January' 28, 19fi6 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN National and Local Markets Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND RATES: CASH ADS- 2 par word pur day's Insertion. CHARGE ADS 3por word per day's disunion. All Mnll Ordor A1b Must Hnvo Cosh With Ordor. 10 20 por cent discount on da running ono wook. por coat discount on ads r u n n I u g one month. All classified nda art Insert ed in tioth Tlio Klamath News ami Kvonlug Horn til lit tlio nlior rates, appearing' In Tlio News firm. Time limit for classification In tlm rnllnwIiiK day's iii (itir la 0:0 P. M. Ada deslrnd In serted on the mini day an tit mltted will have to rim "Too Lata to Classify." CLASSIFIED INDEX All classifications ara nam bcrud and sppvur In numerical order, Following la nu nlplin- bethlcal nifurcnc lint of tlio more Important cliuultkallons: Automotive ..... ............ 19 Uiillillng Materials J oa lliiKlnoaa Opiiotriinlllcs .... 10 Contract Work Wnutod.... 10 Kil ileal lonn I ... II Farm Implements - 19 Furnished Apt. to Lot II Furnished llouaa to l.t.... 14 Furnished ituoma to Lot.. 1 1 Financial S (Inn urn I Notices 3 llulp Wnntoil, Mnlo...... 6 Ilnlp Wanted, Female...... 7 Livestock and Vood 23 I.ot nnd Found 2 Miscellaneous for Hnlo 20 Pcrnoiiala 4 Poultry for Hnlo ... 22a Knal Esttuo for Hnlo....... 17 Ileal K'lnlo fur Lmso. IS Itvol Kstaio Wnnlml. 17a Room and llnnrd 12 Situations Wanted........... 9 Rwapi 20a Transportation 6 llnftirn. Houses to LeL. 16 Wanted Miscellaneous....- 21 Wnutod to Hoiit.....-.... 10 Loal and Found LOST Tan lapln fur Jacket at Cul-Ore. Howard. Phono 1840M. ' 2714 LOST Female sprinter spaniel pup. four monlha old. Drown and while, l'llono 131 or 1012. 2707 3 General Noticea REWARD offered for Informa tion lending to tlio ri'covory of 1929 llulrk coupe stolen from 1721 Wall ou Jununry 10th. Bevenl IliiKon, 1721 Willi. 3093 ItKWAIU) offered for Informa tion loading to tlio recovery of 1929 11 il U'k coupo stolon from 1721 Wnll on Jniuinry lOlli, Sovent llugeu, 1721 Wall. 25 waoon mci'Ain factory Experienced workmen. Cutting down wheels a spoclalty. Guar nntond aatlafuctlon. Wrlto lor low prices. Homo Supply Com pany, Lnkorlow, Oregon. 4094 MUSIC furnished for all ooons ions, especially dancea. Phono 1761. 3448 FOR EXPERT roofing or patch work, call 885-J. 2666 4 Peraonala STOMACH ULCER, OAS PAINS, INDIGESTION victims, why . auffor? For quick rollof got a free samplo of UDOA, a doc tor's proscription at Star Drug Storoa. "v 2461 A Fronohman, M.do' Slvrne, Is anld to have originated tho Idea for a bicycle. Ilia flrut machine upponrod In Paris during 1690 nnd consisted of a wooden frame nnd two wheals. Locomotion was achieved by pushing on the ground with tho foot, Klamath The firms nnd Individunls represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most reliable business men and Commercial Printing Printing ot all kind. SHOP PING GUIDB, Pelican Theatre Bldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND REFIN" IflHINQ. Phono 85W4. Hemstitching Hemstitching, spoclallilng . 1 n nits and coots, woolen samples, dressmaking. Mra. H. M. Allan dor, 614 Walnut Music. Klamath In'tute of Music I.O.O.F. nidg., Hoom 218. Hours 0-0. Piano, violin, collo, guitar. Instrument free with course. High school crodlts. 2617 TRADE WITH NEWS-HERALD WANT-ADS FOR Transportation SAVEI Go by Bui Via Bond and Mi. Hood Shorloit Route, Lowoit Farei to Northwoit Poind On Hound Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Ouaana Lea 12:40 Noon From The Greyhound Depot For In'ormnllnn I'hon 999 7 Help Wnntnd, Female WANTED Itnllntiln young lady will) uniim sales ahlllty. (.'nil Mrs. Mi own, room 4, Hotel tlrey, 2717 9 Situations Wanted COMPETENT w 0 III a n wishes housework, gooil cook. News Herald. Box 2713. 