PAGE TWELVE THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON January 17, 19.1(1 WEEK'S POTATO A slump In potato shipment! from-the Klamath basin durlnR the week from January 10 to 17 was -reported Friday by Reus Aubrey, federal Inspector. A total of 82 cars wont out from vari ous shipping points against a total of 128 during the week from January I to 10. Drop In prices Is held respon sible for the falling; off In ship ments. Fanners are holding the remainder of their crops, It was stated. In the hopes that buyers will offer higher prices In the near future. It Is difficult to estimate the lumber of cart of spuds left In storage at the present time, Au brey said Friday, but It Is ex pected that shipments will con tinue until the last of February at least. Monkeys Go Berserk in Jewelry Store SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 17. ) A bull In a china shop scarce ly could hare caused more com motion than two monkeys in Ben M. Bridges' Jewelry store. On the loose, the monkeys climbed through an open tran som Into the store, where i salesman first spied them swing ing on the weights of a cuckoo clock. The chase down shelves of glassware, across cases of dia monds and watches ended after two -hours with the monkeys re captured and the clerks nervous wrecks. Child Killer Goes to Death OSSININO, N. T.. Jan. 17, tff The state has exacted the ex treme penalty for the slaying of 10-year-old Grace Budd, described by penologists as one of the most revolting crimes In. New York po lice annals. Wisened little Albert R. Fish I. who said his ''lust for blood" led him to strangle the girl and dismember her body nearly eight years ago, was put to death last Bight In the electric chair at Sing Sing prison. ' He followed John Smith. 41, one-legged negro. In a donble ex ecution. Smith was convicted of killing James Wilson in a quarrel la the Bronx last July. Huge Steel Company Plans Reorganization NEW YORK, Jan. 17, U.R Bethlehem g t c e 1 Corporation, second largest steel enterprise in the country, Thursday moved to throw off Its holding com pany cloak and become an oper ating company, with Its steel making properties welded into a single grot anlt with assets of over hail a billion dollars. At the sajne time, stockhold ers were asked to approve a plan to pay oft arrears on the seven per cent cumulative preferred stock, amounting to 821 a share on April 1 next, with an issue of five per eent cumulative pre ferred stock 20 par value. Pre ferred 'stockholders would re ceive one share of new preferred and 81 In cash on each share they now bold. Tire Believed Key to Plane Mystery 'ALAMEDA, Calif., Jan. 17, (UP) Solution of one of the west's most mysterious airplane tragedies, the disappearance of pretty Doris Tretheway and Pilot Richard Smith, was believed near Thursday. ' Franklin Rose, who rented Smith a plane in which the cou ple dropped from sight in April 1935, said that a tire brought to Ban Diego today aboard the V. 8. S. Thrush corresponded closely with tires on the missing plane. ' The tire taken to San Diego was picked up . 280 miles from Honolulu. Groesbeck Speaker . for Chamber Event R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls attorney, will give the main ad dress at the dinner to be held Wednesday night by the junior chamber of commerce, when the anniversary award for commun ity service will be announced, Arthur Larson, president of the Junior chamber, announced that the dinner will be a stag affair. All men of the corn unity. Interested In the junior chamber's program, were urged to make reservations. Obituary RONALD HERBERT JOHNSON Ronald Herbert Johnson, in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Her