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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1936)
it PAGE EIGHT AUTO SHOW SECTION January 23, 18S0 SIP UPTURN I N CHEVROLET OUTPUT SHOWN JiLHIBai'.'iT' Company Makes Plans for Big Year; Facilities Improved. Walter Locke, head of Hie Chevrolet Motor agency In Klam ath Falls, revealed that the main company lBBt year completed a J25.OOO.O0O program plant ex pansion, Increasing the, production capacity of the ten inevroiei as semhly plHiits In the United SlntoB, and raising the capacity or the capacity of the company's own manufacturing plants, devot d to the making of axles, en gines, transmissions and other units to enable them to keep pace with the enlarged assembly pliints. Announcement of the virtual completion of the conipnny's ex pansion plans was made as Inci dental to his statement that all ten Chevrolet assembly plants have been changed over within the the last eevernl weeks to pro duce at a high rate of speed and efficiency new models of the Mas tor deluxe and Standard Chevro leti tor 1936. ' . Production Goes t'p The expenditure of 125,000,000 iras made tor the erection and equipment of new buildings at assembly and manufacturing plants, and tor the re-equipment and complete modernization of existing buildings, with few ex ceptionB, most of the operations were undertaken and carried out without announcement to the pub lic, the net of completed Im provements given out today being the first publication of details of the progress. Production is increasing dally, and the company has built an am pie supply of the new models to stock its 10,000 dealers. Increas ed schedules have been set in or der to replenish dealers' stocks as , rapidly aa 1b necessary to provide for Quick: deliveries to purchas ers. Hydraulic Brakes Stop New Chevrolets m- U 4 tic-j W - t V I 3 V J New Transmission Design Perfected The transmission of the new 110 horsepower V-1J Lincoln Zephyr at the auto show incor porates the most recent develop ment of Ford and Lincoln designs. All gears are of helical type, for quiet gear shifting. First and reverse gears operate on a heli cally splined shaft to reduce end thrust and assist in easy gear ahifting. A snychronizer is pro Tided Detween Second and high gears. The counter shaft is mount ed on roller bearings. In the new design the height of the shifter tower had been in creased. This serves to reduce the movement of the gear shift lever ball necessary to engage any gear. Maximum Steering East Accomplished The steering gear of the new 110 horsepower V-12 Lincoln Zephyr was designed to assist maximum steering ease. The gear is of the worm and roller type, with an 18-to-l overall steering ratio. In its design, special at . tention was directed toward re duction of friction in the gear linkage. The drag link is mount ed cross-wise closely parallelling the front axle. NEW COOLING A new thermostat, larger dis charge pipe, larger intake pipe and new "spray" cooling around the valves give unusually efficient cooling to the new six cylinder engine found in the Studebaker Dictators of 1936. Chevrolet's most siRntnennt Innovation for 1936 is a perfected hydraulic brake system, for both Master and Standard models. Uoth types, too. have narrower and higher radiators, more powerful engines with full-length water jacketing, and balanced -carburetors for greater fuel economy The Master de luxe town sedan U shown above. 1 I BE Completely new and more mod ern than ever in appearance, more luxurious In style, and with a wealth of engineering develop ment, the new Terraplancs for 1936 are here and will be on dls play at the armory by McCulloch and Beckwith. Not only do th new cars attain entirely ' new standards of beauty, hut they In corporate safely engineering fea tures to a degree never before found in automobile chassis and bodies. In addition, there are number of innovations of a funda mental nature which no cars hav ever had before. Although these cars are still In the lowest price field, they are much bigger and finer than their predecessors of the same make. Of interest from a safety, as well as comfort standpoint, is th wholly new principle, radial safe ty control, which