2713 EXPERT Cluneal work, ao countliiK, bookkeeping, nil or Inrt time. Mux 1441, Nuwa llnrnld. 22U8 10a Building Mnteriala HAVE MONEY Lot Hlarkoy do your work. Uiillillng, roofing, remodeling. Kntlmntoa free. 2150 White St. Phono SHU. 2719 11 Furnished Rooms HKATKI) ROOMS 920 Lincoln. 2709 IIIK CLAHBMONT, 228 N. 4lh. all modern oulaldo rooms. Frnn niirklng lot 4406 12 Room and Board ROOM AND HOARD Phone HI22J. 629 Jofforson, 2718 13 Furnished Apartments ESPLANADE COURTS Also Blinoin apartments, 323 Com mercial. Phono 111 4 J. 2238 VACANCY Arcado noun minus. 14 Furnished Houses FOR HUNT -Modern 3-room fur nlahod hoimo, adulta only. 2214 Reclamation. Call lie fore I p. m. 2598 THREE ROOMS, bath, garage, water pnld, $17. SO. 863 Cal ifornia. 2712 FOR RENT Now two-room modern houso. inqulro 133 Blit'ldon. 2003 MOMKItN 6-room house. Also mall store, suitable for of fice or lunch room, 1949 K. 61 h. 2715 FOR HUNT Three room fur nished houso. Inquire Depot Cnfo. 17 Real Estate For Sale FOR BALE OR RENT 74 ncres Irrigated. part good potato land, fair Improvements; 13 mlloa southeast of Klnmnlh Fulls on Merrill hlghwny. R. C. tlrooslieck. American Na tional Dunk llullding. 2606 FOR BALE OR KENT 160 ncres potato land, no Improve ment!; pumping required for Irrigation; 6 miles southeast of Kluiualh Falls. R. C. Orooslieck, American National Dank llullding. 2606 FOR RENT 20 ncres potato lnnd. For sale: acre tracts near State Line Tavern, easy terms. Also 66-acre tnrm. For sale or trado: ono ingoing horso. liob Adama, Morrill, Oro. ' 2121 HOMESTEAD Tulolnko. Phono 0101. Box 2. 4099 17a Real Estate Wanted uvi.rivwvvvvv"ii i WANTED Dairy ranch- or ge. oral purposo ranch. 1 have atock and full eqiilpuiont. Nowa-Horald, liox 2723. 2723 19 Automotive Wo are conducting a real used car salo during January and It will pay you well to buy now from us. A big soloctlon of standard makes at bargain prices. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Mala 2392 Business Directory women. You will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. Palmer Chiropractor DR. GLEN MOORB Nourocalomotor X-Rny 825 Main Opp. Court House Pumps Byron Jackson Pnmps and Borvlco J. M. Wauchope, 116 Bo. 11 th St, Phono 1308-J . Radio Repairing 0 months gunrantee on all ropalr work. Phono 1790. ANDERSON-MOORS 125 South Eighth Street 1867 PHONE 178 tor reliable radio repairing. Reasonable rates, quick service. Roberta and Harvey, 1007 Main, 2443 19 Automotive Big Sale We have accumulated a and later models. These cart have been carefully check ed. Worn tires have been replaced, upholstery been re paired, repainted when necessary. Every car ia in good condition and ready for satisfactory aervice. For one week beginning today we are offering these cars at a big sav ing. 1936 licenses included. R6618 1930 Ford Coupe 67591930 Ford Coach 67351929 Ford Coupe 66641931 Ford Coupe 66221931 Ford Sedan 65641930 Ford Coupe 65231930 Ford Coach 6468 1930 Ford Coupe 6390 1931 Ford Panel, Vi 67531929 Ford Pickup 145 6761 1935 Ford Tour. Sedan, radio and heater.... 625 These cars are all inside in our used car atore. If you are considering buying a used money. ONLY your Chevrolet in writing. , Locke Motor Co Used Car Store 19 Automotive New Low Prices ONLY 20 DOWN Reconditioned uncd cars. Boo us and siivo money. 