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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1936)
4 Ethel Barrymore's Insults Nearly Cause Girl to Slap Her "You Little Rat," Actress Shrieks at Girl Reporter 'THEl. BARKY MORE, queen , of Broadway's Royal family, seems unable to stay out of trouble while touring America. Several years ago there was that furor at Denver, when It was charged that the dramatic star had Imbibed too freely of cocktails before her stage appearance. Now she's In trouble In New Orleans. Ethel, touring in 'The Constant Wife," arrived in New Orelans for a three-day engage ment and with a terrible grouch. She refused to be photographed or interviewed. When Ethel emerged from her train, where she had slept late. SUE BRYAN, girl reporter asked her to talk. "Get out of my way, you little rat!" shrieked Miss Barrymore "You know I don't give inter views." Miss Bryan, who conies from one of New Orleans' first families, said, "You can't talk to me like that" "The hell 1 can't, you little wart!" screamed Miss Barry more, and seized Miss Bryan by the chin. "If you call me that again. I'm going to slap your face," came back the girl reporter, now thor oughly angered. Ethel, frightened, turned around and fled back into the train. BETTY BURGESS. NEW GIRL STAR, TAKES HER BOY FRIEND TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY MORNING Marion Davios Travels East as Hearst Guest Mae West Has Costly Ideas About Costumes MAE WEST designs her own costumes. Each time she gets an idea for one. she de mands It be flnlnhetl within 24 hours. Further, she Insists on seven models of each dress, with minor differences. As a result. Paramount now has 230 dressmakers on pay roll. Costs of Mac's new pic ture. "Klondike Lou," al ready exceed $1,500,000 and are still mounting. P' A oiiAstt nt Ull I I AM DAM. j" $'"av7 DOLPH HEARST on his private fj r of Broadway's Royal family, I .. ..... . v. . - S. Jf' " ': 'V! permanent home In the east was fm , Jrf ' .?-f, MARION DAVES. .. x mLtfcssr ' : w&r To Mcane California itate in- J 52r vfJ" come tax, both Mr. Hearst and ft f ftf ' Miss Davles, plan to live only live fc. M Ji.-- 'vV l,i :' months a year on the western sea- Mf tV " I V WfckS. board. Each will establish home? fl ' -Mi-, VV- Y VVvNTl somewhere on the east coast jkf ir"h '- . T 1 r :'h ! li ' A d 1 j-tH : . ...i J-; 1 1 ....!- I mum ? r 1 i t-w-' -; mm I f ) w DEATH VALLEY SCOTTY, t; I hermit of Death Valley, who lives - , in an 18-bedrpom mansion on the ' V , . ' . . desert, may give up the lonely' V". .;. 4 f life temporarily to take a movie " - , role In the new "Buffalo Bill" ... V y picture. ' - 1 K i I If you suffer from stomach 'X -f f f n J M 4mM aistress.duelohyperacKlity. r Jr t ' ' K JJfcl "end a' once for this helpful V ' f i Jk.(Sm I tumour- It will be mailed to '- i-f ' s jJ,NmA you free no obligation t jf -r t 'ja-TTaOM of any kind. 'J i! J ' XISSS Willard's Mtssagt ex- V f 7' JkIfy plains a marvelous home f f 'tST ,rca,ment wliich is brintjitiE W i, J fcfir Prompt, definite relief from ; Jb, ; : y $m such stomach distress. This treat. i i IP : you suffer from stomach distress.duetohyperacidity. , sena at once tor tnis neiplul message, it will be ma i ltd to vou tree no ob hration iJ ' a"y kind- i tviuara s Message ex plains a marvelous home treatment which is I'rintnni- prompt, definite relief Irnm such stomach distress. This treat. mem has broueht amazintr relief in thousands suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers, that are due to or persist because of excess acid, poor digestion, acid dyspepsia, easiness, sour or upjcr stomach, bloating, heartburn, sleeplessness, head aches and constipation caused by hyperacidity. No matter how long you haw nuflfirrd. or wh i other remedies you may have tried without relief WtUardt Mtitatt should bring you new