January 1C, 1930 mo EVEN GW STAY (Continued From I'ugo Ono) tho f JncllixrKli ostuln, wiui wall lug lit llin office lit Atturnoy (luiiurnl Duvld T. WIImiiU fr u l llin execution whuu hu liquid tlio now. "Woll," lin iiulil, "I ui I'll luivo to K I'11"!" again. Hut any (Iiiiii will mill ma." tiovornor 1 to r fmull said: "Wo lmvo aurnil Hint this reprieve will nit be challenged." una WIUuili liurtly aflr durlnred: "Wo bvllnvo It (ll" reprieve) llli'Kiil, bill wo won't cliiillciiKo tho right ol tho governor." Ilruiui ll"'l Word 0. Lloyd Klshnr and Frndnrlck A. Pop", defense attorneys, wont to (lio death hiiimo ill slnto prison nt p. in., to Inform lliuipliiinnn of Hio rupi-lovo. Tho governor's annoiiiirnmont rood: "Tim atlnrimv goneriil mini 1 lmvo biwn In conference on tlilit iniitlor, nud I Imve decided to an- nouncn a reprieve or ;iu nny. N't, li'ur Uirr Itrnrlovo "Wo lmvo agreod Hint lbl will Dot bo chnllmigod. "li In my Inlontlon lo Kront i liln ono rmirlnve. Thoro win Ik, itn fin-tlmr rnrlovo." Tin. ovornor iiolnlnd lo 14 prnvloiis r'irl'Vo as nmplo piece dent for hi decision. Thu novoriior added ho was Ivlnir Iho reprieve "for dlvurso n,iaim known to inn." II n said lio considered It n act ,.f 'nriitlva rloinaiiry ." nod Hint I horn would lio no rxH'imlon of tlio ronrlovo "unless Hio evldenco warranted It." Hu said thoro was no forninl re quest for tho roprlivo by llniipt iintin' atlornuys. Tho novoriior added Hint ho hnd seen Mri. llnuplmuiin today but ho ilm-llnod to comun'iit on whiit took plai'O, Vnililnir Now Found TRENTON. N. Jan. 1. W "Tluira haa boon nothing n w In tho llauptmann cno alnco the conviction," sold Attorney lienor! David T. Wllunli till" afternoon. Hoffman Tlaiia fonfrrriiro NKW YOKK. Jnn. 16. (!') (lorernor Ilnrold U. Iloffuiun of Now Joracy U axportod lo iitfnil ronforonoo "around 3:00 p.m. (KST) toduy." In Iho of fire of vinMll 1 dunlin. It WnN ..i. i Mnvor I.a tltinrdln'a aoc-1 roinry. Othora expected at Iho confor ence, tho aerrotnry anld. Include J. Kdnar lloovor. chlof of llw f"d ornl bureau of Invoallitatloii: Col onel II. Norman ScUwnrtkotif, ehlof of tho Now Jorafy atalo po llco; nd Tollco Commlaalonor Low la J. Valonllno. "Will the conference conrrrn that HaupUnunn - com?"- . tlio inayor'a nerrotnry waa ankcd. "I am not nble to auy about that." waa tho roply. Knrller. Hooror who aald no wna roturnlnii lo Wnalilniitoii Inlor todny ld he wna luinlilo "to throw any light" on tho reporta peralatont III Trenton, N. J-. ihnt a confeaalon In tho Llndberuli cone had boon inndo by aomoono olhor than Bruno lllchnrd llnupt- ninnn. . "I enn't comment on thul lloovor aald. XM'KHHN IS IIKMKI) rr'mwriuht. Ai'aoclnlcd 1'rnan) TKKNTON, N. J.. Jnn. m. "i Simultaneous with nn nnnoiinco-. mont by Governor Ilnrold F. Hof" man's press aldo hero that llio governor hnd "no knowledge of any confession" In tho Lindbergh cose, it wus stated In other high sources toduy: "There hns boon a confession, nnd It Is by some ono other thnn Bruno Itlihiird lluiiptmniin." Before tho governor nl.io was n now affidavit by Samuel Small, u profosslonnl penman of Now York, to tho effect thnt Huuplmann "could not possibly have written" tho ransom notes, which wero n grout fnctor In tho conviction of tho Bronx carpenter nt his trlul In Klomlngton. Small drow his conclusion from general methods of writing. Illinois Governor Involved Another governor, Horner of Illinois, enmo Into the enso today. Chicago advices said Hint Gov ernor Homor was looking Into tho tory of a Chicago JJrldewell prla onor that ho hauVbon offered 122,000 worth of.Jbjj, JJndborgh ransom monoy t.,M-,TMl " ,l10 dollar, and that -he ,'jinrt t"kon omo nnd distributed ir-'horo and Authorities concerned with, tho investigation of " tho .