April 20, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN m m Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH NEWS-HERALD WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES: CASH ADS 2c par word par day's lusarUon. CHARGE ADS- ' 3 par word ptr day' Insertion. All Moll Order Ads Must Have Cash With Order. 10 20 par cent discount on , di running ona waak. par cant discount on da running ona month. All elasslfted ndi era Insarl ad la both Tb Klamath News and Kranlm Haraldal itbr( above ralee, appearing. o (The Nw first. . Tltna limit tor classification In tha following day'a pi pa" la 1:0 P. M. Ada dalrod In serted on tha aama iv 'ul mlttad will Imvo to rub "Too Lata to Claaalty." - CLASSIFIED INDEX " All olnsilflantlona ara num. bored and appear In numarlral order.' Following la an alpha bothlcel rcftrouro Hit of tha mora Important cil(lcationt: Automotive - 1 Building Malerlala ......... 10a Business Uppotrunltloa 10 . Contract Work Wanted... 10 Educational I rrm Itnplamanta lie rurnlihad Ant. to Let..... II Furnished Huuaa to Let.. M Furnished Rooms to Leu 11 financial mm..- il Ovnernl Notlcaa ..... I Halp Wanted, Mala t Hslp Wantad, rmala. T Live-stock and Med..... II Lost and Found . I Miscellaneous for Bala.. 10 Paraooala . - 4 Poultry for Bala lla Raal Estate for Bala IT riaal Estate for Lasie. II Itaal Eatat Wantad,,,,,.- 17a rioora and Hoard II Situation! Wantad I Hwapa .... Ifta Transportation ............ I Unturn. Ilousas to LL. 15 Wantad Miscellaneous..-.. 11 Wanted to Rent........... II Loat and Found LOBT Bninll hrown koy con tainer with four keya. Roward. Phona 1100 or return Herald Office. 3463 General Noticea CAM. A TAXI Ride In anfaty. aurroumled by atvel, genuine triple sealed hydraulic- brakea, radio equipped I'onllaca. Illuck and While Taxi. PHONE TKN roRTY-NINU. 8tb and Main. Phone 1040. 461)3 II YEARS' experience rcpnlrlng and abarpanlng toola. Hoden hamer aaw filing, tit B. Mnln. Phone 2308. 3310 rranaportatlon SAVEI Go by Cut VI Bind and Mr. Hood Shorieit Roula, Lowait Parti to Northwait Pointi. One Rouod Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Saartl $8.40 $14.65 Spokant $12.30 $20.05 Buaeaa tear Hill Noon From Tha Greyhound Depot for Information Phona III 6 Help Wanted Male WANTED Reliable, experienced man for potato fafmUnn handy with machinery, i Steady work. Boyd Tbaokor, weat aid Tula lake. . .. 4017 MAN for coffco route. 4 5-a-week opportunity. Automobile Slven aa bonus. Write Albert tills, ill Monmouth, Olnein nail, O. 4711 Klamath Tha firms and individuals represent ed In this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession, al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most reliable business men and Beauty School '. House Moving : Mdford Sohool ot Beauty Oul- r, b. HADLEY Houso moving tur. 410 H, Main St.. Modford, Md nMng, phone 1B60-W. Oregon, Enroll now for May - , alass. ' 1161 Palmer Chiropractor Commercial Printing . , DR. GLEN MOOR! Printing ot all kind. SHOP- Neurocalometer X-Rny PINO QUIDI, Plloan Thatr ill M, 0pp. Court Bom Bids. ' ' Floor Sanding Pump n FLOOR SANDING AND RHFIN- I8HINO. Phon 188W8, Byron Jaokson Pumps, Service. jt Mi wauohop. Ill 8. 1Mb S.t Fuel Phone 1303J. Peyton sells coal (Bo 100 lbs, p.Bno Tunng ' - Sewing ' '' HEMSTITCHING, Dr.s.maklng. U B. Mann, Utrby Musi ator. FXSk -n o.' obtained In M. .lnder. 814 Walnut. NevadajUer j?tl Dressmaking Tailoring. Harriot la required thore bofore tho hum Crowloy. Phone 424W5. . nnce of a resident fishing lloenso. MAN OH WOMAN wanted to hnnrila dlHtrlhutlon of fainoim Watklne Products In Klnmiilh Fulls, anlllng and serving liun drda of nntlnf loit customers. Kaoollant opportunity fur rlKht IMirty. No Investment. Write H. V. )lnrdaiig, J. II. Wulklna Co., 4024 Mollla St., Oakland Calif, 4710 fa Salesmen Wanted NATIONALLY KNOWN niann fnclumr offora rallahla man opportunity to clean up $1000 or mora thla spring and sum- mar New IMiiilur-Hervlco Plan. Nil slock Invimlini'iit, Wrllo, giving ogpnriuuo. General manager, llug II S3, Dayton, t)hlo. 4711 7 Help Wanted, female WANTKK Middle-aged woman to keep homo fur nrn ploy l lady, good lioma, amall wag's, Iliix 31117 Naws-ilarald. 