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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1938)
March 25, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE AAA Pays Oregon 2 Million KLAMATH GETS $47,745.48 OF WASHINGTON, .March 2 R (ID TOTALAMOUNT ."milnlatrnllnn annnuiired tniluy psyiuuuia If) iurill"rn in wii'koii nnilnr I ho 1030 iiitrlcttllurnl con arvutton program totuloil f 1,967, (1.18 ii In November 30, 1937. Payments throughout ihn rouii try, Iik'I ii it I ii B administrative coli, tutnicit :iiis.2;iu,h:i. Piiymouta liy count lea In Ore giiu ua nf Xi'piumbor 3ii, 1937 fol low : (Dillitlca Amount Maker f 100. 679. 05 llmiton 40, 403.44 I'lnckainna 4I.K78.64 I'lalaop 3,7111.41 ( 'ul ii in blu an. :u;h 76 loos S7.407.S2 Crook 30, 096.63 Curry , 9.8S6 4 fiaartiuica 30,037 62 liollKlua .13. 621 42 (allium 76.101.01 (Irani 23.04S.74 I lit rimy 3.481.03 1 Irio.l Klvnr 0.1 311.111 Jurkaan 3H.ri29 44 JoffiMson 27,94 I. ill tonsophllio 10,214 39 Klnuiulh 47.745.48 l.ako 17.420,19 Lane 27.732 H4 Lincoln 4.029.04 I. Inn U9, 003.31; Malheur 7ri.9N2.07 Miirmn 92,930.03 Morrow 1 20.H91 99 Multnomah 1 1.907.32 Polk Sherman 67,348.84 Tillamook IO.03S.47 1 1 tint ( II Id 200.92 93 I'lllon 132.44 1.07 Wallowa .10.471 So Wasco IS, 949.00 Waatilnelon , 30.oS9.79 Wheeler 1S.S13.68 Yamlilll .. 60.723.14 Tutnl Oresiln f 1,920.729.46 Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. March 21 (P) Slocks crashed tlirotiKh support levels In today'a niuikot, many tumbling lo now Iowa for lha pant three youra or longer with loaaoa running lo five or moru points. lJlatuo for the relapse waa placod on a combination of clr cuinelancea. Including fears of trull troubles In Kranco, Uoubla over business prospects for tho li oar turm ami general dlscourago iiicnt of stockholders over rccont liiaffvclual alloiupta at rallies. Thora ware occaalonal moder ately cheering nows Heme, but Ihoae, It waa aald, could not over welch the gloom which haa again ilcacoitdvd upon apoculallvo and Investment rlrcloa. Volume picked up on tho back awing and the ticker lupo aa be hind near tho clone. Tranafora approximated 1,400,000 shares. Todny'a cloalng quotatlona: Air Keiliicllon 46 Allloil Chomlcal & liyo 14 li i Allied Stores - 6i 'American Can i.,. 70 J American & For. Power 2 J Amcrlcuii Power & Light .... 3 4 American Had. & Kl . 10 American Roll, Mills .... 16 American Smelt, & Kef 831 A. T. a T .... 1201 American Top. B 024 Amorlcan Water Worka .... 7 Anaconda Copper - 25J Armour III 4 Atchison T. & 8. F 85 Hall, & Ohio 6 llarnadall 11 llendlx Aviation . 91 llethlvhem Steol 47 Hoping Air 24 J IliKld MfK - 31 California Pnck 109 Callahan Z-L II Calumet llec 64 Canadian Pacific 6 , Case (.1. I.) 70 Caterpillar Tractor 341 Ci'lnncao Ill Corlnln-Tood 6 Chos, & Ohio 24 i Chryalor 424 Col. Ona & Eloclrlo 6 J Comniorclnl Solvent 0 4 ( Coiu'wlth & Ron-,.. 14 ' Consolidated lOcllaon 183 Cnnaollilutod Oil H Corn Pcoducla 68) Curtlss Wright SJ Douglas Aircraft 231 1)ii Pont & Do N 104 4 Eloclrlo Auto Light IS Klccirlo Power & Light .... 0 lOrlo It,; II 24 tlnnerul Kleclrlo 32 tlonoral Foods 25 General Motor 301 (iooilyotir Tlrea ... 181 Or. No. Pf. 131 lludann Motor 0 4 Illinois Contrnl 0 Insp., Copper II International llarvoator ..... 66 International Nickel 464 Int. Paper ft P. Pf 214 I. T. ft T 64 Johns Mnnvlllo 63 Kennocott Con, Cop. 301 Llb-O-Ford 27 I-lK-Myors B 4 87 Iioow'r 364 Monty Ward . 2 Nnsh Kolvlniitnr ... 71 Nutlonnl niHcult ... 