The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 11, 1936, Page 7, Image 7

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    Januury 11, 1U3G
per word pur day's
psr word
por day's
All Mull Order Ads Must
Hnvo Cash With Order.
por coiil discount on
ads running ono
pnr cont discount on
til r u n n I u g ono
All classified ads are timart
ad In ImiiIi Tim K In ninth News
ami Evening Ili'rnlil nt the
above rnlus, appuurlng In The
News flmt.
Tlmo limit for clnHlfleailon
In I ho rollowliiK day's papers
la 0:0 1, M, Ada ttcslroil In
ortnd on tlio sumu day. as. sub
mitted will Imvo to run "Too
Lata to Ulnaalfy."
All classifications Bra mini
borud and appear In numorlral
nrdnr. Following la an alpha-
butlilcal roforonco Hat nt the
moro Important classifications:
Automotlr ........ . 19
Building Mnterlnls 10a
Business (liiotriinllli'a .... 10
Com run Work Wanted.... 10
Farm Implements 19n
Puriilahcil Apt. In l.nt 13
Furnished lluuao to Let.... 14
Furnished Kooma to Let.. 11
Financial 23
General Notices 3
Help Wanted, Mala - 4
Hlp Wanted. Female.. 7
Llvoatock and Feed...) 22
Lout and Found 1
Miscellaneous lor Sato... 10
Peraonnls 4
Poultry for Halo - 22a
Real Eslnio for Sale 17
Ron I Kalnlo for l.caso. IS
Real Eslalo Wantod. 17a
Room and Hoard. 12
Situations Wantod 0
Bwnpa -.. . 20a
Transportation - &
ITnf tint. Houses to Lot.... 15
Wanted Miscellaneous....- 21
Wanted to llont 1
General Noticea
MOVINOT fall 704, local, long
tllalaure. lnaiired rarrlur; ex
porlcnccd men. 1'onplna Wnro
bouao, 403
MUSIO furnished for all neons
Inns, ospoclnlly dances, Phono
1701. 2448
OOl.Ntl to Portland Sunday
morning, floom for two. Phono
1143. 2416
SAVEI Go by Bus
Via Bend and Mt. Hood
Shorted Routs, Lowest Faros
to Northwsst Pointi
Way Trip
Portland $5.90 $10.65
Seattle $8.40 $14.65
Spokane $12.30 $20.05
Bussea Leave 12:45 Noon From
The Greyhound Depot
For Information Pbona 999
liary 12. Room for two. Phono
114.1. ' 26.14
7 Help Wanted, Female
WANTED Woman as hotiso
konpor on much. Stato ago
and reforsncos. Santtord
Jones, Rt. 1, Bonanza. 26 03
WANTED Mnld for gonornl
linuaowork. Roforoncos ro
nntrecl. Phone 418.- 1603
Cllllhy. 2414
WANTED Roflncd anil "'cupobto
middle ngod woman,' 'help with
linuaowork and caro Children.
Stonily, Nows-llornlil; Doit
2412. - 2412
Tho firms and individuals represent
ed in this Alphabetical Directory of
Specialized Business and Profession
al Service are known as Klamath
Falls' most reliable business men and
Oablnet steam baths and massage.
L. Stone Lady Assistant.
117 South 7th. Pbona 1640
Commercial Printing
Printing ot all kinds. 8HOP
. PINO GUIDE, Pelican Tbeatro
' Bldg.
Floor Sanding .
1SHINQ. Phono 86W4.
Hematltohlng, specializing I n
suits and coats, woolon samples,
dressmaking, Mrs. H. M. A I lou
der. 614 Walnut,
Musio .
Klamath Institute ot Music, 1. O.
O. F. Uldg. Plauo, violin, oallo,
guitar. Instruments free with
course, High soliool credits.
9 Situations Wanted
KXI'KRIKNCKI) woniii l) wishes
I mi-v u i k. Iiy tliu hour. 1214
Aillllim. 2663
EXPERT Clerical work, nc
cnuuilng, bnokkooplng, all or
Mill lima, Box 1441, News
llorulil. 2298
EXPERIENCED ninii wunto mirv
, ra si it 1 loll or niucliuiilcal work.
