The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 11, 1938, Page 1, Image 1

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Th Herald and Nan uhcrlb to full
Imanl wlr service ol til Associated Vrm
and III United Prt, th world'! great!
aawagatliarlng organisation. For 17 hour
dully world new coma Into I'll Herald
Now otllc oo teletype machine.
High 40; Low 81
24 hoar to 8 a. m
Hanson to date
l4t year to data
Normal precipitation
Number 81921
...00 KSirVl
.... 4. (Ill WV;:)in
....... 8.80
. I Price Fiv Cp-' KLAMATH FALTS, ORE., FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 '
On the
Day'. N ews
UP lii Soattle, Langlla (conaarva
tlvo ) received a many vote
In Ilia primary hi lahor-leader-backed
opponent combined, and
at Ih election he was choacn
mayor by a majority ot SO, 000.
At Ih (taction. I.anglle received
7. 000 volet to hi opponent' 4J,
000. fONHIDKH thl fact:
Ther can't b anything Ilk
tl.000 economic royallet In Seat
lie, in It mint follow that Langlte.
the rnnaorvailve, waa elected with
Ihe help ot a lot or atralght-lhlnk-InK
working men who are tired ot
tha way thlni have been run and
want a change.
' That ought to the the politic.
Ian something to think about.
ton' Martin, that la) com-
mentlng on Ih Seattle election,
inya In an addraaa to a Seattle
"You muit watch tha leglsla
tlva election thl fall and e
that you are represented by abla
men. Pleaae don't aend any mora
no-good Democrat to Olymtila;
end no-good Hepubllcan be
cause they ara not quite ao bad
a no-good Democrat."
JJKP.B la till better advice to the
voter ot Waahlnglon:
Don't lend ANY NO-GOODS AT
ALU. bind GOOD MEN to tho Tf
lalatur'. Thl writer I quit aura In hi
own mind that a no-good Republi
can 1 no hollar than a no-good
Democrat. A cipher I a cipher, no
matter what may he the color ot
tha Ink In which It I written.
WK'VE had a lot ot bad law In
thl country In tha paat taw
year, and lha renaon I that we've
aent too many no-good to tha lag
lalature and to congrc.
'T'HK bad law paaacd by
good ara now beginning to
HURT, and wo'r clamoring
against the politician.'a b talr, tor once.
Who listened to tho windy prom
ises of thcaa no-good and elected
them to office by big majorities?
Why, WE DID, of courae.
Bo, you aea, tha blame for what
hna bappenod la really OUItS.
Let' ramember that when the
next eloctlon come around.
When T. 8. Ahbott of South
Sixth street hoyond Altnmont
awoko before tho dawn ho lionrd
tinldentlflable anoraa coming
from tho direction ot tha front
Clotting up to Inventlgnta, Ab
bott found a stranger lying
aonnd naleop on tho dnvonport,
A dlnh on tho floor gave
x evidence (hat tha visitor had Im
(i Mbed hard boiled eggs from tha
Abbott larder.
In tha kitchen, tha house
holder found tha oven going full
blnst and two ot the oloctrlo
plntoa turnod on,
Looking tho atrnngor ovor, Ab
bott romomborod him as a man
who had como to the door about
t o'clock and asknd wnnro some
one lived. Ahhnlt had rnpllcd
Hint ho did not know, and tho
trangor supposedly wont on his
Hut now ha was asloop on tha
dnvonport. Abbott awnkonod
the visitor but fulled to got much
Information out of him.
Ho culled atnto pnllca, who
booked tho nmn na John Mnc
Dnnnld, laborer, 2107 Modoo
stroot. MncDonnld wont to court,
whore .lustlco of tho Peace W.
11. Jinnies fined hlni 10 for l.o
Ing ilninlt In n prlvato placo.
(AP) Southern Pacific com
vpnny reported to atockholdora
) today ita 1D.17 enrnlngn eovoretl
fixed charges nnd loft ft margin
of 1750,79,1. Thin was a drop
of $13, 74(1, 637 undor tho 10:10
net Income,
Oscars for
I L t
' , ; J
I 1 , 'f s
: J,
' - A
' I.ulsn Italnar (top), petlta
Viennese, and Spencar Tracy
(below), .Milwaukee "tough guy,"
today held the Academy ot Mo
tion Picture Arta and Sciences
award for tha most distinguished
movie performances of 1037, tho
highest honors available In the
motion picture Industry.
