February 19, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, per word 2e 4e I wo day run, par word Three dny run, par word Be On wank run, par word 7c On month run, per word 20c Charge Ads Each insertion, car word 3c (No charga mada for lost than 25c) (All mall order ads mint have : ch with order). All art nra Inserted In both d II lorn of Tlx Nows-llorslil. All cliisairii-attoiis are numbered anil appear In numerical order. The dvud-lliiu for classification ! 13:00 a. m. Ada rocelved aflor 12:00 o'clock will ha run In lha "Too Unfa to (Miianlf y" column. Tho NowslInralil will ho re sponsible (or Incorrect wording only uno day, Classified Index . Apartments (or liont 24 Automollva 34 Business opportunltlaa 40 Kduratlnnal ......12 financial 46 For Bala or Trada ....3! Genoral Notlcca 4 Help Wanted, Female 14 Help WantiMl, Mala 10 Houses for Rent - 26 Livestock and Poultry ...... 4 4 Lost and Found 2 Miscellaneous for Rant .111 Mlaoallanaous for Bala . .. Mlacallanaoua Wantad 4 2 Personals 6 Real Kciala for Rata ..... .SO Heal Estate Wanted .. .12 Room and Board 1 0 Roonia tor Rent . .......tl Services 10 Situations Wantxd .................... 1 To Exchange 40 Transportation 8 lost and found LOST Black cana during Xmaa week, maul filagree on handle. Sentimental ralua only. Re ward. Phone 214. ' 1-21 General Notlcei Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND Shortcut Route Lowest Fares To Northwest Points One Round Way Trip ..Spokane $11.20 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 nuaaits Leave 11:43 Noon Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Oreyhound Depot Phone 999 9-20-mlf TREND TO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE TV irproflfflilt etmeltf f Irtrftm in4 IrmftM In nt llwifinr lirfffllimt iBL-n trwn Or.tti tfturum ('ommUtloa mordi. tnm 1030 It IMS Inc.. ih: rnftlcn S1l"t Cwitpuiln .... pttnkM 13 om.lle Stark Centmiln . . . Pffrtu HI Btrlpmal t'owptoU Dmw SIV Mutual Ini. Co.'t . Increaie 12 Ore. Mutual Fire . Increaie 40 WHAT IS THE REASON? Better Lohr Paying Service Better Indemnity loyalty to Home Institutions 90 to no Loner Premium Coat Geo. J. Walton, Agent 4I Mils Si. ' rboM 1IU I: 1 . t . I . II .1111 11 14 O. Q. D'ALBINl Attorney at Law Certified Public Accountant INCOME TAX SERVICE 1-tS UBB the heat and forget the rest Mankind Dog Food cans, wafers or quick mix Is that best. Poople's Warehouse, 2-24 LONO DISTANCE! HAULING Phone 1097. 8-4mtf Personals TRY our Occident Purified Bran, "tit for humans," 60-lb. cot ton bai, 80c. Poople's Ware house. 2-14 Transportation CIOINO to Sacramento and Oak Innd, Wodneaday, Can take on passenger, share expenses. 1406 Main. S-21 LOCAL AND LONO DISTANCE HAULINO. Insured carriers. Latost type equipment for large or small Jobs. O. K. Transfor Co.. 422 Main. Phono 87. 3-5 10 Servlcat PAINTING, wall cleaning, kalso mlnlng. Terms, Harry L. Brown, Phone 1902. 8-13 DRESSMAKING, Alterations, Ro modoling, Mrs. London, 623 ' Main, over Swanscn'a Uarbsr Shop. - 3-10 MOTHER MoDANIELS Matornlly Convaloacont Homo, Mnternlty oases 135 for 10 days, 1946 ' Orchard. Phone 241. 3-10 BATTERIES chnrgml, Including rontnl buttnry, $1.00. MncDon alrl Tiro Sales Co., across from Wlllarrt hotel. 2-22 BODENHAMER SAW FILINO 219 Hunt Main, Phono 846-W, All saws, tools, lnwnmowois, eto. ropalrod. 2-14-mtt Services HEMSTITCHING Buttons, Mrs. Murray with J. C. Penney Co. 1-16 BENEDICT 3384-W. Cleaning kitchens, woodwork, wallpaper. Janitor. a-18 MATTRESSES REBUILT 12.60, on day service. First claas upholstering, complete Una of latest materials. Carlson Mat tress and Upholstering Co., 1206 Main. Phone 791. 