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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1936)
Jnnunry IB, 193(5 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ELLA REDKEY TAKES HIGH SCHOOL POST II) IIKIITIIA IIAAHIO (High Mrlinol 'lilTi'Njiollili'llt ) Mhis Kiln Kwlkny tins t i (lll'l'tml UN III" l ll ' H I I'll I I'llllriltlllll Innlriictnr uf Kliiiniilh Union high school, a class w li 1 1-li fur Hi" ni"l two yours Iiiih been tllhroulliiui'il. Minn 1 1 It y ui'li'il im Kill" spoils illri'i'iiir In Hi" spring ':H III t li In si'lionl. Him Iiiih ellliu iIimii been employi'd ul llin Itotiso veil grudii si'hool of IIiIh rlly. M ihh lli'il liy will resume llin (llllli'S IIH Hrlluul lilirNit Dm first period (if each iluy. I'liynlcul edu cation will 1 11 k it up Din tilliur four IipiIimIh. Willi thn exception (if Pri lls? wlioii iliynliiil hygiene lll be tnuglil to llitmn enrolled In her I'Iiihhch. Km li Kill will liiivn two 1'lllnne III K ' IIImI II III 11 Week. All ffli'lH who dcsiro In lukn epnrlM, nuil whosn nrheiltiln will ! i in 1 1 II, limy iId mi. Apiironl iintiily Slit) aliiili'iiiii mil unrolled it present. Indian Justice Reorganized by Federal Government IMBIBE 1TI.Ki.AKK. fnllf. Inclement Weather wnM mi harrier lu I lie lint of ruiiHlriii'llon work (Ills week on lh two three room ho noes lo bn liulll near Hi" I'rcs liylorliin church by TtioniiiH Wooiln, llnkorsflold resident, who In In Tuloliiko mipt rvlnliiK wuik on Ilia IiuIIiIIiikh. When completed the hnusi-s will lio moili'rn wlili a lour space of 20 hy 26. MrVay nnd A III oii. Tiilelukn, urn 111" contractors ml ti I ii mi l 1 n b In being liininlled liy llori;cmuii. liiipiuisiihlo roads have prevent ed work recently on llin now mod urn seven-room hoiiin under con struction on (ho (urui n( Btov Kunilru, two ami oiui-lmlt ml Inn north wet t of lowii. When com pleted this home will bo ano of I ho mom attractive In the Tulo luke (llfflrk-l. Knndrn's engage ment lo MInn Itouluh Vun Meyers as recently minoiincod. Shippers Shun San Francisco WASIIINCITON. Jim. IS. (UP) Kdwurd K. Mcllrady, assistant siK-rclary of labor, Tuesduy worn ed I'aclflc coast seamen that ahlppcra wors considering drop ping Hnn Francisco aa a port of cull because of Inbor difficulties Ho told two delegates from the wt coast lioro for the conven tlon of lha Inturnallonnl Sra men's union of America thnt the Panamn-I'aclfic Una aln'aity had dropped Han Krnnclseo aa a port of cull because of labor emit met violations and Hint llin concern would not ri'lurn unlll nnsurcd by (ho tiulona Hint agreements would ba lived up lo. MKItllll.l. llltlKI S MKIlltll.l., Ore Mr. und Mrs. W. C. Hit 1 1 -y hud aa lliulr guests Suiuliiy, Mr. and Mm. I.elnnd Pop and Mr. and Mra. Arthur Frailer. Word haa boon received by Mr. and Mra. Ilnllny of tho trannfor of their aim, ixinnld Ilslley, from employ of tho I'a clflo Telephone coinpiiny at Klnui aih Pall to a similar poHition with tha coinpuny ut Mcdford. Tho transfer become offuctlvo Jnnunry 20, Mr. and Mr. Itona Stumplcy, Kliimnlli Fulla, woro guests Sun dny at tha home of Mr. and Mra. W. 8. Smith. Mr. mid Mra. It. F. Smith mid daughter, Klnmiitli KuIIh, hnvo moved to Murrlll. Nnilth will bo employed on lIunkliiB' brothora ranch. Mra. A. W. Mnckon loft Satur day (or I. oi AnKoloa, where she will apend a month with lior mother, who Uvea nonr thnt clly. She will be Joined In tha nour futuro by Mr. Mnckon. Mra. J. W. Taylor, rmnonn grunge locturor; I.olund Pope, Merrill KrniiKO nimUor nnd J- ' Fothurlim'hnm, aocroliiry of the local orxiinlzntlon, nttonded aca- lona of the I'nmonn Rnuif-e hold In Klnmath Fulls Saturday, whon dalogatca from elitlit (TraiiKi'H In tho coiinly were priWcfiti' Secret