AUTO SHOW SECTION January 23, WW Nearly Fifty Improvements in New Plymouths BUIGK OPENS Bird's Eye View Accentuates Graceful Lines of New Jiuiclc ICE mm BIG pscf, sit CAMP GN mum III STRENGTH Development Made With out Adding- to Car's Weight. DRTItOIT (Spoclnl) n.'lalls of a now Ono of niilomolilli! frame coiiKliurtlon, perfects il nflir yoHi's of duvpliipnii'iit wo t. IH ho ruvculcd nt tho Klatuath Aulo tihow oponliiR ThurHttny. l.lBtcii us one of tho outstand ing oimlnoerltiK ltirovpimnts on tho lO.'IO motor cars, the now frnmo has boon dosUnod with totvionnl rigidity ns 1U basic re quirement. It Ik a major feature on nil 1936 Plymouth models, according to officials of the Ply mouth Motor Corporation. Oars StrenRtli Improved With tho new typo construction. Plymouth engineers have Increas ed the strength and rigidity of tho automobile frame without adding materially to its weight. The new frame is said to bo near ly twice as rigid against twisting forces, yot It -weighs only a few pounds more than previous frames used in other models. The torsional strength of the sets frame has been tested by sup porting the frame at three wheel locations and permitting the fourth, location in the front to hang Iree. Since the unsprung reaction at a front "jeel is about 650 pounds, the twist consists of moving 650 pounds from one front wheel to the other. Under thte test, the new Plymouth frame twists between 6 J and 6 J degrees. Other production frames twist aa much as 12 degrees. Plymouth engineers look upon the frame ai the "backbone" of the modern motor car. They have made thousands of tests with dif ferent types of frames in recent years, seeking ways to further strengthen this vital unit. The sew frame represents the results of their research. The depth of the aide rails and x-brace members of the new frame have been increased from 5 to Ei inches. The box sections at the rear have been extended and the box sections at the front have need widened. Frame, Body Conform The x-brace intersection, impor tant as a nucleus for the entire frame, has been eompletely rede signed to form one unit. Previous ly the Intersection was made up of fonr sections. X-brace mem bers join the aids-rails at a less WJ5 4,UKa fk MMBaassiiMiciiaMiMir sacai From the sweeping radiator grille to the built-in trunk in the rear, the Plymouth has iimieritone more than two-score ennngos in siyie ana euimennK design fur ii'So,. Tuc new models have beou made much roomier and more Insurious, and the rliltng lias been Improved considerably Tho type shown here is tho Deluxe Kour-Ooor Tourlug Sedan. I shrap angle and taper to a maxl i mum pormisruhle depth at tho iu i lerseelion. The x-members now extend far ther to tho front and rear, and nro securely welded into tho side rails to form box-sections for the full length of the frame. Strength has been added at the front, usually the spot of least rigidity, by the use of a heavy gauge straight cross-member In stead of the Y-shaped cross-member used In other frames. In addition to the Increased strength and rigidity, the engi neers have perfected the form of the new frame so that the side rails now conform to the body sill. As in last year's models, the body fits down over the frame and is cloas-bolted to It. Thus, the body reinforces the frame against twisting moments and helps carry loads previously borne by the frame alone. This utilization of the body structure, plus the increased strength and rigidity of the frame itself, id said to make the complete car excep tionally rigid. Interest Rate Cut Believed Big Need NEW YORK The president of the American Radiator company is urging "drastic reduction in interest rates on home financing in an effort to curb shoddy build ing." He credits the FHA pro gram 'with "valiant pioneering In its work aa custodian of a mort gage insurance fund to make low er Interest rates possible with the use, not of publio but of private capital." BTAIXluSSS GRILLS The slender, carefully moulded radiator grills of the 1936 Stude bakers are all plated In bright stainless steel. Small Machine Requires Three Men to Operate Curiously, the smallest machltie in tho passenger car plant -of Dodge roqulns tho most man- An Important contribution to j iM . ' , , " , . , " , V. . ,i buttons two men feed the hut IN NEWSPAPERS Advertising Drive Looks Forward to Increased Production. the annoiinconuMit that 1111 entire- tons and thp fabric covering, lnation has been Incorporated in h h : tho t,.iu, 1 U l iS Viish nitil I nhiiv. ..... 