PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON QYitlt Cfll Jlij Move by Mry Raymond CaartigM NEA im .,' HEOIJI HUIIB TODAV ikiHt fh wlahpa of fct vpaiiilmnlapr. aplatoprnllp l Allll CAMKIIO.V UAItA W KHTIIIIOOK mnrplpa Ull. SCOTT n'AKI.UV. airussiiaa raans par fplnn' llpforr lirf Mnrplnir, rich ItOS- ' . .. iniklllr I.-., lin In litre nllk krr. NANCY, Unnn'a kl alalpr. lorn llfinald. hul aldpa apr fppllal heal ladalnrul ! tlludp. 1 roll Sanllf amuapa llnnn'a JpI ' u. Aflpr aiUynderalnadln. aka rrlnrna to fcr KPaaamotapi a tiumr. Hra. I.nnipron oapa apr In anrar lo 'l"'!." uiairarnl, -tivppn ka T" poiinlP """"i Itonnl la Mmorll frlPad. km liana rpmnlna llronaollIP. ?.""!" .rLI ' R." Vi.' di I I a -- ' "'J'.:... i..ii,a nana Ipfl klm bp. na .hp na llrpd ol lipln.- poop. He fcptompa n WJ,,' ll7a tnoMi aaceraaful phyalplan. ' OIL OMIOIINK. . - IIP. o.bornp la railed wkep llanol Pndmiilhef .""'o"1" '"l .roll P. la Ike otket iwlrj lare. AflPf ka Ipavpa lna kpara to Sad Scolt. HOW GO ON WITH TUB ITOn CHAPTER XLI. TUB bench was Illuminated by a winter moon. The path whore Dana and Scott bad danced two summers before waa a broad wblte ribbon In the moon's cold light. But there waa no one at all In the garden. No batlesa, blond man with a teasing light In bis eyes and an Impudent grin. Gaunt trees, shorn ol their leaves, rustled eerily In the wind, and strange, atark shadowa moved about her. Dana walked slowly to ward the bouse. In tbe doorway stood Aunt Ellen. "Danal What could yon be thinking of coming to the garden on a November night. 1 couldn't imagine what had happened when yon ruBhed down tbe stairs. 60 I followed yon, and then I couldn't believe my eyes. Too mustn't do tbls again. Yon might have pneumonia!" . hti f- ..14 mm tiapA Tlann answered In a lifeless voice. "No, I won't come again." Aunt jsuen looaea urea discouraged. Dana slipped her arm around her aunt. "Alter sup per you'd better tuck yourself Into bed. Tbls baa been a stiff day for you. "Well, everything's all Tight now." Aunt Ellen said. "Now that Agatha's going to pull through." Dana waa remembering some- .nlnp flrandmnlhiip waa pnlnp tpi get well, if she wonld diet and keep qniet a few days. But Dana had made a promise, and she trould stick to It. Grandmother lied said it was best for her to marry Ronnie. Grandmother was. tight, ot course. Aunt Ellen bad thought thai . DCOll womu come arouna ana ' plead for forgiveness on bis kntes. That was the way men did in tbe eighties and nineties. But Graudmotber was wiser. She knew that in these days a past love is quickly forgotten. ANA dressed carefully that ijvenlng, touching up her lips to extra brightness. She wore a dress Ronnie particularly liked a diss of sky-blue, made on slim lines witb a youthful collar ana big sleeves. The. girl in tbe blue, dress, in the mirror, bad bitter eyes and ber red lips bad a mock ing curve. All tbe touching op In tbe world could not bide that. Ronnie was waiting downstairs. When Dana appeared be would notice tbe blue dress. Ronnie was going to be one ot those busbands -who noticed clothes. Scott got. only an effect, missing details en tirely. Ronnie would notice, too., the subtle change in her tonight. Ee wonld not know that every thing she had . done bad been' planned. That the invitation In Cher eyes was as deliberate as ber' Srevions efforts to discourage him ad been. , "Dana," aaid Ronnie, as they ped swiftly along In the crisp: might air, "I went away last snmi mer because I wanted yon to miss line. I stayed away hoping yon would miss me so much that you'd never want me to leave yon again. Child's stuff. Bnt that was tbe war It was witb me. That's tbe way It; is now. I guess one place