hnuury 28, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE If 2 BILLS GIVEN CHANGE FOR VICTORY (Cnutliiiiod from Pago Ono) nlflod beyond II h nctuul Import- ii ii Homo of Iho mi wHiuipiu-ii I hut ll II Vii hci'i'lufuril llllldo lint fiKhls (III III" mill'! I it x Issue, seein to prefer In I it 1 K about sniiietliiiig uliw I li In I line, anil Ihi' loo hill anil iirlinnry rhiiugn hiivit Imikii gutting much muro ut liMitlnn iih ii result. I'l'liiiiiry ('limine, lliirki'il 'I'll ii pi'liiiiuy liiiuiH" him nl iiionl Noll it HiMipnrt nt Ihn main inHH, iiIIIioiikIi Hntiin nf III" miiiiiII newspiiimrs limy be ukiiIiihI ii. Many public nfflilalii mill liiillvlilualn liiivn t-miin mil for tlx rlium:". whlrh lit advanced an a In on 1 1 nf reducing III" 1 1 111 III Oregon devoted tn political ritmlmlltUttlK nn election ycntn. I lie I ! it 1 11 1 1 y . Ill" lllKiltuclit III III" vhIim-h' ialuhl"L III lii'hair (if Ihlii hill carries til" signature of Hurry II. Ilnlvlii, slum rcprii. KMiintlv" frnin Klamath county; .liitnes 'I', (Iiliiitnik, Omuls Puss, whit la well known here, nail William I.. IHrkMiii nf Portland. Tim grange mill llm lalinr fed eral Inn lenders arn iPi(iii"(l to Hi" primary I'liaiiK", and havn I i doing mini" vigorous emu- piilunlllK imallml II. 'I'h(a or u ii n ir.nt l in timiiilly fight Ilia mili'H III Willi til" moat vigor, hut I ll I a limn. feeling Hint Ihn aim Inn la cnrlaln In lako llm skids, limy are dcvnllug con siderable "ffnrl lo Ihn jirlmary rhiitiitn defeat. Til" an Ira Ian hill, which wiiii lil pmvlil" (Hilda fur pnrtlrl pnl Inn In llm federal social security program and would in. miii probably :in a month for Oregon pnnpln nv"r II fi . Isn't get ting Urn support Ihnl la usually nitdlded thn sales tat In rc- gun. Tim Oregnnlan of Portland, fur Instnnre. refuses In rcriini lii.. n (I lla passage, iillheingh III" Oregonlnn ha always supported a sales lax. Towimendcrs seem tn lm gei.eially ngnlnsl II. al thoiiKh Ihnlr plan rallt for a triinnartlnu lu. II l understood limy fad thai It would ha bcl tor In gel aloiiK wlih Hi" I'll" Iniirn now afforil"d oldsters, and maka a flahl for a big payment that woiitd have the business stimulus they sen III tho npcra- II, .n nf llm 1200 a month scheme. Very few seem lo favor llm legislative pay hill, "van IhollKll It la admitted legislators imt mighty amall pay. Tompkins, llm grange worker, said thai Ilia grange l lint making any rec ommendation on this measure. althoiiKli II han usually favored a ral In Innlalntlvn pay Tlia fart that llm amount In h" paid la Icfl up to tlm legislators themselves has nllrnnled many who might otherwise siipnrl thin hill. ELEPJinM, m n A dlacuaalnn of maiira heforo th OroKmi voI'M noxl Friday and an oiiillno of thn wood"n Imx campalKn wcr" tho fcalnrca of Iho wn-kly I.loiia club luncheon Tuna day. It. C. firocaheck. dln-fllnit 'h elub'a atti'iitlon particularly lo wnrd thn alndont fen mcaaurp and tho anloa lax. Kave a r"hiiiim of tlm hllla. Ha nxprraBcd (mpcclnl favor toward tho pai'mnso of Iho lud"iit fun plan. Curt H,r"it tloniTllii-il Hi" alms of tho woodan box ranipaliin. Kx- ampli's nf niiloniuhllu allckers and tiromollnn inaterliil wnro ahnwn Iho I. Ions. II" nlim ahovod how It would benefit K hi tun til Inilua trli'a and Incroaao payrnlla. Til" cnmpiilKn. ho said, waa tin Iiik aponaored by thn worker tlmmaolvoa. Honita worn presented by tho RnnHiivolt school boys' chorna. Body of Monarch Rests in Tomb of English Kings (Continued Prom Pago Ono) llio coffin waa lifted , frpin , tho nun carriage nnil carrleil (ito tho church through lines o' honor giinrda. As tho nrclihlahon'i WorlU end ed. KIiik lOdwnrd atflftl for ward. The corfln beimrf"a1flK1ng alowly benoiitb tho IotrI ottho floor. "r ""V ' Udwurd aprlnkleil earth on tho wooilou nmo which hold tho mor tal roninlns of hla fulhiir. Tho body ontorod tho grave at 2:14 p. m. Sonio of the kings besldo whom Ooorgo'a body wns placed hnvo alopt tholr doep sleep In that crypt 300 