3037 ADDRESS envelope for adver tisers. Earn up to $25 wa li ly. Experience unnecessary. Slump brings details. HUSK CO., Long Heuch, Calif. 401)8 WANTED Mlddl-iiKd woman for housework for amnll faml ly on much nnr Spraguc Itlver: 20 par month. Box 27. 'ti llrxi utti . Oro. 3409 flBxsBxasMBvsasaaaani Educational WILL oorsonully Interview men willing to work liurd to qual ify lor goml-pny positions In At II CONDITIONING and rtv frlgurailon business. Prefer men Willi fair urtiicntlon, me- chaiiliully Inclined, now em ployed, willing to dovota aoma spuro tlma to preliminary train ing to become Inalallatlon and sorvlca export. Wrlta fully, giving aga, phone, preaeut oc cupation, uiiiiiira Eng. Inst., Ilnx 4711, Nnws-llvrald. 4713 Situation Wantad YOUNtJ woman college graduate, will cara for children or do light housework In exchange for room and board for two. 14 in Oregon. 3826 II Furmahed Raomi FOR RENT l'laaaant room, 114 N. 3rd. 1(03 LA in IK room for rent, man only. 1100 Crescent. Cnll ovenlnga. soul 12 Room and Hoard ROOM AND HOARD lor children, country home; rofrenci-a ex ehangod, Unx 3391, Newa Herald. 3318 13 Furniahed Aparlmentg lyuxruvxr -yunir -i i i i 4-ltOOM apnrtmant. Mny 1st. l'hona 106.M, mornings. 1014 NK'H unfurnlshod 3-room apart ment. 103 Mnln. 1403 KOR RENT I.nrgo two-T'ium apartment. Ill Market. 1414 VACANCJArenfinatinxynenir 14 Furniahed Houses l-ROOM holiae, nicely furnished, clone In, adulta only. 114 N. 11th. 3003 17 Real Eatate For Sale KXTItA HI'KCIAI. If bought this weik: Choice ot Pour homes for 11350.00 total price; 1130.00 down; 131.00 per month. Hill MOltTIMKH HT. All liens pair to date, four rooms screen porch. 17'Jtl JOHNHOX riva rooms, three bed rooms, all llena paid In full. 748 CALIF, Six rooms, three bed rooms, nil liens pnld to dale, all texts paid Inclmllug ot taxes due. this year. ttin NO, Mill nr. Stono tile homo, three room, very homey, real buy with basement, all liens paid. For sale by l'MON HOI.DIXO t'O. (ownors) 111 South 4tU St. Phono 180. See Luko Walk er or XI 11 1 McCluikey. 4703 FOR SALE . 6-acro tract In ' Junction Acres. See 8, R. Uakor, Urlt Hotel. . 3087 WANT TO SULL 80 acres farm land. Who wants to buyT Owner, 617 Plna. 1406 Business Directory women. Yon will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently, For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. ' 17 Real Eatate For Sale FOR BALK by ownor 0-room inodurn home furnished or un furnished, very closo to good school. Can be seen Sunday, 120 tloorxla. 3028 FOR BALM By owneri 4-room modern house, pyrfect condi tion; easy tonus. Inquire 111 N Bill, Phone 6. Hr,01 19 Automotive AT BALHIUICil'S-Complot stock of used logging trailers and equipment, consisting of used Issuuson trailers, used Went wiu trailers, home-mnde trail ers, etc, Muln and Esplanade. 4081 USED CARS 1130 iludsoq Sort an. 1130 LoBalle Town Sedan, I wire wheels. till Chevrolet Coape. 1110 Packard, Small I Sedan. 1010 Bnlck Small I Coupe. Imperial Motors, Inc. Cadlllae and LaSalla 3rd and Mala FOR BALK 1931 Iliirlpy-Davld. son 46. A-l condition. 127 Walnut, on Sunday. 3SDJ 20 Miscellaneous For Sale RPKC1ALB House paint, outside or Inside, II. Be per gallon, Ouaranleed lead and oil paint, 13.10. Wall paper -lo per roll, and up. Floor aandera and 'polishers for rent. PATTERSON PAINT STORE, 230 Main. 4(99 FOR SALE While Leghorn roosters, 7 weeks old, 80 cents aacb, A. Otto, Sprint Lke. 3610 FOR SALE Early Rosa aecd po tatoes. W. A. Kottboff, Ma lln. Phona 1013. 3102 FOR BALE Good aeed potatoes. oug oeiura irusu vuy u, ton, Olene, Or. Phona 18F4. FOR BALE 10 aacka Netted Gem aeed potatoea, $1.15 ewt. Phona 1290W. 3199 EVERIIEARINO STRAWBERRY plants, 7(e hundred delivered. Call 36J1 or 137. 3483 i Wanted Mire llnnerus WANTED 10-ox. green bottles. 20c doxon. Klninnth Ice k ' Stornse. 6r Hprlna. 3802 12 Llveatock anl Feed rOR SALE Baled alfalfa, $10 per ton. - Francis tiannon, Tulolnko. 4690 FOR SALE One gelding, about louu ins. ensse pmcv, e ium west of Keno, on Ashland highway. 