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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1938)
March 16, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE PMiinral nurvli'iin fur Hny J.iimui Hull, wti died HiiiKlity iikii'ii In u iia Hi" riwult of Injuries ro (!( vtiil In mi nuloiiKitillu ncilileiit Mil rh 11. wiirn Ih'M at .1 o'idnek Wmlnuailiiy hCIoimoiiii from lliu Kllm lumiilu Willi I lio ICIItn loilmi III t'huruu at services. Mora than 300 persons iialli ereil at tha 10 1 In lomplo to pny 11...1.. rin i i-immuiM tn Mm voiiiik Kluiniilli Kullu liiiHlnnnniiinii who look nil iirllvo purl. In iirinli oi lliu rlly. Ho wns iiminuor ot tho Kilo, 80-30 club, Kiminm doll nml Country club and tbo Junior chamber nf coin iiim-cra, nil of llicnn oiniiiilr.iilloiin being ri'lirmontort ill tint fiiiinriil. Km ployon ot tha Oii'Kon "Into l.lnliii'iiv itiiiuirl lllililt MtwitiM WlllirO llnll wik employed lor elitlit ynnrn. mionneii hi fl nouy, nun llin Tiixnco million which llnll (iiiii, uni clnMnil 'Iho luiprennlvit Klk service n ri-int by iifncors or llm mime, who followed jhrouith with final 11.11111111,1111 uni-vlcea ut tho irravn. nliln In I.lnkrlllo cemetery. Mualc by Sherman Curler, who sang several numbers accompanied by Mm. Cloomn Mrlnlyrn in llm pl nuit, win Included In thn survlrcn. llnll ' li,ii,ir u-nrii Jllllull Ab- boll, Norvnl II. Join'", Hrnily Montgomery, rcincri mues, inm Winter nnil K. A. Mdlonnll. Hon orary pnll homers worn I.on Jacobs, M. V. Coaeliooni, Ncill Stewart, l.noii Kvniin, nr. I. J II..... nn.1 L'milinlti II Klllllll. Mm. Mildred DnvU Hull, lilt lfo. who wn. Injured in mo iwi eldoiit, In reported renting eimlly In llllliilila tiunpltnl, mid Knrl Kitiltlt. nlo seriously ln)urt. In -t...t Mm. Knrl Hinllh. fourth occupant of the cnr, linn recovered trom injuries. E I.llllo Dnrliy. bend nf thn ttttixlc department of Klnninlh Kullu pulillc ailuiola, will lenvo Mnrrh 23 for HI. I.ouls, Ma., whcro aim will ultoml tho 2Gth liiantlliii uf thn Mimic Kdlicnlors Nntlonul conference which will bn hcl.l Mitrrh 2? In April I. Tim centennial of nutate teaching In Iho schools of America will bn observed nt Ibis lime. others from thn nlntn who nre attending Incltidn Mm. Rather Church l.cnlor of Modford, Anil- row I,oney of Lallrnndo, Mm, Anno Hot I and l)r, John Lauds. bury of Iho University of OrO' Ron school of mimic and Maude McCnwIcy. ulntnr of Mm. I). K. Vnndeiiborg of Klnninlh Falls. prominent In niunlo clrclon In Portland. This In tho sixth national con ferenco Miss Pnrby ruin intended, mill ho has also hnd (ho privi lege, at attending nix soctloun mceittiga. Minn Dnrliy will (cava by Iho Hoiilhorn I'lielflo unil rnlurn on Ihn Union I'lielflo nflur npenil InK mivurul iluyii In Chicago con tiiclliilf niunlo loaders. Mix Dnr liy linn honn granted two wnnks' leave nf ahnoiico by Iho school lioiird im nllnndiiticu nl Iho con fnriiiM'o In coiinlilori'd ontxiclully linpoiiiuil In 1 1 o i' work. Tho flro K"ii'inu miHHlonii nun Homo 411 ni'i'llmi iiinnlliiKii nnd cllnlin will bo dnvnlnd to tha viirloui phnmm of niunlo cdura I Ion In nlniiionliiry, Junior and Himlor IiIkIi hiIi ix1h nil wnll nn piinl-Hihiiiil in ii n In ncllvltlon. A