Jitiin.-ry 11, lf)M THE EVENING HEJIALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE Ua.a.si,, U Mid-Winter Lull Rests Over Klamath Falls and Society Awaits Impetus r;I.A(i(IIN'(l Inli-roiil if Kin Ill Kill In unduly In IiiiImk whetted by Mm promlm' tt ili'llKhlfnl mill Interesting Inotiirna, study pro grama, mill iiiniK for mid-winter entertaining mill gulnly. Heavy wlntrr weulhnr during Ihn pum week Iiiin put n quietus on In vtKli unil ulnliiiriilii C'lilcriuliiliig of I ho Imlliliiy season, mill hiiiim fire hiivo never seemed mi doMlrnhlo, A HOW Impetus H II. oiled In iur social iit-t I v 1 1 y In llin illy, mill till In IioIiik supplied liy llllll life mill III KHIlllK lull win It lit lliu lt' Hlll I linn. listoo-Swartz Nuptials Solomnizod Tuesday At Bride's Home. On Tuesday morning. Jiiiiiiii ry T, ll.dni Hwiiilz, diiughlcr of Mr. nml .Mm. K W. iK. l'"w' mil It. I .Int won. iinlti'il In nun i Inge lit Hi" homo "I tlm hildos parents, nl 2IJ Mn In ; ,. ,.r..rn....i;MKKM?!M.v KVK ui.iim it ii ii) inn i i n. iii.i... .-. , in ..cluck In thu reauu.. of relative, unil '" '!'.. III" nun" " " continue nnd her unworn w. r n nml llllles of IIiii vnlloy. Tim brliliil couple win unnttonil .Ml. Ki'llowlnw the ceremony n wod- .III..; hrilllkflial Wll Served llllll Mr. mm Mm. union in.. " "' ' lni..y for a iioniTinnnii " 1'i.llfnrnlu. Ipon their return they will In. lit hoinu to tlmlr f t l-lld" it l ho Ainllny mmri nt. I'AST OIUI'I.KH I'l.l'H KNJOVM IMNrKT Muinlmm of Ihn I'lmt Orail.1" rlnli nt tin ; ' nl N.'lKhlmm of Alll'-ll' ." iu.ii.lii nt n 0 m wl nmn u.'i - " "l ",, ,,. t .. Uio '' inootlnit at th com of the Sunniiy ..vi.Um. J". H. : lir(IKriim. ,'lk '' , . , , The next im i-Uiik of the exei-u- Dlnnor mm bli ioU to 1 H mem-1 V) (, Uw H010iule( for b..m nml Ihnlr hunhmul". mid . j,inmiry Ui al lhB 1()lll0 r MrB reimiliiiler f lh 1'vniilnit '"".m,la j.urki w(,h Mri,, prfc, ij0 mnint In plnyliiK Riini1'". ' Mnlnn Hiiviiko mnl Kininu CHrtor Thnnn prononl with: Mr. nml unini n lioloHr, Mm. flunili. rmily. Mr. nml Mm. ti10 .Morvu book club will Tom liliikn. Mr. mnl Mm. Krnnk i ,,,( rin mluy, Jnnunry 14, at the HnKUo, Mr. nun Mm. a. in.', r n.,,l Mm. Krnd lilov.ir. Mr. ami Mm. Tom Hurt. Mr. ami Mm. It. Iinn.-liinn. Mr. on.l Mm. : Ivan Kurrla nml Mr. and Mm. U. K. WnoloviT. The lli"t liioo'HH n 1 asl Orml.ii club will ho held at the home of Knte IIok"". H48 M'-nlo Way on January 17. Klecllon of .in ho hold al that time. I).H)Si:SS llllllK.r: 11,111 .MI.i:lS WCKNKHIIAY The Nollnnto" llrlilRo club met Wcilni'K'liiy nfieinooii ill the hi.ino of Mm. l-ealln WrlKhl lilu Or.'Kiiu avenue. Tlioao preaent were: .ieauaiin- 1. C. l urr. linn r.nier. j. j Heed. Il'liny Meyem, uurvi-j Marilti. I. Irwin. 0. H. Newom, and l.onllo n rlKlu. Prlzea Wen. Itlvell In Mm. Itced for hlkh and truvelliiK. uuh lnw acme Kolna to Mm. Martin. Luncheon wna nerved iiy Mm. WrlKhl following the mime. The rluh will meet next Wed nesday al lb" homo ' M'"- ' C. lair ul the Armory apiiil nienta. ICw unit Circle No. IH7 of NolKlihnin of Wiindcrnft will hold a npeclal mocllliK .Monday eve iiIiik. Jniiiiiiry 13, at 7 o'clock. All officer li n il Riiaida aro enpoclnllv rciiieleil to ho prea ent n there will be Innlnlliillon practlco follnwIiiK tho biinlnem acmilon. Tho meellnit will bo held In the K. (' hall. New offlcera will bo Innlnlled at the roRiilnr biialnena inentlim. Weilnendny evenliiK. Jnniiniy 16. Mm. W. C. Little relumed to her homo nl 24 4 4 Orchard Way, Monday, nfler npenilliiK Ihn pimt two montlm vlaltliiK Willi her ilniii;hter,MlB Mnlvn Ilulloid In Lob AiiKole". MltH. WAKMI'MKLI) llO.NOUi:i HATlltDAV Mm. Mumlo Wnkoflnld wan honoreil by n nioup of frlcniln nl n mirprlaq blrthrtnyimriy nt her homo on Menlo Way, Sntur dny ovenlnn. T bono compllinentlnK M r . Wakefield were: . Mr. Mid Mm. J. W. Crawford, . Mr... and Mm. II. 0. Miller, Mr. nml Mm. K. I. Ilowormnn, Mr. nnd Mm. Chnfloi M. Reynold", Mr. ' n'lKl 'Mm. Wil liam Saiii8, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. B. Poobler, Mr. nnd Mm. Bnrl