1934 Plymouth deluxo coupe, radio, trunk, rack side mount, good tiros, good pn i tit. moliulr. Prleo $576.00. 1933 Plymouth do luxe coupe, Troplc-alro heater, alx ply tiros, good paint, new license. Price $460.00. 1930 Ford A coupe, 1185.00. 1929 Ford A pickup, $135.00. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. Chrysler, Plymouth Dealer, Opposite Wlllard Hotel. 2607 USED CARS 1931 Cadillac t-Pass. Sedan, 6 wlro wheels, now tires, excep tional condition. 1928 Chovrolot Coupe. 1929 Packard. Small 8 Sedan. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadillac and LnSallo 3rd and Main 20 Miscellanous For Sale MAKE YOUR DATES for papor hnngera and docorntors. All 1935 wallpaper at bargain prices. Floor aandera and polishers for rent. Patterson Paint Store. 230 Main. Phono 1645.., 4017 MOVING? Call 704. local, long distance? Insured carrier; ex perienced -mem People Wore houso. -' 463 ItEAUTIFUL h a r d y podlgreed Sprlngor spaniel puppies. Law- eon Braluerd, Morrill, Ore. 2632 FOR SALE Cnmp atovo. range, 18" Btntlonary throBhor, mow ing machine, hay rake, trac tor dlc, 1 fresno, wagons and hay rack, harrow, cart and many othor nrtlclos. Inquire Tlngloy ranch. 2686 MUST SELL AT ONCE Combi nation Monarch range. 1443 Worden. Phone 1676J. 2600 Piano Tuning U R, Mnnn, Derby's Musio store, 117 So. 7th. ...... Raw Fur Rnw turs wanted. Hlg'iast price paid. Try . ub before you sell. O. L. Homhreo, 820 Klamath. Roofing EXPERT repairing and recover ing 'composition shingles. Terms, Atlns Root Co. . Phone 1612.. 2400 So. 6th. 42 Upstair Dress Shoppe TOO LEU'S tor SMART TOGS. 9towart-Drew Bldg., T31 Main. Wood FOR SALE Pine, fir body and limb wood. Phono 7oW2. 898 QUICK RESULTS 19 Automotive of Fords large stock of Ford Car 30-31 $225 225 145 260 270 225 225 215 - ton 250 Ford we will save you some Dealer givei you protection 20 Miscellaneous For Salo FOR BALE Buzz aaw. 2417 Orchard after 4:30 p. m. 2711 FOR BALE Repossessed Martin tenor saxophone. Dsed ono month. Special prico for quick snlo. 117 8. 7th. 2720 FOR SALE OR TRADE for live stock: 22-36 McCormlck-Deer-lug tractor with power pulley nsnembly. Phono 584. 2601 FOR SALE Chesterfield, two chairs, circulating henter, range. 825 Pine, between i and 6 p. m. 2710 JOa S.cpa WILL TRADE 1934 Chev. pick up, good condition, for young cattle or good cows Just fresh or coming fresh. Phone 2167 what you have to trade, and give prices. Address 2441 Orchard Way, Klamath Falls. 21 Wanted Miar -llaneous WANT TO nUY Lease and fur niture smnll hotel or good rooming house, southern or eastern Oregon town. Box 322. Dorris, Calif. 4114 WANTED Used Fordson for parts. Must be cheap. Box 124. Ronuiuu. 2620 Livestock -n1 reed FOR BALE 15 head Jersey cows. News-Hornld, Box 2724. 2724 FOR SALE 1440 lb. mare, com ing five years, $150. 1220 lb. gelding, coming 3 years. $100. Broken, sound, gentle. Francis Hnnnon, Tulelnke. 2721 HIGHEST corn-bolt prices for carloads broke or unuroke , rnuge horses, mules nnd colts. Fred Chandler Horse and Mule Markot, Charlton, Iowa. 2466 FOR SALE 25 horses, one large mule, ,weight 1200 to 1800 pounda, priced right. J. E. Whltlntch, 1V miles west of 8tukel bridge. 2616 FOR SALE 65 head atock cat tle, Black Angus. John Bodnnl, Hildobrand. 2618 HORSES FOR SALE Logging, tnrm mures and geldings, sad dle horses and colts. Inquire Tlngley ranch. 25S5 HORSES bought, sold and ex changed. M. H. Barbour, Kern hotel. 