THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON February 25, ,193!? WASH TUBES BY CRANE ' k HOBO TRIP IN A 8UZZAU01 Y WELL,! A.ONT IT WAti fir 6(JT. Hl-V SsAOKB, WASRl I WEVER HEWJO OP Ny IKIWDA, OOAFTY ON TOftm,J I CAN'T TURN BACK NOW- OW. WW LUrAftAGOitT hits ivab IHLE.Maisgges Your Buick Donlor, Announces A Straw WHEN I GET REAL COLD. HELP! THING 60 CRA1V IN MY LIFE, rAWUER! ITS KILLING HS 1 ANOTHER WILE ON THAT FREIGHT TRAIN, YOU CRACK MDMNG MB- NEVER I rkr, IP POT, W WE DA FKOlfcN .VM1-' 1 ton. im tv nca stavicr.. inc. t. m, m u. s. pt, off! PAGE TEN Hat TV I I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY MARTIN WEVV .rWWfc OFF TO A 6000 SVM5T... 1 60fcS CAM OMVOCW. TH' OOOt? MOW fcOHE OM .SOOT 1 ri f BUT HOIO II Ott .WEVVl Ve. AN.OV.'.sl f 6tt. ,CEC.-NOOV)E I 1 OO '. iObT VET 1 Sew 6o ashore ow,6WEu.f fJ .ou? ? w. TV& ws- . s? D KSKS- J f I J VJWUt I VWOe VfcAeO HOUR , r i. . i iw Etri-i 1 .aaaa, sv. t i . : ' Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Feb. IS (IP) Se lected ttocka climbed over no meroua obstacles In today' mark et and emerged from a rather Jumpy session with gains rnnnlng to a point or so. The list dipped at the start fol lowing yesterday's dividend omis sion by Chrysler but Quickly re gained balance and converted ini tial losses Into advances of frac tions to more than two. Top marks were whittled down In the final hour when General Motors announced salary cuts ranging from 10 to 10 per cent for some 40,000 "white collar" em ployes, blaming the action on continuance of the recession and Its effect on automotive distribu tion. There was a delayed opening of more than 10 minutes In Chrysler which, on a block of 3000 shares, showed a decline of 2 points. The loss was subsequently reduced Chn the old$) ; ; lUBns us . ' going for it, Uncle Dudley I "THIS business of reflnlsh 1 n g and reconditioning USED OARS so that they look and perform like new, Is going over big with men who have been driving cars for years! Stop at L. O. AREN'9 and look them overl" 1028 Model A Ford Roadster $75 1038 Plymouth Two-Door Touring Sedan Motor in excellent condition. Heater (4 CO mid fan $lrDZ 11)35 Solo Touring Se. dan Rndlo CRAI? mid heater... . 4U't3 1U.13 Plymouth ; Coupe . JIWO Chevrolet Coupe .... $444 $125 DE SOTO'PLYMQI ITU 744 KLAMATH AVE. PHONE 729 substantially. General Motors was a shade higher the greater p.irt of the day. Volume expanded on buying In tervals and tended to dry up dur ing sliding periods. Transfers were around 950,000 shares. Today's closing quotations: Air Reduction 65 i Allied Chem. & Dye .. 170 Allied Stores . American Can l. American & For. Power J; American Power & Light American Rad. & St. American Roll. Mills American Smelt & Ret. A. T. & T. . American Tob. B u. American Water Works Anaconda Copper Armour 111. Atchison T. 4 8. F. Bait, ft Ohio . Barnsdall 1 Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air : . Budd Mfg. . California Pack - Callahan Z-L Calumet Hec Canadian Paclflo Case (J.-1.) Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Certain-Teed . Ches. ft Ohio '. Chrysler Col. Gas ft Electric Commercial Solvent Com'wlth ft Sou Consolidated Edison Consolidated Oil Corn Products Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont ft De N. . Electric Auto Light . Electric Power ft Light Erie R. R. . General Electric General Foods General Motors . Goodyear Tires Gr. No. Pf. Hudson Motor 111. Central Insp. Copper International Harvester . International Nickel Int. Pap. ft P. Pf. I. T. ft T. Johns Manville . 