.Taminry 24, 19M SPECIAL VOTE THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE SET FOR STATE ON JANUARY 31 RA1.ICM, Oro., Jim. 24. (IIP) A wt-t'k from toil 11 v Onikihi will vntu in it apnt'lul uliii'tliiii In h Irli liilftrnt Ima Iiimhi no lack Ihk llinl n pull ir only 411 pnr rent or Ii'hh of Din rnKlNli'iillon In cnptTtuil. Tint ri'KlHli-iillini It ni'lf Inn ilroppml at'Vttinl tliou nuiiil. Of Mm four iii'-iihii tcm on tlio bullnl, only nun-- Hut proponul In t'luiiKii ttiu tHrt'ol H'lninry t'liic H"n from Mny In Hnplninln'r Iiiih litii'ii roni-i'ili'tl lliii al'Khttirtt I'lllllll'lt (if pllHHIIKd, lln ilt'fi'iil, luo, illnilK Willi III" anlra lux, ntmliMit fi'u hill mill li'i;lithiloiit' pay law, Imn l)tti optoily priMllrit'il. 'lint vtry woitla "siilns lux" itrit miltl to io fttioiiKh d ilortMil lint plan lo riilitii lictwi'tni uini.oou nml M.ooo.ouo iiiiniially fur lint IN, iiiiii pi'moim 115 or iiioiii who will hit I'llullilo for oltl nun ptiiiHloiiH. Hnlra (iixtni In olhur forniH liuvu Itrtm liirnt'ij ilown t wli'ti lit'fora ul Hit) polln. Anil If lint llilnl nitli-a tax hill la trmlnil llkowlnv, llm lliri'iit of n HiToml HptTlllt at'anlnn of lilt) liKKli.turu will liuiiif ovor llm talit. (iovttrnor Marlln Inn vnwi.il tlittrtt will lin no KnllitTliiK of Hiv rtprttNfiiiatlvtH ami st'tiulnre un til Hut rt'iiuliir ilntn In Jiinuiiry, 11)117, Iml nim-IiiI Htirurlty nxitirtH wuiiilnr If tint oxnciitlvu will htt nlilo to wltliHtniiil tint prnitfttiro for a aporlul hi-nhIoii, pomtllily in Mari'li, Hhoulil llio attlfe tax lout,, Htiutnnt ft'oe ut I it without prott'Ht for ytmra until Ihoy worn tninlii a polltlnit laaue urn doom ed, olortlon furovaatora any. It la ft'iirt'd III" allien tux "no" votna will work all down Ilia lino on (ha ballot, nxrvpi thai tho Hipti'nihir primary may win iiuukIi auppurt to carry. Klamath Kalla ha boon -loctud aa one of the flovrn Ore ion cllld anil towna In wfikb to carry out an arlatlnti ground arhnul projnrt fluancril liy tha Worka 1'roarcaa Aditilntitlrntlon and aponauriMl by U)U Statu Hoard of Aoronauilia - Tha atatn daimrtincnt of edu eatlon will dirnct Ilia project uu dor Ilia W. 1'. A. adiilt iduca tlon program and flral climaoa will ho ht'ld hfrn upon comple tion of nrritiiKc-mcnla for clnaa room with loral achttol author It In hy an Instructor already bo lortml. In charKn of the achool horn will ln Carl P. L'hrlatonaitu, 813 CI a K a Itoad, Klamath Fulls. Tho Inalmcllon will ho froo to the public. Appllranta muat bo 16 yt'ara of ncti or oldnr ami thoy will bo rmiulrpil to furnlnh tlirip own text hooka. Tho eoiiran will bo lit'ld two nlghta a week for it period of at lenat thruo Diontha. Biibjerta to bo covered In tho eournn Includn thoor$v'Tiif flldhl, atrurturea and rlKKliig. air rom-nifrt-o reKulationa and nlr traffic rulta, controla and tht'lr uo and alrrrnlt vniiinva. Whom avail able, annul ctiulpnicnt, auch aa oiiKlnea and prupcllora and other iippiirtiiiniicos will bo used by luntrut'tnra. Tho text, which hna been ap proved by tho Stnto Hoard of Aeronautic!, la tho Hnnkln Text, written by Tex llankln of Port land, twilling northweat flier. Accordlnx to present plana, proinluent pllota and aviation of rirlala, lucludlnK Tex Itanklii, will nuiko poraonnl iipptmrancea nt Hi" rlaaaea from tlmo to tlino and locturo on nlinaos of avia tion, Tho Inatructora chosen for tho wurk hnvo rncolvod apoeliil In ntruellon In aoroiinutlca under the supervision of 1). Moaa, Sr., former auperlntendniit of tho Itaukln aehool of flylnK nt Port land and well-known authority on Kt'ouud aehool auhjocta. Inaplrallon for tho project, aa explained hy tho IJonrd of Aoro nnutlra, hna boon found In tho fact thut lntoreat In aviation la KrowliiK npneo and fuclllties for illsaemlniitlnK tnchiilcnl Informa lion hnretoforo hnvo boon con enlrnted