o PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON January 18, HMO Klamath Conquers Two Chief District Foes I r I i i -ho fc" . IIEDFDRD EXT FOR PELICANS Team Comes Through With Wins Over Bend and Redmond. Conquering their two chief foes in this basketball district, the Klamath Pelicans were well- on' their way to' Buccessful' de fense of their championship. Hardly considered to . have more than an even break In. the north against Redmond and Bend, the Pelicans came through to sparkling Tictories Friday and Saturday nights. Bend, strongest rival In th section, was brushed aside Fri day. 32 to 29. The team went up to Redmond Saturday to win 89 to 26. -Although these contests by no means' determine the district title, the result clearly indicates that Dwight French, coach, has brought up his young and Inex perienced players, into a snappy combination. Old rivalry with the Medford Tigers will be resumed here both Friday and Saturday nights at the high school gymnasium. Medford Is not a district foe, but the annual series is regarded by the Pelicans as one of the high lights of the season. The Pelicans of Klamath Falls, In a flashing display of speedy floor work and accurate hoop- ringing, smashed a strong Red mond high school basketball team to 39-26 defeat here Satur day night. From the opening whistle, It was apparent that Redmond's cause was a hopeless one. Spark ed by Reginato, who accounted for 13 points, the Klamath Regu lars ran up a 18-2 lead in the first quarter. Thereafter the Pelicans eased In,: with subs holding Redmond sufficiently in check to insure a comfortable victory. Score at the half was 25 to 9. Even Klamath Coach Dwight French was elated by his boys' oertormance. He said they look ed far' better than in their 32- 29 victory over Bend Friday night and that he believed tbey had at last come into their own. Boxers Enter Closing Days of, Workouts CHICAGO, Jan. 13, Joe Louis and Charley Retzlaff turn ed today Into the stretch drive ot preparation for their 15 round battle Friday night in the Chi cago stadium. Louis, who put In bis best day yesterday since ho started train ing more than a week ago, plan ned another stiff drill today. Retzlaff was given his first holi day yesterday, but was to do the equivalent to 12 rounds today. The lethal ' punching Detroit negro opened up with flashes of his best speed yesterday at the expense of three sparring partners, Otis Thomas, Tom Jones and Tiger Henderson. Thomas stopped numerous left hooks to the body. A left hook to the head dropped Jones, while Hend erson got off easy when Louis witched to defense tactics. - Louis' training showed need of polishing up, but his Bhowlng was Immensely improved over anything he had exhibited In previous workouts tor the bout. His trainer, Jack Blackburn, said he will be at top form by Fri day. Lakeview Coach, Players at Odds LAKEVIEW Chances for a successful baBketball season for Lakeview high school hit the kids last week when four mem bers of the first team quit the quad due to alleged friction be tween them and Coach McDonald. A bard schedule has bsen ar ranged with the strongest teams in Klamath, Deschutes, Harney and Modoc counties. Similar trouble was reported between the coach and members of the football squad. Lakeview fulled to win a football game this past season. Alturas High defeated Lake view last week at Alturas 33-13. Basketball Klamnlh Falls 80, Redmond SO. Oregon Stato 45, Idnho 10. Washington 40, Washington State 2S. Southern California 83, Cali fornia Bit, -.