runny low THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGO 3REG0N PAGE SEVEN STILL IN EFFECT Willi I tin ilnclHldii cif Ih ail pn inn court In Urn llinmim MIllH ram sniveil lo hivulliliilii ninny I in mil ii nt fun hi run of dm Agrl mlliirul Ailjiiathiunt nil, It ilhl urn I it vit 1 1 it 11 lo lliu out ) !' mil, vl t itl pint of w It icli mill i' uin in nf- t'ii, iti'corcl I iih in iiitiiiiiiiiilnn ni ''Ivi'il from WunliliiKtnll liy I Mo Ongnii HI nlo 1'iilli'no oxIoiihIiiii mVvlrii off Ic-lula 'I'lin i'IIiiiIiiiiIIiiii of I In, crop runt i ii priiuruniH, arviil In liult it iiiicu nil flolil work In iMinnoii Hun wltll thorn, Ami cniist'iiuenim tin' 0, H, (J, ox I t 1 1 ii Hi'i'vli'i', nil nnl'iH (iiiiii Wunliliuilim, i'iiii 'olloil nil ut tliu ri'imilnlnii ciiiu Iuik nnil potnln control iiiootiiimi Hint hull lii'nil Hi'llmlllloil thrilUKll onl Ihn m in u. 'I'll t'XIIOl Ml II t tlH of (hu cm- trmlK or u 1 1 in 1 1 i n h fur run IruotH where iMiiniilliini'u hail ul ri'iuly born nimln hu not yel boon clarified, but thorn nnioum to liu Kunurul umoi-iiiiiiit Him (hu Kiivornmonl him a iiiiilul ubllKU llon tu puy all font ruiU slgnim or applicant fur ciiintilluncu al- rruily uccoiupllMird. V o a 1 1 1 v t siitinii'iila tluil thin would lio ilium woro IhhiiiuI by tint AAA fol lowing the nilvuran rti-ollnH' by thn auproiuo court In tho llnOmur ail I la van. Thn marketing aKtriMiieTit' nr. ! r nnd hccinm prnvlnpina .nt Ihft AAA bum nut liooii-lnvurMuli'il by Ih auprmua court ilsafolon, In Uin opinion of Ihn rtxtniMuivnt of agriculture. Thla pnrtUui n( tho law m not boforu proiuu conn anil hence all ,niur koiiiiK UKrooinoiiiH anil Hornsea now In effect will contlnuo In oiiorntlnii. In aildltlon tho pro rnna nt aiihalllutlug varopinuiila nnil order under thn AAA nnii'iiilinnnta of lit h t August Imm linen uiulnr way tinil will hu con tinued, tho ailmlulairulltni oltl clal aillioilnro. . ... . Homo quratlou arna nn tha Pai'lfla conut aa lo the alalua of tho much ilUcunni'd walnut mar keting agreement. It la definitely annulment by tho dcpurtiuunt nf KKrli-uliiiro thnt It la In effevt ami It validity, lina nut boon changed hy tho auuruinn. court derision. There are In effuct nil (lor III original agricultural ad justment act mnrkotlug agreo nioiiia and licenses or licenses aloiift lor II fluid milk market Ina areas. Another Important acctlon of Ihn original act thnt wai not Imiilieil by auprpiitu court dnrl alon la tho part which created tho unified Kunn C roil 1 1 admin Intrallon. Ho far lla cnnatltullon aliiy haa novor bton questioned. DORMS Ilt rrK VAM.KIC l Kill SCIKKII, XKWH IHlllltIS, Calif. A fins elec tric ai'Wliui uiarlilun haa boon- rt colvod from thn dlatrlot tor unc In tho auwlns cuuroa, Khluh will aim t wllh th now aoiunatur. Tiila nun hlno la tho latuat typo, and will ba a uraaf Impr'oviirHeTit mu tho cqulpuu'iil of th doniftail arloiir clnaa. ' I'lcturva of Bun Tranrlaco and thn (iolili-n (iuln brlilxo wcro ahnwn to tha gonvral clouts clnaa thin woi'k. Tlio lliiiiiibora of tliu conkluK claa aro preparing" a aorlra of luncboona aa a flnul project in tho coo kin rliina. Knrh girl will htivii compluta cliniKo of prupurinx a uipiiu which alio luu plnuni'd, and tnkn churns of tho rlaaa for tho duy. Sfiuioalur I'xiiinlnutlona will ho Klvon on Thumilny and Krliluy, Juniinry 23 and 21. 