The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 26, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    March 26, 1038
'OES Has
Anniversary Of Lodge
Observed On Tues
day Evening.
Member! and visitors of
Aloha chapter Nn. (11, (J. K. 8.,
who braved thn storm of Tues
day evening, war wull rnpuld
for tlmlr rturta, nn II proved to
be a mailt enjoyable mid out- .
Handing event, The occlon
w the crlohrnl Inn of Ihn 30lh
nlrthdny muilviSriinry of III
chapter, anil Ilia charter Mi"ln
hcrs worn honor guests.
The ovenllill's Inatlvllloa b
Itu wth dlmiar served In the
banquet hell at elx-thlrty
o'clock. More thmi n hundred
guests enjoyed dm repeal,
which wna served umli'r III
capable direction of Mrn. Ma
llalelgnr. Other uii'ioln're of the
committee were: Mra. Calhor
ln L'aapor, Mr. Alma Color,
Mre. Nella Went, Mre. Greta
Hrowhiiknr, Mre. Hello Joecph
eon, Mre. MuiKurul llldun and
Mre. I.ula lliitflicna.
The tables were arranged In
the ehap of a U, wllh the
honor gueata aeated at the
head. Yullow daffodils In tow
whit bowle, eurroiinilcil hy
etrcuiurre In the oiitltK'iiiaUo
colore, centorod I ho tulilcs, and
lent an air of aprlng which be
lled the driving enow norm out
of doora.
The business session opened
ae ueuel at eight o'clock. Two
of the throe rcni'ilnlng charter
inotubore of the chutitar, Mre.
Laura Wlllela mid lire. Minnie
Ward, were preeonl the third
on, John 8. Orr, being unable
to nttond. . They were escorted
. and Introduced by the conduc
tress, Mre. Dorothy Teniplnr,
and wore welcomed In a very
gracloua manner hy the worthy
matron. Mre. Ilernlce Mead,
who Invited them to aeate of
honor In the Kent, and preaenl
ed thoni with Ix-imlllul floral
tokona aa erlf In nf the chapter.
Vaacs of aprlnx flowers wer
ueed ae decorstlone throughout
the chapter room.
Mre. Mary Adnma and F.arl
DeLep, recently received Into
the chapter throuKh affiliation,
were eacorled and Introduced,
and welcomed by the worthy
Interesting talk! ker given
by th honor gueata, Mre. Laura
Wlllela and Mm. Mluiile Ward,
who alao thanked the chapter
for the many courtesies which
hare been extended to them
throughout the yeara.
Mr. Henry Hnhlke, worthy
patron, gave brief history of
the Keatern War and Maaonlo
LodROa alncn their nrgnnliatlon.
Th entertainment which fol
lowed th regular lodg aeaalon
wae planned and directed oy
Mre. Kbba Ileno. and brought
galea of Inttghter from the large
and appreciative audience). Th
epoctacln of dlKiilflcd member
of the order being Iranaformed
by her maglo wand Into th
ludicrous character represent
d by the varloua membera of
four Irlah familial, waa In it
aelf mfflclent to proper th
apeotatora for the funny caper!
which nud. The participant
wire dlrlded Into four family
groupa th Murpheye. Dugani,
rinnegana and O'Relllyi. Th
gamea and itunla were of a
competitive nature, and lh
Dugitn elan, with Mra. Leltoy
Erdman ai "Ma Dugan" and
Karl Palmar aa 'Ta Dugan"
wr declared th wlnnera of
flrat place, while aecond hon
ora went to the Flnnogan trlb
who claimed Mra. Lillian Hag
man aa their "Ma" and Henry
rtehlke aa their "Pa."
Th next regular meeting of
th chapter to b held on April
II, will b th official visit
from th grand aaaoclot eon
ductreaa. There will be a
luncheon In her honor at th
Elk Hotel at 12:30. followed
by a ichool of Inatructlon at
th Maaonlo tempi at two
Youth Council li
Planning Servic
Th Youth Council of Klam
ath Falla enjoyed a party and
bualneaa meeting In the Moth
ndlat church Mnrch tllo eigh
teenth. Oamea wer played the earlier
part of th evening, and a bull
neai meeting followed. Th of
ficer elected wore: preildent,
Fred Lewi of the Immanuel
Baptist church; vie prealdent,
Charlea tlodmond of tho Moth
odlat church; eocretery-treesur-r,
Thelma Evana from the Flrat
Chrlitlan church.