huoe and encouragement. Just send your-name and address in a letter or postal card and the message will be mailed to you free Address Dept. A. ' WILLARD TAfeLttr CO., Dipt. U 215 W. Randolph St. Chicago, 111 Play days are few and far apart for Priscllla (above) and Rosemary Lane, stars of FRED WARING orchestra radio program. Their mother keeps close tabs on the former Iowa girls keeps them busy studying when they are not rehearsing or performing. This swing at a Long Island. N. v., picnic spot, reminded them of child hood days at Indlanola, when they were the carefree Mulllcan sisters. THE BOOST " IN MYRNA LOY'S SALARY HAS GIVEN HER IDEAS ABOUT OWNING HER OWN HOME. Warner Bros, have a new drive on for efficiency. Latest wrinkle was purchase of a dozen bicycles for directors to ride from one stage to another. JACK WARNER, one of the picture brothers, deplore all aorta o woate. Recently he fired a laborer he saw burning piecea of lumber, which he thought large enough to aave. CONSTANCE COLLIER, who came to America a year ago with high hopea of succeeding the late MARIE DRESSLER an No. 1 character woman of Hollywood, haa failed to have her contract renewed. Studio Chatter Walt Disney hoes to complete "Snow White" early in 1937. It will run from six to eight reels, with 16.000 "frames" to each reel. Each frame is a composite of from one to five individual draw ings, superimposed upon each other and upon a background drawing. It is impossible, Disney says, to estimate the number of drawings at this time. Disney himself doesn't draw, write the music or contribute many of the gags. He has enough to do to supervise and direct the staff, he affirms. A jinx seems to be on the new Tarzan story. So far, five directors have tackled it and the shooting has been going on for months. Bill Well man has a go at it now. Johnny Weissmullcr is still the apeman and Maureen O'Sullivan remains the tree-top girl of his love life. England has taken its own Charlie Laughton to its heart more than ever, since it was learned that he has given up the chance of earning a pile of money in Hollywood to return to the Liondon stage to play Shakespearean roles for nothing. R. D. Shaw, for thirty-two years a conductor for the Southern Pacific railroad, has a chance to act in the movies. His appearance will be brief, to be sure,- but then you never can tell what it will lead to. Shaw was summoned to the studio after Director Edward H. Griffith had turned down one extra after another, after they had failed to call "AH aboard" in the full-flavored manner in which It should be called. The words are designed to tear the heroine from her sweetheart in the script. Margaret Sullivan rides to the Universal Studio where she is making "Next Time We Love," on a bright blue bicycle. It also serves to transport her from her dress ing room to the set. Studio workers got the treat of their lives the other morning when they saw a maid and a ward robe girl running along holding up Margaret's dress so it wouldn't get caught in the pedals. Joan Blondell's new figure has created a demand for her diet with the result that Joan has gen erously passed it on, remarking that she guaran tees, if followed conscientiously, it will take off the required avoirdupois. Here it is: For first three days nothing but warm water. Then for eight days the following menu: Breakfast: Coffee and one orange. Luncheon: Lamb chop, sliced tomato, grape fruit and tea. Dinner: A quarter pound of steak, sliced cucum ber, sliced orange arid coffee without sugar or cream. " CLARK OAMLHl, tWlo recently fntired South America, lout nitinf o nis llilrtri ii-rir (o onililliie Ad mirers Mho atnrmrd hia hotel room ( SiinIIiiio, Chile. SHIRLEY TEMPLE'S film earnings under a new arrange ment with Twentieth Century-Fox have been boosted to approxi mately $4,000 a week, for the next 52 weeks. Her former salary was 1,200 a week. THE ABE LYMAN-ELEANOR POWELL FLAME HAS r'l.ICK ERED OUT AND DAVE GOULD. THE HOLLYWOOD DANCING MASTER. 