The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 30, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    August 30, 1937
Ilmtit, From Ntr.
Vrittilt Afrttoitak nitit Mrti
NIcrolintrk's 1111101ln. Ali and
Nitn. I H. Amain, Iti tvti volumed
Immo iii 11,1 II iltrett wevit'it 111,11o.r
Mi. N. II.. Iwo..
tlivy Ili it 111111 or III. Ans
tin, 'rho. moolo.i III oonoroko,
iowt owing illittvot rtillitt,
0114111K V "1111 iolio pal k. 1110.y
$IilI,I1 I lull till' III tho ritInn which
have horn railing In lilt, inldwinn
entil conntrv l,,IIhIII nroon
ntol cloint oppunloil okreptIon
ally gond.
Neighbor. -Tho Jolly
LI IN II Ilio,,o1 III 110 howl,
Pir lilt( III Hull, .0,1111,P11111) MIII
III 2 11. In. All 1111,111110111
1111,1 Io 1,1,11,111y 11111111.11
A,P 1111,,11,1. NI 1 PI HMI Ilvpm III Ihn
onulool linnbn VI ,,,,1 or A It it MIMI
Sorolid it Von tin.
IIIIltlIIK .lIII 'Intl aro Ititimy
111,14 HMI kiitil (;1111)1,eht
violiou Its rortimor .NI rm. lirio
too It moor" nod w tIltIfIii,il III
olio 'loom. oil a pa 1 ( It !my..
lorl tor Portland w hero hPy will
rola I volts They expel',
to I..tlIIII 11,i111 mi)11 itri yr Labor
Lea iliU (o flit) Cif) anti
MI, John lIrt!ow n or the
mom., plan to Ion vo oltool
ot tooltar I for San Frit:trine
s hot., 1 lly w ill apt ntl it 1 Pk oh.
1.1111ilig MOP! ini Witt
1v11111w. 11 hI.nn or I heir allows
fall a how.
To Loa o for 04nleto I Ile
.1101 1110k IP,11 'WM41111114
,tonmor moot lot lo III.' city
v kit hot him NO too., NI. I.. silo',
hold. ot po,ta to lottO thIn weolt
Lou Salon'. w horn Ito oti lend.
rillIllIllt V ollott ilnllo Intl it. They ,.,,,,,thin,,,,,. ' ,
mmed that title to this Alum
wIiiih , ' Climaxing what le paid to have
i .
have born r a i l i n g In the midwent pr nu, 141,,,i,.,,....Gr.,,,,g., r . ,,,I. r '7:tT Ilk )1' h A e II one of the mood successful
1'1 It"' "I'll
. it
""I '" l''''' g l.""" NIinning reported him car, W1114 revival nieetingn held in Klamath
111 i
,-,,, -1
atm le clops appeared io
esreptn 1.. him 1,, ,, iii.h.,,y on Falk, it WISH 1teel,le,1 hi unatilinotte .
1111) it,lioll. Ito 610 Mat. near a 111.0111 oll 111. :4.(d,,F vote 0 I be joint opentipermhipm
,( 1""4,
. - highway north. It. II. Holt. 1,11111, Sunday to dinnolve t he Ammem Hy
"IlY , "1"Ill""I -Th" J"Ill view. reported his noteltine wile or (Sod church Mitt unite it with
Neighbors will meet III the home motto' from Ile park Mg place ,-,,,lre,'? . 414Ityer I( la math temple. 'ride act ion,
"r it to It", .''''"m'illY ta
'4, "P. near a vern he . h
on t mouth litot .,' ,.. 't - '1 forniing one of the mtrongest full
1"1111." I lit 2 It. I. Ali 111"1""! care were recovered in Klamath 11
'k,.''' -.I.b si gospel iltlirchem in the northwest, i
1111,1 rt letida tit it ,11,111111y 1111111,111 ,,.' ,j; r- '11r- ' malren it posaible for a real pro- i
op attend. Mum. Hall livem at lite ' , ' grensive work to be curried out In
siptipi house VI e1S1 or AH1'11101. 1 ',Sinnott h Fella and t he surround-
te i
Chickens Stolen Richard Car e l-
'h.., oil tter1,11,1 11,1011110. 1110,11 I ..11, 703 ittinn giunto, minim, ing vicinity. according to the pam- I.
rn of bothchurclies.
11,"1",1111 1,11'' unit ,11,1,1' 1,)1:117 to pollen that two chieltens were .
, ,
''''''''' ''' '''', tool
'''', ,
'' ''''''''''''''' ''''''. stolen from lite poultry coop.
,, Rev. Gay Detirles, tlairtOr of
gets' tiregst !with O
itlithrerht, .- , ,
- - 0 the Assembly, has resign n
ed ad
Iair C ceits Front a r Pi - Itell 4 --str, will leave h evan
shortly for gelistic
1"1111 in l''
'.111111'1 'N11." h11 I Torney and rt. K. Child or rroK . work in the eolith. 'Ir. DiVries
neth Nheo .0 and two children of tmo kilko Folonnoi to roy mon, In tell ktiown in lilaoath Fella,
II" l'"''''''''' "I'"1..""'11.1.1' 11.