Seven churchca wero repre
sented by young peoplo, th at
tendance allogothor bolng 126.
Th annual Easter Sunrise
Service la the first project being
planned by thli group. Th tlm
for It will be aa uaual, all o'clock
on Eaater morning. Rev, An
denon from the' Covenant
church will ba Ihn speaker.
"Backward" Party
Enoyd By Group
Th Wako Camp Flra girls
anjoyed a backward party at
Camp Fire houao cnlohrntlng
Camp Fir anniversary and th
fourth birthday of their own
roup. The party atarted with
each girl bidding farewell to
th guardian, Naomi French,
and ended with a hello greet
ing na limy loft. Thn glrla
had a tour cnndlo lighted
birthday cake,
Mra, French organized thli
(roup and now haa girls work-'
lng toward their Inst rank. .
Mra, Walter Lnssott enter
tained a Rxoun of frlonda at her
j home, 2120 Wnntlnnd avenue,
on Titaaaay evening, cardi
were enjoyed followed by sup
per. High score of the evening
wnl to Mrs. George Clark, Jr.
.. it' m .i .-"aw-
Monday, March 28
The Edith Cunning Book club
will meet el th home of Mr.
Claudia Lorenz on North Sixth
itreet, Monday evening. March
The Minerva Boole club will
meet el Iho homo of Mrs.
Emma Carter, 1134 North
Eighth ttreel, Monday night,
March 28.
Oriental Arts itudy group.
A.A.U.W., to meet et the
home of Mr. Charloj Wood
Ebarlein at eight o'clock.
Card party for members of
the American Legion auxiliary
to be held in the Legion hail.
Tuesday, March 29
Delta Gamma chapter of
Delphian to meet in the Elk
hotel, one forty-five o'clock.
Topic, "Farming and Manu
facturing G o Cepitolijlic."
Mrs. C. V. Rugh, leader.
Thursdey, March 31
Evening group of Delta
Gamma chapter of Delphian
to meot at tho home of Mrs,
F. R, Olds with Mrs. Olds as
Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliary to sponsor cyd party
in the Library club rooms al
two o'clock.
Monday, April 4
Th next meeting of th
Business end Professional Wom
en's club will be held at Hotel
Willard on Monday night,
April 4, with dinner at six
thirty o'clock. Ella Redkey,
chairman, and the recreation
committee will be in charge of
the program which has the
fopie, "Recreation for Busi
ness Women."
Luncheon for new members
of th League of Women Vot
ers to be held in the Pelican
Grille al twelve o'clock noon.
Business meeting to follow at
th Library club al two
Wednesday, April 6
Wednesday club to meet al
seven-thirty o'clock in the par
ish house with Mrs. R. Heber
Radcliffe as hostess.
Friday, April 8
Luncheon end cards for
women of Roames Golf and
Country club at one o'clock.
The party to honor new mem
bers of the club.
Saturday, April 23
Annual Shrina hospital dance
for crippled children to be held
in the armory. The public in
TULELAKE Scatter brained
gamea, where carda were played
with canton flannel gloves, low
scores took first price and two
handa ware played Instead of
four, were rwponalbla for much
of th hilarity that marked th
"Mad March Hare" party for
Wlnnma club membera at the
home of Mn. D. W. Turnbaugh
Thursday afternoon. Mra. A.
Winter and Mra. Tom Newton
were oo-hosteases.
Upon arrival each guest was
given material from which to
fashion a Mad March Hare cap
to be worn during the afternoon.
The blgh award In bridge went
to the holder of the lowest acore,
Mra. Almo Newton, and the same
procedure gave the award In
pinochle to Mra. John Knndra,
Jr. Mrs, Brown drew the
"maddest" hare from It's hiding
plaoe, winning a prise, and Mrs.
Hamilton, unable to think of
the greatest number of word
to he made from the party'
title, also took a prize.
