The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 29, 1938, Page 10, Image 10

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January 29, 1938
Tbe opening of the Sean mod
ified type of department store In
Klamath Falli next Thursday
will consummate plans the na
tional merchandising firm put in
motion many months ago.
It was a long time before a
satisfactory site could be decid
ed upon and negotiations for
the chosen location were finally
concluded late last tall when F.
B. McConnell, secretary of Scars
and assistant to the president,
announced that officials of the
company had signed the rental
agreement for the property with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grimes and
Mr. and Mrs. George Biehn of
this city.
Situated at 133 South Eighth
street, the store site Soars oc
cupies fronts 120 feet on Eighth
street and has a depth of $7
feet on Klamath avenue. The
entire building will be used for
sales purposes, offices and gen
eral utilities. The adjoining one
story building, which contains
an area of approximately 10.000
square feet is being used as a
. warehouse with ample space for
free automobile tire and battery
servicing facilities. This service
for motorists Is operated as a
part of the regular tire, battery
and automobile accessory dlvl
aion of tbe company.
The new store represents the
third step Sears, Roebuck and
company has taken in tbe expan
sion of Its Oregon retail service.
The company at present is serv
ing the cities of Portland and
Possibilities that Sears busi
ness in Klamath Falls may be
pushed uncomfortably close in
sales totals to that of several of
the company's older stores of the
same type were foreseen by T.
R. Thompsen, manager of the new
Many thousands of dollars
worth of merchandise Is pur
chased annually by Sears from
Oregon manufacturers. Now to
this revenue is to be added the
sums Sears will expend through
Klamath Falls' regular trade
amas wai
Sixth and Oak
News of Klamath Churches
Immsnuel Baptist
North Eleventh and High
streets, J. Clarence Orr. minister.
We continue our Christ cen
tered crusade. Our subject tor
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
will be. "What Jesus Teaches
About His Church." This Is the
fourth of IS series on "Wha
Jesus Teaches." This service will
be broadcast from 11 to 12
o'clock. Special music will be
a feature of this service.
Our Bible school meets at 9:45
with classes tor each age group.
The young people meet at 6:30
Sunday evening with an Inter
esting discussion, and invite all
young people to meet with them.
The evening service at 7:30
will bo the fourth in our series
of 15, "Following the Steps of
Jesus." The subject to be dis
cussed will be. "The Christ of
the Loving Heart." Come anil
enjoy the fellowship and good
The mid-week service on Wed
nesday evening Is a study of the
sayings of Jesus.
Church of the Naiarene
Rev. H. L. Russel, pastor. Res.
2132 Orchard avenue.
Corner Garden and Martin.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Classes for all ages ( with good
teachers in charge.
Morning worship, 11:00.
Sunday school at Bonanza.
2:30. with the young people of
Klamath Falls In charge.
Young people's service 6:30.
June Herrick will be the leader.
Evangelistic service at 7:30.
The pastor will be the speaker
at morning and evening services
and he extends to you a cordial
channels for payroll, newspaper
advertising, rent, taxes and sup
plies. We hope to become au
integral part of Klamath Falls
and to share tbe labors of all
agencies contributing to the wel
fare and upbuilding of the com
munity." 'ooo
First Methodist
Corner of North Tenth and
High streets. John W. Warrell,
pastor. Residence, 1005 High
street. Phone 44SW,
Sunday next the Sunday school
will assemble at 9:45 a. ni.?with
L. K. Phelps, superintendent.
Students of every ago will find
an interesting class. A brief
prayer service will be held pre
ceding the Sunday school.
Morning worship at 10:55
o'clock with the pastor iu charge.
Tbe vested choir will sing the
anthem, "Shepherd, With Thy
Tenderest Love," by Stults. Tho
sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be observed and new mem
bers will be received into the
church. The pastor will speak
on tho theme, "Ills Lite Glveu
to Us," a communion inclination.
Two Epworth league devotion
al meetings will be held at :30
p. m. Tbe high school group
will meet In tho league room
and the young people's group In
the parlor of the church.
At the evangelistic service be
ginning at 7:30 p. m., the pastor
will continue the series of mes
sages on "The Friendship of
Jesus," speaking next on "The
Power of That Friendship."
First Baptist
Eighth at Washington. Cecil
C. Brown, pastor. Residence, S04
North Second street. Phone
Bible school, 9:45 a. m.,
George O. Welch, superintendent.
Morning worship 11:00. Sermon
subject, "Go Forward."
The training service depart
ment meets in separate unions
for discussion of topics at 6:30
p. m. Evening worship, 7:30.
Sermon subject, "The Forsaken
Mid-week service Wednesday
at 7:30 p. m., consisting of Bible
study and devotional service.