HI. 1, llox 323. 2646
1 1 Furnished Room
rilB CLAIIEMONT. 228 N. 4th,
II modern oulsld room. Froe
. parking lot. 4406
Room and Hotrd
I Hill.
228 N.
13 ruriiiahrd Apnrtmenls
VACANCIES nt K. I). Apart
monia, corner Main and Hroad.
llcnis rfunoiiuhlu, IiioIuiIIiik
IlKhta, wood and wulur. 2649
FOR RENT 2-rooiu furnished
apiirliiK'Ul, eloclilo rang. 303
WuahtiiKloii. 2522
SMALL npurliiKint, reasonable
nil i . 421 Ouk. 2476
Simons upartmoiila, 221 Com
mercial. I'hono 1114J. 222B
VACANCV Arcado apurimonti.
VACANCY 419 N. 101b, '2418
POK RENT Two-room apart
ment. 811 I'liio. 2418
VACANCY llvs Anna. 2417
14 Furnished Houses
I POIl ItK.NT Foiir-riioin house.
4 2 I'llle. 2564
IH Real Estate For Leas
POR RENT Alfalfa, potato
land. It. M. Tcaru, Bonanza.
18a To Exchange
PIVE-ltOO.M iikhIitii homo with
liiritu porclii'S. luis of sliruhs
and fruit Irera, In Loa Amko
li'S, to oxcliaiiKO for Klniniilh
Palla proporty. Newa-Ilornld,
llox 2667. 2S67
1031 Cadlllne 6-I'nm, Bodnn. 0
wlro whoela. now tires, excep
tional condition,
1928 Chovrolot Coupe.
1929 Packard. Small S Sodan.
Cadlllao and LaBallo
3rd and Mala ' .
Wo aro conducting a real used
car nnlo during January and It
will aiy you well to buy now
from ik. A big aolcction of
standard makes at bargain prices.
1330 Main 2302
20 Miscellaneous For Sale
ORDERS taken for homo baked
pnatry, fried plea; fancy cakes
a specialty. Plionu 1S90J.
POll BALH Walnut dining set.
cream separator, battery radio.
27 fhevy truck. Inquire
Shell Slutlon, Merrill, Ore.
llEAl'TIPUI. hardy podlgroed
Springer apnnlel ptipplos: Law
son llrnlnord, Morrill, Ore.
1928 DODOE-C1RAHAM H4-lon
truck, now stnke rack. Two
good drag saws. All In good
condition. Phone 2044W.
MOVING? Call 704. local, long
dlslnnco. Insured enrrior; ox
porlcncod moil. Pooplos Waro
houHO, 463
n2 Livestock nr1 heed
FOR SALE Joraey bull, holfor,
Joi-Boy cow, i Boo E. Thorp,
707 S. 6lh, or phono 2116.
. . 2646
Business Directory
women. You will find them ready
to servo, you promptly, economically
and efficiently. For your own satis
faction use this handy guide to the
services they offer.
Palmer Chiropractor
Nciirocalomotor X-Rny
126 Main Opp. Court Houie
Piano Tuning ',
U R. Mann, Dolby's Muslo store,
117 So. 7th.
Byron Juckson Pumps
and Sorvlce 1
J. M. Wauchopo, 116 So. 11th St.
Phono 1303-J -
Radio Repairing
6 months gunrnhtoe on all ropalr
work. Phono 1790. '
125 South Eighth Stroot
PHONE 173 for rnllnhlo radio
ropnlrlng, Ronsnnnblo rates,
quick sorvlco. Roborts and
Ilnrvoy, 1007 AInln. 2443
Ad Section
8lh and Main 6th and Walnut
'35 Hup. Tour. Sedan $950
'35 Chov. Tour. Sedan $725
'35 Ply. DoL. Cpe. R.S.) ..$625
'34 Ply. DoL. Coup $585
'34 Chov. Coups $565
'34 Chov. Matt. Sodan ...$550
'34 Ford V-8 Sedan $550
'34 Ford V-8 DoL. Cpo. ... $525
'34 Chev. Std. Coach $495
'33 Ply. DoL. Sodan $495
"33 Ply. DoL. Coupe $495
'33 Chev. 6 Wh. Sedan ... $475
'33 Ford V-8 DoL. Sedan . $475
'33 Chovrolot Coupe $425
'32 Chevrolot Coupe $350
'31 Chev. 6 Wh. Sedan ...$345
"31 Chovrolot Coach $295
'3 1 Chovrolot Coupo $295
'31 Ford Sport Coupe $285
'30 Chevrolot Coupe $265
'30 Ford Sport Coups ...... $265
'31 Ford Sedan $265
'29 Chovrolot Sedan $195
'29 Chevrolet Coups $175
'29 Chovrolot Coach $175
'29 Ford Fordor $165
'29 Ford Coupe $150
'29 Fdrd Tudor $150
We hevo 20 refinanced can, per
fect select buys. See Louie.