4102 HIGHEST corn-belt prices for carloads bfoke or unbroke rango horses, mules and colts. Fred Chandler Horse and Mule Market, Charlton, Iowa. 2466 22a Poultry Fo. Sale HANSON nnd Hollywood W. L. chicks. Heavy laying strains. Iju'Ke vigorous chicks 9 cents. . Rocks and Reds 10 cents. Send for catalogue. Jeuks Hatch ery, Tangent, Ore. 4089 WANTED Old Sewing Machine ' head; - Cash. Apt, 1, 618 Klamath Ave. SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns, R. I, Reds, $10, 100; Barred Rocks, $11, 100, propald. Magutre Electric Hatchery, 1416 N. H. Oregon Htreet. Portland, Oro. 1434 24 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Guaranteed good paying barber shop, $125 cash. Telephone 836. 2708 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES ,'' ' " '' on AUTO LOANS ' i. : and REFINANCING i Quick, Dependable,, Safe, No co-signers. No Red Tap NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchas Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Ph. (81 License M104 E CENT BOOST IDE IN BUTTED PORTLAND. Jan. 28. lm The advance of lc lb. In the price of prime first cube butter on the produce exchange was In line with the generally Improv ed trend of tho trade generally through the country. There was no change In the buying price on buttnrfat for the duy. Trailing In the egg market continued good with continued liberal movement of carlots to the east and even to points In the midwest. Prices were fully steady. Trado In the chicken market was in a general lull. Stocks of White Lflghorns were heavy. Blow trading continued In the market for potatoes with local prices still demoralized. Country killed meats, gener ally held at late prices. Onion market fully steady. Frozen halibut moving slowly around 14-1 5c lb. Market allghtly firmer for good lettuce but dry pack now In best call. Hothouse tomatoes were so scarce that the trade In Mexi cans has been greatly stimulat ed. Prices unchanged. Market was overloaded with fresh crabs after the recent fam ine but pricea were being held up. Good cabbage continued scarce with prlco firm. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jan. 28. ') Butter Print, A grade, 88jc lb. In parchment wrapper, 87ic In carton, B grade, parchment wrap per, 36!c lb; carton, 36c lb. Butterfnt Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice weekly, 37-38c; country routes, 3 0-3 7c lb; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly, 35-36c lb; C grade at market. B grade cream for market Buying price, butterfat bauld, 55c Hi. Eggs Buying price of whole salers: Fresh specials, 17-lSc; extra 17c; standards 15c; extra medium 14c; do medium firsts 12c; undergrade 12c; pullets 12c dozen. Chceae Oregon triplets, 171c; Oregon loaf, 18c. Brokers will pay le below quotations. Milk A grade, Portland deliv ery, 621c lb; butterfat, barfia for 4 per cent. . Country meats Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs. 13a- 14Jc lb; vealers, No. 1, 1S1-14C lb; light and thin, 8-1 zc lb.; heavy, 7J-8Jc; cutter cows, 7-8c lb.; canners, 6-7c lb.; bulls 12 13c lb.; lambs,. 15-17c lb.; me dium 12-13c lb.; ewes, 6-9c lb. -Mohair Nominal buying price, 20c lb. Cascara bark Buying price, 1935 peel, 21c lb. Live poultry Portland deliv ery, buying price: Colored hens, over 61 lbs., 17-18c lb.; under 6 lbs., 17-lSc lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3 lbs.', 15-16c lb.; under 31 lbs., 13-Hc lb.; Leghorn springs, over 31 lbs., 18-19c lb.; colored spring.?, 2 lbs. and up 18- 19c lb.; roosters, 8-9C lb.; pekin ducks, young, 14-17c lb.; geese, ll-12o lb. Oniona Oregon, $1.75 per 100 lbs. Potatoes Local, $1.40 cental; Klamath, $1.65 cental; Scappoose Netted Gems. $1.40 cental; Des chutes Netted Gems, $1.65 