1811 Niillniml DlHllllors 184 1 Nutlonnl l'owor ft Light ...... fi N. Y. Contrnl 11 North Amnrlcnn ..i.. 161 Northern Paclflo V 7 J Packard 4 J. C. l'onney 004 Carload Potato Shipments from Klamath Basin Day of (I Month Beaann 1937-8 Season 1980-27 Mar, to Heaaon Mar.' to Beaaon March Dally Data lo Data Dally Data to Data I 22 11 4626 U 12 6441 T" 27 46 4662 13 20 6466 I- 29 71 4681 21 64(1 4 ftt 67 4000 18 46 6474 6 65 161 4066 1 63 6482 33 186 4088 U 00 6496 T ii 230 4718 8 09 6498 l 39 209 4772 19 86 6614 t 63 322 4826 26 104 6633 To- 62 374 4877 24 119 6668 lT 38 412 4916 24 163 6682 12 68 406 4908 1 177 6000 II 10 481 4984 28 206 6084 14 30- 611 6014 17 121 6061 TT" 33" 644 6047 26 147 6076 It 29 673 6076 30 177 6700 17 30 009 6113 1 10 6786 , 18 39 048 6161 31 337 6700 iT 29 077 6180 11 88 6787 10 U 088 6191 20 378 6807 U 22 710 6213 1 379 6808 lT" TT 727 6230 18 397 6820 lT"" iT 739 6242 16 H 5141 24 29 70S 6271 1 6857 2l 17 446 (,874 20 18 3 5892 27 16 461 5610 lT" T 84 5911 lt 20 604 6933 30 20 624 6961 31 18 ' 64JL 5971 .Month ahlpmanta by truck 48 690 1019 Complied from official racorda by the county agent's ortlca, State Federal Inaperior Roaa Aubrey and The News-Herald. STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated lreaa Friday , fravloua day; Month ago Year ago 1927 High 1937 Low 1930 High 1930 Low , x New Lows. BOND AVERAGES Complied by the Friday Previous day . Month ago Year ago ... 1937 High 1937 Low 1936 High . 1936 Low-, X New Lows. Penn II. R. .....,....w. 101 Phillips Pot. - ' 30 prosaod Steel Car ............ 4 1 Public Service N. J.' ...'.'..".. 15 Pullman 23 Radio 6 Rem. Rand. .. 11 ' Rep. Steel .....; 18' Seara Roebuck ..............I 601 Shell Union 10 So. Calif. Etliaon 101 Southern Pacific 101 Standard Brands ' 61 Standard Oil of Calif. 27J Standard Oil N. J. . H Studebakor' 4 Superior Oil :.....'..;. H' Texas Corporation 15 Timken Dot. Axlo . 9 Trana-Amerlca . "I Union Carbide. 66 Union Paclflo 81 United Airlines United Aircraft 11 United Corporation 21 United Clan Imp 01 U. S. Uubbor 36J U. S. Steel t Walworth 6 Wostorn Union 101 Whita Motor ' Woolworth. 39 v Closing Curb Quotations! Cities Services 1 Electric Bond ft Share ..... 61 BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, March 15 (AP-USDA) Scattered sales wero being closed on domestic wools todsy In tho Boston market. The voluma wss small to moderate In most trans actions and prices were fairly firm. Oraded staplo combing longths hnlf-blood torrltory wools brought 84, to 67 cents, scoured Fairhaven PTA Dance Tonight Music By Oregon Hill Billies 30 16 15 60 Inrua Ralls Ulll's BUa. 153.8 X13.1 126.9 X36.7 67.0 14,0 - 28.0 88.8 00.7 20.0 12.1 40.1 80.3 40.0 47.1 71.8 08.1 21.0 34.9 47.9 53.8 13.2 20.9 36.7 101.0 49.6 64.0 76.1 67.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 Aaeoitaled reaa Ralls Indu'a (Jill's For. 20 10 10 10 X63.0 X9.1.S 89.7 (2.9 63.1 93.9 90.1 03.5 65.5 66.9 90.3 . 05.8 95.0 103.0 100.3 72.3 70.6 98.0 93.2 67.0 63.0 93.8 89.0 Sl'.t 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.1 96.6 90.3 64.2 baais. Twelve-month Texas wools In 1 original bag wore moved at mostly 63 to 67 cents scoured ba sis. . Exceptionally good Texas twelve-month wools of staple combing length brought prices slightly above this range. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. March 15 (AP U8DA Hogs 11.000, Including 6000 direct; market slow, uneven ly mostly 6-16 lower than Thurs days average; weighty butchers at full decline; top $9.50; bulk good and choice 180-240 lbs. $9.15-45; 250-326 lbs. $8.86-9.10; good 350-660 lb. packing sows $7.75-8.10. Cattle 1500, calves 600; ted steers and yearlings slow, weak; bulk of supply plan and medium grades at $7.26-8.00: few loads $8.10-40; choice light steers bid around . $9.60; holfors fairly ac tive, steady; weighty helfera $8.00; bulk plain and medium grades at $6.76-7.76; cows weak; tew fat cows $5.26-6.26; cuttor grades mostly $4.00-85; bulls weak: weighty sausage offerings mostly $6.26 down; light kinds at $5.85-50; baef bulls more active than weighty sausage offerings; practical top vealers $9.50; tew best weighty offerings $10.00; light kinds $8.00 down to $6.60. Sheep 7000, Including 1000 di rect; late Thursday fat lambs 25 86 lower; bulk $8.00-86; top $8.16; 99-118 lbs. $7.76-8.10; to day's trade active) tat lambs strong to 15 higher; bulk woolsklns $8.10-25; top $8.40; snoop strong to 26 higher; odd head choice ewes $6.00. ii Swedish Dinner and Dance SAT., MAR. 26TH Dinner Served from 6 50c I.O.O.F. HALL Public Invited s PORTLAND, March 26 MP) Reports from 120 mills showed laat week's new business of 5&. 772,000 board feet of lumber waa allghtly under the provloua week's mark, the Weatern Pino asitoct. atlon said luiltty. Production totaled 44,067,000 ft., a slight gain since the prevlom week, ami ahlpmepta reurhed 68, 054.000 foul, an Incrnunu of about 4,000,000 feet. Orders, produc tion and shipments were rharply under the totala for tho corres ponding week of 1937. To dale, orders woro J7 per cent below laat your. Portland Produce PORTLAND. March 25 I.V Butter Prints: A grado 301c lb. In parchment wrappers; 314c lb. In cartons: B grade 294c In parch ment wrappers, 304c lb. In car tons. Uultcrfat Portland delivery, buying prlco: A grade 29-2'Jjc lb. country stations; A grade 274c lb.; U grade 2c lb. less; C grade Oc lb. leas. Kggs Uuylng prices by whole salers; Specials 18c doz.; extras 10c; standards 15c; special me dium 10c; extra mediums 14c; atandnrd mediums 15c; under grade 14c doz. Choese Orogon triplets 15c; Oregon loaf 10c; brokers will pay lc below quotations. Country moats Selling price lo retailors: Country killed bogs, best butcher under 160 lbs. 12c lb.; vcalers 10c lb.; light and thin 9-13C lb.; heavy 10c; canner cows 71-84c lb.: cuttors 81-1 2c lb; bulls lOo lb.; lambs 1817c lb.; ewes 0-lOc lb. ' Llva poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers. 1 1 to 2 lb.. 17 18c lb.; colored apringa 2 to 34 lb. 17-18c lb.; over 31 lbs.. 18 190 lb.; Leghorn hens over 31 ins. 14-160 10.; under 31 lbs. 12-1 3c lb.'; colored hen to 5 lbs. 18-1 9c lb.; over & lbs. 18-1 9c lb.; No. 2 grado 2c less. Turkeys Buying price: Hens 24c lb.: No. 1 toms 22 cents lb. Selling price: toms 24c lb.; lions 2flc lb. Potstoes, now Florida 81.76; Hawaii 81.60 per 60 lbs. Potatoos Yakima Roma ?5c; local 60-70o cental; central Ore gon 850-1.05 cental. Onions Dry $2.00-2.25 cental. Wool 1937. nominal; Willam ette valley, medium 23c 'lb.; coarsa and braids 13c lb.; fall lamb wool 18 lb.; eastern Oregon tine, nominal. Hay Selling price to retailers: Alfalfa No. 1. 