January 29, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ?AGE NINE National and Local Markets Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH NEWS-HERALD WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES: CASH ADS 2 par word par day's limertlon. CHARGE ADS 3 par word Insertion, por day's All Mnll Order Ads M iwt Ilnvo Cuah With Ordor. 10 20 par cut discount on ill running ono week. per cent discount on sds running ono month. All classified ads nm Insert. Ad In both Tho KlnrnatlrNews snd Evening Herald -atthe abov ratlin, appearing The News first. -(.,.. Tlnio limit tor elaaslllcatlon In the following day ..pior I 6:0 1. M. Ail (Jonrd In "rind on (lie Bm dor M 'l milted will have to run "Too Lato to Clanlfy. CLASSIFIED INDEX All classifications aro num bered nil appear In numerical ordor, following It an slphs- bslblcal roferonra lll of lb moro IrnportAiit classifications: Automotive 10 llulldlnit Materials inn I) it s I ) Oppotrunltie ..- 10 Contract Work Wunt.id.... 10 KiluFutlon.il Farm Implements 10a rurnUhod Apt. to Let... 12 Kurnlilicd lluuso to Let.... 14 Furnished Room to Lot.. II Financial 23 Oonoral Notice Help Wantoil, Mnlo 6 llolp Wanted, Female. 7 l.lreitorlc and Foed. ........ 22 Lost and Pound - 1 Mlscollnrou for Bale.. 20 Personal 4 Poultry for Halt 22 Real Estate for Solo. 17 Real Kttalo (or Leaae IS Heal Estate Wontod. 17a Roam and Hoard. ..... 11 Hltuatlom Wanted 9 Bwsps 20a Transportation 6 ITnfurn. HotiNi-n to Let.... 15 Wanted Miscellaneous...... 21 Wanted to Itont 19 Lout and Found LOST Llewellyn seller, elrht monllii old, black nnd while. 132 N. 4lh. Howard. 200K LOST Receipt book belonging to Ringer Hewing MiKllllio Co. Please return SI 5 Klunialh. Itnward. Phono 760. 2 II 11 J.OST Female springer spanlol pup. four months old. Brown and white. Phone 131 or 1012. 1 1 2707 3 General Notices I WILL NOT he responsible (or nny bill conlrnrted by Mr. H. F. IMrkoc. after January 28, 1936. II. F. Dtirkoe. 2732 WAGON REPAIR KACTOHY Experienced workmen. Cutting down wheeln a iipeclnlty. Guar anteed nu t Inf act Ion. Write for low prison. Homo Supply Com pany, Lnkuvluw, Oregon. 409 4 MUSIC furnished for all occas lons. OHpoclnlly dancei,, Phono 1761. 2448 FOll KXPEItT roofing or patch work, call 8 r.-J . 2666 Transportation LIU VINO to Los Angeles Febru ary 6tb, take passengers share expenses. 301 S. 0th. 2727 SAVEI Go by Bus Via Bond and Mt. Hood Shortost Route, Lowost Foroi to Northwei Poind On Way $5.90 $8.40 Round Trip $10.65 $14.65 $20.05 Portland Seattle Spokane $12.30 Busses Leave 12:45 Noon From The GreyhouhcjJ)epot For Information Phone 099 Klamath Tho firms nnd Individuals roprosont od in this Alphabetical Diroctory of Specialized Business and Profession al Scrvico aro known as Klamath Falls' most reliable business men and Commercial Printing Printing of nil kind. 8HOP PINO GUIDE), Pelican Theatre Bldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND RBFIN ISHINO. Phon 86W4. Hemstitching Bomatltohlng, specialising 1 n ults and cost, woolen samples, droesmnklng. Mr. H. M. Allen . dor, 114 Walnnt Music Klamath In'tute of Music I.O.O.F. Hldg., Room 216, Hours 0-6. Plnno. violin, collo. guitar. fiintriitnnnt free with oourno. ootirno. 2617 , High school credits. 9 Situations Wanted WOMAN wants work. Kxperl euced much cook. 1'honu 30 2.1. 2010 UX-HKItVICK MAN Machinist, (inochunlc, welder, sternly and reliable, bout -of rnfcronreM, wants sternly piMltlun. Export trnclur opi'intoi' und repair man. News lleiiild, Din 2730. 