doc tors auld thoy woro alowly losing ground. Mr, and Mrs. Steele woro weakor today, doctor snld, and 0-yonr-old Crystal Is slowly sink ing. Only Opal, 16, la apparent ly holding her own. She had been the moat critically alck. Two othor children of the fam ily who wore not home when the polson-bcnrlng groona were sorvod nt a family supper last Wednes day aro bolng cared tor by rela tives. Jtnbort Stoolo, 18, who did not shitro In tho first meager sorum supplies nvallnhle, dlod yester day afternoon. Physicians treat ing tho Hteolea wuro forced to choose botweon tho flvo stricken member of tho family w h o n I hero was only enough sorum for throo doses. PRESIDENT WILSON'S CLOSE ADVISOR DIES FOLLOWING LONG ILLNESS NEW YOKK, Mnrch 28 P) Col. Edward M. House, Intornn 1 1 ci ii ii 1 1 y known as a closo ndvlsor to Prcsldont Wondrow Wilson during tho trying world wnr orn, died todny after n long Illness. Ho wna 79 years old. Only members of his family. In cluding tho widow, Ills dnughtor, Mia, Gordon Auchlncloss, nml her husband, woro with him when ho died. Col. Houso ha been In oml retlietnant In recent years. Thieves Burn Victim's Feet, Get Jewels WOODSnUnail. N. Y.. March 28 ( AP) A 160,000 Marquis diamond ring flashing on the finger of Sally Mllgrlm, New York fashion doslgner, during a night club party In Manhattan, 'waa believed by pollco today to have drawn four robber to the .Mllgrlm' horn here for a haul of 894,700 In jewel and cash. Tha thugs, after binding the Mllgrlm, their two children, a governess and a man servant, forced Mr. Mllgrim's husband, Charles, to disclose tho hiding place of his wife' ring by enr Ing the bare soles of his feet with lighted cigarettes. Mouth Muffed An outcry by Mrs. Mllgrlm brought a threat to "shut up or we'll chloroform tho whole family." After ahe screamed Mra. Mllgrlm had her mouth stuffed with poper to keep her quiet. Mllgrlm withstood the torture of red-glowing clgaretto tips on the tender flesh of his feet for (Continued on Page Eight) County Officials of Dis trict 3 Meet to Dis cuss Problems. Member of th Oregon Coun ties association of district No. 3, meeting In Klamath Kails Mon day, agreed upon a general prin ciple for the counties' nllltudo toward the dividing of state high way revenuea between the slate and the counties. Two points. In general, were agreed upon: 1. That the counties should not seek an Increaae that would cripple t'.ie stato' road program or make it Impossible for the lato to match federal aid fund. Now ict 15.7 Per Cent 2. That the counties tand probably the cities) ahould work toward an agreement with the atate highway commission whore by they would recolve a fair and proportionate ahare of additional funda to becomo available as the atate highway debt service charges decronse and a revenues Increase. At present, the counties are receiving 16.7 per cent of the total atate highway revenues. It was atnted nt tho couferonco that as tho atnto highway com mission pays off Its bondod dobt substantial Incronses are to be anticipated In the funda available for current use. Likewise, It Is expocted state highway revouues will continue to Increaso through greater gasoline snlos and tax ro- (Conilnuod on Pago Eight) SUPREME COURT RULES VALID MAJOR PROVISIONS OF HOLDING COMPANY ACT WASHINGTON, March 28 UP) The supreme court gave the gov ernment a malor victory todny by holding constitutional provis ions of tho public utility Homing company act requiring Interstate holding companies to register with the soctirltlCB commission and BUbmlt stntomonta giving tholr financial condition. Chlof JusUco Hughes delivered tho decision to which Justlco Mc Iteynolds dissented. In anothor government victory. the tribunal ruled the nntlonn) labor relations act wns npplicahlo to tho Santn Cms Fruit Packing company of Onklnnd, Cnllf., which ships loss than 40 per cent of Its product Into interstate commerce This decision nlso was deliver ed by tho chief Justlco. Justices Under and Mciloynolils tllssentnu A third opinion delivered by tho chief Justlco held unconsti tutional an ordinnuco passed hy Griffin, (In., requiring persons who distribute circulars, or nd vertlsemonts, to obtnln a license from the city manager. Hughes nsserted that the or dinance "strikes at tho vory foundation of tho freedom of tho press by subjecting it to license and censorship." The chief Jus tice announced no dissent. Government Reorganization SEIZE 2B21 LEAD IN Many Republican Voters Shifting Party, New List Indicates. Democratic registration has built up a lead of 2621 over the republican total for Klamath county. A chock made at tho county clork'a office Monday showed a total democratic registration of 9388, against 6767 republicans. New registrations are predomi nantly democratic, whllo most of tbo shifting done between parlies is from the republican to the dem ocratic side. Conservative Transfer Noted among those recently shifting from the republican to tho democratic side are many known conservatives. The city Is slightly more demo cratic In registration than the county. Of the 9069 republican and domocruilc votors In the city of Klnmaih Kalis, 6296 are demo crats and 3773 republicans, ,The( pcrcentag'o ot dciuocruts to the total Is 68.39. 