The dining table contcrerl
with lettuce, carrots and pars
ley among which grated a fam
ily of rabbits was an attractive
note of Interest. Ttofroshmenla
further carried out the novel
Thirty-one mombers answered
roll call and the guests Included
Mrs, Bowman, Bend, mother of
Mrs, Cllve Title; Miss Bagent,
Han Francisco, house guest ef
her sister, Mrs, Kandra; Mrs.
Balr and Mrs, Mitchell.
,i . t .; i i :
. 'i
Give Tea
100th Anniversary Of
Presbyterian Board
The one hundredth anni
versary of th Mlaslon board
of t he I'reahyterlan church
was observed by the Women's
Missionary society and mem
bera of the First Presbyterian
church and gueata with a
centennial tea on Thursday
afternoon, March the tenth at
the home of Mrs. Charles
Joaeph Martin, 405 North
Fourth at reel.
The affair, one of the larg
est and moat Interesting of
th spring months, waa ar
ranged hy the women of the
society. .More than elghty
flvn wumen called during tea
hour which were from half
past two o'clock ur'" half
past four o'clock.
A short program was pre
sented. Little Mlas Tatlow
played two numbers on the
violin accompanied by Mrs.
Karl Clanahan at the piano.
Mrs. Bert Call Thomas sang
two numbers in memory of
Mrs. A. M. Worden who was
prealdent for many yean of
the society. Th songs were
favorites of the late Mra. Wor
den, one of thn moat beloved
of Klamath'a pioneer women.
Th aonga included "Heaven
la My Home" and "How Lover
ly Thy Dwelllnge," Mrs. War
ren Lane. Mrs. Arthur Wilson,
accompanied nt tho piano.
Mrs. Fred . Fletcher, vie
president of th Missionary so
ciety presided at th meeting
and gave a brief history of the
Presbyterian .Missions board.
A skit waa presented, "Th
Fnlth Cheat" and those taking
port Included Mra. A. T. Smith,
Mrs. Harold Ogl. Mrs. L. B.
F.mery, Mrs. Art Colt, Mrs.
Burgn Mason Jr., and Miss
Pearl Jean Wilson.
Thoao assisting with the tea
and pouring during tea hours
were Dr. Sarah E. Smith, Mrs.
Calvin Peyton, Mra. L. F. Wll
llta, Mra. George Hurn, Mrs.
A. M. Collier. Mrs. M. P. Wln
ningham, Mra. W. A. Palmer,
Mrs. Arthur Wilson, Mrs. Harry
Ooeler and the hostess, Mrs.
Charles Joseph Martin.
lyopta Camp Fire girls were
entertained by their guardian,
Mrs. Alice Smith at her horn
In Bryant Tracts. Th girl
camo In costume and prises
wer awarded the best Imper
sonations. H a e 1 Beddowa
was given first aa a hobo,
June Deckson second aa a
gypsy queen, and Cleo Dlel
third as Naucy Carrol, movie
atar. Judgea were Amelia
Jacobson and Ruby Hickman.
The glrla apent th evening
playing gamea and refresh
ments were served by Mrs.
Smith and Helen Arnett.
Member! and gueata present
were: June Dickson, Nina Rob
ertson, Thelmay Nelion, Wan
da Nelaon, Edna Crawford.
Virginia Crawford, Hasel Bed
dowa, Margaret Manning,
Grace Enst, Joan Capps, Violet
Taylor, Pauline Arnett, Ruth
Knapp, Dorothy Lund, Cleo
Dlel, Treva Lou Cleareland,
Bonnie Ellis, Lola Kampman,
Amelia Jacobson, Ruby Hick
man, Betty Jane Smith, Bes
sie Mne Smith, Marlon Nelson,
Helen Arnott and lyopta guar
dian, Mra. Smith,
Informal Dinner
Parly It Enjoyed
Mrs. Rttasel Chanay and Mra.
Charles Swift were co-hostesses
at an Informal dinner party
Tuesday at the Chaney hom on
Reclamation street.
Covers wore laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Holsoclaw, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard MoCamlsh, Mr.
and Mra, Larkln Deere, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Wilkes, Mr. and Mn.