Luise Rainer,
Tracy Win
Movie Honors
HOLLYWOOD. Mnrch 11 (fl1)
Hpencer Tracy,, a llkcablo mug
from Milwaukee, and I.iiIko Itatn-
er, a shy Austrian brunette, wcro
hulled today as tho No. 1 atnrs ot
the 1937 film rear.
Seventeen gold statuettes, tho
"Oncnrs" symbolic ot outstanding
nchlovomont In tho Industry, wcro
pnssod out Inat night by tha Acad
enmy ot Mollon Picture Arts and
Sciences. And tha two that count
ed moat tor tha best acting
went to Tracy and Rainer,
Jlocoverlng at a hospital from
an operation, Tracy got tho nows
from his wife Hint his characlor-
(Contlnucd on Pngo IClevcn)
ST. IIEI.KNS, Ore., March 11
(P) Counsel completed opening
slutomenta to tho jury and tha
stnto called Dr. I,, a. Itosn na Its
first wltnosa today In t'lo trial of
Agnes Joan Lodtord, charged with
murder by poison of hor 13-yenr
old atopdaughtor Ruth,
Dr, Iloss told tha Jury of 10 men
nnd two women of being cnlled to
tho Led ford home August 28, nnd
finding Kulh's slater, Dorothy,
with whoso death September 8 Mrs,
l.eilford Is chnrged In anolhor In
dictment, violently 111.
Mr. nnd Mia. I.cdford, ho snld,
wore In tho room prnylng with
spiritual ntlvlsors. Ho dented tho
room, ho snld, and quieted the
put lent.
On August 31, Dr. Ross testi
fied, ha found Ruth and Mrs. Led
ford's mother, Mrs. Mnry Jcnson,
111 with slmllnr symptoms.
District Attorney I). O. Dennett,
(Contlniiod on Pngo Elovon)
Their Efforts
Former Postmaster Here
to Seek County Office
- As Republican."1' "
John McCnll become a candi
date for tha republican nomina
tion for county commissioner Fri
day. Tho former postmaster ot
Klamath Fall filed his declara
tion with the county clerk. He
I the first and thus far the only
republican to announce for the
commissioner post.
McCalla official statement of
policy cited his desire to serve
(Continued on Pag Elevon)
Illram Franklin Murdoch. 75
pioneer rancher of Klamath coun
ty nnd for 46 years a resident
of the Keno district, died aud
donly at hla home on the Keno
highway at 1 o'clock Friday
afternoon. Death was attributed
to heart failure.
Murdoch was painfully but not
critically Injured enrly Wednes
day afternoon, Mnrch 9, at the
Intersection of Fifth and Main
streets when unavoidably hit by
a car driven by W. 0. Wllaon
It on I e 1, llox 191. Ho was tnken
to Kliinuith Vnlley hospital nnd
Friday morning was able to be
taken to his home.
Surviving relative Include his
wife, Mrs. Christine Murdoch,
and a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd J,
Murdoch was born In Lehl
Utah, April 6, 1SG2. He was
past mnstor ot the Masonlo
lodge. Funeral services will be
announced later.
L, I i 1 . L 1 3vl I ill
Two Critically Hurt in Crash
Roy Hall, Earl Smith May
Die; Two Others Suf
fer Injuries.
Four persona wcro Injured,
two o critically that they may
die. In an automobile accident
which occurred at 4 o'clock Fri
day morning when a coupe
driven by Roy Logan Hall, 29.
e r a a b e d into the city street
sweeper at the Intersection of
Spring and South Sixth street.
The injured, all at Hillside
toy Logan Hall, 29, employed
by the Texaco company.
Mrs. Mildred Devi Hall. 30.
hi wife, employed In the office
ot Mason Ehrman company.
Men Worst Hurt
Earl Smith, 45, formerly em
ployed as card dealer In the
Klamath Billiards.
Mr. Grace Smith, SO, hi wife,
waitress at Horshberger'i cafe.
Of the four, Hall and Smith
are In a critical condition and at
a late hour Friday afternoon
there, had -oeen no change re
ported. " "
Hall 1 suffering from dis
located left hip. Internal Injur
ies to the chest cavity which re
sulted In the collapse of one
lung, facial abrasions and bruises.