work of tho orKmilnntinn wna put on mid pinna for tho coming your wero dlacnflHod. Mr. and Mra. Lou Hill, who pent tho holiday with rolntlvoa at Nyiwfc, hnvo rotnrnoil homo. Tho rntiirn trip wna inailo vln Taklniu, Mr. mid Mra. lunula Andornon nil eon fancy, rntiirnod Inst W'cilnoBilay from Itltzvllln, Wash lnslon, whoro Ihcy vIhIUmI Willi Mra. Aniloi'Hon'a nlHtur, Mrn. M. M. 81 rock mid family. While In IllUvlIln, Andcrnon III company . with Mr. Slrock nnd Dr. Swcot, woro painfully Injured In what cunio nonr IioIiir n fntnl nccldont for thorn nil. Tho party woro ro tiiMiiiift from n ahort trip to Spo kane in a now nod an juat pur chased by the doctor, whon tho enr turned ovor on a slioioh of Icy pavomont. Tho car wna entirely tlomnllHh d nnd ull of tho occupunta In jlirod. Anilei'Hnn Hufrorcd torn miiHClna In hlA hack nnd Injury to both kldneya, He la recovering at hlg homo hero. Km route homo tho family truck n, Bovoro enow Btnrm bo twenn Uond and Kort Klamath that mndo traveling hntardoua. Mr, nnd Mm, Myron llnnklnn nniiniince the hlrth of n daughter, Friday, Jnnunry 8, nt tholr homo In Morrill, The lltlo girl weighed eight pounds nnd hns Men given the nnma tan Mm lo. Mini nnrnldyno Kntherlnghnm roliirned to school nt Albnny Holi day, aftor spoiullug Ihrco weeks liore with her pnronta, Mr. nnd Mrs, J. L. Fotherluglinm. Thn Jiiilgiut uf llin Imllun eoiirlN, und tho Indian Agnmly aupMi'liiloiiilnnla over litem,, cm" 10 bu Jiidiioa, JiiIIoih, pronoiMllliit; ullonii'yH nnd polli emun, undue 11 I'OVlHloil Of HlU "HlllllllHllod it'll ii liillona of tlio Indian Hci-vli-n iiiinoiinned today by Com inlHHlonor Collier. Hllico 1884 rnanrvutloii Iiidluiia liavo been aubjneted to iirreal, trial, and Imprisonment by lu ll Ian Bw'vlco offlclulH and by JiiilKes ehusnti mid rninovuliln hy tho aiiporliilenduiil of Iho roHnr vallon. This system Iiiih been subject In continued crlllclsin hy liullmis, h- iiieiiibcra of coiiki'uhh mid by Indian welfare aoclolli'H. Sevurul in 1 1 1 1-r udinliilnlriii Iuiih liiltlnled atiiillis iIohIkiikiI lo re rorm the iidiiiliilHlriitlon of Jun Ijcu on thn Indian roHiii'viillouH, tlllt llllllll Of llieNU Stll'lll'H reHiill- eil lu nuy HiiliHIitnlliil rnfiiriiiH, Civil I'mvi'in (ill I'll j The rnli'M in ertoct unlll llml pri-Sfiit lime wore first prniiiiil- Killed In IXM und were siilijicli'd to minor revisions In IHH it ml . 11MM, Tlii offenses I'liuiiii'raii d . In this early code were: purllcl-1 pal Ion In Hie Hun diincii mid ' other Indian I'l'iemuiiliis, plural niurrliiKii, "iiiill-progrosHlvo" prne liens uf iihhI Ii.Iiio men, tho tuk I ri k r ddstriictlnii of private properly, so-t'iilleil "wife pur chase," and "mlHikiiiiouiiurs." The IiihI mimed culegory Ineluded iiiiylhliiK mid everything tha nu piTlulendent coluddered punlsh ii hie, t.'mlor Ihl) new regulations, In dian Service nrrielnls urn pro lilhlleil from uhstruclliiK, Inter, fnrlng Willi, or controlling the ftitiflloiis of the Jmllun courls. The iipiioliilment and removal of Indian Juditus on thonu reservu llons where courts of Indliin of fenses urn now miiliiliilned la iiiiido Hiibject to conflrmutlon hy I lie Indians of the reservation. Indian dereiidiiMls will lierenfler have thn benefit of formal cliai-KfH, the power lo summon wllni'Hses, Iho privilege of bull, am! the right lo trial by Jury, Tim offenses for which punish ment muy bo liufioHed are spe cifically eniiuiernled. (lie maxi mum of six months lahar or tllfiii fine being imposed for such offenses us ussiiiill and buttery, nliilticiloo, i'mhe.7.lomint, fraud, forgery, inlsbriinillng mid brib ery. These offenses nro nut now punishable In any alnte or fed ei'ul rourt where the offense Is committed on rcnervalhm