1 I' squads Answer First Call at State Schools TEAMS They Look Like Repeaters Denny's Place SIDOlg Leads Victors CADTER FACES until It wan S port Briefs nit-down strike re turned. -- One of 1110 Iii111.14 a 'hot lasopolti IN LETTERMEN ,-"N11'41;i;c, to ',,4qt' "' 41e0, s,--4 , ACTIAE 0 LAN the in League Pialay 1.3)1)in 111111,7117 NNW YOUR. Sept. a WT.- Any- league up In Winvoliniti 11,410,I8 star ltt.1.8 1 gh body who enn Itivit In welcome to (1:1.71::111111:,e1111.,:1,1');;;;;11::::;;;;;;11:11:11.15 and deal Barber Shop howl- try out In the North Carolina glove Itlifiinteneil end ntiof , ( - 11. , A ,!; , Lug telling were deters lit the (Tn o- i., 'tint oh nf Ita Itinrolt State hnokrield one chiensm catch ditirilly remove,' the &devil to throw Ihn hnit In ibm In. Corvallis, Eugene Clubs . Will Open Season Two Weekends Hence. By the Associated Press Ameriett's annual coronation ceremony for king football loom ed a short two weeks away RR dress rehearsals opened at the University of Oregon,and Oregon State college Thursday. Coaches Prink Wilson and Lon Saner each expected some 45 aspirants on hand, and both counted returning lettermen with satisfaction. The State college squad goes to Moscow for an initial tilt with the University of Idaho Septem ber 25. Ca Illson's Ducks make their de but under lights against UCLA at Los Angeles on the night of Sep tember 24. Corvallis reports indicate San er would depend entirely on veter ans against the Vandals, who will be cheered by the patron saint of Idaho athletics. Wallace Beery. the screen actor. A tentative lineup consisted of Don Coons and Joe Wend lick, ends; Frank Nihil and John Watts, tackles; Frank Ramsay and Prescott Hut chins. guards; Jim Orr. center; Bill Duncan, quarter: Joe Gray and Dick Jos lin, halfbacks. and Elmer Kolberg, fullback. Ca Bison announceo no Webfoot starters, but had 15 veterans, to draw from, including Vern Moore, center; Captain Tony Amato. Joe Huston, Nel lo Giovanini and Chan 1 Berry, guards: Bill Foskett. Bill Estee and Chuck Bracher, tac kles; John Yerby and Bub Rob ertson, ends, and Arleigh Bent ley, Jim Nicholson, Hank Nillson, Dave Lasselle and Don Kennedy. backs. LOS ANGELES, Sept. ' Los Angeles' double bid for the Pacific coast conference championship--USC and UCLAcalled out two beefy squads of gridiron hopefuls for the first workout of autumn today. Howard Harding Jones, head , man at Troy, started the fire . works he hopes will boom South ' ern California back to national football ranking by reorganizing his coaching staff and dropping the two-team idea. "It worked all right until the boys began not to care which team they were on. This year with only One team to make. I think the boys will be fighting to get In the lineup," Jones said. Westwood Will Spaulding, starting his 31st season as a coach with boyish enthusiasm temper ed by doubts about his vanished linemen, had 75 Bruins answer ing his call at the University of California at Los Angeles. With backfield men springing up like mushrooms in his squad but lacking forwards. Spaulding hoped that reserves, sophomores and junior college transfers might plug the gaps in the UCLA line. The Bruins oppose Oregon at the coliseum September 24, and against that reckoning Westwood Will intends to concentrate on offense in two workouts daily. 