March 19, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE CITY BRIEFS I'nslnr Arrives llov, Louis Hit I lit rtl lit l.os AiikiiUk, who ar rived f i llny In Kliiiiintli Kails to rill the pnstoriito of tho I'sy chlo llimoiiriili church, linil been a previous visitor hnro In 11134. Al llmi llmo tho firm niilrliunl selence church was dedlriitud liora, Itftv. Iitt I In rd couios lilKh ly rocoinnioiided mill la consld rcil on of Anwrlcn's greatest niml 1 1 ma. llov. Ilnllnnt has had rlutl'K" of cluiri'hi'a III l" Aiiko le, Portland, Oukliind nod Anatdes. Ili will Klva hi flrat tnlli Hniiclny lilKlit nt o'clock In tha church. Tho publlo U In vited. Milliliter rl poned Dun lo weather rondltlmis Ihn smoker f pIlllllH'd fur member Of Itellllie postponed from Wednesday, March 30, nccordlni lo Robert Hprniil, clmlriiinn. Hpront will lm assisted hy Miihr lleymiirs. II. C. Woodruff mid Frank illin"'. Jr., In uinklnn plans for Ihn af fair, which will honor now inoiii hitra of Ihn oluh and also Inlro dnco William Hutchinson, the new "pro." Tho smoker will bo given for men members of tho cluli only. Ilm-k Knuii Hoiilh Mr. and Mra. Frank Oacaraon roturnod Monday nlvhl from Run Krnn clico, accompanied hy tliolr yoiinn irnnddniiKliter, lllniicho Marilyn Vnlo. Whllo In llm aoutli, tho Oararsous visited Mr. mid Mra. llalph llontrlin mid "on, Junior, and Mra. Ilonirlm'a molhor, Lil lian Norton, nl Hnn Joao, ami found Ihnl (molly nil In excellent health. k Moot lug Tlitimdny Klamath luuno nui uui u vim uiinuoi' hood of Itnllroail Tralnmon will hold a regular bualnnaa mnallng Thuradny ovonlng at 7 o'clock at tho K. C. hall. Tho Indira auilllary haa planned luucb to ho aorvod to tho tralnmon fol lowing tholr mooting. All mom bora of both ordora are cordially Invited. From Kujirn Mra. I). V. Kuykendnll returned the latter part of It: week from Kugono where ho haa boon with her aon, nr. John Kuykendnll, alnre tho death of hla wife aeveral weeks ago. Mr. and Mra. Kuy kendnll plan to leavo Monday tor Kugono, Portland and other northern cltlea to apond aororal woeka. Report Accident It. ft. Procb alel, manager of MonlKonicry Ward compnny, and Ted O. lllghley, lloiito 1, llox 245, ro parted an accident to city police Friday afternoon, Tho accident, In which thero wero no Injurloa, occurred nt Ennt Mnln mid Owonn atreot. In Collego IMajr Mnrjorlo Tay lor of Klamath Agoncy haa a role In "Noah," a play written ' by tho Trench dramatlat, Andre Obey, which will bo presented nt Iteod collcgo In May. Leave for Iowa Mra. A. B. Epperson left early Saturday morning for Donelaon, Iowa, called there by Ihn lllneaa of her alnter. Mra. Kppcraon will bo away for aeveral woeks. Return Home Mr. and Mra. T. J. Tbompion hnvo returnod lo their homo at rtogus Klvor, Ore., after visiting for aoveral dnya at ths homo of Mr. and Mra. K. K. Jnnea and Mr. mid Mra. C. L. Joneo of 81. Francis Park. Ml. Lnkl Ahl Tho Mt. Lakl Ladles' Aid will meet Wednea day. March 1.1. at ihn hnntA nf p Mra. Ira Orcm. . Theft Told Roger Scbroodor, SO Lincoln atreot, reported to elly police the theft of a apare tire and wheel from hla cur Fri day night. In tlio Hoiilh Mra. A. P. Houp la expected to roltirn within a hort tlmo after spending the pnat few woeka In Hun Francisco nnd olhor California cities. Hack From Washington Mr. John Arten roturned Friday lo her home on Martin atreot from Inoomn nnd Sonttle, Una Operation Mra. Etna Gentry. 