8th and Main 6th and Walnut
i vanied IViiat. Ilaneuua
Raw Furs
Market valuta paid for raw furs,
polls, wool and hi (kg
M & S Bag Co.
034 Market
Ph. 2U6-J
22 Livestock and Feed
KOIl SALE Two good cowa. one
freah. other freahena In Murch.
Alan Ilnmpahlro boar, your old.
Half mile weal county poor
farm. C. A. Itundy. 2661
POR HAI.Y: S long yonrllng
bolfora, $75. Phone 2167.
rect from producer. Also
sweet rlover and (irlmm. Sam
ples and prices sent on re
quest. C. E. Atkinson, fednr
Tillo, Calif. 2536
HORSES bought, sold and ex
changed. M. 11. Harbour, Kern
hotel. 2617
22a Poultry Po. Sale
White Leghorns. R. I. ueas
210. 100: Marred Rocks. $11
100. prepaid. Mngulre Electric
Hatchery, 1416 N. E. Oregon
street. Portland, Oro. 1434
FOR SALE 60 laying Buff
Orpington lions. 8. R. Wood-
ley. Merrill, Oro. Otto sehuiis
homestead. 2539
24 Business Opportunities
GOOD little business on Main
streot. Very reasonable. Ks
peclally good for man and
wife. Leo Morrison, 622 Main.
MANUFACTURE and distribu
tion ot Instrument with excep
tional sales merit. 18000 re
quired. Silent or active part
ners wanted. APPiy r. J'cai,
Rlviore Plantation, Gold 11111,
Ore. 2651
Nonrly 2,000,000 women are
omploycd In Ilrltlsh industries.
They aro moro numerous tlinn
men In clothing manufacturing,
and In toxttlo nnd pottory fac
tories. Raw Fur
Raw furs wantod. Hlg'iost price
pnld. Try us boforo yon sell.
O. L. Hombroa, 820 Klamath.
Real Estate
If you want to buy a bouse, a
lot, or acreage from ono to 60
acres, aoo H. B. Hauger, 1830
Main SL .
EXPERT repairing and recover
ing composition shingles.
Terms. Atlns Roof Co. Pbone
1612.. 2400 So. 6th. 42
Upstairs Dress Shoppe
Stewart-Drew Bldg.. 781 Main.
FOR SALE Pino, fir body and
limb wood. . Phono 75W2. 896
25 Money to Loan
Quick, Uopondablo, Snfe,
No co-slgnora No Rod Taps
Lot us finance your now or uacd
car purchase
Motor Investment Co.
114 No. 7th Pb. 882
License Ml 04
Job Insurance Plan
To Affect 200,000
BALE.M, Ore., Jan. 11. (U.R)
Eighteen ihoiiHand employer, and
160,000 In 200.000 workers will
coinn miller provisions of Ore
gon's new Jobless Imhii ihiico plan,
tho slate unemployment commis
sion esllinuled Frltay.
The coimnisaion will open an
Charter No. 1801 Reserve District No. 12
Report of Condition of the
American National Bank
of Klamath Falls, in the Slate of Oregon, at the close of business
on iKcciiiber 31, l'J '''.
(Published In response to call mudu by Comptroller of Currency,
under Section 6211, I'. S. RuvUed Statutes).