.11nr that , the rnr th ey parked em it
left for Cortland wil'''''' '''''Y "'" loopinempi 11 1 reet hello WOK robbed. 1 , anti lull Man), friendm wish him
well in Ids new work. A farewell
'I'" willl ,"1"11"m 11,1"Y ';'''',"'''' N'irglitia Harper of 1.sikenhore , mervice will be held at a later date.
to 'mato 11,1111e ,g1,1,11 11,11.1' moor
drive made a similar reppot Itp. ' 7411r1,77""..,:- - -2"111.7-71,4,771,ell Rev. Hoy I;. Southard, w
day. .' 4 ,'I,' ' ' ' ',-
I lop or f Irma. Recreation JOilled til,i Klamath temple about
Leatiest (or Hay City ---Mr anti - ---- '',',--1, 1 10,4 : . - ' . :;'d 1 I four months ago as pastor. will
(aril Party The AllemInt ,-.., (t:163, N st
otes rontinue am paor of the united
'III John 11,1!",. or the m..rowo ,,.., ....,.. do, 1. mooning o ..!
Dance o
mno plan to leave about ''''""' , congregationI. Ntr. Southard in
member I f or San F raticimetp Puld.h. ritr.4 l'IrlY .1.11'''"laY A)ill Int . --, $' -- . very optimistic about the future
$t '
too All at 2 is. tn. It wilt tos , ',As.), '. or the work and feel that lip'
iS hp 1 4, they will 61,0.1111 11 Vet. It oh, t oto ,itimit nr ,,,. It. ,,. .,,,,,. .
,,. ,,.
News About Personalities Illet ger in (pie of the outst
taitior anding
t, new dance 1111111111111 li 1.1
IS lt 11,. fill hum., ftv
,.,,,I.:. ' iitt: it .,.., k r,,,.. .. ,
,. 11,,W 1,1enl, or t
lheir annual ' ' and Events . steps. of the full gospel work in
hou ne ram or Allemint hive i thin city.
fall show. --ln --
-- - -- u Fire ,,, Th r
e evival mortices that have
Ginn s---The city fire tie 0, , NA, ..-'-',,, It tpeettie tha t the nearer WP get
To 1,.11 e for laetrile' ik been conducted by Evangelist C.
partment reported grapop rirtli on ;1'),, ','''',.. .10 the opening Of the regular - e'
. myer and art
s py of Florida
81"1'1 I
."i " II" l ''''''' '
''n'iling ;Sunday and otipla I
My n the goo ,... ,.',IS '4It S."'-,'-',..)1 school yqtr the busier the play
h itot r 1 1ill III III., city
e sttle11,1in ' wiii r.optioue under the leader011p
t .
oho: tog intim,. m. I. , skim lipol;,:k k ,ppilli 1.!.1.1,t1,t,a, : rtried, the I see .,,-'i.,i ttir....4,0811, ,,c..'Atilq!.. grounds hoc Nt'hat in the rea-
eet. and hi tip r
e aslat ,-;",,, , ,,-mi to, thin? Is It because e
lite' '11 ilt". It 0. 1-' Ange's
ten. with meetings very night ex-
l''''' "P"'''' I" l'41'" thi" w''''ll gn blo ck on lirond 1111 ,10 t . .,...r,t,,- ' boys and girls are getting fed lin
for Salem. wh u ere Ito attends ,II:' with emuping thempielvea and Heed "Itt M"""Y night
1,..11tiol. -(' help to complete the mummer. or in Mr. Melby I1S one of the oldest .
--- Obituaries ,
. it that they are looking at school ministers In the full goelPel Move-
moving to I'ettv Mr. and Niro am a 'bark to work' movement anti, meta. having been in the Azitza
Lee Houtz t !nosy Pat kip o. who NAIII.LIANS I,EF: ItOlitAtTS ,re grabbing all the play ponnitilet street 1111A811,11. EverYone is in-
haue been thing at orotille, Cal-. NN'illiatit Leo lippiperk. a lit,
' ...fore that lime? tt'sp cant att-I vited tts enjoy theme Per-vices. nnot
is It I1 o, Iloolltt Ilais 11,4,11 of filleted ton., remittent of I hilt nullity. ,ver the toestion. a warm 'welcome to all is gtVell by -
with Alotilgoltiert .,11.1. att. 111,, Pansed away lit this city Sunday the pastor.