3611 FOR SALE -Jersey milk cow. also saddle mar, u. C. uar rlngton, Malln, Ore. 3611 72a Poultry For Sale PIIRK-URED" WHITE LEO HORN CHICKS, sired by msles of 170 to 100 egg records. Straight run, or day old pul lets 98 aoouraey. Also WHITE-ORCAB (Minorca-Leghorn cross), Black Mlnorcaa, Brown Leghorns. Selected stock. BARRED ROCK and R. I. RED CHICKS for market uss and egg production, B.W.D. Tested, ORLAND HATCHERY, Orland, Cal.. Est. 1900 - SUPER QUALITY CHICKS Bred for six and production, state blood tested, Whit Leghorns, gaged day old pullets or straight run chicks. Also R. I. Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks. Send card for litera ture giving prices and testi monials. Established 80 years. Mngulr Electrlo Hatohery, 1415 N. B. Oregon St., Port land, Or. 1484 CORNISH-RED cross bred chicks for market use, B.W.D, tested stock. Prices on application, ORLAND HATCHERY, Orland, Calif. ., - Repairing Furniture and stove repairing neatly don. All work guaran teed or money baok, Parkin Bargain House. Ill N. 4th St. Phon 111. Roofing EXPERT repairing and raoortr. ing composition shingles. Term. Atlaa Roof Oo. Phone 1611.. 1400 So, Ito. 1 Sand Clean sand or plaster or oament work, II psr yard delivered, Phon 961. 8811 Contractor and Builder Leo N. Hula, Phone 800, Esti mate furnished. 8840 22a Poultry For Sale FOR BALK Huff-OrplngUm baby chicks, $12 per 100. B. It. Woodlcy, Merrill, Ore. HANSON and Hollywood W. L. Chicks. Heavy laying strain. Large vlgoroua chicks, 8 cents, Rocks and reds, m cents, Leghorn cockerels, l'4c Hend for catalogue, Jenks - Hatchery, Tangent, Ore. 4005 Day Old Leghorn Cockerels for April dullrery. Price 12,00 per 100, $20.40 par 1000 F.O.U. OltLAND HATCHKRY, Orlund, Calif. UOOJJ'g "Quality Chlx: White Leghorns 19. oo a 100; R. I. Iti'ils, $10.00; N. II. Ittds, $12.00. Prepaid, flood's Hatch ery, llox 3K0, Kuffuue, Ore gon, 4083 24 Business Opportunities $300 Suys half-Interest In busi ness that Is clourJug over $2(0 a month. Kxpandlng, tlierefora need partner. Bee owner, room six, Williams building. .1023 FOR BALE Small cafe, doing good business. Illness, reason for snlllng. 629 B. 8th. 3821 25 Money to Loan The First Federal baa PLENTY OF MONEY YOU CAN BORROW to BUY . . BUILD .. REMODEL Own a Modern Home Pay Less Than Rent low cost, Long Term Monthly Payment Plan FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KLAMATH FALLS III No. 0 li Phona 1S40 LOWEST RATES en AUTO LOANS ' and REFINANCING Quick. Dependable, 8fe, No co-signers No Rod Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or need cay purobaa Motor Investment Co. License M10 114 No. 7tb Pb. 181 EQUITABLE Loans COST YOU LKSS and get you OUT OK DEBT.. Some paymenla a low as $9.80 per 11000.00. - , If you want to remodel the old home, build a new Tiome, or refinance a mortgage, sea ua . and get the KQPITABLE " PL4X CHILCOTE and SMITH . HI N. 9th St. . Phone 66 Legal Notice NOTIOR OK BALK OF REAL PltOt'KRTY FOIl liELIXQI KST I.M PROVKMKNT ASSKHSM EXT... Bv virtue of a warrant Issued by the Polio Judge of the City ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, dated the 13rd day of March. 19,16. A. D.. and to m directed, notice Is hereby given that I have levied upon the following-described real property, to-wlt: Lot (71, Block 118, Mills Ad dition to the City ot Klamath Falls, Origon, taken and levied upon as the property of Margaret Applegate, in satisfaction of a certain Bewer lien created and docketed by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share of the cost of Improving 5th Sewer Unit which said lien Is pocketed In Volume (8 ot the Bond Lien Docket ot said City at page 148 thereof on the data ot May, 15, 1933, A. D In me sura or fss.ve. Notice is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the (th day ot May, 1936, A. D., at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, at the front door of the City Hall In said City, sell at publlo auction to the highest bid der for cash In band, the afore mentioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy th above lien In the aum ot $25.24, together with interest tberoon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from th 