The extent of his Internal Injur
ies had not been determined by
the attending physician. Hall
is unconscious.
Many Fracture
Smith auffered brain concus
sion, a broken Jaw, broken right
arm and broken left ankle and.
In addition, a number ot cuts
about the face.
Late Friday afternoon he had
not regained .consciousness, al
though at timea he was reported
to ho semi-conscious.
Of the two women Mrs. Hall
(Continued on Page Eleven)
New Home of U. S. National
Bank Dedicated Saturday
Opening and dedication of the
new banking home of the Klam
ath Falls branch ot the United
States National bank ot Portland
will take place Saturday after
noon and evening, according to
announcement by Godfrey C.
Blohm, local manager.
An Informal "open house" will
be hold in the new banking
quarters Saturday afternoon and
evening from 2 to 9, and the
bank's official announce a cor
dial welcome to the public at
largo to inspect the quarters
which at that tlmo will be In
complete readiness. All of the
fixtures and furnishings will
have been completely Installed,
hut contents ot the vaults and
snfe deposit boxes will be trans
nrw home of the Klnmiitli FaIU
Fire persons were hurt when the auto and city street sweeper, shown above, crashed at the
north end of the South Sixth street viaduct early Friday. The flashlight photograph was taken
before the vehicle had been removed from the atreet Immediately after the amash-up. Roy Hall,
driver, and Earl Smith, are the
Nation's Unemploym e n t
At Highest Mark in
Three Years.
The business recession ha taken
a toll of 4.300,000 Jobs In the
last (our months, federal econo
mist estimated today, bringing
the nation's unemployed to a total
of about '10,450,000.
That total, based on a revision
of figures prepared for tho presi
dent's committee on economic bo-
( Continued on Page Eleven)
ferred over Sunday so that bank
in at the new home will begin
Monday morning.
This will climax one of tha larg
est building developments In
Klamath Falls In recent years.
Construction of tho new building
has been under way the past seven
months. Hanking officials state
the United States National has
spared neither money nor pains to
give Its Klamath Falls unit bank
ing facilities In keeping with not
only the present size but future
growth and development of the
Klamath Falls area.
To quote Paul S. Dick, president
of the bank, "We dedicate this new
and larger home to a greater
Klamath area greater In agrlcul
(Contlnucd on Page Eight)
hrnnrh of tho V, H. Nnllonnl Hank
Auto, Street Sweeper
most critically Injured.
Police Captain
Will Answer
SACRAMENTO. March 11 (jip)
The California assembly voted to
day to grant the request of Cap
tain Charles Goff of the San Fran
cisco police department for a per
sonal hearing to refute statements
made yesterday by Tom Mooney
on behalf of bis appeal for a par
don. Assembly members said a tele
phone call had been put In to Goff
to urge him to get to Sacramento
as aoon as possible. He bad asked
permission to appear tomorrow
May Be Too Late
Assemblyman Chester Gannon.
Sacramento, expressed the opinion
that might be too late as there Is
a motion for reconsideration ot
the legislative pardon which failed
to get the necessary 41 votes and
another measure asking the gov
ernor to pardon Mooney.
At San Francisco Captain Goff
(Continued on Page Eleven)
Commissioner John Collier sug
gested "restricted local option"
today as a "possible solution" of
the liquor problem among the
Indians ot this country.
Ie said this type ot liquor
control, which would permit use
of light wines and beers, would
render conditions "no worse
than they are."
Collier told Interviewers, wjio
sought his opinion on local op-
(Continued on Page Eleven)
Measure Goes to Senate
Without Corporation
Surtax Provision.
WASHINGTON. March 11 (If
ine nouse passed the tax bill and
sent it to the senate today after
declining to reinsert a special aur
tax on family owned and closely
neia corporations.
The roll call vote on passage.
Speaker Bankbead announced, was
294 to 98. .... . . .
The house refused to go hack
and eliminate an undistributed
(Continued on Page Eleven)
SEATTLE. March 11 (P) The
state continued its parade of for
mer associates of Dell Richardson
and his "adopted sister," Claire
Richardson, In an attempt to link
the pair, charged with the death
of Richardson'a young bride, with
Pacific northwest white slava ac
tivities. A young Rcedsport, Ore., bride,
who testified she once gave vice
earnings to the defendants, and
a woman who admitted she oper
ated a "hotel" in Klamath Falls,
Ore., were tho state's two princi
pal witnesses yesterday.