'I'lioao vxnm luullona art 80 in I mi lea In IoiikiIi, and cover tho ontlro ronlunt of tho courao for tho ontlro HiinicHttT. Awarda will bo prnaoulvd to mo in bum of tho typltit! cluwioa for altlll In lypowrltlnif. Tho rocorda for tho luat two wooka of tho aoinoatnr will ho coualdorod nnd tho UHnrda will bo Imacd on apood and ncoiiriicy. Tho awnrda connlat nf llitlli rib bona bnarlnK a record of tho oxiiot rats of oach atudeiit and the ditto tho rocord waa uiiidn. It la palliuntod (hnt, alnco 101'S. morn Hum 52.000 lifts nnd hnlHta, used to fui-lllluto lilhrlrli-1 lion of motor vohlclns, have been Installed In fillltiK atntrons thrniiKhout tho Uultod Btuioa. Sun hnlmotn lined with nlinii Inum toll nro 20 domavs coolor tluin orillnnry nuns, accorilliiK to Dr. 0, P, Crowdan, of I.ouUon. Tho loiiKost olophafttTtnik on record monatirod lt,"?rfyf 6V4 Inches, " FINAL CLEARANCE 1 z ALL DRESSES Silk, Wool, Cotton Size 1 to 16 COATS Sizes 2 SWEATERS I V REAL BARGAINS . $2.95 Sweatert 4 A $1.95 Sweaters AA Now Only ?19V Now Only qlUU $1.00 Sweaters Mow Only 59c Phoenix Anklets Pair I:.. 19c Adriesme's CSnildren's Breaks in Two Vn..'' il --'b 1 ! ' ..'lla lll-futud freighter Iowa, which ran nxround on dreaded Peacock Bptt, at the mouth of. the Columbia Itlver, In a DO-mlle gale, split In two and mink In the lntcat tnurody of the Pacific, A crew of 34 men died In heavy acoa which prevented all rescue attempts. ' J Iowa Wreckage V-rjv . -. -w: Volunteer workers search throtnth wrcckaite of the freighter Iowa, thrown hhth on a WualrlnRton beach In a search for bodies. Thirty four perished when Uis craft went aground on rcjtc:k Sn. Fif t e e p. Men Escape H e ayy Slide at Golf ax, Calif. a COI, PAX, Calif., Jan. 1. p),h Plfloon men, ( but bnttnrod uflor a bullet-llkn snowsltdo cared In a piixKi'nitor rnr of a weatbuiiiid tiuulliorn Pnelflo trans coutlueiitnl truln, thanked a kindly futo loiluy for whnl tboy nitroi il win a "miraculous escapo from donlh." Tho avnluncho, hurtllntt-SOO feel down a uinuulnlnslde In the IiIkM Hlcri'tis 40 mltos., northeast of hero about 2:4T t. m. yes terduy, rniumod Its wuy throuKh a protwtluit anmvshud and crush ed nnd hulled tho tenth car Of Ihn 13-rar train, , - Two followliia; ear escaped tha slldo, althniiKli the passon- Iters were jostled, and a few minutes nflorwnrd a second slide thundered off tho mountain, iuIbs- nK tho otid of the stalled train by n few feet. Twelve men In tho demolished enr, on roulo trom bait l,nko Clly to nn Onklnnd nutoinobllo convenlloii, ami their porter woro Injured,' four of them bolng de scribed by their companions as "pretty much hatiKed up," but with no bones broK.on. W. A. Kheppnrd said the slldo hit wllhout wurnliiR. "There was a tremendous crush, then pitch dnrkness," ho snldi '"Tltroo hours nfterward the last victim, A. T. Growl,. extri cated. Hu snid tha. car collapsed In throo pnrts.' Another six lncbos and I wouldn't be beio," to 16 $12.00 Coats Now Onlv on Peacock Spit; P 1 1 ' ' ; 1 I ' ' v ; ' ,1'iir' Will a Strewn on Beach remarked wllh a wan im(l. 3. E. Gibson was plnnod so nearly ha could move neither arms - norw-tegs and yot loosely enough so that Bill White, Hose ville, fireman on the train and acclaimed as the hero of the ac cident, pulled him free with a blunket which Gibson held on to with his teeth. J. C." Stevenson was literally "packed In snow" and pinned across the arm of a chair on his chest. Four men who were alt iIiik with him and across the aisle could not budxe him. After struggling In doop pain, he flually freed himself, crawl ing out a narrow passageway to anfoty. '''Don't ask me how I got out of, there I don't know," he said. - i TAlie three cars were left at the scene of the slide, the train split nn'tl' the Injured taken to Oakland for treutmont. . ; . ' I To take testimony In a mine disaster at Johannesburg, South Africa, a police court session was hold on tho 27th level of a gold mine, more than 7000' feet underground. . . Our Entire Stock of Nationally Advertised Shoes Are Offered at Tremendously Reduced SALE PRICES. vi : (.