15th day of May, 1927 A, D and together with the costs and disbursements ot -sal here under, FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A,,13,10,2,7,M.4 No. 70 NOTION OF BALM OF HEAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. By virtue ot a warrant Issued by th Pollco Judge bt the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated tha 13rd day of March, 1930, A. D., and to ma directed, nottoe la hereby given that I have levied upon th followlng-desorlbed real property, to-wlt: Lot 8, Block 100, Mills Sec ond Addition, to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of Dick Dnrnlelle, In satisfaction of a certain sewer Hen created and docketed by the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share of the cost of Improving Sth Sowar Unit which snld lien is dooketed In Volume 53 ot th Bond Lon Docket ot snld City at peg 160 thereof on the dot of May 15, 1923, A. D., In th sum of 143.08. - Notice Is also hereby given that i the undersigned will, on the 5th dny ot May, 1936, A. D., at tho hour of 10 o'olook A, M, of said day, at th front door ot th City Hnll in suld City, sell at Subllo auction to th highest old er for oasli In hand, th afore mentioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy th above Hon In the sum of $33.68 Legal Notice : se,trAAnrMAAAAAVVWVMVVla1VyvV together with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 par cant par annum from the 15th day of May, 1920, A. V; and together with the costs and disbursements of sale hereunder. FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. II A.S,13.20,27,M.4 No. 66 NOTICE OF BALE OF ItEAL PROPERTY FOR DELI.fQt'E.Vl' IMPROVEMENT AHNKHH.MENT By virtue of a warrant lasued by tha Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 3U(h day of March, 1938, A. D., and to me directed, notice la hereby given that I have levied upon the following-described real property, to-wlt; Beginning at th most souther ly corner ot Lot 6, Block 45, First Addition to the City of Klamath Fulls, Oregon; thence northeasterly along Washington street, 59,4 feet; thence north westerly grid parallel to Sixth street, 80 feet; thence south westerly and parallel to Wash ington street, 09,4 fnet; thence southeasterly along Sixth street, 80 (eet to the place ot beginning, taken and levied upon as the property of J. P. and Mary Wil son, In satisfaction of a certain paving Hen created and docketed by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share ot the cost of Improving 40th Improvement Unit which said lien la docketed In Volume 8 of the Bond Lien Docket of said City at page 247 thereof on the date of May 4, 1927, A- D., In the sum ot $617.(4. Notice Is also hereby glvan that the undersigned will, on the 12th day of May, 1930, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, at the front door of the City Hull In said City, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the aforementioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be nec- ssary to satisfy the above Hen in the sum of $617.(4, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 4th day of May, 1927, A. D-, and together with the costs and disbursement of sale hereunder. FRANK HAMM. Chief ot Police of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A. 1 3, 20, 27, M, 4. 11 No. 85 NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR IKI.!XQl:EST IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT By virtue of a warrant Issued by the Police Judge ot the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 20th day of March, 1936. A. D., and to me directed, notice is hereby given that I have levied upon the following-described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on Jef ferson atreet at the most westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 45. First Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence southeast erly on the line between Lots 2 and 3 of the said block, (5 feet; thence northeasterly and parallel to Jefferson street, 104.2 feet to tha north line of Lot 1 ; thence northwesterly on the northerly Una ot Lot 1 to Jefferson street, (5 feet; thence