Bernard King, Mra. Fred Jonea,
Mra. Vnl Valcnoour, Mn. Chei
tor Andora, Mrs, Jack Datigh
erty, Mrs. Charles Rctymor, Mn.
Jnok Whltoclmrch, Peroy Evana,
Jr., Jimmy Chanoy, Charles
Swift, Russel Chaney and the
Pinochle was enjoyed after
the dinner hour with high score
awarded to Jimmy Chaney.
I , lit
'U', ' . K s 1
The lest of e series of dancing parties sponsored by
the Winter Dancing club was to be held Saturday
night. Hostesses are, above, Mrs. Karl Urquhart,
Mrs. Leda Perker and Miss Ethelwynne O'Flaherty.
Below, Mrs. Henri Conrad!.
May King pictures.
Mrs. C. C. McMullen and
Mra. G. F. Hendricks were
hostesses on Thursday after
noon at the Willard hotel for
membera of the Sojourners club
which met for several hours at
bridgo at two o'clock.
A numbor of guests enjoyed
luncheon In the dining room at
one o'clock before cards.
High score was held by Mrs.
M. FlnnlKnn, second high by
Mrs. Howard Hnyd and Mrs.
John Peters rocelvotl the door
Mrs. Bid Elliot, who recently
returned from Farina, Illinois,
presided at the meeting. Th
hostesses for tho April meet
ing which Is scheduled for the
fourteenth will be Mrs. Ruth
Turner and Mrs. Samuel D.
Guests at the meeting were
Mesdames Ted Reeves, L. A.
McCarthy, B. W. Moore, G. F.
Hendricks, Allan White. Pcgity
Sturtlvant. Shea. C'hnrles C. Mc
Mullen, Kmll nuinld. Charles
Packer, R. E. Oakos. J. H. Pe-
ten. 8. D. Earhart, Herbert
Ryan, J. E. Brawley, Howard ,
Boyd, F. J. Fromnn, Willard
Barr, Dwlght E. Gilchrist. G.
K. Coffey, Gcorgo F. Hall,
Godfrey Blohm, George Adler,
C. C. Calvert. A. W. Pruden,
Carter McMullen, Sid Elliot, G.
R. Moty, M. Flnnlgnn. K. M.
Moty, R. R. Procbstel and C. F.
Mn. David H. Gochrlng was
honored at a ahower given Fri
day afternoon at the Coter home
on High street when Mra. F. H.
Cofer and Mra. T. J. Evana pre
sided aa co-hostesses.
Many beautifully wrapped
gifts were presented to the guest
of honor by little Jnnot Foster,
granddaughter of Mrs. Cofer.
A aoelal afternoon was enjoyed
after which refreshments were
Those present were Mesdames
Goehring. D. A. Kenyon, Don
Kenyon, George T, Casper, Cleo
Barker, E, H. Balslger, Lillian
Hagman, Glen Kent, L. N.
Haines, Phyllis Hogan, T. R.
Skllllngton, M. W. Coseboom,
Jack Gardener, Catherine Lav
ing, Cora B. Lyons, Arthur Fos
ter, Walter West, Janet Foster,
Janice Kenyon and the host
esses. Junior Matrons
Ml On March 14
Th Junior Matrons club of
th First Methodist church met
th evening of March the four-,
teenth at the home of Mrs. An
derson with Mrs, Wallace Uer
llngs as asalstnnt hostess. Fol
lowing a hrlof bualnoss mooting
games were enjoyed with hiith
cores held by Mrs. Nethorly,
Mn. Kelly and Mrs. Dimmit.
The next meeting Is scheduled
for April tho eloventh, Mondny
evening, at the home of Mrs.
Larson on Portland atrcot.
t J
v &
- rv
The last of a series of gay
dances, sponsored by the Win
ter Dancing club, was to be held
Saturday evening, March th
twenty-sixth, in the Willard
hotel ballroom.
Members of the executive
committee will be the hosts for
the affair and Include Mr. and
Mrs. Henri Conradl, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Urquhart, Mrs. Leda
Tarker, Miss Ethelwynn
O'Klnherty. Mr. Joe Brownlee,
Mr. Jack Napier and Mr. Earl
A number of Informal cock
tall parties have been planned
for the evening and during the
dnnclng hours a buffet supper
will be served.