27110 KXPKHT Clerical work, so counting, bookkeeping, all or rwrt lime. Una 1441, Nws- Herald. 22HK lOn Building Material BAVM MONICy-Lut Hlarkey do your work. Iliilidlng, roofing, remodi'llng. Estimate free, 2160 While HI. I'hone HKf.J. 271!) 11 Furnished Roomi HEATED ROOMS 920 Lincoln. 2709 I'll K CI.AKIiMONT, 12 N. till, all modern outald rooms. Free narking lot 4 4 o 5 Koom and So.rd KOOM AND IIOAltD 'Phone 1U22J. 029 Jefferson. 2718 13 furnished Apartments 2 OH 3-KOOM apartments, hulh. Adults only, 920 Lincoln. 2731 SMALL furnished apartment. 731 Oak. 272s LAUGH front apartment. sultnlit two or four people. Adults. 419 N. 10th. 2720 3 KOOM npiirlment. Adults. Ala meda apartments, 180 K" plu mule. 1'houo 74SJ. 2009 ESPLANADE COUrtTH A 10 Simon prtmonta, 223 Com merclal. Phon U14J. 2221 VACANCY Arcade apartments. FOll HKNT Modern 3-room fur nished house, adults only. 2214 Reclamation. Call bc- 17 Real Estate For Sale FOll BALE on HUNT 74 aero Irrlxnled. part good potato land, fair Improvement; 12 miles Boutheanl of Klunialh Kails on Merrill highway. It. C. (iroesheck. American Na tional Uunk liulldlng. 2006 FOll HALK OK ItKNT 1 60 acres potato land, no Improve ments; pumiiluR reiiulred for Irrigation: 6 miles southeast ut Klamath Kails. It. C. Orneaheck, American National ' Hank liulldlng. 2606 HOMESTEAD Tulelnko. 0101. Hoi 2. Phone 4099 17a Real Estate Wanted WANTF.l) Dairy ranch or gen eral pttrposu ranch. 1 have stock nnd full equipment. News-Herald. Jlox 2723. 2723 19 Automotive New Low Prices ONLY 20 DOWN Ilecondltloncd used cars. Soc us nnd aava money. 1934 Plymouth deluxe coupe, radio, trunk, rack sldo mount, good tires, good pnlut, inohnlr. Price 167500. 1933 Plymouth da luxe coupe. Troplc-nlro heater, six ply tiros, good paint, now license Prlca $450.00. ' 1930 Ford A coupe, $185.00. 192D Ford A pickup, 13u.00. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. Chryler, Plymouth Denier, Opposite Wlllurd Hotel. 2607 A sptur will Blop a lion's clinrgo, oven though tho wound bu slight. The nuliiml stops to rid Itself of tho shaft. Business Directory women. You will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. Palmer Chiropractor DR. QLEN MOORS Neurocalomotor X-Hny I2S Main Opp. Court House Pumps Byron Jackson Pumps and Sorvlce ). M. Wauehopo, 115 So. 11th St. Phona 1303-J , Radio Repairing 6 months gunrnntce on all repair work. Phono 1790. ANDERSON-MOORS! 126 South Eighth Street 1867 PHONE 173 for rellnhla radio ropalrlng. Ronsnnnhle rale, quick servlco. Roborts nnd Harvey, 1007 Mnlu. 2443 10 Automotive PRICES THAT YOU WANT? WELL, HERE THEY ARE! '28 DURANT COUPE $ 59 '30 CHEVROLET COACH 199 '3 1 CHEVROLET COACH ..... 269 '29 BUICK STD. 6 SEDAN 211 '29 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN 199 '28 FORD COUPE 89 31 DE SOTO SEDAN 319 MURDER? of course, to prices, but dollars in your pocketl OSTENDORF MOTOR CO. 424 S. TH KLAMATH FALLS DODGE PLYMOUTH CARS TRUCKS DEPENDABLE USED CARS 19 Automotive Wo are conducting a real used 'car sale during January and II will pny you well to buy now from us. A hlg selection of stumlurd makes ut bargain prices. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main 2392 USED CARS 1121 Cadillac 6-Pois. Bedaa. ( wlr wheels, now tire, excep tional condition. 1928 Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 Packard. Small 2 Sedan. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadlllao and LaSalla 3rd and Main 20 Miscellonous For Sale SACKIFICE A snap! Ono hea ver coat, sire 30. In good con clll liii . new IIiiIiir. lencth 42 Inches. $40. Will ship for In spection. L. Southworth, 3634 N. E. 76th Ave., Portland. 3094 MAKE YOUR DATES for paper hanger and decorators. All 1B35 wallpaper at bargain price. Floor Sanders and polishers for rent. Patterson Plnt Store. 230 Main. Phone 1045. 4017 MOVING? Call 704. local, long dlnance. Insured carrier; ex perienced men. Peoples Ware house. 463 HKAUT1FUL hardy pedigreed Sprinitor spaniel puppies. Lnw aon llralnord, Morrill. Ore. 2632 FOll SALE Cmp stove, rnngo, 18" stationary thresher, mow ing machine, hny rnke. trac tor disc, 1 fresno. wagon anil hay rack, harrow, curt and many other articles. Jnquiro Tlngloy ranch. 2586 FOll SALE ItepoBsessed Martin tenor Bnxophone. I'sed ono month. Spoclal price for quick sale. 117 S. 71h. 2720 FOM SALE OR TRADE for live stock: 22-36 McCormlck-Deer-Ing tractor with powor pulley asKemhly. Phone 584. 2601 FOll SALE Chosterflold, two chairs, circulating heater, range. 82B Pine, between 3 and 6 P. m. 2710 S.'eps WILL. TRADE 1934 Chov. pick up, good condition, tor young cnttlo or good cows Just fresh or coming fresh. Phono 2167 what you havo to trade, nnd give prices. Address 2441 Orchard Wny, Klamath Falls. Uncle Sam' forest service crows fight an nverugo of 28 fire daily during tho iiiminor months. Piano Tuning L. R. Mann, Dorby'a Muslo store, 117 So. 7th. Raw Fur Rnw furs wantod. Hlg'iest price paid. Try us bofora you soil. O. L. Hombroe. 829 Klamath. Roofing EXPERT repairing and recover ing composition shingle. Term. Atlas Roof Co. Phone 1612.. 2400 So. 6th. 42 Upstairs Dress Shoppe TOQLER'S tor 8MART TOGS. Stewart-Draw Bldg., Ill Main. Wood FOR SALE Pine, fir body and limb wood. Phon 76W2. 896 19 Automotive 7i Wnntrt Mi- ilnnectis WANT TO BUY Leaso and fur niture small hotel or good rooming house, southern or eastern Oregon town. Box 322, Dorrls, Calif. 4114 WANTED Old Sewing Machlno head; Cash. Apt. 1, 518 Klamath Ave. ?2 Livestock ent Feed FOR SALE 15 head Jersey cow. News-Herald, Box 2724. 2724 FOR SALE 1440 lb. mare, com ing five years, 1 160. 1220 lb. gelding,, coming 1 years, 8100. Broken, sound, gentle. Francis Hannon, Tulelake. 2721 FOR SALE 66 bead stock cat tle. Black Angus. John Bodnal, Hildebrond. 2618 HORSES FOR SALE Logging, (arm marcs and geldings, sad dlo horses and colls. Inquire Tingley ranch. 2585 HIGHEST corn-bolt prices for carloads broke or unbroke range horses, mules and colls. Fred Chandler Horse and Mule Market. Charlton. Iowa. 2466 22a Poultry Po. Sale HANSON and Hollywood W. L. chick. Heavy laying strains. Large vigorous chicks 9 cents. Rocks and Reds 10 rrr.ts. Send for catalogue. Jenk Hatch ery, Tangent, Ore, 4089 SUPER QUALITY CHICKS Whit Leghorns, R. I. Reds, $10. 100; Barred Rocks.. $11, 100, prepaid. Magulro Electric Hatchery, 1415 N. E. Oregon Btroet. Portland. Ore. 1434 23 Financial WILL DISCOUNT $750 bonus $50. Take new or used car tip to $350. Newa-Herald. llox 2729. 