10,431 Total Of (he "USG republican and democratic registrants In the out side districts and smaller towns, 4092 or 67.74 per cent are demo crats. The republican figure for outside is 2994. Miscellaneous voters In the city total 133 and In the county 163. This makes a grand total of 16.461 registered in the entire county. This Is about 1600 under the registration two years ago. The reduction Is explained by the fact that the books wore given a complote checking recently, and "dead timber" removed. Now registrations run heavily democratic, on soma days being as high as 9 to 1. Tho deadline for registrations Is April 19. BARGE RUNS AGROUND AT COLUMBIA BAR; FLOATING LOGS THREATEN SHIPPING ASTORIA. Mnrch 28 (iP) Coost gunrdsmen nwnited moderation of rough seas last night lo attempt to rerlnlm the steel barge Nls- qtially which lost 600.000 feet of peeler logs and ran agrounu on Clntaop spit after breaking loose from tho tug Tyco of Hoquiara late Saturday. The logs, valued at nearly $18,- 000. and tho bargo presentod a haznrd to shipping Sunday as the barge drifted gradually toward the Columbia river channel. Tho const guard boat Triumph was nearly capsized, and Hobert Bracken, a crow member, was washed overboard whon a huge wave' broke over tho craft as It at tempted to aid the Tyco to chock tho drift of the bargo toward shoal water. Bracken was rescued by the const gunrdsmen, tired but unin jured, nftor 16 minutes In the water. Earl McWhlnncy, mate of the Tyoe, directed the search In tho rough sea from the mast of the tug. - Two vessels woro dolnyed at tho rlvor ontrnnce all Saturday night fcnrlng tho floating logs. H. S. (HANK) WILSON, FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE, TO RUN FOR CONSTABLE H. S. (Hnnk) Wilson. 1336 Snrgont st root, former Klnmnth Falls pollco o h I e f, announced Monday . ho would seek the dem ocratic nomination for Llnkvllle district conntuhlo. Wilson snld he has lived In Klnmnth county 26 years, during which timo ho has boon a tn.v pnynr. Ho has four children. Tho cnndldnto served as pollco chlof for six years and ns a po llco officer tor eight years eight months. Ho Is a carpenter by trndo. "I understand tho duties of an officer nml will work In harmony with nil officers ns well as the publlo In general," Wiloa said. DEMOS REGISTRAT ON He Breaks LI t if J ' - i : " ': . -v.1! WPA DIRECTOR NOT iAMm'' TO RUN FOR SENATE . 1 ''I ll & A v Only Two Democrat Can- - ' . ' 2rf . ' JA didates Left in Race ; ' Wt'"yr for Steiwer Post ' ffrfmrmww ... l-r E J ""! SMfi 1 11 ii s ?iiiilsiaMawssisMaaMrf J Sunday swing sessions that draw Buffalo, N. Y., young people to beer parlors and such rendezvous are frequently interrupted by the Rev. C. cor go W. Cooke. Suddenly appearing with an aeola (small English concertina) as you see him below. Rev. Cooke "goes to town" with "Tbe Bells of St. Mary's," and then protests against Sabbath desecration. In the top picture mingled resentment, bore dom, embarrassment and possibly a tingo of shame may be seen reflected In the faces of the young people sitting at a table In a tavern whore the Rev. Cooke has appropriated- tbe orchestra's microphone to blast at Sunday swing music. , Loyalist Spain Tottering on Brink of Last Ditch; Japan Sets Up Nanking Government HENDAYE, France (at the Spanish frontlor), Mnrch 28 (.Pi Spanish insurgent officers snld that Lerlda, "key to Catalonia," surrendered to Generalissimo Francisco Franco's troops at 8 p. m. tonight (3 p.m. EST.) Hy the Assoclntetl Press Backed by an ltnllnn warning to Franco to nttempt no eleventh hour roscuo of the Spanish repub lican government, insurgent troops were pouring Into Cata lonia todny through a breach in Barcelona's "emergency" line of defense. Generalissimo Francisco's land and air forces, chopping at the nortbenstern remnant of govern ment territory, were rapidly re ducing the republic's scant quar ter of Spnin and threatening to wipa it out altogether. Next Kncounter "Decisive" An Insurgent army, bolstered by Itnlinn legionnaires, marched on ancient l.crida whllo bombing planes "softened" vesistance ahead of them. The Insurgents ex pected another easy victory to open tho Lerlcln-Barcolona high way for a mnrch on Bnrcelona, 80 miles east of Lerlda, , Franco's strategists believed the next major encounter would come between Lerlda and Barcelona and would be "decisive." Italian official quurtcrs ac knowledged concorn over the po .(Contlnued on Pag Sight). Up Sunday Jam Sessions SHANGHAI, March 28 (AP) A new government, with Chinese personnel but dominated by Ja pan, was set up today at Nanking former capital of the Chinese nationalist regime to replace Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's administration. The new government was de scribed by its sponsors as the "re formed government of the Repub lic of China." Japan Inst week ordered the creation of such a government at Nnnklng "under the umbrella" of the similar North China regime recently established at Peiplng. I.tncheng Recaptured Inauguration of the Nanking government was announced here through a manifesto signed by Liang Hung'tse, chairman of the executive Yuan. DALLES-CALIFORNIA GETS $1500 PUBLICITY BUDGET THE DALLES. Mnrch 28 (AP) The Cascade International