More than 100 members of
tho Winter Dancing club con
aider this season one of th
most successful in the history .
of the group.
One of the most popular of
the spring bride-elects ia
Miss Marybells Hagerty whose
marriage to Mr. Harvey Mac
Murray will be an. event of
Easter Sunday In Los Angeles
at the home of her parents.
On Monday evening Mrs.
Floyd Henriot entertained for
Miss Hagerty at her home,
1941 Mantanita street. Dur
ing the evening, the guests
enjoyed needlework which waa
presented Miss Hagerty. At
supper a centerpiece of daf
fodils, and favora tn yellow
as well, completed the appoint
ments. A gift was given Mlas
Hagerty from the guesti.
Covers at supper were laid
for Mlsa Hngerty, her alster.
Miss Pearl Hngerty of Loa An
geles, Mra. S. F. Scott, Mn.
It. C. Dale, Miss Margaret
Dyche, Miss Gwendolyn Lorem,
Miss Mildred Fraser and th
hostess, Mrs. Henriot. ,
: ."
Women of the Moose held
their regular session Tuesday
afternoon, March the twenty
aecond at the K. C. hall-with
Vice-regent Annette Hall pre
siding. An alumni class of two
candidates was Initiated at- this
time. Following the meeting
tho losing side in the member
ship drive entertained the. win
ning team with a card pirty
and luncheon. ' , .
U 837 Main
t? ri
. .: "... ... a, At
Enjoy Meet
Literary Club Of
KUHS Sponsors
"Kid" Social.
Klamath Union high atu
denta cam to school dressed a
babies and little children Fri
day evening, March twenty
fifth, when the Literary club
sponsored a "kid" party for
the student body. Approxi
mately five hundred atudenta
attended the unique dance.
The room waa decorated with
Igna and posters warning the
children to "wash handa before
eating." "not to park kiddy
cars in the gym," and "that no
minors were allowed." Air
planes, dolls, and other toya
were scattered about the room
and given the guests to play
Dances to the tune of "Rock-a-by
Baby" and ot&er nur
sery songs were featured, and
prises were given to the best
dancers and to those with the
cleverest costumes.
Balloons were lowered at the
intermission to the delight of
the "kids."
Entertainment waa provided
by the McCown Studio of Danc
ing when they presented a four
act -floor show.
An Indian dance with all the
Trimmings was given by Shir
ley Francis. Willis Griffith,
Donald Baker and Billy Math
ews danced a military tap..
Three girls, Callle Young, Wila
mae Lento and Bonnie Robin
did a cane number and a Holly
wood slide, and Shirley Francis
finished th program with an
acrobatic number.
Patrons and patronesses, who
were also In costume, were Carl
Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. "Snowy"
Gustafson. Mr. Kenneth Ham
mer and Miss Virginia Flck.
Members of the Literary
club In charge of the dance
were Phyllis Foster, Nelimae
Jackson and Virginia Bubb.
tractive new residence of Mr.
and Mn. Alfred B. CaaUl of
Fort Klamath waa th scene of
a delightful party on Thunday
evening, when Mn. Castel and
Mrs. Eldon Brattain were Joint
hostesses to a group of friends.
Contract bridge, pinochle and
"yacht" ware the dtventona of
th evening, with the St. Pat
rick motif being carried out In
decorations, table appointments,
and also in the refreshments
which were served at a lata
hour by the hostesses.
Prises were given for the eve
ning's play. In bridge, Mn. Ray
Taylor, high, and Mn. William
Page, low; for pinochle, Wil
liam Hackler, high, and Wil
liam Brewer, low; for "yacht,"
Mn. William Hackler took high
score, with Mrs. Gusa Page hav
ing low. A guest prise waa won
by William Page.
Following refreshments, sev
eral reels of motion pictures
were ahown by Alfred Castel.
Films ahown Included motion
pictures of Castel'a malemute
dog team In action, aa well aa
several other Interesting sub
jects. Present for the evening were:
Mr. and Mra. William Brewer,
Mr. and Mn. Jerry Sisemora
and daughter Jo-Ann, Mr. and
Mn. William Page, Mr. and Mra.
