The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 03, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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November 8, 1937
Calabria Birth Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi McDonald of
Illarri II ntartalliod monitions of
the Immediate fondly at !hair
summer home on the filalin-Morrill
high fly Humbly. Uotahor 31,
in honor of Mr, Walnut ld'a natal
day, According to Mr. McDon
ald's tatanuint, ha IN ono yonr
older than he wan hoot your,
Mr, and Mrs. Nato Cando, lit, Airs.
Juan Willits and ditualitor Bharat',
Air. anti Al rs. L. U. liontgland and
daughter Margory anti Mr. and
Airs. Htaulay liajicok and Unhurt
Biotin. Jr.
lOnt114)1111 Inspection
lion or the Canton auxiliary
which was scheduled for iA'etinos
day VUllitilg has boon postponed
until Saturday evening, Novent
bor , when the Inspection or
tho local post and banquet start
ing at diSe o'clock will be held
It the lotne hall. Mato orticorm
or the lodge will be preitent at
thin time, Including Ntra, Idabel
Gilbert or Hood, the mute pried
dint, All visiting guile's and
numbers sure 111Viti lit to attend.
Ismail Dance Hattarday ...-
Those planning to attend the
Shrine hospital benefit dittlee
being given by the Daughters
of the Nile at the VItIitrd hotel
nest Sittitrilay evening aro urged
to parches() their tickets early.
litra. Carl dieinselfer, Mrs. W.
A. Arnold and Mrs. Harry l'am
ning are In charge of the dance
arrangements, and they have
stated that the affair promises
to be one of the beat attended Or
the week.
Attend Library Meet Enola
Ilawkina and Alice Harvey, li
brarian and librarian
of the city library, and Mary
McComb and Elizabeth Vatermon,
librarian and astilatant librarian
of the county library, attended a
library conference which was
held at Altura, Calif., lag week
end, The meeting wan Uttivutle41
by all California 1111111clone north
of Sacramento and reprostinin
tires from the California "tate
on Ilmodnem HildrMIXill0 Pet
rson. Klamath Falls student at
Whitman college. was appointed
to the business staff of the coin
ins sophomore class play on the
campus, it was announced this
week. The play. "The Double
Door," will be glY0111 the weekend
of November 11, 12. Mina Peter
son. graduate of Klamath Falls
high school, is pronminent In class
ctivities on the Whitman campus.
liteinmets HomeW. J. Stein
mots, who has been receiving
treatment at the Ert 111111101 hos
pital in Portland for 1101110litne,
has returned to his home on
Walnut street where he expects
to remain for a couple of months
before returning to Portland for
further treatment.
Study Club MerleTime Fair
haven PTA study club will meet
in the school auditorium Friday
at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Merian Holli
day. the chairman, has arranged
an Interesting program. The ub
Jen to be followed this year is
"Parent Education."
Eagles Curti PartyTime Esik les
auxiliary will bold ita regular
card party Thursday at I O. m. in
the K. C. hall. The public is cor
dially invited. The second of the
series of card parties is scheduled
for 8 p. m. November 16 at the
K. C. hall.
Rebekah. MeetProsperity Re
bekah lodge NO. 104 will moot for
I. regular business session and
initiation Thursday at 7:30 P. m.
A potluck supper will follow. All
members are urged to attend. and
visiting Rebekah' are cordially
N Group to MeetA meeting of
the verse group of the Writer's
league will be held Thursday
afternoon, November 4, at the
home of the league president,
Mrs. E. P. Livingston, 1540
Lookout street.
Hit and Mime The Hit and
Miss homemaking club ot the Wo
men of the Moose will meet for
I noon potluck luncheon FridaY.
November 5, at the K. C. hall.
Co-hostesses will be Lavera Mc
Bride and Zola London.
Pinochle Party The weekly
pinochle party sponsored by the
Women of the Moose will be held
Friday, November 5, at 2 p.
In the K. C. hall. Hostesses are
Anna Eccles Elsie Dean. Emma
Diets and Alhla Banters.
Executive Board Meets The
executive board of the Pelican
PTA will meet in the Pelican
school library Monday, November
8, at I p. tn. Instead of Friday.