Mrs. Clara Olson, who said she
waa married last October 7.
month before the death ot Rich
ardson's bride, the former Clara
Compton of San Francisco, from
burns received In a bathtub ot
scalding water, snld Richardson
"put her to work In Kelso." Sho
said she gave her earnings to
Richardson and later went to
Klamath Falls with Claire, where
she "worked" three weeks.
She Bald sho met Mrs. Richard
son once and was told by Richard'
son she was "a friend."
Patricia O'Neill, Klamath Falls
"hotel" proprietor, admitted she
operated a "house" three years
and when asked by Defense Coun
sel Jerry L. Finch, "you know Us
against tho law," replied:
"I Imagine iso but I've always
thought It was a necessary evil
The case of Nick Rufous versus
the city of Chlloquln, Arthur
Prlaulx, city recorder, and Hen'
rlette Markwardt, city treasurer,
waa dismissed on a voluntary non
suit by Circuit Judge Edward B.
Ashurst Friday.
Rufous aued to stop payment on
warrants drawn in favor ot Priaulx
for supplies furnished the city,
The plaintiff made the motion for
the non-Biilt. J. II. Carnahan rep
resented tho defendants and J. H.
Napier tho plaintiff.
H Duce Refuses to Help
Maintain Independence
of Central Europe.
VIENNA, March 11 (AP)
The chief ot the Austrian preas
bureau announced tonight that
Austria's nazi leader. Arthur
Seysz-Inquart, has been appoint
ed chancellor of Austria.
VIENNA, March 11 (m Aus
tria's nazi leader, Arthur Seysx-
Inquart, tonight announced the
resignation of Knrt Schuachnigg
as chancellor and called on Adolf
Hitler to send German troops "as
soon as possible" to prevent "the
shedding of blood,"
LONDON, March 11 JP Th
Austrian legation said It had been
informed that Relchstuehrer Hit
ler's right hand aide, Field Mar
shall Hermann wilhelm Goering,
was Jn Vienna tonight and would
make a public address. r
VIENNA,-; March-11 (M--The
Austrian government press bureau
announced tonight that German
troops had crossed tha Austrian
border at Passau. .
Austrian troops were ordered
to fall back without resistance.
- A high official said that tha
resignation of Chancellor Kurt
Schuschnlgg was expected.
Nazi Flag Raised
The swastika flag, emblem ot
nazi triumph, was raised over th
chancellery, seat ot the Austrian
The official declared that the
next Austrian government would
be completely satisfactory to Ger
many. He added it was possible
Schuschnlgg would be retained In
some capacity. -
Schuschnlgg announced by ra
dio that Germany had presented
an ultimatum with a time limit
demanding the reorganization ot
the Austrian government.
Austria Yields
Austria, aaid Schuschnlgg, had
yielded to Germany' demand
and "tbe object Is to prevent th
spilling of German blood."
The chancellor said the ultima
tum bad been presented to Presi
dent Wilhelm Mlklas. and that
(Continued on Page Eleven)
Roy Hall and Earl Smith erl
ously Injured when Hall' car
collides with stroot sweepor on
South Sixth street. Wives of
two men less seriously hurt.
Page 1.
Hiram Franklin Murdoch, 75,
Klamath pioneer ranchor, died
suddenly at hla homo on the
Keno highway at 1 o'clock Fri
day afternoon. Page 1.
Southern Pacific offor on
right of way and property dam
age casts in regard to undorpas
turned down by city council.
Page t. j. '
John McCall tiles cnndldacy
for the republican nomination
for county commissioner, Pago 1,
U. S. National batik' 'new
home to be opened, Public In
vited In Saturday, Stories and
pictures on pagea 1, 8 and D.
Suit against city of Chlloquln
dismissed. Page 1.
Earl F. Bradtleld, Chlloquln
Justice, announces candidacy tor
democratic nomination' for dis-.
trlct attorney. Page IS.
City Brief ;..Paga 5
Comic Pages 12 and 15
Continued Story Page 13
Courthouso Records ........Pane (
Editorial Page (
Family Doctor .................. Page t
Four-H New ..Page 3
Market, Financial Now Pag 15
Sport Pag 2