WORLD NATIONS PREPARE TO LEAD THESE CHILDREN TO SLAUGHTER "War babies," and those born after the war, arc now being trained to fight in another war. In Italy children begin their military train ing at 4. taught to fear and hate neighboring coun tries. Japan, Russia and Cieriuany have mili taristic youth organizations. Each year Russia calls 1,200,000 new recruits. Italy could now throw an army of 2,000,000 mobilize an army of 4,000,000 at a moment's notice. Throughout the world children are being into battle. The United States is prepared to Since the arms men helped elect Ilitler (o power in Germany, thereby starting a world wide race to re-arm, nations have been in creasing their man power. (4irVKK.UI, IV!'. If 5, 1 if m . J , - - f v Ti s 0 t - Tir-. - a "CRADLE TROOPS, FORWARD MARCH!" THESE 14-YEAR-OLD ITALIAN BOYS ARE FULLY prepared for military service. Italian boys must enter military "kindergarten" at 4, and for seventeen years thereafter will study in a military environment They will wear uniforms until they have completed their training. Not only do they learn the art of war they are also taught patriotism . . . and fear. Sri v 4t -(. . . , -I. hi m, .i i ii hm i ip inmii ;i i nip i. T '"W S in 'w-W .Yfc-'-'' IJmmmm EIGHT-YEAR-OLD BOYS GUARD ITALY'S TANKS. NOTE BAYONNETED RIFLES. f 'V y rf - JkJ j .-..-nr4-fey -''.. -A)!,,,. ..Uu.i'.:-;.'i'--)'"tt,J fa.. , , , . it THOUSANDS OF ENGLISH CHILDREN, BOYS AND GIRLS, ARE RECEIVING MILITARY TRAINING. Bnu kind, m PAOK SIX Rritjiin heeds the warnine of the British Armv and Navv Gazette: "In the next war, the whole of the man kind, most of the womanhood, and part of the childhood will be involved." FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD RUSSIAN GIRLS TAKE MILITARY TRAINING. 'A