March 2ft, 1938 ; PACE TWO Lost River Beats Chiloquin for League Title THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON DAIBYW1EN POST n VICTORY Tulelake Edges Out Low ell's for Third Place as Season Closes PLAYOFF RKSl'LTS Lost Klver 39. denser' ST. Tulelako 36, Lowells 34. Lost River defeated Gienger's .of Chiloquin, 39-27, on the arm ory basketball court Friday night. Thus the Dairymen became un questioned champions ot the Klamath Basin league, proved that their previous mlfl-season victory over the ChlloQUin club was no accident and wound up their playing year with an im posing record of 16 victories against only a single loss. The occasion tor Lost River's startling performance Friday night was. of course, the final round of the league's champion ship tournament. Before they took the floor, both Lost River and G ledger's had come through . their regular schedules with iden tical records, and both had shunted aside their respective opponents In the first round of the playoffs with more or less ease. The setting was perfect for the basketball battle of the een ' tury, and the prospects were that . Just such a struggle would de velop. Then Lost River, which had looked stale In defeating a rag 1 ged Lowell's quintet the previous ' night Chiloquin sparkled In squashing Tulelake, took full - command ot the situation, held : a ,12-14 lead at the half and swept through, not to a hairline decision, bnt to victory by a full 11-polnt margin. A great deal ot the Dairy ! men's success lay In the effect iveness with which they hand cuffed the Glenger polntmak rs. HI Hatfield, Chiloquin cen ter and -the league's undisputed scoring ace, managed to collect 12 counters, 10 ot them in the ' second halt, but the rest ot the combination was kept almost completely In check, and Hat : field couldn't carry the burden ; alnglehandedly.' i J Even Hatfield's 12-point spree didn't represent the evening's top ; Teat of basket-ringing, stromte. Lost River center, collected one ' mors field goal than the Chilo quin pivot man and added two ' shots from the foul line for a total of 16, while Wakeman , Lost River forward, was right In the thick ot things wltb 13 noints. - ' In the consolation playoff for third place, Tulelake, the only team In the league to knock ' down Lost River during the whole course of the season, squeeied through with a 36-34 victory over Lowell's after lead ing 17-13 at the halt. Albertson topped Tulelake scorers with 11 points, J. Larson leading the food store offense with 10. As -the final event of the league season, a basketball ban quet will be held at the Willard hotel Monday night. All awards and trophies will be presented at that time. ' Bruin Hopes For Stanley Cup Rest On Saturday Tilt NEW YORK, March 26 (.PI The pressure of precedent reBts squarely on the broad shoulders of the Boston Bruins tonight as the National Hockey league's Ameri can division winners resume their series with the Maple Leafs, inter national group leaders, at Toron to. Past performances Indicate the Bruins, beaten 1-0 in overtime Thursday, must square the series In this second game If they hope to come through to the title and the final round of the Stanley cup playoffs. Since 1927. no team has been able to capture a five game playoff series after drop ping the first two battles. While Boston and Toronto take up their feud again, one of the seml-rinallsts will be decided at Montreal, where the Canadians were hosts to the Chicago Black hawks. On Tuesday, the winner of this game will open the best-of-three semi-final nealnnt the win ner of tomorrow night's deciding New York Ranger-New York American struggle at Madison Square Garden. Idaho Team Wins Ring Tournament SACnAMENTO, March 26 (P) The University of Idaho eight-man team last night won the Pacific coast Intercollegiate boxing cham pionships by defeating seven oth er colleges and amassing a total of 30 score points. Tho score point of the colleges are as follows: University of Idaho, 30; Wash ington State college, 26; San Jose State, 15; University of Califor nia, 14; California Aggies, 13; University of Santa Clara, 10; University of Snn Francisco, 6, and University of California at Los Angeles, 4. Pain on Pan UmaW"""l'iy V1 Yes. that's Dude Chick, world champion, looking like a fish out grasp of an