817 Knat Mnln atroot, Is a patlont at Klnmnth Vnlloy hoa Pltnl. Mra. Oontry nubmltted to "i,miL,or "Pori'lon Mondny nnd weeks ' thl hoi")ltftl ,or lhrB Irlll Team Thn Hoynl Noleh. IOOF bun Mondny night at 7:30 o clock, It wns announced Sntur oay. All members are urgod to fttlOIIfl, ;Nolghbora of Woodcraft will meot Saturdny nftornoon, March hail 0,1 lh" Kl c nfV!!!",'.", f'7 Hnrl'lot Tl"-nT of Portland Is visiting for sov oral dnys nt tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs. Hugh McNornoy, 1116 Lincoln street. OLENE Lost River Tavern . - Saturday, March 19 "ST. PATRICK'S PARTY" Novelty Hats Illovtniitn DANCING Rata Soft Drinks Fun for AH 'All for Fun IFp-to.rA( Modern Mlislfl by .TACK HTIIAItT'H MltHICAl, Wtt.A NOLHrtS Visit Horn nor. J. llonry Thomas, former roclor of Ht. Paul's Kplscopnl church and now roctor of Ht, Ulninont'e In Uurk oley, loft hy train Krldiiy nlKlit for hla homo oflor apnnillnK a wnnk Willi hid noil, Mr. mid Mra. Iteiclmild Tliomnii, nl tholr rniu'h homo In 1,ihikI1 valley, A':(-'"ri1-liiat to Itov, Thoinna he see many people from Klamath Valla and keep In touch with affnlra of Ihn city In which ho waa nulla active tlurliiK hla resldenco hro. llov. Thumna hna nlao niarrlod a number of Klnmaih Knlle resl dnnla during hl Hay III llarkalny. Tha Thomaa family haa racontly purchaand a largo now homo In Unrkeley. VUIIIiik Here Mra. W. B Whllford and diiughter, Zelln, arrived In Klamath Fnlla Friday. morning from lloono, Iowa, to mm nd a monlli vlnltlng with Mrs, Whltford'a alaler, Mra. Thnmna llnmpton, at her home on High alreei. ,A niimher of liiforiiinl uffiilra nrn being planned for tho visitors during their stny here, Iteauinra l'oalllon Mrs, Dert Noklehy was able to resume her position Haturdiiy morning na or tire manager of Moo'a nloro fol lowing nn lllneaa of tho puat wook, whon aho was confined to hor homo In tho Evans apart. menta sufforlng from a thront Infection. Kilter Hospital Mr. and Mra. J. It. Marks, 1041 Kent Main street, loft Tuesday evening for Ban Francisco where Mnrks en' tored tho Southern Pacific gen. oral hospital for medical I rent niout. One Drunk It was a qulot Saturday momlng In police court, with only ono drunk brought before Police Judge Otlo Iangalet. Tho man received a fine ot $10 or live dnys In Jail where he Is now resting. From Tesas Mrs. Ona'Bagloy returned to bor homo on Alta- mnnl drlvs Thursday after visit Ing for tho past two months In Toius with friends nnd relatives. E Mike neck of Beck's Bakeries has hla own particular formula for reducing tho over-supply ot Klam nth netted gems. Ho will nnnnuncs n now lont of brand tho first of thn woek, the principal Ingredient of which la mashed potatoes. It will be known ns Beck's Brown Sugar Potato I -oaf. while the combination of brown sugar nnd potntoes In hrend dough will not tnate Just like a good old baked U. 8. No. 1, It will have marked mate nnd kooping qunl Itios, ho sold. Beck doesn't claim euro-nil pro pensity for hla Iden, but points out that ir tho Iden cntches on here nnd elsewhere. It will bn a decided factor In potato consump tion. HEAVY DUTY LOGGING TRUCKS SHOWN HERE Mnrlon Brnutlntch of the nob. erla Motor company of Portland In In Klnmnth Fnlla for .a fow dny, displaying Federal trucks nt me Bnlslgcr Motor compnny, Roberts Motor compnny. oldest truck distributor In the United States, handles Federal trucks for the Oregon-Wnshlngton territory. Tho heavy duty logging truck Brnutlntch la showing In n 4-J ton, 404 cublo Inch motor, heavy duly five forwnrd speed transmission combined with honvy duly three speed compound, douhlo reduction nxle. It Is cnpnhla of hauling up to 0000 feet on private roads, Ilrnutlntch snld. The Union Prayer The mon's union prayer meet ing will be hold nt tho First Bnp tlst church, Sunday morning at 8:80. All men aro cordlnlly In vltod to nttond this service. RECTAL DISEASES MJIci electrlo treatments, replacing old methods. Non-conflnIng, non-surgical and safer. HE8ULT8 start Willi first treat, mont. Wrlto for PIlEB booRlet, , v .. DR. M. C. CASSEL Specialist Cnssel Bros. Chiropractic Cllnlo 228 No. 7th Phono 420 Ilorns GRIZZLE PLANS RETIRE1V1ENTAS County Judge (ioorge I), rirlz- sle announced Saturday that he will not bo n candldula for re eloctlon nt tho coming prlmury. Ho mndo a forinnl sttitenifiit re viewing bis six yenrn In thn office. .The atutomvnt follows: "Tlmo for political declarations hns arrived, and after careful consideration I hnvo decided thnt owing to personal and business conditions I will not