cental. Wool 1935 cup, nominal; Willamette valley medium, 25c lb.; coarse and braid, 23c lb.; eai'tcrn Oregon, 1G-22C lb.. Hay Buying price from pro ducer: Alfnlfa, No. 1, $15-15.50; eastern Oregon timothy, 817.60-1 IS: Willamette valley timothy, $15-16; oats and vetech, $12.50- 13; clover $11-12 ton, Portland. Chicago ' Livestock CHICAGO, Jan. 28, UP) (U. S. D. A.) Hog, receipts 18,000; mnrket steady to 10c higher than Monday's average; part of early 10c to 16c advance lost; early top, $10.40; bulk 170 to 250 lbs., $10.00 to $10.25; 260 to 340 lbs., mostly $9.90 to $10.15; best light lights, eavly $10.30; most sows, $9.10 to $9.45, few at $9.50 to $9.55. . Cattle, receipts 6,000; calves 1,500; market for fed steers and yearlings strong; killing quality very plain; weighty kinds In best demand; very little beef tn crop, but practically everything going on killing account; best ted steers, $11.00; only a few odd head up to $12.00; most grades $9.50 to $10.75, with bulk of crop value to sell nt $9.50 down; heifers steady, mostly, $6.75 to $8.25; cows scarce, fully steady; bulls, 25c higher; vealers firm at $12.00 to' $13.00; best sausage bulls, $7.25. Sheep, receipts 13,000 fat lambs In fnirly broad demand; bidding fully steady at upward to $10.25 on In mbs now held at $10,60 and $10.60 and above; sheep steady; desirable ewes downward from $4.75; feeding lambs but little changed. South S. F. Livestock BO. BAN FRANCISCO. Jsn. 28. (UP) Hogs: 600, direct $70. Fairly active, generally steady, spots unovenly lower on lights; bulk 140-215 lb. butchers $10.25 $10,75, lnttor top; odd lots 260 280 Ih. averages $10.26;. few 315-335 lb, heavies $9.75; sows STOCK AVERAGES Complied by tb Tuosday Provlous Day , Month Ago .... Year Ago : 35-30 High 1935-36 Low ...... 1984 High 1934 Low New high. BOND AVERAGES ConpUsd by t Associated Preaa Tuesday Previous Day .... Month Ago ..... Year Ago , 1930-36 High 1935-36 Low 1934 High 1934 Low strong, mostly $8.50; package smooth light sows $8.75. Cattle: 750. Salable supply Includes about 16 loads steers, quality mostly medium; slow, few early sales about steady, un dertone weak. Car good around 1100 lb. fed steers $7.75; load medium 825 lb. Utah steers $7.35, load $7.15; eommon around 800 lb. steers down to $5.25; car medium 850 lb. belt ers $6.50, odd bead range cows $5-15.50, low - cutters - cutters mainly $3.50-14.60; odd bulls $5-$ 6. , Sheep: 275, holdovers 600. Lambs slow, opening about steady, undertone on heavy lambs weak to lower, package good around 80 lb. medium-pelt Oregon lambs $9.69; owes ab sent, quoted $5.50 down. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Jan. 28. Off) Today's stock market buying was centered principally In the rails, utilities and specialties. A Dum ber of new highs for the past sev eral years were established with gains of fractions to two or more points. Scattered profit-taking ap peared near the end Notwithstanding postponement of the opening for an hour In ob servance of King George's funeral, transfers approximated 2,300,000 shares. The close was firm. Many low-priced power and light company shares were excep tionally active, apparently In view of a possible supremo court de cision next Monday on the TVA. Farm implement issues found a following ts the administration whipped Into shape a substitute tot, the defunct AAA. Brighter earnings reports motivated a num ber ol stocks. Leading foreign exchanges were reactionary in terms of the dol lar. U. S. government securities rallied. Rail bonds Improved. Shares of Case, Derre and In ternational Harvester .got up about three pointB each. Among tho rail gainers were Santa Fe, Great Northern, Union Pacific and Canadian Pacific. Douglas Air croft reached a new top with an advance of mora than a point. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 189 Alaska Juneau 161 Allied Chemical & Dye 1641 American Can 1251 American Com'l Alcohol American & Foreign Power 29) 81 101 64 161 102 30 72 291 171 24 612 251 26 American Power & Light American Smelt, ft Ref. . A. T. & T American Tob. B - Anaconda Copper Atchison, T. ft S. F. Atlantio Refining Baltimore & Ohio Bendix Aviation ..... Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air Borden Co. Burr. Adding Machine California Pack .... 343 1091 Case, J. I. Caterpillar Tractor 62 ChryBler Motor 87 Colorado Gas & Electric 151 Commercial Solvents .... 201 Commonwealth Southern .... 41 Continental Can 781 Corn Products . . 711 Curtlss Wright 41 Dupont & De N. m 144 Eastman Kodak . 168 . Electric Auto Light . 861 Erie R. R. 131 General Electric 881 General Foods .... 85 General Motors . . 67 Gillette Razor 17! Gold Dust 191 Great Northern pfd. 341 Homesteak Milling 520 International Harvester 63 International Nickel 4 SB I. T. & T. ... 17g Johns Mnnville 106 Kennecott Con. Copper 33 Llbbey-O-Ford 491 Liggett & Myers B 1141 Llauld Carbide ....... 391 Lorillnrd Tob. Co 261 Monty Ward 86S Nash Motor 171 National Biscuit ..... 361 National Dairy Products 23 National Distillers 291 New York Central 31! North American 291 Pacific Gas & Electric 341 Paclflo Light '631 Packard Motor .. - 71 Park Utah 41 Penney, J. C. ...a 72 J Penn H. R. 351 Phillips Petroleum 421 Public Service New Jersey .. 461 Pullman Co 43 Radio Corp. ;.. .. 13 Remington Rand ......-...... 21 Reynolds Tob.. B 681 Seam Roebuck '. 631 Shell Union lSg Southern PacUlo 261 Sperry Corp 22! Standard Brands J.-. 16 Stnndnrd Oil California 411 Standard Oil New Jersey . 56 Stewart Warner 19 Rtudebnker Corp 91 Texas Corp 33k Asioolated Proas 8 II Ralls 33.6 33.2 80.0 23.1 23.6 18.5 43.0 22.8 II utirs 47.8 47.4 44.7 25.2 47.6 31.6 40.6 24.2 II Stks. 58.8 68.6 66.6 88.8 58.5 84.8 61.4 84.1 Indu'a 76.8 76.7 73.8 62.4 76.8 ' 49.5 61.4 45 J II II II II Ralls lads'. utll's For. 90.9 103.4 101.9 71.1 91.2 103.6 101.9 71.0 86.5 102.2 99.8 69.6 86.0 95.0 87.6 68.7 81.8 108.7 101.9 71.4 86.4 92.2 84.6 66.6 89.4 92.9 88.9 70.0 74.5 73.7 68.2 60.2 Trans-America .... 121 Union Carbide ............. 736 Union Pacific .... ... , 121 United Airlines .. 151 United Aircraft . 281 United Corp. 81 United Gas Imp 19 U. 8. Industrial Alcohol 421 U. 8. Rubber 18 J V. 3. Steel .. 471 Westlnghouso Electric .. 1091 Woolworth $2 Closing Curb Quotations Cities Service 6 Electrlo Bond ft share 19 LATE DROP SENDS CHICAGO, Jan. 28. (p) Late dips todav that earrleri wha down a full cent a bushel re sulted lareelv from llauidatlnr sales on the part of recent east ern buyers. A COflftentlpnCA was r.nwl.. oi ine unicago-winntpeg spread to aroand 13 cents comnnrpH with 14 cents yesterday. Domes tic flour business was reported as persistently disappointing. Wheat closed weak. B in I under yesterday's finish. Mv. $1,001 to $1.01; corn. c to lc down, May, 0e to 60c; oats, o to o off, and provisions un changed to a rise of 17c. Woman Suspected s 5 In Strange Death Of Redding Miner REDDING, Calif., Jan. 28. (U.F9 Unexplained discrepancies In an account of the death of Lloyd Carr, 24-year-old miner, Monday caused District Attorney Glenn Newton to order a grand Jury In vestigation of Mrs, Betty Klen zendorf. The 40-year-old woman bas been