bert B. Johnson of Bly, Ore., passed away In this city on Wed nesday morning. January ID, fol lowing a brief illness. Baby Ron ald was born In Klamath Falls and was aged 1 year and 22 days when called. He leaves to mourn his passing, his parents and one sister, Audry Ann, of Bly; grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B Brown of Bonanza; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson of Salem; great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nichols, of Bonanza, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brown ot Grants Pass. The funeral service took place from the Bonanza church on Friday, January 17, at 1:30 p. m. The Rev. H. B. Eubanks of the Episcopal church ot Klam ath Falls, officiated. The com mitment service and Interment were In the Bonanza cemetery, tha Klamath Funeral borne In charge. ' From 6000 to 76,000 eggs are laid by a lobster. These adhere to Its hodv and are carried about during the entire 10 months re quired to hatch. Echoes of Bruno's Reprieve KAMENZ, Germany, Jan. 17, (UP) Bruno Richard Haupt msnn's aged mother Joyfully re eolvod news of her son's reprieve Thursday and ascribed hl now lease of life to her prayers. 1 "All day long I prayed for something to happen and now It has come to pnss," she told the United Press correspondent who Informed her ot the stay granted I the convicted murderer ot the Lindbergh baby by Governor Hnrold Q. Hoffman ot New Jer sey.. "Everything will come out all right In the end," she added. HKKKXSK FIXI)8 LOW TRENTON, N. J Jan. 17, (UP) Lloyd Fisher, chief de fense counsel for Bruno Richard llauptmami, anld Thursday that defense funds wore "virtually. -uaiiBted," Talking with reporters after Hauptinann had been granted a rcprtove. Fisher said: "Will you boys In your stories make It known that the defense Is In urgent need of funds? Money Is needed now more than ever bo fore." The Hnuptmnnn defense has been financed lai'Koly by contri butions from the pulilto nnd from the sale by llnuptmnim and his wife of tlmlr "life stories" to newspapers, HOLLYWOOD, Jnu.'lT, (U.R) .Mrs. Emma Qloocknor, sister of Uruno Richard llauptmann, last night said "the country will thank Governor Hoffman of New Jersey for giving my brother a clitiiifo to prove his Innocence." "Tho reprieve granted by tho governor win a most happy bit of news," she silid. "Efforts will be iiindfl now by all my brother's lawyers to bring all the facta we possess before (lie authorities, bo they will know Itlcbaid Is not guilty." ItttMKII TICKET TRENTON, N. J Jnn. 17, (UP) Aniiiniliis llochiuulti arose liko a ghost from memories of the KlemliiKton trial Thursday to take a brief role In events sur rounding reprieve ot llruno Itlchnril Ilniiptmuun, The aged, wblle-benrded wit ness who Identified lliiuplmnun In a dramnllo scene at tho Klein- Innlon trial, appeared uiioxinict edly at llio office of Altprnoy ltnernl David T. Wllnnla t tlys most excited poioii ot llio ilny. He asked (or W'llenls, was told he was not In and then set tled down III a chnlr to await tho attorney general's return. Homebody finally asked him what he wauled, "A ticket to see Iliiiiptninnii electrocuted," the old man anlil, Hlaln officials auld II would lie Impossible to get a pass tor llocliniiith. ICANTHIIIM MIWTINCi .. The-r' lOiuUhln IthPI'oveiiii'iti 4'lub iwlll upon Its pro ii rum for lU36t a niuellng scheduled for JnuiuMy 88 at tho olulirooiua In the Duke building on ICnat Main street. All members have been asked to attend. General hual -will he t'tlllMlttorod as well us the year's prngrniii. Iinilh Africa ei"ils the mont dliiinonds to the Dulled Hliilns, while Hwllsnrliiml, Kronen and (lei'iiiniiy export moat watches, "fHtdi-lukeMi. . but get to wards Saturday j ILasit ay - Wairafe (Groat 4 HP&y Sail WARDS COMPLETE Harness Department What are your harness needs? Wards can (ill them at the lowest cost to you! Black Leather 'Home Straps; site 1x21 in 21 Heavy Bteerhlde Team Lines; size 1 1-8 . 