hn n candi date for tho offlco of county Judxo. "I would Ilka to say to the poo plo of Klamath county that 1 deeply nnd sincerely appreciate the confidence Ihey placed In m In giving me the prlvllego of serving I hum during my term In offlco, nnd Hhllo no ono rnallxua his ambitions In full I feel nn though some things hnvo been ac compllshed for tho good ot us nil "It Is my lot to bo In offlco during Ihn most trying times this county has ovor boon through. County warranto wore worth 80 cents on tho dollar nnd there wns outstanding current Indebtedness of about 146,000 and a bonded Indebtedness of 11,673,404.00. "Through tho assisttineo of ns fine a coros of counly offlclnls as nny judge could ovor hopo to have I have eliminated the county in debtedness nnd reduced the bond od Indebtedness $4 48,404, and during 1938 It will bo reduced an nddlllonal $181,704. for which our offlclont county treasurer do serves n grenl deul of credit for his continued cooperation. "The county hcnlth unit has boon reorganised Into the county henllh department. This new do pnrtmcnt covers the whole county, and we have coordinated all the various unite, so that nil henlth problems, sanltnllon and prevention of diseases nnd also medical enro and hospitalization nre mado available to properly meot tho requirements of nn nc, live efficient public health pro gram. "The core of tho poor Is always a problem thnt Is hard to handle for nny Judge, but I loei tnnt there hns been n great Improve ment In tho buildings nt the fnrm and the cost of the enro of tho poor hns been reduced. Under tho efficient mnnngemenl of Mr. Mtir rlson the enro of tho Inmates hns been grenlly Improved, their needs nnd henlth rnrelully studied nnu everything possible Is dono for tholr comfort. Tho buildings hnvo heon Minted nnd the grounds enrcd for until It Is nn outstnnd- Ing Institution of Its kind in mo stnto. 1 feel Hint tho county enn Justly bo proud of Its homo ot the noody. "Every effort hns boen mnde to hotter the rond conditions, nnd we fool that n great dcnl una occn accomplished. "In retiring from offlro I do no with good will to all nnd a ueop appreciation to many tor me as sistance nnd encouragement ex tended to me. "GEonoR r.nizzi.E. "Counly Judge." Visit South Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles 0. Hovey nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Dick Roeder planned to lenve Saturday night for San Francisco to spend novernl days. They will roltirn Iho middle of Iho week. Mra. Orvllle Elliott of Klnmnth Agency will remain at tho Hovey home on Pacific Terrace until Hovoy'a return. INSURED SAFETYOF YOUR SAVINGS UPTOt5.000... AND GOOD RETURNS Set Yqur Own Saving Speed 5, $10 or $100 a month (or lump-sum -Investment). Nothing to slow you down or mnr your pleasure when yon snvo with Klrst Federal. Hafety rocs on and on uninterrupted! Your savings Insured hy ARcnry of V. S. Oovernnieiit up to f.1,0110. There has been no atop and go driving In Dividend returns, cither. FIRST FKIIIOII.AIi hnn paid -1 per milium dividends on savings ever slnco Its fcdernlt.nllon In lli4. Assets, First Federal Savings and Loan Association OF KLAMATH Members of Fodornl Having Candidate LamauidiaMHBaaaBSBBDSaa , Kenncll-Ellls W. II. Hawkins, who an nounced Snturdny for tho demo crats nomination for county commissioner. BOY SCOUTS HOLD DELAYED PROGRAM AT TIONESTA TIONESTA Tho Tioncsta Boy Stout Nelgliuorhod Patrol No. 30 of Modoc area, with the Tlonosta Cubs, held a Joint meeting at the schoolhouso on Friday evening, March 11. This meeting wan planned for Kobrunry, but owing to bad wenther and Impassable roads, wns postponed till March. Dwlght E. Gilchrist, scout exec. ullvc, presented the boys with their membership certlflcntca. Gil christ also mnde a short talk on "Hoy Scout and Cub Uniforms." Other speakers on the program wore Francis Drag, rural super visor of elementary schools of Modoc county; Mrs. Hallle Tler- ney, superintendent, of schools; Mrs. Alice