118.00-18.60 ton; oat-vetch $14.00 ton; clover $12 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon un quoted; ditto valley $15.00 ton. Portland. South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO. March 25 (AP-USDA) Hogs 150; butchers 10 lower; $9.80 top; good sows quoted mainly $7.80. Cattle 200; steers active, steady to 35 higher; 2 loads strictly good 825-940 lb. Idaho fed long year lings $9.00; load lots medium to good 960-1190 n. Idaho and Ore gon fed steers J7.75-S.5C, small lot plain $6.50: low grade cows dull, fully 25 lower; low cuttors and cuttors $3.00-4.00; fleshy cut ters eligible slightly above; bulls absent, medium weighty kinds quoted up to $6.25. Calves 10. Nominal; good to choice vealers quoted around $3.50-10.50. Sheep nono, nothing on sale; market nominal; medium to good fed wooled lambs quoted around $7.16-8.26 according to last rep resentative sales, good to choice early shorn fat ewes quoted $4.00-4.50. , Wade Crawford Nominate Wiulo Crawford for Representative In Congress From tho Second Congressional District. Support Fresldont Roosovolt in the effort to olovnto tho living standards of labor. Encourngo "Big Business"' and "Little Business," Open the throttles and let the whistles blow! Protect tho markets of agri culture, livestock and lumber . . and oraate now ones.. Pd. Adv. W. Crawford ATTEMPTS TO SELL DROP GRAIN PRICES CHICAGO. March 25 (At Ite avliona because of sympathy with tumblea of securities carried wheal down a cent a buirhel her late today. Liberal quantltlea of wheat fu lurea were offered by holders who found no purchaser except at euuatantial declines In quotations. Forecast of freezing tempera lures in parts of the United mates winter wheat bell wcro practically Ignored. At the cloao, Chicago wheat fu tures were at the day's' bottom level, 1-1 cent under yesterday's finish. May 851-80, July 824 821, corn 1-tc up. May 00I-6U), July 024-0211, and oat lc lower to lc higher. Legal Noticea SUMMONS Kqully No. 5171 IN THE CIltCUlT COURT OF TIIF, STATE OF OREOO.N, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. BESSIE C. BLAY, Plaintiff, Versus L. F. Swift and Jane boo Swift, his wife; Hugh K. Ullmore and Jane Doe Ullmore, his wife: A. C. Allen and Jane Doe Allen, his wife; Henry s. Whltsett and Jane Doe Wbltsetl. his wire; Arabella E. Bunnell, widow of L. B. Bun nell, deceased: Hanna Sylliassen and John Doe Sylliassen, ier hus band: Malhlas J. Klein and Jane Doe Klein, his wife; II. H. Lewis and Jane Doo Lewis, his wife; Channlng Sweet and Jane Doe Sweet, bis wife; William H. Hel berg. also known as William H. Hlllberg, and Jano Doe Hclherg. his wife; O. W. Olson and Jane Doe Olson, his wlfo; C. S. Bargelt and Jane Doe Bargelt, bis wife; Walter N. Batley, also known as Walter M. Battcy, and Jane Doe Bnttey, his wife; George Martin and Jane Doe Martin, his wife; Peter P. Nestandor and Jane Doe Ncstander, his wlfo; Frits Bern- kopf and Jane Doe Bernkopf, his wlfo: Cora A. Jones and John Doe Jones, her husband; B. D. Van Buren, also known as B. B. Van Huron and B. B. Van Buern and Jane Doe Van Buren. bis wife: Harry Nichols and Jane Doe Nichols, his wife; L. A. Clark and and Jane Doe Clark, his wife; Louie Kilcrt and Jane Doe Ellert. his wife; L. Mlsche and Jane Doe Mlsche. his wife: Alda Duke and Ceorge W. Duke, her husband Central Oregon Improvement Company, a Washington Corpor ation: Comptroller of Currency as statutory receiver of First Na tional Bank of Bend, an Insolvent National Banking Corporation: and also all other parties or per sons unknown claiming any right. title, estate, lien or Interest In the Veal property described In the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: L. F. 8wlft and Jane Doe Swift, his wife; Hugh K. Gilmore and Jane Doe Gilmore his wife; A. C. Allen and Jane Doe AUen, his wife; Henry S. Whltsett and Jane Doo Whltsett, his wife; Arabella E. Bunnell, widow of L. B. Bun nell, deceased; Hanna Sylliassen and John Doe Sylliassen, her hus band: Mathias J. Klein and Jane Doe Klein, his wife; H. H. Lewis