- UCLA 44,' Stanford 87. - .. Utah ArkIcs 40, Utah 41. - San Francisco State Teachers 44, Nrvada 8H. , Santa Clara 80, College or rmlflc 24. ' San Jose State 48, San Fran cisco If Ml 86. - Multnomah Club 45, Pacific 84. Ashland high Crt, Bnlem 10. Astoria high i!l, Jefferson of ToHlnnd 80. Frankie . . II f . - it c:?6ri,w';) ms ? Itil'.Jtt'i'S fttttlffa- i y : -r o.;vvliWV''4i aslq oj'-iwfc'f1. ai. i 9 pmmwAw&jt Matched against Tuffy Cleet nr Npw t nrlr nn I '.levnnv ment cara, f ranKie rccK of ban Fran cisco stood out as one of the pop- nliir fnvnrft. fee fh nnnnlnff wrestling promotion of the sea son at the Klamath armory. Warner's Stars Win Grid Game From Honolulu HONOLULU, T. H., Jan. 13 (UP) Pop Warner's all-star football team-Saturday defeated the Honolulu town team 25 to The All Stan dominated the contest after a - scoreless first quarter. Their first- touchdown came in the second period when an a reverse play, Reisner spurt ed from the 19-yard line to a touchdown. Sylvester converted. In the third period, the All- Stars scored again. Wallace made 20 to the 15-yard line and after a steady advance to the 2, Gray- con went over lor : the second tally. . - The third All-Star touchdown came when Wallace- ran back a punt to the town team's 25 and then shot a forward pass to Syl vester for the counter. The fourth All-Star' marker came in the fourth ptrlod after a series of successful passes, Syl vester to Topping, had advanced the ball to the 3 yard line. Gray son plunged over for the touch down. The town team's sole tally came when Fernandez Intercept ed Schrelber's pass and raced 66 yards to the goal line. Kerr converted. Golden Bears Lose Series to Trojans LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13, (U.PJ Southern California's fast-breaking basketball team made it two straight over California Saturday with a 35-22 victory. California, after coming back strong in the first half, weakened in the second, and scored only tnree field goals in this period. Willie Hoppe Wins New Billiard Title CHICAGO, Jan. 13, (U.PJ Willie Hoppe, famed boy won der of the billiard table, Saturday won the world's three cushion championship by swamping Wel ker Cochran In a six block chal lenge match, 360 to 246. Hoppe averaged more than a point an Inning. It gave Hoppe the only title he never previously bad held, since In over 30 years of bil liards he has been a perennial champion at some branch ot the game. A Still the best bet In town. Our halt soles M . fk ft, for men iVw Try our 10,000 mile . ' ' rubber heels 50c Pr. Jack Frost flth St. near Main t 5ILEM, OTI GAINING FAVOR Fisheimen, Senators Top List of State Hoop Contendere. By The Associated I'rvss The Salem and Astoria high basketball teams suffered defeats the past week, but it's a oue to two bet that one of the teams wins the state championship. For of 16 state tournaments held, halt have gone to these schools, with each winning four. Little Wheeler high defeated a crippled Astoria team 34 to 21, but the Fishermen came back Saturday to detent Jefferson high, one of Portland's best, by a 29 to 26 score and avenge a previ ous defeat of this season. Ted Sarpola, all-state forward, was back In the Astoria lineup. Ashlund Downs Salem Salem, which like Astoria is a good tournament team, heat Mill City 49 to 15. lost to Medford 13 to 22, beat Asbland 30 to 17, and then wilted Saturday night- and lost to Ashland 23 to 16. Despite the in-and-out show ing, Salem is enthusiastic over the big men Coach Hollls Hunt ington has assembled. All but one of the regulnrs are six feet or taller, in contrast to recent Salem teams. Medford forged to the lime light with Its win over Salem and a 24 to 16 win over Weed, Calif. Marshfleld came to the front in the Coos Bay region by a 38 to 25 win over Bandon, which had beaten Coqutlle 30 to 20. Marshfleld also beat Rlverton 33 to 13. Pelicans Win Two Pendleton Impressed with a 36 to 27 win over Baker. Coach Dwight French's Klam ath Pelicans gobbled up Bend high 32 to 29 and trimmed Red mond 39 to 26. Springfield hand ed Albany Its first defeat, 80 to 27. Rubs Rarey's Tillamook Cheese makers continued their long string of vlctor'cs by beating Ore;on City -27 to 28. The Portland prep league open ing comes Friday, night