Do Camp, district presi dent of tho PTA, and Mrs. Peggy tinskiiis, county librarian. They all spoko on subjects of Interest to all parents and others who aro Interested In young peo rtlo nnd schools. Drag presented two reels of motion pictures dealing wltn Tor cat conservation which wero en loved by all those present. Tho program waa conducted by D. F. Andernon, scoutmaster, as sisted by Mrs. W. J. Horbelt, nresldent of tho Tlonesta PTA, nnd Rowland Ulrich, assistant scoutmaster. After the program a social hour was onjoyed by an those present. Sandwiches and coffee were served hy the scout mothers and ladles of tho PTA. In Idaho Mrs. Basil Behnke and bnby of Homodnlo are visit ing for several dnys with friends nnd relatives in jiuney, taano PILES Quick Positive Permanent BELIEF ' Advanced non-surgical meth ods. NO HOSPITALIZATION No loss of tlmo from work. .Many satisfied patient In Klaiiinth and . surrounding country have been given per manent relief. Write for booklet. Dr. O. H. Mather ChiropracUo Physician 731 Mnln Phone 404 W FALLS - i"-"1"1 ami Irfinn In.nii'iineo Corporation W. If. Hawkins, long-time Klam ath resident, made his formal announcement Saturday as demo cratic candidate for county com missioner. Hawkins saved his announcement until March 19 be cause that Is his wife's birthday and the birthday anniversary of William Jennings Bryan, to whom Hawkins gave hearty loyalty In the political battles of several decades ago. Hawkins' statement follows: "I tako this occasion to say to my friends In Klamath county that I have entered my name in the democratic primary as a can didate for county commissioner of this county. '.My friends and those who hare known me during 26 years In this county feel that I am competent to assume the duties of this of fice. If elected, I will be one of tho three members of the court and will hare an equal voice with tne county Judge and the other commissioner In determining the money and fiscal policy of the county. "Thero Is one thing In which I shall take a deep and continuing Intorcst, and that la thn providing or good graveled roads for the thickly populnted suburban dis tricts adjacent to Klamath Falls. The lands embraced In these thick ly settled districts pay several times the taxes, acre for acre, that Is paid by the best agricultural lands, nnd It Is only common Jus tice tnnt tney be provided with good roads at taxpayers' expense. "I have a wife and four crown children, three of my children llv- ng in this county and the other at Eugene. All of my Interests center in Klamath county, and if nominated and elected I shall do everything In my power to do the most good for the greatest number ot tho people of this county. i tnang you In advance for such support as you see fit to give me. "V7. H. HAWKINS." Weyerhaeuser J WEYERHAEUSER The sub ject for Sunday morning services at tho Weyerhaeuser Sunday school will be taken from Luke 52. "Jesus Increased in Wisdom and Stature and in Favor With God and Man." With spring approaching. It la hoped tbat the membership will be Increased to at least SO. All children and parents In the com munity are Invited to attend serv ices. Sunday school Is at 9:45 a. m., church at 11 a. m. F. C. Tarr has returned from a business trip to Tacoma, where CHEVROLET DEALERS' USED CAR STOCKS WERE GREATLY REDUCED DURING NATIONAL USED CAR EXCHANGE WEEK Now's the time to trade your car for a NEW CHEVROLET Sixth and Oak Folklore HORIZONTAL 1 Abused heroine of a fairy tale. 9 She was a ragged overworked 13 Strong vegetable. ' 14 Grief. 15 Demigoddcu of fate. 18 To trudge. 18 Loves. 20 Parent. 21 Cow's call. 23 Poem. 24 Plural pronoun. 26 Writing fluid. 28 Roves. 31 Measure of cloth. 32 Action. 34 Her godmother transformed her into a well-dressed beauty. 35 Chinese sedge, 36 To doze. 38 2000 pounds. Answer to 39 Drone bee, 40 Within, 42 Stomach. 44 Chest bone. 45 Spain. 46 Driving command. 48 Musical note. 49 Devoured. 50 Removed hulls. 52 Tree. 54 Three united. 