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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1938)
..IE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TEN With MAJOR HOOPL6 OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE Br RACHEL MACK 6iMAl,i. t- CAST 0" CHABACTEBI rOIXT C H K I" B V, k-rolliai arandd In Londo nam war Ji.KIIV WHITFIELD. Ill-rot ta I Tank-a who arra h-r hroufc. OA HULL UAKHt, prlvalaar ... Ytatrrdari Polly la h-adlr.-arrnaa tha I animal whan a-r dl. znlaa la arcldrnlallr dl-loa. Tha amuKSlcr locka her m aia ' aabin. CHAPTER XVII rpHB brig Sunrise, British war sloop, pent several days cruis ing between England and the Netherlands without sighting any foreign sails worthy of her atten tion. She headed then for the At lantic by way of the Strait of Dover. At Bamsgate, a port at the Strait's eastern entrance, the Sun rise put in for fresh water and supplies. This was fortunate for local farmers and produce men. Bumboats carrying fruits and vegetables, fowl and even live stock swarmed around the ship's hull like dirty undersized ducks around a swan. During their exercise period on deck the two American prisoners noted these things, though the presence of their guards prevented their discussing It It was not un til they were in the prison hold again that Cabell Banks said con fidently: "This is our time to es cape. But none of your leg-over-the-taffrall stuff In broad day light" "Not that again," Jerry agreed. His back had healed, thanks to youth and good blood, but caution had laid hold of him. He was de termined to escape if his heart continued to beat in his body, but he would not again lose precious time in abortive attempts. He now asked Cabell Banks, "Ought we try to go together?" , "Better together than singly, I think. It will take my brains and your muscle." "What have you worked out?" "A couple of well-placed blowt from your fist Followed by brib ery, of course. How much money have you got on yon?" Jerry emptied his pockets and found that he had less than four pounds. This was but a traction of what Cabell carried, but the latter generously decided that they must pool their resources. "It's a tidy sum we've got be tween us," Cabell said. "Well be lucky if it's not taken away from os. . . . Well, bribery comes high and weTl have to bargain like true 'Yankees to make it reach." To night they agreed, was the time to act There d be enough noise on board to cover a typhoo IV HEN a British ship put Into a " home port it was customary to allow shore leave to sailors and to permit visitors to come aboard. In this way various groups man aged to come on board if they were persistent enough relatives, friends, hawkers, farmers with produce, illicit liquor dealers and other characters even less desir able. The officers of the Sunrise did not concern themselves at Earns gate. With war ahead, they wanted the good will of the crew and no desertions. They them selves were enjoying shore leave. On the night in question the only officer remaining on board was a second lieutenant He, with a few midshipmen, had been left with the remarkable task of keep ing order on a ship about to put to sea for a long war cruise, its decks this night more like a county fair than a gun brig. It was no fantastic matter, then, for Jerry Whitfield with Cabell Banks' assistance to strike down, bind and gag the marine who came to lower their supper to them, and to exit by the open hatch; to treat a second sentry guarding the hatch in the same well-planned manner; to return him to the hold and bind him se curely; to divest these two ma rines of their outer garments and to don them with more haste than taste. With the hatch then shut and locked behind them they mingled with the crowd on deck and looked about to see what fate offered them. a THEY withdrew from the crowd and began to