2729 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS ' - and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Sate, No co-slgnor No Red Tap NO HIDDEN CHARGES ' Lot a finance your new or uaed car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Ph. 8S3 License Ml 04 CHIL0QUIN CHILOQU1N, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grob left Sundny morning for Lnkovlow, where they plan on staying several days, vis iting nnd nttandlnR business. Mrs. Sue Mitchell and children spent tho week end In Mcdford with Mm. Mitchell's mother and fnlhor. Mrs. William Scott entertnlned tho pinochle club nt her home Inst Wodueadny afternoon. Mrs. Lnd ermnn won high Bcoro. The Luncheon Bridge club was entertained by Mrs. Roy Glonger Wodueadny afternoon. Mrs. Nor Both was a guest .of the club. Prises were won by Mrs. McDon ough. Mrs. George Flury and Mrs. M. Nersoth. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Pitts of Med ford spent several days last week vlBltlng hero with Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Hnlo. Mr. Pitts Is a brother of Mrs. ilulo. A group of frlonds compliment ed Lelnnd Casey with a furowcll pnrty Snturdny night. Cu,ey is moving to Klnmnth Fnlls, whore ho will be In business In tho fu ture. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Glonger nnd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolff spent tho week end iu Silver Lake, Ore. The smoker being given by Floyd Bradley next Snturdny night promises to be a great show, with a real grudge fight as the main event. Jnck Dnvles nnd Jack Fol lows hnve been training hard, and are both. in. good fighting condi tion. The old-time dnnce given by tho Townsond club Monday wan en joyed by everyone attending. The only wny to hnndle alcohol Is to dostroy It Senntor Morris Sheppard, Texas. PORTLAND, Jan. 29 (VP) While hiittnr and eggs showed a hotter feeling today, price re- j irni Inert unchanged. I Capons were scarce with quota tions rending uk high m 29-30c pound. Live capons brought 25c. Oth'-rwlmi, the chicken market showed weakness. Tin-re wax a good call for drewed geexo around 2"c a pound, while Pekln ducks brought 10-1 7c. J'rico of onion was dropping with only a small volume of hualmiHs pesalng at the .source. General lop price biliifj offered growers Is now $1 net. Extreme dullness waa con tinued for potatoes from Des chutes, Klamath and IiUho but local were showing a alight In crease of movement. General price range Is unchanged. Rather slow trading was re ported for local hoi house to-, ma toes with extra fancy and ! fancy quoted at 22c, choice to 20c and standard around 17-18C: pound. j Celery market was weaker and i lower. Hothouse rhubarb was again lower with demand slow. Hothouse cucumbers wore mov- i Ing fairly well around $1.25 dozen for standard and 1.76 for choice. .Some good Cannon Ball cab bage from the south wa being offered around 3'4c with local from 2 j to 4c lb. Country killed meats are gen erally unchanged in price. South S. F. Livestock 80. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29, (UP) Hogs: 1700, direct 1475. Active, generally steady, spots unevenly higher on lights; top and hulk 160-210 lb. butchers $10.75; package 240 lb. weights $10.25; few packing sows $8.50. ' Cattle: 300, holdovers 130. All classes moderately active, mostly steady, spots strong on good range cows; load nnd half medium 950-980 lb. California nnd Oregon fed steers 17.25, good absent, quoted around $3; packnge medium 1170 lb. Ne vadas $6.75; three cars common-medium 675-865 lb. steers $6.50; two loads 920-950 pound good young Idaho range cows $6: two cars common-medium cows $4.50-$5-, low-cutters-cutters mainly J3.60-S4.50; few bulls $5.2!i-$5.60, good quoted up to $6.00. Late Monday: steers mostly steady to weak; better