78 90 4 51 14 201 52, 139i 661 10i 84 5i 39i 10i 15J 13 59 301 Bj 21g 11 91 7 95 491 161 8 861 658 81 88 II 221 9J 65 41 418 120 20 10 31 411 321 361 231 241 9 12 131 681 521 34 8 791 39i 351 94 501 87 91 193 221 71 181 191 121 41 73 231 391 91 21 United Gss Imp. U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel Walworth Western Union White Motor Woolworth ... 101 341 (61 81 161 11 431 Closing Curb Quotations I Cities Service . H Electric Bond ft Share 8 WHEAT PRICES HIT TWO WEEKS' HIGH CHICAGO, Feb. 25 (IPl Wheat moved up today to the highest price level that has been reached in a fortnight. Increased European takings of United States wheat were largely responsible for lifting Chicago quotations 11 cents, profit taking on bulges, however, wiped out most of the gains. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were 1-lc above yesterday's finish. May 941-941, July 90-901 corn unchanged to 1c higher, .uay &9-s9i, July 611, and oats lc up. Kennecott Con. Cop. Llb-O-Ford Liggett Myers B Monty Ward i Nash Kelvlnator ...... National Biscuit ........ National Distillers National Power ft Light N. Y. Central North American , Northern Pacific ...... Packard J. C. Penney Penn R. R Phillips Pet Pressed Steel Car Public Service N. J. . Pullman 331 Radio 61 Item. Rand l!ij Itep. Steel 181 Scars Roebuck 64 Shell Union 16 So. Cal. Edison ... 22 8 Southern Pacific - 201 Standard Brands 8 Standard Oil of Calif 33 1 Standard Oil N. J 521 Studebaker .......... ........ 51 Superior Oil . 21 Texas Corporation ........ 441 Timken Del Axle 12J Trans-America 101 Union Carbide 79 Union Pacific .... . 81 United Airlines . 8 United Aircraft 251 United Corporation 3 "The One Hundred Billion Dollar Text that proves Saturday should be observed as the Sabbath, and WHY there is NO $1000.00 TEXT which proves that Sunday is the Sabbath!" Hear Evangelist Seltzer's Lecture on the "MISSING TEXT," Friday, Feb. 25, 7:30 p. m. at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 833 No. Ninth Street. Sunday, Feb. 27, 7:30 p. m "HELL Where and What Is It?" Mrs. Seltzer "God's Messenger in Song." COMING I! March 20-27 inclusive GEO. J. SELT ZER "THE POLICE EVANGELIST." SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 24 UP) The envprnnr'a nffiin aolmH Oregon authorities today for the extradition of Walter H. Nagel, wanted at Los Angeles on a charge of forging three checks totaling J102. He Is held at Klamath Falls. Nagel was reported by Klamath officials as having turned himself in as a fugitive. They said he came to Klamath Falls to visit a relative. After thinking his situation over, he walked into the sheriff's office and said he was wanted In Los An geles. He Is now In the county Jail awaiting extradition. RAILROAD NEWS VETERAN G. ft E Frank Howell, 65. for the past 10 years with the Klamath Falls office of Great Northern, died fol lowing a brief illness In Klamath Falls Thursday. It was Howell, long-time em ployes of the firm recall, who su perintended the laying of all the yard tracks on construction 10 years ago. Howell came here In March 1928 from Skykomlsh, Wash., and had been with the Great Northern for more than 20 years. In Klamath Falls Friday from headquarters In the north. Pah! visited Great Northern offices this week. Yardman