3-21 SEWING Alterations, eoata ra llned. Mrs. Harney. Phone 2161-J. 3111 Darrow. 1-1 FOR CARPENTER and repair work, call 28-W-3. Reasonable Charges. 3-11 FLOOR HANDING and reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Oolden. Phone 168W8. 1-29-mtf FILMS Any 8-exposure roll de veloped and printed, 26c. East Side Pharmacy, 926 East Main. 2-25-mtf Mo LINIMENT gives permanent relief for scsoina, piles, Inflam matory rheiimntlam, akin dls eino. Price 11.60 bottle. No samples. Address P. I. McNiilly, 67 E. 6, Eugene, Ore. 1-20 HOSIERY REPAIR Experienced Operator TUB TOWN SHOP 6th and Main 1-3 QUICK SERVICE TRANSFER We will do your hauling or moving for loss. 630 80. 6ih. Phone 2398. 3-1 1 12 Educational IMPROVE YOUR PIANO PLAY ING with Miracle Serlea Na tionally endorsed by famed plsnlata aa the beat. Teachers: Mra. Eugene Fulton, 1220 Mon Claire HI. Mrs. William Long. 1013 Donald St. tf 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED woman to help with aleanlng 3 or 8 part daya week. References. Phone 2083-W. 2-19 WOMEN handy In altering dreaaea can earn up to 21 weekly be sides getting your own clothes FREE. No Investment. FASH ION FROCKS. Inc., Dept. T 3697. Cincinnati, Ohio. 3-19 ADDRESS ENVELOPES HOME FOR US. (lOOD PAY. Exper ience unnecessary. Wonderful opportunity. Evorytlilng Sup piled. Nationwide Distributors. 401 Broadway. N. Y. 8-19 WANTED Reliable woman aa housekeeper. Call 424 Mt. Whit ney after 2 P. m. 2-19 16 Help Wanted, Male EARN big commissions and your own shoes FREE showing com plete shoe line. Experience un necessary. $30 Pample outfit Free. Tanners, 1964 C St., Bos ton, Mass. 2-19 MAN for Coffee Routs. Up to 146 first week. Automobile given aa bonua. Write ZANOL, 1601 Poplar, Oakland. Cal. 2-22 RELIABLE man take care store route. Distribute, collect. Now Products. No soiling. Earn ex cellent weekly Income. B. ft W. Nut Co., Si. Paul, Minn. 2-19 Situation! Wanted WANTED General housework. Experienced. Box 461, Rt. 1. Altamont. 2-22 FILIPINO BOY wants position In hotel. News-Herald, Box 1709. 1-19 HOUR WORK Phone 1011-J. 1-21 MEN'S OR FAMILY laundry want ed. 2263 So. 6th. 3-23 MAN AND WIFE WANT WORK on farm. Experienced. Rt. 2, Box 909, Pleasant View. 2-19 YOUNO WOMAN WANTS OFFICE work; experienced In .steno graphy and office machines, some bookkeeping. Phone 649. 2-19 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD Reasonable. Washing Included. 324 Michi gan. 1-24 ROOM AND BOARD. 826 No, 6th. 3-19 ROOM AND BOARD 829 High. 8-Ftf 22 Rooms for Rent LA ROE SLEEPING ROOM Heat er, closrj In. 808 Washington. 3-24 NICE warm bedroom. 134 N. 3rd. 1683-tt CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Froe .parking lot. 4-7 ROOM FOR RENT 114 Wash ington! 1828-tf 24 Apartments (or Rent TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 1806 Main. 1612-tt THUEIO-ROOM furnished apt., 400 Onk. Adults. 2-23 MODERN DOUBLE COTTAGES Garages, 1 6 weak. Phone 1196,1. 3-26 SMALL furnished apartment. Va cant. 33,1 So. 11th. 2-22 FOR RENT 2-roora apt., close In, 1143 Pino. 2-19 8-ROOM APT. Wood, writer and gits. Klnmath Apis., 2nd and Klamath. 2-19 10 24 Apartments (or Rant THE CASCADE APT. HOTEL 230 Bo. 11th St.. pbon 886. Rooms with bath and complete ly equipped apartmenta by the day, week or month. Free gar age. 1-11-mtf FURNISHED APARTMENT for 1 or 4 adults. Wood, lights and water. 419 N. 10th. 1-6 VACANCY Esplanade Courts. 1-19 THREE-ROOM DUPLEX All modorn conveniences; also laun dry and storage room. 911 N. 8th. 1-6 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartments. Reasonale rates. Phone 291 or after 6 p. m. call 916-W. 1-3 APARTMENT for rent Alpha Apta. Phone 800. 