southwesterly along Jefforson atreet, 104.3 feet to the place of beginning, taken and levied upon as the property of Marlon J. Barnes, In satis faction of a certain paving Hen created and docketed by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate shsre ot the cost of Improving 49th Improvement Unit which said Hen Is docketed In Volume I of the Bond Lien Docket ot said City at page 346 thereof on the date ot May 4, 1127, A. D., In the sum ot $404.06. . Notice Is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 12th day ot May, 1930, at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door ot th City Hall In said City, sell at public auction to the highest bid dor for cash In hand, the afore mentioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the abovo lien in the sum ot $404.00, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per oent per annum from the 4th day ot May, 1937, A. D., and together with the costs and disbursements ot sal hereunder. FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A. 13, 20,27, M. 4, 11 No. 88 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY POll DELINQUENT IMPROVEMENT - ASSESSMENT By virtue ot a warrant issued by the Police Judge of the City of Klnmath Falls, Oregon, dated th 28th day of March, 1936, A. D., and to me directed, notice Is hereby given that I have levied upon th following-described real property, to-wlt: -The north 50 feet ot Lot 8. and th west 40 feet ot the north 60 feet of Lot 7, all in Block 14, Hot Springs Addition to th City ot Klnmath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon aa the property of Martha Lavenlck, in satisfac tion ot a cortain ' paving Hen created and docketed by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for, a proportionate share of th cost of Improving 60th Improvement Unit which snld lien is docketed in Volume 8 ot the Bond Lien Docket ot said City at page 240 thereof on the date of April 5, 1927, A. D., In the sum of $654.91. Notice Is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 12th day ot May, 1936, at th hour ot 10 o'clock A. M, of said dny, at the front door ot th City Hall In snld City, Bell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the aforementioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be nec essary to satisfy the above lien In the sum ot $654.91, together with Interest thereon at the rate ot 6 per cent per annum from tb 5th day ot April, 1917, A. D., and together with tha costs and disbursement ot sal here under. FRANK HAMM, 1 Chief of Pollco of the City of Klnmath Falls. Oregon, H A. 13, 20,27, M. 4, 11 No. $7 , The London County Counall expendii $62,500,000 ot Its annual Income of $198,451,186 for edu cational purposog alone. Legal Notice NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT IMI'lltlVKMENT ANHKHHMENT.., By virtue of warrant Issued by the Police Judge ot the City or Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 23rd day of March, 19.16. A D and to m directed, notice Is hereby given that I have levied upon the following-described real property, to-wlt: Lot 576, Block 115, Mills Ad dition to the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of Margaret Applegate, In satisfaction ot a certain Sewer Hen created and docketed by the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, for a proportion' ate share of the cost of Improve- ing oin sewer unit which said Hen Is docketed In Volume (8 of th Bond Lien Docket of snld City at page 148 thereof on the data of May 16, 123, A. D., in the sum of 142.08. Notice Is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 61b day of May, 1936, A. D., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tha front door of tba City Hall In said City, aell at public auction to th bigbeat bid' der for cash In band, th afore mentioned and described real property, or so much theraof aa may bs necessary to satisfy tb above Hen In tha sum ot $25.24, logetner with Interest tbareon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from tb 15th day of May. 1917. A. D., and together with tb costs and disbursements of sal