7 October BO, 1937 JUNIOR CHOIR SET TO SING AT SERVICES Saturday night at I:30 et Om Rayburn tallernacle the junior choir, composiol et children front the third grade through the sixth grade, was to ping twin. Lea Saturday nimbi they gave quite a number of interesting wings. One ospeetelly attractive ails singing the books of the ilitile. the chorus numbers, they had Nov ara! nolo', genie solo oblignies 1 1 with the chortle nod other riling feat urea. Friday night it large audience again welcomed the evangelist as be spoke on "VII). Do the Irked l'rotopert" Miley polite Ocoldo were prepoint and quite n II II II Iuur of Ow with 'Wenn, name 34 all, went fereard, It with "Church night," end all (Jr the participating churches were well represented, although litany from the outside, even some from a distance, were present. There 'ore vialtors from Citiloquin, from Manta Peso and some atilt further :em home. A young mum and his wife, the former irom 'foxes and the latter from Albuquerque, N. Id.. wore introduced as converts trOni their hom towns in years past. They were givess opporiun Ity to testify. Sunday morning Dr. itityburn le to begin the service at lo:30 the morning in order that the en tire 'sermon may be broadcast over the local ignition. 1(F.111. Those who cannot attend aro Invited to tune in la I I 0.0Itlekt W111,11 IIIU tabernacle service trove on Diu air. )Sunday morning Dr. Rayburn will speak on '",rhe Scope of the Kingdom." Title is considered ono of his areatuat addresaca. With reference to title, the evangelist requiting: "I want your prayers for this sonnets end for all the Sunday servicue. I want Sunday to be a areat day la Klamath Fails." In the monittig at the First Mo tion church at 11:15, all Chrietian people who can do so are request ed to be in attendunce at an early prayer meeting, ululating Josue himself, who "rope a great white before day to pray." Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock, In the Kininath temple, the young people of the various churches will meet ha a lotion service with Rob rt Rayburn as the leader. Sunday evening at 1:30 in the tabernacle. Dr. Rayburn will speak on "Confessing Christ." A nursery la maintained at the First Presbyterian churcit for all the evening meeting's, and will' be open for the Sunday services both morning god evening. This is to et permit mothers of email children to attend the meetings In coffort and also is intended to prevent dis traction of the autlitioce during the sermon. MI mothers bring ing their children are earnestly requested to take advantage of this arrangement. Some have not done so, anti usually at the crit 'Mai time the children become rest less. Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the store meeting tor men will be held in Walgreon's drug liter, cor ner of Alain and Seventh streets. On Tuesday from noon to 13:20 p. to. a shop meeting will bo bold at Kentertion's mill. This illeting will be in the open air near the dry kilns. Wednesday at 11:45 in the morning, an open-air shop meet ing will be held at the Weyerhaeu per plant. All of the shop meet ings have been enthuniatitically re ceived. This was especially true at Kosterson's and Weyerhaeus er's. Dr. Rayburn will give his blackboard talk at this time. It is urged that all men who can 11, possibly do so will attend these great meetings. Last night Dr. Rayburn spoke on the text. "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment." He sold in part: "I could go all over this country from north to south and from total , to weat and would not find a sin ale person who would disbelieve the.firat part of my text. "There may be 1101110 who claim to disbelieve in the latter part of the text, but tied mays that the . judgment Is coming. Wo can't cut. down through tho text nod any this part Is right and that part, is not true. There aro two univermal experi ences in human life. One is birth and the other Is death. I no not know who you 'limo, but 1 know that some time. Rome whore you were born, and some day you will die. Tot In spite of this great statement of UOtt himself in my text. men live as though there would be no judgment. It is be cause they take vertigo in lies." Rayburnisms I "A iot of poonto Aro moved vaatly more by prejudice than by prinelple." a a "Bin la a joke at ha begin ning. Sin la quite a different thing in its clotting chapter." a a 4. "Every propomition the Bible Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed end Purse Klamath Funeral Home 928 iligh fn. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward. Marmon,. pule up to (IN is fair, sensible and reasonable." "Th0 devil didn't ant a It Min MINIM but au Domain to betray thrint. The once( that ItetritY pow today are In (he church of (hrint," I "It IN 1)ONNI110 to be filled with the HO or to be filled will( the devil. There are 'chil dren of Mei' and 'ehildron of the devil.' The one hundred and twenty were 'ell filled with the lily Hpirit' at Pentecost, Peter anti! to Minnie and napphira, 'Hnian filled thy heart to lie to (he Holy Spirit'," "Satan, Instead of the Hob' ppirit, only at time, fill church 1111,111110110 "141111 warns lest church of. firers 'full into reproach and the snore of the devil.' Where does Homo ant his trap? Not In a soloon or In a gambling house. Those ore already his captive's, lio mete his trap in the church. If lie con trop the church mem ber,. nod hotter than that, an or. ricer, nod best of all, preacher, how he con scandalize the church." I "Solon's bolt may be perfectly ail right. A piece of rheum on a piece of apple pie Is good, but cheese In a mounetrop is danger. mut for the motion. Honey On bleculte le delirious, hut honey iii it heur (rep is mighty danger owl for the.heor." Raton uses things inntliOnt In themenives to intoner, the unwary." I expect it ',roaches to hit se some sense whether anyone else has or not." "It Is just so much hersy to dlobelloso in a perilousl devil as co dishollo In a oorstmal Huy lor." "The works of Ratan are Joel ns patent as the works of God." "The Bible apes It s of the depths of titan and the heights of God." "James eommands us to submit otirisOlifo to God, but to resist the devil," "What are you to do when the devil roars? Why, just let him roar. Some Christians get seared at his roar." "If you don't believe in a per sonal devil, you resist him for a little while, and you'll believe In him." "Don't let the devil nave any place In your business, your re ligion (Jr In your social life." "A lot or people can't WI the difference between sophistry and straunient." - "A Christian Ought to be the sante kind of a Christian on Thursday afternoon at the coun try club as on Sunday in church." "The finest dancers I have ever seen in my life were harlots. and I have seen some of the finest. Dancing is the darling diversion of houses of prostitution." "A thing that is born in her lotry is loved by harlots and practiced by harlots has no place in a Presbyterian home or a Methodist home or the homes of any denomination." "A thing that la popular In the underworld should not be popular in a Christian home or in a Christian church." "A man is known by his tools. You can tell a blacksmith or carpenter or a farmer by his tools. The spotted card is the recognized tool of the gambler anywhere and everywhere in the world." Some say, 'you can gamble with anything. Yes.' but they don't. You go into a gambling house and suggest 'Rook' or 'Monopoly' and they will laugh 01 you." "You can make harm out of anything. There's no harm in II thing unless you put harm in It, that'a sophistry. That's not logic, yet that is the common defense of things questionable." "What is the intrinsic moral difference between winning a silver card tray at Mrs. High brow's and a silver dollar in a Jackpot at 25 cents anty at flinty Moore'a with the gang? rho winners both use the same tools." "Why don't they gamble with di ices ? Because se ch is pure science and the best player wins." It is estimated that nearly half of Um 28,000.000 vehicles In use in the United States