ing soon to l'ot t NVort It. Tex. morning. August 29. The tle At any rate the ground arel --
ah,r,, Hoot ham accepted I pont. Vttilltett It RN A Wit, of Poe All. Illlr. Tht rOlnIrl .1 110119111g irl
th,11 SS 1th 111,, 11,1,V1010t 11111111,1111V ler and VIII, aged 29 yearn anti , .rom almomt all the centers Pillow no pni
it, teptesentalite for Parte And 21 tioVo when '1,11'''' II I "111. The let. Ittiv Fl Southard, I that the aggregate daily atten
09 t111,1114,1 . MIA,. 11,11117 111111K11. vived ity hot wire. Ruby !Other!, ,,,,tor of the 10.4111tit 11 temple 1111111P k mounting clay by day. Of , uo uuLLIDE
Io, .ot Mr and Nit, ii. O. 1.tritit A 'mu, Vilna', Lee. Jr . bin jilt I. above with Nits. south- I rourse weather conditions hail, tl I,
0 Ito has tpreti kitten here, et, mother. ;tire N'ertin Itobertn. It rd , will A,,, I,,.,.. ,,,,,, r I lot 19 ,in with atiewitap,p hots wp , linl Clint CIVIII
slio log to resets Mr. itn,1 Mrs.'
Leo I boil i I iiitisy Pit I koi i. ho ,, 1 111,1.1.11 I.14: Itifill.101,4 ;
ha i o iiiii.ii ii, oil: ni i on ills. (id .1 William Lo itiiiiiirini. a lit.-! 1,,,,,,L1
,s,..,., 10111I linn inbl'il af f Mat 'A ' limo leillittint of this couni).
1,1, Al,,,O1,0,not!, V,11.1, alo Iwo nalonot Antly lit this city Stiotiny
hiS ...ill li, I'm t Woi t li. Tfis. morning. August 29. Tho iiii
V, n In )1MIL ling 114,1.111Pd a post. relined has A outlive of l'os itl-
t Ion m Oh I ho Chlivrolot company lor anti WW1 SIPA 29 yonri, Mid
11, ItInt,11101 for natio soil 21 ilsys It lion r it Iliiii. lb n I nnr .1.1.0 11..,.. ". 1.... s..1.,,..i
091111.111,111. Ntrm. linnti. ilailKit vire,' liY IIIR If. 1111b Ituhr'r,1 n.,,,tor of the KI.,tnath lomple
to, or Mr snit Mt s II. I'. Path, A mon, illinn, Los. Jr . his . ... . 1 1 ,... it) ,I, 0 s..... h.
p i ill I n n1 1 .
(In !lop North Harry NV a 'ker.
Dort I a st lI.I 1 litutoc of Steat,
111011 I I a itimmlot planes 11101
11111"1.,1 Ilk! ,I 31 I hi IIiiuittIi
poi I. left Int o last a litik on
a ay t 0 Eiji:1.110o An lidded Pit rn
t y rental, hit It im supposed to
Ina the plane fool proof IA t he
,.I a landing wheel tinder I he
)11 8.iSI loll Itere --Janr I I th
Ita lot itt otitalfril lit ii healt
nill Aii coal ne at 1 he 111ivert,it y
ill I tretion medical Achim! at
Port land. IA here on tient ton at
t he twine of II, 1,31,411A. 11
AII.1 V. ii. Illithard. oti
Soul It It ilit side. lino herr.
MIK,. I IIHIII Itittott to art its of
fie norm.. at !litho& homplisti.
II) FAH!, 1111111.1nii
ii y are titling trenionilinis
I hingti for A inericiin a grienil tire.
!---7, 1,::::1,4:1,.,.:4t. Oil! lol.' pi ill 111:,i,
1 (1
edizo ,it -, l it,l
chi iis..'1:iilielyv
pioneering new
i 1 .), In I) I it t) il x I
e:t..11,, 411"4.. 11191)1 lug null cul-
tiv ng ati (Toppi, in
f.e4,,,?, improving t li e
hreieling It II (I
: ''
. . growing iir livi,-
,1 (wk. Thor nye
I. r iilitt ionizing
hotewiceening anti honteinto k nig
h IliiV'kf,p11114
on the farm.
qd Thry rotitini a Proving griiiinit
tor art 1..11111111d ideas and while
heir keen young minds lin novo
io suggestion and I hey RIM Will
ing in giVo
Or 110118olloill theory a tit ir trial.
may lao sore that they ay
Preach the teats they make with
iinp,rsoog I, on blo nI in
01 a arieldisi lot his laboratory
and tot clack-pa! notions can sur
vive lite imarelting probe or (heir
Or arettrary Of
I heir records,
toll or ifiIu ork have room
literally hundreds or battle lin-
toroventent.t, pot Wit erft on
I Moon tills or farms and yielding
itomeeoto lit able millions or 11011111H
or n,111-(1 profits to American
Thl Al,noory Cordon In for
your limo nod r0000rt."
Next wrek Mr. VIII I lork of I ho
Nu 1 kirk 1Pii mini I ilione will
rum nom I on 1,nlior Dny.
rythino Hinters -- Tito l'ythlati
nintorn will hold n nooliti mooting
Tomoiny. outwit 31. lit
hall. At 6:30 to. oh 11 I1111111'k 'Mi
nor nod social hoot in plititholl Plc
knighin nod 1111111111, 111111 nil YIN
IN otto lovitod Al if
oclock iho temple will I. i III
to confor tionivon on a chow 111
Tno, Uncle Widen-- (1(.0110 C.