1. Loans and discounts 461,122.70
2. Overdrafts 2,426.36
3. United Slates Government obligations, direct
andor fully guaranteed 61,791.90
4. other bonds, slocks, and securities 217,748.90
6. Ilaiikl.'ig house, 24,000.00. Furniture and fix
tures 16,00.00 40,000.00
7. Ileal estate owned olher thuu banking house 30,504.95
8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank 127,510.07
9. Cash, balances with other banks, exchanges for
clearing house, etc
Other uete
Total Assets
Demand deposits, except United States Govern
ment doposlts, public funds, and deposits of
other banks 850,611.62
Timo deposits, except postal savings, public funds,
and deposits of oilier banks 416,927.89
Public funds of States, counties, school districts,
or othy subdivisions or municipalities 218,439.58
Deposits of other banks, including certified and
cashier's checks outstanding - 11,703.81
Total of items 14 to 18, Inclusive:
(a) Secured by pledge ot loans
andor investments .$ 211,922.07
(b) Not secured by pledge of
loons andor Investments.... 1,285,760.88
(c) Ttal Deposits 1 .4 97.CS 2.9 0
30. Cnpilul account:
Clues A preferred stock, 625 shares,
par 1100.00 per share
at 8100.00 per altars
Common stock, 625 shares, par
8100.00 per share t 125,000.00
Surplus ....... ..a6....i..v.v...- 26,000.00 ' , - ,
Undivided profits not ; 30,478.29
TOTAL LIAIHLITIES r. 1,678,161.19
MEMORANDUM: Loans nnd Investments
Pledged to Securo Liabilities
Other bunds, stocks, and securities
Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) 205,070.00
(b) Against public funds of States, counties,
school districts, or other subdivisions or
municipalities - 205.070.00
(h) TOTAL PLEDGED 205.070.00
Stato of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss:
I, E. M. Bubb, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
E. M. BUBB, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before CORRECT Attest:
me this 8th day of Januarv. 1936. W. C. DALTON,
Notary Public for Oregon. M. S. WEST,
My commission expires December Directors.
18, 1939. II. Jan. 11 No. 8
Bard From Erin
1, 7, 8 Founder
of modern
Irish lltora.
13 Olive shrub.
14 Intertwined.
16 On the lee.
17 Species ot
19 Old garment.
20 Small Island.
22 Respiratory
21 In.
26 Monetary unit
of Jnpan.
28 To recollect.
81 Ye.
33 To vex.
86 Den.
36 Right.
37 Interior.
39 Pedal digit.
40 Exclamation.
41 Pront.
43 Therefore.
45 12 Inches.
48 Measure ot
Answer to PrevloiiM Piizxlr
M(MR iJliM (H; Oi PI K i 1 IN
EiL iHEifiii nIgJhHlJR
cfo "c kMrIAITid" sJKRffi!
IjBsihje HJo srrtfF
smE ElRl Br a i ste
AlNirf KM NfstilLT ESl sjos
49 Road.
51 Wreath.
53 Scoria.
55 Requires.
66 Destiny.
59 Signal systems,
61 Wine vessel.
62 Walts for.
63 He Is a great
64 He was
ot the Abbey
I Ii2 15 14 I I'j o V S 9 lio In lij
13 "
3cT 57 55 j io w si zi
s&i. C I
49 so T 5S
b3 r 54 Vjv OS" rN'oto IS? 158
Sii--. -
kXS ',
mmm'l c3 0
office In l'ortlund soon to regis
ter employers of four or moro
poisons and slart collecting
tuxes front them In April to os
luhllsh the fund. Otto R. Hart
wig, former stuto Industrial ac
clil on t commissioner, will bo
hi red as a field representative.
Son Sentenced
To Jail Terms
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. (U.R)
Reiireseiilullve John H. Hoeppel,
democrat, California, and bis
aon tMinrles weru sentenced to-
son Churles wro sentenced Frl
Jnll as a result of their convlc
tlon on charges of conspiring to
sell a West Point appointment.
District Supreme Court Jus
tlco Dnnlol O'Donoghue over
ruled a million for a new trial.
Hiiimiel T. King, brother of tbo
1,'lnli snnator, argued for four
hours In fuvor of the motion but
the Juxtice overruled blia and
pronounced sentence.
King also argued that the
West Point cuili'luhlp did Dot
constitute a public office and
therefore the charge of conspir
acy was . put covered by the
statulo. The defense also pre
sented an affidavit signed by
Mrs. Marie K. Keynes, a Juror,
claiming she bad been ill during
tbo trial.
