PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON CWilk Gfll fcy Mtry Raymond BKUIN HUM) TODAY Arjalaal laa ttlakta al har ranuatntaar. nrlilnrrnllr HIIN. Ull.l.lAIII) CAMKIIO.V 11 . A ' tt'KNTIIIItlOK aaarrlr-a Oil. BI'OTT ri.1l.KV. atroaa-llair, ruaaa aajr aldan llrfora har marrlaira, RONALD . MOUIIIC aaa area la low .villi , arr. A.M I. Ilnna'a kalf-alalrr. lovaa llnnald. am aldra fcar IwL lav behind a dladalalnl altitude. Until Mra, ramrron and lALI.A I.ONU, nao has Invaa Soon lor irrara. aaae la narrlnsa will aol aal. . Ilaaa brfinH awara al Paala a lafaivalloa tor arr anahjiad. Aflar a Mltandrralnndlnaj. ae ajota la liar' arandaiolhrr'a fenin. lira, faaarroa arelaaa 10 do all aha cna la ainkr Ika araaratloa kanl. nannla la a romffortlnii ffrlrnd. kal llnna rrainlna dlconolala. brlla.lra Spoil lovaa ratlin. Kcoll. arrnnnlillr. Ihlnka llnnn laft blm brrnuaa aka waa llraa I bring oiir. Attar alt mnnlba, Dana dcrldaa to dlvorra aroll. ballrvlna thai la arfcal ka arama. NOW ISO OK WITH TUB ITOHI CHAPTER XXXVII SCOTT at 111 bl offlc. hie Dlond bead In hit bonds. He did not Bear tile door open, and he flushed with embarrassment when Or Os borne spoke. mDod'( mind me. Scott." the old r man said, placing a compassion ate hand on Scott's shoulder. "1 was Just wondering if you wouldn't Join Mrs Osborne and me. We are , planning to spend the day on the river. Dr. and Mrs. Wllloughby are coming along, too." Scott thanked him. suspecting the trip had been arranged tor him. It would be a relief to get away from town, to put distance between himself and that business going on at the courthouse. Dr. Osborne said, "You're too good a doctor, Scott, not to know there's hope as long as there's life." Scott shook his head grimly. , Tou'r too good not to know that there's a time when hoping doesn't help much," Dr. Osborne sighed and left the room. He was devoted to Scott. , So many times Scott hsd gone . OTer his battleground. Always the j longing to see Dana had been com- . hatted when he remembered the words of her note, "Don't ask me ala- """"t er ,one to come back. Scott. I dont want I lond she read "Dr Scott Sun to not ever." ' ,ey- Dr- and Mrs- "tchard Os- Burning resentment carried him I ovar the first days of their separa- . . ZZ m "cTrnmenalnr hi. fl phUojophtcaUy accepting Dana's i decision. Axonnd those two notes Scott had built a reserve of strength and determination to carry him through the lonely days and nights. Then were many such days and nights behind him and more head. Re faced them calmly but with bitterness in his heart, a a a ABOUT the) time Scott, from a XX. deep chair on the Oebornes' launch, waa watching the shore line recede. Dana was en her way to the courthouse. It was like a dream, mounting the wide, worn steps of the sold. Cray building. There was a dread- fal. chilled feeling In her heart heard Dana's voice a moment that matched her surroundings, later. "I want yon to come, Ron The thin young man with the ale. Let's go places and do things, tnick glasses, her attorney, was I want to be amused." taking over her Ufe and Scott's. 1 (To Be Continued) A word from that fussy little tat man yonder would bring an end to their marriage. "Sit down, dear," Aunt Bleu whispered. "Yon look pale." "I'm not going to faint," Dana said. "Dont worry. Aunt Ellen." "Faint?" Mrs. Cameron sat down heavily, giving her granddaughter a sharp look that was like a stimu lant. "What nonsense! T don't believe Scott will show p," Mrs. Cameron continued. Do yon think he might?" Dana's voice was suddenly alive. 