arm bar as applied by main event ot last Tuesday night's . m . A '( I asV In spite of bis aptitude at the hold and his exceptional strength. Lott wasn't tall enough to lift Chick clear oft the floor and thus give the maneuver its utmost effectiveness. The result was that the champion eventually escaped and went on to win a one-fall victory with his airplane spin.' Since then Lott has moved to other fields, but Chick will return this coming Tuesday to pit his spin and other accomplishments against Sockeye Jack McDonald, tough est man in armory history. Bolstering the Chick-McDonald struggle will be a potentially maniacal mangle between Wild Red Berry and Joe Smolinskl and a probably clean-cut, rapid-fire affair be tween Frankie Clemens and AH Pasha, the bearded Hindu. BOWLING At Klamath Recreation INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Charlie's Place AmeWJ...., ,'145? 130 209 4M Young . 158 203 205 566 Ferguson 136 144 152 432 Schaal 151 220 155 626 Driscoll 198 192 176 566 Handicap 76 76 76 22S TOTAL . 864 965 973 2802 Unknowns Bellottl 183 181 203 567 L. Pastega ......157 188 196 541 Babcock 103 110 132 345 McCormick ..154 183 157 494 Ferrari 142 136 146 428 Handicap 133 133 133 399 TOTAL 872 931 967 2774 Weyerhaeuser Box Ross 152 169 190 511 Thornton 127 113 155 395 Fleotke 137 173 136 446 Mock 133 172 140 445 C. Strong 22". ISO 148 553 Handicap 59 59 59 177 TOTAL 833 866 828 2527 Elk Hotel Carlson 172 165 166 503 G. Thomas 137 133 161 431 D. Thomas ....141 117 163 421 Moore 116 119 127 362 Sweasy 169 171 162 502 Handicap 81 81 81 243 TOTAL 816 786 860 2462 Long Hell Lumber Company Cody 195 157 182 534 Hartwell 138 121 142 401 Clark 200 126 157 483 Anderson 131 165 123 419 Hayden 147 171 193 51 1 Handicap 95 95 95 286 TOTAL 906 835 892 2633 Pelitorium C. Martin 150 162 144 466 Hickman 143 148 147 438 B. Martin 187 168 169 524 Victory 194 190 129 513 B. Strong 171 161 179 511 Handicap 49 49- 49 147 TOTAL 894 878 817 2589 Charlie's Place Amoter 166 139 186 491 Young 172 186 154 492 Ferguson 156 160 118 434 SChaal 128 163 134 425 Driscoil 187 168 157 612 Handicap 76 76 76 228 TOTAL 885 872 825 2582 iMng Hell Lumber Company Cody 176 144 128 448 Anderson 152 125 136 412 Hartwell 134 173 140 447 Clark 147 183 147 477 Hayden 186 242 176 603 Handicap 95 95 96 285 TOTAL 890 962 820 2672 Advance Ticket Sale Brisk For Louis' Tune-Up CHICAGO, March 26 (API Whether It's punch at the plate or In the ring, the fans will pay to watch it. The slugging New York Yan kees packed 'em In both at homo and on the road as they bowled over diamond opposition last sum mer, and oJe Louis, world's heavyweight boxing champion of Champ vf- I l 1 V-J v " " it-, i ."V i Junior heavyweight wrestling of water as he squirms In the Jimmy Lott ot Alabama In the grappling program here. But SCORES At Bowlers' Garden ' " INDUSTRIAL I.KAGUE ' ; 'Team Standings , ; f - . l. rs. Kestersbns ....26 11 J35 Lost River -.21 15 ' 29 Swan Lake 18 . 18 23 Kamath Lbr. & Box ..18 18 23 New city Laundry 15 ,21 19 News-Herald 11 .25 15 Scores:- New City Laundry Dickinson 111 134 117 362 Welcher .....114 160 125 399 Jackson 185 170 147 602 Clow 186 107 133 426 Ketchum 161 160 152 473 Handicap 111 111 111 333 Total 868 842 785 2495 Lost River Dairy Hyde ......158 13:1 143 434 Logan 117 148 137 4U2 Booth 139 139 201 479 Carr. B 153 189 130 472 Westin, W. .;..169 154 175 498 Handicap 72 72 72 216 Total .808 835 858 2501 , Swan Lake Doty 121 127 121 369 Sisemore 143 113 144 400 Shafer 18B 140 138 464 Carr, M. 158 159 140 457 Corkery 179 159 167 505 Handicap 132 132 132 396 Total 919 830 842 2591 Klamath Lumber nnl Box Tutor 167 159 14S 474 Bell 128 156 150 434 Kahl 166 164 133 463 Naill 164 114 98 376 Kemp .193 217 183 593 Handicap 106 106 106 318 Total 924 916 818 2658 Hcrnld-Ncws Halght, B 139 151 183 473 Stone 192 190 164 646 Worley 133 186 191 510 Ellis 133 123 163 419 Halght, H 176 201 172 649 Handicap 46 46 46 138 Total 819 897 919 2635 Kesterson's Howard 161 134 187 482 Bnkken 176 119 146 441 Westin, 1 157 156 1 33 446 Falk 156 187 206 549 Stadin ....194 180 187 661 Handicap 82 82 82 246 Total 926 858 941 2725 with the dynamite In either hand, apparently will pack 'em Into tho Chicago stadium next Friday night. Few observers see much more than a bad evening for Joe's opponent, Harry Thomas, In the scheduled 15-round titlo go. But tho fans will turn out In droves to see Joe uncork the power in his fist-, if the brisk advance sale Is any criterion. The champion will be after, and at least a 10-1 favorite to achieve, his 38th victory In 39 fights, the one set-hack being his knockout loss to Max Schmel ing in 1936. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts Title Insurance Escrows ELBERT 8. VEATCH 111 So. Fourth St. Phono ItMi M STANFORD INS IN TRUCK MEET Washington Huskies Out scored, 70-60, as Two Records Tumble SEATTLE. March 26 (JP) Stanford's track team cracked two I'nlverslty of Washington pavilion records and ran to a 70 to 60 victory over the Husky cinder stars last night. Ray Malott, Cardinal quarter mile star, ran the 440-yard (lash In 49.2 seconds, breaking the pa vilion 49.4 record sot by Ben East man In 1931. Pete Zagar, big red weight ace. twirled tho discus 16 S feet, li Inches, surpassing the pavilion mark of 157 feet i Inch made by Phil Levy of Stanford Inst year. Washington collected eight first places while Stanford marked up seven, but the Cardinals were top heavy In second and third places for a total-points victory. Capt. Art Morgan of the Wash ington squad breasted the tape In 9.7 seconds in the SO-yard high hurdles to equal the pavilion re cord, and took five more polnls with a first in the 180-yard low hurdles in 20.3 seconds. Ed Bur rows ot Stanford tied with Morgan for high point honors with a double In the mile and two mile runs. Strikes and Spares From tha Bowlen' Garden Harry Bray of Bonania turned in a nice score of 246 Wednes day night. He started out with what looked like a possible per fect game, with eight straight strikes but couldn't quite keep up the pace In the ninth and tenth frames. . Harry has been bowling Just ttve weekt but has perfected 1 1 exceptionally jpod form' for a beginner. '-' . . Incidentally a good number of Bonanza residents are enjoying bowling at the Gardens, namely, Kenneth Bold, Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell, Elva Maxwell, Walter Bray, Tom Miles, Jim Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ash baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Booth. Clell Haley and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haley. Roy Wheeler, bowler, ping pong, and baseball player de luxe, will be greatly missed by his many friends at tho Bowlers' Garden when he leaves tor the east next week. Roy. who started at short stop for the Red Sox the past three seasons, was recently signed by Bobby Wallace, scout for the Cincin nati Reds. He Is slated to play short stop for Muskogee, Okla.. of the Western association, a "Red" farm. Van Thome hit for a nice 650 total In the City league last week. Van is a member of the Bal siger "V-8" squad. Pete Peterson's Pelican City team finally got out of the cel lar In the City league when It took Ktrkpatrfck and Reeder's five Into camp Monday night. The clothiers have been near the league top all season but have yet to win a series from Peter son's lumberjacks, losing on six different occasions. The highest score of the sea son for women was roiled by Babe Carr Wednesday afternoon when she crashed the Maples for a 267 score, one pin short of the alley record which Is held by nil Hp Halght. Babe Is having, her best year on the alleys and hits 200 with regularity. The high school bowlers got off to a good start last Satur day with mnny of tho youngsters clicking off nice scores. The basketball players have entered a team which will be known as the Pelican All-Stars and which howled Us Initial games Satur day morning. Mrs. Art Gibson Is becoming quite a bowler and vows that It won't be long before she has Art on the losing end. Dude Chick, the cowboy wrestler, gets considerable exer cise and recreation bowling at tho On Men. MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Coat. STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 1400 Esplanade, Phone 820 TRAINING CAMP NOTES By The Associated Proas BATON ROUC1K, La The New York Oianta' pitching prospects, a trifle oft color now, may look better If Clydell Cnstleman's train ing methods work out. Although he hsa refused to come to camp and train according to Manager Kill Terry's ideas, the Giants have heard Cnstlomun Is