today lack safety glass, tour wheel brakeR and other modern aatety features. HEADING ON 11800 HEI.0 AT LAKE VIEW LAKIIIVIICW, Ore.The LOW flotations hoerd hearing against the Crane Creek Lumber company came to a close here Frit! ity. The circuit court room hen been Jam med the laid three days with large delegetions from Willow ranch because of the unusual amount of interest from that community In the case. The federal 'government endeavored to prove that certain employes had been discharged be cause of their effort. to sponsor the CIO while the testimony of the WitlICNION for the lumber company tended to deny the charges. Investigators for the Labor Ito Wiens board and for the CIO are now buy in Lakeview gathering evidence in support of the com plaint which the CIO has melte against all of the Lakeview mills wherein the CIO claims that local mills refaced to sign with their union. The CIO lealso attacking the Lake County Association of Loggers and Mill Workers. it the present Cl() charges ma terialise the community will prob ably he kept in a turmoil for about six. weeks while all the charges are being threshed out. President A. J. Callaghan of the Lake County Association of Loggers and Mill tVorkers. an in corporated union, stated today that his union now has working agreements with the liesard Lum ber company and with the Lake view Pine Lumber company. and that the form of contract is the typo of contract being used in Pacific Coast sawmilla where the American FO daritt1011 of Labor is the bargaining agency. The re lationship between the local CIO 1111110n and the local independent union has been very cordial the past few weeks and members of both groups have been co-operating very harmoniously in the Lake county wooden box campaign. MODE SHOP SOLO TO PARTNERSHIP Announcement was made Sat urday of the purchase of the Mode Shop. S35 Main street. by Mrs. Mabel Hunsucker and Mrs. Nellie ilartholf. The former owner, Bertha Bertsch, has operated the Mode Shop in Klamath Falls for the iota 18 year.. Mrs. Hunsucker la well known in this city. having been with La Pointe'a for about fly years and with Adrienne 'a for the hat two years. Mrs. Bartholf has recent ly come to Klamath Falls from Eureka, Cal. The new proprietors 'aid Sat urday the shop will be closed sev eral days for remodeling and will re-open Thuntday with all new fall merchandise. SAD MISTAKE UNION. S. C.---(TP)--A police man asked a merchant here to repark hie car, but the tradesman found it locked and couldn't lo cate the key. He ordered a locksmith to make a key. had the machine washed and greased. filled with gas and MI and reparked. Then the real owner got in and drove away. apparently unaware of what had happened. "It looked exactly like mine." the merchant lamented. SAFE AND SANE LINCOLN. Nob. (AlComes forth the Lincoln American Leg ion post with a solution of the Hallowe'en problem. It 'will sponsor a city-wide children', partyto keep them out of mischief. The Lincoln rec reation board and other civic or ganizations will assist. Horses are able to go tor months without lying down. Na ture provides them with a muscu lar mechanism that allows the animal Ao.rest his logs while re maining on them. BALLOON DANCE at K. C. HALL Saturday, Oct. 30 Celebrating Mooseheart Founder's Day FINANCE SERVICE If yeu eeetemplate the ant skate et a new er need eat ea a stetted payment haste, me as. We are In rattles Se ambit yea ht wearing the tiusaelat es mut taterabis tem& 01 CA Worn, Os, alCsotissine Polley WM Soso You Appesstinstoely OS Os Your swam) Cost. rua DE GLAD TO DMZ YOU 7t5gi& Pro Marge ter Ilde Beryl D. E. Pearce, District Manager Phone 1402 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Stock Market Quotations NM 'YORK, Oct. 30 (iP)An apathetie stock market today Ken tilted backward, although a number of Items managed to con test the trend with modest ad vences. Dealing,' were comparatively slow from the start with the tick er tape seldom pressed in its re cording work. While selling was not particu