Ilobortu, nnd Mr. Wakefield. I'lnochlo wan tho dlvnralon of tho ovenlim nnd prizes wore nwnrdeil to Mrs. Wnkoflnld nnd Mr. Itoborts Mr high, nnd Mr. Rnbnrtn nnd Mr. Crawford low. Following tho itniuo n inlil nlKht Slipper wns served with Mrs. Crnwford nctlnn ns hostoss. Tho Womnn's Home Mliislonnry society of Iho First M. U. church will nioet with Mrs, Riley I). lieu son, 104 IIIrIi slrcet, Tuesday nf tnrnoon. J 1 ih. Mark MorKnn will lend the devolloiifl, Irs. Mnttto MoiRiin will load Iho study topic, "Look Ahead to Youth." A splen did program Is bring nrrnnged. Mombors nro urged to bo pro-out. Friends nro Invltod. The SiiiiKhlna lllhln Study club mot with Mrs. Siunli Smith nt 13 2 Cnnol ntroot, Tuosduy nf tor noon, when the following officers v.oro elected for the onsulng your: BupnrvlHor, MrB. Hlloy D. Hanson; president, Mrs. Ralph V. Morgnn; vino proHldnnt, Mim., Aiuii C. Whltmoro; lacrrtnry,' Mrs, Lena Melius. Tho study club meets with Mrs. Mnry fliiilerlnn, 13H5 Hlliymi street, Friday, Jnnunry 18, Airs. 11. V. Morgan, loader, . omiov-I'II !; vi:i)DiN(j HOI.IvMMZKI) JAM AltV Til A quiet wedding I niik plucn In IIiii Hliuly nf Hi ii i r ri'l it 1 1 n k iiili inler. Art tnir flim-los HiiIi-h. of Hi ii I'M i hi t'lirlmlmi church, Bnt ii 1 1 1 ii y afternoon ni 4 o'clock. Minn Miii-Ihii l''lfl hocuiun (tin lirliln of Mi. Loliind li. t'linroy. 'I'lm ring ceromniiy was said hy I In inlnlHliir. Tim lirlilul couple aiiondcd hy Mr. mill Mm. Chimin II. Mi-Nully. Immediately following tlm euro ninny (liny loft for a brief honey inoon, mill will roluru to mako their home In Klminitli Fulls. II. uii v. w. cM'it KTH MOMMY KVI A a : ."1 0 o'clin k dinner win en- i jycd ,y uiomhorH of Ihn KualiivM , ,.,,,, Wl)1111,. ,., I Moiiiliiy evening at III.. Wlllard , linl.il. fiilliiwi.il l.v pmgiuin. Music was prnN'.h:i'il hy tlm bnyn' rlmniH frnin I he K. U. II. H. iimli r illnrtlon nf Minn I. Illlii Dur hy. Ili-nliliiM thil Klnup MOIIKH. lli'i'Kiiry lif.-krr viniK (,ln nmn- Im'I'h whlrh wmn linutly nnjoyoil o,, ,1,.. uklnit program were ! stain H.-.r.-i..-ti lit 1 1 vu Jlnnry Ho- , miiM ,.,!.,, ho pri),( u , Hll.n , , ,,, . ,,. foru tliti votnrii ut lliu uporlul ulnc tlnii thU inonth. Hlntn Hnpri'Mon tullvu Hurry llolvlu iIIkcumimI the propfmo.1 t-hniiKo In tlm primary "I"'"."!1' . f' I'mtKHl tnlk-U or. 'LfKlnlnllon III ri'itnr.l to lJrlln- iiu.'iit Tnx.'ii." .Mm. Jmin K. I'or .l.l....i I...I.I . .I.nn I. ...I immn of .Mm. Kvelyn iilmi. Kvaiia upnrtmuiitH. Mn. Ituth 1'iiitoii will review "Th limine of Kill.i." hy Wain. The Killlll C II 11 11 1 11 K book club hold lla laal muoilnK Ucreniber I Bl u,u "",,,w oi i.-i. A politick dinner wa enjoyed, followed hy a fhrlntinaa party. Mm. llackea reviewed "Lout llor- Iron." hy Juuien lllllon. lllltan'i lull-ill nlinrt tory, "(ioodbye, Mr. 1'hlppn," uppearliiK In a current imiKiizine, wus read aloud and dlri'ilnned. The ii' xl ill or 1 1 n n of the honk rluli will ho January 27, at tho homo or Mm. I'. L. Hrlxuer. Miiuxiiulta a'.reot. MIhh l.lllle pnrhy will review '"Willie Home iurn," by Wooiroll. HKW AXI HO O.l'll MKMIIKHS l.tlSlS OK MILS. LAMilHI.N Mrs. Kdward Lnngdon enter tained the Kew-nnd-So club at her homo at 2216 Reclamation avenue, Wcilnemlny afternoon. This club tins Just been organ ised. Thero are twelve mem bers. Tli one present nt Mrs. Lancdnns wore: Mrs. Tom A. lllKKlns, Mrs. Leo Tawncy, Mrs. Milton Vanco, Mrs. Robert Lcnlx, Mis. T. It. Tluimns, Mrs. Elinor Smith, Miss Clnrlnsu Mcllrldo and Miss Vlnln lllgglns. Tho afternoon was spent In sewing, after which refreshments were served by tho hostess. Tho next meeting of tho club will bo Wednesilny afternoon, January twenty-second, at -the homo of Mrs. Tom A. HlKK'Ins, nt 2128 Appleguto avenue. The ConisroKiillonnl Commun ity circle will meet Friday after noon, Jmiuary 17, nl the homo of Mrs. A. W. Hummel at 2035 Harrow street. Mrs. Hummel will net as chairman for January, and will bo axslsted by Mrs. K. V. Jones, Mrs. Leo ISutton and Mrs. William Larson. Legion Auxiliary Holds Big Membership