-Lindbergh kidnaping and tho iirosocuton nt Ilnuptmnnn were obviously skep tical of any "contosHlon." Some, declining to bo quoted,, painted out that mnny a fnlso cluo nnd been exploded bIhco March , 1, 1032, nt great oxponso; nona Hnd proved o( value; alno thnt .inat mlnute "crackpot" confivsloiin wore not novelties in major enp ltnl cases. , "Hoffman hnsn't a thing." snld ono offlelnl. Mystorlous midnight confer ences In n Now York hotul, pro- Head COLDS Put Montluilnlum InV 'the noslrilt.lt auUhlvV relieves stuffiness and restores comtorl. If you prefer nose drops.or throat spray, call for the HEW MENTH0UTUM LIQUID In handy bollle with drupvor BY GQVEBNDn ,,,. trM,..p,,l,.T ? i 3YV ' r v ":r r? V'v 53 Shi? Only n law of hl Bert IrlriiUi; .ero immiiH'M m tlie quiet funornl of John Clillxirt, who wa itrlckfii with hi-art dloenao end died suddenly laal wook. Lclt, John Bnrrymorc. Abovo. Virginia Bruce, Gllbort'i former il. Below, Llrlco Joy, now Mr. Spencer Hook, and Lcatrico Joy Ollbert, duuglitcr of Mlaa Joy and Gilbert. aiimably condintnd by thn kov ornor, rnlmid aiinciilutliin Hun he wna conTiTrliiK with other offli lula on alnrllliiK '' evlilnnco. lliHiti r Kiiona NoiIiIiik J. KdKnr Hooror, I'lilif of the fi'diirnl hurcnu of InvontlKiilloii. loft Iho hotol imrly'toilny. but ilo cllni'd lo ..ay whollier ho hnd talk od wllh Hoffman. "1 don't know anythlnic nboiit It," bo ul (I of tho rcportul ou foaalon. "Any atntemi-nt will have to oonio from tho novoiiior." Two hours enrllor Kdwnrd J. Hi'llly, who wna llmipliiiiiiiira Iwud roouaol diuliiK Iho trlul at I'li iiiliik'liin n yi'ur uko, hud en lorrd tho anino holol. I.Ike lloov or. In- wun allmit ua lo tho rouHim 1 for hln vilt. Kills I'urknr. Ilurllimton county dolocllvu nnd frliuid of the Kovur nor, wii,i imki'd about publlHlM'd r ii porn Unit ho bad Inquired Into Iho pnnlllllty a JiTnvy null iiunrluu hnd built (he klduop bid der. "I novi'r luard toll of It," ho anld, addliiK Hint ho waa awnro of no now di'volopmunla 111 tho cuao. OVER lEFTISTSIrr.; PAHIH. Jnn. 16. W) Premier l-nvul of Krnnco was granted a vole of ronfldrnce. 31 & to 2T2. by bis chamlinr of deputies to- lny. ' Thus the swarthy premier again triumphed over Loftlat of- torts to unaont his government. j, niystery ns to why peoplo Today's showdown was pro- " i -,i..ii.i..I hv members of the dom- will leavo their homos In tho city inuiil i-udli-nl-soclullst party, whojand bead Into tho hills on a day voted in caucus a condemnation of M. Ival's policies, Tlio premier, however, pro- question of confidence lumen n llliuil Mill U cuiliiiivuuu , on noHtiKiiieiiient of debnto on hln genornl policies and won. He asked Instead for priority (or a dlni-usslon of agricultural mat ters. Previously, only the Inability of Iho rndlcul-soclallsta to agree iiinong thenisulves had suvod Iho Cllllll,, (rom collnpso before tho chamber convened. Obituary FIX! Alt JOHN MDKill.lN Kdgar John .Mnlgbnii, a resi dent of M n 1 1 n , pnsacd away In this city Thursday, Jnnuary 16, at 8:15 a. in. following an Ill ness of four dnys. Ho was a nu tlvo of CluiBler, Iown, and wus ngod 38 yon is. Ho Is survived by two children nnd his mother, Mrs. II. II. Tiumhruoll of Plena nnlon, Calif. Tho remains rent In Iho gold room nt tho Hurl Whltlock Funonil Homo, Pino Htrent nt Sixth. Nntlco of (iinvral lo bo announced lntor. Now styles include Turbans and tailored typos and tho very popular off tha face nodels. 