t 4, k 1 September 24, 1 937 HACKILORE DEER Elli IIETING SET 10.111(1111 of Oil HIrlinct Inuit IIiiI hill of lion ilm or I in nt Finn on I ito ol lour Soul horn I nil. I I' le 1'11..00 of way mono tiIIKII lieu doer iiil ry non I It of w ill btu livo ninon! lion ilinininnoil at Sul w rotiforinien u I moor.. I 'CC en nip. 'rho iu by i ho loll iui.iI rontiot won pull pr lb., f shown clincit.10 vi.11.1.,111.11,t illit ligielitt loll, VIII Iii I 111,1 contour vit ion Int pt, ill II road noun, Mimi N1111,11 iiippI Wilithr,1 rropil Plitlett if I he ?Mitt 1111, l'imoomoy r I is o proploonl r hit limos in lito Imo.. II lor for el owl' by I It, 1111114,ln hilt, I ho h. va lonin arca In I w 1111 or mot ttltilliK. I I.itt y bmn I Ito door Im MI14 t ronit from lb. animal', 1111111111g f hi I roin I rit Inn situ! cram!' ing into p Ito barrio... Itionoval of I Ito op w in It is loullevoct, w III ma Ito II outf.r for tho ilinur to Jul nip I Ito w Him III, oltrilois PIt oi hi ritniltt vt ill pptpIp II vante It, tivi, Pulpit lie Iker. w how wild w fl It 'HEM. tail t neo I ho lottriwit PS lull ii,t,I ittut 1111 o lettrett 111,11 I hey eon hi canny lona. ' porlill initIont of In. Sacra inetil et di Intim of Ili.. Siwit howl' Pod I is will at tend t necording Hitipt. 1.y. ionvria ry of t ho rioto anmoclit Ion. A u II inhor il road loon from hop.. Ittg i ruin Ilion who hilVit Witrittti he All it tam lino and , It lionionl I Ito lloor iloal Its ,It.itg I hal lino, a rt. om ported to iit tend. 'raw I lama! It con lily council of lromon 11ollito f odors' Ion, ho lout It Sporininoti's iit0111. 1110 rt unit ormn noun ions boi o will at !Inv 1.010..1441ra, w 111,h w ill emu I Ii,, Into ittl.uviliont am! ovotilim itiblit ion It, t ho winter item It et deer. I Ii,, contourtuon Pt Ill 1111.11101 !hilt 11001 tved MUSS' 111,111 Itt 11011111rti 1,1114,) ntt,I north. otit Modioe 1,1111111uS HMI tIm o prol IMAe,1 y litirk Ina cla I on lit 1101111,4 It Citlifortint aunt I Irogoil. BUTTE VALLEY Paul M. tlootiwin n itti r. 1 1 it rry Ittlititall a I I viiiitti t he primly:tin' HMI 1,i1111te Ot 1 lug or this Klotooth-81.klyou Athletics IIMP0111111011 at Klamath Fitil.4 on Veductiday (Ivo. fling of this week. 'rho !mit itItin will play 1114 so,cotol anion or the mullion at Mt. 8111114111 ma ritla, tienteitilwr 21. The letigno will hold its annual picnic lit Nitiorti park 1 Initial it Falls. on Friday after. noon. ilia contest,. between clans., and mode:ills aro or great intereni thin week. Each class is strug g ling for iho highest percentaao of student hotly card holder. among its member... At present . dm mento.i tiro in the lead with he fresh Mehl winning it (logo The victorious clans ill be awardell a hog i'hOrOilli VS. Til. contest close next Monday. September 27. stiolooln aro busy writing I1l11 W h 101 Will Chver their tenting to victory. 'rho author of thio bent "yell" will receivo the oriro or a Hi 11111.11i 1)04 Clint. 