1 think It would be very foolish If he did. There's no reason for him to come unless he Intends to contest tbe case and he doesn't. Boon now, both of you silly chil dren will be tree." A door opened, and a swift tide sf color flooded Dana's face. But It was not Scott in the doorway only a court employe bringing papers to the Judge. The Judge was speaking to Dana now. His eyes, behind his glasses, looked -kind. They probed hers keenly, "You're sure this divorce Is what you want, child?" For a wild Instant Dana wanted to cry out, "I don't want it at all, but my husband does." Her law yer Interposed quickly, 'There's nothing else she could do, your honor. The man has been cold and unfeeling." "Yes, yes," the Judge agreed. Dana suspected he had gone over the same procedure so many times that he was tremendously wearied by tt aH. TT was over quickly, and they were walking out Into tbe sun shine again. The young lawyer walked with Dana. She wished he wouldn't; he wasn't to blame for this, yet she hated him. The lawyer was thinking that Dana was a dsrned pretty girl and her husband had been a fool to let her slip away from him. He felt sure there was another man In the offing. There generally was if wom en were pretty and young. Mrs. Stanley was a trifle pale, and ahe didn't look happy. Women were like that Give them what they wanted and they acted as though tbe world was down sbout .(heir ears. He tucked Dana's arm through his protecting!?, and be gan to talk In a cheerful tone. Dana withdrew her arm and gave him a look that was not at all flattering. "Thank you, Mr. Slater," Mrs. Cameron said, placing her bands Ormly on the wheel of the outdat ed automobile. "Everything went off without any embarrassment." Nancy turned from the front seat as tbe car moved off. "Dana looks as bappy as If she had re ceived a death sentence," she com mented dryly. "It's natural," Mrs. Cameron napped. "Divorces aren't any thing to cheer about But tbey are necessary sometimes." Aunt Ellen had withdrawn Into her shell again. Dana knew her aunt's sympathies had swayed weakly from one aide to tbe other. Aunt Ellen would bnve supported Bcott only he hadn't wanted any support if he bad- Jiij ove CaatrigM MCA km 8be recused to complete tn 'hought. What was the use i iniglit-bave-beena, now Hint tin legal bonds had been broken? A box of Dowers was waltlni tor Dana. Sarah brought tt t Her, smiling broadly. "Well!" Mrs. Cnmerson'a vole lang out. "Somebody's might? thoughtful." Dana lifted the mass of Willi, blossoms from the box. On thi sard iionnie had written, "Mi momorlea of you are white mc menta In dull gray days. May lee yon tomghi?" "You'll lei him come.' Mr.' Cameron urged. 'You'll never b any freer than you are now. Yon might stay away from publlt places Or It mlgbl be best tc stay at home and talk." a jirRS. CAM KRON was thinking "In my day. talking in a par lor got a girl farther along with r, man than gallivanting arounu the country In a car and dancing all night. Men never have time to concentrate on a girl thest days." Daua said. "I'm raibcr tired "Don'l give Iionnie the impres lion you're staying home grieving for a man who wouldn't give you the satisfaction of refusing to come back to him. Scott's prob ably somewhere celebrating his freedom." "You never did see any goou In Scott." Dana cried out In sud den passion. She added. "1 won't lee Ronnie tonight. 