311'111111g rporieti lila car W1111
'Olden from his ilrivowny ott
Hobbit flat, nom it invoro nil iho
highway norib. It. II. Holt. 1,111111
vlow. roporied his totichlito AN
ntolool from lin narking 1.11t,t,
nom n mv.- iii tho mouth. flit ii
on I n W 01 11 111COVP1111 Iii K liii Is
e and Mrs. linilieritie ,;
Oral' Ille. Wash., Al rm. tloldie
Si rl,k land or Aterrill, Ore., All s.
Adeline Houck or K1111111'111 FnlIst
the Earl Whitlock Funeral Home 1 la',,12 I' 18t W'',:i' , ,
111,1.1 ",,,;:
l'Ine NI reef III Skill, where trienolm.11,, '".,!1".","1" . ' - - - --
may call. NO 1144, of funeral to 1,0 ""'""
annonneed in the next home of 111141 It. was reported hit the invitee
paper. Mat ion I hat, recent ly physicians'
nutomohiles in Veoll and Inter
ep, a ". lit lettford were rohhed.
at Medford were rohhed.
Vital Statistics
It ItAIElt.-- torn nt Klamath 1114111011, Itoosehelt wn
VI IlleY 11111110. Angus( 29. 1937, fIrtl president of the riffled
10 NI ttltd Nit's. V. I. lirnder, n to leave the legal boundar
thlughte. NVeight. 8 pounds 5 his country while In office. I
ounc(s. another vountry. In 19ittI, It
VALTI,IN111110 -- Horn tI ett It) the Panama Cann' zot
Ithtnint h Valley hospital. August visited the eitY
This Week Only, Ending Sept. 49
At Dr. Mather's Office
Intestinal Troubles and
Stomach Complaints
Examined and treated by Dr. Beal, a visiting RECTAL And
COLON SPECIALIST who is an associate of many years'
standing in one of the largest and oldest established rectal
and colon clinics of the Pacific Coast. This is your oppor
tunity to get a free examination by a noted rectal specialist.
731 Ilnin MI.
Dr. O. H. Mather
l'hiroprnelic l'hymielmn
1'1 41111-1V
n Church Amalgamation
Theodore itooseheit was the
find president of the riffled 4tate.4
In leave the total boundaries of
him country while In office, to vkil
another vountry. In lanti, he sail
ed to the Panama Cana' zono and
1, ,
... t
.i. o len,. Thurt
siny tor oo r ',collier. Fre all of Niiihn- tirl'
e: 1 I'o", ';iT) o'f"..1;Oti ')
- e'f71;;ea.a.1 ' n re 'ink. ing the average court'. Ull IJL1 I 11 DIA 111
vt,,, . Iffillor trP,d. ' :Ittliorle quint, of I lion with the dissolution of the Warni weather does not aeent to
. this city. The remnitos rest in A,00.,ohly group ,, a dkiiiict stop the youngsters niaterially.
donettile to 11 - Th,, stiv"n- w Arils ' Klan u
inth Fneral Home 1 ono. I, ,,,,,, oionono.,..1 N10,,,1).. and neither des cold. In colr
II ., of Ito. Sighhot of Woodcraft 925 iligh Pli rpm. where friends cl.ho Rev. t; it v lieVries I below I weather they are a little slower willimo ,.. FLoloy of Nion.,11
a III 111i Tiwsility, igtt ,tot :II mny cnil. Notice of the in getting started lint play harder
fnu'rat ' of the Assembly will leitre Kinn, forfeited $20 hail in cit y pohc,!,
nom ': to fl it. tit. at the home of Arrangements will he announced ;oh Fmk fot. e,,,,, or k when they get at it.
Mrs Mildie.1 Smith. S29 ttt int
Noi At it ,l- (Imo, court on a charge of violation
T.-11111 towel. Ail juveniles Art- 1 in Ilse south.
p thin k that all laurels fin Of I IlP basic traffic rule, follow-
, ed to im piesetit. . N trittit,Asi taNsit Ili mitiN 1 , '' attendance during th l
e ast week
; ill 1111 accident on South Sixth
ii w
. . - . or so hould go to Richmond nar4. ml."1
. . , Nh.hhu, ffino,no, .11,, it 2,3, 1937, 1,, ,A1,.. and m, 1,,,,,,,,,,, : or so should go to Richmond park.. ""' .. .