4664tf VACANCY 138 No. 10th. 2-19 26 Houiet for Rent MODERN two - room furnished house, garage. 2126 Blohn. 2-22 FOR RENT 4-roorn house with haih. Phono 824-J. 2-19 PARTLY FURNISHED 6 ROOM house, $16. 433 N. 10th. 2-19 28 Miscellaneous for Rent WANTED Suitable business to share Main atreet store. May King Studio. 712 Mnln. 2-2T, 30 Real Estat for Sale FOR SALE My equity In one acre, cabin, garage, chicken house, 126 or rent for 17.00 per month. R. Balr, Rt. 1, Box 830. 2-21 HAVE equity In five and seven room modern homea to trade for smaller bouse or acreage. Phone 13S2-W. 2-19 FOR SALE OR TRADE Well Im proved 140 acre farm for Cali fornia property. Stockton or south. W. G. Bell. Rt. 2. 2-22 LEWIS TRACTS 1 mile east of city on Shasta Way. Excellent location, fine soil. Irrigation. Small down payment. Small monthly paymenta. Interest In cluded. Mra. H. V. Lewis, own er, Rt. 2, Box 195, Sbaalaway Road. Phone 86J2. 3-6 FOR SALE Flvo-room lathed and plastered modern house on Stnto Line road, 3 miles from Tulelake. Can be easily moved to now homestead site. Reason able. J. Peary Haley, Malln, Ore. 3-23 FOR SALE 8,000,000 timber or section 19 to 32, north range 1, east Shasla county. Califor nia, 1 mile south of Whltmore. George Gartner, Independence, Kansss. I will be In Redding after March 10. 2-21 FOR SALE Modern home and i acre on Summers Lano. Phone 496-W-6. 2-19 34 Automotive HAVE 1930 Chevrolet sedan to trado for equity In lato model car. 2348 Garden avenuo. Phone 1382-W. 2-19 TRAILER HOUSE, for business or pleasure, built to your specif! cations, low cost during slack season. Sample house and prices. 4 29 Addison. 2-21 FOR SALE Equity '37 Torrn plane for 1100, balance due 1642.00. Jenkins Garage, Stew art Addition. 2-19 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FILMS DEVELOPED Eight prints and two enlargements, 25c. Quality Picture Co., Box 3573. Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Two prlnta from each good negative, 25c. Portland Film Co., Box 4313, Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Eight prints and hand colored en largements 26c. Oregon Pic ture Co., Box 4292, Portland Ore. S-tf INDEPENDENT STOVE OIL 60 gallons or more at plant 7o per gallon, delivered In city 8c per gallon. Terms cash. Peyton A Co. Phone 635. 8-12-mtf FOR SALE Toy fox torrler pups. 810 Cook. 3-21 FOR SALE Furniture and Frlgl- dalre, perfect condition. 1626 Sargent. 2-19 WOOD FOR SALE Phone 1490- M. 3-1 USE HB Goat Ration and Increase quality and quantity. People's Warehouse. 8-24 WOOD FOR SALE. Phone 2398 S-U WINDOWS, DOORS. CABINETS GLASS WORK Klamath Cablnot Shop 616 Spring St. Phone 1484 1-4 BEST GRADE OF STOVE OIL 100 gallons, 8s cents, delivered 60 gnllons, 9 conts delivered. At plant, 71 conts gallon, OIL CITY, South Sixth St, 2-28 SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD Phono 1331. 2-19 BLOCK WOOD AT YARD 2.50 cord. Poyton ft Co. 2-26 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfor and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 8-4mtf FOR SALE Heaters, tables, bed steads, dressers, buffet, eto. Priced right.; Pooplo's Ware house, l-l 36 Miscellaneous For Sal CHEMULT HOTEL Try a clean place to eat In Chemult. Hotel rates $1.00 and np. 8-7 HEATER OIL Delivered 60 gal. or more 8c At yard 7c HEILBRONNER ft REA Phone 1 8 9-W 8 2 1 Spring St. 1-4 FOR SALE Red driveway cin ders. Any amount. Phone 937J1. 1-1 MOHAWK FIRST ORADB STOVE OIL Delivered, 100 gal., 8c. 60 gals. 9c. Phone 2270. 