Club Proves PolluterMember
ships for the Winter Dancing
club isettmen Ire being taken up
rapidly, aceorditik to an an.
nonneetnent from offleera. The
firet dance of the 1011111111 will be
held November la Mt the Willard
hotel, Mid membernhips may be
obtained up to that time from
le alitY King auntie. Hoveral
former members have left town
mince lant, year, Hulking tholr
momborilitim available for oth
ers wishing to loin,
Notices Ntolen W. b. Parr
of itouto 3 han reported to po
lice bureau the, theft of bin putt
calm which ho had loft in an
automobile parked in front of
the -Kern hotel on gouth Sixth
street. The suitcase COlitilined
clothing, toilet articles and a revolver.
Joint ' Prom Meeting The
Mills Addition Neighborhood
prayer broom in connection
wit h the Rayburn revival cam
palm will hold a Joint 11100ting
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
at the home or M us, Charles W.
Thomas, 2101, Wantland street.
Mrs. Rayburn will be the leader.
Everyone is invited.
Fines Assessed Raven
"drunks" were haled Into pollco
court Wednesday to receive fine
and sentence on the charges.
Three of the defendants were al
so charged with vagrancy and
were sentenced to leave town
niter serving time on the In
toxication counts.
Vandals ReportedW. A. May
how of 1112 Fulton street re
ported to polka bureau Vednea
day that vandals have been let
ting air out of the tires of hie
automobile and stealing the valve
cores several Unica during the
past two weeks.
Wood NiolenNtra. Frank Os
carson of 2301 Merlotti ntroot
reported to police Wednesday
that a quantity of wood had been
stolen from liar back yard while
sho was away for a short time.
Neighbors heard the wood being
thrown into a truck, she stated.
Vie Its From Valley Mrs.
Rhoda Curie la visiting in the
city with relatives tor several
days from her home in Ashland.
Mrs. nutlet) accompanied home
Mn. C. W. Hanson. who spent
the weekend in the valley .at
tending the Teachers institute.
Grange Program A grange
program will be held at the HP11-
ley school gymnasium Friday. No
vember 6, at 8 p. m., with each
of the subordinate granges of the
county contributing a number.
The public la cordially invited to
enjoy the entertainment.
First of Merles The Pelican
PTA will begin a sortos of card
parties Friday. November 6. at 8
p. m. at the Pelican club in Peli
can City. Prizes will be awarded
and refreshments served.
Call Meeting A special call
meeting of the Women of the
Moose will be held Friday. No
vember 5. at g p. m. in the K. C.
hell dining room.
Return. Home :kir'. Elsie
Woodard has returned to her
home in Grants Pass after a visit
here with her son, Harvey Wood
ard, and family.
Sewing Club MeetsThe sew
ing club of the SPIV organiza
tion will meet Thursday at 8 p.
m., in the home of Mrs. Delphia
Card Club Meta The Fair
haven PTA card club will meet
Thursday at 1:30 IN m at the Lee
Holliday home.
Dominus Visit B.Benson Dix
on ot Bonanza was a business
visitor in Klamath Faits Tuesday.
Ree Oil City for store oil. Phone
Foot trouble. fade away
when properly cared for.
TIO, METHODS triumph
again in ' relieving human
Our foot treatment. plus
ly made and
fitted German Orthopedic
Foot Cushions will solve
your foot problems.
Cassel Brothers
Chitopractic Clinic
22,4 N. 7th Pi 420
,,.:,,,,0 ...,tt-:,.---,,,,k,,,,,.!-,4,1:',
"O. K. Since 1905"
Main St. Moving
Phone 87
A special nteethig for women
and girls was held Wednesday af
ternoon lit the tabernacle, when
Dr, James Rayburn, the evange
list, ',poke earnently and direetly
on "Womanhood." It wee the
'argent afternoon audience thus
At noon Wednesday, the Gid
eon,' held their dedication service
It the Elk hotel, II11 Mall street,
when 100 Bibles were presented
to Manager J. R. Devian. The
Meeting an held in tile banquet
room of the hotel. Dr. Rayburn
gave the principal address.