Campaign Mrs. Fannie Thompson, mem bership chairman of tho Ameri enn I. union auxiliary, has com pleted one of tho most success ful momhershlp drives conducted by locnl null, with 143 pnld up iiioinhorshlim turned In, twenty of which nro now members. Mrs. Thompson announced that she oxpccls to roach a total of ISO moinhors by Fobrunry 1., Mrs. Llna Molschenhachor and Mrs. Mnblo Fostor assisted Mrs, Thompson In tho membership drivo and tho prlso for securing tho most memhors was won by Mrs. Foster. Initiation of newly enrolled Kclllii-ll Kills MRS. FANMK THOMPSON Interesting Afternoon To Be Enjoyed By Library Club. An exceptionally Interesting prngruin, which will opsii 11130 for members of the Kliimiilh Fulls Woman's Llhrury club, hus been announced by Mrs. A. O. Itoeiilckn, program chalrtnun, when tho group moots ut 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon In the to'ilu auditorium of tho city li brary, Jnnunry 13, for tho first li ling of 11131!. The pro mn in hus been design ed to nppenl to all women uud will range from a discussion of cohiiioIIcs and patent inedlclnis In a display of lovely china gar nered frtiju Iho homes of Klumutli Kails women, Tho paper for the afternoon will he read by Mrs. K. I). Lanili, prcHldont of Library club and ulxo meinlier of Iho Klamath Luke Medical auxiliary. The title Is "f'linmeilcH and ratent Medi cines" and Mrs. Ijimh has work ed diligently for several months Kulhoiltig material for the paper which will discuss vurlous popu lar trade-murk articles now on Iho market. A "inako-up" demonstration will be presi Mod after Mm. Lamb's piior by Adrlenne's Hluillo of Itcuuty. Miss Henrietta Quilling and M s llerron, In charge of the domestic arls department of K hi mnl h CiiIdii high school, will lake mi Interesting part In the ufteriinon's schedule. Miss Quill ing will discuss the purchnse of rhliiu. silver uud glass and var ious pieces will be shown to II lusirule her talk. Miss llerron will show linen. Iho correct use of various typos of centerpieces mid table appointments. This Is expected to bo an unusual phuse of the year's entertulnmenl and one that Library club members have not enjoyed In previous years. Olhor tables will be arranged, among them a buffet supper tuhlo with complete apIAilntments, tills to bo shown by Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Iloenlcke. Mrs. Neol 8to warl will arrange a bridge lunch eon table and also n tea table. There will be another display of exuulsllo pieces of chins, arrang ed hy tho members. Mrs. J. A. Krouse has loaned pieces of M lessen, Iticrmmi), porcelain. li... riritl nnrcelaln china nutdo. Whom have graciously loaned the use of their sheer i-enox. Weilgowood, Hclcek, fcpode. Havl land. Rosenthal, English Million. Delft, Dresden, Royal Doulton, N'nrlinko. Vararian. Willow. Ad- derly. Chelsia and others. To complete the afternoon Mrs. iin I -Ziunwalt. music chairman. nnnouncos Arab Hoyt lirnhnm will present several numbers: "Who'll Huy My lavender, oy Kdward German, and "Tho Mir ror," by Forrurl. Mrs. Zuinwalt will accompany Mrs. -Graham al i he piano. ii. n. k. TKi.m op rl KI'OHK OF KOt'lETY In responso to Inquiries rela llvo to the purpose of the orsan Ir.atlon, the Daughters of the llritlsh Kmplre. William Pitt Chapter of Klamath Falls, has Issued the following Informa tion: "The Daughters of the British Kmplre in the United Slates malntnln four district homos for aged llritlsh persons. When a man and wife onter tho homos. It Is nocessnry for only one to be British born. "Many of the chapters In Anerlra aro affiliated with tho American Federation of Wom en') clubs. "The Idaho organisation has memborshlp with tho Amorlcnn liatlon board. "lectures in Amorlcan citi sonshlp nre conducted by the ma jority of chnptors. "The only Nationality Cultural garden In the world is situated at Cleveland, Ohio, where tho city council has turned over tho Shakespearo garden to tho Daugh ters of the llritlsh Kmplre. "Tho mnjorlly of members are subjocta of tho United States. All others