and Jane Doe Lewis, his wife; Channlng Sweet and Jane Doe Sweet, his wife; William H. Hel berg, also known as William H. Hlllberg and Jane Doe Helberg. his wife; O. W. Olson and Jane Doe Olson, his wife; C. S. Bargelt and Jane Doe Bargelt, his wife; Walter N. Battey, also known as Walter M. Battey, and Jane Doe Battey, his wife; George Martin and Jano Doe Martin, hla wife; Peter P. Ncstander and Jans Doe Nestander, his wife; Frits Bern kopf and Jane Doe Bernkopf, his wife; Cora A. Jones and John Doe Jones, her husband; B. D. Van Buren, also known as B. B. Van Buren and B. B. Van Buern and Jane Doe Van Buren, hla wife; Harry Nichols and Jans Doe Nichols, his wife; L. A. Clark and Jane Doe Clark, his wife; . Louis Ellert and Jane Dos Ellert, his wife; L. Mischo and Jane Doe Mlsche, his wife; Alda Duke and George W. Duke, her husband; Central Oregon Improvement Company, a Washington Corpor ation; Comptroller of Currency as statutory receiver of First Na tional Bank of Bend, an Insolvent National Banking Corporation; and also all other parties or per sona unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In ths A Great Preacher - Great Lectures! "The Police Evangelist" At The Seventh Day Adventist Church 833 North Ninth Street Program FRIDAY, March 25, 7:30 p. m. "God Fair at All Time.." SATURDAY, March 26, 11 a. m "What Advent- rata Believe." SATURDAY, March 26, 2 p. m. Organ Recital by L. M. Seltser. SATURDAY, March 26, 3 p. m. Baptismal Service. The 2 and 8 i. ni. services will bs held In the First Christian church. (Note: Tho Seventh Day Adventist church, Its pastor and church board appreciate, deeply, the kindness of Pastor Bates and his church for the nse of their fine church for these services). SATURDAY, March 26, 7:30 p. m "I. God Par- ticular." SUNDAY, March 27, 7:30 p. m. "The TRUE , Church I" ' Collecting Pine Hobby of Algo - ALGOMA A load of new pine blocks to the most of us means fuel for the fire, to the child just another load of wood to throw nto the shed, but to Miss Ger trude Cox of AlKoma, a tbrlll to find another bird , animal or Image to add to her collection. Miss Cox for the past three yoars has had as a bobby collect ing pictures formed by the knot In the pine block.. It Isn't neces sary to use any Imagination for thoy are as realistic as If drawn on paper with each image stand ing out clearly. Among bcr collection oi 35 fine specimens are to be found a chicken picking Its way across a yard; a lamb resting; an Irish man with that broad smile; a weasel waiting its chance; an Eskimo with that expressionless face: while an Indian chief marches away in flying feathers. Legal Notices real property described In the complaint herein, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you ars here by required to appear ana answer the complaint filed against you and each of you In the above entitled suit on or before the 4th day of April, 1938, that being the last day of the lime allowed un der the order for publication of this summons. If yon fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint on file here in, to-wlt: That you and each of you be re quired to set forth the nature of any claims adverse to the plain tiff In the following described real property situated In Klamath county, Oregon: Lots 1 and 2. block 20: lots 20 and 21. block 21; lots 20 and 21. block 28; lots 3, 4. 6, 6, 19, 20. 21. 22, 24, block 30; lots 18, 20, 23, 24, block 31; lots 20 and 21, block 37: lots 3 and 4, block 38; lota 2, 3. 