land nud where only trlbul Indians gra Involved. In addition In this criminal Jurisdiction, the Indian courts will. In tho future, have author ity In blind In civil canes between 1 1 1 bu I Indians, 'llll Conflileiilo (Jlveii i Tlia revision of law and order reguliltlpns is jinn step lu the program of tho present adminis tration to eliminate obsolete reg ulntlous and bureaucratic proced ure governing the conduct of In dians, and In endow (he Indian tribes tuumaelvos with Increased responsibility nnd freedom In lo cul self.governnieni. other In (Hull Service regiilnlluna which have recently been subject to critical revlslnn are those deal ing with I he. Iiilicrllance ut Jn illnn eslntes and Willi the use of Imllun grazing lends, Commissioner Collier declared, concerning tha new Indian luw nud order rngulutloiis, "I have the fullest confidence In the abil ity of those Imllun groups af flicted by the now Indian regu lations to inalntulii luw and or der on Ibelr own reservations, among their own members, ami to do a belter Job than tho In terior Department bus done over the last Till years. Those Indian groups, fliieh aa tho New Mexico Piiehlns, that liavo continued to exercise local responsibility In malntnlnlng pnhllo order, am thn I most peaceable people In the! world, On loo many reservations J the constructive crime-preventive forctg of the conimiinlly have been stifled by ' a bureaucratic system which bus been crltlilled by fienrly every administration fur the last Au yeara but which ii(i administration, until the pres ent time, bus. done anything to change, Tho regulations now Is sued are the outcome of a care ful Btudy conducted by tha In terior Department, with tho help or Indian and students of In dian life, over the past two yearg. These regulations aro sub ject to niodlflriiljon In the light of local conditions hy each tribe organized under the Indian Ite nrganlziitlon Act. We do not think these new regulations are perfect, but we know that they represent a tremendous advance over tha regulation! they super cede; and we hop that further experience and criticism, by In dians and others, will make fur ther progress possible." There may ba no Infractions of the Tulsa, Okla., ordinance permitting a man to kiss his wife for three minutes on the main streets, since It specifies his wife. We cannot see tb new moon until about two days after U la new. TUI.KIiAKB, Calif. Drilling operations on a deep well to be drilled adjacent to property of Clyde Harks, Charles Heltz and Lester Cummlngs was stnrted Monday morning, by a Mr, Storey of Merrill In an effort to obtain a water supply for the Harks hotel, the Mnrcha theater and the Tulelake Laundry, In event the venture la a suc cess the well will provide an. In dependent system for the three biiHlnesa concerns thut In the pant have been dependent on the small distribution system owned and operated by Karl Ager. Ager's system, situated near the Martin Ilrotners' warehouse, was originally Installed as a pri vate concern ahout four years ago. Owners of buildings on nearby property have asked for and received une of water from the well until Increased demands have overloaded the small plant The new system Is being con structed only as an emergency unit to be used until such time as a permanent water system Is Installed tor the town. Tha new plant will be oper ated by a steam engine Instead of electricity. Portland Church Worker Coming Miss Sybil Leone Tucker, di rector of religious education of the Methodist Kplscopal church In the Portland district, haa accept ed the Invitation to come to the local Methodlat church for a lor ies of talks and classes on wor ship and principles of teaching. Including materials and methods. Mtaa