are urged to take out clt Ir.enshtp papers." candidntea will be hold at the next mooting on January 21. A program will be given, after which, Mrs. Iola Hollbronnor, assisted by Mrs. Dyson, Mrs. Motschcnbacber, Mrs. Gallagher and Mrs. Cook, will serve re frosmonts. All now candidates are especially invited to be present. A cortlflcnte of appreciation for holplng- in the recent American Hod Cross drive was received by the local unit at its Inst meeting hold Tesdny evening. Mrs. Nolla Sim, secretary, gave nn Interesting review of the dis trict confoionce hold here Decem ber 20. This was enjoyed by members who were unnblo to at tend the meetings, as a com plete Biimmnry of the planB of tho auxiliary for 1938 was given. rians for a dance to bo held nt Falrlinvcn In connection with tho Falrhaven P.-T. A., during the I latter part of January, wore dis cussed. At this meeting It was also plnnned to ask each auxiliary m em lie r to entortnln two tables of hrldgo Koinotlmo during the months of January nnd February I In oriler to raise funds to carry on the 1038 program. High i I scorns are to he turnod In to a central committee by the host Ji osnes, nnd nt the first mooting ' In Mui'ch, prizes will be award ' ed. . Mrs. Ethel Hongland, unit act Ivlty chnirmnn, assisted by Mrs. i' Floyd Honrlot, will have chnrge i. of arrnngemonts, nnd It is hoped every auxiliary member will aid In this project. Those who do not wish to entortnln, may nuike a cash donation Instead. Amid a handsome setting of holiday greonery and lilies. Miss Nina .Margurnt Chandler, was married to Kenneth Henry Cord Btcfforis at Christ Church In Hyo, N. Y. Miss Chandler, who Is the daughter of Wllllurn 0. Chandler, general business manager of the Newspapers, Is pictured in her bridal costumo of while satin, made with a high cowl neckline and long train. Tho filmy tulle veil is attached to a coronet of seed ptarls and Is caught at back with orange blossoms. Her bouquet Is orchids and lllirs-of-the- valloy. Mr. Hteffens Is a young New York banker. MIU4. OIJHOS HONORKD OX 87TII IIIRTHDAY I The Wednesday Bible class of the Presbyterian church honored ; Mrs. Eva Jenks Olson with a 1 . o'clock luncheon In the main dining room of the cburcb, Jan-! uary 8. j The Inspiration being ber 87th birthday and the occasion proved a most happy one for Mrs. Olson carries her years most gracious ly and la dearly loved and es tocmcd by all her friends. Dr. Smith, the pastor of the church, waa present and read a tribute to Mrs. Olson stressing her sterling qualities as a Chris tian. Mrs. Olson voiced her appre ciation beautifully and In a touching manner closing with singing a stanxa tarrying out the theme of the response. The Inncbeon was a delight ful affair and the color scheme was carried out In flowers, tapers, napkins and little favors. Over 30 members and guests enjoyed this third annual event. The honor guest was presented with a beautiful corsage, and many good wishes. ALTAMONT Mr. and Mrs. William Rutledge entertained with a New Yoar's party at their mmA nn Altamont Drive, for employes of Locke Motor com pany. Those present wero: Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDanlels, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murden, and the host and hostess. Mrs. William Rutledge and Mrs. Walter Hansen were host esses at a birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. Frank Cardoia. at the Rutledge home Wednes day afternoon, Jan. 8. Following luncheon the guests spent the nftcrnoon playing cards. Mrs. Hen Shepard and Mrs. Pat Mc Fadden were the winners. Mrs. Cordora wns presented with many lovely gifts. Those present wore: Mesdnmes Frnnk Cardoia, Walter Hansen, Ralph Aubrey, Roscoe Blehn, Ben Shepard, Pat McFaddon, Idn Emmons, Everett Sparks, O. H. Campbell, Clinton Roberts and William Rutledge. . . ALTAMONT The Jolly Neigh bors' club held Its first meeting in 1936 at the home of Gertrude Weise on Altamont Drive Wed nesday, Jan. 8. The meeting was called to order by the president. Mrs. Wolse and