Neighbors or S mirror' Thul resident of rhilinin. MO., 1011,04- i c w,t11,0".,, ifit,,,h,.. illOrning last week there were ' A poln e teport said the car
N'Ivill"" "t W"'"kpall '',.11"1"'": ed swav at rho iwks ,..: . .. r t, 'i 1 I .7 ! au youngsters on the ground at i Bailey was driving struck an-
t,). september i. st .1 Fridny AuRtisi ii7 Ti,,, ;1,,,,,, s , '1.1!... l,ir, ' "1"1",,.,. ,, ,
,, 1 1
o1"1.'',,,',',,b! 9 o'clock. Richmond park isnt a other machine hi front of the
i In, ill ill" K t. tutu. Fullaw- 1 ed w as a nati
' ve-0i the Kisibito, ' . ..," b ,;,
,- -1,-,,),:.., -,-..., ,
.- .,,' ...1,...,.... very large park. either. The child i Specialivmd Service g a r a g e on
l ,
It i hi. 1,11011i.t. M....ling. a i reservation and wa n aged 19 , '11."I.. .."N.,....,,'" -17:b.; -,y,...,..;, ! ren in t hat neighborhood are get I South Sixth street and came to
-cilitioldlOs- Mogi," "ill Ito 1":" v
I , anti 12 ,b,y ,, ,b,, ynib.,L: -" 1- i'":. -V:-,i ,b"('''s -:;''l , ting a teal thrill out of it, how- i rest On the sidewalk in front of .
smiled. .II members are ti rged lb, ip, . tiy.1y,,,1 by b I. w If, , R il, ll),,,I g. 1 'Alit '1 l'i 14 ' : 1.'1'.1111,7: I ever. the garage. Ralley's face was .
" 41'14" "Pl"."1"1"1'1.). "1::114 Jennie nd oni NO
i D i elm of . i
' i: ' ,.:1 Z1. ,1,1..l l , 1
at ....', al:1.7
1:1! .1. !slightly skinned and his glass
t es
"'"1"1"" "Ill I"' "e"11". :.'"; N'aliiiMt aVasil his nioil;iir Mrs , ,,,aix. .1
to".. ,1.11.7.-.
11.... ',.:1-i--,,;
--,-..i-;...;;.i' It You think the Janitors Of Owl broken.
$::;101111 lilt
, ;i:;:;tilitolol eolnit'sn'littollitl,'IlliI'l' ,,,,,:ti, n.illi,11,,,01t,ii.: r,,,
1 .,;.11 1,,..1.0.,,,.".. ,.,-- ,I;;;,;;;;',.;,...."'...,g"1;;:-.4. . 1
;,.,;;;:.:; various school huildinga through- i Others in the car were ESI,..113
011t ilk' HO' haVe been taking a Watson. Dorthy Jarret and Carl.
charge of the event. . 1
1 lir,.sion and c(1,1,arY,.,, Kilit,,11,1,1,11: ',,,";1' 8 I.jv A'',,,"171'1..8.. . , . Honcho' I hill summer. you C8111 Jarret according to the police
.., Lti--", . --- n . ..,- ' , . . 21sit'l 4" .1.',..81 .11.i.12- I guess again. We wish you cOtild ! report:
fielded. Vil members aro 'tram' ; iia is s-,.-1,.,, i ,,.a. - ""--. - .--- - - , pvt,r .
to dress appropilitiely. Visiting , "' " ") "'" "" i KENIIA1.1, !torn at Klamath !
Jenoto and olie Non 1,1o,,,, at
i In"""" " "I I"' " el""1".. Mi."' ' I . "Ile) 1""1"1"1' A"g"mi 2". l""7.' It You think the janitors Of the
stem' 1...c....11 and Nits. Ntildro,1:13"mil ""11: -'14 "will". "rm lo Mr. Ild Mr'. rtirt"" K't"1"1,1' varioux school buildings through-
Viola liinoluil four lino Imo
i ' a 1,,,,),, , i.: , 4 1
Simi h form the cotninit tee in , .. - '------ v --."--1 l' - ""111"3 out the city have been taking a
Jetta and Richard Harrington I
. i s o, 01111C11,
Chat tte of the event. 1 holiday this summer. you Call
P11'1.1011 Italt Cita ri K l
lll ulled. all v AN 111.,Ktiz K .1101 it at Hill- .
...... I guess again. NV(' wiPh you could
of Klamath Agency. Ore it
ton !lop North Harry alker. i . .. s
; ' h
'6'1" m1"1111. Au"'" 2S 19371 seo what they have been doing.
mitt li w est dist rthutor of Stear 8 ml' EN. 'HrY I "ioloiloot of IA", to Nil and Airs. J. E. Van ittishirk.! building, ai., hi as sr
planes which w PIT oA11gPIP" rat-. It'''''
ug..." . 141 32'; I "i'l"" o H111k ' u1, " 11""ght11 I rtrfert condition as it is possible
denim...ono.' at 111, li litinAl II ,,tr. nuoit 01,- ,:litlet,,a atm her- Veight. 7 pillo I I flmes. 1
. to got them for tho opening of
pot,. n.r, no,. in,o ,,,00k on his trade Harrington. T a E
illy nd dna 81'1,1IVAN 11"ril I 111161(le .-chool There has been sanding
Nine iiimbol all of Klamath ,t,,,,tat. Ang,,,st o.i 1937. to tr.. .
way to E111:111 All added Part, and scrubbing and mopping all
ty femme whi-11 Is supposed to Agency; a graudt"111r 1", I and Nit's. Paid SaliiVall of Ilona ti
stintin,-,r. A lot of paint has been
I proof Is tit, '1"h" "r lit",""th Ag""cY '11 u
10 ' za. a daghter.