20 in. 4.25 Metal Loop Breast Strap, reinforced 1.3S Good Quality Leather Pole Strap; buckle ....1.30 Jointed Bit; malleable mouth piece .17 Black Japanned Roller Buckle; 7-eVin. size At Flat Spring Snaps; malleable iron; 1-iru aizc ...... ..5 T ft ool Savinas FOR HOME WORKMEN Blow Torch Punch, Chisel set Smooth Plane 2.95 49 1.25 Hack Saw Frame 290 Forged Steel Hammer 29 Hammer Handle 10 5-pc. Wrench Set 50 50 Tubular Rivets ...10 8-in. Mill Files : 13 10-in Steel Files 23 Cylinder Padlock ..69 RUNNING WATER All You Want! Automatically: A steady, full stream of water is always at hand with this complete water system I Powerful it pumps 250 gals, per hour, maintains constsnt city pressure f Reliable it's completely automatic I Du rablesturdy construction, husky motor, tank and pump body all-galvanized I SO95 5 Down, $6 Monthly Small Carrying Charge 221-229 Main St. Telephone 384 issibste t The Oil That Flows . . ansa m ... wnen winter BLOWS! Save About 50! Wards 100 Pure Pennsylvania MOTOR OIL 16 Refined by newest solvent process! Flows quickly In extreme cold yet withstands extreme motor heatt Ami sludging 1 Less carbon, super-tough . film! All from Bradford Allegheny crude! No finer motor oil in the world, yet you save about 50 ! QT. Inc. Tai In Your Container Asm sold In 2 and 5 gal. containers Wards Runrite Oil 8t qt 29 gal. BULK PRICE 7; WARDS PAINT Must Be 6oo' Gloss Wall Enamel; quick drying to hard brilliant gloss; washable; no finer wall enamel made; all colon gaU Money Can Buy No Finer Paint Than Wards 1 289 Huprr House Paint gal. 3.00 Corerall House Pt., gal. 1.99 Hemi-Glosa Enamel, Qt. t Cert. Flat Wall Paint, qt. 73 Coverall Flat Wall, qt. 53 Porch and Floor Enamel qt 82s! Mnrprnof Varnlab, 1.02 Dryfaxt Enamel qt. 1.02 Corerall Floor Paint, qt. 62 Interior Spar Varnish qt. 77 Wards Toiletry Values I Wards Lottioim 59 Fitch's Dandruff Remover Hhampoo Excellent for falling hair. Regular 7 Be bottle, now at Wards fafa low price of - 60c Bottle Jergens Lotion 34 Bffc Lady Esther Face Powder 37 SBc L. Esther 4-Purpose Cream ..1.37 Sllc Jar Ponds Cold Cream 39 8Sc Ilox Pond's Face Powder 25 VI Bins Lucky Tiger Hnlr Tonic and your choice of 00c slse Hnlr ilrcaHlng, magic shampoo, or oil shampoo, only M Two 12-pad boxes Kotex 38 1 Boxes So-Hoft Sanitary Pads ....30 Any e Cakes Wards Honps 28 BOO Wards Cleansing Tissue 27 : I Get Montgomery Ward POWER GRIPS and laugh at tho worst roads you drive on I In deep mud, sticky clay and snow where vn tins with chains (all Power Grips use hold snd pull you through I For Powtr Grip's round knoha taixrad from tin base, "bile in deeper art more self claaningl PRICED FOR SAVINGS! 5.2S-M t.S0-17 (.00.10 Ply 9.30 B.20 t.JO 9. JO 60 8.60 11.88 11.00 1 1.60 14.(6 Convenient Payments May 8e Arrswisel 4 I'ly 7.30 7.90 7. So 7.46 7.76 7.76 .HO 10.16 (.60 13 PLATE Mosul Ming BATTERY 18 months guarantee and service adjustment! Means you get at least two win ters of trouble-free service! 5)95 2) with voua OLD 14 Month Winter King $4.95 Kit. 36 Month Super Power 7.45 3 DAYS ONLY Hawthorne B I C Y C L E A flashy, full-size, double-bar bike that Is far out of Its price clasal Big balloon tires glide over the bumpsl It's Bonderlzeci against rujt Vlchrome enameled In red whits trim I Nickeled metal parts! $1 DOWN. 14 Monthly mall Carrylni Chart Gfr-d'AW. Soma Mm