1 which the buttons are made. the new 19:16 Nash and Ln Fay ette models. According to The Motor Inn Garage, local Nash-LaVayette rep resentatives, three years of ex tensive research and development lie behind the new system which is known as "riteway lighting." "For many years the most wide ly used method of road lighting was the two-beam type having a high beam for country driving and a low beam used when pass ing oncoming cars or in city driv ing. "In the riteway system, (he high beam is similar to the one formerly used; but the new devel opment lu the low, or parsing beam, although it provides bright illumination of the right side of the highway a considerable dis tance ahead, leaves the left side of the road, except In the imme diate foreground, completely dark for the benefit of drivers in on coming cars. "This has been accomnlised bv means of a newly designed head- PHILADELPHIA Addressing with ea.-y acting hydraulic brakes light bulb, having two filaments the annual convention of the of 32 candlepower each placed j Pennsylvania Real Kstate assocla side by side instead of one above ! tion, the FHA director of the the other as was formerly the j Pennsylvania district expressed case. The new bulb is also pre- the belief that extension of the Rattles Eliminated by Special Device One automobile Improvement seen at tho show is a small, yet important one, because it does away with door rattles. The innovation is Incorporated In tho new Dodgo models and takes the form of ingenious, double-edge dovetails. The wedging effect of the dovetails Is supple mented by outi-ldo sectors actuat ed by springs through which a steady pressure Is exerted against stationary segments. Such slight wear as docs occur In the parts, is automatically taken up. Modernization Credit ! Extension Held Need A comprehensive and hnrtl-hll-tlng advertising campaign, W'lth newspapers, carrying tho brunt of tho attack, has boon put into ef fect by the llulck Motor company for lUlttf, according to Thomas 11. Corpo, director of advertising and sales promotion. Lineage will be greater and more numerous point will bo cov ered, ho sulih lit view of tho ex tenslvu product program launch ed by tho company which la ex pected greatly to expand the market for tho now cars, (irowth In dealer organization has nddeil to the number of points In which newspaper and other forms of ad vertising will be used. At tho same time, the strong liKtii sates program calls for moro extensive use of fashion, class and general magazines, outdoor boards and other media. Outlook In OiillmMIc "The outlook for increased production volume obviously tends toward an Increased advertising appropriation for tho model ytar." Mr. t'orpo said. "This, with deal er cooperative advertising, should reflect In u considerable gain In ! newspaper lineage during the year. As bus been the caso tlur i ing tho past few years, newspap ers will carry approximately til) per cent of the company's adver tising volumo this year. "Comprehensive automobile ; show schedules hnve been approv ed for cltiin where shows will bo held and are being released start ling with tho National Automobile ; Show In Nrw York and at simi lar shows being held in key cities over the country." I THIS DIRO'8 EYE VIEW of th new Quick Serlei 40 SpocUf Con veruoio Coups accentuates tho long Qrnceful tinea of to hood and the fender and spare wheel aiaombly, at tha tamo time Illustrating pas senger room In tha attractive sports model. focussed. Insuring: accurate loca tion for best results." Argentina is making a variety of paper from straw pulp. Modernization Credit Plan of FHA beyonj April 1. 