55 Polishes.' 5.6 Snake. 58 Sbe was the : belle at the prince's . he attended a meeting ot pur chasing agents of the Weyerhaeus er company. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts Title Insurance Escrows ELBERT 8. VEATCH 111 So. Fourth St. Phone 18 IM, & OfflIMvvTJklaiUUlN ye e k rp fijipArjR i s a SN OTRjr E DnEIA RlN SjT SfpESiAL&ERTkAlmS 1 Sop s D , mi, o K IE i i oji fni if! i anK t oE Ie II. IeIcPFIeId k iclAifcl i InIeIt Br rrr-yi ,ik u i z it i lb i ; r- sr n- i9 jo I pi 5Z j5 144 pi 40-41 -147 Si rp" rnp" 53 5i sltj 5T : 3 T" iKi 55 " liillw f AID BlICBI Come in today and get our liberal So great have been Chevrolet dealers' sales of used cars and trucks so low is our supply of certain makes and models that we need good used cars and trucks to balance our stocks. This means we are in an excellent position to talk "trade-in alloivanccs" on the purchase of new Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks. Gmrsl Afrtsrt fniMtsMM nn Cmtvn UiU, Ecanamlcmt SfmfJU Fmymmtt. A CffiMrW Afffw LOCKE MOTOR CO. Heroine Previous Pnxslo in a mine. 19 Flat-bottom boat. 20 She left th prince at 22 Cast of a language. 25 The prince found her through her lost (pi 27 Cognizance. 29 Wood demor 30 Sea eagle. 31 Organ of hearing. 33 Stream obstruction. 35 Crowd. 37 Head of person. 39 Flat round plate. 11 Pertaining to a nervous system. 43' Broader. 45 Horse's home. 47 To ignore. 49 Mature person 51 Mineral filled rock Assure. 53 Epochs. 57 And. 58 To exist. 59 Fast 60 Compound ether. VERTICAL 1 Company. 2 Mad. 3 Insect's egg 4 Destiny. '5 To enrich. 6 Female sheep. 7 Behold. 8 Meadow. 9 Had on. M Form of "be." 11 Affront. 12 Musical note. 15 Bows. 17 Waste spaces Alaska? Orient? Europe? Hawaii? Rates, Sailings, Passport Info. Agent for all steamship lines. PETE J. LESMEISTER Phone 1400 Phone 7SW1 Great Northern Ry. . I Mmmuumil III Come in this week! . . . See the beautP ful new Chevrolet for 1938 the car that is complete and the new 1938 Chevrolet trucks the thrift-carriers for the nation! . . . Learn how easily you can purchase a smart, new, modern-to-the-minute Chev rolet by letting us take your present car or truck in trade! KafMt k7A.II The display of projects made by the men and women's adult edu cation classes Is now being shown In Roberts and Peak's store. Tha articles shown are both finished and unfinished products made en tirely by the Individuals of the classes. Many of the students ot the classes have never had any previ ous experience In woodworking, but through their desires and cre ative ability they hate made many valuable additions to their homos. The display Includes varied pro jects: a walnut end-table made I by a member of the women's class, bookcases, magailne racks, plates, bowls, albums, cigarette stands, lamps and many other worthwhile objects made by the men and women ot the classes. . The public Is Invited to visit . the night classes at Fremont school any evening from Monday to Thursday between 7 and 10 o'clock. These classes give the Individ uals an opportunity to further their hobbies in woodworking. The only cost of the class Is the actual expense ot material used. The adult education program offers many other classes. Art classes aro being held every day in Mrs. Cone's studio at Fifth and Main streets. All phases of art. Including oil painting, pen and pencil sketching, photograph re touching, cartooning and other -similar works, are followed. Other classes Include French, sewing, knitting, shorthand and physical activity classes for men and women. Visit En Route Home Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Bishop of Port land and Mrs. John Morris of South Beach, Ore., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ladlner and daughter of 1936 Harrlman street on their way home from southern California, where they spent the winter. Yon Should Investigate! 185,000 POLICYHOLDERS CANT BE WKONQ D. E. Pearce District Manager 330 So. 7th Phone 1403 offer Phone '49