'The defense, if it can, will take care of itself, he indicated. The Trojans' first game is with the College of the Pacific Septem ber 25. A week later they play , Washington, 1936 champion. New York Chic-ago ..., Pittsburgh St. Louis Boston Brooklyn Philadelphia Cincinnati By Associated Press COAST LEAGUE W. L. Sacramento 96 68 San Diego 92 73 San Francisco 91 74 Los Angeles 84 91 Portland 82 81 Oakland 76 89 Seattle 72 92 Alissions 65 100 - NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. New York 77 48 Chic-ago 76 52 Pittsburgh 68 60 St. Louis 67 60 Boston 68 66 Brooklyn 54 72 Philadelphia 53 75 Cincinnati 49 74 Pet. .586 .558 .552 .509 .503 .461 .439 .394 Pet. .616 .594 .531 .528 .488 .429 .414 .398 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pct. New York 86 40 .683 Detroit 75 53 .596 Chicago 75 56 .573 Cleveland 67 59 .532 Boston 67 60 .528 Washington 60 67 .472 Philadelphia 41 88 .331 St. Louis 88 00 .297 MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Coat. STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 1409 Esplanade, Pilots" 895 . The Lost River dairy's girl howling team won the Woman's league championship last spring. and now that the bowling season is here again, the gals appear in a fair way to repeat their per formance. At least they started out their new schedule with an overwhelming victory. Personnel of the championship quintet is, left to right, standing: Capt. Billie Haight, Vera Durant and Evelyn Cheyne, kneeling: Alyce Dickinson and Doris Martin. Doris Martin holds high average with 172 and Billie Haight high individual score with 263. ' Giants Restore Pro Football Glory By Beating Collegians NEW YORK, Sept. 9 (Al') Thanks to the New York Giants' 14 to 7 victory over the eastern all-star college el eve n, profes sional football today had re gained some of the prestige lost In recent encounters with the star-studded college outfits. The Giants made it two in a row Over the collegians In a game played at the Polo grounds last night for the benefit of the Herald-Tribune fresh air fund, but had several uncomfortable moments. The game ended just after Mickey Kobrosky of Trinity had passed the Collegians 73 yards to the Giants two-yard marker. Needing only one yard for a first down or two for a touch down, the collegians were con fronted by a stone wall that held battering Stu Smith to the line of scrimmage, and 39000 fans went home. singing the praises of the team put together in three weeks by wily Andy Kerr of Colgate. After playing the pros off their feet In the first quarter. the collegians struck quick and hard in the second period. Lew Elverson set the stage by a 19- yard punt return. A smooth passing attack, engineered by Kobrosky, took the ball 39 yards to the one-yard marker from where Vannie Albanese, injured Syracuse ace. plunged over. The Giants were not long in Missions Suffer Hundredth Loss of Coast League Year WEDNESDA Y'S RESULTS Portland 5, Sacramento 2. San Diego 5, Los Angeles 1 San Francisco 11, 3iiSFi0113 4. Oakland 8-1, Seattle 4-4. By Associnted Press San Francisco's battered Mis sions passed the century mark Thursday. They have played 165 Pacific Coast baseball league games and have lost 100 of them. The :Missions' hometown rivals, the San Francisco Seals, comfort ably located in third place, dumped the century right in the Reds' lap when they handed them a 11 to 4 trimming Wednesday. It was the Seals' eighth straight victory. Second place San Diego cut the league leading Sacramento Soions' margin to four and a half games by defeating Los Angeles 5 to 1 as Portland upset the Senators, 5 to 2. Seattle and Oakland divided a double-header at Seattle. Home runs helped decide both games. Merrill May's circuit clout in the sixth with one on gave Oakland a 3 to 3 deadlock, and Oakland went PORTLAND, Sept. 9 (AP) Young Firpo, Idaho light-heavyweight, and Dallas Bennett, La Grande, clash here tomorrow