January 13, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Hull' Dunli'il l'iiiiilnliir (if llm Klllult runcli mill 111 of Ilia l.nko vluw lilitliwity In llm IMnn (Iiovii iIIhIiIi'I him Inmiril lilunkut ilniiliil of I ho nulii (if Ills lu'iipiii ly, us rn liiil'liiil In rui'iinl Ihhiius of lliu Kliimnth Nows nml KvciiIiik Hit nlil. Tho ri'inul iIki'Iui'imI tlmt Kl llnt liuil mild hla mi nn,, much lo liuiiKlun Kulilnr fur 17,2011, Kl llntt ntntcin ho Iiuh mil suhl hla runcli to miyoiio nt any piico. limit I(.kiiimI llitymoiirt Clulso ii f llm Klamath Vluw Auto rump rnpurlod to iiollmi litironu lha thntt of a sparo whniil mill Urn from hla autiimohllu Hmi lluy. Tim ninrlilno wan iurkoil lit Ninth and Main stroma. I,liiior llonnl li'avr Arthur McMiihnn nml Hlunlny Jnwiilt of (hit tutg 1 1 j u r liuuril, accom panied hy K. H, Kolty, assistant to llm ailinlnlatnttor, Inf I narly Hmi ilny for I'orllunil, Thuy spout tho wcok and horo. Tun natiiut Auslllnry Tho wo Inru'a auxlllnry of tho Tow nun nil dull will in cot Wmlniiailay nflnr noon at 2:00 o'clock In tho Ilnko tin LI on Kust Main Htrmit, JihIra Mntnlnr will lio tho spoakor of lha aftornoon, Arrlili'iit ltMrtl nolinrl Pannfaky, Morrill, nnd Alvs I'rlco, Tulnlnko, wore. drWura "Of cars Involved In an arnlilmit Humliiy on tho atata ip roml nnur llal flelil. I'rlco's tare waawut. Htato liollco InvcatlKutnd. - i - Nrw Trnrlipr Krina !. I. It Bchor of KuKtMio hiia areoptod a position aa lionin ocunomlra loach or at Iho I Inn In y IiIrIi arhnnl. Kha will auccood (ionovlnv. I'liill, who la leaving- for North Dakota. lilvcn VIA Finn Tlurlny Tl. Iti'woy win flnod IS In Jnsllra court Monday on a rlmrao of holna drunk on a pulillc hlnli way. Ilo waa arrostod by atuto pollco. Hchonl llonnl Mt Tim board of dlroclors of Bchuol District Nnnilnir Ono will hold P'Kulur inootlii Wednesday nvunliiK, Jan uary lo, at 7:30 o'clock at Kro inoiit school. Iliiutlua bualnoss will bo t ruimncl oil. Clilnmry I'lro Thn flro do pnrlim'iil wua railed out Sunday aftnmoon at 4:21 o'clock to 1318 Johnson alroot wln-ro a rhlninoy tin rued out. Thro wna no duin oko. Happy ll'ir Huh Tho Happy Hour rluli will ho riiiluod Tuosday atlornoon at thn homo of Mra. K. II- Lawrence, 1104 t'roa cenl avonuo. Tnlrlnke VIltor Dr. and Mra. J. It Harr of Tulolako wore, vls Itora' In Klamath Kalla Monday. Court House Records (SATIHDAY) Divorce (irnntri! Emily Ij. O'Mnlla urnntrd di-croe of divorce from 1'ntrlck Kmerson O'Malla. l'lalnllff re stored nisldon nnmo. Kmlly L. Wright, Decroo by default. Hrnlnic Jerry Cort sentenced to ono year In tho atolo penitentiary tor obtaining money hy falao pre tenses; and parolod. Order tol IHsinbuuil Tho circuit court Saturday or dered Bull dismissed In the cane of American National Hank o( Klamath Falla voraiia Dora Iscn avo. Marring Applications nohert C. ltlcharda, 23. Klam nth Kalla aaleamnn, to Virginia Leonard, 21. Klamath Falls atenoicrapher. Halph llonton Thoinaa, 21, Malln school lonelier, to Kvolyn U. Collins, 20, Malln hausowlta. Funeral MAUI) SARAH II AY I'M Tho funeral aorvlcoa for the lata Mnud Surah Hays and Infant aon, who pnssod awny la tills city on Saturday, January 11, will take place from the chupul of tho Klamath funoral home, 826 High street, on Tuosdiiy, January 14, at 2:00 p. m., with tho Iter. 11. I., ltn nncll of tho First Nntarlno church officiating, Tho commit ment servlco ami Interment will bo In tho Mt. Lukl como'.ory. Obituaty A. U. MVKMRN A. II. Mc.Koon, n rasldontol Mils city for tho piiHt elghU yemrs, passed nway auddunly at 414 South Ninth street on lute Miimlay aftornooti, January 12. . The U li censed was a unlive of Nova gcotln and was nttod 74 years whan called. Ilo leaven to mourn his passing four sons, Ilnrold, nt Kono, Ore., and the others resi dents of Cnllfornln; one dmiKh tor, a rosldent of Sonttlo, Wash. The. remains rost at the Klamath funeral homo, 026 High Btroot, where friends may call after 3:00 p. in. Tuesday. Funeral arrange ments will be