1 BEATTY 4 MATEY Rev. II. V. Drat! show and Prof. and Airs. IJ1)),1 Seeley attended the roception for the Illy teachers held at Illy ittht Thu Htlity. Air. and Mrs. Vernon Wall of Salem, spent tho latter part of last werk as p.1114418 of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilarrison of the Sycan slam John Simmons of tho 8111111,ml Moro spent tho woekend lit Klam ath Falls. Doctor Sala W110 hatl 111011 mei molly III at his home lit Pluto camp is slowly recovering. Prank Schmitz of the 'testily Nt1)10 Wati a Klamath tootle visitor on Monthly. Dan Driscoll of the Smut Moro guest at 1110 home of hia daughter. Wm. Ern Glean itt 1101111aZa. 110 enjoyed it visit With Ids sister. Mrs. Jack Montt. pey, Had her son of Marysville. The Cantilever Man Is Coming Monday, Tuosday, Sept. 27-28 Mr. I. I. Stewart The Cantilever export, will be in our store for two days with the biggest and best line of Conti lover shoos wo have ever shown. New boautiful styles. Throe experionced shoe fitters to help you with yout foot problems. Adrienne's Shoe Dept. ralittel ON, Iip 'ohI VIIIiIIM 114, On 11114 011 M0111110, iIn noplioW uml JoilliNfin 4.1 N1111)140111,, rnnionin. Ink 1 I In 1,11rirr it Yuba emtlity um! Ails, 14niti Him iii1 111 111.01 y clay 1.1111Ing fill John I v litoutir 14littillor It siNtioNt, Alliffilol vlorall, iiii Inv; rontiOnlino 1,1 81111O 1ConollOrg 11. I. '111roll ft wan n. livit I), VilinOr mmii TnondilY A rl Imp Illilmy, III ly room Villifittm, N. IL, Omit oNI nt I Ito Boni t y mmmlii itti Sunday. J.1111 811111111111H, In I( lama Falk Writ lit.' wiqk1141 wII It lwr parPHIN. - ORIN AS MISHAP The death of Clarinda Int 11 Tuncr AppoINTEg mig gn Hilo I 1101AIS UN l in aeridentoo . Although otrieern spill Friday that tho iliti still possessed soup, TO 13110GET BOAllg I hey 1 ',greed that definite eviitelleo iil ! bolting that would lead to any I heory loll II II accident, The litamath Indian woman Lay member,' or the emu'', bud fell from it ear driven by her get eolitillitino are Alfred Collier. lather. Ed hall. in the Shady I Iteetier anti (, A. )1unnell. l'itio (I iht Efri and ili)ol of a I was appointed by Conn ! fraeliireil ly Judo. (lo: ilrizzle. 1(eetier (' go 1-lantern.. 'isrousiii In. by Commismnitier V. F. II. rhos. Ilion, was IllillIg willi her 111 tho stint Collier by Commissioner Roy bark seal of Om car PIM before 'faller. till. mishap Tlie board will (steel ()ember 1,1 Distrirt Attorney IL C. Mark- for a preliminary session and ex oiler said that investigators bail !wets to finish the budget on 0, found that Nits Lang tool Berlina lolor 1,1 11114 15. Isaacs. 11110t her 1111111in wownit, hail been ill tOIVII C.0.11,014 t" OCCUPANTS SUFFER ittiotti tt mom. tit, tott,t that op- liarently they dill not attend a mlNoR IN juRiEs show. toot who', tho two to, root.' till. W1.111111, with NI ra. AS CARS COLLIDE 1.too: In an intoxicated rotolition. they ilerided to &Ivo them home Occupants or bOt II ,;1114 XX ern III III" 'lir Nirlt. 'mug. ill,' to ratelled anti braiseel in an lulu proseent or said. nsserleilly totwlit (lent !war Malin involving autos savagely III tho bark meat before driven by Harvey le. Volker ate! leaving Ole ear. Laura E. Paulsen. aerriling ill 1 ORR TO SPEAK ON SUNDAY WORSHIP LANG CASE CUES Our Special Representative Will Be At Dirpct From the Fur Market with a Complete Showing of the Very Latest Styles in Fur Coats and Neck Pieces Buy Your Coat On pur Easy Payment Plan CIIIIII TO HEAD PETAIL CLEIIKS TNI A, rlirr hliti b.11111.1,01111.,1 ollitling.qr lit th., 10,t HU Cli Him Prw 1110''', 1.',I vio liniviyit ;10to., , Hon 11,11., iffl illit ' 11..11 MI'Vliig 10 Kern, litry it ii il ' irelinorer. II e 11. , will ink. f)yol t' - to.i I ii0 hill iesm 1ltli.! POP or lomiti11;111- t '10,11g,1. 