night in the 10-round main event of the Portland post No. American Legion boxing ,snow. The battlera, completing their training here today, meet in the first important ring duel of the winter with the eventual winner O. V. I,f1(,f; of Eugene. DOUBLE SATISFACTION (WICK & PERMANENT RELIEF So matter with what Ton are afflicted, Nature." Goof and Barb ttttt meats will positively re.. iive diseases of Stomach. Heart, bumph Gall Bladder, Uesemn, 'Acorn, Mkt,. Neuralgia, Kid. nem Catarrh, Sinus Trouble Amthma, Broneht- 11.. Casaba, Nervomonetta, Indirtestlan. Inteatinal and Bowel Trouble, Stomach Ulcers, Rheum.. Gum, Arthritia, Utast:leas, Headache, high or bow Blood I eeeee tire. Liver and Bladder Trouble, Blood and Urinary Di , Appendieltilb rental. Complaints. Head Office at San Francisco, Eetablished Since MSConsultation FreeHerbs Sold Reasonably CHAN & KONG CHINESE HERB CO. 1112 Month SSSSS th Rh. Klamath Pall.. Ore200. Haulm, From 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. Sant lam 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. tying the score. however. Tufty Leenians took one of Frank Mur ray 's punts on his 34-stripe, and with a beautiful exhibition of broken field running stepped 66 yards for a touchdown. Tilly Manton placekicked the tying point. The tide turned definitely late in the third quarter with a Giant thrust that carried into the final period. Hank Soar. textile mills worker from Providence, carried the ball seven times to gain 40 yards before bucking over from the two-yard stripe. Again Man ton booted the extra point. The collegians' f ina I bid opened on their 20-yard line. Featuring Kobrosky's aerial at task w ith an occasional dash around end. the stars marched almost to the goal before the Giants line stiffened. Each side made 10 first downs. The collegians outgained the Giants 723 yards to 41 by passes hut were outrushed 97 yards to 52. The most widely heralded of the all-stare. Yates Larry Kelley and Army's Monk Meyer. yielded the playing honors to two small college heroes. Kobrosky, the passing ace of the game. and Smith. sensational defensive back from Bucknell. Kelley didn't perform his pass-catching special ty Once and got the equivalent of a Bronx cheer when he missed one easy-looking chance. on to win 8 to 4. In the seven inning nightcap Art Hunt con nected for his 35th homer of the season with one on in the first inn ing to give the Tribe enough to win 4 to Portland staged an eighth inn ing rally to score four runs on as many hits to defeat the league leaders. Nick Cu llop accounted for both Sacramento runs when he blasted one of Bill Radonits of ferings out of the ball park with one man on In addition to the homer, Cu llop collected two dou bles in four times up. Four double-headers were listed Thursday. Los Angeles and San Diego square off in a pair at San Diego and the Seals and Missions play two in honor of California's Admission day. At Seattle the Oaks and the Tribe play a twin bill Thursday and Friday because of the Freddie Steele-Ken Over lin middleweight title bout in Seattle Saturday night. The Saturday game will be played as part of Fri day's twin bill. Portland and Sac ramento play double-headers Thursday night and Friday. promised opponents from a list of the leading coast performers. TIDJ; ALW AND TIIIIĆ  1ntAW, ALAiviA VALLS. OlttAiON SALEM, Sept. 9 (AP)--Pearl I Over lin continued his training Harland and E. C. Pearson di- here today, and planned to ease vided first money In the class up after this afternoon's glove 13 division of the Mate horseshoe sesaion. pitchers' tournament here Yog terday, each winning four and In 1932, world production of losing one game. Pearson met gold Wag worth more than WO,- to Harland and Harland lost to 000,000. 