the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President, Mil ly Sackett; vice president, Gladys Croup; secretary, Martha Lun dollj 'treasuror, Neva Webb. Mrs. Emily Frei and Mrs. Etta Abbott, who are going away, were each presented with a gift from the club. One of the club's charter members, Mrs. Knylnr was also honored with a gift. A delightful afternoon was spent by the following visitors: Mesdnmes Mathilda Crapo; Viv ian Hornby; Marjory Gregg; Frelda Frel, and members: Alice Warner, Etfle Paul, Laura Tay lor, Elsie Hamilton, Florence Wtntora, Millie Sackett. Emily Frei, Etta Abbott, Martha Lun doll, Juanltn Trippett. Katie Dyers, Lena Cain, Lctha Landis, and tho hostess Gertrude Weise. Rofroshments were sorved at the close of the afternoon by the hostoss who was asslstod by Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Winters. Mr. and Mrs, ' W. H. Young have relumed to thoir homo in Silver City. New Mexico, after spending five weeks visiting with their Bon-in-lnw nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Bagley of Reclamation street. While they were here many trips of Intorest were enjoyed Including a trip to Portland via the Columbia Hlvor highway. POST-HOLIDAY BRIDE Federation of Women' CALENDAR Jf f la 'tt,-ui - . ' - - mi'PLK I'NITKD AT Ql'IKT HOME WKDDINQ Eleanor Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Patterson, became the bride of Philip Gust afson at a quiet home wedding which took place at 22 High street, December 29 at 1:00 p. m. Rev. Fred Homshuh perform ed the ring ceremony. The hririn wore n u-hlta antln gown and carried a bouquet of pink and white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Patterson and Ronald Patterson were the witnessea. Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson expect to make their new home In Klam ath Falls, after a brief wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Peter son of 439 Pine street were pleasantly surprised by a group of friends who dropped In at their home on Saturday evening, January 4. The evening was spent with cards and games, and supper was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cummings, Mr. and Mn. Harry Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halleff, Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Peterson. Mable Thomns and Willie Max Frecse were united In marriage December 23 nt 7:30 p. m., at the Homshuh home In the pres ence of a few friends and rela tives. The ring ceremony was per-i formed hy Rev. Fred Homshuh. The bride wore a traveling suit of red wool, and carried a bouquet of white roses. Blanche Thomas and Iva Mor ris witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Freese will make their home in Klamath ' Falls. The Townsend club 'auxiliary meeting held on Wednesday after noon, January 8, In the City Li brary club room, was mot suc cessful. Corsages were presented to new officers, and roses and carnations were given to the new president, Mrs. L. J. Brink, and Mrs. H. C. Brown, vice president. Mrs. W. E. EsteB, secretary, and Mrs. Ruth Matthews, treasurer, received carnations, and gifts of flowers were also sent to Mrs. E. L. Thompson and Mrs. M. Mc Whltney, active members of the club, who were ill. The meeting was opened with prayer and 31 members in attend ance. The usual order of busi ness was carried out, and Dr. Leonard and D. Minter delivered short talks on the Townsend plan. Various members of the organ ization gave talks and readings on the plan and prospects for its growth and betterment during the new year. The next meeting of the club will be held Wednesday, January 15, at 2:00 p. m., In the East Klnmath club room, In the Duke building, 900 East Main street. Everyone Is invited and welcome to attend. The women's auxiliary to Aerie 2090 F. O. E. held its regular meeting In tho K. C. hall Mon day evening, Jan. 6. The meeting was presided over by Sarah Gibson and tour candi dates were Initiated. Plans were mndo for a dance to be held following the' meeting Jan. 20. Elma George was ap pointed chairman of the coin mltteo on arrangements. Following the meeting a pot luck supper was served. JANUARY SPECIAL Oil Permanent Waves $2.00 and $3.00 MARY'S BEAUTY SHOP 408 Main IMione 1:ViO Hall Hotel lllilg Clubs To Hold Mid Winter Meeting. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 11 Women from every state In the union and from several foreign countries ' will foregather in Washington, D. C, this week for the mid-winter meeting of the board of directors of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Roberta Campbell Lawson, president, and chairmen of the nine departments of work, will outline their programs for the coining three years. "Education for Living," the keynote of this administration of the federation, will be emphasized In program outlines and In the addresses which will be given by nationally known women and men. United States Surgeon General Hugh H. Cummlng, the Honorable Wesley E. Disney, United States representative from Oklahoma, Col. John Monroe Johnson, as sistant secretary of commerce, and Kermlt Roosevelt, vice presi dent of the United States lines, are among those who will ad dress members of the board. Representative Disney will dis cuss the bill which be Introduced at the last session of congress, providing for the establishment of a National Academy of Pub lic Affairs; this proposed legis lation is In line with the edu cational program of the general federation,' Colonel Johnson and Roosevelt will speak on - the American Merchant Marine, while Surgeon Cummlng will discuss public health problems. Other speakers will Include: Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward, assist ant administrator of the Federal Emergency Relief administration and the Works Progress admin istration, who will tell what wo men In these administrations are really doing; Miss Bertha Nein burg, assistant director of the Womans Bureau of the Depart ment of Labor, whose subject will be the economic problems con fronting women with which the bureau is coping; and Mrs, Wil liam Brown Meloney, editor of "This Week" and presiding gen ius of the New York Herald Tri bune's annual forum of current problems, who will be presented by the federation's department of press and publicity. Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, retiring president of the federation and now vice chairman of the Department of International Relations, will dis cuss some current international problems. There will also be two speakers on the question of grangtlng suffrage to residents of the District of Columbia. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will receive members of the board at the White House after the Wednesday afternoon session. and she will also be the honor guest and principal speaker at a dinner given Friday evening in honor of the federation's clubs of foreign lands. The wives of ambassadors and ministers from countries in which the federation has clubs will bring messages from those clubs, and among those present at the dinner will be Mrs. A. N. Connett, Jr., presi dent of the Federation of Ameri can Women's Clubs In Europe, and Mrs. Marie Schandine-Best, former president of the American Women's club of Berlin. Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Herbert I. French extension secretary lor Interna tional clubs, will speak on behalf of the federation. The general federation's foreign and territor ial clubs number 75 in 26 coun tries, and while the majority of these clubs are English speak ing, some of them are made up of, or include, native women. Another brilliant social affair will be the annual reception given by the board of federation head quarters, to which are invited members of congress and their wives, and other distinguished personages in capital society. This will take place Tuesday evening, January 14, preceding the busi ness sessions which begin Wed nesday morning and continue throughout Saturday. Officers of the federation who will assist Mrs. Lawson and will give reports, are: First vice pres ident, Mrs. Saidle Orr Dunhar oi