4, 0, 7, 8 ,20, 21. block 39: lots 21 and 22, block 40; lot 5, block 42, townslte of Crescent according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file in the of fice of the County Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, that any and all such claims be held for naught and that the plaintiff be decreed the owner In tee simple of the said real prop erty and that each of you be for ever barred and enjoined - from asserting any claim whatsoever In said real property adverse to the plaintiff and for such other relief as to ths court may ses just and equitable. Tbla summons is served upon you and each of you by publica tion thereof In the Evening Her ald, a dally newspaper, printed and published In Klamath County, Oregon, by order of ths Honor able Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered ths 2nd day of March. 1938, which said order requires that this summons be published ones a week for four successive weeks, that ths first publication thereof be on ths 4th day of March, 1938, and the last on the 1st day of April. 1938, the 4th day of April, 1938, bslng ths last day for ths defendants to appear and answer as fixed by said order. L. ORTH SISEMORE. Attorney for Plaintiff, 14 Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon. K M. 4-11-18-15: A. 1 No. 40 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estate of John Paul Tirnell, (sometimes designated as J. P. Tirnell), De ceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account as Administrator of the Estats of John Paul Tirnell, Deceased, and the above-entitled Court has fixed 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tues day, April 19, 1938, as the time, and ths Circuit Court Room In the Court House of Klamath County, Oregon, as the place when and where any person may pre sent objections or exceptions to said Final Account, at which time the above-entitled Court will fi nally pass upon and settle said Account, HUGO O. BLALOCK, Administrator of the estate of John Paul Tirnell, Deceased. H M 18-25: A 1-8-15 No. 48 Knot Designs ma Woman All of these are good but one of ths most outatandlng Is an If regular circular piece with a cir cumference of two and a halt feet. The bark Is still on Its uneven edge which forms the facs of Santa Claus with hla whiskers and sparkling eyes. Then if you look within the circle you will see a large bird on a rock while a weasel anxiously eyes him. Miss Cox has for years shown a great deal of Initiative In ths art of various collections but this one Is most novel. PASSION WEEK SERVICES SET IN MERRILL CHURCH MERRILL Passion week serv ices in which a number of Klam ath Falls ministers will partici pate, several church meetings nnd election of church officers will crowd the program prior to Easter In the Merrill Presbyterian church. It was announced this week by Rev. Forrest C. Travallle. . Sunday night, March 27, Dr. Walter L. Van Nuys, Portland, will fill the pulpit, speaking on "Glories of the Christian Way of Life." The sermon is of particu lar interest to young people of the community who are Invited with their elders to attend the service. Rev. Elmer E. Rosen kilde, pastor of the Malln Pres byterian church, has announced that the Malln congregation will attend. March 29 the annual congrega tional session will convene for reports of all committees, annual reports of all church organiza tions and elections of church of ficers. The congregation tenta tively plans election of two addi tional elders this year to make a total of four. April 12-13 the annual spring Presbytery session will be held at