2e-game lead in the National league race; the widening of tit. Yankees' American league edge to 12 full games and the rise of Pittsburgh to third place in Inc National league and Cleveland to fourth in the American. I The Cards may have their rea sons for talking about packing , Dizzy's armas well as his abil ity to talk It out with anyone in the gamein mothballs for a year. These would include, of course. the fact that such a move would. as Rickey described it. "act as a tonic and build up his base ball morale as well as his arm." But on the other hand Dizzy has given no evidence that hie pitching warrants a year's retire mentand when has right. hoe somewhat better than a green hand at fogging 'ent in. His ail ments of the moment, he contends, are at worst only temporary. fie's still one of the game's big drawing cards, as well as a piece of ivory that could return a tidy sum on the open market. He certainly didn't look ready for a wheel chair Wetinemlay as he pitched a five-hitter against the'Cubs. Although he lost. 4-ti. largely because of the clouting of Gabby Hartnett, a five-hitter ise't exactly getting your ears pinned back. The victory for the Cubs en abled them to stay within shout ing distance of the Giants, who had their hands full before pull ing out a 9-7 decision over their best-loved "haters," the Dodgers. The Yanks pulled two games out of the fire against the Red Sox. They took the opener, 3-2. with a run In the ninth and then. with Gehrig's thirty-third homer as the payoff wallop, scored eight runs in the final game to win the second game. 9-6. The Tigers managed only an even break with the Indians, tak ing the nightcap, 10-5, on Hank Greenberge two homers. after dropping the curtain raiser, 6-1. The Pirates pounded the Reds, 7-6. in 10 frames and 8-2 in nine. Four well-pitched games found the Phi Ilies splitting with the Bees and the Athletics doing the same with the Senators. The Phi Is won 6-3 and lost 1-0. The A. 'a won 2-0 and then went down 1-0. The White Sox socked the Browns, 10-1. Steele Prepared to Meet Over lin SEATTLE, Sept. 9 lPiMiddle weight Champion Freddie Steele wan down to 161 pound8 today a pound over the fighting weight he will carry into the ring here Saturday night in defending his title againnt Ken Over lin, Wash ington, D. C. challenger. Steels' handlers said Freddie would dry out the other pound by weighing in time Saturday after noon. Over lin continued his training here today. and planned to eane up after this afternoon's glove sesnion. It pa p! to buy at leocke'n. , I U ULM antr),,v,",::;'''', ',l,;td.';::',1)08rtaSrli et! I ViiiTis- ing teams were vielors in the open ing lilies. Of the 81erchants INigno Wednesday night On the Cardinal B oss Suggests itt,w1.,r,e Garden alleys. Denny Lee's howlers topped the Year on Shelf for teams for the night with a three game total of 2694 pins. defeating Great Diz. th. Englands Market five in three straight games. The Barbers took two out of three from tho J. II. liessia cote IV EON ESDA 'S itusuurs pan squad, while the Star Bet National League tors took their oh l the New York 9, Brooklyn 7. Sports Shop team into Callip in Philadelphia 6-0. Boston two out of three starts. Chicago 4, St. LOIli8 ti Johnny Sawhillo turned in high Pittsburgh 7-8. Cincinnati 6-2. "ore of the evening whet he top. American League pled over 220 pins in his sevotel New York 3-9, Boston 2-6. game. 11nd Cheynn totaled 1. 