makea possible greater safety in riding, steering and stopping. So marked a dif ference does this new front end system incorporate in the riding qualities of the car that the man ufacturers of the Terraplane hare given the name, rhythmic ride, to introduces true-line steering bringing a new road sense to the steering wheel because of the ac curate control of the steering system, regardless of road condi tion. Another new feature is the the result of the synchronized and unified suspension system. This new front end system also dno-automatic hydraulic brakes which incorporates a big husky hydraulic system with the double safety factor of an automatic re serve brake of the rotary-equaliz ed mechanical type. On the bodies, which have one- fifth more room inside than many cars selling at douhle the price, is the automatic draft eliminator a feature added to Terraplane's all-year ventilation system which automatically equalizes air pres sure inside and outside the car and screens the air entering the body in conntction with the venti lating system. Entirely New Plan Used for Brakes Chevrolet introduce? an entire ly new braking system in its 1936 cars, utilizing the hydraulic prin ciple of actuation in combination with its own design of brake me chanism within the brake drums at all four wheels. The system says the company's announce ment, possesses all the Inherent advantages of hydraulic brake ac tuation plus the special benefits that Chevrolet has built into its own type of articulated brake shoes and linkage by which pedal pressure is converted into braking effect. In its design of the hydraulic brake system, Chevrolet has made VJ M A IX AMERICA'S eoine for this big, beau- EfT I'M A IX AMERICA'S going for this big, beau- ll tiful Studebaker! Priced close to the low est t Startling gas and oil economy still further Increased by money-saving overdrive! World's strong- X I eststeel-reinforced-by-steel 3 j body! Uncanny automatic hill holder! See it! Drive fa ffl E t'IJ eststeel-reinforced-by-steel fifl 1 I yyy ui WW itl You'U buy it! " mcwcIv . ZZ 444 . H-fJua -i'xiCjl Motor Co. fJoOuIIoch-Eeckwith Sixth and Oak Streets Phone 680 full use of its Inherent advan tages, which include self-equalization of pressure on the brake shoes, freedom from frictional losses between pedul and shoes, proof against trouble caused by dirt or lea, and ease of maintenance. STUOEBJUCEHS SE KLAMATH Ingenious Body Design Gives Great Space for Luggage. Studebaker Dilator Coupe HA Wf .! f iViR;st!:. ScXAil ;' - 1 J i I B mm I LIXIHY CAB The new President iy36 Stude baker model, styled by Miss Helen Dryden, famous New York designer, are the most luxurious automobiles that hare ever borne the Studebaker name. Long Impression Given by Dodge A noteworthy point about the now DodKO ears i?een at the show is the successful manner In which length and Iow-Iiuii'k appearance are emphasiied. The Impression of length, while aided by slock lines, is nevertheless based on reality, the Met being that the lat est Dodgtt cars are of greater over-all length than any of thoir predecessors. The StudnhaUcrs of 1938 have caused considerable c " tn in e n t among local motorlHts duo to the Ingenious manner In which body dcsigtii'iH hiiYo provided these au tomobiles with unusually large lusttngo carrying capacity. A striking example will be exhibited at the Klamath auto show by Mc Culloch & lleckwlth. local Studo- baker ri onion. Kvery model In each of the new lines of Studobakers, the Dictators and the 'residents, have been built with an Idea of pleasing mo torists who like to go places nnd (ako things with them, whether (he loads ho porsonal or "freight." Not only Is that true, but each model is offered In a variety of luggugo compartment arrange ments largo enough to cover any whim or desire a motorfct may have. For example, the Dictator St. Regis sedan Is offered In what ' i-y iJaWt,! 