1 don't want to. 1 should think you'd know I couldn't Doesn't a divorce mean any more to yon than that?" When the afternoon newspaper arrived Mrs, Cameron opened it and searched the pages. There waa a small Item about tbe divorce. Inconspicuously placed. And here was something else Id the columns that met Mrs. Cameron's eyes. "Dana," she railed. "Come here!" Dana came to the door. "Listen to this." Mrs. Cameron OOIU?U " sro"p . lr'""5 party left this morning on the Os- WwllS aZ many yachting parties this summer. Mrs. Cameron looked np. Dana's face was white, but two red spots burned In her cheeks. There was fire in her eyes. too. Her voice shook as she spdlce. "You're right. Grandmother," ahe aid. "Yon always are. Ill call Ronnie right now." "Walt until he calls you," her grandmother said doubtfully. 'That would be nicer, don't you think?" "Bnt I'm not nice any more," Dana said. "I'm a divorced wom an. Anyway, do you think I want Bcott to imagine I care!" Bewildered, Mrs. Cameron Stewart Lenox Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bullock and son Chester, from Buffalo, Wyoming, are visiting in Stewart Addition with Mrs. Bullock's sis ter, Mrs. L. L. Woodrnm. They are expecting to locate here for awhile. Chester has started to Fairhaven. Mrs. Gentry of Stewart Addi tion is ill. Mrs. Hastings and son, Lester1 Thayer, have returned from their trip to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Son enter tained at Sunday dinner. Mrs. Son's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bullock, who are visiting here from Buffalo, Wyo ming. Mrs. Mary Son is working In town. Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, Greek doctors be gan to teach healthy living, and some of the wealthy people gave almost their entire time to diet, exercise, and other care of their bodies. During the last summer, more than 50,000,000 Americans went traveling, either by train, bus, boat, auto, or plane. It was the greatest summer travel record since 1929. More than 5000 words have been added to the newest diction ary of medical terms, which con tains 1573 pages, as a result of the progress of science in the last few years. More births of twins and trip lets were reported in the hos pitals throughout the United States In 1935 than ever before. Flapper Fanny Says Willi PnriMtts wish tltcvi AAA would control the sowing of wild oats, too.,. i OUT OUR WAY YOU DONY WANT TO OIT A STIFF POSE OM TH' LOM5 DRIVES -YCXJ gotta git power behind YOUK SWINfi LIKE THIS now, see . HECE r rmcF. tic LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ' WELL. I GUESS WE CANT KEEP HER HERE AT THE HOSPITAL ANY LONGER-GOING TO LET HER. LEAVE TO MORROW- IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT WE RE LOSING HER SO SOON MR. GAMBLE- YOUR , TONIC EFFECT- HA! HA FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS f " S ("" " '-1 1' I..... J lMrSaa?MMaaatSal y . i fi.KUVWm fg- HEY, FELLAS J I DID TOO! T t c.. 1 JUMPlN'jIMINY A COLT.... AND A 53 I SAW J WAfT'LL WHtRE - , WILD ONE, AT THAT! LOOK AT f WHAT (T tf YOU GET I ,S 17 J , . 