working out with a high school team at Nash ville.' And Terry has admitted he might forgive the hurler it he needs htm bndly enough. CLEAItWATKH. Fia. Babe Phelps' broken thumb may load the Brooklyn Dodsera officials to change their minds about trading Buddy Hassett. I'ltelus was hurt in Thursdays exhibition against Detroit and may be on the shelf three weeks. Meantime the Dodg ers have only Roy Spencer and Paul Chorvlnko to do tho receiv ing. ORLANDO. Fl. Zeke Bonura. Washington's new first baseman, will get his first chance In a Sena tor uniform tomorrow whon he faces the Boston Bees at Bradon ton. Bonura, obtained In a trade tor Joe Kuhel, has worked out only four days but declares he is ready to play. ST. PETERSBURG, Fia. The New York Yankees are discover ing that young Joe Gordon la a little short ot perfection as a sec ond baseman. One ot his bad hab its is to hold onto tho ball and run a tew steps while relaying a throw from the outfield and the Yanks fear smart base runners will notice It and beat bis throws to the plate. LAKELAND, Fia. Horo's Man ager Bill McKechnle'a cure tor the Cincinnati Reds' exhibition game defeats: "Some ot the boys will have to do a better Job of hitting with men on the bricks or they'll find themselves sitting on the Oakland Fighter Scores Decision Against Hibbard PORTLAND, March 26 (AP) A 10-round ring gallop, with Billy Pryor, 156, Pueblo, Colo., boxer, traveling backward most of the time, ended In a decision for Midnight Bell, 160, Portland, last night. Bell caught up with his bi cycling opponent often enough to win on points. Other results: Buddy Peterson, 151, Portland, won a six-round decision from Billy Pascal, 155, Reno, Nov.; Jerome Lewis, 166, Oakland. Calif., won a six-round decision from Jack Hibbard, 166, Klamath Falls: Johnny Hall, 141, Seattle, knocked out Jimmy Dean. 146, Portland, in the third of a six-round event, and Pat Acurin. 130, San Francisco, fought to a four-round draw with Little Tom my, 127, Portland. Aintree Daily Double Ticket Pays $25,310 LIVERPOOL. March 26 (AP) Lord Dtglty was revealed today as the man who picked Battle ship to win the grand national and Barbadeche to take the Bickerstaffe plate at Aintree yes terday. He was the only bettor among the quarter million watching the grand n. 'lonal to pick this pslr as the daily double and his 10 shilling ticket was worth 5,062 shillings ((25.310). a new high for British doubles. Lord Dlgby left the course be fore the Bickerstaffe plate was run and the Identity of the pur chaser of the lone ticket did not become known until today. "The odds were so long against bringing off that double that I didn't bother to wait," Lord Dig by said. Sport Briefs By SID FEDER (Plnch-hlltlng- for Edrlle Hrlets) NEW YORK, March 26 (VP) The joke, folks, Is strictly on blue blooded British racing today. , , , They wouldn't list Mnn O' War In the English stud book because his ancestors weren't in it. . . . So, what? ... So along comes big Red's little boy, Battleship, to cop tho No. 1 English rsclng event the grand national. . , , Bet It Mnn O' War had a sleeve, he'd be laughing up It. . , . Is Lou Comlskey sore because Jimmy Dykes traded Zege Bonura to Washington? . , . Tee Hce dept.; Joe DIMagglo says the reason he didn't return his con tract to the Yanks signed or un signed was because he lost It DANCE ORCHESTRA I DOUBLE DARE YOU TO READ THIS AD Jack Stuart and Hit Muiie Wranglers are new open for engagements any night except Saturdays. CALL AT 1000 MAIN wood." To translate, the "wood" la the bench and the "bricks" are the bases, where the Reds had 16 men left In yesterday's game with Brooklyn. BATON ROUGH, La. Hugh Alexander, young outfielder who came up from Springfield, O.. Inst fall, won't be out ot a Job with the Cleveland Indians although the loss ot his hand In an accident last winter cost him a chance to plsy. Alexander said the Tribe gave him a Job as a scout and volunteered to pay the 11000 bonus he had been promised If he could stick with the club this season. ONTARIO, Calif. The Los Angeles ball club and the Ontario Merchants are scheduled to pluy an exhibition game here tomor row. Dutch Lleber will get first call for mound duty, with Joe Berry next choice for the Angels, Jack Rothrock, formerly with the St. Iritis Cardinals, Phila