PAGE SIX LOG-BUCKING INNER GETS Winner of the log bucking contest, which Is to be a feature of the annual boot regatta, spon sored by the Junior chamber of commerce on Sunday, Mny SO. will be recognized by the Pacific Logging Congress as the officinl representative of the Klamath basin In a championship final for the Oregon pine district to be held here about July 4. ac cording to word received by Charles Mack, chairman of the regatta program committee. The district champion, with entrants from three other Pacific coast districts, will enter the na tional log bucking contest to be held at the Pacific Logging con gress convention which meets this year at Seaside, Ore., from September 15 to IS. Other en trants will be taRen trom me following districts: Redwood for ests, the Washington fir district and the Columbia fir region. The national champion of the Seaside contest will receive a prise of $350. Expenses of all entrants In the contest, as well as one saw filer allowed each RECOGNITION FOR Invite You to Play Smartly Tour Summer sporting life Is bound to be brighter and better In togs like these! Colorful and correct, they cut fine figures for out door chic. Swim Suits B.V.P. suits as advertised in Vogue. $3.95 up Slacks Whether It's a Memorial day weekend or two weeks In the mountains, you MUST have slacks. $1.98 Sweaters are Indispensable any where, any time. See our selection of styles. $1.00 up ADRIENNE'S SEE OUR -flO contestant, will be oaid by the Pacific Logging Congress. Next year the Klamath county Junior chambor of commerce plans to open lis log bucking contest to the entire Oregon pine district, instead of Just the Klam ath basin, as was the case this year. Six mills in the Klamath basin hnvo entered men for Sunday's contests, hoth In log rolling and log bucking, according to Mack. Virtually all the other mills In this district have offered to pay an entry fee but have been unable to find contestants to en ter. MEDFORD BEAUTY SCHOOL NOT TO OPEN BRANCH HERE Mr. ami Mrs. I. M. Moyor who operate the Med ford School of Beauty Culture and are Klamath visitors this week announced that no one connected with their school is interested in any way with open lug a beauty school in Klamath Falls. At Monday night's council meet ing the question of license fees for beauty schools was brought up for debate, and it was stated that a Medford party was inter ested in locating a school here. An erroneous impression that the Medford School of Beauty Culture was the party wishing to open here has been circulated, Mover said, and he wished to make It clear that such is not the case. Overalls are NEW! And are they smart! We've some new ar rivals you must see to ap preciate. $1.98 WINDOWS L iot ? V 0 L D WALGREEN STORE T The recently-opened Walgreen drugstore, at Seventh and Main si reels, Thursday signed a con tract with the Culinary Workers' Alliance, (1. C. Tapton, secretary ot local No. 424. announced. The agreement covers all employes ot the store's lunch counter de partment. The store was picketed from 7 o'clock Thursday morning un til shortly before noon, but the pickets were removed as soon as the contract was signed. Tapton expressed appreciation to the merchants and business men of the city for their help In respecting the picket Hues. THOUSANDS JOIN IN OPENING OF NEW BAY BRIDGE (Continued from Page One) of San Francisco who reached the bridge at 5 p. m. yesterday and slept in tho fire station. Nearly 200 slate and city po lice patrolled the bridge to guard against suicide attempts. Six fire trucks and six ambulances were also stationed at the span. The bridge will be opened to motor traffic tomorrow. An antl-naz! boycott threat by the Maritime Federation of the Pacific hung over the fiesta, and the city's largest hotels wer still tied up by a strike that was in its twenty-seventh day, but neith er of these appeared to affect the gaiety of San Francisco or of Us thousands of visitors from all parts of western America. SAN FRANCISCO. May 27 (. Ooveruor Charles H. Martin and the huge caravan from the Web foot state cut off a pretty good sized piece of the world today and "told it about Oregon." Business houses closed and stu dents left their classrooms to cheer the Oregon 100-car caval cade as It headed south through the bright sunshine of northern California and made a triumphant entry into San Francisco for the Golden Gate bridge fiesta last night. A highway patrol and coun ty and city officials picked up along the route guided the pro cession to the bay region. Ferry Across Bay "That's the way I want Oregon to sell itself," th governor said. "We have so much and I feel that Oregon should tell the world about It." The Oregonians ferried across the bay and got their first glimpse of the Inspiring span they came to help dedicate. "Here in San Francisco west ern brains and western brawn have again combined to do the impossible," said Governor Mar tin in a national broadcast. Striplings of America "We of the western states are he striplings of America. Ours s the blood and spirit ot the western pioneers whose vision and determination first drove the ox teams across the wilderness to a new