95 $50 to ' ' "WHERE STYLE AND QUALITY REIGN SUPREME" 507 MAIN ST. ' Editorials on News (Continued from Pane One) moving; rnra enn't nhoot alralKht onoUKh lo caiiHO him nny hiirm. Hut atop the enr and hie non chulaiiro would vanlnh and he would fnda Into tho dlntunce. If you chorlah tho notion that nnlmnln can't think, Junt watch coyote aomo time. P OVKIl tho Wnplnllla cut-off and nx one appronrbca tho backbone of tho Cascades, tho rain thnt has neon persistent at the lower levels changes to snow, At Government Cnmp. tho ski ors aro hard at It hundreds and hundreds of them, in splto of the fact Hint the day Is about as lousy art days run be; half rain and half snow, and a shrewd wind that drives tho mixture of rain and snow down tho bark of your neck, no mutter what you do. Question: Why will people In such numbers leave their comfort able homes in the city and bead the snowy hills on a day IB eminent Cnmp, Is a ski shop sign owned and oporatfd, tho snyi". by HJnlmnr llvnm. Woll. a boy with a name like thnt ought to know hl skis. atfr wlon the hills aro raked hy as nasty a brand of wenther as a " lmnglner can Imagine Is ; solved Tho weather In Portland Is Just twlco us lousy ns tho weather on tho mountain raining young torrents ard blowing great gales Tho storm that snnk tlio Iowa at tho month o( tho Columbia river getting up here, I Vital Statistics ltlHTHS HEVKLWlllUHT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wnyne Ilcmolwrlght, 860 Callfornin avenue, a son. on Jnnunry 15 nt the Ueed Matern ity home. Tho child wclghod nine pounds. , Tovniseml Club II A moetlng of Townsond rlub No. 3 Is sched uled for Monday evening, Jnn uary 20, nt 7:30 o'clock in Alta mont gymnasium. A brief busi ness moetlng will bo followed hy a pinochle party, and tho public Is cordlnlly Invited to attend. Millinery Foaturing the very now Toyas and Cellas also Felts with smart patent leather trim, lovely Colephano Straws Silk Braids and Black Silk Horse Hair for dress wear. 'oiia THE EVENING HERALD, FAKED LETTER (Continued From Pago Ono) elnlmed, will show coploi of tliono apeechoa, POIITI-AND, Jan. 1. (UP) fluaaall lloxan. Multnomah coun ty (armor and formor political ally of Willis Mahoney, last night attempted to hamstring tho Klnmnth Falls mayors candi dacy (or United Htatos senator by charging Mahoney wun ou- pllclty In striving for Townsend and llboral rotes. . Hogan produced lntters and a nolo allegedly from Mahoney, re ceived In response to Hogan's request that Mahoney clarify hla position on tho Townaond plan. Finger Marks A lotler Indorsing the Town, send plan and allogedly attempt In k to sway the votes of those who supported Peter Zimmer man, Independent candidate (or governor at tho Inst eloctlon, was dated October 20, 1934, and signed by Mahoney, Hogan aald A nota which accompanied the latter, penned on a sheet from a 1930 culendar, requested Ho gan to "put some finger marks on it so It will look old," Hogan alleged, Ttofuses to Help ' Hogan's Inference was that Mahoney wrote the Mler dated October 20, 19S4, and the note at tho eamo time ho said he received them both In an envel ope postmarked Klnmnth Falls, September 18. 