1 Here Is a Studcbakor with rich personality the Dictator coupe. It U availcble in either thro or five paiicnaor models. Its brand new 90 horsepower six cylinder eiiRino gives It brilliant performance. The gracefully streamlined design It expected to win many friendships and the generous manner in which Stuucbakcr body deilgnert have spent money on Interior luxuries nuke It a real "standout." is called the "custom" model, the "crulshiK" model, or with olio or two side in mm I h for spare tiles. Tim "cutoin" model has an un usually InrKo truck built-in, that Is, . "blended In" with the muurt contoiioi of the car. And each of theso two models may bo hnd with cither one or two fonder well mnuiitliiKa for tho extra tires. Without fender well iiinuiitiilii(s the spare tlrea are carried on tho floor of the ItiKKUUo compartment. With fender well moiinuliigt the n ml placed III fonder wella, th.-ro Is ll ciHHielly of IM clime loei. Building of Homes. Aid to Prosperity NKW YOIIK Tlio liiipnrtiiiicn of homo InilldliiK us a roiililliii tlon to iiiilloiinl economy rocnvi iy was HlrnHNnd by Itotnii'l V. li'lmii lug, pi'i'Hlilonl of Hie Atnnrleiiii Hunkers' iissoclnllnii, In n sliilo. meiit liiiidn piilillo lime nicnully. "No Industry cnii do liioni In hi I in ll hit employ minil nnd help In I Im Hlulillily of Hut country," ha itiicliii-oil, "lllllll 111" IMillHllllcllcill of lioinos " lie ri'Ieried to l''IIA liiiiiiri'il iiiiii't KitHU liuiiii) as piiill culiirly di'Hlriihlo for home fliiiin rliiK, and poliilod to tho fact Unit such I in n n also inln In in u ll I i k unimproved real estate liquid, "thus supplying on additional pureliasliiK power." lire space Jn avalliililo for nddl tllllial lllKKflKC - A chock of the cubic capacities of the various Iiikkiiko compart ments liidlcnlca that Hitidoluiker bus provided morn abundantly limn most coinpnlliivu can. In "custom" swliiiis, the convenient self-typn trunk give, 10, ruble feet of carrying rapacity. "Cruis ing" sedans have la cubic font of capacity. And when the tires are removed from the Iukkhko rom pnrtment of "cruising" seduiia Modernization Plan Puts Store on Feet N'OOAI.KS. Aria. Diltsllllldlng exiiiniilo of what ciioporailoii Willi Hie Moderulmitlon Credit I'lnn of KIIA can do for IiiinIiich, la ro Inled by llin proprietor of u local electric iippllitncti Hlnru, Mo started In biiHlnew cIkIH inonllis ago Willi 1:16 nnd today Ills as sets li n vii a vii I no of f 3.00 0. Hav ing no stock at the start, he did Ills selling from it catalogue, us ing Urn KIIA sales plan, The cash profit tin received on every sain enabled III in to build up ti lei ilork rapidly. Oil. f PACITV All 1U.I5 Htudebaknr engine, have oil capacities of six quarts. WITH LESS GAS I . . . less oil . . . less upkeep I i Msnrxn D unn aeoirr sidan More miles of pleasure more money in yonv pocket when you drive CHEVROLET FOR 1936 NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES the tafeil and tmoothett ever developed SOLID STEEL one-piece TURRET TOP a crown or" beauty, a fortreU of safety GENUINE riSHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION IN NEW TUBBET TOP BODIES Hie mail beautiful and comfortable bodies ever created for a low-priced car SHOCRPROOF STEERING mating driving easier and safer than ever before You may as well save money particularly when yon can get more motoring pleasure in addition to substantial eavinga . , . and that is the happy experience of people who buy new 1936 Chevrolets. This new Chevrolet is fasti It's spirited! It goes places as "yon want your new car to got And goes with lest gas and oil! All of which naturally makes it a much better investment. Then, too, the new Chevrolet for 1936 is smarter, safer and more comfortable to ride in than any other car selling at or near its price. Come in take a ride in this only complete low-priced car and get proof of its greater valoe. crrEvnoLET Moron co., Detroit, Mien. IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE the smoothest, safest ride of all HIGH COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE giving even better performance vith even less gas and oil All THESE FEATURES $ AT CHEVROLET'S LOW 1-AICES 0 Veio Greatly Reduced '0 G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN Campari Ctrswrohst'i lam Mlmirwd prion. 6 495 I Mm. UUUmm. With tmmpm, , ;n;( li ih. Ilu ! I, t!t JMlM jjT A'aMi nnlv, $M wU,l .nnl. I-Hm qt,,l In rata nrwll.mml thnmmlilmattMlct. A timmd Motm f. Locke Motor Go South Sixth and Oak Streets Phone 49