timl,0 I hi. piano 100 SPEratt Mill the blackboards have
remains rest la VitClisil l i learnt it !
evira landing wheel under the been resurfaced. Even t he grass
Eu1101111 Home. 925 111;0 stvoot:
toee. and shrubs look as if they tvere
W lICCl frittuds may call. Notice
------ i of 1110 funeral arrangements will, Ts IlliNfo NI , eispecting a big party on opening
on Vacation Here --Jane ilib
,,h,, is ,,,,,,,,,,i la a health , ite announced at a later date. I,
I' II tal, C0111 H. at tin. Universit y 1 , Such quarters will have their
itimliciti school at ' l'"1.11.: kATIII.:1(11; 11113)111 glicoTics AggicT, effect on the eitildren of the coin.
of oregoll
1o.,1,d. Is 1. ,...,1 at Louis.. Katherine Reeder, lot I inanity. Year after year these
ii. h,,, f I.i. 1,:,,,,,,,. M I, I h., last nine years a resident of children go Moo fine buildings.
it,1 mr. .. ii. iiii,i,,,i.d. no I Klamath Fella. ore.. passed away Buildings that are clean and
Soo It Iliveloide. VIM., herelol the twine of her daughter in . wholesome. Thev take pride in
,,, ,, .. ,.. ,, .. ,, this city Sunda Augu
y. st 2to 1937. C Po
ity lk' l"IO'r'd M"'"I"). them. it In alnl;Imt trip nrigip nt
. Such quarters ill have their
1.01IsK kATIMItINE 111.:L1 lf:11 NHCOTICS IMICT effect hit the rhiltiren of the ono
oise Kat herine Reeder, lot I inanity. Year after year these
the liod nine years a resident of children go inoo fine buildings.
Klamath rails. tire.. passed away Buildings that are clean and
RI the home of her daughter in . wholesome. They take pritio in
this city Sunda Au
y. gust '29. 1937. City police 1"'In'y'd M"'"I"Y them it is alitiost thn pride of
at 9:115 P. Ill.. following all 11111,4, that a itareolies addict was re-. ownership. Stich an attitude is a
or an" Year SI" was a Hall" "I I sponsible for a series of larcenies desirable thing. And someone
imeyene. KIM. and n i l he time al
year, I. from 11, nutomohot.s of !twill thouht g this all out long ago.
her deittit amt ged 71
months and 7 tht)s. Surviving ate, IdlY$trialls ' RANGER RECEIVES
live daughters. Nit's. t;laiDs keen- Dr. t;ettige II. Adler anti Dr.
Y und Al". K"th"i"P Kli"" .': lush Curtin reported prted thefts over 1 LETTER RECOVERED
(rovill Wash., Mrs. Coldie ,
st 1-1,k hold of At,rtiti, (4,... Al, s. tot, weekend. in tot h 1118.44, I Rile 1 F OM AIR WRECK
Attotino ii,,,,ek or in,,,,,,,,), pot. I hie! broltli into the ear and
and Mts. Alberta I lintelw right .O stole ssurgical cases. '.. LAVA itEDS NATit)NAL MON
timid, ort.; three sons. John Dr. Adler reported that such CM INT. Cal. t Special i A grim
Iiimiti or Loomtm, vool.. chitrief
(1:;:,i1:1,.,.11,,,r,11.1,,,,7s,,,,Iii..m,:,,,,,h1.7:.. :::,:: sr:.1,1,tiviii:inirt irttititate,t,t1tis,,,,at,sotil,,,st t;,'ere h t- : 1:1'alltillititelle r I 30 f I it,iiee,,
rellil'snhtiaNi'illad.' all
Is ,flindoithiron awl um. g',.,nt. stotett along with a quantity of mhort lime ago. Hanger Albert K.
1 Long last week received all al
. l'
W.11111110111d. 'HIP n411111118 rlSl la limit:,::!1".1.,,,,t ,t.,ok ti. Ii.: Mail letter recovered from the
. .. . ..... . .
w reek a ge.
The letter was one of only 52
recovered from ihe plane's mail
cargo. II bore a rubber stamp
impression indicating its recovery
from an airship crashed at sea.
Effects of water soaking Wert .
plainly visible.
It had been mailed at Potosi
Bolivia. where Ranger Long WaS
4,1111)10y0(1 RR geologist by a large
mining corporation. lie returned
to the United States last spring to
take tip Lava beds duties.
In 'ettice. n gondola is nto-e
valuable before it is painted: buy
ars aro suspicious or knots in one
that Is painted.
Lobsters are rest "bluebloods."
Their blood Pigment is not haemo
globin. hot linemoeysnin, a blue
mover root P0111111.
For Return of My
Stolen from my car in
front of my house on
Pacific Terrace
Sunday Night
Dr. Geo. H. Adler
Med.-Dental Bldg.