principally nt apoclul rlioola In tho major cltlca. Tho board has announced I Iml llm cmiran will aervo ua a liunla for tho atudnnl'a tukliiK up ae llllil flylnK t u l"ler dntu If bo ao fhuoana, Tho clllua anil towna to have Ki'ouiid aehoola under llio pro jnet urn: Portland, linker, Cor vii 1 Ua, Mllwaiiklu, (iladntonu, llor IllKi Hoaebui'Ki Klailllith I'll 1 lit, Kasfl"), Newborn ami Muralifluld. Preparations for Economic Outlook Conference Begin I'riilliiilnnry work preparatory In llm liupoiinul ii k t It'll It il tit I iteonoiiilc outlook conferenco to bo held In Klamiith Kalla on Kelininry 25 uud 20, la well un der way, neeordliiK to no nn iioiineeuient from C. W. Ilenkle, iimtlBlunt county iiKi'lculluiiil ii"iil. MeetiiiKa of all cnmiulttfiea which aro tireiiarluK Information to he nt utl It'll at the conference, lint! I'ecoiuiiienilatloua to ho aub lultleil at Hint tlmu have been Hi'lit'd ii Ifil and aro IjHiik hnld tlally ul thu eoiiuly un""l' of fice. The tiuek cropa commltteo met Weiluenilay ufteruoon, January '22. uud the potato commltten on Thuiailay afternoon, Jniiiinry 23. Other commlttnn inettllnKa have been Htt aa followa: Frltlay. January 24 Bmall ai't'ila I'oiumlttee. Monilay, January 27 Grain COIllllllttei!. Tutailay, Jiinuiiry 28 Dairy committee. Wetlnentliiy, January 2J liny and foriike committee. Tueadiiy, Kebrunry 4 Hcof comiulttee, Wedniaday, February S Shoop comniltttti. Thiirailny, February I Hog commllleu. Krlilny, February 7 Poultry commltteo. Young Malin Couple Married on Sunday MAI.l.V, Jan. 24. A iiiarrlimc of Intercut to aoulh-ond roaldenla wna aoleiuulxod at 0:30 a, in. laat Kumliiy niornliiK In the Preabyterlnn purannnRO when Mlaa KriiiH'cn IlurKeaa beenmo tho Initio of Knoch I'ntraaek. The cereuiouy wna performed by Dr. It. M. Slevenaon. Tho brldi, wna attended by .Mlaa Irene Jeluik and tha Kroom waa iilleniled by his brother, Piiul Petraaek. Tho youtiK couplo left aoon oftor tho ceremony for Kureka where they apeut aoveral dnya with tho brltle'a mother, roturn IliK to Mnlln Thuradny. I'etraaek la owner and pro prietor of tho Shamrock cafo. GuKtnvo llamol flow from llen- don, Knit., to Windsor. In 12 min utes. 25 years hko, Willi me tlrsi malls rrarlcd by hcavler-thuti-alr machliiea. More than 65. 000.000 atema of hnnnnna were Imported Into tho United Mutes durliiK 11131. OF WELL TESTED TIJf.F.I.AKW, Jan. 24. A teal of tho flow atreiiKlh of tho well helllK atlnk oil tlio l llieuiau laundry properly by Clinrltm Helta, Clydo llurka mill .Mr. CiimmliiKa. la to bn taken tho laat of tho week to determine the amount of water available In the 2H2-foot holo completed the mlildlo of tho week by I.on Storey. The pump la to be at tached for tho teal, Harks atated, and In event an Insufficient flow la recorded for thu needs of tho three pieces of properly, the abaft will bo sunk still deeper. All other preliminary prepara tions lor iibo of the water have been completed, the atenui onitlno and pump aro In nindlneaa and It Is expeoled thut water will be available In tlio next few days. Hponnora of the well are hop IliK that tho flow will be ade luate to furnlah water to the aehoola. OOIlllKCTION' Tho Newa and Herald In Thuradny laaues Incorrectly cred ited unnounceinent of tho Kl wanla clubs' 21st anniversary celebration to Henry Perkins, as president of tho local Klwanla club. Tho niiiiniinceinent waa made by Klbert Veateh, who Is prcaldent of tho club. Tho News and Itoiald reitret tho error and aro pleased to innko correction. The Dead Sea hae no outlet and doea not contain anlmnl life. Illrda and animals avoid tho ration. the, 0 NiY couqhdiop MIDICATID WITH INORtDIINT? Of VickiVapoRub aptsnmsvitfsaBrian S1PUIUS1MIIIU 4i sa saMianan'ii iif i '"'"' - . (iKi'iVftianiii f .1 Modem tuccaitorro old-fathionedcough ; syrups . . . more) con venient . . . lest