3-6 SEASONED HEAVY FIR BODY WOOD Phone 846-J. 2-19 UNREDEEMED ELGIN Watches 14.50 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Co., 622 Main. 3-9 I BUY USED PIANOS for cash, tune and recondition and sell, adding only value of work, and on terms 16 down, 15 month. Louis R. Mann, tuner at Derby's, 117 So. 7th. 3-9 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Lucas Furniture Company, 196 East Main. Out of the High Rent District. 2-27 CLOSING OUT All new merchandise at-wholesale cost In order to make room for used merchandise only. Square Deal Exchange, 702 Klamath Ave. 2-21 AIRPLANE models. Poole's Bi cycle Store. 8-15 EVENTUALLY you'll use 70 Octane gasoline. Why not now? 22c gallon. OH City, South Sixth street. 3-14 NEW WASHER and Rinse Tubs, also two radios below cost. Poole's Bicycle Store. 2-21 GRAY CINDERS for driveway. Phone 33J1. 3-15 FOR SALE Wood aaw. Inquire 1827 Oregon. 2-22 YOU should feed additional cod liver oil these cold days. Nor wegian. 11.35 per gal.; Nopco. qt. cans, 76c can. People's Warehouse. 2-24 40 To Exchange LARGE CATTLE RANCH near Sprague River, Ore. tor income property. Call Altamont Auto Camp. 2-21 42 Miscellaneous Wanted CASH PAID for tires for retread ing. No cute or bruises. Mac- Donald Tire 8ales Co. Across from Wlllard Hotel. 3-8 HIGHEST PRICES paid for used furniture and stoves. OK Sec ond Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 2-28-mtf 44 Livestock and Poultry OVERPACK'9 QUALITY CHICKS Are backed by over 20 years of breeding and hatching experience. Our White Leghorn flocks are composed entirely of 2, 3, and 4 year old hens. Absolutely no pul lets are used. Our flocks are lo cated far from tho over-crowded and often contaminated poultry centers. Unlimited free range la provided, with no forcing of any Kind. Regularly bloodtested Priced ao all can afford to have the best. Write for literature, de scribing the Intensive breeding program back of our Superior tvnue Leghorn and Leghorn Pul let Chicks. We also have choice flocks of Heavy Breeds, including R. I. Reds, New Hampshlres, Bar red and White Rocks, Orpingtons, Wyandottes and Jersev Giants. All are bloodtested and on free range. OVERPACK'S HATCHERY San Leandro California , W-S-tf FOR SALE The registered Per cheron stallion, Marcus Land recltos, sire ot first prise win ner Pacific International. A mare or young stock will be con sidered In trade. M. M. Eubanks, itt. z, Midway Road, Medford, Oregon. 2-22 LEGHORN. Rock and rtnri. nri New Hampshire day old chicks natenmg every week. Magtiire Electrlo Hatchery, 2415 N. E, Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 2-28-mtf REMEMBER Hodgen Brewster Yeast Chic Starter will Insure strong, healthy and nroductlve flocks. Free field service. Peo ple a Warehouse, 2-24 FOR SALE OR TRADE for cattle one gelding, 6 yrs. old; on mare, 5 yrs. old; one mare al most 8 yrs. Lewlson Bros., Bon ania, Ore. 2-22 FOR SALE 9 three-months old Pigs. Shasta Way at Cannl bridge. 2-26 FOR SALE Jersey and Guernsey niamain Kiaing stable. bo. em. 2-1 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-slgnera No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your now or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co License M-104 114 No. 7th Ph. 882 3-9-mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Beach resort, best location on Oregon Coast high way. Sen-ice elation, dance hall, beer parlor, cabins. Phone 1764. 