larly urgent, it was aufficient to shake down many leaders frac tions to a point or more. Steels skidded from the etart nnother drop in mill operations at Pittsburgh and other centers was forecast. Al the canto time some observers thought activities In this field may now be scraping bot tom. - Chrysler pointed higher follow ing yesterday's favorable dividend action, although the company's earning statement was a bit under Wall street's calculations. With most foreign markets closed, there was no inspiration from that quarter. The usual weekend cashing In of profits and evening up of accounts, brokers said, contributed to the sluggish performance. Transfers were in the neighbor. hood of 700.000 shares. Today's closing quotations: Air Reduction 571 Allied Chemical & Dye 1531 Allied Htores I If American Can 94 American & Foreign Power 51 A. T. & T. 1541 American Tob. B 13 American Water Works 13 Anaconda Copper 311 Armour Illinois Atchleon, T. & S. F. 42 Aviation Corp. 41 Baltimore at Ohio 141 itartiodall Int liendix Aviation 131 Bethlehem Steel 55i Boeing Air 241 Briggs Mfg. 304 Budd d tg 6g Callahan Z-I, 2 Calumet & Hecht Cadadien Pacific 81 Case. J. C. 104 i Styling as different as it is beautiful, for this bigger looking, better-looking low priced car. Smoottpowerfulpositive the safe brakes for modem travel giving maximum motoring protection. WITH SHOO(PROOP STORING) So safeso comfortable so different i ; i "the worlds finest ride." MON DAINTY MASS Ail, MOUND) Larger interiorstighter, brighter colonand Unisteel construction, making each body a fortress of safety. Giving the most efficient combination of power, econ omy end dependability. Giving protection against drafts, smoke, windshield clouding, and assuring each passenger Individually cow trolled ventilation. Caterpillar Tractor 62 CO IlinaillO 28 Certain-Toed Cheaapeuke & Ohio 40 Chrysler Motor 76 Columbia (has & Electric 91 Commercial Investment Tr 49e Commercial Solvent Commonwealth & Southern 2e Connolidated Edison 26 Consolidated Oil 11 corn Product's be Curtiss Wright 4 Du Pont & De N. 1251 Electric Auto bight 25e Deneral Electric 43 General roods 331 General Motors 43 Goodyear Tires 261 Great Northern phi. 30 Hudson Motor 91 Illinois Central 13 Insp. Copper 13 International liarventer 781 International Nickel Can 47e International P. & P. pfd 53e I.T.&T. 71 Johns Manville 85 Kennecott Con. Copper 37 Libbey-O-Ford 48e imew's 64 Monty Ward 444 :';.ash Kolvinator 131 National Biscuit 22A National Meiners 241 National Power & Light 81 New York Central 21i North American 21 Northern PaCitie 15 Packard Motor 6 Penney, J. C. 81 l'enn It. II. 24 Phillips Petrolennr 471 Pressed Steel Car 10 Pullman Co. 321 Radio Corp. b Remington Rand 151 Republic Steel 21 Reynolds Tob. B 47 e Hearn Roebuck 701 Union 191 Southern can Edison 20 Southern Pacific 22 Standard Brands 9 Standard Oil California 34 Standard Oil New Jersey 531 Studebaker Corp. 8 Superior Oil 3 Texas Corp. 46 lexas 'Gulf Sulphur 323 Timken Det Axel 151 Trans-America 12 Union Carbide 80 Union Pacific 99 United Airlines 9 e United Aircraft 20 United Corn. 31 ; United Airlines sit United Aircraft Iff4 United Corp. WMM'MWMMt.IM.M11 EARS THE SYMBOL la LOCKE PA United Ilan Imp. 111 U. H. Rubber 31 k U. S. Steel 83k Wa 'worth i 82 Western Union 326 Westinghouse Electric 106I White Motor 131 Woolworth 412 -- Closing Curb Quotations Cities Service 2k Electric Bond & Share 112 EGON'S TURKEY PRODUCTION FALLS Oregon turkey growers expect to market some 700,000 birds this year, as compared with 800,000 In 1936, preliminary estimates prepared by extension specialists at 0.8.C. show. Seventy per cent of these are expected to go to out-of-state markets. It generally pays to market top-grade birds, growers have found, even though that requires several killing periods. It is well to withhold all feed for 24 hours before killing, and to cool car casses to 40 degrees as quickly as possible. South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. I 30 (AP-USDA)--Hogs, receipts! for