yoars and more. Three font from George's cof fin lies that of Henry VIII and Charles 1, A hit farther away In tho coffin of Ooorgo III, from whoso reign tho Amnrlrnn colon ies revolted, giving birth to tho Cnltod Btntns. Bodies of Storm Victims Revealed TAVliirtNIEn, Fln Jan. 28. (P) Tho tungleil mangrove Hwnmp of Lignum Vllao Koy to day gave tip tho bodies of five moro victims of the Soptombor hiirrlenno that klllod an esti mated 460 World war veterans and civilians. I'oneo Justice E. n. Lowe, re porting the rocovery of tho bodies, ' said two of tho dead hnd boon tontnllvoly Identified, but n inn on nt the othoi'B novor will he known as long oxponuro fnro rI n I led oven tho taking nf fln K"i'irlnla. Tho Hulled Hlntcs has nnnrox. Imatoly 4,0400,000 Bote of twins. I California Has a mm lrT" tn ii . 1 ? Tlicrr'a a new firm lady In California now, following tho wcddlnii of Onv. Frank I". Mrrcliim and Mrn, Jamie Ll)wy. The tiovcrnor nave Ills age as 10; the bride 00. Love History Prime Clue in Trunk Slaying M'OKANK. Wli., Jon. 2. (TP I A atningn Invo quad rangla nf a woman and her three Invars loilay waa III" pr m elim lo Ilia myilnry of Mrs. Do lores N a c c a r a t o. 24-year-old waltreNH whrmn body was found Hiiniluy morning Muffed Into a leu m it trunk 111 her holal room. Pollrn tonight sought for iiuuaiioning: Kltaro HlKaabl, 39, Japaneso forgery soaped, said to havo been Int Imu I o with Mrs. Naccar nto al tho approxlmaln time of her death In November. Jnp Widely lliinlnl Frank Nacrarato, Trull, II, C, aualimt whom alio had filed ap plication for dlvorcu Novemhur 13, five days beforo she dlsati peiued. and who had received Iho notice tho day before sbo waa taat seen allvo. Tout Malum, an Italian window-washer who had accompan ied her when she filed thn di vorce papers, and had asked tho Judge lo "put lu a good word for him" wllh Mrs. Nacrarato. All northwest police (ontghl weru looking for Illgaahl. Coun ty officers wero rherklnjt .Nnc rarato'a actions In Trail, and Matitzo was seen In Rpokane Sat urday. Nolo Korgiil Mrs. Naccaralo, whose real niimn wna Mabel Lennre, and who was married under the nnme of Juan Nelson, failed to appeal at the heer parlor whore she worked November 20. That same day her hotel received s noli postmarked from a small town Jnst eaal of Spokane which said' "I'm not coining homo for IP dnys. So pleaso keep my room for me. Dolores Nnccarato." Depuly Sheriff John P. (irlffln. In charge of Iho cane, today said thn nolo was obviously a forgery to delay discovery of tho body. On December IS her room rent had expired and hotel employes moved iiimn of her helongings. Including Iho trunk, Into a small slorernom. where tho janitor complained of the odor. Aunt Worries Mrs. Kale Murphy, her mini, worried hy her fill I lire to answer letters, came from Coeur d'Alnne. Idaho, to look for imr Jnuuary 8, and Deputy Sheriff (Irlffln traced her tn the hotel then, but the room wns unoccupied, al though her clothing was at II I there. Sunday morning hotel em ployes decided to lake over thn room and her possnsnlons. Tho odor from tho trunk aroused suspicion and they called Griffin, who with tho coronor opened it to find Mrs. Naccnrnto's body. clad In lingerie and a Japanese kfmuna, douhlod up and packed undor her fur coat and a pile of linen. Tho lid wns tightly locked. Autopsy of tho body was de layed until Tuesday. ; Weather Tho Cyclo-StormoRrnnh at TJn- dorwood'a phnrmncy haft renint erod a atoady upward trend In barometric pronmiro fur the Inat 24 hours, and for tho first tfrno In SHVonil wooka the . outlook fuvoi'H clonr woalhor. Drink winds wllh fair bUIoh nml sonRoii- al tomporuturoB aro probable. Tho Tyros recording thormo motor roKlHtorod maximum and minimum temperatures Tit ob day as follows: ' High 84 Low 21 Forornst for next 24 hours: Generally fnlr and cool. Too Late to Classify LAROfi) FRONT APARTMENT , Suitable two or four pcoplo. Adults. 