Grants Pass with Rev. Travallle, Merrill; Rev. E. E. Rosenkllde, Malln: Rev. Hugh L. Bronson, Tulelake, and Rev. Theodore Smith, pastor of the First Pres byterian church, Klamath Falls, In attendance. Passion week will open Palm Sunday with a special sermon In the morning by Rev. Travallle and visiting pastors will speak at all evening services held daring the week in the church. The Rev. Mr. Anderson of the Smart to Wear Immediately! SUITS ! ,. .. Q Clever Man-Tailored Models! O Superb Fur-Trimmed Swaggers! This Spring you simply must have . a flattering su'rll These smart man tailored models are skilfully fash ioned from durable worsteds In Grey, Military Blue, Brown, Black, . Navy. The fur-trimmed suits are. featured in short - or swagger lengths smart rough fabrics in new Spring colors and monotonesl OTHER HIGH at $28.00 4 OTHER SMART NEW COATS AT $19.95 and $28.00 DRESSES Delightfully New for Spring ' at are winning;!' Spring ador- '. Individual dresses th fashion honors for Spring. able high shade combinations navies with white trimmings gorgeous new prints achieving extrsme flattery with clever jack- ".TIT ets, boleros and redingotesl More than one hundred new dresses came ' this weet Priced at $7.93 and $10.9$ CRMG'S 617 MAIN STREET Chureh of ths Covenant, will speak Monday evening. Rsr. Ar thur C. Hates, pastor of ths First Baptist church, will fill ths pulpit on Tuesday evening and on Wed nesday evening Rev. Roy South ard of the Klamath Temple will speak. f Thursday evening a communion service In commemoration of tns Last Supper win be presided over by Rev. Travallle. Rev. J. Clar ence Orr, pastor of ths Emmanuel Baptist church, will conclttds ths services Friday evening. Sermon topics of all the speakers will be announced later. All services will open at-7: 30 p. m. In ths church. BLY Miss Bernlce Manning of Duns mulr is spending a few days hers as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Titus and their son, Normar. White. :.. Ewauna camp on Quarts moun tain is keeping a good sized con struction crew busy repairing ths track. Ths Great Northern train accldently tipped over an oil tank car last week tearing up several feet of track. Johnnie Johnston of the Pelican Bay Lumber com pany repaired the holster and righted the oil car. ' Arch Cruse, proprietor of ths Pioneer Grocery, haa purchased a pickup for delivery purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wallis mads a trip to Klamath Falls this week to see Mrs. Morris' grandmother who broke her hip In a fall two weeks ago. They report that ahs Is resting easily. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schallhorn had a weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marble and Louisa Hand of Klamath Falls. John Beechen returned to his position here in the office of Cranes mill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cavan of the Loggers' club made a busi ness, trip to Klamath Falls Thursday.' Mr. and Mrs. Orval Kuhlman opened the Loggers' club cafs this week, of which they will bs the new managers. Wayne Groshong, superintend ent of Ewauna camp, was In Bly Thursday. PERMANENT 8 $1.50 and up Guaranteed, no limit to number of curls,. MIDWAY BEAUTY SHOP South 6th, next to the Lucca Cafe.. Phone 1974 W. . STYLE-SUITS and $39.50 : COATS : Swagger . . , Topper Fitted Stylet t Captivating coats that empha size the newest silhouettes clever swagger, topper or fit ted types expertly tailored in serviceable . fabrics accenting ths new bright Spring shadesl They're simply superbl w 6