hereunder. FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of th City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A.6.13,27,20,M-4 No. l NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT LWKOVK.MEXT ASSESSMENT. By virtue of a warrant issued by the Police Judge ot the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 23rd day of March, 1936, A. D., and to me directed, notice Is hereby given that I hav levied upon the following-described real property, to-wlt: Lot 12, spick 206, Mills Sec ond Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property ot The American National Bank, K. P., In satisfaction of a certain sewer Hen created and docketed by th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share ot the cost of Improving 6th Sewer Unit which said lien is docketed In Volume 68 of the Bond Lien Docket of said City at page 16 thereof on th date of May 16. 1923, A. D., In the sum of $42.08. Notice Is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the Sth day of May, 1936, A. D., at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day. at the front door of the City Hall in said City, aell at public auction to th highest bid der for cash In band, th afore mentioned and described raal property, or so much thereof a may be nectasary to satisfy the aoove lien In the aum of 135.24 together with Interest thereon at tha rat of 6 per cent per annum from' the 15th da of May, 1927, A. u., ana logetner witn the cost and disbursement ot sal here under. i FRANK HAMM, , Chief ot Police of th City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A. 6, 13. 20,17. M. 4 No. 64 NOTICE OF SALE OF .REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. By virtue of a warrant Irsuad by the Police Judge ot tb City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 23rd day of March, 1936, A. D., and to me directed, notice is hereby given that I hav levied upon the following-described real property, to-wlt: Lot 11, Block 208. Mills Sec ond Addition to th City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon ns the property of M. L. Johnson, In satisfaction of a certain sewer Hen created and docketed by tha City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share of the cost of improving &tli sewer Unit which Bald Hen Is docketed In Volume 63 of the Bond Lien Docket of said City at page 166 thereof on the date ot May 15. 1923, A. D-, in th aum of $42.08. Notice Is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the otn a ay of May, 1936. A. D.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, at the front door ot the City Hall in said City, sell at publlo auction to the blgheat bid der for cash In hand, the afore mentioned and described real property, or ao much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the above Hen In tb aum of $25.24, together with Interest thereon at tha rat of 6 per cent per an num from th 16th day ot May, 1927, A. D., and together with the costa and disbursements of sale hereunder. FRANK HAMM, . Chief ot Police of the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A. 6,1 8, 20, 27, M. 4 No. 65 NOTICE OF- SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOIl DELINQUENT IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. i By virtue of a warrant Issued by the Police Judge of the Cltv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated tns Z3i(l day ot March. 1936. A. P., and to me directed, notice ia hereby given that I have levied upon th following-described real property, to-wlt: Lot 7, Block 100, Mills Sec ond Addition to . tb .City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon a the property of Dick Dnrnlelle, in satisfaction ot certain Sewer Hen oreated and docketed by-the City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for a propor tionate share ot the cost of Im proving 6th Sewer Unit ' which said Hen is dookoted in Volume 58 of th Bond Lien Docket of said City at page 160 thereof on th data ot May II, 1993, A. u., in the sum ot 142.08, Notlc Is also ntreby given, that th undersigned will, on th Sth day ot Mny, 1938, A, D at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, at