18 LOOKING HAP PIER. Since the Rthinputn irmiftinn MUSSOLINI nil pliii-rrf a bim oh pldyiiiu of Nvtjru jaza muatc in Italy. CHARLES BICKFORO. "burn d up" at Universal studios be cause they took him off the pay roll after he was olawed by a Hon In a scene and sent to the hospital, Is getting even now. He refusal to return to play scenes needed to complete picture. HOLLYWOOD IS SAID TO BE BECKONING TO JIMMY WAL KER, ERSTWHILE NEW YORK MAYOR. IRVING THALBERG is very, very careful about the lendinu mm rht-n to piny opposite hia t lr. NORMA SHEARER. SrHpf ntid rtwfumM ore ready for "Ro meo and Juliet." but Iri-ing can'l decide who ahtill be hia wife'a "Romeo." 'Boerless Bor Gardens1 for th Youth of Detroit Manned by the rowlnK num ber of youths frixiui'iitliiK Detroit brer Riinlrns, nnmn enterprising cltlr.ens thero hnvo liiiinehtul a "hoorlesS beer K'trden." All tlm entertainment and at mosphere Is there, hut IKilhlnR alrniiKO!' than Ice cream Is served. It Is diHwinu citpiielty crnwtla of youths from IM to it) years. More of them lira planned. LILA LEE, ONE TIME KILM STAR, IH OI'KNING A DIIK88 8IIOP WITH PATSY RUTH MILLER. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, sr., is d;(ilii arm on the folia boule vard with the ever present LADY ASHLEY on nPi aim J. EDGAR HOOVER, ohlef of the U. 8. G-Men, has received per mission direct from the Whit House to write s sorlpt for the movies. Hs Is expeoted to receive about $50,000 for It. EDDIE DUCHIN continues to collect a very generous salary from a larno radio advertiser each week, although he Is no longer on the air for thin linn. Eddlo has a contract until May, 10.10, and the advertiser must pay him, whether he uses his orchestra or not It la rumored JIMMY DONA HUE, the H'nolirorfA tirlr, may play a part in a Rroadway play. K'AO 10S AMSIIIS . I ll AM. 4 4 M XrVO 10S ANGILtS . SJS A.M. 4 i'M P.M. KroX LONS BI4CH . IIS AH. 4 4M P.BI. KrSD SAN OltSO . . t:lt A.M. 4 4-JSe.H. KPXH SAN Bf HN'OIMO till A.M. A 4:M P.M. Osllr (lets! Sat a Sm. SIX SAKIAN0. 4r41P.ll. DAIIV IN0. SUN. Gallstone I OldLegTrouble HLALID WHIlt WORKINQ Cnnmllnn from AKI1WK Wit.NH. HWKI.l-IStl. MI1.K l-Kil, or laiwua raw luhlnc rM rarA and a dil It ulMn iMmra lion MhimI rWartta Eio. Kralf. awn, anrta of no rt (nr Irul ralioa aur uoolas lt t MI BOOK. Or t. 1 Clasan VMM Ca. lOltl. Alnrads K. laa fcajalsa. Ca A Babv For You? M you ttc dcnifsj tht hlmins nf hihf II ytwjf own irnl ifn lor Dthr'i armi and t bah imilt do n4 gt uf hope. Just wfiic in iiinrklrfHt? In Mr. Mildtftl (Hftti, Opt K. Min.n Hid., K.nwi Oiv. Mo,, and she 111 you ahotl a simple hitnvf nvrfhisd that helped her afiet brini denied It vent. Many other say thn haa helped bleu their live. Write now and Uv lu una wi deiful happiness. Adv. "Klutch" Holds False Teeth Tight-all day Klutch" form, a comfort cushion, holds the plates to snuc ihev can't rock. drop, chale or be played with. Vow fat rf mJ pk mi witt t vow 4td u-ith yarn ou-w laV. Why rnduie loose plates' Klutch" will end your troubles, Jlc and 0c at drujuitti. II vou i druRf("i hain't it. dom'$ utlt tnonfy on suhslrtuln. but tend us 10c and r will mall tm a grncrotd trial box. HART CO.. Bn 24U.A. Klmin. N. Y. PILES DON'T BE CUT UNTIL YOU TRY THIS WONDERFUL TREATMENT .or pila Biiflrrinx If yiru liuvr pilra in any loint wnla for a Fltl.K Minpln nl F-asa's Pilar Tab lats and yrin will lilw tltn ilny llial ymi tra llila. Wrlla today, t. R. Paga Co., 340-A1 Paea Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Help Kidneys Lent Take Drastic Umgt Your KMiwra contain ' mtllion (my IuImw or Mir rhirei imy I wlin tp. i ur urM'w irt Htmrririi .,.mt,ofi4 Ki'tnft or Miihl mt'.rtt mail you suttar 'nun titilint I p Ni hi NtYrtiuanMa. loMnl I't hi