Tbe pastor is conducting a study
in the "Hebrews" at the mid
week service.
The Women's Missionary so
ciety meets Thursday at 2 o'clock
for its regular work.
CHEVROLET 85-h.r valve-in-head engine
the only low-priced car GENUINE KNEE-ACTION
with all these.modern features ALL-SILENT, ALL-STEEL BODIES
zjrm, tiptoe-matic clutch
CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION, General Motors So.l Corporoffoiv DETROIT, MICHIOAN D. l'f."m'.'",
Klamath Tomple
Klamath Temple. 1007 Pino
street, Rev. Roy E. Southard,
pastor, phone 1355-R, 13 High
Sunday: Sunday school at 9:45.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock,
Kov. Southard speaking. Young
People's service at 8:30, Miss
Veril Southard, the now president,
In charge.
Evangelistic service at T:30
p. m. Rev. Southard la bringing a
special message at this time, en
titled "Did the City Cleanup
Cleanse Klamath Falls, or Why
Are Some of the Most Guilty
Never Touched?"
Tuesday : Kndlo broadcast over
station KPJ1 at 3 o'clock. Tune
In and enjoy this service.
Wednesdny: Hlblo study and
fellowship service at 7:45 p. m.
The women have disbanded their
separate servlco for the time be
ing to join with tho men In their
study of "The Church" under
Rev. Southard.
Thursday: Hlblo study and
prayer meeting at 10:30 a. m. In
the temple, with a potluek dinner
at noon, and the afternoon serv
ice devoted to missionary suwing.
Friday: Mid-week fellowship
and prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m.
Saturday: Young People's Bible
study at 7:30 In tbe downstairs
First Presbyterian
The First Presbytorlan church
is located on the corner of North
Sixth at Pine street. The Rev.
Theodore Smith Is the pastor, 4.15
North Second street, telephone at
the residence 713-J and at the
church 4 23, will bo In charge and
will speak on "Tho Cup of the
New Covenant." The sacrament
of the Lord's supper wMll be cele
brated during this service. New
members will also bo recelvod In
to the fellowship of the church.
Mr. H. M. Pnrkhurst. director
of the choir, and Mr. Hans Hoer
leln. organist, offer the following
musical program: Organ prelude.
"Largo," "From tho New World,"
Dvorak. Offertory, "Jesu, Joy of
Man's Desiring," Rach. Anthem.
"Come, Ye Disconsolate," by
Webbe. Organ postlude, "Toccata
D Minor," Bach.
In the evening at 7:30 the or
gan prelude will be "Legend," by
MncDowell, the offerloir, "Kover
le," MncDowell; and tho postlude.
'tiitinnitn " nlitn hv lit,.nnivtt
The pastor will speuk on "The One
II rent Gontilo Writer lu tho Hlblo.-'
mis is the second in a series of
character studies on (be New
Testament authors.
Preceding tho Iliblo achuol,
which opens nl 9:45 in the morn
ing, a pro-prayer fellowship Is
held in tho pastor's study.
The Christian Endeavor society
ta to meet at 6:30 In the C. R.
room, seventy were In attend
ance at tho meeting Inst Sunday.
Altamont Prosbytorian
All services of tho Altnuiont
Community Presbyterian church
are held In the Junior high school.
George W. Wheatley, mlnlstor.
Telephone 7S3-W-4. Hlblo school
begins at 9:45 In the morning.
The Hlblo Is our text book, Mr.
A. C. Olson, superintendent. The
morning worship service nt 11
o'clock with tho minister In
chnrgo. Mr. Wheatley will speak
on the subject, "The Limits of
Liberty." We will care for your
littlo ones during the worship
servloo. A competent attendant Is
In charge.
ZIon Lutheran
Zlon Luthern church, 1025
High street, G. W. Hoffmann,
The servlco on Sunday morning
begins nt 11 o'clock. Tho pastor
will speak on the topic: "Love Is
the fulfilling of tho law." All are
welcome at our services.
Sunday school meets at 9:45
a. m.
Mid-week Bible class Wodnos
day evening nt S o'clock.
Walt her league meeting next
Thursday evening at 8 o'llock.
Community Congregational
Located on tho coiner of Gar
den nnd Martin, where everybody
is welcome. Food for thought:
liod will glvo no more truth than
we are willing to live. Sundny
services. Sunday school at 9:45
a. in., church at 11 a. m., Young
Peoples society nt 7 p. in. on Sun'
days. Girl Scouts on Monday eve
nlngs. nlso Go-getters club of Jun
ior boys: Boy Scouts on Tuesday
evenings. Itev. Martin linack
will preach the sermon at the
morning service. Sermon topic
"Stirring tho Englos Nest." (Deut.