when all eight teams awing into action at once with great fanfare. Fire and possibly six of the Portland teams are rated stronger. . than last year. " ' , . Many Teams Improve Benson, last year's champion, is rather weaker, but Coach Leonard Oherke ot Jefferson says his last year's runners-up prob ably will be stronger. Coach Dave Wright, whose Lincoln team finished third, says his team will be weaker, but other eoaches won't believe it. Prospects are not even as good if that's possible for Roose7elt, last year's cellar team. Franklin, Washln;ton, Grant and Commerce all expect much Improved teams. Other scores the past week: La Grande 29, Elgin 27. Oregon City 34, Forest Grove 16. Vernonla 17. Lincoln 40. Corvallls 22, Oregon State Rooks 16. Sandy 34, Grant 45. Dallas 25, Cbemawa 16. St. Helens 84, Roosevelt 20. Woodburn 8, Sllverton 21. Willamette Frosh 23,' Benson Tech 30 . Oregon Frosh 40, Roseburg 2. . Lincoln 25, McMlnnvllle 27. Oregon Frosh 36, Franklin 26. Myrtle Point 16, Roseburg Molalla 18, Roosevelt 30. Oregon State Rooks 40, Frank lin 22. Bonanza Defeats Sprague River Bonanza gained a 52 to 34 vic tory over Sprague River In a game played on the Sprague River floor. The Summary: Bonanza Sprairue River T. Bray, 8 F Beatty, 6 Combest, 7 F Murphy 8 Hayden, 4 C Pool, 1 H. Bray, 14 G PrbboU, 12 Nichols, 2 G White, 0 Hank, 17 G Kllgore, 5 Tuesday, 8:30 p. m. NEW ARMORY Phone for Ticket Reservation KLAMATH BILLIARDS , - I'h. 1127 ' ' THE SMOKE -" ' Ph. 17 l" WAGGONER'S DRUG THE WALDORF Ph. 84a SLICKEST OF SPANIELS US This closeup shows Champion springer spaniel in the nlm tic American Spaniel Wx4 If t rV New Wrestling Season Opens At Armory Tuesday Hoping to make the new wrest ling season even better than last year's, Mack I.illard, Klamath pro moter, Tuesday night utters bin firw: card of lfKiti. The first three of nearly two dozen wrestlers signed for the first months of 13:16 will npp.ar at the armory against a trio of nien who have made names for themselves here In the past. Dudo Chick. Oklahoma; Tuffy Cleet, New York, and Tiger Tas koff, Bulgaria, will bo the new comers on the opening card. Idaho, Oregon Open Series in Eugene Tonight By The Associated Press uonewai ot oaskotoaii rivalry j BKain ... one of the blggor between Oregon State and Unl-,8hows wants to feature him as veralty of Oregon at Eugene Frl-a concert attraction at a salary day night is tho red letter event j nn(l percentage The big fellow, ot this week s bulging sport cal- ow one-putting groons In Flor endar In Oregon. I ,,, ,,., io kcen oh he llpa). In past meetings -Oregon won , 34 and Oregon .State, which sur: cd forward the past few years, 33. - Oregon's booming Giants play host tonight and tomorrow night to University - ot Idaho, twice beaten over. the. weekend, by Ore gon State, in coast conference, northern division clashes. The Al Spina Little Dempsey, 10-round featherweight boxing match In Portland Tuosday night drew more than" passing Interest. Fans llkewiso were eag, er for the semi-wlndup on the same card, bringing together Otto Blackwell and Billy Lee, fast mixing lightweights . Whitman college, last year's northwest conference champion, opens the 1936 championship race against Pacific University at Forest Grove tonight and to morrow night and then plays Multnomah club at Portland Wed nesday night, Willamette University enter tains Monmouth normal at Salem tonight and then journeys to Ashland to meet Southern Oregon normal Friday and Saturday nights. University of Portland plays at College ot Puget Sound tonight and tomorrow night, and at Linfield college Thursday night. Tho Portland Buckaroos open the stretch drive for the north western Ice hockey league cham pionship when they play the Vancouver Lions here Thursday night. Winter sports activity Is In creasing throughout the state and entries have started sliding In for the Pacific Northwest open ski tournament of the Cas cade Ski club on Mount Hood, January 26. 