I'dimi, Kl.auiiMiir I'aiM Dimtrtm l trm liinlw Kym,, llurrunk Hinartm: or lirbin you ikm I nmd lo U "hanrm All ilrti'vts' now tve irw moat mmlern a vanrol tminifftt (ur t(ir imubim IWlor h "fipiion ratlfNl Cplfi 'Mi4-im last ivl win? In in hours it mual brine new vita.lly anil vuaranlnad lo nuka you teal ynsra youna-ar in m week or money liuk on return ot ainMw mrkm oniia only 3c m tlom at ilrufiMl atl tint rm anlre fttrttir vmi. Adv. 01M tfVII till MlDOCt M0 IT0HICN OOiOIIIOni MUD At 1 1ll I tu Try to atl flfwaltona il rsls Mnlwvaia ftnt Iroal ttw usataaJ rsw In a wwatlafc uniia iwipHwrs way at Aaat it aJuMh Ur to irau4 thia bMtlhr l- Wniallonlrua 'nMisay If, 141 S1h Vamtk HirwM, MinnMpo'ia Hin. (or a mwtnlM , Mwtteina Msoruiwi srijritl(si osi litr and pil ; IriavklM rMtstilMitt lUt At oritur em tntattssMl vbtrai baa tsMsi rnti mtdtlu. ta JO yw rkskJ whW woewy-twe) suwaaiM Adv CATARRH and SINUS CHART FREE Ouaramaod Ralial ar N Pvy. Hi 0,1 uktM atufttii. up imm Iwl .smsib titia kmiatioa -tWrtfltlsd tltfiwi tnd Paal V-tvA tadar fat Nr Tranlman Chart and Monay-cUc 0Har 40.UU0 lruuau m Hall VmturU Mnlmns a.trt yew In tttxm. . Wrtlo r-feyl r. J. CHINCY 4 CO. Dm. I TOLEDO, q Vnpor. your fcotdHi Uwata) Lrain lo puaanss rtwiU. ut rrtnc powsr , . irinc aUm at BiU bat ynu iWrs lU Bm.l flat ynur drstOny Hrrnl no (or aniKBrntyirfltMtsrnk.''lli(' Ml ArhwveiMsita Tbrmiib N4t-ltWiMlua tme.i the THl TIL SCLT-RCALIZATION FILLOW4HI Hi V MfaatOf4 talattw IVpt y-t tuU. f'ahf fa A Baby In Your Home tM'trVTIRTII im ar thl "f nmplta Ufiilf In Htm t parula an i hannrr" afwl ttt tl.a lmk at It U Iha on arrart fiiiH fnf imhiH rt.tr1t. Atwollwl ayry aomw ". th faHtHty rt.r ptt-m't PatSaaW 9 Pawawaj ixit tnntnn ah la unit P'-TV E I f-bf"! 'rT.riirg with f If I 1 s-t.rl .m.l. tllftl.n, C mn I wbh-h nati Ur i,i hit nmr- mala illaixtlera to Ini rrml ilralm hurlnir an 1- crtnr nt rmt tltn 31 ' rear tnrtlnih in tba In atnwnt nf liaura p. riihur to winn.n. ilavat 1 iml a lmi Usirn t(t. mrnl wblrh liu hrmKht nw bail, treallh ami ban iilrtna to many IIh.ushit.U, Mn wbobaraliMnrblM lr f i yr I mm ma trxjd and ha pi.)- Mnlbfra, Itua banila inrs written ma tb moat Klowlnil Utter 11 f Itralllinln ami nw I want vvpry woman wlvn la run down or aiiiTvrliiat f mm fat. inn una i(iniifi 11 ami nowabamay ua It In tba privacy uf bar nwn born. Get This Knowledge free! In my twn honklata. wtilrb will ba aant tn plain wrap rwr. I Inllrtiat. ly itU.-ua many Imixitlant anl.ircta re lallnf In ilia rnU Dial vitally Intrrraltiuf to vary woman. Tlwy trll bow you loo may 011 lust vi.tir trmlblra aa thrniaamla of tilhvra bava amt oil an attain n)oy tba ileatrna atnl artlvlllr of Natnr' Hit-1 won tarful rrvatlon normal, ftilly davakitl. vlauniua oman. I will itlaitlv ' I Uiih Imoa ixatliial.l fraa. fllM.xlav 6r. H. Will Bldara. Sulla 1 13-Ml 7lh and PIIk Blraala. Bl. loaaph. Mlaaouri. No More Laxatives No More Cathartics and no Constipation when you take your little daily dose of Kruschen Salts. Tukn (inly aa inuWi iw will lin nn a ilimn in your moruiiiu rtip of Ion nr i-olTcir niiin itliiriiiiis Tirallli ithyaical iitlriu'tivi'iii-sn III rent. At ilriijtKistA wrvwIiiT... A(lfi "Good-bye to that sick feeling -I spared 3 minutes of my time!" Hlnoa I tllaoovered the throe-minute way, I've ntoppetl II Kh tin if oonntl patlon with harnh "all-ftt-once" ca thartloa. t ean certainly flpnre three minutes of my time three minutes chewlnff a uelicluuH chow Infr KUin like KKKN-A-Ai 1 NT when H in 11 ken such a dlffernnce. With FKBN-A-MINT there are no unploasant nf tor-offontH, no cramping, 1 tako It my hunl-and taken It anil how the children' lovo HI FKEN-A-MINT the throe-mln-uto way Is only 15a and 25o a box. TUNE IN Nalloul Anutaur Nnht. ,UI,Sinfllo'i amaal. hit. Uh ilajf PfrVirnv Arnold Johrwnn, arxi Amateur HI (!olumli Nalwotk, 3 P.M., P.B.T. Kvwy HumUy. PAGE EIGHT