419 N. 10th. 2726 THREE room npnrtinont, adults. Alnmoda annrtmouta, 1800 Es plnnndo; phono 74SJ. 2009 LOST Receipt hook belonging lo Singer Sewing Miiohlnn Co. l'lnnse return. Old Klniu- nth; reward; phone 700 2611 8MALI.-FURN1SHE1) APT I 731 Oak. S728 I First Lady Now .x n All III'' ,1 (.fvrf'ln J- ' V ' 41- OFF OLD DEBTS A sizeable part of Ihe f 70S. 000 In come to Klamath roiinty vetiriinM In the Hi:p of honiin will bn npeitl In uayliiK off rtd debts, loral veteran leaders said Tnendiy. Annwerlnic nueMlons sent out In a national survey, Klamath ri-soldlers Indicated, also, Ihnl they would spend contilderablo money In buying new cars. In bonieit and bnuie Improvement,,, and other ways that would stim ulate1 business. It Is belle vim! the avernKo to ho rocelved In Ibis county Is be tween $.100 and 600 per vet eran. Tho trade stimulation possibil ities nf the bonus, no far oh I Klamath Kalis Is concerned, are I further enhanced by' tho near liens of the Tule lake country, I which Is thickly nettled wllh vet ! ernns. The nuiount they will rercive J Is not Included In ihe $703, OuO for Klamath county. Four Persons Die in Oklahoma Fire NORM AN, Okln.. Jan. 28. (.T) Knur persons were burned to death today when their twn siory farm home near hero was destroyed by fire. li, FULL PINT n . .... - " c v 1 Vi VmmMMBBMIliTifX'eVar- r x m - 5 H. r 5 h i4c a- FULL QUART J$ VijrjlgJlMj D.Millrd.tigctl and bot ll mv tied in the hcnrlof the HlucgrtiM country. lllltli Tha (so. T. RlrgCi Ino. j AVAILABLE IN J OREGON AGRICULTURAL CHIEF RENEWS COURT ATTACK (Continued from I'hko One) Ih'dr wln-at flour liiHln-KH In lU'tti; their prof i'UhIhk tax re funds amount lo t7, 000,000. lror'NHitT I'lM'tity "I'lirkers profit m on thi-lr hoK hiinlfif'HH In Iff.!! wre In (tic w-y.)niKn of 120,000,000; Ibidr tax n-fuii'U urn :, 1 ,D00, 000. One of I tin Jttrff'"t puek- rn had t.Hal pnintK of 1 14,000, 000 laHt your. It half or till" ra in from ho firm's hntf hiinl IMHH. hh 1h llkitly, (ho profit, 7, 000.000 In only about half thn f 1 'A, 000, 000 proei'Kttliifc lai re IuihIm to the one rorporiitlnn." WiilliK'e mild thern wan "mio hfarli'iilliK n file" anrl that wiim llm fait Hint "many of the pro rtfHHurH theiiiMflvN are fxt j-einely iinromroi lahlit about tin; whole hiiKiueHH." He ipiolnd from an Iftttue of Ihe NoiihweHli'ni MIll'T, mujta ,liie of ihe nilllliu fndiiHtry. of January 22, whleh naid "We have yi-t lo find out! I miller) who belleven hliiiHrdf entitled In eguily and falruotta, lo porket Herb money an may he renlored lo him by the tax pollertorn." Wallace xald, "It Ih a Hhume that beeauHa of leKalint theories, dlvorrer from ectjiiomic reallileK and nodal Juntirc. the :ourt Hboiibl huve created Mich an em harraMHinK nlluation for farnifrs, conHiimeiH. proci-HHora and the government." Marinoff Receives 20-Year Sentence TACOMA, Wash.. Jan. 28. ? I'l' I'etor Marinoff, former ' ead of the Northwest tlrewlng company, must servo 20 years In Walla Walla stale prison for rompllclty In tho slaving of a teaniHters union picket hero last May. Judge K. D. Hodge ordered Monday. Marinoff was convlrted of manslaughter, Judge Hode sen tenced Theo Fergerson. who ad mitted firing the shot that killed William Usataln. to one year in IMercn county Jail, with time off for the eight months be already has been confined. UK. TOWNKKXn I Mi LONG UK AC II, Calir., Jan. 28. M') Ir. F. K. Townsend. 67-year-old founder of the old age lienslnn plan bearing his name, denied himself to visitors today and retired to his bed because of a severo cold. a f Hogsheads ol leaf tobacco "ageing" for (wo yoars in storage warehouses. : rvt r' Political Groups Will Be Probed WAB1I1NOTON, Jan. 28. (AP) The senate lobby coiiiinltte to day launched an Inijiilry into the operations of all seinl-polltlcal organizations, Inoludliiff the American Liberty league. A HueHttomialre, It was learn id. was sent out to several hun dred Individuals and corporations which the committee has reason to believe have either neon soli cited or have contributed to the various