amble aft. Three girls passed them. gigRling loudly and trying to attract their atten tion. The crowd thickened astern. They came on a country girl in tears because two sailors had swindled her In a trade. She had come on board with a whole day's baking of gingerbread, nicely tied up in a basket. She had sold it to them, asking two shillings as her mother had told her to do, and they had paid her only one shilling. Now they had eaten the gingerbread to the last crumb, and what was she to do? The sailors laughed uproarously. Jerry was all for punching their noses when Cabell stopped him and drew him out of it "You've not got sense enough to come in out of the rain," he muttered. "Can't you see a female In distress without getting in volved?" They had reached their destina tion and pushed close to the deck's outer edge. A bumboat of unpur chased fowl was about to move off from the brig's stern. They leaned over the taffrail, and Ca bell hallooed to the four men at the oars: "Walt there! There's others can buy fowl besides the commissary! We marines want six ducks for our mess! We're coming down!" The men were looking up, their oars backing water. Cabell said in Jerry's ear. "Slide. Then jump. Make the boat" Without more ado, what ap peared to be two very prankish young British marines, one large and well built the other as wiz ened as a counting-house clerk, grasped the cathead and slid down the anchor cable until they could drop into the bumboat Chickens cackled and geese honked. But as the noise sub sided the matter ceased to be of interest to the crowd on board the Sunrise. -"ABELL BANKS said to the gaping produce man in charge of the bumboat "We want to get ashore for a few hours. We've been confined to quarters. You wouldn't begrudge an evening's fun, would you, to a couple of His Majesty's finest, about to go off and fight the Americans for you?" "Would you now?" spoke up Jerry urgently. . "You said you wanted six ducks," grumbled the disappointed poultry man. "So we do," replied Cabell with a wink. "But you can keep them for us. How much?" "Three crown, 'ave you got it on you?" "Yes. And a little over for a celebration ashore. . . . Pull away. We don't want to be caught" The man gave orders to his helpers; the bumboat put awk wardly a boot and made for the shore. Arrived there, Cabell Banks drew four silver crowns from his ill-fitting trousers and gave them to the poultry man, "One over," he said, "for good measure. Feed those ducks of ours well. We'll want the eggs to throw at Americans." "Ye're drunk, both of ye," said the man, biting the coins and dropping them into his pocket "Look sharp, or ye'U forget to go back to the brig tonight." "You don't think we'd do that, do you?" Jerry asked in a hor rified voice. He and Cabell Banks, laughing hysterically, put their arms about one another and 'went ashore. (To Be Continued) A proposal to simplify traffic In San Francisco consists of three lanes of sub-surface mov ing sidewalks. This plan would do away with street cars. Next to the stores would be an ordi nary stationary sidewalk. A quarantine of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts could be effected by gases, making penetration by an enemy force impossible. Dr. Frank C. Whltmore, president, American Chemical society. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia COP. 1MB By HtA MHY1CC. I. T. M R6 0. PAT. Off.- 9 HERE'S ANOTHER STEAK, MB. STUCCO, IT'LL TAKE. TWO STEAKS AW' FOUR EGOS TO GIT TO PIME FLAX WHERE v WE'RE AOOIM, AN BACK BETTER CO WITH ME, ME. STUCCO - IT'LL. ONLY "TAKE w VI ONE STEAK AW Ij I TWO AIOS A A .iiicTrtrr. r'li III jj 11 I 'LIS SFECT HE'D ' BETTER. OO WITH ME -IT'LL ONLY TAKE A HALF STEAK. AW ONE Aid TO TH HOSS FASTURE AN' BACK. 7v 4s e-Vr ff t&M? CI SADDLE MILEAGE- 3-IO M t PUT TM' L'iA TH' PUTTY WOULD MOLD YZ WHEKJ X kte 4 SMATCM ONJ X 7 OUT TO BUILD THAT fgf '"'S,17M i ONE OP HIS -X TAAAOU!S HOOPLE V&gf vV'TH. HMA U A OLD TIES AMD W GO-NOZZLES THAT HU LL. SE A YDU CAN DIP m RUTABAGA MOSS IS TH' S?, A C,, 7 THIS FEZ IU M FINEST FRUITTHAT , Yggf . 