1,)11,1ily, loO t,,.. ' clirr wiol alt !!f., 1 politied by tile rilrilf ,,,, 0 : tIii Hilo Notlipt igo,t,im 1 1,1:iti , or Carl Ilerg- At .,, , pori, --.tor 0,",,,i 41 .,1 ,,,,hii,.p., rip. NI., lamt week here. Ile IK one ot I lie few per mom' in !own who liayo belonged to I, retail rierloi. union. The loollitemil :minaret wilt' for merly it illi Ila rdeolirooks. 11111111,AI its ittoloollitett hy r01111- ly .tiola ;w go I ;fizzle. Hootler by room boiloorr V. F. It. l'iooto and rollir by rononiaalooer Roy Taber. t, 1.8.1 will (htobor for a ry PO101101i and ,X lopetti to Ittlimh 1110 budget on Oa obor I 11114 15. rbseutot tits or both ,;114 era $ tratelle.1 anti bruised in an aci dnt near NIallti involving anion 11.11,on hy Itiirvey F. Volker and Laura E. Pan lt,ett, ;terminal.: to a report 01..4 with the 0101111. V. I Iletwoot reported hitting a dog lit Pleamant iw. Jane Epley reported that the car alte was ttriving tartich a row In the Antonini' tliatriet. 'rho iinitiutl V at, tittliart. Dkon if ltenton. Va,11., and Mrs. .1. Vivito of Palo Alto, w010 11 VI.111 of carpi lii a 'lash near Algtinta-. AM ft special tilltdert to be Ills- motor!. tts01 by !ter. Claretoe Orr. (g Di,,n of IttIttOtt. VV11.41., Or the ittiteitettet itettlist itid mt.,. vhdin or rah, Alto, '11111."1 14"""Y '.. ;iliig III ho. Calif , et tlrhrs of cars lit a "The Otto 'fitotisatol Dollar Text, Nash near Algoma. nr Vity Christ Inns Vorsititi - Stitola)7" The pastor has tonrt. d VIOLATION OF it thorough study of the sithjeo and sometime ago when "One BAsic RuLE IttlititrM' Watt offered for text, he accepted tho challenge, BRINGS $5.45 FINE hot tho challenger refused ItNen to lath to hint Omni the 1.111bil14, johlt V141111111 NIcKit) Wittt ns cuntilig to Rev. ore. $ 5.4 5 remit' when tin in Sunday evening Ito will deal neared in justice court. On ti with the ',object 11101 il tell ex- charge tit violating Ow tniic netly where. toil only tho text is' traffic folintl. toit ill give of least three t;ray.lon Ilroylett and Itny molly where. not only Ott text is- rattle title. found. hut ill glee tit least throe (;rn).lon Ilroy len and Roy lolls. directly Whit the Int' wort, iIiiiIiiIy ehasod. l'hey suhJert found lit the Ni'. '1'esta-111nd not appearort Fritiny niter Illilit noon. Saturday - Monday - Tuesday Special Showing ADRIENNE:S THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORP:GON Salmon Trout 4 to G Iii, averago, loci) r.iI, rich Each 49c flit voi1 coati calight Chickens Lb. 171C 2 No. I milk tett Beef Roasts Lb. 17C Klamath Comity Prime St,!,!r Pork Roasts Lb. 221c OYSterSFamous Coos 1511y, small sized. Veal Roast 3iiik I Veal Steak Tender ciii8 Beef Steak Primo steer Pork Steak Tender young porker Skinned Hams lialf or hole Link Sausage Itsn)s fresh Fruit Juices Not hing in no good to prevent coldu an iota of fruit juices Grapefruit Juice, Del Monte, 12-oz. tins 3 for 25c Pineapple Juke, 46-oz. tins 290 Orange Juice, Libbys Picnic tins 3 for 25o Tomato Juice, Libby or Del Monte, No. 1 tins, 3 for 25t Fregh, tender young pig pork FLOUR Drifted Snow, 49 lb. bag $1.89 Kitchen Craft, 49 lb. bag $1.79 Harvest Blossom, 49 lb. bag $1.69 Sunset Cold, 49 lb. bag $1.39 Anchor Flour, 49 lb. bag $1.39 Lion Flour, 49 lb. bag $1.29 mill sized. Nut 29c lb. 171 1 b 19c 1,1).29c porker I b 25c hole 1,1,32c vsh II,. 