500-Hole Match Gets Underway ATLANTA, Jan. 13, (IP) Charlie Yates, western amateur champion, Is one up on Dr. Jul ius Hughes, Atlanta, at the end of 211 holes and 289 to go. Hughes won yesterday's round of the 500 hole match which they've been playing for weeks and hope to get finished before the football season opens. r -4 Fast, Judged the bent Knglisii nlh annual specialty sliow ot the Club In New York. The familiar figures will be Ken Hollls, Arkansas; Frnnkla Peck, San Francisco, and Shlnu chl Shlkuma, Japan. - Hollls and Chick headline tho card In the one hour of straight wrestling for the best two out of three fulls. I Taskott and the Japanese will grapple the soiul-wlndup, U will be a mixed match between the jiu Jltsu and catch-as-catch-can styles. Peck and Cleet will wrestle six 10-mluuta rounds for the opener. By Kddlo Brleta Associated Press Sports Writer NEW YORK. Jan. 13, (JF) Thn rlrM!K la mflar Tlaka l!i,th He thinks he would not bo so hot atop an elephant, with spear In his hand, a turban on his head and a six-Inch cigar in hl3 mrnitb. . But the terms appeal to him. ' , . - . Dad news for those who piny i Princeton: Frits Crlslor says his 19.16 first team will be Just as good as last year'9, But tho reserves will not bo so plentiful Joe Jacobs-and Jimmy John ston are feuding again. - All be cause Jacobs steered Max Schmel- Ing into Mike Jacob' camp In-, stead of Into the garden's, Ned Irish; the newspaper man with an idear, as wo say in Brooklyn, Is sailing' away about ta.uun weeKiy--iruui college u-ift- hoar Nat; Flolsher, editor of the ring, blast -the boxing commis sion on the air tha other night? Ho certainly gave Gen, John J. Phclan and his cotlougues a good going over. Ono llstonor wired: "Your speech the best since Lin coln's Gettysburg address." Sure, Nat Is taking bows. Every day St. Paul fan swing more and more to the opinion that Charlie Itetzlaff's case is not hnpeloss against Joe Louis. The fight will be held In Chi cago, but Harlem, will bo extra policed just the same, Order has gone out for 600 additional pa trolmen to roport. And to bring their night sticks. Freddie Llndstrom, canned by the Cubs, can play third baso for the Dodgers It he wants to. That means Joe Strlpp'a number is up. Also, the Yanks would like to sign Freddie, but don't let cousin Ed Bnrrow know wo told you. Mussolini has con ferred the order ot chevalier on Cleto Locatelll, Italian light weight. First time II Duce has so honored a fighter. He picked a good one. The new deal has gone haywire, and Is headed for socialism and ruin. Tho old deal of the Repub lican party has gone overboard on a reactionary program. So what? So we get It In the neck. Gen, Hugh 8. Johnson. yLhsaMis&stt'iste&sifci SPORT SHORTS A Recent Trade-in '33 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Fordor Sedan .-. Safety glass throughout, dual horn and tall llirlii, genuine velvet mohair upholstery; motor lias been , roconunioneu, practically tlresi Down Payment .... Balance 2rt.00 per month '. i''-. V; : V. Balsiger Motor Co. Main and WASHINGTON BEAVERS LEAD Teams Make Flying Starts in Northern Division Race. SEATTLE. Jan. 13. (.11 Ore gon Siatu colU'gu and Wm-hltiKion hnvo sounded a warning that Ihuy again littund to fight It out for the northern division l'aolfto Coast conference basketball champlou shtp. That was the slto-up of the hoop situation lu that region to day after the Uvavers and Hus kies opened tho season with dou ble victories Friday and Haturduy. Oregon State drfoated Idnho at Corvallls, 31 to 24 and 45 to 19, and Washington downed Well ington Stalo at Seattle, 30 to 26 and 40 to 23. O. H. C. Ntarta Wrongly Lust year Oregon State nosml out Washington for the northern crown, but lost In the playoff with Southurn California tor the Pa cific Coast title. The "dark homo" Oregon Web