Wednesday evening at 7;30
o'clock Dr. 111,,burn'e topic was
to be "Heaven." Concerning
heaven, he said, "1 ant going to
speak on a glorious subject,
'Heaven.' There are four things
about heaven that are clearly re
vealed In the Bible, These are
all that are revealed, hut they are
wonderful. Many Christiana have
very vague Ideas as to heaven. If
I ant going to heaVoit, I want to
know something about what it Is."
Thursday night a Unique ser
vice will be held at the taber
nacle at 7:30 o'clock, when Dr.
Rayburn will hold what he calls
"Quaker meeting." To this ail
county, city, lodge and church of
ficers are specially invited. Of
this meeting Dr. Rayburn sajs.
"There will be some talking going
on Friday. but I want you to bear
what I say and not what some one
says I Pay, which Rayburn didn't
say. The bulk of the message
will be to young men and young
women. You will never forget
tills meeting. The song service
will be short. Something start
ling Its going to happen the last
five minutes. You should come
early to get a seat."
Thursday and Pride), after
noon,' at 3:30 o'clock the Bible
study lectures will deal with "The
False Prophet," An introduction
will be given to the Scriptural
teachings as to Divine healing.
"1 am aomethnes asked, 'Don't
you believe in Divine, healing?' I
certainly do. but I believe in
Scriptural healing."
The lecture Tuesday afternoon
on "The Deity of Christ" was one
of the most convincing presenta
tions of this subject ever heard
In Klamath Falls. The close of
this address dealt with the "Vir
gin Birth of Jesus." Dr. Rayburn
closed this address Om "Every
hit of your humanity you got from
your mother, The function of
fatherhood is to impart life. The
function of motherhood is to bear
the child. It Jesus were to have
a human body, it had to come
from Mary. The life came from
Clod the Father. Jesus rs either
the Son of God, as the Bible
claims He is, or else he is an
legimitate Jew."
Tuesday night Dr, Rayburn said
In part: "My text is one of warn
ing and warnings are for sensible
works long hours at her
editorial desksmokes a
lot. She says: "I can
smoke as many Camels
as I please and they
never get on my nerves."
crack salesman, drives
50.000 milesand more
a year. "I get tired," he
says. "And I think it's
swell the way Camels
give me a 'lift'."
people. The railroad engineer
munt whistle at a cretonne in or
der to protect human live's. The
text is ouch a warning, '110 not
deceived; God is not niocked, for
whatsoever a man soweth that
ohitil he also reap. One of the
'saddest things of all to that Hatan
pi deceiver. There ere ft lot of
folks that think they are saved.
but they are not caved, for Satan
has deceived them.
"There are four thinly; about
sowing we all know. Finn we
reap the same as we sow. If we
Cow wheat we expect to reap
wheat, not oomething eine. This
poor fool that we read about in
Isaiah a little while ago, took a
tree. He used one part to cook
his meal with and used the rest
to make his god, to which he
bowed down and which he wor
shipped, "That was I PAM thing to do,
but you are having some people
walking the streets of this town,
some of thorn university gradu
ates, that are doing Just as slily
things. They are giving their
lives, their worship to just as fool.
lab thingo. They think they know
all about Christianity. Some
times the thingn we know the
bent, we know the least. This
law of reaping the same an we
sow is God's law, a kind law, a
benevolent law. It in a kind law
because by it like produces like.
"The second thing I would have
you notice about this text Is that
you. reap more than you sow. You
now a grain of wheat and reap
a head of wheat, multiplied 40,
50 or 60 times. A farmer couldn't
live without multiplication. The
devil comes along and tells us
that we will not reap more than
we sow.
"The third thing is we sow
with the deliberate intention of
reaping. There were several mil
lions of acres sown this year in
my home state. The farmers are
looking forward to reaping. Na
ture has fixed that wheat In a
certain number of months will
mature. Wheat is going to get
ripe. But the devil comes along
and tells you that you ,will not
"I know something about sow
ing to the flesh. I have seen the
sowing and the reaping of the
corruption afterwards. There is
one thing about the modern
dance. You can never get below
it. You can get below the Bible.