0-p J J WOT WATER yS SROWS ON HIS OLD FAMILY ) OLD BLOCK" J H AMD ' TREE TH' ONLY THINS ' HEAD y IT DOWMTO PERCY MEEDS TO MAKB I. 51 PERCYS HEAD WIM SEAA NATURAL. J r JS:SA TEpI . nisi the A3o sraoee- MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE BY THOMPSON AND COLL UTIS THE EVEWiN AFTER THE THRILLING CAPTURE OF MEL NOLAM AND HIS GANG, AND W.L. AGWOLDAND HIS GUESTS ARE SEATED IK) THE GREAT DIWING HALL..- THIS ISA GREAT MOMENT FOR. ME, FOLKS WHILE I TREMBLED IN MV SECRET WORKROOM DURING ALL THE EXCITEMENT. I MADE A MOMENTOUS DECISION is I DECIDED THAT IT WAS FOLLV TO FIGHT THE WHOLE WORLD TO PCOTECT MV SECRET. AFTER. ALL, I HAVE ALL THE GEMS t DESIRE "IHECf: FOCP I aka rn. ING TO OIVE MY FORMULAS TO SCIENCE THEN Tl IBM THIf, GLOOMV OLD FORT "?'! INTO A GARDEN SPOT OF BEAUTV- IT SI )CF n I rr-i MV OLD HE ACT GOOD ;,:, A'AV TUAM 1 '0 AND THAT REMINDS ME, JASOM - 1 WON'T HAVE TO WORRV ABOUT MY CON DITION ANY MORE. ..WITH A PBOBABLV LIVE TO BE A A uNCLE.'J t HUNDRED, een iHTT7ai4uivKi.iac r m .. . '., . ,., ,, I JJvf3 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY 'BUT CHIEF'. HE'S PUT ON FALSE WHISKERS AND HE'S TALKIN' LIKE A RUBE- I AND ALL THOSE S TH1NQS HE'S TELL1N' ft TH REPORTERS THEY WANTED A STORY -WELL .THAT'S SHANGHAI'S STORY AND THEYRt STOCK wrm it THINK TVf INJUNS ARE ALL TAME NOW, EH? WELL, I WAS ONE O' TWENTY-SEVEN KIDS - WHEN TH' INJUNS STOLE ME I WASN'T MISSED- YES, SI REE- PONT BELIEVE I WAS RAISED A INJUN. HEY 7 LOOK- V .:. HEHl HEH! GREAT. Ty! NK WHAT YUH U SCOTT ! I QRAMP- I THINK O' y WE I THAT? GUESS a1 BELIEVE I YELL BUEVE A I YOU- M OLD TOM BROWN I J OWHf. ! iaaa.Jaaafcal FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS f THERI THEY QO I HAl HAl HAt "TOM BROWN I OF OXFORD- RAISED AN 1 I INDIAN"- WELL. THEY WANTED I I A STORY AND PICTURES A 3 I HOPB THEY'RE -'( fj IT n IT MAR0U0Blf' flff 1 BY BLOSSER P;, I'D v. ro meet r? Mow do Lr "iHtr WANGLE S YOU DO,. T FEELING . S( I'M AFRAID J IS , YOU BOYS WILL LtAKN TO Llrt.E EACH OTHER. WHEN YOU GET BETTER ACQUAINTED V OUR. FRIEND 1 f MOW PONT CO Y TO LlrE ALREADY COUPLE OF fSl EACH OTHER. REACHED ) BARBARIANS WHEN YOU ITS , f-S i WANT TOO f GET BETTER A PEAKjT TO Ll EACH T I 1 ACQUAINTED.' -- n OTHER, CAN C !27double -hardly Y j ( THE ORDER. WAIT f -sU AMD PUT .J 'A (J(WHaE WHEAT cJ ,1 A I Ir YOU CANT AT LEAST TRY TO ACT LIKE GENTLEMEN, I'M G0IN6 IN CU Ir YOU CANT AT If OOMT LEAVE S?! US JUNE .' I'D A TO SOCK THIS S1 k ' v - . . VI I ltj f "' T rTTpUNCHOUR I AS ' 1 ! I I WT OUT OF ' y co" itli ,y -r ftvicr,Tr,ci fftic t ? p,r J WASH TUBES BY CRANE fcn "Just our luck I Nothin but relatives in the audience an' not a movie talent scout in the bunch." A DWARF. AMI? A DWARF! FOOEY ON THESE SNOOTY OLD DE8UTANTES! THEY CAW'T INSULT ME- ILL GO TO SPAIN An JOIkl TH FOREIGN LEGION. ILL SHOW t(A! TUSTA HE REACHES QLnHE FRONT DOOR. THERE ENTERS THE WOST DAZZLING AMD GORGEOUS CREATURE R WASH HAS EVER. LAID EYES UPON. OH, MR. TUBBS! ( I RECOGNIZED YOU INSTANTLY BY YOUft COMMANDING A1R.V-. aJbSSt VTn(:M.E' ALL AAY LIFE I'VE LONCED TO MEET A SOLDIER Orl OVeSy WOT A Jk Z FORTUNE I SIMPLY CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR llOCl ,M "-7i of your. HER.0IC ExPLorrsjV; v(fc.r4y LOVE LOOH. 1M iY fUA SCIIVICC. IMC. T. M. IHQ. U. 8, TAT. Of fl BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN HOLOVi6 A CitSit?-; ViO6ViWiOM f AVN,CrAMP-WWY OvOYA OO ' I fcs. ( Yt5 , VA OOWT N0VN VAiOT NOO'RU C-JaJA I Ooikj'Wa CAW'T 60 thwoo&v. tvtoO ka.! wrtvx .o'ya. vtA ?ya iow lSA . "rrTrw OT VA OOT LOyfe 'lM,rSO0".'. YA CAVJ'T VOOV AT ME 'W6A.Y YA OO ' WO.YA CftV'T 4 ijP) 'JJ i kZZZA r .eon. fur -ifQ-'