- School Brogues $00 Black or Brown, Reg. $4.00 and $5.00 Cantilever Scout Oxfords on Sale for first time, Selby Style Eze $-445 Arch Supports, Pumps or Ties 7" Style Footwear $3145 AAA to B, all styles, Reg. $5.00 and $6.00 Adrienne's Shoe Dept. Oregon Bank Bldg. Crew of 34 Lost J i : Congressman Hotly Denies Drunkenness SEATTLE, Jan. J, 0).R) Marlon' A. Zlonsheck, who rep resents Seattle In congress, had only seven or eight drinks be fore police picked him up at the telephone switchboard of a Wash ington, D. C, apartment bouse, early tha morning of January 1, bo said here Wednesday. " "Four hundred and fifty thou sand drunks, and I was the only on In jail," said the youthful democratic statesman, hastening to add that of course be wasn't drank. Policeman 'Yellow" "I went to see a lady at 2: SO o'clock on Connecticut avenue," he explained, "She dliln t an' swer tha doorbell, and the Jani. tor wasn't at the switchboard. When he didn't come, I rang tbe bells on tbe trunkline. I didn't know how to operate It." When a capital policeman ar rived, some time later, Zlon check said, "he made to grab me. . He started getting rough and I told him 'take oft your gun and stick and I'll go a round with yon.! .But he was yellow." The congressman, said he blew smoke In the eyes of tbe Imper tlnent booking officer at the Washington police station. He had $12.60 and ball was fill Zloncheck offered bis watch, bat It was refused. ' Humiliation He entertained the police un til daylight, be remembered, with such things aa tearing up paper, lighting it, throwing it out into the corridor and yelling "fire After tbe humiliation of being fined 115 and having the tran script of bis trial barred trom the congressional record, Zion check admitted he was plenty mad. "I'm fighting this thing to a finish," he snid, "I appealed. I wasn't drunk." Mors than five weeks were re quired for the -204 -roll calls of the House of Representatives, made during the last session of the 74tn " Congress; only eight members of ' the House were present at every roll call. i 1 V . It Is estimated ttantl a . per son's chance of being killed In an automobile accident ; is tour times as great at night aa dur ing the- dny. - Phest Colds s .... Best treated Asw without "dosing .Iggyisitt 595 the ONLY niKBEIl, Calif. The wettest January In years bad by Wed nesday 01 tnia week filled atroams In fllg Valley to over flowing and put under water large areas of farm land ordin arily dry. Water collected bohlnd a two mllo lovee protecting Kublcber and was a foot below the em bankment's crest Wednesday noon. Tbe Pit river ran over Its bank npposilo JJIober and Merlyn Ken nedy had to ride In and swim Sin bond of his cattle out of a flooded meadow to drive them to safer feeding ground. Ash creek rose four feet In Adln Tuesday night after It washed a few dozen aawloga out of a lumber mill pond and jam med them against the atate high way bridge In the town. The water went over the floor of several houses, driving the Ray Holt, Hovls Ash, Michael Cur- bln and Ira Nelson families from their homes for the night. When the Jam gave way, the rush of water and logs wrecked a wood en street bridge a block west of the highway and swept It a quar ter mile downstream. Heavy log were left fifty feet from the channel by the receding flood. More than two Inches of rain fell at Bleber