Ph. 1854-W
1.IENT. (SpeciallA freak
wind here last week demolished
four tents occupied by ('IC en
rollees. The miniatifre tornado
after taking the canvas coverings
from the tent houses. was quickly
1:10111 beKilillitIK to end the
whirlwind did not travel over -1,1
yartls, but in its short existence.
made enrollees believe mid-western
tornadoes had come to no
Invitations to attend the west
ern aviation planning conferen,
at Sacramento Septemher
were received Monday front Cali
fornias Governor Frank F. NIP:-
riam by city officials and the
Klamath Palls chamber of com
merce aviation committee.
Among those Invited to attend
the conference to plan for the de
elopment of aviation anti it
ports in the far west dining the
next five years are: Mayor C
ton Richmond, E. A. Thomas. Wil
liam Randall. il. A. Krause. S. W.
Percy, Dr. F. C. Adams. Elmer
Balsiger. NI. S. West. Frank Jen
kins. W. 'P. Lee. Rev. Arthur t'.
Bates. Dr. Paul Sharp. W. lorej
Hoagland. W. IL Locke, K. A.
Now treating and re Ing
perma nent guilds
( Iiles) and other rectal
diSeMPS by tile newest elec
trical methods.
This method was intro
duced to this'e it y by
the l'asset tiros. Chiroprac
tic Clinic Rild Is the only
Drugless Treatment of Its
kind Om in Southern ore.
Requires no hospitaliza
Don and is -surgical.
228 N. 7th PI 420
Former First Lady I
I The widow of
the thirtieth
ftreident of
U. S A.
12 Crimped
33 Conjunction.
14 NallOW inlet
of the Fea.
IC Personal
enemy. TT ffp
17 Wrath. -iE1511t
IR Affirmative PI '1''C1H-E
ID Cupola of a steam turbint
building, 43 Equipment.
21 South 46 To pot again.
America. 48 Cravat
22 Door rug.
23 Note in scale. 49 !lusic;'1
25 Pipsy instrument
27 Form of -be".52 Cuckoopint
28 Thoughts. 53 Aurora
31 Dill of fare. 54 Toward sea.
33 Tidy. 55 Iler 's
34 Harvests. fit name wr
37 Steak. Calvin
311 Candle. 56 She is a
40 Part of a by professior
Answer tO Previous Pilule
C A L ,H.0 a,e,.E ,L L
4111 CARL
T P ir i ti: R,,,Q,5 OA
H.'.--A!B, i T E LC) 1R:E!T !I 4iP:E5
'P. I 11-011.51147X '5 NliEj 5
leitVI 1 :M E G E
J -Lip P;EC ,A ,N R,An--
-1-r, OE 41-4A
5A I ,E 15 $. IA MIGP E.
I 'F'',C.1H-E fi si-rPtith'KS
steam turbine. VERTICAL
15 She formerly
taught s
20 Door rug
24 Fish
25 Subterranean
25 Gum resin
27 Data
29 To devour.
30 Covered with
TIVEI 32 Ever.
-- 4---- 34 Corded cloth
S rr'P E Al S 35 Person
VERTICAL ordained to
1 Grey ministerial
2 Rodent. oMce.
3 Imitated. 36 Call for help.
4 Wrestling 39 Butter lump.
places. 41 Peak.
5 Writer's mark. 42 South
6 Upon. American
7 Alleged force. republic.
8 Provided. 44 Stream
9 Soil. 4 5 Leg punt
55 11er 's 9 Soil. 45 Leg joint
fiLA name was 10 Gazelle. 46 Hurrah!
Calvin 11 Units of work 47 Nlatter
56 Shr is a 12 She was 50 Kind of tree.
by profession famous at a 51 Rowing tool.
-i-f- a
Li Ferguson
Klamath l'ost No. 8
The first meeting in September
111 be held Tuesday. September
7. at .loore park. This NViii
the date of the annual steak feed
and installation Of officers. A.
Or(I ) Itussman will be In charge
of the event. From past experi
ence Wit h the steaks Red has pre
pared. we are assured 0 f the inost
When you go Fast-thot-California
you may ride such celebrated
wins as the neW dettlXe Cascade:
the million dollar Daylight: the
stream! inerc City of SanFrancisco
or Forty,Niner: Sunset Limited:
the new coachloutist Californian
and many another line, faq train
between California and the Fast
over our Four Scenic Routes.
But superb trains are not all
you can include San Francisco
and Los Angeles on the going or
returning journey for not one
a, Tivket Or licePhone 20110
Z Mal&Z
Southern Pacific
WILL Pg2 Cauca
C I N.) C)ER-S
tr;) -n-tE E,AR-rH
NEW YORK. cm's.
a beN,Nrr ARUM
ALL fires, no matter how small, discharge quantities of dust into
the atmosphere. Reports came from the Azores 40 days after the
Chicago fire that the cinders had reached that place. Most of the
so-called "dark days" occasionally reported in the United States
are due to forest fires.