2-19 MEN OR WOMEN, earn 125 week ly, two hours dally. No can vassing or manufacturing; no Investment necessary. Business Opportunities, Box 1102, Gree ley, Colo. 2-19 Legal Notlcea HLM.MO.N8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. H. R. Frailer, also known as Harry Frailer and Bessie M. Frazlor, his wife, plain tiffs, vs. Floyd F. Fuller, J. L. Rockwell. E. R. Scaton, O. A. Melster, R. F. Dore, Andrew Caughey, George 8 c o 1 1, Frank J. Btrolblg, Jr., John W. Fnrlelgh and Jane Doe Farlclgh, his wife, Floyd W. Jones and Jane Doe Jones, his wife, Henry Hlester and Edith Hlester, his wife, Wal ter Newell, and also all other parties or persons unknown claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein. Defend ants. TO Floyd F. Fuller, J. L. Rock well, E. R. Beaton. O. A. Melster. R. F. Dore, Andrew Caughey, George Scott, Frank J. Strelblg. Jr., John W. Farlelgh and Jane Doe Farlelgh, his wife, Floyd W. Jones and Jane Doe Jones, his wife, Henry Hlester and Edith Hlester, bis wife, Walter Newell, and also all other parties or per sons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Inter est In the real estate described In the complaint herein, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you and each of you In the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of March. 1938. that being the last day of the time allowed under the order for publication of this summons. If you fall so to ap pear and answer, for want there of, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed tor In their complaint on file herein, to- wlt: That yon and each of yon be required to set forth the nature of any claims adverse to the plaintiffs in the following des crlbed real property situated In Klamath County, Oregon: The southeast quarter of the aouthwest quarter (SE1 SW1); the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter NWSE); the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (NEJ SE), less two (2) acres, heretofore granted to the United States of America for ditch right ot way by deed recorded In Vol. 64 Deed Records of Klamath coun ty, Oregon, at page 214; the southwest quarter of the south east quarter (SWi SE), all being subject however to cer tain reservations of oil as set out In that certain deed record ed In Vol. 113 Deed Records ot Klamath County, Oregon, at page 191, and one certain mortgage recorded In Volume 51 Mortgage Records of Klam ath county, Oregon, at page 242; and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SE SEi) all In Section Thirty (30) Township Thirty-nine (39) South of Range Twelve (12) East of the Willamette Meri dian; that any and all such claims be held for naught and that the plaintiffs be decreed the owners In fee simple ot the said real property and that each ot you be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim whatsoever In said real property adverse to the plaintiffs and for such other relief as to the court may eeem Just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you and each of you by publica tion thereof In the Evening Her ald, a dally nowspaper, printed and published In Klamath Coun ty. Oregon, by order of the Hon orable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge ot the above entitled court, made and entered the 2nd dny of Feb ruary, 1938, which said order re quires that this summons be pun- llshed once a week for four suc cessive woeks, that the first pub lication thereof be on the 6th day of February, 1938, and the last on the 6th day of March, 1938, the 7th day of March, 1938 being the last day tor the de fendants to appear and answer as fixed by said order. L. ORTH SISEMORB. Attorney for Plaintiffs, 14 Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon H. F. 6-12-19-26, M. 5 No. 24 South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Feb, 19 (AP-USDA) Hogs: for five days: 4180 compared last Friday