Tuesday and Wed-, nesday. It started raining 'Wed nesday afternoon, A WI'A crew tbat had been fencing a new livestock drive way Just north of Bleber went to work In boats Wednesday morning with orders to try and keep tbe fence clear of tules and driftwood coming across lots on tbe high water. BOGOTA, Colombia, Jin. It. (ip) Nine persons. Including two women were reported dead today as the result of tbe Jungle crash of a trl-motored plane In tbe Caqueta department of southern Colombia, Two others were believed se riously Injured, Seven persons were nnburt. The death list, as tentatively reported here. Included: Major Uscategrni, bead of the Leticia garrlaon; the pilot,' Cap tain Obando: the copilot, Lieut. O'Bryne; radio man, Pavollni Vaupes; a commissary officer, Francisco Anzola; Lieut, pinion; a charity sister; an unnamed wor man and a mail courier. Nothing was said about the fate of tbe official, Arturo Vtllar real and his wife, believed to have been passengers on the plane. A military transport plane left at 7 a. m., from Tresauninas on the Caqueta river toward, the Macaya to transport the victims to Bogota. Ahead of It, Colombian army motorboate raced np tbe Mecaya river to rescue the survivors. U.S. SMp Wrecked On Coast of Britain BE A H A M. Northumberland. Eng., Thursday. Jan. 16, (U.R The American steamer . West Hika, 6275 tons, ran aground a few miles from here early today during a fog. The Cullercoats radio station messaged that there was no Im ped late danger. ' However, a Sea ham harbor life boat and coast guard cutters from Tyne and Wear, rushed to the stranded vessel's assistance. ; ' The 'vessel Is owned by the Waterman Steamship corpora tion. . TAKES NIII5 5 Don the Spot That Jungilsb ecstcro Is the lat est thing for folks who are look. Ing for a spot In the sun these wintry days. Betty Cook Intro duced the silk leopard skin print oa the Surf Club beach at Miami Beach, Fla. CARR NEWS CARR, Calif Barney Egan re turned from Waterloo, Iowa, aft er a month's visit with his par ents. Barney reports tbe crops were very good last fall and peo ple are doing well, but the weather was cold. It was 22 be low zero about Christmas time. Mr. and Mrs. John Paulson made a trip to the Malin cheese factory with their milk Tuesday. Several of the farmers are hauling their own milk, for the milk trucks can not get through the mud. ' Robert Knudson will not re turn to Davis college until next year. He will help his father on the ranch. Mrs. H. Whitehead returned from Kansas Monday. The roads are Impassable with out chains and some of the roads can not be made through at all. L. J. Horton had four cows get In the drain ditch at the A. M. Brown ranch, and two of them drowned. F. Johnson lost a milk cow by bloating on alfalfa hay. Bill Hooper made a business call to Malin Tuesday. John Reber of the Malin cheese factory was calling on some of the farmers Tuesday. Most carburetors operate on a needlessly rich mixture of gaso line and air. Rummage Sale - 1011 Main St. Fri. and Sat. Auspices of Third Order ! of ST. FRANCIS ; Wffk 1 ! t T I0M . PMMfv M if A Vl 'Vi s DC0M1 Committees for 1131 for the Klamath Falls Klwanls club were announced Wednesday by E. 8. Veatch, president. The list follow, the first nam ed being the chairman in each Instance: Agriculture E. H. Bnlslger, Percy Murray, Frank Jenkins, Jim Kerns, .'d Ostendorf. ' Attendance I. J. Olson, Ray Rigger, Chet Langslet, Ed Liv ingston, Royal Show. Boy and Olrl Work Dr. F. W. Peak, Dr. E. D. Lamb. Walter Locke, Ed Drake, Les Avrit. Business Standards, Laws and Reg. Bert Igl, J. Hlrvl, C'hrlt