organizations. GETS mi rOKTI.A.VI), Jan. 28, U.R) Dissension among Oregon's Town send plan supporters took a new lark last night when Charlea K. Hansen, stale manager of Town send clubs, told police he had been threatened with violence. An unidentified man tele phoned him six times today and told hlrn to resign In three days "or you won't be able to get out of town," Hansen reported, He asked protection. The asserted threats were linkeij with removal last week of Jack Uarde, Portland, steel com pany president, as a Townsend speaker. Hftiuc Man Fach Time The taller opened the conver sation, Hansen said, with the question: "Are vou the man who sent out the statement that Harde has been removed from Ihe speakers' list?" Hansen re plied that he was, and received the three-day ultimatum. He said he was sure that the same man made aM the calls. The district executive board of Townsend clubs attacked Rarde and Robert . Adams, national coordinator for (he plan, last week for asserted political ma neuvering. Harde was dropped as a speaker and Adams was re called to Chicago headquarters. Three close friends of Barde had Incorporated at Salem, state capital, an organization known as "Townsendltes, Inc.," and bad declared It would oppose activi ties of executive board members and advise Townsend followers on local political issues, Barde tonight said It was "ri diculous" that his name had been linked with threats against Hansen. He said he sought unity amoug Townsend workers. Total gas casualties of the World war amounted to 1.108, 738. Of this number, Russia had 475.000, France 190.000, Italy 13,000, the United States, 70,752, Kngland 180,983, and Germany 78,663. Retirement pay of a federal civil service employe la not exempt from Income tax. view1 That's what we mean by mild, ripe tobacco. And that's the kind of to bacco we use to give Chesterfields their milder, better taste. jv-e Chief of Grange Has Farm Plan i, JfiPVfjk " J Blisrply opposed to a constitu tlonal amendment to validate the AAA, L. J Tabnr masler o( tho National Granne. Is active In the battle for a new farm pro gram. Taber offers a plan In volving larger utilization of co operative marketing, increased use of farm products Id indus try, and development of new crops. He urges' the debenture plan to open foreign markets and a permanent land program. BLY, Ore. Social events were numerous In Bly during the month of January. The high school stu dents had a lovely party at the Savage Rand home early In Jan uary. Hard-time costumes were worn. James Boyd won the prize, fjanclng v. as the enjoyment of tho evening, with Grandpa Sav age's violin, accompanied by Mrs. Georgia Casebeer, as music. Cards were enjoyed by the elders of the group. Mr. and Mr. Glvan, Miss Eagle, Miss Bold and Harry Oben chaln, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Damon Savage being present. This party honored Laura Savage and Lenore Newton, whose birthdays were In January. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Campbell entertained a group of friends on Saturday evening, January 18. Four tables of pinochle were In play. High score was won by Mrs. Marvin Stephens. Guents for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stump, Mr. and Mrs. Link Erwln, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Tibbetts, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Givan, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Blanton and Mr. and -Mrs. Dave Campbell. BLY FIRST ripened in the sunshine... and picked leaf by leaf from the right part of the stalk when fully ripe. . THEN each day's picking cured right by the farmer ... at the right time and in the right way ... no "splotching"or brittleness, but every leaf of good color and flavor. FINALLY bought in the open market... re-dried for storage.. .then packed in wooden hogsheads to age and mellow for two years or more un til free from harshness and bitterness. A delectable supper wns served at midnight. Mrs. Cnpllola