Activities ot the Spanish American War Veterans The Disabled
American Veterans. The Veterans oi Foreign Wars. The American
Legion and Their Auxilianes.
delicious T bone steaks, broiled
over a bed of mahogany coals.
Mose l'almateer, department
commander. uill officiate as in
sta ilitrz officer. The new year
starts for post No S with this
ceremony and t he new of (leers
assume their duties at this time.
All Legionnaires. their wives and
auxiliary members are cordially
htvited to attend.
cent more rail fare than a trip
straight Ent and back 00 most
poin(s). ' hen vou go East.thns
California you double he variety
and interegt of your trip, rule
famous trains, see twice as much
scenery, twice as many places and
have twice as much fun. Here's
a typical example of East.thru
California bargain roundtrips:
First Class Tourist Conde
CHICAGO $86.00 $68.80 $57.35
Correspondingly low fares to
most other Eastern destinations.
Charges of drunken driving. hit
and run and having no operator's
license were filed by city police
against George Groat Niondity.
Groat Wall fined $25 on the hit
and run charge, 85 on the opera
tor's license count and was given
a sentence Of 1100 fine and 50
days in jail on the drunken driv
ing charge. The jail aentence
was suspended on condition he
would pay for damage done to th
car allegedly struck by his mach
ine. Olin L. Priddy was given a men.
tence of $100 and 50 days for
drunken driving. Ile was fined
$5 for having no operator's li
cense. Gene Blanche Smith forfeited
$15 on a recklese driving charge.
Hiram E. Vinson forfeited $5 on
a charge of having four persons
in the driver's seat of his car.
Jacob Nlantel forfeited $5 for
reckless driving, aa did Chester
L. Stokes and Eldon A. Clark.
Donald Chapel, arrested for reek
less driving, was to appear Mon
day afternoon.
George Woodrow Dodson,
charged with reckless driving,
was given a fine of $50 or 25 days
in jail.
Bill Anderson, Convicted of
vagrancy, was given a fine of
$100 and a jail sentence of 50
days was suspended.
Those arrested by city police
for drunkenness, with the sen
tences, were: Bill Murdock, $15
or 71 days; Edward La Plant, $15
or 7$ days; Raymond Pompey.
$15 or 7i days; W. T. Gibbs, $10
or 5 days; Pat McGillivery, $19
or 5 days; Wilbur C. Courtney,
510 forfeited; Alma Kroft. $15
Joseph Burk, charged with vag
rancy, was given a $10 fine or 5
days in jail; Thomas Carroll.
charged with vagrancy, was given
a fine of $100 or 50-day jail sew
tence, the latter being suspended
in part.
Lonnie It. Griffith, charged
with drunkenness, entered a plea
of not guilty. He claimed he went
to sleep in a car while waiting for
some One and that police arrested
him unjustifiably.
"Christ Jesus" was the subject
of the Lesson-Sermon in all
Churches of Christ, Scientist, On
L.Sunday, August 29.
The Golden Text was, "The
Father jut teeth no man, but bath
committed all judgment unto the
Son: that all men should honour
the Son, even as they honour the
Father" (John 5:22, 23).
Among the citations which com
prised the Lesson-Sermon wag the
following from the Bible: "And
John calling unto him two of hitt
disciples sent them to Jesus, say
ing. Art thou he that shotud
come? or look we for another?
And Jesus answering said unto
them, Go your way, and tell John
what things ye have seen and
heard; how that the blind see, the
lame walk, the lepers are cleansed,
the deaf hear, the dead are raised,
tothe poor the gospel is preach
ed" (Luke 7:19,22).
The Lesson-Sermon also includ
ed the following correlative pas
sages front the Christian Science
textbook, "Science anti Health
with Key to the Scriptures," by
Mary Baker Eddy: The mission
of Jesus confirmed prophecy, and
explained the so-called miracles of
olden time as natural demonstra
tions of the divine power, demon
strations which were not under
stood. Jesus workers establish
ed his claitn- to the Messiabship.
In reply to John's inquiry, 'Art
thou he that should come,' Jesus
returked an affirmative reply, re
counting his works instead of re
ferring to his doctrine, confident
that this exhibition of the divine
power to heal would fully answer
the question" (p. 131.)
The liner Queen Mary. Great
Britain's pride of the sea, con
sumes 32.5110 barrels or fuel oil
on a one-way crossing or the Atlantic.
Louis Joliet and Father Mat,
quette discovered the first coal
reported within the boundaries of
the United States. The discovery
was made on the Illinois river
in 1673.
'Afek1$A1 illD61
ARE OU UMW r----
SKID 10 LENNE. 11-kr-
An Exp7anation
of n h NO IliftilY ttttt wrist
route here for auto radium la
because they get a Delco ,i,uto
Radio In t ailed for only
1142.95. Make the miles roll
past enjoyably, with one of
theme fine radios.
603515 10 I .840
INNEN IEEE i '4 1111111
m11111111 ao WI
Ell IEEE t ''' E
RENE no 4 . !Immo
a i I -'z' I 5 1111
0 '-' 'JJ ' I " . II
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