detained on suspicion by officers since Saturday night, when Carr's body was found In his cabin sear the Little Nellie mine, a bullet wound la the back. While Mrs. Elenzendorf. who allegedly lived with Carr for two years, claims that he was killed accidentally when his .38 caliber rifle dropped on the floor and discharged, . authorities Investi gated possibilities that she may have shot him in a jealous rage when be came to the cabin and informed her that he had mar ried Mrs. Elizabeth Yager, in Medford, Ore., Thursday. Missing Youth's Snowshoes Found TACOMA, Jan. 28. (U.PJ Searchers for Delmar Fadden, 23-year-old Seattle youth missing on Mt. Rainier since January 12, oq Monday found his tinowshoes 10,000 feet upon the 14,408-foot peak. The shoes had been removed, not torn loose, O. W. Carlson, as sistant ' superintendent of Rain ier national park, reported. Nearby was a ski pole. Appar ently the youth, attempting to make the third winter ascent of the rugged peak, proceeded from that point with ice climbers. "Knowing that Fadden went that high, we bold little hope that be is still alive," Carlson said. Legal Notices SUJIMON9 Equity No. 4481 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath. State of Oregon, represented by and acting tor and through the World War Veterans' State Aid Commission, Plaintiff, vs. Lloyd L. Cox, T. D. Jordan, W. C. Kelley, also known as W. C. Kelly, George W. Tlmuon, also known as G. W. Timson, Charlotte Timson, C. Smith and A. A. Schramm, Superin tendent ot Banks for the State of Oregon, In charge of the liquidation of the Oregon Bank and Trust Co., Defend ants. ' To George W. Timson, also known as G. W. Timson, defendant: In the Name of tho State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit ou or before the 26th day of February, 1936, that being the last day of the time allowed under the order for pub lication of thin summons; it you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed tor In Its complaint, to wit: For Judgment against the d- Legal Notice fendnnts Lloyd L. Cox, T. D. Jor dan, W. 0. Kelley, also known as W. C. Kelly, Oeorgo W. Timson, also knowp as o. W. Timson, and Charlotte Timson, and each ot you, for the sum of $1247.66, to gether with Interest thereon nt 6 per annum from October 11, 1933, until paid; the sum of $775.08, together with Intornit thereon at 6 per annum from December 17, 1983, until paid; the sum of $250.00 attorney's fees and Its costs and disbursements herein Incurred; Thst plaintiff's mortgage re corded on tho 28th day ot Febru ary, 1925, at page 129, Book 29, Mortgage Records of Klamstb County, Oregon, bo declared a su perior lien upon that certain real property described as follows; All of the Southeast quarter (!) of tbe Northeast quarter (1) ot Section twenty-one (21), Town ship thirty-nine (39) South, Range Ten (10) East of Willamette Me ridian except alx and fifty one hundredtbs (6.50) acres conveyed to the United States, such six and fifty one-uundredths (6,50) acres being described as: Beginning at th Cast quarter () corner ot said section twenty-one (21), thence West one thousand two hundred eighty (1280) feet; thence North seventy (70) de grees fifteen (15) minutes Beat six hundred (600) feet; thence North seventy-one (71) degrees East six hundred (600) feet; thence North eighty-six (88) de grees East one hundred fifty (150) feet to Section lino; thence South to the place of beginning, all situated In Klamath County, Oregon, together with the tene ments, hereditaments and Appur tenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. That