Tho Iloeppels were convicted
last month.
...II, 678,161.19
18 Vestment.
20 Writing fluid.
21 His early
are his best.
23 Snaky fish.
24 Within. '
25 He Is also
an .
27 Epoch.
29 To make lace.
30 Wrath. ,
32 Native metal.
34 Plant part.
35 Disturbance.
42 Midday.
44 Ship's deck.
46 To step.
47 Tree.
48 To change.
50 Part ot
. pedestal.
62 Half.
63 South Carolina.
54 Driving
56 Appropriate,
57 Stir. . .-'
55 Corpse.
60 Street.
62 Before Christ.
1 Grief.
2 Kind.
3 Knowledge.
4 Molten rock.
5 Dye.
, 6 Insane.
9 Orient.
10 Mixture ot
11 Golf device.
12 Southeast.
15 Pillow.
News of Klamath Churches
HI. Paul's C'lmreli EKIth and
Jefferson, Rov. Hale H. in hunks,
Rector. Rectory 628 Pacific Ter
race, phone 4 38,
Tho first Sunday after Epiph
any, Jan. 12lh.
7:30 a. m., Holy communion.
9:20 a. in.. Children' service
and church school.
11:00 a. in., Morning prayer
and sormon. Prelude "Chance
Radiance," by Kern; processional
Hymn No. 96; sermon Hymn No.
101; offertory anthem, "The
Living God," by O'Hara; reces
sional Hymn No. 9.1; postlude
Andante in "G" by Htults.
Wednesday, Jan. 15th:
7:30 a. in., Holy communion.
9:45 Litany.
10:00 a. in., Holy communion.
Ion Lutheran Cliurch 1025
High strea, 0. W. Hoffmann,
The service begins at 11:00
s. m. Sermon by the pastor. All
are welcome.
Sunday school meets at 9:45.
Mid-week Bible class Wednes
day evening at 8:00.
First Christian Church Corner
Ninth and Pino streets, Arthur
Charles Rates, minister.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m., C. S.
Robertson, superintendent. Class
for all who come. You will enjoy
the school.
Communion and worship, 11
a. m., Mrs. Nina Nyback at the
orgun, Miss Thelina Parrlsh lead
ing the choir. Lord's supper.
Sermon by pastor on "Eyes That
See." These morning hours of
worship are attended by large
The senior Intermediate C. E.
announces a special quiet hour
servlco beginning at 6 o'clock.
Tho debate on the question of
Predistlnatlon Is scheduled to
follow the quiet hour service.
They extend a general Invitation
to these meetings.
Other C. E. will meet at the
usual hour.
Evening services at 7:30 p. m.
A good song service led by Miss
Thelma Parrlsh, orchestra ac
companiment. Special number
by the boys' trio. Sermon: "The
God We Need for Today." We
invite you to attend all tbe serv
ices of this church this Sunday.
Klnmntli Temple 1007 Pine
street. Fred Homshnh, pastor.
Tbe Klamath Temple Is a new
growing church which affords a
pleasant church home for all who
enjoy spirituality and friendship.
Sunday scbool at 9:45 a. m.,
with a cordial invitation extend
ed especially to new comers.
At 11, the pastor will preach
on "Signs, Wonders, Miracles,
and Power." This message la of
special Interest.
At 6:30, the young people ot
the church will hold an hour's
worship which Joe Stafford, the
president, announces to be one
of great benefit to all young
At 7:30 the Klamath Temple
orchestra will preseut a musical
treat for 15 minutes. At 7:45
the congregational singing begins
and apeciah) will be presented in
Song.' 'Mrs. Slipp will sing one
of the pastor's favorites, accom
panied by her guitar. The ser
mon will be delivered by Evange
list Billy Slipp wbo leaves Mon
day for central California. Hear
bis last message.
Week night services Include
Wednesday and Friday evenings
besides prayer meetings and re
hearsels of orchestra and cboir.
First Presbyterian Chore h
Services at tbe First Presbyter
Ian church will be held both
morning and evening at 11:00
o'clock In the morning and at
7:30 o'clock In the evening.