9S to Washington 10-1, Athleties 2-0 win high throe-game honors. ID Cleveland 6-5. Detroit 1-10. scores were 194.1196 and 20S. Bob Chicago 10, St. Louis 1. Cheyne also hit Ma 200 mark. reg istering 209 in the first game. Ity Associated Press while Clayton Sweasy rolled 211 The St. Louis Cardinals looked in his final gut me. very much Thursday as if they At a ineeting of team captains. were sharpening no a knife for the 'herb Munsell, captain of the J. 11. purpose of cutting off their col- Bessie team. Willi elected treasurer led lye nose to spite their equally , OL g collective face. Industrial league t01111111 If they were really serious about !Ming into net ion Friday night suggesting a year's retirement tor with the City leagne ettintels roll Dizzy Dean and were not just talk- lug their initial games Monday, ing to throw a scare into baseball's scores: No. 1 blower-offer, it would seem England's theyd be doing themselves more Reed 149 175 179 603 harm than good by shelving the England 174 114 143 431 greatest pitching arm in the game Raddi 114 S6 85 3S5 for that length of time, despite Btu 156 Lie 168 464 his eccentricities. Forrest 143 1SS 166 497 The row started by Branch Handicap 93 93 93 279 Rickey with the retirement sug- gestion and followed up by Dean's Totals 629 796 834 2559 plaintiff plea for permission el Denny's trade himself. took the stage away; Cheyne. B. 191 20S 196 59s front anything in the big time' Sweasy 160 (Si 211 57,5 Thursday. Playing second fiddle! Cheyne, It "09 13S Ida 51:1 to the Rickey-Dean brasses Wtre Lee. J. 134 126 124 3S4 such other developments as the Truman 159 160 167 4s6 re-appointment of "Boiling Bony" Handicap 52 52 52 156 Grimes as chief umpire baiter and manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers; Totals 908 868 918 2694 the continuation of the Giants' Ideal litarhsr shop Whistler 157 120 135 412 Thomas 10S 128 142 37S Jarrett 99 133 145 377 31eD8niels 145 102 129 376 Howie 119 136 103 358 Handicap . 178 178 178 534 Totals 806 797 832 2435 IIe,olg t Pony Wilson, t;. 142 130 105 377 Vilson. U. 95 126 164 3S5 Mansell 116 112 116 341 Lee 150 143 119 412 stadia 106 137 133 376 tlaptlicap 177 177 531 Totals 786 525 814 2425 Sport Shop Ashworth 157 149 147 453 Sawtelle 147 220 169 536 Bottorff 98 148 140 386 Hyde 148 179 159 486 Heater ...... 157 177 166 so Handicap 75 75 75 225 Totals 782 948 856 2586 Star Hatters Carr I.?" 110 139 31 lIartin 150 128 159 437 lorbaito 116 162 412 Reeser 126 121 116 363 Howard 142 141 142 425 Handicap 153 153 153 45S Totals 827 769 871 2467 Cavemen Count Many Losses in Football Ranks nrtAsTs PASS. Sept.. 9 (IP)--- Coach Loren Tuttle for the first time had enough uniformo for players WIIPTI limited practice OP ened thim week. In years past the squad WW1 limited to the nutn ber of suits, but over 50 may now be outfitted. Technically champions of the southern Oregon conference last year, the Cavemen have lost many of their heavier players. Including Ken Fruit and Claud Gillett, all star choices for fullback anti end, and ponderous Art Winetrout, captain and conference second tackle. The achedule opens September 25 at North Bend. For the first time In years, the Cavemen Will play Eureka, Calif. Medford, Ashland, Klamath Falls, Yreka and Roseburg complete the list of eight signed games. Punch at Referee Loses for Kashey PORTLAND, Sept. 9 (AP) A swing, or several, at the ref eree lost King Kong Kaahey, 218, of Minneapolim, him no-timelimit wrestling match with Bob Kruse, 210, of Oswego, Ore., on a foul after 35 minutes of rough and tumble last night. Danny Dusek, 225, Omaha. threw Bill NI Iddlekauf, 23n, of Florida in 12: 25 In the semi windup. Harry Kent, 230, Port land. end Herman Olmon, 230, Vancouver, Wash., wrestled three rounds to a draw and Sam Leathers, 217, Winlock, won In the second round from Heine Olson, 210, Vancouver, Wash. .. WILL YOUR BOY BE IN HIS SCHOOL BAND THIS YEAR! Inquire about FREE LESSONS given with all band Instruments purchased during month of boptember. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. 117 Month 7(h EME Missourian Billed Against Les Wolfe in Armory Main Event. A au prem o test for Niarshall Carter, new lycrowited champion of the armory vrestling mat, ap pears itt prospect next nesday night, when the ex Nlissouri peda gogue of pull tangles with 1,0M AVolre, a good boy gone vrolig with a vengeance. Mack !Allard R1111011111ePt1 Thurs day that Ito matched the pair for next week's top main event itli the hove the bout would prove conclusively ono way or the otiwr whether Carter is just lucky or whether he really packs the goods. About half the fans. 1,111ard says, believe that Cartr's victory over Toots Estes last Thesday was more or lemi4 the other heir are of the opinion that the Missourian Is Jost a little too clever for the rest of the boys currently hanging around these parts, as well as being pretty well equiPPed vith all the other at tributes essential to grappling sue CeSS. Wolfe Is expected to represent the ultimate In trial horses. Whether be chooses to be ntean or clean. the lanky Texan has never been accused of shortchang pt.I.,;17, 1 .1.,trotto big carnival of champlons.1 ears the titie of champion it,a, ins either himself or the on brainwork. and lila newly 1 Scpt c in her 23. . . . The guy oho ph'o batter" of thu loagur. Ito 1,ZA adopted roughhouse style is ritt-! Ihi, 1"1,14 l'Ildi ciltchieg rec. I been tiooie,1 out of eight some' culated to make things extremely 1 flr't up in Nova SOotht the other I this year for lolling tho limps tough for Carter who so for in I 'I"Y 11"s ""IY '1" Prall bat ha thought or thorn, Ittld !IBA his local career has had to worry Your old pal. Slip Ntaillgan. :it. 1"."11 1111,41 totvoritt times. only about leverage and not about Nlary'rl COltell, enn't Nel how holl , (11. m 1"." "'la u gh l blot tip from larrups. iiii,,,, ibia iii.. . .. Tin, iiiir bin... hotiovitto too t ear. lie spnt Is A second feature of tho timing Geo opened, Slip played a littio rtls ill slottiall 1,110011g for Itiall y evot y c hit) in tho National tossea Gorilla Poi, tho Argentine Puk" in Ow PlIllibillent room W iti 14, I he at hleten wero dresoins """ assassin, against Toot,' Estes. 110 ....------.------ ----...... teMPOrnrity at leftiqt fortplit, mni ,, Ito made it onit.eard draw to event rating itemise of his doreat n royal ritiol and connected! . T r itt 4 ;11,1 i tt 1)Iollt his local career has had to worry Your oht pal. Slip Nialigan. only about leverage and not about Mary's coach. can't Key how hell larrups. f miss thin ,at'.... The day pa A second fea e ture of the evning slip played a little poker in tho equipment roont tosses Gorilla Poi, tho Argentine assassin. against Foote EstcS. 