Tucker will ba In tha First Methodist church for sight days beginning on Sunday when she will take part In the worship services of tha Sunday school and In tha Junior church service, al so In the league devotional meet ings and In the special camp fire service of tha 7:30 hour. Classes In worship will ba held each afternoon at 4:00 o'clock and classes In "The Principles of Teaching" beginning at 7:30 p. m. Members of other churches of the city Interested In these class es are Invited to attend. Clansmen to Hold Meeting Tonight Klamath Snow Clansmen will meet at the chamber of com merce tonight at 8 o'clock. Any one Interested In winter sporta Is invited to attend. - Final discussion of tha pro posed suow mealing at Crator laka Sunday, with Bend Bkylln. era and other outdoor group!, will laka place. Winter Motoring Shows big Gain Early opening of many west ern automobile, shows bus don ao much to stimulate Interest In motoring that, wlntor travol on tha excellent highways ot Ore gon and nearby slntes, Is show ing a sharp Increase over the corresponding season ot prevloui years. 1 This Is the statement mad by A. L. Schmltt, Klamath Falls agent for General Potroleum Cor poration, bnsed on unusual ao tivlty In servlco stations, with an appreciable Increase :s the use ot gasoline, motor oil, lubricants and accessories dlsponsed by these establishments. "Because auto snows opened so early," he declares, "many new cars hnvo already gone Into service. With the coming of colder, more dlsagrecablo weath er, these new cars are wall broken In for winter driving, "In former years, however, new cars made their debut In Jan- llnrv with tha TMitlt that n.i-. chasers were h,:ltant aboat going out In cold, wet weather to ureax tnem in. Hence, they waited 'til spring for extensive trips." 3FE a3 New Power New Economy New Dependability NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES always equalizer for quick, unswerving, ' "straight lino" atop NEW FULL-TRIMMED DELUXE CABS with clear-vision instrument panel Yon are looking at the most powerful track in all Chevrolet -history . . . and the most economical truck for all-round duty ... Chevrolet for 1936! Chevrolet has made three major improvements in these new 1936 Chevrolet trucks: (1) It has increased power. (2) It has reduced operating costs to a , new record low. And (3) it has modernized truck design and construction In every important part and feature. The brakes on these big, husky Chevrolet trucks are Neto Perfected Hydraulic Brakes the safest ever developed. The engine is Chevrolet's Iligh-CompreS' sion Valtv-in-Hcad Engine giving an unmatched combination of power and economy. The rear axle is a Full-Floating Rear Axle of maximum rugged ncss and reliability. And the cab is a New Full-Trimmed De Luxe Cab with clear-vision instrument panel combining every advantage of comfort and convenience for the driver. Tho new Chevrolet line for 1936 includes a truck for every delivery and haulage need . . . and each is a real truck with full-strength truck-units throughout. Buy one or as many as you need, and up m iVZ go poivcr and dotcn tviU come costs on your delivery or haulage jobs. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICIIIGAN NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-LN-HEAD ENGINE with increased horsepower, increased torque, , greater economy in gas and oil JO NEW GREATLY REDUCED G.M.A.C TIME PAYMENT PLAN fQ Tht merit financing cost in G.M.A.C. history. Compare Chevrolct'i low Jdivcrvd pricrt. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE LOCKE MOTOR CO. FULL-FLOATING BEAR AXLE with barrel type wheel bearings ' exclusive to Chevrolet 1 V; ;' South Sixth and Oak Street Phone 48 In V