grade cows 15-25c lower, other she stock about steady; bulk medi um grade steers J6.50-J7.40; four loads medium-good beef cows J5-J5.75. Calves:' 75, all direct. Nomin al; choice yealers quoted up to $9.50. Late Monday: package medium slaughter calves $6. Sheep: 800, direct 525. Sal able supply two decks heavy wooled lambs, no early action. Late Monday lambs mostly 25c lower than last week's close, deck good-choice 89 lb. fed wooled Idaho lambs $10; two decks good 94-95 lb. Idahos $9.50; three decks 90-96 lb. lambs taken oft market, placed In local feed lot. A federal forest products labor atory worker has dined on three peanut butter sandwiches a day for seven years. Perhaps he should have asserted himself. There may be an explanation for this growing recklessness on the highway. A young Townsend enthusiast will tell you there's nothing like It for aging one. Dora grasps the idea of the housing fund, but that stabiliza tion fund has her puzzled. She didn't know there were that many homeless horses. T. r-. IMS VLWUUa iMETEOROCOGy IS WORLD WIDC IN ITS SCOPE A STORM OCCURRING ON ONE CONTINENT WILL AFFECT THE WEATHER. ON ANOTHER.. STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by tb Associated Praa Wednesday . prevloua Dy . Month Ago Year Ago : 3r,-3 High 193r-36 Low .. 1934 High 1934 Low Now high. BOND AVERAGES CoaipUad by the Aaioelated Pre Wednesday Previous Day . Month Ago .......... Year Ago - 193.r-36 High 1935-36 Low , 1934 High 1934 Low Stock Market Quotations NEW YOHK, Jan. 29, W A brisk demand for motors and avi ation rhares starched up the stock market list today. Gains of fractions to around two points appeared on a broad front at tne nnisn, with nnai level around the best of the day. Numerous new highs for several years were recorded. The closing tone was firm. Ap proximately 2,600,000 shares changed hand. The list had felt numerous cross-current during early trad ing. While profit-taking whittled down the can shares and some of the blue-chip Industrials 1n morn ing dealings, there were brisk buying moves at times In rails, oll, farm equipments and In util ities In the low-price brackets. A block of 15,000 shsres of Commonwealth A Southern was traded at the opening at an un changed price, and the low-priced holding company group occupied considerable attention in the morning and in the final hour. Douglas and Chrysler gained around three points each. Stand ard Oil of New Jersey, U. S. Steel, U. 8. Pipe, Delaware A Hudson, General Motors, Case, Boeing, United Aircraft and New York Central picked up one to two points each. Others active and a bit ahead included Yellow Truck, Deere, Southern Pacific. Electric Power and Light, United Corp. and Commonwealth & Southern. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction Alaska Juneau . - Allied Chemical & Dye American Can , American Coiu'I Alcohol American & Foreign Power American Power ft Light American Smelt. & Ret. A. T. & T . American Tob. B .. 189 151 164 124 281 8J 101 63 161 102 30 72J 291 181 23 62 261 261 27J 35 1091 63 89 151 21 41 771 Anaconda Copper t . . Atchison, T. 8. F. Atlantic Refining Baltimore & Ohio Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air u Borden Co. Burr. Adding Machine California Pack Case, J. I Caterpillar Tractor l Chrysler Motor . Colorado Gas & Electric Commercial Solvents Commonwealth Southern , Continental Can Corn Products 72 - 4 . 144 1571 .. 