announcod lntor. STOPPED -UP i NOSTRILS i duBlottUl. Use Moiiiliolalum lo help open tho nostrils and permit freer breathing If you prefer note dropa.or throat spray, coll for llio HIW MENTHDUTUM LIQUID In handy botlla with dropper To ('iiliriirnlii Koyn Iti'dniniid who tins hiinn uHHialuut In tho illiilrlii iitloi'iiiiy'a nfricu hum, has left for I. on Aiiitnli'H, wliiuii lio will remain for snvnrul weeks. In Tinm-. II, K, llannon, prln- cliuil Of I lio IIOMIIM.ll BCllOlll, Miiiuil Iho wuuk-ond In Kluiinilli Falla. Heattli, VUllor H. P. Mabel, iiKint for the Wnstern Krult Kx pniHH from Heutlle, Is a business visitor In Klaiunlh Fulls. From Portland Itobcrt Not ion, l'l llund, spent Hulurilny and Uun.iay In Klaiunlh Falls. in TO LEGION POST TO 10 MUSEUM HERE Lewis Anh was Klvon a sun teiico of two years In prison when ho pleaded Kullly Monday it i t ii 1 1 1 k to iIiiiiki'H of hiirKlitry not In a iIwiiIIIiik, In cnunortlou wllh tho Kntes harbor shop rob bery. Circuit JiiiIko Kdwurd II. Ashurst pronoiinred auutoiico. Anh waived time to take sentence, uud aald ha did not want a law yer. Deputy District Attorney Wil liam Kuykendall slated to the court Unit Ash hud admitted he was present nt tho Unto of the robbery, but did not actually on ter tho bulldliiK. Ash la a ncitro, 2J ynrs of bko. Frank Wilkes, another ni'itio. has been arrested In tho Kstes robbery cine. It Is believed his rasa will ho tnken to tho Krnuil Jury when It meets S'odnesduy. City pullcu arrested Ash and Wilkes. Child Injured in Auto Mishap Nuucy Taylor, 3, austnliied minor lieud Injuries In uil mcl ileiit Kuiiduy iivcnliiK - nt Firih street and Kluuinth avenue. Hlie was rldliiK In a enr driven by D. II. Taylor, Involved In a mis hap wllh n murhlua driven by Ditvn Qllartler. John liminls Keymour report ed hla auto collided with n car parked at F.lovunth and Lincoln streets. Jnniuea Menko and Martin Frold were drivers of cars In an accident nt Seventh nml Main streets Siilurdny lllnlit. Dr. M. K. t.'ooper reported Hint his car was si ruck by an un known offender us It stood on Tenth street near I'lne. Tho car was damaged and loft across un alley. Stolen Automobile Found at Tulelake An niitnmnbllo,' stolen here Saturday nlghl, was located Mon day at Tulnlnko. J. V Hlchter Is owner of the machine, tnkon from a parklnc place on Fourth street between Klniunlli and Walnut streets, lie reported the theft to police a few minutes heforo tho Tulelako ro port came In. Naturalist Speaker at Lions Luncheon John Docrr. Crater Lake park naturalist, will bo the chief speaker at (lie Lions club lunch eon Tuesdny noon at the Willnrd hotel. Doerr, formerly stationed at Hawaii, will descrlba nnd dis cuss tho rocont oruptions on tho Islands. Thn Kliiliiulh post of thn American Legion bus taken up u study of the problem of giving K I ii i it I ti Falls un adequate mu seum, It was announced Monday by Tom Young, post commander. Advisability of locution tho museum nnd the chamber of com merce headfiuartera In the imiifi building Is helm; cojinldorjd by the committee. Young said. "There would ho many udvunt ages lo such nn an urrange meiiis," the post commniidur pointed out. "For one thing, Iho chamber of commerce Is tho place whera oulslde motorists go when they come to Kliimnth Fulls. Tour Isis mil in iilly univlliilo to that place, for It Is tho ont-of slntn legist ml Inn office, It gutbi-rs road Inforiniitloii, and tourist lit erature Is available there. If we hud a museum, with exhibits of scientific and historical IntoroHt In connection wllh the Klamath country, w cerlaluly would want thqse visitors to see them. They would see them. If thu chumbor of coiumerce and museum were located in the soma structure. "Furthermore, Ihero would have to be somebody on hand throughout the flay to lake cure of a museum. If thn chamber of commerce were located at the same place, the cbumber Btnff could hanille that work." Young snlil that various pos sibilities for a building have been considered. It