William Hackler, Mr. and Mrs.
Guss Page, Mr. and Mn. Harold
Wimer, Mrs. Ray Taylor, Harry
Baum, Mr. and Mn. Alfred Cas
tel, and Mr. and Mn. Eldon
Mn. L. L. Woodrura left
Klamath Falla Monday for Cody,
Wyoming, where she will
spend th summer with bar
Watchmaker and Jwlr
On of th largest and out
standing affairs of this past
week waa the annual Dada and
Daughtera dinner held Monday
evening in the city library audi
torium when Girl Scouts enter
tained their fathers and covers
were laid for three hundred.
The long tables were centered
by lighted tapers of yellow and
green in decorated holders and
one of the evening' featurea
was the cutting of a large birth
day cake on which burned
twenty-six candle In obser
vance of the twenty-sixth anni
versary of Girl Scouting.
An Informal evening was en- '
Joyed with songs and abort
talka by Hugh A. Ritter of the
forestry service, Mn. Twyla
Ferguson, commissioner. A
wild life film was also shown by
Troop committee mothers
prepared and served the dinner
which waa in charge of Mn.
Earl Hilton, president of tbs
leaden association, and . Mn. .
R. O. Frederlksen, executive '
secretary of the scout council. ,
as it is to change your mind I
Once you decide to be golly gtomoroot;
mindodness will be emphasized by
SfyUd by HICKORY .
to slim you thoro, smooth
spirits with lis xhnoratlng
comfort with a thrifty ey
Sketched: Foundation fashioned ot taatw pov
net, satin front panel, lace uplift bra., low bak(
adjustable shoulder straps, InvlsaOrlp aarUra.. (Ala
In Girdle model) . ..10.09 aad
Other Hickory FoundatIons..U.I to $11.1
Hickory Girdles .fl.ll to T.I
Chairmen ;
Are Named
FOE Auxiliary It Work
ing On Plans For
State Meeting.
Committees from th LadUi
Auxiliary, FOE. for th 1181
annual Oregon state convention
which will b held In Klamath
Falls June go. July 1 and ,
were announced at a meeting
of th lodg on Friday night f
the paat week. Th eommltt
are making Plana to gat their
programs and arrangements un
der way In th near futur.
Following Is th pravsnl
of th various eommltt:
General: Lona Aubrey, Cr
eel Bratton, Mary Lwls.
Housing: Beulah Book, chair
man, Ruby Burgtu, Agnatic
Hall, Mildred Wilkinson.
Headquarter: Ursel Brattoa,
Edna Hauprt. ,
Competition and Awards: Bt
ty wood, chairman, Dolly M
cbado, Peggy Long.
Hospitality and BnUrUIa-.
ment: Stall Pencil, chairman,
Sarah Gibaon, Agnts Dichals
au. 'Finance: Clara Rlmr, chair
man.' Esther Handrlekson, May
McAnulty, Mildred Mosby.
Registration: Mary Lawl. .
Maudl Larson, Haiti Wala
vogel, Jost Ellis.
These eommltt! ar. ttlll
open to changes and othen will
probably b named. Th Klam
ath Falls auxiliary hopea to en
tertain th visiting mimbtri la
a manner which will mak
Klamath Falls' convention oat-,
standing In the Stat.
Mrs. Taylor Is
Host To Club .
Mrs. Don Taylor atrtala .
for member of her brldg club
at her home In St. Francis Park
on . Thursday evening, March
the twenty-fourth.
High acore waa awarded Mr. '
Tlge Reynolds, low seor ta
Mn. Man rice Kerr. Th (roup
win meet in a fortnight at th
home of Mn. Reynolds on
North Seventh atreet.
Memben of th elub lnelud
Mn. Reynolds, Mn. Krr, Mrs. -Clarence
Nicholas, Mn. Rich
ard Hayden, Mn. Homr Ellis,
Mrs. Alpha Nicholas, Mra. C.
U. Dakln, Jr., and Mn. Taylor.
you bar, a ad port
flrmnas. MuMy
on your pvrsal