is as good as another to tell you. I: iwant you. Will you marry met" ' "Nice ot you to want me, Ron- Inle," Dana said in a husky little; Ivoice. j "Dana, Bay yes." Dana smiled, and nodded hen head. Ronnie stopped the car, "Make- it soon," he pleaded. "I've been so lonely. I want yon so mncbi: iThere Isn't any use in waiting, la theref" - "Soon," Dana laughed. "That's the way I always make my mar- jriages." Even in the gloom, she could' Isee the shocked expression on Ronnie's face. "Ronnie," she whispered, "you'll have to be ipatlent with me." i Ronnie answered ardently, "All I want Is the chance. I promise! lyou're never going to be unhappy! again." He took ber In bis arms, see: rNB magic word: 'Engaged' and a miracle bad been performed.! It was as though the fairy godmother of forgotten bouses had touched tbe Cameron borne.; And lot the old place throbbed; witb vitality. Dana bad waited until her! grandmother was well, and tbenl lone day had broken tbe news. "We won't tell anyone," she. said. "We're planning to go off' one night soon, drive to Lakevllle nd be married. I could't bear iasy publicity. And Ronnie doesn't want Is, either. Afterward we will go on a honeymoon. Take cruise that's what Ronnie wants." Lines ot care were lifted from Mrs. Cameron's face. Aunt Ellen bad tried to smile, Dana saw, but couldn't manage It Sentimental old dcarl 1 Sarah's black face shone with, excitement. Nothing could happen in tbe borne without Sara know ing about It. "Not a word of this, Sarah," Mrs. Cameron warned through long habit. "Yes, Ole Mlsl Nobody could drag it out of m " I "There'll be lots to do. Get some cleaners In here tomor row. I wish there was time 10 have those draperies taken down and cleaned. Have Jake get lu that garden and rake up all those leaves. We'll have tbe kitchen painted with some ot that quick drying stuff they use now." Dana listened, a faint smile on her face. The news ot ber plant to marry Scott two years ago bad been received so differently. "Have you told Nancy?" Mrs. Cameron turned her beaming face toward Dana. "Not yet." "She's upstairs in her room." "I'll go up," Dona said. Nancy had washed ber hair and was sitting before the fire, letting It dry in a Gypsylsh tangle. With the waving locks about ber thin face, Nancy looked really pretty. a a 1 IT was hard to tell Nancy, though Dana didn't know why. "Nancy." she said, quickly, "Ron nie and 1 aro going to be mar ried." That was the way. No prelim inaries. Now It waa over. Nancy's face changed. All the softness waa gone. And It was white and queer looking. Her dark eyes blazed. "Ronnie!" "Yes," said Dana bewildered. "You're going to marry Ron nler "Nancy, you're not pleased!" "Pleased" Nancy was laugh ing suddenly, hysterically. So Ronnie had been right that day. Nancy did bate htm. Dana spoke stiffly. "I'm sorry you feel that way about Ronnie. It's bard to understand how yon could dis like blm when be's so fine and when bo likes you so much, too." Nancy's long lashes swept her hecks a moment as sbe lowered ber eyes. "I imagine you're going to tell me you're In lore with Ron nle, Dana," sbe said In a low voice. "Well, you can spare the words, Bnt I suppose it doesn't matter. Nobody knows the mean ing ot the word nowadays." "I'm terribly fond of Ronnie," Dana said In a low vqlce, "I'm through with the kind of love yon mean. I hope I'll never love. like that again!" "And what about Ronnlet" "What difference does it make?" Dana Bald alowly. "Lots ot marriages are one-sided." - Nancy said, "I think you are terrible. And I'm afraid I cant wlab you happiness. I'm pretty certain you won't be happy." Her level, scornful voice fol lowed Dana to tbe door. "Yon won't need happiness