the front door ot the City Hall in said City, sell at publlo miction to the highest bid der for cash In hand, th afore mentioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy th Legal Notice above Hen In the sum of 133.66, together with Interest thereon at th rat of I per eent per annum from th 15th day ot May, 1925, A. D and together with the costs and disbursements of sale hereunder. FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of th City ot Klamath Falls, ' urgon H A. 6, 13, 20, 27, M. 4 No. 17 NOTICH OF BALE OF REAL I'llOPERTY FOR DELINQUENT I.lll-HOVKME.HT ASSESSMENT. By virtue ot a warrant issued by th Police Judge of tb City or itiamatn Fans, Oregon, dated the 23rd day of March. 1938. A. D., and to me directed, notice la hereby given that I hav levied upon tba following-described real property, to-wlt: Lot 379, Block 123. Mills Ad dltlon to tba City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, taken and levied upon a the property ot Alma J, Cofer, In satisfaction of a certain sewer Hen created and docketed by tb City ot Klamath Falls Oregon, for a proportionate share of the cost of improving Sth Sewer Unit which said Hen la docketed in Volume (3 ot the Bond Lien Docket ot said City at page 158 thereof on th data of May 16, 1923, A. D., in tba sum ot $42.08. Notlc 1 also hereby alven that th undersigned will, on the tn day of May, 1936, A. D at th hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at th front door of tb city Hall in said City, aell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash in hand, tb afore mentioned and described real property, or so much thereof a may be necessary to satisfy the above Hen In tb sum of 125.24, together with. Interest tbareon at th rate of I per cent per annum from th 15tb day of May. 1927. A. D., and together with the costs and disbursement ot sal here under. FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A. 6, 13, 20, 27, M. 4 No. 61 NOTICE Of SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOB DELINQUENT IMPROVEMENT ASSENHMKNT. By virtu of a Warrant issued by th Police Judge of th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 1st day ot April. 1916. A. D and to me directed, notice Is hereby given that I have levied upon the following-described real property, to-wit: The northerly 70 feet of Lot 8, Block 1, Shires Addition to tbe City of Klamath Falls, Ore., taken and levied upon aa the property of A. C. Olenger, in satisfaction of a certain paving Hen created and docketed by the City ot Klamath Fall, Oregon, for a proportional share of th cost ot Improving 81st Improve ment Unit, whlon said Hen is docketed in Volum 4 of th Bond Lien Docket ot said City at page 151 thereof on the dat of May 13. 1927, A. D., In the sum of 1165.84.' Notlc Is also hereby given that th under signed will, on th 12nd day of May, ivy, t tn hour or 10 o'clock a. m, of said day, at th front door of th City Ball lo said City, sell at publlo auction to tha highest bidder for cash la band, tbe aforementioned and de scribed real property, or- so much thereof as may b neces sary to satisfy th abov lien In tbe sum of $155.84. together with Interest thereon at tb rat of 6 ptr cant per annum from the 13th day ot May, 1927, A. D., and together with the costs and disbursements ot sale hereunder. ' FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police ot tb City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A 10 17; M 4 11 18 No. 17 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT IMPROVEMlviT ASSESSMENT. By virtue of a Warrant Issued by th Police Judge ot the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated HORIZONTAL 1 Dethroned ruler. J Ha wa th - king. 13 Principal. ' 14 To diminish. 14 drafted. 17 Indian, t , 18 Long cut. . Answer (o 19 To accomplish 11 Neither. 22 Southeast 23Castl trench, 24 To become bankrupt. II Paid publicity 17 Robin. 18 Crude. 10 Graded system 31 Senior. 13 Pronoun, 35 Custom. ' 36 Mineral aprlng 17 Measure ot area. 38 Silkworm. 89 Leg bone. 40 Lacquer Ingredient. 41 Marked with 44 To depart 46 To datest 47Morlndln dy. 48 Rubber Use. SO Right. 