norliM of four fnatlvnl ovmita will bn urovlitod by a iintlomil IiIkIi chool Imnd nml orchaalra of 200 plnyorn onch. Tho HI. I .oil In Ryinpliony ornh- 'ntrn will pluy a npnclnl enncort for t,ho inoiiiborH mid tl'ilcKiitim nn a coiuplliuont to tha convention. SET FOR FRIDAY Throe hundred fitly children from thn nuven nlninnntiiry cliooU of the city ayntein will npponr In novel imionnl nt Ilia IiIkIi rhoal audllorluin Krl dny ovunliiK, nn Iho t o r y of "Know Whim nml Heven I)wnri In IioIiik port ruy oil In iIiiiicIiik. In tho flmt aeon a vnrloiu pnnniint dnncei nro pronentud ni Ilia vnrloun Kroupn of fulrylunil pny irlliuto In their i liven. An the nceno nniln tho fortuno teller wiirim Ihn (jueen, lelllim her to illnpimo of Hnow While. Thin lbs iiuoimi iloen nn nha ordern the raptnln of Iho minrd to take Know White Into Ilia forcnt and kill her. Iliirlnit the necond aceno Bnow Whim In Inken to the forcnt by Iho cuplnln. but lie doen not kill her, thlnklnic It bettor to Junt lenva her. Tho queen lenrnn Hint Know White In nllva and Ulnmilnen nn a peddler. Thtin ho In nhlo lo kIvo Snow While nn nppln tn out. Know White nlocpa, but In the end iho In nwnkened by Ihn prince and all oinln well. An Bnow While In niileep nil tho been. Iilrdn, flowern, turtlna, ailulrrela nml nil Iho vnrioua chnrnclera of fiilrylnnd appear III I heir renpecllvo dnncen. Tho pnaennt nrrnnnomenl of Iho atory wna written by Nlnn Kltti nml Dnrolhea Duck, tench era In Iho locnl nchooln. The prncrnin In belnit presented by thn ptiynlcnl educnllon itepnrt ment of iho city (trade nchooln nf Iho lilich achool auditorium Friday, at It p. nt. I'rocccdn will be uaeil In the conduct ot physical education work In tho city achonls. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- VilkMl OWI-Aos Tm'M Jib Osl il M la lha Munini Rula' la Ci Th llr hould pour out Iwo enttniU of II'IUM bllB Intn rimr Iniwrli lUlly. If ihU bll la not flowlnafrevly. ymtr fixNltiKn'tillKet, It luit diAyi In lha IniwU. (; l,lla up Tour Plnmarli. Vim a-t ronitliln. Your whols ayalrm la iwilamiH and you fcwl tour, link and lha world looka eunli. A mTfl Imiw. rniivrmml dncan'l art at th ratiae. H tnkra thnaa annd. old Carter' I.lttla Llvfr I'llle lo aet IhoM two enunda of lilla flowing frrrly and maka rou frl 'up and up." lUrmlraa, arntl. yet inai. Ina In maklna l.ll. tlnw tmW. Aak fur C.rl.r a I.ntl. I.l..r I'llla by nam. Ua. BtubbornUr refuaa anyUilns Ua. rtnsldenta of tho area southeast of (own around Altmnont who nro striving tor Improvement of roads, L nnniiniion anil otner pronieinn ot that district, held a meeting last Sunday, March 13, which was said to bo huge success. A permanent omnnlzntlon was formed which Is lo bo known as j thn South East Improvement len xuo. K. O. llttlck wns olected president of tho lenmie, and II. Mohr beenmn nccretnry. Thero will bo another mooting Runilav, Mnrrh 20, at 2 p. in. In tho Altmnont school gym. Kvery ono from tho city limits tn linger and from Fnlr Acres to lower Al tmnont Is requested to bo presont. No small homo ownor enn afford to miss this mooting, according to lengua officials. Women as woll as men nro urged to nltend. "There's no J M t j Substitute for Tlmel'' m