1933 In order to make Townsenders bellevo he bad endorsed the old-age plan ycur before he actually came out lor It, and to enlist the Zlminer- WASHINGTON. Jan. 16 (P) Senate resentment flamed today both within and without the mu nitions committee against as sertions of Chairman Nye (R-ND that President Wilson had "falsi fied" In statements to a senate committee In 1919. Shortly after Senator Connally (D-Tex) took iasue with Nye's statement on the senate floor, Senator Pope (D-Idaho), a mem ber of the committee, said the investigation had "degenerated Into an attack upon our wartime president, Woodrow Wilson, and his secretary ot state, Kooert Lansing." Connally had termed Nye's re marks an "Insult" to Wilson and asserted Nye was probing "the doad and burled relationships of tho past for tho public enhance ment of tho political fortunes ot the chairman ot the committee." Spud Market SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 16. (P) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Potato market dull, little change in prices; supplies liberal, demand slow. Three Oregon cars, 1 Call fornln, 1 Idaho arrived; 10 un broken cars, 15 broken cars on track. Oregon Klamath Russets, No. 1, dark color, 1.50-1.60; light color 1.65-1.76. California, Idaho prices un changed from Wednesday. FOB TOWNSEND VOTE CHARGED Satin Secrete 'Til ill s? i Ml I 1 x f V s 44 v L a ji rite's "WHERE STYLE AND QUALITY REIGN SUPREME" 507 MAIN ST. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Misaing Explorer Believed Located Contlnuod From Pag Ono) ' the mnster of tho Discovery II, reporting thnt tho bout arrived safely at the Bay of Whulfs at 10 p. m., Jan. 15. The inenxagn Indicates ono man waa sighted from a plane and also a machine at Little America." I'urt of tho wireless message from tho Discovery was garbled, making complete decoding im possible. Officials were waiting for a rietltlon of It. Lincoln Ellsworth has not been heard from since ho took off with his Canadian pilot, Herbert Ilolllck-Kenyon on Nov, 23 for an airplane flight across Ant arctics from Dundee Island, 600 miles south of Cape Horn, to tho Itoss sea, south of new Zea land. Tlio royal research ship Dis covery II sailed from Dunedln New Zealand, on Jan. 2 from the Bay of Wales, on the Ross sea, to search for the missing plane. Thu 1, 036-ton vessel, dispatch ed by the British and Australian governments, curried food, medi cal supplies and two airplanes. On Jun. 11 she was reported ly ing In the south Polar sea, wait ing an opening In the ice in or der to entnr tho Bay of Whales The Kllnworth expedition sup ply ship, the Wyatt Karp. com manded by Kir Hubert Wllklns, also lias sailed from Chile to as sist In the rescue. She carried pontoon and skl-equlpped plane flown to Chile by the American aviator Dick Merrill. Reports from London today said the Wyatt Earp was be lieved to bo 420 miles from the Bay of Whales. I1ELI.INCHAM. Jan. 16 (P) Tiiat Lincoln Kiiswortn, Ant. arctic explorer, has been found was tho opinion Tolced here to day by Rear Admiral Richard E Byrd when ho was advised of an AsHoclated Press dispatch from London that the captain of the Discovery II, which has been searching for Ellsworth, had re ported an airplane had been sighted In Little America and thnt a man hod been seen on the Bay of Whales where the ship arrived January 15. Speaking eagerly. Admiral Byrd asked: "How could It be anyone else? There Is not one chance in a million that It is anybody else. Lincoln Ellsworth has made superb flight, and I am delighted beyond measure that he la safe as I have been saying he was all along. The admiral, who was about to leave Bellingham by train for Seattle, where ho has a lecture engagement, added "It certainly looks as If they bare