ex- pensive) . . . lingers , longer In the throat, j I AIRWAY COFFEE m 0Q putt Brii.lin blrnJ. Iti(hr in mttmrl fmktia. Ground to youf onki tt the moment of pun hue. Pound Edwards' DEPENDABLE COFFEE 23? If you prefer vKuum packed coffee, uy thJi quility blcnti GmrmltfJ to plcuc you. Pound OTHER NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS - HILLS BROS. RED CAN 27ti MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 27 GOLDEN WEST COFFEE, Lb 27 Trice Wfcrllvc Hiiturilny to Slontlny, Jiinunry B.V27 I. i immmwrmmmmmmv if .SGO.NGTO PHH-Y ' JSArfJ $ TASTE GRAND L J I 1 vAkS V 3 I i-VI VtYE$ SIR... AohTN TxCi W&C J-OV ITS GOING TO TASTE S.'i'I t ft jrjry V, ws, I EVEN BETTER WITH 3 VA iW. THESE EXTRA FLAKY AT Nw IV LT 4 PTr T CRACKERS! JO 1 SI I 4 sT Vv OMEN are more and more realizing the healthful qualities of canned peas. Peas are rich -in vitamins and mineral salts. The brine in which they come is nourishing and should never be thrown away. AH canned pea in Safeway Stores have been carefully checked for quality and value in order that the Safeway Customer may be assured of receiving the very maximum for her money. Prices Effective Saturday to Monday, January 25 to 27 Peas San Wan Fancy No. 2 Tins 2,o.29c Daac 0cean Bree" f Sp CdS No. 3 Sieve. No. 2 Tins for Peas cpL Corn Butter Kernel Whole Kernel 2 for35C tin. 29c DO YOU KNOW HOWn TO BUY PEAS? Above shows the actual tlzca of the S most popular "ileves of canned peas. They arc decermlr.cd by tae siz of the ecreon. canner. Tha email est aiza is crDenalvo bicaiiM thara ara J fewer of them canned and packlna costs are bleher. ' ' I 'HERE ax two type of canned peaa. The Early June or "Aluka" is a amooih skinned variety, Tha "Sweet pea baa a slightly wrinkled skin. There is some difference in flavor but both are popular. Peas are packed by grades as well as size Fancy, Extra Standard sod Sunward determined by tho amount of starch in the peas. This is indicated by the firmness of the pea and the clarity of the brine. Standard Grade is some times used as a regular vegetable dih Wc betag starchier it : is better adapted for purees and soups. In selecting sizes the t No. 1 pea is chiefly used as a dainty gzrnfch for steaks, chops and j roasts. The larger sizes are the most popular for general use, as many people consider them superior in flavor. DEL MONTE EARLY GARDEN PEAS """ 2 for 29 2 - 25 fancy Sweet Peat. 'A delicious " Ho. 1 combination of No. 2. 3 and .J. 4 sitrt for jUrcr. New feck. y Toll Cess SCOTT TflSSUE 3,u23c White Kiflng Larse Packase 33c FIout BIue Seal :z 49 $ 1 39 SugSBa Fine cr-nu,ated , - Bag 4I9C To BIB SSBp Each j c Pst ToasltSes 3 21c COOlClS --D Carton Pfcg. C CaSMJP "!zY Bottle JC RHaltclhies "Y 6 i sc PeacBaes -.. 115c Safltt Maxim- Shaker . . . Pkg. gc 1 ASEWAY The West's Largest Selling Coffee Lb. flC Baker's Lb. Tin Each J(jc .Black Tea -Lb. Tin 23c The Famous Cofee Substitute Lb. Tin 4c SPECIAL 1 Cent Sale Buy 3 Tins for 13 Get One for 1 4 Tins 14c FRESH EGGS Fresh Extras in Cartons Doz. )C Fresh Quality Meatus i Saturday Only Pork Loins Lb. fgc Finest quality meat. Ij(esh ' tender- loins for frying or broiling. Pork Sho. Roast With all the delicious a 4ftk . flavor of fresh pork. LB. T Fruits and Vegetable Prices Saturday Only 5c Artichokes Ea c Tempting and delicious, Med. size. Bananas Fancy golden ripe fruit Lettuce Head4c Oranges Crisp compact heads. M . . Dry Onions Lbs 9c ripe and cramme with fae- Eastern susar-cured. LB. !? at a new low price. T-Bone or Sirloin, cut LB. from prime steer beef. Oysters Fresh Willapa. PT. Doz. 25c Med. size California navels, golden PT. Snow white, freshly rendered. Med. size, sweet and tender, Cauliflower Med. size, snow white heads at a saving. Head , Apples DC Faced and fills box 98c fills, Winesaps and 2 LBS. Frankfurters Bologna LB. Spitz. I c