five days, 4825 head. Com pared with last Friday: Butchers closed 70c lower, lowest in more than two years; late top and bulk good to choice 180 to 220 lb.. butchers, 19.05, week's top 1960 early; late sales. lights and light lights, S8.55 to 18.80. Cattle, receipts for five days, 1900 head. Compared with last Friday: Steers very irregular, closed mostly steady to weak; me dium to good she stock largely 50c down, lower grades steady to fully 25c lower; bulls steady to weak; medium to good, 860 to 1075 lb.. fed steers, 18.25 to 19.25; good s fed yearlings. $9.00 to 19.25; me dium 945 to 1210 lbs. steers off !met-tops, $8.25 to $8.50; bulls, 16.00 down. Calves, receipts for five days. 225 head. Compared with last Friday: Steady; two loads medi um 238 lb.. Nevada range calves, $750; good to choice venters ab sent. quoted at $9.00 to $10.00. Sheep. receipts for five days, 3150 head. Compared with lalt Friday: Lambs irregular, closed mostly steady to 25c lower; ewes active, strong; actual lamb top, 59.75, one deck good 79 lbs. Cali fornia woolskins, sorted 10 per cent; other good 74 to 88 lbs. wooled lambs. 59.00 to $9.50: me dium grades, $8.50 to $9.00; slaughter ewes, 54.00, moderately sorted medium grades at $3.00. OLD STORY, NEW TWIST JOLIET. III. (.4) It cost James Lend. a tavernkeeper, MOO in savings to learn all con fidence men aren't in jail. Three strangers promieed him $20 for each MO he could produce. He produced $7200 which the trio locked in a trunk, or so Lend thought. In due time Lend open ed the trunk to discover his funds had been replaced with a package of stage money appropriately labeled "phony mazuma." Gas masks for British babies. Italy gives them guns. I. l DUE TO GASTRIC HYPERACIDITY Tender and inflamed, scorched by acids. btun fag with pain, gnawing appetite, but such a penalty paid for gratifying it I . , g 1What a picture! And how unnecessary, thanks to 1. VON'S PINK TABLETS zr- No magic about ititst common sense know. ;ri how worys of relieving human suffering that VON'S MIK TABLETS quickly demmutat& Nat , CO sato at Drug Stores. Call at our afro or 1,. WRITTEN ouARAInu MAIL COUPON lmt etookiet FOR SAN FRANCISCO VON CO. Faun.' and Market Streak, Suite 0t 'tent. KY. San Franc Men. Calif. (Ind ly tend FREE BOOKLET, "THE PROBLEM ofo HE SUFFERER: &scribing your horns treatment and nformation about Guarantee. Vann) ....... ..... ---"- tddress City , ekt ON MASTER DE LUX ''''''' E , 77, - - , MODELS OW e ' ''''''''''''"""''' "' ' ,:-''' Aprin. I 7:0, . r -,,, tINZI - .0, --- I ::'-'alL'."'"-'17 77'-'"..1 Or ,I1t - 4"N4,,.,, plo ODERH VALVE- N ENGINE COMMIT "You'll be ahead with a CHEVROLET!" You'll be ahead in stylebeauty-- smartnesswith this bigger-looking, better-looking low-priced carl "You'll be ahead with a Cherroletr That's the enthusiastic verdict of more and more people as they see, drive and cont. pare the new 1938 'cars. And we believe it will be your verdict, too, when you consider all the exclusive extra values this beautiful new Chevrolet brings to you. You'll be ahead in stylecomfortsafety. And you'll also be ahead in oil-round economy, for Chevrolet's famous lialrein-Head Engine uses less gas and oil, and operates with a minimum of upkeep. See your nearest Chevrolet dealer today for a thorough demonstration of Chevrolet superiority. alEvRomr MOTOR DIVISION.General Motors Sates Corporatiors. DETROIT, MICHIGAN General Motors Installment Phutmonthly paymetts to snit your purse. 4 General Moeors Value. Klamath Falls, Ore. PAGE SEVEN WHEAT REGISTERS GAINS NEM CLOSE CHICAGO, Oct. 30 C11----After fluctuating nervously most of the session, wheat prices rose to small fractional gains before the close today. The market wag pulled up in sympathy with a strong advance at, Winnipeg, where prices were around two cents higher at one stage. Frost in Argentine and overnight export sales of around 400,000 bushels of North Ameri can wheat, including 160,000 bushels of Pacific coast grain counted on the bullish aide. But buying power in Chicago lagged. Trade gossip that some domestic No. 3 mixed wheat had been sold to Spain was noted. Wheat closed ic off to ic high er compared with Fridays finish, December 963c to 962c, May 96c to 961c, and corn was ic to down, December 670 to 613c, May 691e to 6910. Oats were el down to ic The United States is the lead. hi ,on producing country et the world. A kii V i lk hi 1M .4, , A". ilk ' fl 1,1 " ol It I 01, Att itt As0 Aft 010 :. 