You can get so low down that
people will not respect you, but
you can't ever get any lower than
the dance. It will always be pos
sible to find It lower than the
lowest. It will go down just as
low as you care to go."
"The fourth thing about this
text is that you never, never reap
what you never sowed. If you
can't get wheat without sowing
wheat, how in the name Of reason
can you get salvation unless you
sow It? Whatsoever a man doesn't
sow, he will never, never reap.
The Thursday morning sched
ule of neighborhood prayer meet
ings in connection with Ray
burn revival campaign la as fol
lows: Mrs. Charles Thomas, 2105
Wantland street (joint meeting of
three Mills addition groups), Mrs.
George Taylor, 510 North Sev
enth street; Mrs. Lund, 126 High
street; Mrs. G. L. Black, 207
Grant street; Mrs. L. L. Truax,
408 Pine street; Mrs. Anderson,
823 Walnut greet; Mrs. V. 1.
Josephson, 1046 Earl street.
Mrs. Eaetman, Pacific Terrace
and Erie toned; Slre. Amy White
bait, 1220 Pleasant street; Mrs.
Rims Yi 807 Hill etreet, Ship
pington; Mrs. B. K. Robinson,
Lindley Heights: Mr.. Higdon,
First avenue, St. Francis Park;
Mn. Rutledge, Altament Drive,
Altamont; Mra. Hail, Second ave
nue and Altarnont drive, Alta
mont. Mrs. Jensen, Homedale; Mrs.
Cox, 226 Neat Main "treat; Mr..
Lovenberg, 332 North Tenth
etreet; Mils, Chamberlain, 817
North Ninth street; Mrs. McKim,
1530 Crescent avenue; Mrs. Cal.
den, Pelican City.
"God, make us sensible in re
ligion as in other things!"
"There's a bawl room at the
Presbyterian church for babies."
"There Isn't any counterfeit
And many millions of Americansmore people than smoke any
other cigarette in the world give a hearty okay to Camelsi
Camel spends MILLIONS
Camels are a matchless blend of finer..
Turkish and Domestic.
70LT bet they do! In aviation is one of the most loyal groups of
Camel smokers in the country. For example, the famous trans
continental record holder, Col. Roscoe Turner, smokes Camels. So do
test-pilot Lee Gehlbach, Capt. Frank Hawks, and DWA's chief pilot,
Hal Sneadto mention only a few. As Col. Turner puts it: "I guess
you've noticed that men in aviation are great smokers. And, from
what I see, most fliers share my regard for Camels. They need healthy
nerves. Thaes one big reason why so many of us stick to Camels."
news photographer. His
slant: "Camels are al
wayswith meespecially
at the table.Camels help
my digestion to keep
busy architect, says: "lb
my way of thinking, a
man doesn't really know
what honest-to-goodness
natural flavor means un
til he smokes Camels."
By a Specialist
Plies, fissure, fistula, itching, permanently removed. Quick,
positive relief. Latest scientific, mild, safe, proven methods
known. No pain, no cutting, no hospitalization, no toss of
time from work. Many satisfied patients In Klamath and
surrounding country have been given permanent relief. Get
a free examination by a doctor who is especially skilled and
trained to properly diagnotte and treat your rectal ailment&
731 Main Rt. Chiropractic Physician Phone 404W
GOOD 110U0111
Whether you take your whiskey straightor in cock-
tails or highballs, you will like WINDSOR. Mild
and straightand now two years old. Try it tonight!
on earth as cheap ae a counter
feit church member."
"Truth Is nometimea the moat
uncomfortable thing In the
"The harvest of wild oats will
be as Imre as God Almighty
"Thera is no law in this
country I hope there never will
be although it looks sometimes
as though there would be; if so,
I hope the Supreme Court knocks
It out---there's no law in this
country that compels a farmer
to sow what he doesn't want to
sow. And there's no law that
compels a young man to sow
wild oats, either."
"Sometimes the things we
know beat, we know the least."