In tbe morning the sacrament
ot communion will be adminis
tered and new members will be
received Into tbe fellowship of
the church. Those desiring to
unite with the church are re
quested to meet with the session
at twenty minutes to eleven In
the pastor's study. The pastor,
the Kev. Theodore Smith, D. D.,
will deliver a brief communion
address in connection with the
celebration ot the Lord's supper.
Mrs. J. E. Clanahan. directing
tho choir, and Mrs. George W.
Mclntyre, organist, present the
following musical numbers for
the morning: organ prelude,
"Dawn" by Mason; offertory,
"Prayer" by Schubert; anthem,
"Just As 1 Am," by Thompson.
The evening service offers an
unusually attractive program.
Moving pictures of life and con
ditions in the Cameroun section
ot East Africa, the region made
famous by Trader Horn, will be
presented by Mis. Edna Dunbar
Moser, wbo is well-known locally.
The title ot the moviea is "Words
ot God in the African Forest."
The organ prelude for the eve
ning is "Chanson Triste," by
Tschnlkowsky and the offertory
Is "Song Without Words" by
Hollowny. There will also be a
special vocal number.
This church is located on the
corner of North Sixth and Pine
streets. Strangers receive a warm
welcome to tills dignified service.
.The Bible school with Profes
sor Everott Vanderpool in charge
ot the main school opens at 9:45
In the morning. In the five de
partments of the school are
classes for all ages with duly
qualified nnd trained teachers
in charge.
The young people meet In
three groups nt 6:30 o'clock.
First Hnptlst Church Corner
Eighth and Washington streets
"The church with the Gospel
Message and Mission." Rev. C.
C. Brown, pastor, residence 42S
North Eighth street. Phone 24 5R.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Geo.
O. Weloh, superintendent. Morn
ing worship service, 10:45 a. m.
Sermon subject, "Without Blood."
B. Y. P. V., 6:30 p. m., Mrs.
Vanle Walker, general director.
Classes for all ages under cap-
ablo leadership. Evening evange
listic service, 7:30 p. in. Sermon
subject, '"Pressing; Forward."
Midweek service, Wednesday
evening, 6:15 to 8:30 p. m. Pot
luck dinner, 6:15 to 7:00; Bible
classes, 7:00 to1 7:45; devotional
service, 7:45 to 8:30; choir prac
tice, 8:30 p. m, Wednesday even
ing, John T. Brown, music dir
ector, Mrs, Melvln Ostrom, pian
ist. At the First Baptist church
you will find Christian fellow
ship, good old time singing, sane
Gospel preaching and a good
place to worship. Wo Invito you
to come.
The Pentecostal Assembly of
Ooil 612 Main streot, under
Moe s store.
The Sunday school begins at
8:46 a. in. in charge of the now
ly elected superintendent, Mrs.
Leah Uruggett, formerly of Lob
anon, Oregon, Two new classes
are being formed to meet tbe
need of our growing school.
The morning worship servlco
at 11 o'clock. At this service
the pastor will bring a special
message and deliver the cbarge
to the officers and workers that
are to be Installed In office at
tbls time for tho work of the
coming year.
Young people's meeting at 6
p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 7:45
p. m.
Tuesday teacher's meeting at
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8
P. m. i
Thursday at 7:45 p. m., the
pastor will speak on "The Bap
tism In the Holy Spirit."
Saturday evening the meeting
Is In charge ot the young people.
Miss Edith Cox baa been elected
leader of this work. Mr. Basil
Dollarblde will bo In cbarge ot
the young people's extension
There Is a spirit of revival In
our midst and all who have a
heart hunger to draw near to
God tor the fullness of His bless
ing are especially Invited to join
with us In these meetings.
Visitors are always welcome.
Beauford F. Miller, pastor.
The Pelican City Sunday School
In the auditorium ot the school
Tbls Sunday school meets
every Sunday afternoon at 8:00
o'clock. Classes are being con
ducted by competent teachers,
and new classes will be formed
as the need arises. This school
is opened for both children and
adults and everybody Is Invited.
Beauford F. Miller, pastor.
Iinmanucl baptist Church
North Eleventh and High streets,
J. Clarence Orr, pastor.
. We shaU continue oar third
sermon on the series on the
Lord's Prayer during the morn
ing service. The petition we
shall consider will be, "Give Us
This Day Our Dally Bread."