mostly 10c higher, week's bulk and closing top good to choice 160-230 lbs. butchers $9.25, top 19.35 at mid-week; 240-265 lbs. butchers mainly 18.76, tew 310 lbs. heavies 18.25; light lights sorted out mainly (8,76. Today: none. Cattle: for five days, 1500 com pared last Friday: steers mostly 25c hlghor; medium to good she stock lost early full 25o upturn, absent late; low grade cows na tive, fully 60o higher; bulls strong News of Klamath Churches First Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church, located on the corner ot North Sixth and Pine streets, holds Its morning service at eleven o'clock. The pastor, the Rev. Theodore Smith, telephone at the nome 713-J and at the church 429, will deliver the aermon on "The Foundation of American Liber ties." The Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. ft A. M. will be guests. as has been the custom for many years past In commemoration of George Washington's birthday. H. M. Parkhurat directs tne music of the church and Hans Hoerleln Is the organist. Organ prelude, "Chorale Rejoice, My Soul," Rulck. The prayer re sponse will be "Lord. Have Mer cy," by Schnecker. The offertory will be "Andante" by Rheimber ger. the anthem, "Prayer ot Thanksgiving" by Kremser, and the organ postlude, "Introduction Third Sonata" by Guilmant. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Or gan prelude, "Serenade," by Wl dor. The offertory will be God ard's "Berceuse," and the post lude, Hosmer's "March." The pastor will speak on "The Beloved Disciple." Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Lester Webb will be the leader. The "Quiet Hour Group" meets at six o'clock, Immediately preceding the - regular society gathering. At 9:40 a. m. a amall group meets for prayer preceding the opening of the Bible school, which is at 9:45 a. m. Latter Day Saints Church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints holds regular services at the public library audi torium at Fifth street and Klam ath avenue. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Relief society meets Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock and the Mutual Improvement associa tion Tuesday evenlnga at 7:30 o'clock. Klamath Tempi Klamath Temple, 1007 Pine street, Rev. Roy E. Southard, pas tor, 22 High, phone 2355-R. Sunday achool at 9:45, Mra. Kennerly, superintendent. Morn ing worship at 11 o'clock by Rev. Southard. Young People'a meet ing at 6:30 p. m. The boys have charge of this service. Evening evangelistic service at 7:46 with Rev. Southard speak ing. ' Klamath Temple Is Joining with other Klamath churches in the Sunday school rally conducted by Dr. London during the coming week. Services will be held in the various churches during the week, the service with Dr. Lon don at Klamath Temple being on Saturday, First Baptist Church First Baptist church. Eighth at Washington. "The Church with the Gospel Message and Mission." Cecil C. Brown, pastor. Residence 804 North Second. Phone 2185-W. Bible school 9:45 a. m. George O. Welch, superintendent. Classes for all ages. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Sifted As Wheat." The Training Service depart ment meets at 6:30 p. m. with Mrs. G. A. Dowden, general direc tor. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Sermon subject. "Kadesh Bar- neA." Midweek service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bible study and devo tional service. The Women a Missionary soci ety meeta Thursday tor its regular work. Church of Psychic Research Church of Psychic Research, 305 North Eleventh street. Ser vices at 8 p. m. The evening ser vices will be in charge of Mrs. Klohe Shlpman. On Tuesday at 2 p. m. the Lily of the Valley club will meet in the library room. All members are urged to be present. Important business Tuesday at 8 p. m. The Family circle will meet In the library room. Wednesday afternoon the Acorn club will meet In the upstairs club room for a potluck dinner at 1 o'clock. The new development class Is still open for new members and meets on Wednesday evenings. Everyone welcome to all aervices. to 25c up: top 17.60: bulk med lum to good 865-1095 lbs. fed steers 16.75-7.60, medium to good 1100-1195 lbs. weights 16.60 17.00; load good 1337 lbs. fed steers 16.85 sorted 2 head 16.00; medium 716-850 lha. heifers 15.50-90: fst dairy cowa 14.75- 15.00, odd head big weights 15.25; medium to good bulla 15.50-6.00. Today: 30. Nominally ateady. Calves: for five days: 46; com pared last Friday; nominally steady; odd vealers 10.50, choice quoted 111.00 or slightly above; package good weighty alaughter calves $8.00. Sheep: for five days: 6850; compared last Friday: lambs clos ed steady to 26o higher after los ing part of early 26-36 upturn, bulk medium to good 74-89 lbs. ted wooled lambs $7.00-60, straight and sorted 10-15 per cent, top $7.60 freely early, double good to choice 86 lbs. Oregons late $7.60; double strictly good 96 lbs, Idaho $7.26 sorted 10 per cent good 100-102 lbs. Nevadas $6.60 $8.76; ewes strong to 250 high er, good wooled Calltornlas $3.50 lightly sorted, double medium to choice 127 lbs. medlum-pelt kinds $3.26, few plain 107 lbs. $2.26. Today: none. First Christian Church First Christian church, Sunday, February 20. Organ prelude. Tour Mra. Mary Mow. Processional, "Holy, Holy, Holy", 214 choir. (Con gregation singing last atansa.) Doxology, choir and congrega tion. Morning pastoral prayer, min ister. Response "Father Almighty," choir. Scripture reading mlnlsUr. Anthem, "God of Our Fathers," by Warren, directed by Miss Au gusta Parker. Communion hymn 241. The Lord's supper. Dedication of tithes and offer ings. Trio "I Will Give Ton Rest," West: Mrs. A. W. Mortensen, Mrs. D. D. Van Fleet, Misa Vera Wright. Sermon. Invitation 111. Benediction, "Closing Response," choir. Postlude "Marche Pontlfl cale," Tombelle Mrs. Mow, Zion Lutheran Church 1025 High street. G. W. Hoffmann, pastor. The service begins at 11:00 o'clock. Sermon topic: "The Glory ot the Christian." Sunday achool meeta at 9:46 a m. There will be no Bible class Wednesday evening, because of the pastor's conference at Port land. Classes for confirmation Instruction will be held next Friday and Saturday at the usual times. Community Congregational Church Located at the corner of Gar den and Martin streets. Every body welcome. Where the Spirit of the Lord is. there Is liberty. Sunday service; Sunday achool 9:45 a. m.; church 11 a. m.; young people's aociety at 7 . p. m. on Sundays. Girl Scouts on Monday eve nlnga. also Gogettera club of junior boys. Boy Scouts on Tuesday eve nings. Rev. Martin Haaek will preach, Sermon topic: "A Man'a Life." Luke IS, 16. Church of the Naxaren Corner ot Garden and Mar tin. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11 o'clock. . Young People'a service 6:30. Evangelistic service 7:30. The pastor will be the speaker at both services. ' No mid-week prayer service will be held In the church this week as Dr. and Mra. A. 8. Lon don will b holding union serv ices In the .different churchea of the city. All teacher and officers are urged to attend also visiting friends. Rev. H. L. Rus sell 2182 Orchard avenue. Apostolic Faith Mission Corner Ninth street and Klam ath avenne. Sunday services: Sabbath school at 9 a. m.; morning serv ice at 10:30 a. m. and the eve ning service at 7:30 p. m. The 15 piece orchestra opens the Sunday evening service with a concert of music. Week night services on Tues- Carload Potato Shipments Day of I I Month H Season 1937-38 FJ 8eason 19S6-3T l Feb. to Season ll Feb. to Season Feb. 1 Dally Date to Date Dally Date to Dat " 11 2827 17 17 4936 t 15 87 3842 26 41 4960 I 20 67 3861 30 73 4990 4 it io- 3885 I 78 4996 15 95 1900 24 102 6019 T" 25 118 3928 20 122 8052 7 19 137 3943 18 135 6089 8 20 157 3962 19 184 6071 . 9 H 189 3994 19 173 6090 To- 22 211 ' 4016 29 202 5119 287 4042 27 229 5146 12 18 155 4060 17, 266 . 1171 jjT" 6 260 4066 21 378 1191 l7 24 214 4089 7 286 8201 IF" 21 306 4111 22 308 8216 U 20 826 4131 33 840 6167 17, 29 355 4160 19 359 8176 IS- 39 384 4189 17 376 8191 It ', 12 388 6106 i0 " - . . 10 398 . 6116 jl ( 401 6820 12 ' "" U- 414 6131 il " 17 431 6141 U 1J 444 6361 J6- " " 460 6177 " 26 469 638 1 " 27 " 16 484 6401 28 ' 490 6407 " Month shipments by truck 22 1 612 Complied from official record by th county agent's offlo, Stat Federal Inspector Rosa Aubrey and Th News-Herald. day, Wednesday and Friday eve nings at 7:45 p. m. Special sing ing la a feature of eaoh service. Everybody Is welcome. 0 Altamont Community rrsbytrian Church ah services ot tne Altamont Community Presbyterian church are held In the J n n 1 o r high school, G. W. Wheatley, minis ter. Our Bible school opens at 9:46 In the morning, A. 0. Olson. superintendent. The Intermedi ate department will have charg of the closing exercise of the Bible school Sunday morning. The morning worablp service at 11 o'clock with the minister I charge. The aubject ot the morn ing message will be, "The Gos pel ot Another Chance," or "The Land of Beginning Again." W will be glad to care for your little onea during the worship service. Burl Children Entertain Friends - Donna and Bob Burke war pleasantly surprised St. Valen tine'a night when several of tbelr friends In the Immediate neighborhood dropped In for a party. Gamea were played and re freshments appropriate to th occasion were served at the Ml-A , v. . .-..I T, da Sevlta, Peggy Johnson, B e b e George, Ramona Jean and Ann Reeves, David and Dick Blackmer, Bruce Davla, Jack Colvln, Don George and Donna and Bob Burke. St. Paul's Episcopal Church St. Paul'a Episcopal, Eighth and Jefferson streets, the Rev. V. E. Newman, rector. Sunday: Hnlv Riiehnrla a S a'.WW Church school classes at 10:11 a. m. Holy Euchariat and sermon at 11 o'clock on the first Sunday of each month. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock on other Sundays. Holy Eucharist on Saint day and Holy days at 10 o'clock. American Lutheran Church This church la now conduct ing its services In the basement of Hotel Elk.- The class preparing for con firmation will meet there for in struction Saturday evening 7 to 8 o'clock, February 19 . The morning worship at 11 a. m.. Sunday. Sermon will be be based on text: Matt. 13:41 -43 and 16; 13-19. The pastor, R. Bogstad will preach on the aubject: "What the Bible and It'a People Hav to 8ay About Jesua ot Naxareth." First Covenant Church 823 Walnut avenue, phone 1908-W. Gotttred J. Anderson, pastor. 10:30 a. m. Sunday school and Swedish service. The paator will apeak on the subject: "Obstacle wr naming m in ijlght." Martha Eastman and Marian Anderson will sing a duet. 6:46 p. m., Young People' prayer band. 7:00 p. m. Toung People' meeting. Topic, "The Mission Covenant. It'a Distinguishing Characteristics." 7:45 p. m. evening service. "Different Attitude Toward Christ." Additional Churches On Page Ten