2 1c EGGO 013 0 Baking Powder K. C. 25-0z. la" Tin A.716., A reliable and economical baking powder that is a delight to any housewife. Beans California Small Whites 5 ibs. 35c Bake them to a delicious golden brown wit h lots of rich bubbly juice and bits of salt pork or link sausages. Pancake Flour Sperry& 28-oz. Pkg. 23e No breakfast food Is so popular as light delicious pancakes with lots ot butter and maple syrup or Sweet Clover Honey. Shortening Crisco or Formay. 3-Lb. Tin 59c Pure. creamy white vegetable shortening for all cooking or baking purposes, Ladies of the Lutheran h tt r e It will hold , a Cooked Food Salo Slum, dnY. Septetither Ita, in the Safeway Store at 701 Pine St. Swansdown Cake Flour 'r's:g.25c Raisins Libbys Thompson See1less4 It's. 25c Jell Well Pure Fruit Flavors 3 pkgs. Vic Flavoride Your choice of 0 delicious flavors 3 pkgs.10C COFFEE Airway 3 lbs. 49c Nob Hill 2 lbs. 45c Edwards Dependable 2 lb. tin 49c Effective in Klamath Fails, September 25th and 27th Floradale Clear, amber colored honey, delicious on hot biscuits, muffins. toast. ClIEE2213 Lb. n Klamath Full Cream. A mild, creamy cheese that will give a new flavor to sauces, spaghetti, and soups Cabbage New Potatoes U. S. No, I. The best cookers with tho fin eat. flavor aro always Klamath Netted GO 11111 25 Lb. 4, ,6-, Bag 39 Prunes OL ar re gge. ., ilzte. 1 . ..r.u.i , cr.. 59c Apples Gravenateina Box $1.49 Cabbage New Local Lb. 2c Bananas Ripe and Firm 3 lbs. Ille Bell Peppers for Stuffing. Ea. IC Bu. Vegetables 3 bu.10c Green Onions, Carrots, Radishes Smooth, solid meated, uniform to matoes. Hollow out and fill with a shrimp and cabbage salad, for something appetizing and different. 311- 10c Small ExtrasStrictly fresh eggs at a special low price for this week. (g end. The kind you can op poach, boil or fry Aro Doz. 2 Lbs. 3 Dinner Bell. Fine for baking. cooking, frying and an economical spread for bread. Bisquick Sperrys 40-oz. Pkg. 33c For quick biscuits that are light and tender. Graham Crackers N.B.C. 21;1k;b:29c Honey Sweetened. Keep a supply of these healthful crackers on hand for, lunches and after school snacks. Brooms Select 6-Sew. Regular 93c value priced at 79c Pineapple Broken Slices Summer Isle No. 2 tins 2 for 29c Tuna Fish White Star, 14 tins 2 for 25c Pard Dog Food No. 1 tall tins 3 for 25c Deviled Meat Libbys Mayonnaise Aristocrat. or Sandwich Salad Dressing Aristocrat. BEER Brown Derby, tor that hunting trip 3 Cans 29c Case of 24 tins $2.29 SAFE r-V771, A 4 ..3 torlOc Qt. Jars39C Spread, It Qt. Jars QIP JIM; Sunbrite Cleanser 3 canslOc PAGE FTVE.. !i 1 Ladies of the Altar So. elety will hold a Cooked Food Sale Saturday in the Safeway Store at 830 Main Street 0 0 Ii J I t 1 toes 0 boot 1 tho ro always Am! G011111 19 C 59c 1.49 .b.2c 14c :a. lc 10c ;1o, 41".'17 ' lion here, litt hall , -, 11---IfX-Algria'7.-1:4244rignial ' 10.11 41VIlig II4 tiwIltlitry II II I $ ;I'Ity' ' vb., i ,;i7 n ilirehr. 11.o.. r fli ; ' 1, - Ajtwliti full' i'l'iliontill : 'it . 6 oitop, nolo- : , t Salmon Trout r imm H ..4,,, , ,, ip,,!,.,,,iy. , w,. It- 4 to G lb, average, deep red, rich 4 Each 9c it. -7 , T,','iii,r1,",1,',Y, "iii7 i, , , 44 ,,,, , ii I, Nup.g.,,4,i ' r Carl Berg- La , por ,u, orgitllzo,r '"for Ill'il.:1111 and flavored ocean Chicn relight salmon ,. Washington, who spent last wieekens 1714 here. tie is tote itt lite low per- ; Lb. tmlit. ill 'own who have belonged No. 1 milk fed to a retail rlorits' union. Tho business manager wits for merly with Ilardenbrooks . Beef Roasts Lb. III , Klamath Comity Prime Ste,!r TrIFIEE APPOINTED Pork Roasts Lb. 221' TEl B 110GET BgAllg , Fresh, tender young pig pork , Lay members of the county bud get committee are Alftcti Politer, . 