found Ells worth. He Innuired with evident eager ness whether It was likely that further Information from the Discovery would be received soon. SEC TOKYO. Jan. 16. () Cab inet protestations ot peaceful, aims mingled discordantly today with the material declaration of naval chieftains in Japan's re action to secession of its dele gates from the International naval conference. Premier Keisuke Okada de clared: "I do not believe a naval building race Is coming, but the peoplo of Japan must be pre pared to meet whatever the fu ture holds. "Whether we have naval II m ro tation treaties or not, Japan will respect the principles of non monace and non-aggression in tho world, unaltered." Rkllna- dudIIs in a Berlin school are taught on an Indoor chute. SLIPS $195 National promotion on reg ular $2.95 Moisture Proof Slips at the unusual price of $1.95. This price is subject to immediate return of reg ular price ($2.95) on tele graphic notice. Six outstanding new features including the moisture-proof process puts these 'slips in a class by themselves. Buy now while this special ow price prevails. NEW DEALERS REVEAL AAA REPL T (Continued From Page Ono) (D-Tex) of the bouse agrlcul- u re committee attended the White House meeting. The executive branch was rep resented by Attorney General Cummlngs, Solicitor General Heed, Secretary Wallace, Secre tary Morgenthau and Chester Davis, administrator of the old AAA. Robinson said this program in all likelihood would constitute the farm legislation "at this ses sion." The conference lasted a little more than an hour. Earlier, a 1300,000,000 bill to pay contracting farmers under the AAA started through con. gress. Another Red Cross Bombing Reported (Continued From Pago One) not employed by that organlra tlon, and It was assumed be merely was commanding an Eth iopian Red Cross unit. The major was reported unln Jured. Dominant radical-socialists, In Paris, meanwhile threatened the overthrow tonight of Premier La val s government by voting con. demnatlon of bis policies in gen. eral. They held in abeyance i demand that party members holding cabinet positions resign. Fire Destroys Town Informed Addis Ababa observ ers believed Emperor Halle Se lassie's departure from Dessye for the north battletront might be Imminent. His seven-year-old son, Prince Kamonnen, arrived in Addis Ababa today by plane from Dessye. The air raid on the hospital, midway between Dessye, Emperor Haile Selassie's field headquar ters and Makale, spearhead of the Italian drive in the north, resulted in destruction of half of the town by tire, the Ethiopian report said. Three Capronl planes made the raid," the communique re ported. "Six big bombs, of 330 pounds each, wero dropped in the court of the Red Cross nnlt which was plainly marked with the Red Cross insignia. "Tents and surgical instru ments were destroyed." The Red Cross unit was es tablished by Major Burgoyne at the request ot the Ethiopian em peror after Burgoyne's services as military instructor had been rejected. Full Retreat Claimed Three governments previously have protested fascist bombings ot hospitals and towns, Sweden and Egypt tor specific attacks ana Ethiopia against an Italian CEIN Advance Spring Showing OF DRESSES JUST UNPACKED THE NEWEST OF THE NEW DRESSES. Navys are very much in prominence) at the style-centers and La Pointe's are proud to show an early collection. White seems to be the tavonte trim at this Greys ere also being favored in addition we are showing Red several new shades of Blue, and again Beige has