with Ron nie's money." "I will be happy with Ronnie," Dana told herself wildly. "Happi ness is peace ot mind and not a fierce hunger. It's having beauti ful clothes and a magnificent home and a yacht and high power ed cars that stretch from Mag nolia to Elm street. It's sitting on a throne with everybody envying rou and catering to yon." She was weeping her heart out Because In spite ot the brave words, Nancy was right. V (To be continued.) OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS fill 1 VllKAN5Mlt5IOM- WAIT-WAIT J III. TTi T7 ,' I LETfe READ THATA SET TMfT P(CTURE- 'il'li l .1 ,1 l j I I Ml THETROUBLE X CAMY TEU. ' 1, i,f MIGHT BE THERE! WHICH PART TO III IP. , ' ' 'l you watch to If ATC";W,,T! 1 ' ,1 1 SEE WHATfe Jl KNOWING WHAT I l OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN EGAD, V,PE:T--w PBEPKRt "FOR A. PLEASAvNTT SUWPRISSj -THIS GENTLEMAN S ONE OF (VV KlNSrOLK- MOOPLtOTF THE SUSSEX . MOOPLES -W3 "DAD AND rAV TAWTHA, WERE THITO COUSINS J in THERE 19 A SLIGHT VARIATION IN THE OOAT-OF-NNS OP THE &USSE BRANCH ! WE CARRY THE LEOPARD RAMPANT AND DAGGEH, ON OUR CRLVST- OUR CHEST CRUST IS IVORE TO THE POINT ANOTHER HOOPLE-, YKT an l-IS LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY OH. IT MUST BE A SUCCESS" FOR YOUR SAKE. ANNIE- ANO FOR GEORGE'S. TOO' HE HAS EVERY CENT TIED UP IN IT- IF IT GOES. HE S MfcDE IF IT FLOPS, HE S p mm GEE- I M v If ALL AJIT7ER- I THE SHOW HAS I STARTED- TH" I PICTURE IS ON I TH' SCREEN- I WE OUGHT TO M BE HEARIN' W PRETTY SOON Vl HOW TH' PUBLIC 1 1 r I DON T bfct WHY MR GAMBLE DOESN'T CALL UP AND TELL US-" YOO DON'T SUPPOSE" MAYBE IT DIDN'T GO SO GOOD AND HE SORTA HATES TO--- V HARK.' SOME ONE IS COMING NOW- WHY. ITS GEORGE- 1 DIDN'T CALL UP- I HAD TO TELL YOO IN PERSON- ITS A SMASH HIT! A . kiot- crowds everywhere i FROM COAST TO COAST ARE GOING CRAZY ALREADY OVES A HUNDRED THOUSAND WIRES HAVE COME IN, DEMANDING TO know WHO 15 INKEY- 4 Mjf GEORGE' I M IT'S LIKE B m A DREAM- I W ANNIE, fi 1 c r . IT A STAR.? 1 SHE'S 1 MTlTjoN STARS. ALlTROLLED INTO ONE' AUDIENCES ARE GOING WILD- THEY WON'T LEAVE THE THEATRES- THEY'RE DEMANDING TO HAVE if n ,.. me mi.i fcGAlM AND AGMN- Jl ,'trl jSwair I WH 1 Iki'.m ii- ., c -. ,.t,it FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY BLOSSER C WAVE ANY OF lS&SO& fsiWCE MOST OF HIM f VVE CW TAKE THE FR FROM FPECK.... fJT ' 1 ( WELL, OF COURSE, W A f I HAD THIS GEOGRAPHY IFbIaS W BELONGS TO FRECK, THE O FROM OSSIE...THE M FROM J TRY IT ,P -JHATS THfi BOOK IWSIDE MY PANTS THOUGH1 UP W I HAVE 1 WE CAN LET HIM NUTTY, AND THE 'T FrRM TAG OKI HM-E WAV TOU FEEL DID V ALL THE TIME HE AGOODNAME )f A SWELL HAVE THE BIGGEST AND IT SPELLS FRONT ! HOW'S I HCW f v ABOUT IT ( HE- DIDNT HURT ME, BUT FHIM IDEA PART IN NAMING THAT? NOT BAD, HUH ? UKES , A HURT i, WHAT HE DID TO ASIA T -2 LS "jr HIM ! FOR INSTANCE", TTSV. . JUs V7? 71 ? MINOR IS NOBODY'S J TrERFREME, 97: i Jly fj fj' WASH TUBBS BY CRANE 'M BOOTSAND HER BUDDIES ' . '''' ' '' 'm " ' BY MARTIN I WOMB. WO? ( MiSWrX ?? vlVv SWVJ WCViTO T J ,,,1 CAM VOO vAEfcT vAE 1 - , 4 " i aoww j fi C iSSSS s x &- ? J?) mK A iHSiS $ wooQoiowKm ' - 1 f wow JyifK s is J aYT aj''zl i' I $ r Helene Madison, EeatUe aquatic I Q feitfvM W8 4 vi J C?!. ( J Q'wlk.k. 1 ' ? I sv?lnmerWat th height of ber f ' a (k . , LV!!V CriWxtMh ii- (Wv VMw! L i career at breaking world's records. J-f-tjSr ' ' 'J5ffiJ ' ' it 'K Jlfiisrf ' Tl VVF If f" 1 nurse. And here she Is in uniform, JL1 -&$)0&l lilSv Sr d V M$M!atVs 2Tu xtfeavJ 'fT. i I Lj during early stages In training. T Stv THE NEWFANGLES MOM'N POP ' ' ; : .;; ; , V, BY COWAN j "i " , ., i - - - rtt.jz-r-j - ' ! l - - " - v.r. The Uelr-mlnded girl stays on t. . romantic plane. ...