Howard J. Wertman of the Southern Pacific has return ed to the S. P. hospital In San Francisco where ho will receive medical attontion. SOUTHERN PACIFIC FOOD SHOPPING LIST DISCLOSED A food shopping list that would make the average housewife Just a bit dizzy was revealed Friday uy n. a. Huuer, manager ot din ing car service on Southern Pa cific's Pacific lines. According to Duller, the rail road ranks not only as the lead ing transportation agency for western farm products, but also as one ot the western farmer's best customers. Purchases ot foodstuffs In 1937 to stock 70 dining cars, eight res taurants and 13 ferryboat dining rooms ooerated bv southern Pa cific in six western states give a rougn iaea of the collective appe tites and tastes of hundreds of thOUSandB Of trAVAlar In the railroad served some 5,000,- uuu meals last year. Of more than 2,008.000 pounds of meat and fish consumed, de mand ran heaviest in came second on the list. Into salads went lsn nnn hnarf. of lettuce along with approximate ly isu.uuo pounds of tomatoes. P. J. Pohl of Seattle, t ravelin or car agent, was a business visitor M. L. Jennings, assistant super intendent, and G. M. Taylor, dis trict engineer, are in Klnmnth Falls this week on business from their headqunrters In Dunsmulr. They reported the snow rapidly leaving the ground In tho Duns mulr and Ml. Shasta sections al though It will be a week, at least, until the entire snowfall has been melted. R. R. Bryant, Oreat Northern conductor, who has been In Oak land recovering from a major operation to Khlch ho submitted some timo ago In Portland at Vet erans hospital. Is expected to re turn within several weoks, accord ing to officials. L. E. Honry, Oreat Northorn engineer who has been rocolvlng treatment at Soap Lake, Wash., Is expected to return the first of March, according to fellow employes. Liska to Report At Ducks' Camp PORTLAND. Fnh. SR 1.11 A.I l.litka. KllhmnrliiA iiiirler who wtin i 24 gamca for the Portland Hear- era in me rncuic uoasi oasoimu leugiie lust season, telegraphed President K. J. schofier ho would report at llio Fullerton, Calif., training rninp from llraliiard, Neh. Manager Ml 1 1 Sweeney, at Ful lerton, mild Kclillo Wilson, llrnok lyn outfielder, had arrived, com pleting the Heaver roster. hostox wool. BOSTON. Feb. 2 J (-AP-USI)A) A number of wool men In llonton were expressing more optimistic views of tho near future outlook for tho wool market today, in lino with theso views, they were tint offering greasy shorn domestic wools as freely nt current ((nota tions as they were In tho previous two weeks. Actual trading, how ovor. was very slow and prices con tinued Irregular. Distress lots of wools apparently wnro not appear ing quite as frctiuonlly as onrllcr In tho week. Kansas has a law making It II legal to eat snakes, llzurds, cen tipedes, scorrtons, or other rep tiles, in public. Mil y1 'Ai ttmtmni with Sllitf toed In 4M, y r, Sr I, rtlatlwly S0fl.fatttiilfi, ACMt MrWMfS So. FraftdK toiAiwlM WKSTKRV H'HOLKSALKns, INC., ffiOO Esplanade Klamath I 'alls Distributors WE HOPE ALL CHRONIC SUFFERERS TRY CHINESE HERRS r" Da mitt,r with M Tit in miiM, Niton's Rod ml Hits tnatnint, lll pultlnly nllm tflitiw if Stimuli, Hurt, tunii, Sill Bliddir, Eciimi, uleiri, Plln, Nturilt la, Kldmyi, Catairli, Sim, Trouble. AUnuiM, Branthltli, Cawhi, Naniulnaii, Inllgcitlan, Inttltlnal and Bawtl Traubli, Stomach Ultitt, Rhumatlim, Arth rltli, DlnlmM, Haadachi, High ar Law eload Pnimr,, Llm and Blaodtr Troubla, Blaod and Urinary DImih, Apptndltltii, Fimil, Complaint,. Ili-iid orrlca at flan KranelHO, Ealabllthed Slnea 1006CoiuulU. tlort Kreo Hfrba Hold Reaionably. CHAN KONG CHINESE HERB CO. Ill South Smnth St., Klimilh Fall!, Orlgas. Haunt Fram 10 A. M. to I P. M. Sunday,! 