associ ation elected Ray Clarke of Yak! ma. Wash., president at the an nual meeting at MaryhlU Satur day. The association budgeted $1500 lo publicize the Cascado mountain highway routo from Seattle to Ynklma via Kllensburg and tbeuce to Klamath Fall, PORTLAND. March 28 (AP) The approach of the deadline for filing candidacies April 4 brought a virtual shower of political an nouncements last weekend. I E. J. Griffith, state WPA ' di rector, who has been widely men tioned as a ' probable -candidate for tbe democratic nomination lor united states senator, an nounced he would not enter the race. . : " He said that he had been urg ed for several weeks to become a candidate, but "duties still un finished in tbe works ' progress administration have convinced me I should continue in my pres ent por.tion ... Norblad for Congress Griffith's decision and the re cent withdrawal of Judge E. B. Ashurst of Klamath Falls left only Carl C. Donaqgh of Portland and Willis Mahoney of Klamath Falls in the democratic senatorial lists. Walter Norblad, state represen tative from Clatsop . county, an nounced he would seek tbe nom ination for representative In con (Continued on Page Eight) -!. OREGON LIGHT COMPANIES ORDERED TO ESTIMATE BONNEVILLE POWER NEEDS SALEM, March 28 (AP) Twelve Oregon electric compan ies were ordered by Public Utili ties Commissioner N. G. Wallace today to submit a statement showing how much Bonneville power they could buy from 1939 through 1943. . Wallace said the order was the first step In tho department's attempt to make sure that con sumers, buying Bonneville energy through private utilities, receive all the benefits from Bonneville. The statements, to be submit ted to Wallace within 60 dnys. also must show how much Bon' nevllle power would he used to replace power now being gener ated, how much new construc tion would be necessary to han dle the Bonneville power, the points In existing systems where the power could be received most economically, actual cost of present energy to be replaced by Bonneville power and consumer data to enable Wallace to deter mine the effect Bonneville will have on rates in all brackets. Wallace said his department would have full power to regu late Bonneville rates It the power Is sold to private companies but pointed out be bad no jurisdic tion over rates of publlo utility districts. v Companies involved In the or der Included the California Ore i gon Power company. CUMBER DIES AFTER RESCUE Girl Scouts Lost for 20 Hours in Deep Timber ; . North of Newport. ' TIMBERUNE, March 28 IIP) Hoy Varney, 47. veteran leader of the llarama Mountain. Climbing club, died here early today, tbe victim of a frigid bliizard high on tha slopes of Mount Hood. A' rescue party found him late yesterday at an improvised shelter a mile and a quarter above the lodge while the most severe storm of tbe winter swirled over the mountain. Tbe group, beaded by Harold Engles, district forest ranger, brought the victim to the lodge. For a time Varney, who had been exposed to tbe bitter winter blast for more than five hours, responded to artificial respiration, ' Wife Snowbound . . Dr. Paul William, 73, mads tbe hazardous trip over snow-covered highways from Sandy to aid th' victim. - .'v.- Varney' wife wa snowbound is an automobile between Gov ernment - camo and Timberltne when her mountain climbing hus band died. .; s Varney, a veteran climber, wa one of 20 mountaineers who left the lodge early Sunday morning to scale tbe peak. They wer turned back. 60 feet from tbe sum mit by the sudden onslaught of the storm. They were pelted with . ' (Continued on Page Eight) TREASURY CUTS PRICE FOR FOREIGN SILVER ONE CENT AN OUNCE WASHINGTON, March 28 W The treasury reduced today from 46 to cents per ounce It price- for -foreign produced silver. The reduction was the first change in the treasury's price tor foreign silver in nearly two year '.and followed a break of lightly more than a cent in the London silver market today be cause of- fears that the United States' decision to discontinue purchaser -f Mexican silver might presage aa abandonment of its stabilising - influence on world silver -prices. Officials did not explain the reduction.. . . Today's News: Digest ' Democrats ' build ' up lead of 2621 In registrations. Shifting between parties largely favorable to democrats. City slightly more democratic than county district. Page 1. Judges and commissioners talk over highway, revenue problems In district meeting hore. Policy favors continuing federal aid matching for state highways but cities and counties want sreater aharA statu hlshwav bond service drops oft and rev enues Increase. Page 1, All-time record Is reported at Crater Lake national park where snow reached a depth of 200 inches during the past week. Storms close all roads Into the park. Page 8. H. S. ( H a n k ) Wilson an nounces for democratle nomina tion for constable. Page 1. Congressman Walter M. Pierce states platform for ronomlnatlon. Page 8. ' IX THIS IS81TK City Briefs .., Psge Comics and Story ..Page , Editorials ..................Page Family Doctor ..........Page High School New ....Page Market, Financial News.. Page PTA Note -...Page ' Sports .......Page Veteran' New -...Page ' NEAR SUI T