delphia Athletics and other clubs, joined the Angels and will be used as a utility man. Rothrock lives at Long Boach. Calif., and was bought from Indianapolis, who ob tained him from the Athletics at the close of the 1937 season. SAN FRANCISCO San Fran cisco's Seals wero one game ahetd of the National league Pittsburgh Pirates as the teams resumed their exhibition baseball series hero to day. The Pacific Coast league club won the third contest under the floodlights last night, 9 to 6. LOS ANGELES Manager Red Klllofer of the Hollywood Stars announced today tho acquisition of Inflelder Tommy Carey on option from the St. Louis Browns. Carey, a chunky Individual, can play both short and second base. In 130 games last year, he batted .275. moving to a new house. . . S funny, but the highest scoring team in the National Hockey league (Boa ton) and the third highost (Tor onto) have played the lowest scor ing game In tho Stanley cup play offs to date (overtiiue, 1-0) . . . . They clocked Hank Greenberg In 16 seconds flat tor the 120-yard trip around the bases at Lake land the other day. . . . Michigan and Yale footballers, who meet this fall, last clashed In 1883. . . . And Yale won only 64-0. , , , Detroit's Tigers camp follow ers say Rudy York Is still far from a classy catching product. , , But, boy, can he sock m. . . . Deep Run Hunt club, down Vir ginia way, Invited the Duke ot Windsor to serve as steward for Its spring racing. . , Old Papa Jesse Haines has entered politics in Montgomery county, Ohio. . . . Funnybone tlcklors from the grapefruit belt: Howard Lane, .Nashville rookie, kayoed himself with his own foul tip In batting practice at Tallahassee. . , The hall glanced off his bat onto his chin and knocked him colder than last night's mashed potatoes. . . . P. S. He was released the next day. , . . And pitching rookie Walter Highe started out throe times from his North Carolina home for the Cubs' camp In Cali fornia, but never made It UAama h .nl far BS ChlCHKO once and turned back because his wife was III. . . Next, he reached Knoxrllle and took sick him self. . . . Third time he made U,.rtnnhurff ST.... As fST as Charley Grimm Is concerned. Mr. Hlgbe Is going to find "tnroe strikes Is out" ot the Cub squad. CHILOQUIN CHURCH LEAGUE TO STAGE COMEDY HERE A thr act comedy, "Over the Hill," will be presented In Ihe social nan Oi me rirm niwuiuu. church Thursday evening, March u.. Af nla vnrs from the Chiloquin Bpworth league. Thl presentation . will be made it.. ..!.. iha Qsinlnr Under mo nunjyu-cn ui mi Knworth league of the Flrat Me- . .U..h nf Ilnmnlh IT H.1 Id. and will begin at 7:30 o'clock. knu. nm In the rill. loyviin nam ,......, .v local lesgue concerning the enter taining features of this play from those who were present when the play was staged In Chiloquin. Tickets are on sale by members of tho league and may he had at any time by calling the president of the local lesgue, Helen Hough, telephone 666-W. A girl with a clgaret hanging out of the corner of her mouth doesn't seem as sweet and gen tle as the girls I used to know, Mrs. Ann Devaney, East New ark, N. J., on her 106th birth day party. and eye, ear, nose and throat disorders are best treated by drugless oon-surglcal methods, e 1 1 tu I natlng hospitalisation, general anaesthetics, loss of work time, and dangers of In. faction or hemorrhage. See Dr. O. B. Caasel, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, at Cassel Brother Chiropractic Clinic ess No. 7th St., Klamath Palls, Ore. Phone 480 mm Weight Problem Chief Handicap For Armstrong DETROIT, Mnrrh 16 (AP) The scales may accomplish s feat uo fighter has been able to accomplish heat Henry Arm strong out of his featherweight championship. The dusky little Cullfnrnlan, who trains his guns on tho wel terweight title when he meets Champion Bnrney lloss In New York May Id. weighed 1.16 pounds as he scored a technical knockout in the fourth round over Kdilln Zlvlo of Pittsburgh here last night. It was the most that Arm strong had ever weighed for a battle. The weight was an Indication that he will not he spotting Ross more than nine pounds and will be fighting I, oil Ambers, light weight champion, on nu even poll ml nun basis It I hull' schniluled September bout materialises. Armstrong appeared perfectly conditioned as ho swarmed all over Zlvlo from the opening gong until tho time thul ZUic s sec onds tossed In a towel. Rlnce gaining the fontherwolght title Armstrong has fought In tho lightweight class almost ex clusively. Ills weight has mount ed steudlly. ll will bo 36 years old within a few days, and age always Increases Ihe poundugo problem ot a fighter. Thus the rigor of trimming down to tho 136-pound limit may weaken Armstrong In his next defense of the crown. One-Man Harvard Team Challenges Midwest Mermen NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J., March 16 t.