110 a WM10 the athleten worn dressing. lie Timis 0110,11M drw to temporarily at least. forfeits Mai a n royal ninth and connctodl evont rating becanse Of his dorcat Slip held tho ace. king. Jack and at Carter's hands. , ten of hearts and caught the Post gave Sailor Dick Trout a, got," hrto tho it roo.. multitude of unhappY moments last time out. before tho tar matt- ilere's a teaser: root ball teams aged to connect with a serlos of Holy Lit"' or min," his doubl-barrelled dropkicks. i 1 lino sOtlrY never hits, Even so Trout might not have ganle. And teams di made off with the victory if his I-Peted by lion MeAlibilor of south efforts hat not been bolstered by Cztrolinit bstven't PM been meoreI the donation of a fall on a foul. no in non,,. g w I. . v111 (grouts mut not peen nolatered nY Carolina haven't even heen meore,1 the donation of a fall on a foul. on In openers e Re So what will 1'00 figures to give Estes th happen when the two boot,' blast e same treat Men t , OW lid oft Septemher 26.a acore Next week'a program will open I lesa tie? An autographed photo with an engagetnent between of Leu Ambers. the lightwellit Trout and young Zibby Zbyszko. etonped elesses in a Both lack are clever anti scrupti keete.it, IN. Y.. grammar twitted lonsly clean. awl their Imminent the other day, When the ;fleeting may prove the standout teacher look the picture away attraction or the evening. from Eddie Holten. the proud own Bobby Wagner. NV V; England champ In two divisions. alit stay on the fringe of actiiity until the spot where his tonsils one(' were gets the honeflt of another week's healing. tie will referee. Trailer Golfer diliel el Winner in Bing Crosby Event HOLLYWOOD, Sent 9 td0--- Bill Holt, thn Syracuse. N. Y., golfer who pitched hiR clubs in a trailer and came vest, today found himself an off fetal cham pion of champions. Hewon the title at Ring Cros by'R Lakeside Country club yea terday with a 3Chole acore or 73-68-141, hut his playing WAS Shaded by Johnny Goodman, Ontaha's national amateur king. Sinking the ball with on. shot,' a driving Iron. on the 195-yard fifteenth. Goodman managed to card 67-69-136 for the pnr 70 course. No one contested Goodman's: claim to low ncoring honorn, but he couldn't qualify for champion of champions, because he IR not the champion of hitt home club in Nebraska. Cromby, flying all night from the emit to be on hand for his Pet tourney, muffled his reputation an' Lakettide'n beRt with 83-79-162.: Best Iltsyx In IINNI Cars Always,' At, Locke'tt, ISIRBON WHISKEY $O PIM An Outstanding favorite! 6 5e PINT $HE QUART CENTURY DISTILLING CO.. PEORIA. ILL II 1.3)1)in NIOV 101M Sold. 9 tillk - Any 'Ind y w ho con 'dolt In wolentoo to I ry out In I Ito h Carolina Slat s book field. One Chitmgo os000 y.11100 lost tvook's Mho sr t III R fin Ugh glint.n' The boys oay J.11111.1). lii i-li III of I ho Red sos Is I ho Mzint goy lo 110 A Morlemt league. I In won't ovon o but from I Ito dusouti bot tisys I Ito Min I Ito Mil tor lommi of him doopy.' nt the 'dolt.. ato of too oilles: Oui 110 PII1110 tiny 722 St. Lintio Inns watebeti Atitielies bent the itrowtis, r. 2, a crowd or 86,000 How jaelt NOM of California In it dint Mirk motoreyelit rove In Loudon. Harry Lonny, the Mitt mon Hirer. is goinx to tithe his enork lightwoight, Spitior Ittinyati. on it European tour. Ott the, way Immo !tarry Aill siop off In It...- land 10 1011k f01 it hrtIVYWfligh1 1 11110 hope. Ernie Lombardi or the Beds hasn't motto it soorilica hit in four seasons Clemson's toot bailer W111 1111V01 totillit 'Mks to aim from tho wars thet year.... Text's it al. vensity mid Nebraska alit aogoti. oting It football home mid Immo series to start in 1240. 'rho Huskers ono tied up thot far ahead Max Selimelitto'n fivst I ime-tip Mott fit Jim Louis o Ill It ititahist AVolter Notimel In Berlin this winter. Two challongoraPedro lon tanez and Fred AnoPtollwill ho tavornea over MI0101,1018 In Nillot rokiL 'Jr. 76 HOLBROOK btlinenwer II, .11134 all-down strike until It wan raw I union'. 