1936 will be found necessary because of the popularity of the Modernization Program Easy Action on Cadillac Brakes Tho ll.lfl mrilllnra are the first loiiK-wheeledbased cars enqulpped ...Li. ... - 1 i I .11. ' Willi eU' J UCUUK ii;uiuiiiu uiunvo. , Cadillac hydraulic brakes prevent the pulling or graumng oi an in dividual wheel bceauso- with the system used no fluid piwrvro Is built up until nM 1 i conta 't r. ' new brakes are self-energizing. Chevrolet Brake Control Unique The Chovrolut bruko system dif fers from otlu'rs In that tho IiaihI brake lovor nt'tunles both hnthc shovs in each roar whrel drum. Tho hand lovor and tho actuntliiK lovers Inside the drums provide for (treator travel of the shoes thun does thccrv!co brako pedut. Triple Range Choke Feature of Machine Tho triple range rhoko is a new Cadillac feature. AH the rnivn e'lres of automatic choking ru present under this Hy.'trin tint t tit I oci-usiuitut difficulties it has chum td uro entirely nhsent in the Cad l!l:ic dnlKii. Willi the triple ritiu: choke, choking notion run he Miir j pended, tho automatic HystiMu mny ! ' he used entirely, or full manual blinking can bo effected. And !" Hirtd action can bo hud Instnnlly j hy I in ply chniiKlng (he position i of tho control knob on the Inntru- inent panel. I W'Kh mtiiiy of tin now UCIO llulek oui'H In (lie hands of own ers rliice their Introduction last fall, public reaedtut lo (ho Improv ed peiforiuaiM'O i-esitltlng from the new Hiiolllit pistons lias been sin nirirniilly revcalliiK. company offi cials Hay. OulslaudliiK among "l" repoila coming lulo tho compuiiy's ofriren from I he field, Is I he cnlhurdusllc sipproval of motorists who find I he exaHperalug In oali In period hus vlrlimlly been ellmlnaled In tho nvw Hoicks, The new pistons aiu treated lo nhsorh and hold nil on their Hiirfaces, They afford pnfect liihricittlou from the flint motor revolution. I'erformauro of the cars In tho hands of owners also hus substan tiated the I in pint a lit claim (hut the aiiollle pMon hits rosiilted In liitieiised oil and gasollnu econ omy. Tim name lluii-k has udopttd for tho now pistons explains their (lHllltli'N it lid Hie iidvauluKeH they offer. Tlio it a oil U: procitts, nun KH(et by tho Hint two lelteis of the inline, hnrdeiiH the alloy from which they me made. Their bhi facee lire litlide porotu by the sumit procet'S giving them the cti pii. ll y (o iiliHorh and holts oil. Iienco tlie letter ",' deniiliiiK (lltlr excepl Iniiiil elllng ""Hll.n Filially they ule 11k lit III weight us mi ntHtul hy the letters "lite." The iinullte pUtun is both Unlit and hiiiil, Ihutt riduHlug the lend on beailnicrt and yet firing capable of NinihliMK up iiuil r the mIihIm of pumpltig up nnd down several thoiiiKind ttnoN a in I ii it ( i . The new plstonn ar said to IncreiiHO bear inn lite un much ns ;iou per col. The Industry lias sought lor )eain it piston that would he Unlit und )tt have long wcnrluK ijtiullHen. l.iKhier alloys were found to he I'otne loose nnd noisy after a few thoiisitinl miles. Cast Iron was IniiK' r s nrlug and porous enotiKh lo uhsoih oil, hut heavy. WICK'S TWIN TAIL I-Hi II IS Hulrk'a unutiually brlKht twin tall llrihls hnve lens s that, should (he lights not be (iinud on, will pick up Slid reflect the lieiidllght of following motor Battery Kept at Peak of Power One of Cudlllnr's uiok( iiri ful Items Ik the new peuk loiiil gen erator. This new generator keeps tho battery at Its peak loud "f rhurge constantly. If tho hut tery should run down for uuy cnuse, ih" peak load generator will 1'hnrne It up to full strength aguln In tho imniiul rourse of driving even with headlights or radio turned on. It might he said that tint new generator Mil do 'v.t)Ui1uk hut put wuter In tho buttery. YOU'LL SEE WHY I PICKED A PLYMOUTH!' MMimifr'T "tm liar "'V3 I ' ' '1 HALF A TON of PhUadelpIiIa newspapers. . .Walter Dombrow loads hil big, beautiful Plymouth "NOCAR FOR ME without 100 hydraulicbralceal" Walter Dom for the nightly trip of 20 miles ... delivering final editions to 30 Philadelphia neighborhoods brow has never been in an accident. " I want safety all the time I " "IGET 18 MILES to the gallon of gas in citydnv- '4,MSOLDONPLYMOUTH,"dedateWalterrmbrow,WoridWarveteranwhonowdrivesa20.milenew ing," says Mr. Uombrowj "22 on the road." paper nigtit route... six nignts a weeK.