61 Fortified plac 54 Fiber knot. 65 Prevaricator, 67 To corrode. 58 Italian coin. 69 This king is In exile. 60 His country Is now a spots. a 1 European Nobleman AILIIICIE IPAULMall.OE ROO TP6 A N T anTTKL C r a gpfA n c. i fn fngvg e nHs m UitQsIe BTffON 5QC U E 1 N Silo mm.0 ffljf iini gUTIA M rWL U V AlJC I-" JT" 4 I 5 eT" 7 d 9 10 il W u is lt - - ;g "T- iy 5o "7" 3T S7 Te& . jy- 33" ST" "" asT " 3 ST" " " is" T """" T So"" """" i t7 """" " y-A5 'H-y "S --- VSijr, """"" 48 i5 T so" "T ST" o si , M mm. J - LJ 1 I 1 I I ! 1 1 Id Legal Notice NrW eWSVMVMi the 1st day of April, 1936, A. D and to me directed, trMtn I hereby given that I have Arlvd upon the following-described roast property, to-wlt: The southerly 60 feet of th easterly 39.34 feet of Lot 7, and the southerly 60 feet ot Lot 8, all In Block 44, Nichols Addition to th City of Klamath Falls,, Ore., luken and levied upon aa the property of Dora Olenger, In satisfaction, of a certain paving Hen created and docketed by th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share ot th cost of Improving 64th Improve ment Unit, which said Hen is docketed in Volum - of th Bond Lien Docket of (aid City at page 86 thereof on the date of May 13. 1937, A, D in th sum of $333.04. Notice Is also hereby given that the under signed will, on tha 2 2nd day of May, 1986, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. of said day, at the front door of tbe City Halt in said City, sell at public auction to th highest bidder for cash In hand, tbe aforementioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy the above Hen in th sum of $333.04. together with Interest thereon at the rat ot 8 per oent per annum from the 13th day of May, 1917, A. D., and together with tbe eosts and disbursements of sale hereunder. FRANK HAMM, Chief of Police of th City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. H A 20 27; M 4 11 II No. It NOTED FOB MT CHICAGO, April 10. (AP) In an abrupt reaction from re cent advances of about 11 cent a .bushel, wheat values today took a big downward awing. A decided lull both In anaou- lative and commercial demand for wheat wa an outstanding faa- . tur. Suggeatlons wer current that a change of weather condi tion in dronght district might easily take place, and that liberal wheat import into this country from Canada war again possible. Wheat closed nervous. 14-1 la under Saturday' finish, May I9 1, July 921-J, com 1 11 down. May lll-I, eat - off, and pro visions showing i to II ent decUn. - - Chicago Livestock Chicago. April 39. () (V. 8. Dept. Agr.) Hog 11,000, in cluding 4,100 direct; generally steady with Friday's average on 180 lb.,- up; lighter weight strong to l higher; top 11.00; bulk 110-151 lbs., 10.76-11.00; 160-810 lbs., 10.41-10; 140-160 lb., 10.50 80; eow $.60-81. Cattle 17,000, calve 1,600; x cesslre ran fed steers and year lings here; Utile don; early aale 25 lower: Indications 16-60 down all through list; aothlng itrlctly choice offered; best weighty ateers early 1.76; few load 9.00- oo; oest yearling i.o; itocaer support negligible; heifers 15-26 lower; beat Ught kind early 1.40; cow waak to 15 lower; ball and vealera ateady. Sheen 18,000: market sot fully establkhed on old crop Iambs; tew sales weak to II lower than Saturday or mostly 10-16 lower than Friday; wooied iamb 10. To ll. 00: around 105 lb., Colorado going at Inside price; asking 11.26 and better tor choice bandy waigbt; faw llppr 1.00-26; part dok 1.50: aged classes about ateady; most wooied ewe 6.60- 6.00; few 1.35; beat clipper 1.15. D01MSR Previous Punte II Uleer. ' 10 Lubricant : 111280 feat 24 Musical Bflt. ' 26 Behold. 17 Hollow dish. 28 Hoisting machine, 29 Aquatle - mammal, 11 Mongrel. 31 Pique. 14 Age. . 38 To smash. 38 To (wallow UP IIKavnly body. 41 Shpskl cap. 48 Sound t surprise. , 46 Hodgepodge. 47 Pertaining to air. 41 Organ ot . hearing. 51 Because. 62 Poem. 63 Corded cloth. 54 Nothing, -66 Ream. 1 68 Pound, VERTICAL 1 Diverts. 1 Tardy. I Sound of disgust 4 Upon.. 5 Prepared lettuce. , ' . I Death notlc. 7 Street. 8 Foot lever, 9 Northeast. 10 Wayside hotel 11 Portico. . 12 Herdsman. 16 Preposition. I ;