frontier. Ours is the priceless heritage of darfnp and adventure. I thank God for that birthright. We of the west are still pioneers. "Let us stop this childish bick ering over state boundaries. Let us accept a broader view and through united action make of the west a great empire for all the world to admire." HOT FIGHT WAGED OVER AMENDMENT TO RELIEF BILL (Continued from page one) muni u-hlrh wnnlrt b Ave made in eligible for relief any person who went on strike or Incited or en couraged strikes. j "I know this is a very strong i almost radical amendment," he said, "but there s notning un American about It. Why should anyone on charity, accepting a : Ana hiva tho rtirht tn nnnnlv and ahoveboard denounce the congress and tne reuei program necause , we are not paying blm enough wages?" Fuller Bald most of the ear- mnrline' nf the hill WAN HtlA tn the "animosity and rullnga of Harry L Hopkins, works progress adminis trator. Too Late to Classify LOST 32-6 truck tire in Tulelake vicinity. Phone Shook ranch. 6-29 WILL exchange bouse or sign painting for car. Phono B94J2. 6-23 PAINTING, decorating, signs, es timates cheerfully given. Phone 694J2. 6-2 SALE Entire stock at Mrs. Qoell er's Yarn Shop greatly reduced. Shop closing May 29 for sum mer months. 731 Main St. 5-27 CONVALESCENT HOME, Ash land, Ore. Board and room ten dollars per week, without care. 5-27 Notice to Farmers New Price on Blockwood $2.50 per cord at the bin. Vou haul It. This is the lowest price in years and Is for a limited time only. BUV NOW Price also reduced at Merrill. Heilbronner & Rea 821 Bprlng St. Phone 239W THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, SIDELIGHTS ON GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE OPENING (Continued trom Pag On) on the bridge trom the Marin county side went to Hob Miller. 16, of Mill Valley, who slept In a shanty last night. Wearing a tiny Jacket and a balloon, a black Scottle dog was the first animal to cross. The dog, nanfed Champion lloliiulst Mack Lancer, Is owned by Val A. Smith ot San Francisco. Early morning fog was cleared by sunshine and It was a typical California day, with a slight breeze blowing. Two small boys gave high way patrolmen the Jitters today by dropping Into the safety not be neath the Golden Onto bridge. The net. from which UJ0 work men once dropped to their deaths, sways dlzilly 2 20 feet above the wator. Officers hauled the children to safety while other spectators gasped. The boys said they did the stunt for a thrill heeau-c the bridge was too crowded. Milton Pllhashy. 35, started at 6 a. m. to roll a pill box across the Golden Gate bridge with his nose. He was still "going strong" three hours later, but the crowd became so dense that he nnd his box were lost in the shuffle. FOUR KILLED AS CHARTER PLANE CRASHES, BURNS (Continued from Pag One) bodies were not recovered from the blazing fuselage for an hour and a half. Emme. a brother of Otto J. Em me, former exalted ruler of, Los Angeles Elks, waa reported to hav Invited the women, family friends, to accompany him to Los Angeles. They had been staying at Shell Beach, near here. Back From I .as Vegas Keenan, a few hours earlier. had finished flying an eloping couple to a Las Vegas, Xev., "mar rying Judge." A third member of the bridal party was arrested on suspicion of issuing a bad check to cover the aerial charter fee, when Keenan returned with him to Burbank. The chartered plane landed at Santa Maria shortly after 10 p. m. and departed a few minutes later. In a fight between two ele phants, housed In circus winter quarters, one pushed the other through a solid brick wall 14 laehes thick. It is said that the majority of road accidents take place at speeds not exceeding 20 miles per hour. Bats guide their flight by some sixth sense which warns them of obstructions. Textile machinery exports con stitute an Important Item In Ger many's foreign trade. Naturally You'll Go Place This Week-end ! Naturally You'll Take Picture. Naturally You'll Want the Best Kodak Finishing and so we suggest Genuine Crystal Kote Prints That Sparkle FADE and ,ruk':r;;i will NOT 4VTVS?P 8 Hour In at 9 A.M. Currin's The Friendly Drug Store KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Railroad News SCOTCH DRILL TEAM HEADS FOR BRIDGE FIESTA Approximately 20 mem bora ot tho Scotch drill team from Van couver, Wash., passed through Klamath Falls Tuosday evening at tl: 50 o'clock en routo to tho San Francisco bridge fiesta. The Scots, dressed In their kills and playing their bagpipes, posed on tho S. 1 station platform for a plcturo during tholr brief stop hero. J. A. Givan, S. P. division engi neer at Diinsmulr, t'al., was a busi ness visitor in Klamath Falls Wednesday. W. G. Crocket, traveling freight and passenger agent for the South ern Pacific, has returned to Klam ath Falls after a business trip to Bend. Mrs. G. R. Clark, matron at the Great Northern passenger station in Minneapolis, Minn., Is enjoying a visit In Klamath Falls at tho home of her son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott. Elliott Is a G. N. switchman here. A. B. Ford, superintendent of motive power for the Great North ern, has