10 A. M. tl 2 P. M. n ! Peanut Butterscotch Pies A delicious blend of Peanut Butter and Butterscotch fudge, with a cream topping. Introductory price 28c Each Chocolate Malted Milk Bread A rich blend of chocolate and double malted milk. Pound Loaf . 12c French Donuts 28 D0Z. at your Grocer's or BECK'S, 119 North 8th SALE! If you bought a straw hat in February ... it would cost you a lot less than It would in June . . . this is ordinary common sense . . . the dealer cannot afford the expense of stocking it! By the same token Hauger cannot afford the expense of stocking his "Better Used Cars' 'til straw hat season! (Buy 7 - B'g Bays - 7 Saturday Thru Saturday, Feb. 26th to March 5th iVcier Such a Sale As This! You Save 6 Ways! . '31 Buick Cpe. $147 $249 MitliiHtrty, "Mill, On I) Low Prices (.'hvk (lU'HP iH(-oh! Tln'ti mo ihi' i nrt: Von III lxt miia.rdt '32 Plym. Sed. $199 Si Safe Ciiiiilltlniiril Miillllll). Until, (Inly 60 Days In whlrh to make firM monthly payment. We Pay off your present rim. tract, nlinn- you civillt for your eiiilly In a Hel ler I'neil t ar. Over Allowance Trade your iirenenl car. Appraised in iiMlnl mini ner, then llISi:i qm. $50.00 Trade Allowance As inii of ilotvu irty ineiil on imy lletter ticil Cur of 9'ioo or more mine (except ilnlly ie. dials) for nny cur lluil will run to our stiles lot, of Old Model Durant Grahams Mudson-8 Hupmobile Erskine Studebaker Nash Essex Whippett Willys-Knight 10 Discount Off our low prlro of nny mr ((it.I rinlly nh HiiIh) whom huyor Iiiin no fni.. o-in. Small Deposit Will Hold nny enr you seleel, on Hnln terms, h I I e you eoiiiileln iloirn pnyinenl in senil-iiiiiiilhly p n y nienls, '35 Hudson Cp. Kleclile ,, (,(o $429 S .VM irnitp Hluimiii-i-itt '14 fluUk 40 Tr S4l 'W ClWt. Mil. Cp. '., "" M fiiaplsM id. 9KH1 .l-nnp Hl-nrsnv-.h n flwlrt W, , m 9. Ut M Chrt Mil Mfi 'W Vtt4 TintdjF, ndi ' .'" M Cvtitt Pit OH SdH "" Ml TirraIrv Sdo - "M Oldi 4 rJwf T. Mn. n rhf. Mi. I. 'M Ctwt. M4 7. riser 'M 9y. 0.1. ?.Jmt Ki!n firoiip 'It'-rr-ii.lliliirtn.t, y nuick irt n ritiint '11 Bultb Mil. ft Mn. '11 rhwil Cwjh .'SZ" '11 Til'h 'H ftii Twltr . YjV9 till MlV) . 4W itn , fill Vf.7 5499 14 MM t?.W AM0 flionn Ml-..,.ti.r.) '71 rhMKiM r,,-h '10 rhMfPiM Stiitn ' tpi '? Dnd-i" raiint m '10 rrrt CAiirtt 11 70 'JO Murniirttf Sifn HlO h-m u..iiiie rwniu .,,,. 1V M u U,,n I- ... 11.... '79 Rfrrvritrl A Hf. Mm. H-yi '10 rWrtlrl il.fjr. Sdfl- -t o 11 rhrilM CoufM '' rurri r.t-m 70 II Hrd f, faach qq " n-H. rntiw m 1H f!f4r p),i,9 " 1 11 rrirafl 'vfi '30 CliMrtlvl A ir. $m riruih4 '.11 ymn tn Fi'd . ai?t 'is whim ,m 'K CMC J477 I'fllrs 3? ronn-i .ii. Otrrtftflrl K(.t,v.,. SrW II. II. TtfM. I'hlfnfM ad (lr I . h ten prr mil Tll,a. 3 Kwt , ... r.M Anv ItenMinnlile (irfer Accent, cd llulr Dmvn, llaliinrc ao Dnyaj '?! Bulik S.din 'II rud Ciaih '7R Hus. Caupa '10 Hill. SfdNH 7S Hath RiarMar ?o rt(rdhati,r Situ, 31 Stiidiliakrr Sdn. '71 rtiftnlil Truik '? n-'lab Stdaa 7H la all Plckun '29 Fard Cauna H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main Phone iinuitvn AMI HAVI'I