Woodcock has a group of ladles to ner borne on Thursduy aftornoon, January 11. It was a surprise for nor inothnr, Mrs. Cnlvln, who has been visit ing her for soma time. Mrs. Cal vin expects to return to Hood Itlvnr soon. A handkerchief shower wan held for nor. The hostess served dainty refresh ments In the In In arternoon. Those presrnt wore Mesdames Ilannn, Krwin. Wnllls, Morris, nnnnett, Garrett, Calvin and Woodcock. MIm LuHlln Bold was honored by Miss Delia Eagle Thursday eve ning lth a card parly. Mr. and Mrs. Krn (livan, Mr. and Mrs. Illanton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wnllls, Mr. and Mrs. Link Erwln, the hon or guest and the hostess enjoyed games of pinochle until a late hour. A ruko brilliantly lighted with candlw was presented to Miss Bold, after which delightful refreshments were enjoyed hy all. "Chatter an Stitch" Bly Needle club members, were guests at the Campbell ranch last Wednesday, with Mrs. Dave Campbell. After an enjoyable social afternoon and delicious luncheon the meeting was called to order by the new president. Mn. Jean Tibbetts. At tention was called to the fact that annual dues are due. Plans for the Valentine dinner were dis cussed and committees were ap pointed for the kitchen and enter tainment. The date was set for Saturday, February 15. The last social event for the month of January Is a benefit dance, which Is being sponsored by the grangers of Bly. It will be held Friday, January 31, at the local school gymnasium. The Savage orchestra, local talent, will furnish the music for dancing. HTl'DK.NTS DIE CAIRO, Jan. 28. (JP) Two students, wounded by police fire during demonstrations yester day, died today, one at Mansura and the other at Damanhour, KeeDithandVfor W Chafed Skin CINTS .. '' President's Uncle Takes Own Life KU PASO, Texas, Jan. 28, (Al') Paul It, Forbos, unole of Presldont Roosevelt, was toll ml shot to death lu his looked apart merit hure last night. Justice of the Peace M, T, Ward, saying he waa sntlnflod tho 67-yoar old man shot him solf, announced no Inquest would be hold. Forbes was shot In the roof of the mouth with a revol ver. Some People Say You no longer hoar an employ er say of his sccrotury, "She dots not look like much, but how she can type!" Ho's more upt to any, "I've got an A-l secretary now, and is sho a looker!" Elizabeth Gregg MacGibbon, advertising ,x ecutlve, The country Is In good shape. People are cheerful. Business la good. The banks are crabbing, but moat of them had the betit year In many years. Jesse Jones, head of RFC, I had no dolls when I was little, and I'll have no children when I'm old. That's my story. That' all there Is to It. Ann Cooper Hewitt, 21, suing mother la San Francisco sterilization case. Raw sugar, before It la whit ened In refineries, is yellow. CONSTIPATED 30 YEARS "For thirty jrettn I hod chronic con stipation. Some times I did not go for four or five days. I aJso had awful gam bloating, headache and pain In the bock. Adletika helped right away. Mow I eat sausage, bananas, pie, anything I want and never felt better. I sleep aonndly all night and enjoy life." Mrs. Jlabel Bcbott. If yon are suffering from con stipation, sleeplessness, o r stomach, and gas bloating, there Is quick relief for yon In Adler lka. Many report action in thir ty minute after taking Just on dose. Adlerika gives complete action, cleaning yonr bowel tract where ordinary laxative do not even reach. Dr. H. L. Shoob, Kew York, reporta: "In addition to intestinal cleansing, AcSerUut check the growth of Intestinal bacteria and colon bacilli.' Give yonr atomaea, and bowels a real cleansing with Adlerika and see kow good yon feel. Just one spoonful relieve 0A8 and chronic constipation, gold by all druggist and drag department. Waggoner Drag Co. Pie ft inn of iohaeeo in thw: ." : . y "Bright" tobacco Mdt Virginia and the Corofino.: Type of barn used for "flue curing" leaf tobacco. ..for mi lilncss lor better taste 1936, llGOItl ft'Mrtsf TOMCCO CO.