fooler moved Into play against Idaho at Eugene tonight for a chance to provo their strength In a two-game series. A double win for Oregon would virtually elim inate Idaho from the race, even at this early dale, and would send the Webtootura Into a lie with Oregon State and Washington, Huskies Down W. H. C. While the dofendlng champion O. S. C. team was running away with Its game against Idaho Sat urday night, Washington win forcod to come from behind to conquor Washington State. Tho Cougars got oft to an 8 to 1. lend In the first flvo minutes, but they were able to count only one more point before the half, while Wash ington's big guns were firing for 20 more point. The Huskies easily held the advantage through the second half with substitutes taking over the choros In tho lis: 10 minute. Standing Won. Lost Oregon State 2 0 Washington .. l " ' 0 Idaho .. t ' 2 Washington State 0 2 Oregon o V COKVALLIS, Ore., Jan.- 11 (UP) Ore jon State basketball ti'SUl defeated tha lilllhn Vanri.l. la to is Here Saturdny for tho second straight win I tie staler took an aariv load, and tn up 10 points be-, fore Larson counted freo. mrow for Idaho's first score ufter seven minutes of play, Tho nan oncci :u to 8 for tho Boar ors. with tho Vandals ablo to1 garner only on field goal. (jenglily Off Form Wnlly Piilmborg, Beaver for wnru, was ina Individual itnr, running up 19 points. Ho wn held to but one tleld goal In tho "x"in'T- buJ " 'he-. Geraghty, Idaho's dlmlnutlvo forward, was definitely off form tonight, and wasn't ablo to make a single point, even his three free throw attempt falling short. - Fisher, Idaho guard, scored 9 points to lead the Vandal scor ers. Oregon . Stato won last night' game 31--4. HUSKIES 40; COUGAI1S 211 SKATTLE, Jan. 13, (U.R) University of Washington basket hall team showed power Suturduy In submerging Washington State college, 40 to 23. The Huskies playod a close checking, fast game, leading by a wldo margin after midway In the first period, Washington State Jumped Into an oarly lead and ran it up to 8 to 1 In tho first threo min utes. Then Washington' at tack ollcked, and the Cougar acorod only one free throw be fore the half, which ended 21-9. In tho second period, with more substitutes In the game, Washington scored 19 point and the Stater 12. Last nlglit Wash ington won 80 to 26. Business needs more than a "breathing spell." It needs to have the strangling hand of bu reaucracy taken from It throat. Gov. Harold 0. Hoffman. Now Jorecy. new o-piy a m r ! Esplanade) . PAYOFF PUTT ' - jiaiiNiWJ " 4 la..? Willie Kloln heru sinks the tonal putt In his smashing tri umph In tho Miami Open, 'ileln, repeating his victory of 'JZ0t turned In a phenomenal 172, clipping six strokes from III previous record for tha course. It was worth f00 to the profesnlotinl of tho Wheat ley Hills, L. I., Country Club. J. Martin Wins Practice Shoot at Klamath Club J. Martin, breaking 18 blue rocks In a row and then following it with a lrong 24, won the week ly practice shoot at tho Klaumlh Gun club Sunday J. H. Cawkor' wns the only oth er shooter lo break 26 In a row. - Th results: 1 16 yards Toll. C.J.Martin 24 23 47 W. K, Iiuin .. 24 24 4N W, Locke 21 19 40 (1. Krausn 20 24 44 Dr. Stearns 1 18 . 3 9 J. Stelger ...... 21 23 - 44 J. Martin . 25 . 24 49 J. H. C'awktr 25 M. Cornel t ; 21 20 41 Karl Whlllock ........17 19 30 V. L. Andrew ...j.,21 21 42 H. Strode 9 Bruins Capture. ., Hoop Victory From Stanford STANFORD UNIVEP.8ITY, Cnl Jan. 13. (UP) Tho . Btanjord univurslty liatikethll fire was de feated 4 4 to 37 by IJ. C. L. A. Ill a wild game here Saturday. UCLA had a 14-6 lead with 6 minute to go in the first half, when Stanford suddenly rallied nud ended tho halt with the score 16 to 16 In favor ot UCLA. Stanford went into tho lead In the socond halt with a basket by Lulsrttl but with 10 minutes to go and Ilia scoro lied 80 to 30, Dull tore Inosn