01141 tir 1110 fli11114 or tho lasopolia (Mini I ii t ha 1111aW11110 loitatto tip In V mINI II IN rally otoittiticti contortioldoc. Ito playa thoi Wrap of lila abort . illifitatonoil, and atter ouch catch oitichly ottiorox Ilia alovo to throw tho ball back to Ho, In ""I'l 11 lel Pownritil throwing II rm won, than offootm tho xeconti or xo lotil In olliohlita (ha glove. At tho hal whitiox the itt a .175 clip. Nate tho "Inthi ',nano" of Chicago's loop and ono of the) NIIIfl rl..t 1111)11 ill (Ito light arkot. in in town op Noon for him heavywolght. Har ry Thomas'. Dodger Chief .1 Grimes Given New Contract linnotil.rN. Sent. lotiglits umpires Ingo Warn. lug iiiirleich tirtilin will he 1,m k ounlinging I h.p lirooltlyn itgAlit next mullion. "Dolling !lolly" wan rontipoin( oil hint night tit it lonorteil mith nintitint hicrctino In nitiory. who floc, ..... icd Vo-or Stengel hint November mid haat brought it notolonclint out tit into HIMII 111111.0 so tor thin notion'', luny got irom I13,tinu It, $ Witt in 19;IS, salary ro thin qtr wan helleccd Ifl I),, 1101Wel.11 IlhOttlj oTI $ "IOryOne IN it sill.' Hunt mom Nintinge John tiorninn said. colirnc iin our policy to intake no ittinouncentettin concerning nal no toil nil lottoln aro linppy." Cilium, will enrry Into tho I it in Umatilla to Play Six -Alan Football Horn s a tonner: Foottiall tennis 1ENDLE'ros. Sept. 9 tiP)--- oawhed bI Hilly Laval of Mowry sin-InAti foothill'. with lotion III and li.TirY 11Prer Intro dropped 411 awl bliwk f fig 01110.1 ntlimilati,,,Py opening game.... Anil tenni,. iii eliminated mot with Itirkitir Mid ',Wird by lion NleAllinter of Smith penning ntreneeil. will repine 'the Carolina htien't even been neore,1 regulation grid Kam', in tho on In In openers So what will thin Comity II longue thin full. happen when the two nehooln Mont piano end nehmitilen will im fin the lid oft Septenther 26.El ilenr, relined nt A 111....MIX tier, SAT ur INgs tie? ... An itutogrnphoil photo tiny. attended by repronentoitrom of Imo A mbere the lightwolt from iimix. A.Intni,, Athena, pilot elitimp, ntoppod lnoines In it l'ongt, Rork. colon mil l'innpitte. IN Y. ) grammar 'who"' The lekgeo, tho fitmt of Its Mod the other dny . . . Vhon thin to ho orgunited to hortheatorro i trncher took thin pirturn away Oregon. iR exported to inter., t. from Eddie Holton. tho proud own- iithor mitten nehoola Moro it title P or. I ho rent of t ho riling went en a ego of material le R problem. 147.." .-1 i !N Private Cold Storage Lockers For Deer Hunters and Harvest Crews SAVE YOUR MEAT Lockers As Low As 75C Per Month Less When Taken for the Season Klamath Ice 8 Storage Co. 661 Spring St. Phone 58 es0.1111g111111.311115111111n12111111111 42111311414 , -.., ., ' f ' 404, 010:1 . anteakovoirodo Imo. 1'4,..,,,, , N .4 .1 , 1 -,. 4 . HoLBRooli 4,:t,:,,,,ic,,,,,.,. ,:. Ms ' ISIRBON WHISKEY i ,, --- $t PIM 1 . 100PROO: ..... ---ri -41, i. ,' i if 4 , ri, Trlilytt OI Ilk , r ' An Outstanding favorite! tigt. -4- cy, .,., - , , , I . , : ; BOURBON , 6 5 e 116 N T , ' WHISKEY $ila QUART , 44r4reititya 1 CENTURY DISTILLING CO.. PEORIA. ILL &40,Vogp. S'7,7vrom"---r"-r,'"----- r!'..rA.,-.77--.-7,-"A), , . p:'' ,1' ,;',1 '. , ...,4,0,41i, A 1 :'' rr"-,s, ,' , P,.kk-,4,,,:.,,.&h,,,:t,,,,,v, ,..4., i , 1-,, -,014. r ,,'2,l,';, , , ..). ,, - '!" - .A , ''',- 044'1'41;i;, , ,',,' ;,:f,,,;', . ,, ,,' s' ' , -----1 7:;:.,',,,,jr- 4,11o: ,, NV,s n , :1,,''' 'I.t-,'4'11''',.,.1'. I ';' '',,k..; ;,'.-A,.,1, 4 ,, ,i1., , : -' -2: ', .2. '10. ..,, ,,-.. 11:411-,, 44-Vt),' , : , , , , 1. wow , ,,, , 116-4, AA i,..' ' ' . ,'' , . -. ,, - ' ct. ) ; - , . , , A , ., Airl'''''A '-' ' A' ' . ' ''itS4:i H ' 1 ' . ,l. ,', , s A., '."', " ' i , ' - . . ,.... 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