We Invite you to hear this
series of sermons.
Our Bible scbool meets at 9:45
Sunday morning, with Mrs. L. A.
Merriman as superintendent, with
a group of teachers whose chief
concern is the interest of your
children and tbe teaching of
the Word of God. Bring your
children with you, for we have
a fine Bible teacher for the
adults. Tbe pastor teaches the
young people.
The young people meet at
6:30 Sunday evening. The pastor
will preach the third ot a series
on the characteristics of Christ.
The subject will be "Jesus ot
Nazareth Anointed."
Our Bible study group held
Wednesday evening at 7:30, con
tinues its study in the book ot
Hebrews. We are studying the
Priesthood of Christ, through His
sacrifice on the cross. Many
questions will be answered in
this study. We invite you to
all of our services It you are
not obligated elsewhere.
First Methodist Chnrch Cor
ner of North Tenth and High
streets, John W. Warrell, pastor.
Residence, 1005 High street,
phone 448-W.
The church school, which will
assemble at 9:30 a. m. on Sun
day next, should claim the at
tention ot every one who wants
to study the word of God. De
partmental worship and studies
adapted to pupils ot all ages.
Morning worship with the
pastor in charge, and Mrs. E. S.
Veatch at the piano playing
"Prelude" by Chopin and "Ber
ceuse" by Godard. Mr. H. E.
Patterson will direct the choir
in the anthem, "The Lord Is
Near," by Lorenz, obllgato duet
by R. E. Patterson and W. W.
Southwell; vocal solo, "The
Beautiful Garden of Prayer" by
Albert Dollarhide.
The pastor will speak on the
theme, "Prevailing Prayer."
In addition to the Sunday
school, provision has been made
for a junior church service for
boys and girls beginning at 10:56
a. in., the same hour as the
regular church service. Mrs.
Alfa Gaynor, assisted by Mrs.
Will Wood, and Mrs. T. J. Evans
will have charge of this activity.
The senior Epworth League
will meet at 6:30 p. m. with one
ot their own group leading the
The young peoples league, tor
all young people above high
school age, group meeting for
organization and discussion.
At 7:39 p. m. a service of
praise and fellowship, with R. E.
Patterson directing a song serv
ice. The men's chorus will as
sist In the service singing "Day
Is Dying in the West" by Sher
win. Duet, "Is Christ Crowded
Out?" by R. E. Patterson and
Albert Dollarhide.
Enjoy with us a day of help
ful fellowship In the services of
the church.
A cordial welcome we extend
to all. . -
Community Congregational
Church Corner Martin and Gar
den streets, John O. Dickey, min
ister. Mrs. E. L. Mitchell Is the
new superintendent of the pri
mary department, and Mrs. Ben
Dalhelm has taken a class. All
departments meet In the church
for the worship at 9:45 a, m.
Let's be on .time.
The enlarged platform for the
choir evidently makes It more
interesting, for Sunday there will
be a nearly doubled chorus choir.
They will sing the anthem,
"Hear, O Israel" by von Berge.
Mrs. W. R. Swisher and Mrs.
Stella Baglcy will sing the duet,
"When I Think ot His Love tor
Me," by Ackley. Mrs. Bagley,
the church organist, whom we
are glad to welcome back Into
the work after some weeks ot
Inability, Is to be present, will
play as prelude, "Berceuse," by
Godard; offertory, "Sabbath
Hells," by Miles; postlude, "Sorvo
With Joy," by Doughty, '
We hope all Interested persons,
as well as members, may maktt
special effort to altond oliurch
during these fine winter days'
and encourage our singers snl
the work In general, i
The C. E, pntluck supper at
6:30 p. m. Invito tho yuungor
folks for It and the prayvr meet
ing to follow.
Boys club Monday evening;
prayer meeting and oholr prac
tice Thursday evening, , Come.
Morning Watch Rov.. Fled
Hornshuh will be the leader of
the morning devotions over KFJI
at 8 o'clock each morning this
week. These services are foster
od by the Klamath Fulls Min
isterial association.
First Church of Christ Scientist
Tenth and Washington streets.
Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock.
Morning services at 11 o'clock.