371 Cnrtisa Wright Dupont & De N. Eastman Kodak Electric Auto Light Erie R. R General Electric ............ General Foods . General Motors .. Gillette Razor Gold Dust Great Northern pfd. International Harvester International Nickel .. I. T. & T. ..; i Johns Manville . Kennecott Con. Copper 14 381 35 58 171 19 35 641 49 171 108 321 lrVXf r By William WVKLU Ferguson ?RANZ DURING THE LAST -4-0 V&ABS OF HIS UFE, GAVE NO CONCERTS TOR HIS OWN FINANCIAL. BENEFIT, AND DID ALL OP HIS TEACHING b 0 IBM BV MA BtSVKt, WO. SOME SPECIES OF . PLANT LICG ATTAIN AS HIGH AS 2.1 DIFFERENT FORMS DURING THEIR. LIFE CvCUE 1 V 80 11 11 10 Indu'a Rail mil's Biks. 77.1 34.S 47.7 69.1 76.8 33.6 47.6 68.7 73.8 30.0 44.7 55.6 52.7 23.2 25.8 38.5 77.2 34.3 47.7 69.1 49.5 18.6 21.6 34.8 61.4 43.0 40.6 51.4 45.3 22.8 24.2 34.9 3 1 1 It Rails Inda'a Util'a Tot. 91.1 103.2 101.9 70.9 90.9 103.4 101.9 71.1 80.5 102.2 99.8 69.5 85.8 94.9 87.9 68.6 91.3 103.7 101.9 71 4' 86.4 92.2 84.6 65.6 89.4 92.9 88.9 70.0 74.5 73.7 68.2 60.2 Llhhey-O-Ford Liggett & Myers B Liquid Carbide ... . Lorillard Tob. Co. .j Monty Ward Nash Motor National Biscuit National Dairy Products . National Distillers Now York Central North American Paclfls Gas & Electric Pacific Light .. Packard Motor 49 1141 39 1 251 371 18 361 23 281 831 29 34 64 8 4 72 351 44 46 43 13i 21 671 638 18 29 23 16 42 69 191 101 341 12 74 123 161 29 81 191 42 18 481 108 631 Park Utah Penney, J. C. Penn R. R. Phillips Petroleum Public Service New Jeruey , Pullman Co. t Radio Corp ....... Remington Rand Reynolds Tob. B Sears Roebuck Shell Union Southern Pacific S perry Corp. Standard Brands . Standard Oil California Standard Oil New Jersey . Stewart Warner Stndebaksr Corp. ., Texas Corp. ..... Trans-America , Union Carbide Union Pacific United Airlines . United Aircraft . United Corp. United Gas Imp. U. 8. Industrial Alcohol TJ. S. Rubber U. 8. Steel i Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Closing Ctirb Quotations Cities Service S Electric Bond ft Share 19 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Jan. 29, UfT (U. S. D. A.) Hogs, receipts 16,000, market fairly active. 10c to 15c lower than Tuesday's average; top, $10.25; bulk 170 to 250 lbs., $10.00 to $10.20; 260 to 300 lbs., largely $9.85' to $10.10; better grade 140 to 160 lbs., $9.75 to $10.15; best sows, $9.50. Cattle, receipts 9,000, calves 1,500; market for strictly good, choice and prime steers fully steady; moderately active on kinds selling at $10.50 or $11.00 upward; choice' medium weights bid above $14.00; best yearlings around $13.75; heifer yearlings of outstanding merit, $11.60; low er grades unevenly steady to 25c lower; mostly .steady to weak; heifers steady to 25c lower; mid dle grade off most; cows steady; bulls fully steady; very scarce at American Bard HORIZONTAL 1,4 Green leaf au thor of "Bar bara Frletchle" 11 To peel. 12 Freedom from war. 13 To unclose. 15 Land right. 16 Black bird. 17 Spiders' nests. IS Parchment roll 19 Night before. 20 To scrutinize. Answer to 21 You and me. 22 Driving com. mand. 23 Onager. 24 NortheasL 25 Maize. 27 Paid pub licity. 28 Conscious. 30 To proffer. 31 Southeast. 32 Reiterated. 34 Pronoun. 35 Within. 36 To harden. 38 Half an em. 39 Hastened. 41 To depart 42 Eucalyptus tree. 'sTTTw TTOgTm atcih i ne, E L VA ND8 10 wBaJL O N G I E EmHRiVE snCuTg E E RHP ItIeIst 5HSE N cTHg0 PAwPT THC fM SEWING QMS pHi Rp MB MACHINE HE OWE 1 niiEfol pe tBf cREgsU UlNiaso A HAjaF0R E MlAlNHS O L L 1 RThImIa K ElgBL O C K NfA B SHY E SllM A U L IbTOIBIbIi iNrislHfumTlLIEfSj 44 Codfish young. 