-P) The national col legiate swimming championship developed Into a dog fight today between two big ten rivals. Ohio Ktato and Michigan, but the de ciding vote may be cast by a mild mannered youngster from "down under." il-year-old Dill Kendall ot Sydney, Australia. Kendall's team. Harvard, ap peared out of the running for Ihe team championship as the result ot the disqualification of Its strong medley relay team. Hut In Kendall, 1936 Olympic con testant, the Cantnbs Imve a swim mer who Is likely to head off the best thul Ohio State or MlchUan has to offer In today's 440-yard freestyle test. Unbeaten In eastern iutercollo glate league competition, Kendall copped the 201). yard freestyle ias. Ily last night and his recorded time of 4: SO. 6 Is seconds faster than nny other entrant In today's quarter-mile Jaunt. He plans to swim the 400-yard relay, too. Medford Bowling Teams to Invade Klamath Sunday Two strong Medford howling teams will meet two local teams at the new Recreation alleys Hnn day afternoon. The match games will get underwny at 1 o'clork with doubles and singles follow ing. Tho local Kern hotel team will take on the pick of the Medford bowlers In tho feature mairh. The teams are very evenly mirtched and considerable rivalry exists be tween them. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Tuesday. " ' ' Sl .jjih.t t the y Tuesday! Phone for Ticket Reservations Klamath Billiards The Smoke Waggoner's Drug The Waldorf ill REMARKS 1 CRITICISM Shots at Forest Service, Stockmen Draw Fire From All Sides I. AKKVIKW. March 16 Representatives of stockmen's,' sportsmen's and clvla organisa tions criticised Frank B. Wire, slate game supervisor, yesterday for a remark attributed to him urging a "war on llvestorkmnn and the forest service, If necessary, to get a better break for wildlife In Oregon." II. A. Casslily, Lake county Sportsmen's association president, said Wire's statements were "false and 111 advised." He assert ed stockmen and the forest service were "the best cooperators we have." "It the sums commission were run ss efficiently as the forest service," Cassldy added, "Oregon's gaino program would be ahead 30 years." W. li. Mulder, former represen tative and vice president of the Oregon Cattlemen's association, said tho statements "prove to me that all nuts don't grow on trees and are Just another example of what happens when you try tf attend to someone else's business when you don't know anything about It." T. It. Conn, president of the Lake county chamber of commerce, said Wire's criticism was III ad vised, adding "apparently he doesn't have any real Informa tion on the amount of coopera tion estended by the forest serv ice." Oaks Bang Out 5 to 2 Victory Against Ducks FUM.KRTON. Calif.. March U 0I1) The Portland lleavors. driven swing crsty by southpaw hurlers, yielded 16 hits and I I ID I vic tory to Oakland yesterday. Ulhson. Oaks' first baseman, made four hits In five trips to the plate. Warner, third baseman, tniiclo a home run. Coararart. left fielder tor Portland, smacked a homer In the ninth inning. George Dicky, Portland catcher, made two outs at the pUt. on throws from tho outfield. Score: It. II. K. Oakland 6 16 0 1'ortlund I T 1 Douglas, Shoehan, Conroy and Volpl; Radonlts, WHhlrs and Dickey, Crontn. Baseball Louisville (AA) T, Roston (A) 0. Roston (N T, Indianapolis (A A I 1. Detroit (A) S. St. l.ouls (N) Brooklyn INI 4, Cincinnati (Nl 3. Newark (II.) t, New York (A) 1. Washington (A) 11, Columbus (AA) 2. New York (N) 3, New Orleans (KA) 2 Cleveland (A) 7, Philadelphia (A I I. . Chicago (N) T, Hollywood! (I'CL) 6 (10 Innings). Snn franrlsco (PCI.) , Pitts burgh (Nl 6 (night gams). 8:30 P. M. Thrills Spills Phone 1127 , Phone 17S Phone 9 Phone 342