0 yst ers anion. Coos Bay, small sized. Plitt29C c. E, iteetter and e A. IttionelL nnell as aloimitilett Ily Coati- , IS Bu.I1IK II...! 1.: flairle. 1(ler . Veal Roast Milk led lea, I . 171C by Irmo' iiiihmlotivr W. F. it. rilit.to stud Collier by Commissioner Itoy Taber. Veal Steak Tender cilia Lk.19C The board will meet October 1,1 for a preliminary session and X. 1lit to linimh the budget on O., Beef Steak rimo Meer 11,29c totter II Mid 15. Pork Steak I b.25C OCCUPANTS SUFFER Tender young porker MINOR INJURIES Skinned Hams littif or hole 1,1,32c AS CARS COLLIDE . Occupants or both ,;11-14 ere , Link Sausage Always fresh I b.21c $ rtatell.1 and bruised in an aci dnt 11ar Malin involving autos driven by Harvey F. Walker ate! Ltitira E. Paulsen, according to a report tiled with the sheriff. W. I,. (lenient reported hitting a dog lit Pleasant View. Mili. Jall , E Epley reported that tho car slie was driving struck a row itt the Fruit Juices ..,i, dist rict. Tlin IIIIIIIIIil vitt unhurt. Not hiug ifi so good to prevent colds C. L. Dkon of Benton. Wash.,' 11,1 Iota of fruit juices and Mrs. .1. Vivito of Palo Alto, Calif., weiti drivers Of care iti a Grapefruit Juice, Del Monte, al C3 rrash near Algoma. 12-oz. tins 3 for 25c ! Pineapple Juke, Floradale VIOLATION OF i i 46-oz. tins 29e BASIC RULE I Orange Juice, Libbys Picnic BRINGS $5.45 FINE 1 tins 3 for 250 . CM) . . Varmint NicKtio was nm- . Tomato Juice, Libby or Del ,,,,,,,i it,..tr, comm wino ho op- t Monte, No. 1 tins, 3 for 25t neared in Just ice court on a charge tit violating the basic I I raft to rule. Klamath F thaytton Broylett anti Roy liel-' Iii well, iiimiliirly charged. TheY FLOUR h., tint appeared Friday after noon. Drifted Snow, ! 4 49 lb. bag $1.89 Kitchen Craft, : 49 lb. bag $1.79 EGa( vionday - Tuesday ,, Harvest Blossom, 49 lb. bag $1.69 II Showing Sunset Gold, 49 lb. bag $1.39 , Anchor Flour, . 0 II , . 49 lb. bag $1.39 .. ",,.., Lion Flour, N.., , , ::!, - -444 -I 1.1, ....: ;.,i, .,,, t ) , 49 lb. bag $1.29 Dinner Bel i itt.11,7.,i, Baking Powder K. C 25-Tin 0z. 4 a 1 ... 4 . 4.t, , c, . , A reliable and economical baking powder that is a delight to al 011( 4441Coaot9 1 . I S AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORP:GON PAGE FIVE A 4 11111tIONIt ti . F--,ez;ii.-- Potatoes 1 1.1. S. No, The best. , V : y, c,;' cookers with tho tilt- 1 AIM annnnr I ralittoptio m , g wolo VIdIiIIM 11,Ininn Tn , rail SI L a' - 14. , FUR ;C---ilit) , tik P, 4' ' ..;.' ik . s ' ctists,00,....... C 0 A 8T4: ' ., ' " I. 71 . ,,,,,, t .- A 024-1,,,1 ' ' 1' --, T , ,..,,,,,,,1 , .,1., ; 14 . , .,,?., t ''k : , P t.' .4 4.4.. ., , ''''Nq . .-, . , 4,,st ; ; ,,,': .4,43.,,S ,,, , 1,' Our Special ,,,i,A, i 4 , m 4 Representative , ll t,-. Will Be At it cl ft't 441,1 . Adrienne's 44,. 4 , 4) ,i,..,,,,4' Nriti; It' , Dir 1 pct From the . :,0(Nt , 4 :: 174. ,.,. .,.,41-t 'ur Market with a '''t ir t-4 Complete ., ,t. 1 il-4 v :! tAV. 441,14' Showing of the . , ,, '4'10 , -;' ' Very Latest t j. ', A: 1;" TIH1 ,NE I E D, ZPI:-,FOT4TO 01'1 ",dim - , 4,4,44,!,,,,- - TOMATOES 1 , 6CM IR 0 N37. 5,Abn. 00 I 9 9