1 Fags out 47 To draw with 2Verbal. acid. 50 Neither. 61 To rub out. 52 Card game. 53 His parents 12 3 4 5 7 ii 9 10 ijfi'F' 11 5s 55s " " !7" ! a-- 4f:3T feat 17.25 down; vealer 2 50 lower! mostly 12.00 down. Sheep, receipt 6,000; fat lamb In fairly brosd demand; undertone strong to 25a higher; bidding up ward to (10.60 freely o good to choice offerings now held 110.71 to 110.85 and above; aged aheap strong; arattorerl ewe, 14.00 to 14.76; best hold at 15.00 and above; feeding lamb relatively scarce. PRICE RECEDES CHICAGO, Jan. 29, () With Liverpool showing a drop of .ear ly 2c per bushel and the Winnipeg market weak, Chicago wheat prices today receded a maximum of He No wheat export business of consequence was announced at Winnipeg. Wheat closed heavy, la to lie under yesterday's finish, May 991a to D9c; corn, ic to le oft. May 691c to 69c; oats unchanged to c lower, and provisions varying from 2c decline to an equal ad vance. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jan. 29, UP Butter Print, A grade, 361c lb. in parchment wrapper, 371c In carton, B grade, parchment wrap per, 351c lb; carton, 86c lb. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice weekly, 3 7-3 8c: country routes, 3 6-3 7c lb; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly, S5-36C lb; C grade at market. B grade cream for market Buying price, butterfat basal, 65o lb. Egga Buying price of whole salers: Fresh specials, 17-18o: extra 17c; standards 15c; extra medium 14c; do medium firsts 12o; undergrade 12c; pullets 12c dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets, 171c; Oregon loaf, 18c. Brokers will pay lo below quotations. Milk A grade, Portland deliv ery, 62c lb; butterfat, baela for 4 per cent. Country meats Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs. 13 141c lb; Testers. No. 1. 13-14c lb; light and thin, 8-12c lb.; heavy, 71-8c; cutter cows, 7-8o lb.; eanners, 6-7o lb.; bulls 12 13c lb.; lambs, 15-1 7c lb.; me dium 12-13c lb.; ewes, 5-9 c lb. Mohair Nominal buying price, 20 lb. Cascara bark Buying price, 1936 peel, 2 Jo lb. Live poultry Portland - deliv ery, buying price: Colored hens, over 61 lbs., 17-18c lb.; under 5 lbs., 17-1 8c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3 lbs., 16-16o lb.; under 31 lbs., 13-14c lb.; Leghorn springs, over 31 lbs., TS-19c lb.; colored springs, 2 lbs. and. up 18 19c lb.; roosters, 8-9o lb.) Pekln ducks, young, 14-17c lb.; geese, ll-12o lb. Onions Oregon, $1-75 per 100 lbs. 1 - Potatoes Local, $1.40 cental; Klamath, $1.65 cental; Scappoose Netted Gems, $1.40 cental; Des chutes Netted Gems, $1.65 cental. Wool 1935 clip, nominal; Willamette valley medium, 26o lb.; coarse and braid, 230 lb.; eastern Oregon, 16-22o 10. Hay Buying price from pro ducer: Alfalfa, No. 1. $15-15.50; eastern Oregon timothy, $17.50 18; Willamette valley timothy, $15-16; oats and vetecb, $12.60 13; clover $11-12 ton, Portland. Previous Puzzle 7 Guards. 8 Electrified particle. 9 Poem. 10 Fortification. - 11 He won great 12 To primp. 14 He lived In tbi century. 22 Animal fat. 23 To total. 25 Beret, 26 Native metal 27 Helper. 29 Tumor, 30 Wager. - 31 Pronoun. 33 Hy spread! 37 Cavity. 39 Portico. 40 To make trim 41 To seize, 43 God ot sky, 45 Either. were s, 14 He wrote "The Boy." VERTICAL 4 To form cloth. J J' 6 To possess. 48 Also. 6 Frozen dessert. 49 Dove s cry. f i'