0.4 . . itt .At Ell rft WOW :7 Ofi 0.4 lo ,t A..b itV ei .4 ',tat vA 'In lls vow I" 10 .1 I.t )10, 4 16. 6111 I , 0 a t NMI SHOOLPROO, STORING) PE So safeso comfortable .VI, k "You'll be ahead with a Chevroletr That's the enthusiastic 10 i i "the wodd's aTACT10 verdict of more and more people as they see, drive and corn. to different ; pare the new 1938'cars. And we believe it will be your , .... - Fined ride:' '44. verdict, too, when you consider all the exclusive extra values o i1- ,,t , ' t this beautiful new Chevrolet brings to you. (WON WITT GLASS AIL 1'7 A ' ,-- You'll be ahead in stylecomfortsafety. And you'll a .. AROUND) A.I ',ill N also be ahead in all-round economy, for Chevrolet's famous ,1 Larger Interiorslighter, ,,N, . Tralrein-Head Engine uses less gas and MI, end operates with . !'''-'' 'Jr' s:.'1 brighter colonand Unisteel AL TEE BOOK ' ,,,3,4 a minimum of upkeep. See your nearest Chevrolet dealer bk ... ..,, 4 .'.tk3:irft rtr ". construction, making each s - ' today for a thorough demonstration of Chevrolet superiority. t.,, .i. n , ss body a fortre of safety. --,,. , , N .., - 4, r, czENTRomr MOTOR DIVISION.GenerstMotors SdesCorporation, IV' , -, DETROIT, MICHIGAN .... , . ..., f:' '.7t i 4- ' I I Giving the most efftdent VALVE- N EA Genera: Motors Installment Planmoot poyntatts to suityearporse. 9 ,,' -- 1 -, A General Motors Value. AA, ' combination of power, soon- it , ,-..",--,. ,, ..,,,,,,- ,,,,, , ,,,, ,,, , ,, .., , ,,, omy end dependability. ENGINE ,..i,...., ,-,-.,,,,.,,,, ,,., ,,,., . Ar ,,e ,,..s,,-,,,, . NIV 1(4' ,,,t)...' l''' '' ,,,, ,,, . -:. Giving protection against - ovam.. i .,',, : s- ' ' "' drafts, smoke, windshield - J4 I, ISNEUMIRAI .-9. ,, ,-,t.'':,' - , . clouding, and assuring each passenger Individually coo. VENTILAT ON , ,,,1 - ' ,.,.', CZ trolled ventilation. , C , f.:: .,4611, .,..:: '.. :" ON NAVE DE WU ,, .,,,,, ,,,,,)6,,,,a,' ' . ,r),i, ,.,, MODELS ONLY ft 0 . I 7:t Lr"-"' 0 ,.. Ite: 1 iamo...' k ----- 1 : ,7"....1.111"....7."."""......"' fl".'' ,, ',',,,,, li,...i.. ',Ste" L ' 1) ' ', N..:''4 , , , . . , L ,'...;.0'......nn.,0'...,.... . " .. ''',' . '. .: . 0 . , 1. . . .. 0 . , . . , . , ' . , , ' ' ......:' '" ', .0.4 . 'N ,.11111.00.1".'..:00 ' ' ''' 1 's , .... '.. inolones......ilino47.3KI, , '.''' '.4"? : mom .....4400.. , . ''. 00,4 ..,..,..,. loy, r.......71 ;..... , .,:. '.' .,..." , ,..,. : . 0 -,, ,, , i. , , ft- ciiiiillEvrt 0 11,EirNag eAP THAT 60 COMPLET a71 " 4 tt 4 -....I1 IF-, ,eb ,,oca -, (9, ..,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,..N YEA . RS THE SYMBOL i. n . r.n...........nn..-1 i , , , , gi , MODERN MODE ERFEC ED BRALI IC BRA CS , , ----;----------------..s No rnagie about itfist common sense know. .... how ways of relieving human guttering that '1471- VON'S PIM TABLETS quickly demonstrate.. No4 ow t on sao at Drug Stores. Call at our office or- .., ,-; YN ""urrtm HAIL COUPON 1 .st ty WARANTEE C. FOR MS legiCikkt ' I SAN FRANCISCO VON CO. Ntellie Ilaildiaa, Fourth and Mirka, Street. Suite 110a S I 'Mai. KY. San Frionelaca. Calif. i i ris Iindly send FREE BOOKLET, "THE PROBLEM ofo , 9 HE SUFFERER: &scribing your horns treatment and vc4 nformation about Guarantee. ...fe, , Varna ....... -------------- .... -. ..... ......... I it tddreas City t ) ),-4 .. ----- i ''' tsTomAcHauccERSt DUE TO GASTRIC HYPERACIDITY Tender and inflamed, scorched by adds btun big with pain, gnawing appetite, but ouch a penalty paid tor gratifying it I . What a picture! And how unnecessary, thanks to ' laserr sl61rAttt VON'S PINK TABLETS . 11 ' gti Aar. ,or., ,10 w op 0TOR