2? i " ' r 1 T SUNFISH AND BUCk .' V . VAS.'J A A LOOK j ? JiL BS 1 03Trt U WONDER THEY H ,ZX L AT IT" I J'n BAGGAGE I M JW-l CALLED IT fj WASH TUBBS AllOHTy 5LAD, WES,SReE. OLPMAW BWERSAWC SON, THAT VOU WE'LL MAKE THE OIL COMPAKJIES PLACE ELSE. WE RE EXKfcCTIN TO USE PECIDED TO J EL HOYO S ARE? , , OUR JAIL A6W.) r RUN FUH" rfA FinEN PIACE JbEHIND VOU CA1WT 1 I SHERIFF. J JO LIVE. AOU. I lOSE-VOUffK A fj S. jB ' -v S THE ONLY & , ITS. ffl I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES f LET VAt VOCV W YOO I THE NEWFANGLES FtOOK' THERLv IT'S UllMDY" Y 1 VNISW OLD BuDWMlD ) jtr T Pi f-E YES , MY PET.V W S0MEOKG ASLEEPV FoeEVERMORE i! KUMM VNOULB COME J J lSlfA - BE RIGHT J I IM THE PORCH J WITH AM ELECTRIC THRU OM WSST" W$tkitt$iffi Ur I i 'V , ,N "' RICSWT THERE IS TH' v: BEST CiOLP Pi A VP Pi IN TH' SHOP, AM' RlfiMT HERE", CLOSe TO HIM, IS TK BEST ' MECHAMIC IM TH' . SHOP MO CROWD S.-4RCUKJD TH PINE MECHANIC i iw rMvnrcvrv:t SA-A-AY, MR. GAMBLE- WHAT MAKES YOO SO RED IN TH' FACE? I THAT 5 FINE, I 1 Doctor! J JTgee. l! HAVEN T FEVER. YOU9 MOM'N POP doc- y ' THAT'S I J i I GREAT- j! BY J. R. WILLIAMS I kMOW WHUT YOU MAM, BUT THERE'S NO OI.ORV IN ESEIN' A GREAT MECHANIC, ER ENGINEER f YOU'D RARELY" GIT VOUR PICTURE IM TH' PAPER RIGHT NOW, I COULDKJ' TELL YOU WHO BUILT TH' PKCOkLYM BRIDGE, ER TH HOOVER DAM, ERTH' FIRST AUTOMOBILE BUT I CAN NAME YOU A DOZEN GOOD GOLF PLAYERS. m T. ML !& V. . PAT. Off. NO! OR MAYBE YE5- anyway. "Forget it, annie- i never felt so GOT A HAVE GOOD IN ALL MY LIFE-yl a. I I 1 J I , fUBV, YOU FELLERS WILL HEFTA LIVE SOME I OUR BOARDING HOUSE GOING TO ASKING TOR TO PEPiFECT INVENTION- PAW CWL - MOW. WUY CMRKYINCb B & lb ail AND LISTEN -REMEMBER. NOW' NOT A WORD TO HER ABOUT OUR SURPRISE SHE MUSTN'T EVEN SUSPECT- HOW MAUY CASES OF 1 MAKE ft 6 UmMUWiTOW OU6HTy)UDuE. 1 THE MEW SHERIFF ? TAkG A HEAP TrV0 7 O' SHOOTIM' TO CLEANUP This HEAH TOWKJ. TrtNi6 I VOANTC TO TAW. ABOOT OT ,VST , Jcr6 I20Ki OOTO TO WVc. VrSV6M2 AMD t)tE rV300T VOOR mm MY -BMAK WJD rVZSpoO LOA.N, VOUP, NUTTV , HMr1- YOU Bid v. I CAN SEE, YOU INSISTED ON TH&X fVOP VANNDlE;- .TOR TWO VNS rat.. ill rT-"W - h SAY! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO? YOU LOOK LIKE TWO CATS THAT SORE NOT A WORD- BOY-OHBOY? WILL SHE HAD SWALLOWED BE S' PRISED? A PAIR CANARIES- HE KICKED THE SIDES ' OUT OF HIS CRATE AN' BEAT TH' S7UFFIW OUTA GUS...I NEVER WAS SO GLAD TO GET RID OF ANYTHING IN MY LIFE.' Meanwhile, the gamblers IT' M'WVUKKIfcP. m nam 7, vara ll BY rl StBVIce, INC. T. M. NiO. KiO1. I'D RATrVER WOT lV TA.? CMit Of mtrat ft ,cw. WrNY CAM aV? OCT OV Wt.E,V0TrV OOT .OMVViG TWE Rfe Of . (r) 018 BV NE BmVICt, INC. T. M. RtO. U. S. PAT, 0W. BY AHERN iki WWCT WAiV 'DI'D 1 riAUuu YOU IN CITVUInnr-.ww . . ... r f K THt tSMMVS f-M r-i-wv. J f TO SEE r TlrvVlTJ -BCTTEH i tt hi-W. TWf' -.WEHE on a, QUIET STREET, all;- 3 HATS IT NWSOR, T?AVlrJ6 WO KIT HURT YOU. BY HAROLD GRAY MATTER WITH US? NONSENSE NOTHING WRONGl WITH US. IS OUST THERE ANNIE?. OF BY BLOSSER BY CRANE and rowdies are cttc t. J ' L5M NOT "1 ,tl ISM t, llitui T1V. t l , ( 1 DID THE NOPE...I WAS COWBOYS I THROWN ON TEACH YOU ) MY OWN HOW TO J PESOURCES RIDE llS. 1&I C HHi IIV HtlUBVItit, BETTER call a meetim' TO PROTECk OUR INTERESTS ; Vi'.v HEP, u. S. T, Of! BY MARTIN Of coo'. SOT, OVr . YOO 6H00V.0WT VN0t COME &Kb 0 BY COWAN