and scored four buskets In rapid succession. Tho brilliant flashln gpluy of tho UCLA center, coupled with baskets by McFndden, Ashen and Froeiio guve UCLA a load tho Stanford players were unable to overcome. T Mi 1:1 ilSl? PORTLAND VISIT When you visit Portland, you will find the Multnomah an ideal hotel at which to Blop. $ The Multnomah is Portland's nationally famous hotel, yet rates are no higher than else- where. All rooms have outside exposure, are handsomely furnished and have exceptionally restful beds. Delicious food at popular prices is served in the smart coffee shop and beautiful dining room. Portland's smart "nite-lifo" ; rendezvous is the Hotel Multnomah Supper Club whore ':; ; there is dining and dancing every evening (9 to 1) ,4 , ' , except Sunday and Monday. ; AT PORTLAND IN OREGON Scores of Girls Compete Saturday in Playday Event Scorns of school girls coin pi'teil lu Hi" annual volley liall playday held last Hutu nlny after noon at Fremont school. The Ited team captured the rluinuilnimlilp In III" first division with the llluck iiid Inking the , connotation tllle. Members of the first division winners wore: lied Nellie 1,1ml Ix'ig, Fall-view; Adda Kniimvy, Knlrvlew; Km In Htrlil, Fremont; Horolliy llm gen son, Fremont; Hebe Tlioniii, Fremont ; Fuy Zerkl. I'ellriin; Hetty ICunpp, I'ulicau: 1'iiiny Uulnp, lllversldu. Hud Juno Wilson. Itlrerslila, llloek Kay Iluiilinr, Hoone vell: Mary Kllen Moncrlef, ammo veil: Mary Audrey llailcllffn, Itousevnli ; Deity Klelnegor, Hooaxvelt; Dorellm Itolilnxin, Fremont: Ada Mu llnrdoll, Kit I r vliiw; Vaughn llciin. Mills: Ailoluldii Lento, Mills; Jerry . Thornton, Mills. ' The Hluo team won tlx ro. nnd division clianiploiiHhlp with Hie Iteds taking lliu consolation filial. The team. Hill Dorothy l.aurenmm. Itlv omlile: Wllln Man lhlo, Mills: Mildred llowermnn, .Mills: Janet Kehle. Itiveralde; Hetty Lund, Kalrvlew; Clarlbolls Lynch. Fair view; Klleen Ituyuur, Mills; liar barn Adams, Mills. ( Hod Audrey Hoed, rilvnrslda: Wynutto Cramer, Itlversldn; Ji. slo Pope, Itlvurnlde; Dorothy Uh llg. HooiMivelt; Helen Cos, lloosn. veil. Margaret Conn. Pelican; Slnliol Kwartsfager, Pelican. Tourins: Golfers Heading North for More Purses LO.H ANGKLKS, Jan. 13, (!) Touring golfers turned toward Northern California today, with young Jimmy Illnes, nowly crown ed king of the Los Angeles 18,. 000 open, leading th brigade. Hlnes, a strapping, free swing ing professional from Garden City, Long Island, won th Lo An geles trophy, and what prob ably more Important to him, II, (00 In cash, with a par 72-hol scoro of 280, It wax hi t'e'ond straight win in Southern California winter tournament.. Th Sunday before ho took the Riverside 13.000 open with an eight stroke margin. Ills victory yesterday, turned In before a gallery ot 6,000, wn closer, and for a tlm, doubtful. Going Into the last round 8 strokes up on Henry Plcard, llershey. Pa., Mines tailored un der the strain ot earlier sub par shooting, Ho dropped four strokes when ' ho hooked Into traps nn the 14th, 16th and 18th, and finished with a card tor the tournament ot 69-68-69-74 280. Plcard, tied with Illnes at the start ot the championship round, lilt a similar streak of misfor tune, and wound np with a 284 to Un for second and third place money with Jimmy Thomson, long driving pro from Ttldgowood, N. A. They split 81.300. Vic Gh 0x7.1, Deal, N. J th de fending champion, who wa a sensation In th first round and . a disappointment in the aocond, V came hack Willi a 72-69 In th final 18 for a 288. Even wllh him wa Mark Fry. young Oakland, Calif., pro., lead ing weat coast contender for th big purse. The two dlvldod 8700. Tho traveling pro will com pete In th Sacramento open be ginning Jan. 16, nnd the big Ban Francisco open Jan, 25, Thn TTnltnit Ol n In- I- It, ..!. I . largest producer of poultry, with China rsnklnv ane.Anil In thli v. srlocf."' bout your