Blanos, K. Bugarman. Classification and Membership Bert Bertram, Dr. Geo. Adler, Phil Fahnlander, Geo. Mclntyre. Finance and Budget Geo. Myers, Dr. Al Roenlcke, Dr. Geo. Masaey, Fred Southwell. House and Reception Jack Murphy, Dr. Earl Clunnhan, Whit Whittlesey, Dr. L. L. Truax. Inter-Club Relations Oscar Peyton, Taxi Thomas, Don Fish er, John Houston, Clarence Sweasy. Klwanls Education Henry Perkins, Bnrge Mason, Sr. Geo. Masaey, Percy Murray. Music Burge Mason, Fred Southwell, Dr. Geo. Adler, Dr. Earl Clanahan. Program Dr. Lloyd D. Case, Rex Watt, Ralph Howard, Kas per Moty, O. D. Matthews. Public Affairs J. R. Devlan, Arthur Schaupp, Dr. Calvin Hunt, Fred Peterson, Royal Shaw. Publicity Mac Epley, Roy Carter, Whit Whittlesey. Underprivileged Child (Andy Anderson, Peck Bugbee, Geo. Mc lntyre, Chris Cbrlstopberson. Vocational Guidance Win Southwell, Dr. Al Roenlcke, Don risner, unet A. Bunnell. Athletic and Recreation John Houston, -Bill Meade, Clar ence Sweasy, Tom Delzell. Church Assistance Bert Thomas, ,R. H. Dunbar, Chet Bunnell, Roy Carter, K. Sugar- man. -' ANNUAL dim All Leather Jackets a Off Hats Vz Off - Raincoats $4.95 "Exclusive But Not Expensive" ' . 835 Slain '- TE WILLYS COMPANY has always been, noted for engineering alertness. Many will recall the 1913 Willys-Overland, ajrar of wide appeal because of its many advanced features at moderate price. The popular Knight-motored Willys followed a few yean later, a car that owners continue to swear by. Today-we have a new low-priced Willys with phenomenal economy features. Many Willys owners are enthu siastic Hi-Octane users because of its exceptional purity, smoothness, anti-knock power and mileage economy. Get these qualities (ot jour . car at the neighborhood Richfield station. Klamath River May Spread Over Town KLAMATH, Calif., Jan. IS, (UP) Twenty-two cousaeutlve days of heavy rainfall, causing the Klamath river to riss to the highest mark since 19U4, last night threatened to Inundate tho town of Klamath, drown . thou sands of dairy cattle and suc mergs 6000 acres of fertil val ley land. Old residents of Klamath de clared . that It present havy rains continue, the Klamath river mny resume It old channel which runs directly through tb town. Speakers are heard bettr by male listeners than by women, because men's heavy clothing ab sorbs sound waves, Instead of re flecting them, as does the light clothing of women, DOil'T STARVE TO END Eat What Yon Want, No Need to Exercise, No Purgatives LOSE FAT-GAIN PEP Thousands who have reduced the Harmola way might well tell yon that diets, exercise and drastic ca thartics that drain the system are tmnecessary.Simplytake4Marmol& tablets a day, containing; a simple corrective forabnormal obesity pre scribed by doctors the world over. Buy a package of Marmola. Startat once to get rid of burdensome fat. Marmola Is pnt np by one of the best known medical laboratories in America. Sincel907,men and wom en have purchased more than 20 mil lion packages. Start today! Yon will soon experienceMarmola's benefits. When yon have gone far enough stop taking; Marmola, and you will bless the day yon first discovered this marvelous reducing agent. Harmola is on sale by alldealera, from coast to coast, price f 1. Sale A Drastic Sacrifice of Our , Entire Stock of WINTER COATS at Clearance Prices Our highest priced garment to our lowest priced ones.. . . all are doomed to go! The reductions will amonnt to as mnch as ball their actual worth. . . . ... . Dresses at V2 Price Reduction on ' Sweaters and Blouses 25 Off on All .Flannel Bath Robes All Bags iiOff