Now My 100 Proof Straight Whiskey is h2pe7mrhkm0m.. Tailored (f 1 Complete New Modern Shoe Dept. Downstairs Store ' SllltS 'VV ' ' (m Wm $5) yx& TtimL i&mk mm m''Wi W't IllV,'3' W Xfr'AH SELECT QUAMTX Til l' J' 3)l 11 J V II- J3JTe VM-ffif P This In a suit season! Her. " m VVik Hi 1 , V WW'JKt . win And mi. that GLOVES ID VJ! Willr -J7& V X I''ll- :'?' faahloned riRht and perfect. ( VTaViWTj e V,,' I U'i Hmart new wonted with tall- Imported KKIklna gagotu? aj xj? iBBsw ?J' v ttV'l&' ored or sport backs. The colon in&if hii? t are oxford nary, bankers' grey, FLATTERINGLY FOR SPRING CHIC! AS NEW AS M F; ' ! nnv n1 brown- SMART! GABARDINE TOMORROW! U tZl mrH C OLOKFD h 198 nDrccv fiYcnontt r.ARARniMF piimpc l, JJT HIGH colored M. oxfords Toppers fl It's linnl lo believe Hint nnru HlunnliiK shoes to wear with ' i W II benul If nl shoes run be priced lnuunlly smart with their dressy street clothes and after. if Finger tip lenirth j n low! KashbHinhlo Rahnnllne clnanlc tailored lines and shiny noon frock Gabardine with ' In .mart nil wool Classic sllpons and novel- i 1 fbrlc stripping -'et len.her! The m lm,hPr trlmmlng Toppers. Inl.ned - Jn cel.ent j nml pntent leather. Covered r,,,,r,c "'ripping Is very new. faI,r,c atrlpplng. Covered con- I !n nhetlanils and ZtfO f match your parse or g cool I ImI heel,,. Covered Cuban heels! Ilnentnl heeln. i tr suedes. All high T 1 shoes. j 2.90 fnlr 1.98 P,r 2.98 Pal, V SECOND FLOOR 1 MAW FLOOR ff 1 VA fQT i4 'i X?" " styled to AO Mj ur t BECOJiD FLOWi WOMEN'S WOMEN'S COMFORT CELESTE V K tfVO'l Z. l GABARDINE OXFORDS ARCH OXFORDS Z' " 1 CS. EMPIRE STRAPS -rliiaa plain too kid oiford give, .aaLm2 SlZ'!&- f ' l?!af, J tho ut must In comfort. No Cram and comfortable for all r ,3nS"1 ViJe. af& M'1 ' f i J F i High In fnmt nml high In senms tn rub aching Joints day wear! You'll enjoy them k V"'VV J 'I " 'Py : 1 Ion la till gnbnnlluo anil pat- lli.mnins come to Penney. berauso they're ncnt and con- v . : w' eVte oioi0 '"I 1 rut leallirr simp! The ierfect for tills exceptional comfort servatlve. Pliable kid with -., . 41'' t Jot V I - 1 shoe. Ilullt In support! Soft built-in steel arch support. tt!eo o C forlable, covered Ctibnn heel! kill uppers! Leather heels, rubber taps. liiiin., ''' S iY " 1 'j'"')! 1.98 P,r 2.29 Par 2.98 Pr I fl ' LADES' OF KLAT ' II XmJvV - Y W . Sheer Lisle r J ) spr.xo smartness j U Mil WAV IhliS HOSE iLabacs yr&m StrS-' B s-vHiS-S 'or comfortable tit and serv- I 1 a a. i 3ESJ 'a I SWji-i) Ice. These hose are 100 I R ' h J American product. The colors I I I II iQ B . arai nmhop anil rhnrkber. lilt II W BaV 11 5TRIKINGLY SMARTI FOR GROWING GIRLS! WOMEN'S CYNTHIA ! L ii II CALF OXFORDS OXFORDS ARCH OXFORDS gfn I i i J n.ailf .lelnlle,! shoes, de- i , ' ,.. You'll enjoy walking and shop. DTI' PR- LV&T UmWJ? nlgned ,.,r K,t flutter,. Nute S.liool.glrls every where like , 9 V U '"'VnntnersRea I !,:nbVe',:;erS,sm'Jl I m , 'rds. Designed for perfect MAI.V FLOOR ' I StaJK-" ' R I loiiniile perfnrntlons. Jheyro looking ojtfonls. Flexlblo yet ,,, ., . i ' remarkable vnlnes In stylo . . . " .. nerforiitcd comfort! So,t """"V kltl f . In ., unlit j, nt this low price! "''l. hmirtl, perromtccl, mmH1 8(,rllw, ,, perfor. - , pah,.P ClflVOC I MAHf kl Covered 'continental beclM H-ther hcclat atl. Covered Cuban heels. LaOWS faDHC WOVeS AA I" - . FLOOR .. rfg Classic slip-ons and new tailored styles wllv t XTiLLL AQ aq 9tftD o( 8Um1 fnblcs and novelty rayons. 