Is essential, he pointed out. that tho museum and chamber offices lie In a central locution, which can he rencbed easily both by tourlsis and by local and Kliimnth country peo ple downtown. "The post members feel that In they can do something to promote this project, It will hn a truly worthwhile contribution to tho commuiiliy," said Young. Injured Brakeman Taken to Bay City II. A. Pnpe, Klamath Falls brakeman, who was seriously In jured In a fall from a train at Chllixjutu has been taken to tho. Southern Pacific hospital In San Francisco. l'npe fell while the train was switching, and sustained a severe hend Injury nnd frnrturcs of both wrists, lie was brought to Hill side hospital whore ho rocelvod treatment, and was taken south Hnturday evening by a trained nurse. A doctor was called to treat a Texas mnn who hnd been talk ing lurcspnutly for 15 days. Still, when his wife's on vacation, a inn n has to catch up. Urges Museum KcnnoIl-KIlls Tom Young, commander of the Kliimalh post of the American legion, announced Monday the post will work for the estab lishment of a museum In Klam ath Fulls, possibly having It lo cated III soino building with the chamber of commerce offices. Fines Imposed for Drunkenness Fines of (10 each, or-Jnll sen tences of C days were Imposed upon James Palmer, Hoy Klllson and James Chncktoot Monday morning by Police Judge Rich mond when they were taken Into court to answer to charges of drunkenness. Con Kosc'h, also charged with drunkenness, was fined 15 or 7"4 days In Jail, and hearing for P. M. Noel, charged with drunk an--disorderly conduct, was scheduled for late Monday after noon. Kat 111 Hogan, 21-year-old sales man, was arrested by city police officers, and Is being held pend ing Investigation. Every gallon of gas consumed by a motor generates one gallon of water. TO BIRTHDAY BALL MAUN, Ore. Mayor A. Ka llnu hns received his appoint ment as gnnnral chairman of the ltoosevelt Illrthday Hall commit tee In a notice from Henry L. Dohnrty, chairman of the nation al committee, Washington, Malln, as In tho past two years, will observe the president's birth day anniversary, January 30, with a community program and dance In which every organiza tion of the district will be repre sented. The decision followed a mass meeting held Thursday night whan plans for the big af fair to be held In the Broadway hall were discussed. The Mnlln grange was repre sented by Mr. Bhrlncr; Helping Hand Society, Mrs. Daniel; Girl Hcouts, Miss Klslo Kschebeck; schools, Iloland Parks; Legion, A. K. Strcot; Z. C. B. T. Bohem ian society, Mrs. V. Vasak; Farm ers' association, V, J. Spolek; Ladles Aid, Mrs. E. A. flmlth; Community club. Dr. F. M. Tront; Masons, o. A. Scliullr.. A. E. Street will be the prin cipal spcukcr of the evening, a short program will he presented and the event will conclude with a dance. The first year that Malln ob served the birthday party one hundred and forty-one dollars went to the national fund for care of Infantile paralysis suf ferers at Warm Springs, Ga. Last year a total of one hun dred dollars waa realized of which 156.61) was kept for local use. This money Is held In the Merrill bank as a trust fund. The same procedure will be followed this year, 30 per cent of the pro ceeds of the affair will bo sent to national headquarters and 70 per cent, will be kept here for use In emergency cases of the disease. Ladies who are assisting with the party will furnish lunch which will be Included with the dollar tickets which are on sale by members of the organizations represented. Manager FTP "'f fu hhA Kenncll-Kllls Tom Ingram, manager of the state liquor store at Klamath Falls, which panned Inspection of state liquor commissioners here over the week-end. Holiday Closing Program Studied Holiday closing plans for 1936 will be a principal topic of mer chants of the city when they meet Tuesday night at the cham ber of commerce. AH merchants, Irrespective of affiliation with the chamber of! commerce, have been invited