"You can get lower than any
thing else, but you can never
get lower than the modern dance
Go down as low as you possibly
can, and it will be lower still."
NATMAL Dttruzzas Pao Ducts CORPORATION, Nay" Yam N. 1 t. 90 PROO
ED GRAM, gym In.
structor, says: "Camels
set me right and that
takes in a lot of angles.
I can smoke all I please
without getting Jangled
business girl, speaks for
a good many stenogra
phers when she says:
"Camels have everything
I like a cigarette to
dio engineer, notices
what cigarette the stars,
like: "Camels seem the
favorite. I smoke Cam.
els. They don't make
my throat feel scratchy."
Duck stamp sales from the
Klamath postoMee totaled $1860
up to noon Wednesday. accord
DO ARIEnocat IFEEns ammo
In to an announcement troll
Burt Hawkins. postmaster.
The stamps sell at $t sack
and are obtainable from tha post.
office or from the major sport
ing goods stores of the City.
Several of the sporting goods
stores buy stamps in lots of
or 25 in order to have them on
hand for the convenience of their
0011.011L1 TEACCOS 11 11 CAROM a c?
Two hows-.."Jach Oaks. Collette" and , Ardr'of"....."'
Benny Goodman's "Swing School "in one fast. I , ,-
funfilled hour. On the air every Tuesday night at
9:30 ism E.S.T., 8: 30 pm CS.T.. 7:30 pm ht.S.T.. h
WO pm P.S.T.. over WABC,Colurabia Netwotiu
Camicht LIM. J itstuldo Islam (now. Whowilako, 4711;111
THE IR Egliza 1111,11 le
; Mrs. ountry I hope there never will -- - -
Mrs. Jensen, Momedale ,
although it looks sometimes
t, 226 Kant Main
332 North 'treat; Tent Mra.
as though there would be; if so,
venberg, h
I hope the Supreme Court knock:, RECTAL DISEASES
eat; Mrs, Chamberlain, 317
it out--there's no law in Oil
rth Ninth
0 Crescent a strevenue; Mrs. et; Mrs. McKim, country that, compels a farmer E2LAMINATION FREE .
3 Cal.
Pelican "It to sow what he doesn't want to
r, y.
sow. And there's no law that . By a Specialist
Plies, fissure, fistula, itching, permanently removed. Quick,
Rayburnisms ' wcoirdpeolalts,aelythoeurn.1
man to sow
positive relief. Latest scientific, mild, sale, proven method;
known. No pain, no cutting, no hospitalizadon, no toss o
- "Sometimes the things we time from work. Many satisfied patients in Klamath and
"God, make us sensible in re- know beat, I
know the least." surrounding country have been given permanent relief. Get
Ion as in other things!" a free examination by a doctor who is eapecially skilled and
"You can get lower than any- trained to properly diatploos and treat your rectal oilmen te.
"There's a bawl room at the thing else, but you can never DR. O. H. MATHER
Baby ter Ian church for babies." get lower than the modern dance 731 afain St. Chiropractic Physician Phone 404W
Go down as low as you possibly
"There isn't any counterfeit can, and it will be lower still." L,. -
. '
, - 1
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Whether you take your D s o 1 ti n. Mild c cock-
k -4 -
straightor lviN
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i , . ,.,
and straightand now two years old. Try t tonight!
-:', f : :'., ......;:.
WIN 1BO :!:::,:,:i
.4 URBON ,,,,:,.,,:,,.
4:4., a's.
- 70 PINT .
,, t $ it
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NATMIAL Dttrzuzas PitoDucts COBIONATION, Nal" Yoga. N. It. 90 MOO .
II L'I Ukkild tit 16. , at , :, l'''..':-.: .s ' i
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Camichu Ion. I. J. itstuldo Islam (now. Whom-Won, Slortli ---. . . 1
, 4 1
Camel spends MILLIONS
Camels aro a matchless blend of finer.. AllIN ,f'
Turkish and Domestic. ')Mllk
-N;t, Sdi 7 ;'
. , 1 ,'. k- ;', , '''' '
e. T ,i, ,.ttith, ,,,,,w:. , :NO ';,., ' 4
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