-myjoopunisoes a car, but tnis ivio fiymoutn can take itr A CERTIFIED INTERVIEW WITH WALTER DOMBROW, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Thirty neighborhoods around Phila delphia expect their newspapers when Walter Dombrow starts on his night route with the final editions. Twenty miles to go ... six nights every week. "I never have to disappoint them . . . be cause my Plymouth never fails. "Ride that route with me some night, carrying half a ton of finals, and you'll see why I picked Plymouth." Safety is just as important as reliability to Mr. Dombrow. "I wouldn't even ride in a car without genuine hydraulic brakes," he says. His earlier model Plymouth cost him far less for upkeep or repairs than any other car he has ever owned. "And my new Plymouth," he declares, "is giving me 18 miles to the gallon of gas in city traffic... 22 miles out on the road." All we can add is: "Look at All Three." Drive them... compare them on safety, economy, reliability and comfort. Before you buy any car, ask your Chrysler, Dodge or De Soto dealer to let you drive one of the beautiful 1936 Plymouths. Plymouth Division of Chrysler Corp. AA for the New Official Chrysler Motors Commercial Credit Company COt TIME PAYMENT O PLAN Yu e.n firurt II nut ff ynurMlf. 1 Start with tout unp.ld Than Mid co.t. S mwllfpl, brt lot . 12 month.' pl.n. On.-h.lf of on. dot cent por month for porloda mora or l.aa than 12 month. I. mm Mate a aultl.a.ia'oraiMiHarjr fra h raaakao, NO OTHER CHARGES WO DP.UST OTnCTOOT.KTIton-mCI!. DWPMDIT OTM m . '' atrWaV MrAsy-'. . " S- V. J-M JS- IISTP.N, public: In fan mail a movie - star might envy by letter telegram and telephone you are sending our own words echoing back to us . . . "Buick's the buy!" You've said it with a flood of orders that'll keep our factory beaver-busy for months to comet You've said it so tellingly to friends, neighbors, relatives that folks are swarming our showrooms not mere, ly to see but to buy. , You've taken the words out of the catchline category made them, by your demand for these sensational cars, the considered judgment of the country's motor-wise! "Buick's the buy!" That's the tip-off to thunderbolt power tamed to docile obedience at the lightest touch of a woman's hand. That's the three-word way of saying r t.7 c ? it, o here's the youthful, soaring per formance you want with the solid, lasting underpinning of Buick engineering. That's the guidepost to smartness and style and to economy truly star tling in a car that can give the aver age airplane a run for its money. Yes .. . Buick's the buy and Amer ica is buying! And this week nt the Aulo Show you can see nil four of the New Buicks for 19.36. The spirited Special the cyclonic Century the lordly Roadmnster the big Limited all in a full display of body styles and colors. Why not make a dnte this week to meet your next car here? Buick's the buy nnd with list prices beginning at $765 Flint, it certainly is the buy for you! NO OTHER CAR IN THE WORLD HAS ALL THESE FEATURES Volva-ln-Haod Straight-Eight Enfltnt.jff mort poivtr prr unit of J'utt than mnj other 0 of enint of taunt tis a ce ment and evmfireiiion Anellta Plafont, eturable. hng-tait'iHg 50 tighter, increase bearing life 130 Saalad Chtmli, hefts dirt ami water from all moving parti, prolettt from nvear and erosion luxurloui "Turrat Top" tody by Flihtr, nvith No Praji Ventilation the smart est, safest, strongest botly built Tlptea Hydraulic Brattat, giving jafe, straight line stops under lightest pressures Knta-Actlon Comfort and Safety, the true gliding ride f Torqua-Tubo Drlva, for steadfer, more stable roadabitifjf Automatic Starting, Spark and Hoot Control, for convenience, efficiency, economy Built -In luggaga Compartmantt, nvith ample capacity for necessary luggage Rlda Stobllltar. for elimination of tide invay at speed or on curves is- V-V OH DISPLAY AT THE AUTOMOBILE SHOW AND ALL BUICK SHOWROOMS PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 765; h $1945 r tht IM ffUn t Flint, Mith.. mhlttt ft i u1thul unfit, tttinJunt ptW tftUt 4iiitrin frmpt n mil iW' t tirt nit, AH Huht trim Initu.U itfilf rAtii ihrtutkttl 01 Hsnddrd ttuifmtni, Ltnvtnitnt ntu ,m. frjt nmt jiifjsiMir fun H E. HAUGER 1330 MAIN STREET . SI