0 J .fQ r"lr P" 3.98 pIp wn FLOOR 'JSZir LITTLE TEACHER BOYS' DRESS . J VjS I I VaTK I 3 YEARS OLD at no Increase in Price! TIN extra year In the wood, gentlemen at nai Xla Increase In price! You'll agree there's no substitute for time when you sip my straight Bourbon whiskey . . . with the extra smoothness, the extra depth of flavor and bouquet that only 3 full years careful aging In the wood can give. Full 100 proof which means two extra drinks in every bottle is the same proof as the finest whis keys that money can buy OLD MR.BOSTON BRAND lOO PROOF STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Ihti'Iturk. Ina., ItartAn, Mm. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS! CHILDREN'S T-STRAPS Correctly ilcsisnocl to rIvo lit. tlo feet, firm support nml per fect comfort. Dressy anil nenll With clever perforated iIcnIkiis. Double soles for longer wenr! Composition nulsoles won't mnr floors! Prill lined! 98c Pnlr Well mnilo of fino qunllty kip leather or white Rlovo leather, losliiied to rIvo yoiinRsters foot, freedom near. Priced for Ihrlfly InitlRcIs! They're out Rronn before, thcy'ro outworn. Sizes SV to 8 .... 1.29 Pr. Sizes 1 to 5 98 Pr. Style-right hlnchcrs featuring neatly deslRiied shlelil tip and IniiR-weiirhiR composition soles and heels! Sturdily built, with room for RriminR youiiR feet. They're real buys at our low price I , 1.98 Pair Outing Bals for Boys 1 'KVS ?im Ox Hides, ruinous for heir sturdy features! IttiKRetlly built with rliocotnto relnn, water resistant uppers, . , l.enlher slipsoles and husky rotiitosltlnn oulNoles Riinrnnteo ex- Ira miles of wear,. 1.69 Pr. MEN'S AND ROYS' Canvas Shoes ruinous Hot.os! Ruggedly built with venll. Intrd uppers (lint let your feet breathe. Ntiirtly bumper toes, odorless insoles, dur- atilo runner oulsoles. Unbeatable qunllty at our low price! 79c ALL-LEATHER WORK SHOES They're Ox Hides! They're dc pendnblc! llluchcr stylo with retnn upivers, riveted for extra strength, ltroad, comfortable last, leather heels and sturdy leather soles. A real he-man's shoe at a low price! 2.98 Pair MEN'S RETAN WORK SHOES Penney's famous all-lenther construction makes them top notch values! They're water resistant uppers, leather heel, and husky leather soles. Plenty comfortnble and priced to save you money! 2.69 Pair MEN'S OX HIDE WORK SHOES Combining comfort and long wear at low cost! Sturdy retnn (water-rcslstnnt) uppers, lenth. er slipsoles, and husky compo sition outsoles. I iiors are riveted for extra strviisllit 2.29 Pair Boys' Ox Hide Work Shoes Ilullt (o stand rough treatment! Itlucher stylo with retnn (water rcslstnnt) uppers! Itivcted for extra strength, Lent her slip, soles, lotiR-weartng composition ontsolcs. Storm welt. 1.98 Pr. Penney's Famous Farm Shoe Known for Its de pendability I Cho colate retnn uppers, I e a t her slipsoles and InnR-weaiing composition out-, wiles. Comfortable, wcll-hnlanced. Real buys at oar low price! If, v i . i & 1.79 Pr.