Subject: "Sacrament."
Testimonial meeting Wednes
day evening at 8:00 o'clock. This
church maintains a reading room
in the First National Bank build
ing, rooms 212-213, whore the
Bible and authorized Christian
Science literature may be read,
borrowed or purchased. This
reading room Is open daily from
7:30 In the morning until 9:00
o'clock In the evening. An at
tendant Is in charge from 12:00
to 1:00 o'clock and from 2:30
until 4:30, except on Sundays
and holidays.
Church of Jesna Christ ot Latter-Day
saints Library auditor
ium at Fifth and Klamath, Eldor
Roland Klgby, president. .
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Evening services Sunday eve
nings at 7:30.
Evening services Sunday eve
nings at 7:30.
Relief society each Tuesday
afternodn at 2:00 p. m.
Young Men's and Young
Ladies' Mutual Improvement as
sociation each Tuesday evening
at 7:30. National Scout classes
are held with this organization.
Chnrch of the Nazarene Cor
ner Martin street and Garden
Sunday school, 9:45, classes
for all ages, you are Invited to
come and enjoy the teaching ot
God's word.
Morning worship 11:00.. Tba
thought tor morning worship
Santificatlon and self-abandonment.
Text Matthew 3:11, 12.
Young people's service, 6:30
The leader. Miss Lorene De
laney has prepared a special' pro
gram tor this service. Title
"The Christian Life in Song."
This will be a most Interesting
service to all. Evangelistic serv
ices, 7:30. Mrs. Cora Thomas of
Idaho will be the speaker . at
this service.
Rev. H. L. Russell, pastor. .
Tbe Covenant Church '823
Walnut street, E. A. Oh man,
pastor. Residence, the church. ,
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Mrs.
E. A. Oilman, superintendent. ,
Classes for all ages.
Morning service, (Swedish). 11
a. m. .
Evening service, 7:45, evange
listic service. Good music, and
singing. ' String orchestra will
play and sing. Everyone is wel
come to these services,
During this week there will be
cottage - prayer meetings every
evening except Wednesday eve
ning when we meet In church.
Meeting places will be announced
on Sunday. r i , -
Welcome to come and take part
in these services. .
The services ot the Klamath
Falls Church ot Psychic Research,
305 North Eleventh street are
as follows: ,
Sunday,' 8 p. m., deep, trance
sermon by Pastor Rev. Delia H. -Houser,
subject: "Life's E-velope
of Unfoldment," followed by
spirit voices and messages,
The Installing of the church
officers will be conducted.
On Tuesday, 8 p. m., bring
written questions to be answered
by pastor.
On Wednesday and Friday, 10
to 4 p. m private consultations
by pastor;
Thursday at 8 p. m., message
Friday, 8 p. m., study and de
velopment class.
Every one welcome to all serv
ices, j
Spinster Shoots
Lover for Failing
To Keep Promise
PORTLAND, Jan. 11, (U.R)
Laura E. Stevens, 65-year-old
spinster, who said she had "never
been Interested . In men"' until
she allegedly was criminally at
tacked last February by Myron
T. Hulett. killed the , 77-year-old
timber cruiser with a revolver
Friday because he would not mar
ry her. '
Miss Stevens stood near the
body with the gun in her hand
when police arrived and attempt
ed to Bhoot herself, but an offi
cer grasped her arm and the
bullet struck a wall Instead of
her head.
Miss Stevens said Hulett came
to the home of her nearly blind
father as a boarder in January,
1935, and a month later dragged
her into his room and assaulted
Ho promised to marry her, but
went east on a visit. After his
return last July they lived to
gether, Miss Stevens said, with
Hulett always evading the mar
riage isBue. Today she again de
manded the ceremony be per
formed, he refused, and Miss Ste
vens killed him.
The woman was charged with
murder. '
University Will Have
Police Work Course
SEATTLE, Jan. 11, (U.R) '
Establishment ot a four-year
course at the University of
Washington, to train students
for efficient law: enforcement,
was announced Friday,
Plans fqr tbe school, to open
in April at beginning ot the
spring quarter, will be drafted
by August Vollmor, University
of California criminologist, now
In Seattle. Mayor Charles . L.
Smith promised , cooperation of
the city.