33: 11-12).
Phone 49
First Christian
Pins strut at Ninth, Arthur
Charlts Batti, minister. Pastor, i
study In the church, Ninth street
entrance, phone 1083W, Best
denco 538 Lincoln street, phono
1683W. Office hours 0 . ui. to
U M, Attornoons by appoint
ment, Bible school convenes at 1:45
a. m.
Communion and worship 11
a. m. Begins with organ "Pre
lude", Petrall, by Mrs. Mary Mow.
Choir processional, "Holy, Holy,
Holy" Pastoral prayer. Anthem:
"God Is Love," Clark, by the
choir. The communion hymn will
be "Bread of Heaven." The
Lord's Supper, special solo "The
Blind Plowman," Clarke, by Mr.
Sherman Carter, accompanied by
organ and piano.
Sermon: "What's the Use?",
pastor. Invitation hymn, "Only
Trust Him." Benedlc.tlon, "Throe
fold Amen". Postlude, Mrs, Mary
Kvenlng services , begin with
C. B. pre-prayer service two
groups. Followed by the regular
meetings of the Christian Endeav
or. Worship service at 7:30 p. m.
Opening exercises under the di
rection of the young people. Bible
reading on "Evidences of the New
Birth." Bring your Bibles.
Mid-week services choir re
hearsal on Wednesday and Iliblo
study on Thursday evenings at
7:30 p. m.
Baptist Bible Mission
Baptist Bible Mission, corner
of Miller's Lane and South Sixth
street highway, Dr, C. B. Caasel,
Bible school meets at 9 : 4 3 a. m.
A new class for high school stud
ents has been formed, with Dr.
You ash
Q NEVER for a moment does your vigilance relax about anything
that concerns the health and welfare of those helpless little souls, so
dependent upon your protection. You wouldn't think of asking your
grocer or druggist for "some baby food." YOU BUY IT BY NAME
... a name you can trust.
O But, are you always so careful in the selection of the
BREAD you serve your family? You have a preference, no
doubt, but do you always make it known? NAMES are
important in Bread because there is a great deal of differ
ence in Bread. FLUHRER'S is a name you can trust ... as
fine a Bread as can be baked . . . wholesome, tasty, nourishing!
Don't make your grocer guess what you want
Always Good
and FRESH!
Casael as leachor, and a goodly
number have promised to attend.
Us among this group,
The scholarship contest li pro
ducing splendid results,
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
The theme for discussion will bn,
"Behold the iJlinb of (lod, Which
Takuth Away tho Hln of tho
World." Trumpet solo by Dale
Choir practice on Wednesday
night at 7:30.
The public is heartily tuvllod
to these services,
Psychic Research
Rev, Alfa Dlnunllt will have
charge of the Sunday evuulug
services January 30,
Tuesday evening clrclo at I
Wednesday evening classes
still open for new members.
Adult classes and beginners
classes. Leave name with Itev.
Dlmmltt or Kov. Hherar Bundiiy
American Lutheran
Services, 11 a. m. Monday, Janu
ary 30th In the large hall at Wll
lard hotel, Main street at Second.
The pastor, R, llugstad of Ku
gene, will apenk using Mark 1:21
35 as text. The clnsa bolng pre
pared for confirmation will meet
for Instruction Saturday evening.
7-3 o'clock.
Rev. L. K. Johnson, Ocoiiomo
woo, Wis., who soma tlmo ago was
called as resident pastor for this
church, has accepted the call and
will arrive shortly after Easier.
Until he comes the church will he
served from Kiigone,
Kov. R. Bogstad will arrive
Saturday morning at 7 o'clock
and may bo found at Willard hotel
until 9 P. ra. Sunday.
for it BV
Apostolic Faith
Comer Ninth street and Klam
ath avenue,
Sunday services, beginning with
flunday school 9:00 a. m, and re
gular services at 10:30 a. in., and
7:30 p, m.
Tho 15-plcce orchestra accom
panies the congregational aluglui
and opens the Sunday evening ser
vice with a sacred concert of
There will be different singing
orgnuliutlons consisting of an
eight voice mixed chorus, a mixed
quartet, and a Mien's quartet. One
or more of these are feulurod at
each servlco.
Union Prayer Meeting
Tbe men's union prayer meet
lux held each Sunday morning at
8:80 will meet this week In the
First Itnpllst church, North Klghtaj
and Washington streets.
More Protection , . .
Vnm Ex pons
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of California
D. E. Pearce
IllNtrlrt Mnniir
JWO No. 7th IMmnft 1408