Portland, Ore.; second vice pres ident, Mrs. Walter W. Seymour of Chicago; recording secretary, Mrs. John S. Harvey of Hunting ton, West Virginia, and treasurer Mrs. LaFell Dickinson oi Keene, New Hampshire. Mrs. Ira E. Sherman enter tained Mrs. Max Lepley and Mrs. Albert Squires at her home on Radclitfe Drive, Tuesday after noon. Up-To-Date Dentistry Over 15 Years In Practice Dr. W. R. Bilyeu Dentist 731 Main St. Tel. 1405-J Over Drew's Mnnstore Hunilny, January 12 Jobs Daughters to meet for Initiation practice at 11:00 a. m. at Masonic Temple. Monday, Jnnunry llf Regular meeting of the Wo man's Library club, with an Interesting program to be pre sented by Mrs. E. D. Lumb, president. Music and china display. Monday, Jnnunry 1.1 Ewauna circle of Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet at 7:00 o'clock, when all officers and guards are requested to be present. General business will be transacted, and after the meeting practice for Installa tion will be held. The regular meeting will be held January 16. ., Tuesday, January 14 Delta Gamma chapter of Delphlans will meet at 1:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. Royal Bhaw on Pacific Ter race. The program topic Is Flemish, Dutch and Spanish Renaissance. Tuesday, January 14 The 3-R club will meet at 2:00 o'clock In the I.O.O.F. hall. Election of officers for the ensuing year will be held at this lime. Wednesday, January IS The Art Needle-Work club to meet at 2:30 o'clock at the . home of Mrs. L. L. Truax at Fourth and High streets. Valentine dance to be given by the Winter Dancing club at the Wlllard hotel. Thursday, January 16 Sigma Theta chapter of Del pbians will meet at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. E. Morrison on Pacific Ter race. The evening's topic will be "introduction to the Study of Art." Thursday, February 13 Regular meeting of the League of Western Writers to be held at 7:45 o'clock in the chamber of commerce rooms. T.VT BRIDGE CLUB ' MEEETS TUESDAY Miss Nadine O'Flaherfy waa hostess to members of the TNT bridge club Tuesday evening, when she entertained at the May King studio. High score for the evening's play went to Mm T.oHo u- "id aecond high and traveling iua io mm. jgiia Kasmussen. Low score waa awarded to Sarah Kiger. Mrs. Rasmnssen will entertain the club at its next meeting. PRETTY' HOME WEDDING HELD ON MONDAY Miss Ruby Cadden became the bride of Clifford Yaden at a pretty afternoon wedding solem nized Monday at 6:00 o'clock at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Yaden. Elaine Johnson was the bride's attendant, and Morton Yaden, brother of the broom, his best man. The bridal party marched down the stairway to the strains of MendoIIshon's Wedding March played by Mrs. Virgil Yaden, and the Ceremonv VU norlnrmnrl . front of an improvised altar of evergreen Doughs and cut flow ers. Rev. John Warrell, pastor Of the First Methodist i-h.irnh read the service. A buffet wedding (upper was served to the guests, relatives and close friends following the, ceremony, and the young couple ieii luimemaieiy ror (iaiirornia on a wedding trip. They will be at home In Klamath Falls upon their return. Sunday school officers and teachers of the Latter Day Saints church held their monthly busi ness meeting Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith at 2455 Reclamation ave nue. Reports were given by the teachers and their class part ners. Following the business session the 'remainder of the evening was enjoyed with a social, after which refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Smith to twenty-six guests. QUESTIONS THAT ARE UNDER normal conditions your money goes into active business use. When you deposit bills or coins your account is credited on our books. A reasonable amount of cash . for ."till money" is kept on hand to meet the daily requirements of our customers. In the case of checks, when collected, they are cred ited to your account and deducted from some other account in this bank, or some other bank, thus completing a business