the said mortgage be fore closed and that the defendants, and each of them, and all parties claiming under, by, or through them, or any of them, be fore closed of any and all interests ad verse to the plaintiff In said real property; that all parties to this snlt may be purchasers at the sale upon foreclosure and that tbe Sheriff shall place tbe purchaser thereof In immediate possession. That the plaintiff have Judg ment against the defendants, Lloyd L. Cox, T. D. Jordan, W. C Kel ley, also known as W. C. Kelly, George W. Timson, also known as G. W. Timson, and Charlotte Tim son for any deficiency after tho application of the proceeds of said sale; and For such other and further re lief as to the court may seem Just and equitable. This summon Is served upon yon by publication thereof in tbe Evening Herald, a daily newspa per printed and published In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, by order of the Honorable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon, County of Klamath; entered on the 28th day of January, 1936, which order required that this summons be published once a week for four successive weeks, tbe finst publication thereof to be on tbe 28th day of January, 1936, and the last day on the 25th day of February, 1936. GILLENWATERS, VAN VACTOR ft 6I8EMORE. By L. ORTH SISBMORE, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 205 Odd Fellows Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon. HJ28 F 4,11,18,25 21 SUMMONS Equity No. 456S In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. GEORGE E. SMITH, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. TEEL and . KATIE ANNA TEEL, husband and wife, and E. B. FIERCE; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real es tate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. TO: J. W. Teel and Katie An na Teel, husband and wife, and E. B. Pierce; also all other per sons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint herein, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, are hereby reqnlred to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 5th day of February, 1936, that being the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of ' this . summons. And if you fail so to answer or appear, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his com- . plaint on file herein, to-wlt: For judgment and decree that yon have no estate, claim or In terest in and to the following described real property, situated in County of Klamath, State of Oregon, to-wlt: 1 The SEVi of SWtt and a 80-foot roadway running North and South along the West line of NE& of 6W in Section 6, Township 41 south, Range 12 E. W. M. and that you be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever to said premises adverse to plaintiff; for plain tiff's costs and disbursements In curred In this suit; and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable. 1 This summons Is published once a week for four (4) suc cessive weeks (five Insertions) In the Evening Herald, a daily newspaper printed, published and of general circulation In Klam ath County, Oregon, by order of tbe Honorable Edward B. Ash urst. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 6th day of January, 1936. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 7th day of January, 1936. GILLENWATERS, VAN VAC TOR ft SI8EMORB, By D. E. VAN VACTOR, Attorneys for Plnlntlff, 205 Odd Follows Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, (Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28; Feb. 4.) No. 4.