come into its own. Prices trom $12;s TO $2475 YOU CAN BE SUITED IH A SUIT AT IA POINTE'S The snappy little Man Tailored Short Jacket Suit is here. Fitted (l I Q -f (" backs single breasted. At the very lew price of. 4 I 7 V I To Uah" Bossed Hitler and Chilled Him r ft A Madison, Wis., tailor can sit before his sewing machine and think of the days when ho boBsed Adolf Hitler and "showed him his place." When Peter Tost, above, waa a sergeant major in the Austrian army dur ing the World War, Hitler was a corporal In his unit. Tust says Hitler tried to make him hla friend, but waa rebuffed. policy it termed "merciless ex termination." The battles along the southern front, which started Sunday, drew 60,000 native dubats from Ital ian Somallland into conflict against 60,000 Ethiopians nnder Ras Desta Demtu, the emper or's son-in-law. The Italian report described the defenders "in full retreat" after Tunning fights down the valleys of the Qanale Doria and the Dawa Parma. Stocked with provisions for three months. French battleships, cruisers and destroyers steamed away from the Brest harbor for maneuvers oft the northwestern coast ot Morocco. The ships followed in the wake of 14 submarines which put out to sea yesterday. British ships were congregating off the coast of Spain, COAST ROAD BLOCKED ROSEBURG. Jan. 1 ' (P) The Roseburg-Coos Bay highway between Rosebnrg and Marsh field is open to travel, but the coast road is blocked by high water between Coqullle and Ban don, according to si report here this morning from the division office ot the state highway de- partment. time. 01 n CrliNsjiV AW I fik . 3 0 mm F-k- li a I V l A - TaT fl V t M ' 1 J "WHERE STYLE AND QUALITY REIGN 507 MAIN ST. PAGE FIVE BY POWER FAILURE NEW YORK, Jnn. 16 (IT) Electrical experts worked lover. Ishly today to complete the re pair ot a mysterious power plant breakdown which In terrifying fashion plunged a million or more New Yorkers Into dark noss and crippled transportation facilities. Officials estimated 60,000 per sona wars caught In the dnrk labyrinths of one subway system when the power shut-oft, at the height of Inst night's rush hour, brought tho undorground cars to a standstill. All of Manhattan north ot 60th street and most ot tho Bronx was affected. Lights in sky scrapors. homes and hospuaia went oft. Telephone service was shut down for a time. Mayor F. H. Laguardla mob ilized 18,000 policemen and 7,000 firemen for extra service. Traffic on the street levels and on other subway lines was de moralized. Elevators stopped between floors. Street lights were extin guished. Surgeans completed op erations by flashlight. Hoover's Speech to Be Broadcast NEW YORK, Jan. 16. (VP) The speech of former President Herbert Hoover at Lincoln, Neb., tonight on "Agriculture and the New Deal," will be broadcast by wiiiu-uBs line coin mm. Broadcasting System) starting at 9:30 p. m.. Eastern Standard Time. The same radio chain will broadcast a speech by Colonel rranK Knox oi unicago. a re- ntiVillnnn nsvtti1 a-ntlnl nsteiat Kll I r V at 10:45 n. m. Eastern Standard Time. His subject will be " Answer to Edward A. Filene.' Too Late to Classify win RENT Small, clean, fur nished aoartment. 731 Oak. nan head. X black BDOU Ott, . . ultra Daworrl Phon. 1265-R. 2405 FURNISHED 3-ROOM HOUSE 211 ljilK U UtV. ........... - 1n tlft mntith 2431 miKTum For one week only afr Panada T)rV bottles. 100 dozen. Klamath Ice ft Storage t dn-ln cr 2433 Clarence Humble ATTORNEY has moved to 203 Odd Fellows Bldg. 3- SUPREME" iu. . ri i ii Jk i m