transaction. Reserves, as required by law, and addi tional funds as desired are kept in other banks payable to us on demand. A part of our deposits is invested in government bonds and other sound, readily marketable securities. A part is loaned to individual customers and well managed business enterprises, which helps the general business life of this community. The American National Bank .Klamath Falls, Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Pan-American Relations Studied By D. A. R. ' Monday Evening. That our country's relations with Pan-Amerlran cnunliiei should be carried on with the thought In mind Hint we are ilea I lug with civilized people of a culture equal to, mid In somo In stances superior to our own, and that the United Slates has ut times taken a "high hut" atllluilo In 1'un-Amorlcau conference:!, were uniong the points discussed by Mrs. Earl C. Reynolds Monday evening In nn Interesting talk presented at tho regular meet lug of Eulaloiia chnpter, Dnughtnrs of the American Revolution, Mrs. Reynolds also made It clear that while the Monroe doo trlne is a part of our Interna tional policy, that we interpret It to suit our own Interests, and not all Pan-American countries look at the doctrine in the same way. Mrs. Reynolds closed her talk with a quotation from President Roosevelt's address to congress last week, quoting as follows: "At no time In four and a half centuries of modern civilization has there existed a greater spirit of mutual understanding, help fulness and devotion to the Ideals of self-government than exist to day In the 21 American repub lics and their neighbor, the Do minion of Canada." Delegates to the state confer ence of D. A. R. to be held In Portland the lattor part of March, were elected Monday eve ning as follows: Mrs. Lloyd J. Goble, regent; Mrs. R. D. Bus sard, Mrs. Claude Davis, Mrs. Wilbur Jones and Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg. Alternates will ba Mrs. George Gardlnier, Mrs. War ren Hunt, Mrs. Earl C. Rey nolds, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, and Mrs. Harry Goeller. Mrs. Goble, regent, and Mrs. Gardlnier, vice regent, were elect ed as delegates to the 45th Con tinental Congress to be held In Washington, D. C. during the , week of April 19. The Monday evening meeting of Eulalona chapter, D. A. R. wag held at the home of Mrs. L. L. Truax on North Third street. Mrs. Bert C. Thomas was assisting hostess. MARY BISHOP HONORED WITH BIRTHDAY PARTY, Mrs. William A. Bishop enter tained with a party la honor of her daughter Mary's birthday, Saturday afternoon, at the Bishop home from 8 to 5 o'clock. Prizes were given for the var ious games played during the afternoon. When refreshment time cams the children were seated around a table beautifully decorated In red and white. Miniature rein deers and tiny fir trees compris ed the center piece depleting a pretty winter scene. - Those present were: Barbara Peterson, Betty Jean Dunn, Vir ginia Ellen Smith, Velma Hamm, Ethel Lindewood, Sylvia Thomp son, Gwendolyn Glubrecht, Joyce Leach, Jane La Londe, Ruth Hahn, Helen Peterson, Geoevlva Riach, Jeannette Fltzpatrick, Phylia Lee, Barbara Ann Rich ardson, Ruth Mae Mitchell, Clari belle Lynch, Arliene Baldwin, Jean Kellis, Dorothy Belllngham, Janet Lynch and Mary Bishop. MBS. DE FRANCE" HOSTESS ' TO THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. J. W. DeFrancs entertain ed the Thursday Contract club at her home at the Whits Fins apartments. Bridge luncheon was served by the hostess, after' which cards were enjoyed by Mesdames O. E. Schupp, Virginia Caseman, Glen Hewitt, C. O. Dryden and W. H. McPherren. , The new member taken rate the club was Mrs. Otto Wab bles. The special guest at the Thursday party was Mrs. Thomas Sparks. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. O. E. Schupp for high and travel ing, with second high going to Mrs. Glen Hewitt. The club will meet next Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. O. Dryden on North Eleventh street. ASKED ABOUT BANKING J