and MERRILL, Ore. Mr, and Mra. Ernest Moser, Presbyte.'lan mis sionaries home on a nine-months furlough from the missionary post, Cameron, Klrvl, East Africa, were guests of honor at a silver tea held at the Presbytorlan manse Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Moser, former Klam ath Falls resident, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs, It. H. Dunbar of that city talked Informally on her work among the natives. Now as In years past the peo ple of Africa are In need of re ligion's message, and In her work Mrs. Moser is frequently called upon by young women who feel the urge to learn. Her work Is devoted to bringing Christianity into native homes and In teach ing Improvement In living con ditions. Moser Is treasurer of the mis sion and although not an or dained minister has ample op portunity for preaching. Mra. Moser has been In Africa for the past three years and Mr. Moser served several years prior to the tlmt his wlf took up mis sionary work there. They tr on a nine-months leave of absence and will return to Africa soma time next summer. iff Ii niTCM a sovort 111 Uf I Lli noss or acci dent causes subse quent disabilities after what appears to bo full recovery. A Pa cific Mutual Non cancellable policy pro tects yon against these after effects. No mat ter how often you be come disabled you are assured o ! replace ment of Income, aciflc MufunUifa famuruacm Compmny R. D. ("Hod") Eller Harry Molatore Underwood Building nrged to attend the meeting, i Other business of Interest to the Klamath business community! will be discussed. I A gallon of gas requires 90 pounds of air for economical combustion. Night Coughs Quickly checked without "dosing." Juu WICKC nib on VvapoRub FUEL There's a cold snap coming soon. Be prepared and buy your fuel NOW. Dry Blocks - Slabs - Body and Limbwood Prompt Deliveries. Heilbronner & Rea "Fuel That Satisfies" Plus Service Office and Yard, 821 Spring St. Phone 239-W Branch Yard Merrill. A Three Days' Cough 1$ Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Croomulslon. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul slon. which goes right to tho scat of tho troublo to aid nature to fioollie and heal tho Inflamed mem branes as tho germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even If other remedies havo fnilrd, don't bo discouraged, your (IrugBlst. is authorized to guarantee Croomulslon and to refund your money if you aro not satisfied with results from tho very first bottle. Oct Creomablou right now. (Adv.) ADRIENNE'S r n CONTINUED! By Popular Demand Pay the Regular Price for One and Add 5c for Two ' i lt All of Adrienne's Smart Fall and Winter Dresses included in thrs sensational sale all this week! Jf you don't need two dresses bring friend or neighbor with you. Here are a few examples of bargains you will findl COATS SUITS DRESSES KNIT SUITS SWEATERS LOUNGING ROBES LOUNGING PAJAMAS NIGHT GOWNS PANTIES BAGS COLLARS JEWELRY Listen to KFJI for Adrienne's Values ADRIENNE'S ' NO EXCHANGES, NO APPROVALS, NO CHARGES It's Everything the Name Implies Welcome News to Hundreds oS Women Bringing You the Greatest Bargain Giving Shoe Event Known Practical AU Occasion Stylea iL ' X "irv HOW UN PROCESS 1 Buaste? IBip wan lhie Sttoire Women's Pumps. Oxfords, Ties for Dress. Street and Service Wear On Sale at Exactly ' PaSffS FOR THE PRICE OF See Buster Brown's Window for Additional Prices and Styles PJATOIKA1L1IZERS Panir Fashioned on Dr. Sawyer's famous lasts. You know the shoes and here is the price, Reg. $6.85. Now 2 Pairs $6.85. Some Slightly More Your favorite style is here. You know the price, 2 pairs for the price of 1 pair Brown-bilt air step pumps fl and ties Brown or black Reg. $5.85. Sale 2 Pairs . $g8S Here are the greatest values possible Novelty pumps and ties, all heel heights. Reg. $4.85, imagine Now 2 Pairs . $ M7 , yi TV AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS MAY NEVER PRESENT ITSELF AGAIN MANY MORE STYLES MANY MORE PRICES 3S 4