returned to his headquar ters in Spokane after several days' business visit in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tookor of Hieber, passed through Klamath Falls Wednesday on route to Port land, where they wore called by Illness In the family. C. W. Laird, traveling freight and pnssenger agent of the Cana dian Pacific railrond. Is a business visitor In Klamath Falls. His of fices aro In San Francisco. Sid Gee. trnveling representa tive of the Cunsrd Steamship line. Is a business visitor in Klam ath Falls from his offices In Portland. KKHOK ronHECTKD Through an error In an earlier Issue of this paper It was announc ed thnt bedroom accommodations Tender, Aching, Swollen Feet Get Amazing Relief In 5 Minutes ' You probably feat Ilka a lot of that poopio that about all you can do It dull aome powder In your shoes or glva your fot a special foot bath and lit ft go at that, but don't b fooCiih. Make up your mind today that you are going to give your teet real chance to gat wall. Co to any good druggist today and gat an original bottle of Moone't Emerald Oil. The very tint application will give ou relief and few short treatments will thoroughly convince you that by sticking faithfully to It for a short while your foot trouble will be a thing of the past. Moone's Emerald Oil It a clean, power ful, penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not itain or leave a greasy reeidue. Service Out at 5 P.M. For Drugs 9th A Main are now available on the Cnscndo, Overland and Shasta trains of the Southern Pacific. This announcement should have read that tho accommodations are now avallahlo on the Cascade nnd Overland trains, nnd hnd not pre viously been available on tho Shas ta and Ovorlnnd routes. CARR NEWS CARU 1.00 Donovan moved rattle lo his ranch In l.aiigell val ley on Monday. Boh McOheher of Klamath Falls was a business caller tho last of the week. U. T. Ileffer of nonanza. was In tho valloy looking for dairy cows recently. The t'arr school planned a pic nic at tho park In Klnmnth Falls for Wednesday, The school will close Friday and Miss Mildred llllderbrand will spend tho sum mer In Riverside, Cal.. with her parents and will return next tall to teach. Miss Agnes Ellens will go south CLEAN FALSE TEETH -GET RID OF STAINS New Easy Way No Bniahlng St.ra-Ktaan. amaalns aw dltcovtrr, r. movaa .tain., tarnish, tartar llkt maul0. Ju.t put fait tth or brluirt. In a glaaa nf wat.r and add Stara-KL.n powil.r. No m.a.r braahlnf. Uacomm.n1l.4l by d.n. tlata approvad by (ood lloua.karplna. Al all druaslata. Monay baok It aol d.Jiahld. A Marvelous DRESS EVENT! SUPERB PRINTED CHIFFONSI SHARKSKIN COAT MODELS. STUNNING LACESI NETSI CREPESI WHITES1 PASTELS! Ideal For Decoration Day! Glorious cool chiffon prints with smart contrasting jackets . . smart sport frocks in vivid high shades, whites, two-tone . . clever coat styles in gay prints or combinations . . exquisite laces . . colorful printed crepes . . dainty nets frocks for every important holiday occasionl WHITE Smart iuiteclo ityloi . . handtome type. , . luih with action backt . . all flawlotsly made to fit porfoctly and hold their ihapo also BROWN or NAVY modolil COATS s SUITS Unequalled at this Special Price! Dresses Mora than one hundred smart silk dresses, light nnd dark colors, Ideal vacation gnrments. fllzes 12 to -42. Also now taf- feta ennla alxea 15 In IS lo spend tho summer and has ac cepted a school at llnyward, Cat., tor the coming year. lira. .1. 1 1 ii in tl t mi has been very sick with tho tin. Goorgo Ward Is helping Ted Johnson drill his grain this week. John n'Hhcn la nlnwlng on tl e Talo leaso tills week. 11,. In Kiilulit of Klnmutli .'alls wus u business caller, selling (arm equipment. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wooiirord of Klamath Falls wore visiting at If you want coffee that tastes good and fresh ... yet doesn't coat a king's ran som ... try AIRWAY. It's an out standingly good coffee . . . roasted freih every day . . . packed in moisture-proof bags to retain its original freshness . and not ground until you buy It I FEATURED BY SUITS WASHABLE "RAJAHS" $795 Emphatic savings on coats of the better-type . . smart swagger, ballerina, fitted or jigger types. An opportunity to get a suit of strik ing individuality at far below actual worthl Exceptional swagger, fur-trimmed and jigger models includedl Wash Frocks Bright Cool Exquisite Flattering Jacket or one ploco styles . . dresses of smnrt handkerchief llnon , . . . nolglum linen . . printed vollo . , om brnldnrcd h a 1 1 s t e . , printed piquet II SB CRAIG'S Mny 27, 1937 the William Htoyslml'i ranch Run day. Oernld and Clilln Condon of llomeilnle, Idaho, were visiting friends In Ilia vnlloy Sunday. The county supervisor of schools, Mr. Drag, was visiting 111 11 schools Inst week. Mrs. I,, dimmer Is visiting her daughter and sons, tlnorgn "nd John for n month. The t'rumra moved lo Washington Inst full but Mrs. Cri'iuner'a health n poorly (here, so she cainu bark for a wllllo. TRY A POUND OF AIRWAV GROUND THI WAV VOU SAY. TAKE IT HOME AND BREW SOME. FAMIir JAM. "HOO-RAVI" SAFEWAY STORES An Unusual 2-Day Presentation! $595 2! 617 MAIN ST.